Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1925)
> y V '*T • , - ■ - ’tte» 4 ■M ■fl 1 ■ ’5 * ■•¡T-vJi s’; » 7 » ¿ ; ’ t- * ■ í, ■ S I • - K V m ,T ’*- T SEASON ur OF ■ THIS «nu jlaovn ‘YULETIDE, YTE FEEL ATPREC1A- k TIVE OF YOVR PATRONAGE «AND FRIENDSHIP, AND WE EXTEND u i J Christmas Greetings 'V « e EWRY LUMBER & FUEL CO. Everything to Build Anything â IN TENDERING OUR BEST WISHES TO ALL OF OUR FRIENDS OF THE MID-COLUMBIA FOR A a Rbfit lugana dUfriatmas WE WISH TO STATE THAT IT WILL'BE OUR DESIRE ON CHRISTMAS DAY TO THROW AROUND ALL OF OUR GUESTS WHO MAY NOT BE INCLUDED IN HRE- SIDE FAMILY CIRCLES, A — HOMELIKE 5PIRIT — Waufcoma Hotel MR. AND MRS. F. E. RUSSELL A 'Titer Paa,” Maturing Betty Bron son. wUl make an ideal Christmas pic ture. The kiddies will enjoy one of {BytJte/D. Jackie Coogan's best tn th» morning, and the grown-ups will see Peter Pan beginning at 2 p. m. for a continuous show at the Rialto. Betty Bronsoh to supported by a strong cast and the plc-j Ithe south can pursue listless leisure Cure has been very popular wherever | with more of the Juanncr bora than anywhere else Monday morning, at 5 shown. Christmas day only. o’clock, before the sun had palntod the A story of the storms and dangers eastern sky and while the »tars were of the New England const, of a Life- | still brilliant. I dfopp<d from a Chl- saver and his battle to keep the record Icago-New Orleans train at I^wisburg of his station clean, though ambition I Twenty-eight miles away, on a brane and love and even honor tempt him to I rail line was my goal, FayeitevUla bu Ithe jerkwater train did uot depart forget that duty. That's what one will find Saturday, | until 11.06. Bo I want up to th» Mar December 28, at the Rialto theatre, shall House, the town "a chief hostelry, where the Irvin Wlllat-Para mount pro to wait and watch. A southern town, get« up leisurely. duction, “Rugged Water,” from the • 1» There a Banta Claus? novel by that name by Joseph C. Lin Never a bustle or raab. First a few (New York Sun) coln, author of “Pair Harbor,” “Bhav- negroes appeared, shuffling down the We take pleasure in answering at | street, women cooks on th» way to inga.” etc., to the feature. “Rugged Water,” one of the best prepare breakfast for white families, once, and thus prominently, the corn- selling novels this country has ever and black men en route but never has muuicatiou below, expressing at the same Ums eur great gratification that known, has lent itself to perfect screen tening, to their dally taskw. But it was “First Monday.” Every its faithful author to numbered among adaptation. Featured in . the leading roles of the picture are Lois Wilson, I flrat Monday of the month is a time the friends of the Bun : “Dear Editor—I am eight years old. Warner Baxter, Wallace Beery and I honored rest day for- the rural gentry Phyllis Haver. ' of the south. They still get up early Home of my little friends say there Is The scenes «re laid in and about the I in ths country, I gusse. They retire uo Santa Claus, Papa says, .'If you Setucklt Life Saving Station on Capel soon after dark, like the cbickons. It see Lt in the Sun it's so.’ Pleas«- tell Cod. Baxter, Number One man on the) waau’t 8 o'clock when the sound of me tlie truth, is there a Banta Claus? crew; to the logical successor to the I horses’ hoofs were rattling on the hard 115 West NtMty-flfth street. position of the retiring captain, but a surfaced thoroughfares — uot paving, "VIRGINIA O’HANLON.” little red tape results in the appoint but a fair surfacing made from a mix Virginia, your little friends are ment of an older man from a nearby I ture of gravel and th» clay soil of the wrong. They have been affected by the station. The inen do not take to hint | region. skepticism of a skeptical age. They any too well, but Calvin Homer (Bax For an hour, two hours, the crowds do not believe except they see. They ter), who is heart and soul in the ser poured in. Horsed were hitched to think that nothing can be whteb to not vice, puts every