Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1924)
I ♦ 1 I * j r"ì -, Í • r « ’Vili < HOOD RIVER PLACIER.'THURSDAY, APRIL 2£ 1924 ■ ’T’ * OILED APPLE WRAPS COMPANY C. GOT COLUMBIA GORGE IS GUARDINfi'SHRUBS PROVE THEB WORTH A BOOST RECENTLY ÏJ —■ Í > \ Crews of men have been engaged throughout ths winter in landscaping the grounds of tbe Columbia Gorge hotel,*rryIng out plans that call for the preservation of native shrabbery and trees. The gardeners have given their greatest expresalon in rearing a rock fountain among tbe dwarf oak trees Immediatuiy tn frost of the hos telry. Water has been piped to the center of the massive formation of na tive atones and earth, and a small stream catteudea Ita way down from the center of tbe fountain. So deftly have the men worked that tbe foun tain, although just completed, has the appearauce of being a natural part of on the newly the grounds. M< placed stones make them look as though they had been there for ages. Only does one suspect that tbe foun tain is man made when he observe« tlie freshly turned beds of earth, where soon indigenous plants and shrubs will be grouiied. Wild currant, Oregon grape and ferus found only in the Cascade« will cover the bare spots. Lichen« that are found only aloug tbe cliffs of the Columbia gorge will be planted among tbe rock crevices of the fountain. r Collaborating with Manager Trem blay Prof. L. F. Henderson has made ■ survey of the grounds of tbe Colum bia Gorge hotel. He found 39 indige- treea and shrubs growing on the com paratively «mall acreage. At the sug gestion of Prof. Henderson Mr. Trem blay ha« neat signs painted for post ing on various trees. The wooded part of the grounds will' now torm an arboretum that will be Interesting to anyone who Wishes to study Oregon botany. Prof. Henderson will make a selection of shrubs and plants for planting on the rock fountain. The grounds of the hotel have been improved otherwise to considerable extent. New, moss covered walls have been constructed along tbe banks of Phelps creek, whk-h winds Its way obliquely across the front ground«. New resting places have been placed along the edge of the basalt cliffs on which the hotel is perched nearly 150 feetkStiove the water level of the Co- lumhia. From these the guest or chance motor tourist may sit for hourW..and be Inspired by the ever changing views of the sweeping ex- panaes of the great river. The golf course, established last year, has been materially improved and tennis courts have been» made available for those who desire them. • Those who have inspected the new rock fountain aud have seen how the' luanngement of the hotel is endeavor ing to preserve and emphasize ttie in digenous trees, ahrubliery and plants, declare It a feature that will be one of the moot alluring at tbe pesort. It is on the land and our appetite has a hankering for green things. Our stock of vegetables