ounce of energy into the court h»u»e fease. The court house comprehensible by their minds. All serving his new chief and covering up I of a southern county seat invariably minds, Virginia, whether they be men's the captain’s blunders^. for he has dis-1 is«to<wted in a central s<niare and the or chiMren’% are little. In this great covered that be is in love with Norma, I main busiaess section arises on the universe of ours man is a mere insect, Bartlett's daughter. i four sides of th» square. Borne of the an ant in his Intellect as compared A storm comes up, and Captain Bart day's visitors brought k>a<is of corn in with the boundless world about him, lett shows his true colors by refusing! the ear. Others had chickens, whlh> as measured by the Intelligence capa to send a boat out to a foundering) some expected' «sh-froni furs. I saw ble of grasping the whole of truth and ■hip. Homer stages a little mutiny 'possum bides and there was an im knowledge. and directs a thrilling rescue, all, as) pressionable aroma from skunk skins Yeo, Virginia, there to a Banta Norma thinks, to better his own! in the region of ths produce establish Claus. He exists as certainly as lovs chances of replacing her father. There | ments, where furs are pur. based. and generosity and devotion exist, and is a regular lover’s misunderstanding, When barter was end.-«! the country know that they abound and give a broken engagement and a “different” folk did not hasten b»me. (Certainly you to your life its highest beauty and climax that furnishes one of the big not. It wasn't a csid day The sun’s Joy. Alas! How dreary would be the gest thrills the screen has ever known. | rays were warm. Whey gathered in world if there were no Banta Claus 1 Speaking of realism, you can almost | knots at favored, snnkiHei.i spots on It would be as dreary as if there were feel the spray when Rugged Water’’| the square and stood. There was con no Virginias. There would be no to on view. « versation, but never brisk. A rural to make tolerable this exist Beery plays Captain Bartlett Mtes southerner «an say more with a nod remance ence. We should have no enjoyment, Wilson is bls daughter Norma, and | and one abort monoaylable. accompan except in sense and sight. The eternal Phyllis Haver has the role of the vll-| ied by a equirt of nambier.’’ than any light with childhood fills the lag,, vamp who looks upon Baxter as a| man in America. What is ambier? world would which be extinguished. "catch" and manages to get herself en-| It's the juice that eons-« from a well Not believe in Banta Claua? You gaged to him, be being a little back-| masticated quid of chewing tobacco. might as well not believe In fairies! ward where ladles are concerned. The quality of th»-plug is determined You might get your papa to hire men There’s an Ideal cast playing la sup-1 by the ambier it makes. to watch in all the chimneys Christ port of the principals. These street corner conferences last mas eve to catch Manta Claua coming ■ I. U A.». -- a. * No- — * throughout the day, until sundown down, what A mm would that A. prove? It is perhaps true that familiarity drives the town's "First Monday" in body sees I Santa ____ Claus, ____ _________ * “ "7 but that la breeds contempt—but no motion pic vaders back to their farma. One man sign there to no Banta Claus.__ no T .1 —-------- — The ture actor working with JUnns or any may occupy his favorit«' niche on the mo« real things in the world are other jungle beaat ever'reltivates con square for ten hours at a stretch. It those that neither children nor men tempt for the lions. It generally works is a «lay of leisurely conversation. The can see. Did you ever see fairies the other way around and the beasts southern small farmer as soon as one dancing on the lawn? Of course not, get the contempt for the men. first Monday is over, to looking forward but that’s no proof that they are not it has become almost an ordinary to the next. ' there. Nobody «an conceive or imagine thing for comedians to work in the Many small farmers, and negroes as all the wonders that are unset-n and cages with the lions and the average well, own automobiles today, but »cores unseeable in the world. picture-theatre goer has almost come still depend on horeedrswn reiiiciea for You may tear apart the baby’s rat to believe that the picture actors are their transportation. tle and see what makes the n»toe in running no risk in acting with the Tlie southern rural sections »till have there is a veil covering the powerful brutes, but a glance at the few i»av<>d roods. The obi wagon route» side, but world, which not the strongest stage while the lions are performing remain, narrow and muddy in winter unseen would soon convince them that danger months. Lincoln eeunty. where 1 am man, nor even the united strength of - and lots of it—exists whenever the now vtoillng at my old home, is bisect all the strongest men that ever lived, tear apart. Only faith, fancy, lions are in front of the camera. Nar ed by a »ingle paved highway, a link could poetry, love, romance can push aside row escapee are common. the Jack» highway, At Shelby that curtain and view and picture In filming the lion scenes in "Fares, I of ville, in Bedford county, ! tisi — ‘lafialy the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Please!” the Educational - Mermaid to the north of Lincoln, It Intersects comedy billed to appear at the Rialto the Dixie highway. Thia latter road Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all the world there to nothing else real and theatre Bunday, December 27, the spe forms a through route from the north abiding. cially constructed cage was built to Jacksonville, Fla. It 1» paved the No Banta Claus! Thank God! He around the entire stage, and another entire di»tance, except for Intermittent lives and He lives forever. A thou smaller cage enclosed the camera-men ■bort distances in Kentucky. sand years from now, Virginia, nay, and directors. The trainer stands out The Jackson highway has been side the cage, keeping a watchful eye I paved only to th«- Elk river in thin ten times ten thousand years from on his charges, while inside the cages! county. Eventually, I am told, It will now, He will continue to make glad a helper sits with a high-powered rifle I form a paved trunk road to West Palm the heart of childhood. balanced across bis knees. The survey has beea com «lessie Lewis to Wed Cedric Baldwin In making the scene in which the I Beach. and the mile posts already sei The following announcement of the lion is shown inside the street car in I pleted this Florida point as one of the engagement of Miss Jessie Ix-wts, this picture, these precautions were I give termini. A mile j«*» at a corner of my necessarily forgone and for perhaps mother’» farm announces that it to 940 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Lewis, who has been teaching school at Maka- the flrat time in pictures, the actors miles to West Palm Beach. weli, on the island of Kauai, appeared worked without thia protection. This section of Tennessee is just be- Al St. John is seen as a messenger ginning to emerge from the crash in the Honolulu - Btar-Bulletin: Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Baldwin, of boy who inherits a street railway sys-l struck genersl farming commun Maka well, entertaLm-<l at dinner at tern and proceeds to improve the ser that ities after the days of ’ speculation en- their home Tuesday evening (Novem vice. One of bls first additions is a I gendered by the war. They ' went wild ber 24) to anuoum-e the engagement unique «•ar which contains a shoe-1 in boosting land prices, Scores of of their eon, Cedric, and Miss Jessie shining and manicure parlor as well farms can still be had from loan com Lewis, of Hood River, Oregon, who as a completely equipped buffet. for the amouiit of the mort has been a Makaweli resident for the Everything is going fine until the panic» new car crashes into and wrecks a gage. The farms, it appears to a vis past year. The announcement was wagon containing a Hon. The beast | itor, are showing the effect» of the made by means of a lovely corsage of of those who wa r e pink rosebuds and tulle at each lady's promptly hoards the <«r and then the discouragement nipped in the crash. They have been place and a boutonierre at each man’s comedy waxes fast and furious. poorly maintained. A banker waa on place. Inside the cluster of blossoms the train a» I came down from Lssris- had been slipped the tiny cards telling Notice of Dissolution burg, and we b«»n a conversation the news Notice is hereby given to all whom about farming conditions. The rooms were beautifully decor “We have aom«- real farmers,” he ated with bouquets of pink roses, and it may concern, that the co-partnership business under the flrni name of Hood Mid. “who have made a little money the tally cards and place mrds car River Machine Works has been, and is each year, no matter how lean they ried out the sdtoe color scheme. After this 11th day of December, 1925, mu may have been.” dinner, which was a buffet affair with Stock farming and grain farming the guests seated at small tables about tually dissolved; that «aid Glen A. tn the middle Tennessee section are Ixmz will continue the business of said the roonu, bridge was the ph-asant flrm and has assumed all liabilities and not very different from apple orchard way of passing the evening. Prises ing. The fellow who, in a practical will pay all debt« of the Arm find col were awarded to Mto Iiorothy Free lect all accounts, bills' receivable and way, <i«-votes bls tins« and energy to man. Mias Florence Hall, Dr. Manx the task in band stit'ceeds. other assets. field and Dwight Baldwin. All the south Is counting on benefits All persons owing said flrm will pay Mias Lewis to a daughter of Mr. and from the magic b«x>m of Florida. They same tn Glen A. I>enz at his place of Mrs. A. G. Lewis, of Hood River, Ore anticipate that son«- of the overflow business at First and State s tmt s, gon. a graduate of the University of of capital and influx of population Oregon and a member of the Kappa Hood River, Oregon. will eventually seek the less congested Dee. Uth, 1925. Gten A. Tiens, Theta sorority, ghe to a charm sreas of Georgia. Alabama, Mississippi Alpha Wm. Dethman. ing blonde and ha» made a host of Í * ■nd Tennessee. At present the Florida friends while teaching on Kauai. The boom 1» a sore annoyaace to all south wedding will take ptace at Mias Lewis* ern small rural «-omBMinitles. If yon Six for >10 <lnring [ December. December, Bvea- will remember, artisans from as fat home in Oregon some time next »«»ns- ing appointments. Ei Phone ___ 2___ 1022. Cof- away as Hood River have been drawn mor. after which ths couple will live at Makawell. ner Third and Oak street». to Florida thia year. This region bas The bridegroom-to-be to a graduate been drained of its skilled workmen, the University of California agri Nstlee sf Bond Sale painters, carpenters and plumbers, of cultural school at Davis, and is em Pursuant to the order of the Cons-] ■nd most of the common labor has ployed by the Hawaiian Sugar Co. mon Council and the provisions of) poured into the Palmetto state.. No Both of the young people are very1 Ordinance No. 090 of the City of Hood one has been left to work the land. popular had'wfdely known. River, Oregon, notice to hereby give.) Wages are too high for the returns that sealed proposals will be received from agriculture as now practiced. Tn Uh Huh by the undersigned City Recorder at| the end, I think, the condition will Wlfte—la that you, George? bis office in the City of Hood River, work -a benefit. Formerly intensive Hflbby—Tea, dear. Oregon, up to 7.80 P. M. January 4, farming was unknown in this section. Wlfle—Oh, I’m ao glad! I’m always 1928, for the purchase of eleven (11)' Farmers of the in<>re progressive type, bonds of >500.00 each and one (1) | however, are l«-arning that they aiay afraid there'» a man In the house till Uncta Wee Wee. bond for >99.91. Data of bonds, Octa-I make more money on a few acres, you come. tilled intensively, than on a T large acre- ber 12. IMS. , Said blds considered l_._ __ will be - --------- 1--_ at the IL,, age cared for in the usual hai next regular meeting of the Council manner. They are beginning to re after the completion of thia notice claim and revitalize the old eroded hill to-wit; January 4, 1928, at 7.80 P. M. side farms by letting them rent in pas The above bonds are issued by tureland while cultivation Mtoters on authority of statutes of the state of the bottoms. Are you miserable with an aching En route from Hood River we Street Oregon under the Bancroft Bonding Act. due ten years after late, or at ■now before leaving Idaho. It blank back? Do you get np lame and stiff; any semi-annual interest paying period eted the earth, although thinly tn drag through the day feeling tired, at or after 1 year from date, spou ■pot«, fill the way down to BvansviUe. weak and depressed? Then you should giving due notice as required by taw. lad. It was Utterly eaid at Omaha help your kidneys. Backache is often the first sign of failing kidneys. Urin Baid bonds will draw interest at rate of fl per cent per annum from date od_____ , ----------- _ —,_____ ___ ary troubles qnirkly follow. Neglect ed, there’s danger of gravel, dropsy or l>ond. Interest payable seml-annaally heavy nrereoat. at the office of the Treasurer of the It was vary grntifptag to find Ten- fatal Bright'« disease. Don't wait for City of Hood River, and will be sold nessee weather so mild —much sun-* serious kidney sickness 1 Use Doan's to the highest responsible bidder there- shine during the dsy sad fair frosts Pill«, a stimulant diuretic to the kid n.r for cash, and no bid will be cow* at night. It nmde am think apple neys, before it is too late This Hood sldered for less than par and accrued harvest daya in Hood River during River resident tells an experience: intereat, the Council reserving ths early October, although the frosts here " Mr». W. C. Wheeler, 121« Eugene St., says: "My kidneys were weak and right to reject any and all blds. ' Aft were heavier. bids received subject to the rig The record severe drouth of the past I had attacks of backache. If I over the bidder to examine into the ______ summer, r _ however, _____ left _ the __________ country worked or took cold 1 felt dull and larity of the issue of said bonds. 4 somewhat desolate. From March un- languid and bud no energy. My work Thls notice to published in the Hood tit October the mmat rains tailed this was often neglected. Diuy, nervous headaches were frequent and my kid ney« didn't act right I used Doan’s Pile and they soon gave me relief.’’ 80c at *11 dealers Foster Milburn Backache te a Warning *r A Co., Mr»., Buffalo, N. Y. *• A JT > s y I ■ x> » 4 F r *e I . » I Unien Pacific Wilt gladly furnish you ifiustrsted booklets gjilag <-anplete informati n about this land where ths sun shines most of the time and enjoy out-of-door Hfc all the time. I Conirralsnt train connectic or Salt Lake City at very reasonable round trip tares. Let us help you plan your itinerary, quote you fores, and make all your arrange ments. IL 1^! 1 ^7 dll • c UNION PACIPIC SYSTEM KK! !,4; - Mí*’® A J. H. FREDRICY, Agent Hood River, Oregon ■’*«**• ' $ ' i Mtaa _ 1 i?«' J, -.4ya s * Mid-Columbia Home •-■j 'cv.' ■ JSÊS « . . . YOURS FOR SERVICE VINCENT & SHANK r. - ‘The Home of Quality Groceries” -*(V ¡ SI Merry Xmas M i. «J / ■ - t T- 4M « MEYER & SMITH ■ OREGON LUMBER CO. ----- J SI A B W O O D BET FOR UMMER AND WINTER, TO Q, | V j HARRY T. DéWITT PHONE 4342 • ^OHe&rfc Vfe’deliver Cigars Tobacco Soft Drinks •J' '31 i I F '•^1 Confectionery* PACIFIC POWER* & LIGHT COMPANY JRV tenors»] Phone 4SS1 TRY OUR THE FASHION STABLES’ Draughttuxo Parkdale Auto Stage Phon. 1201 * Leaves Hood River daily at 4.30 p. m. É <1 C. A. BICHAROS Every Saturday it leaves Parkdale at 6 p. m. ^14 f WE KEEP IT RIGHT Leaves Parkdale daily at 8 a. m (except Sunday). ua 1 tu ■ 'l^ — « ,V H Wj£ ■<¡« SR «2- M * I « a •11 WM. WEI luudi... ... ...I 1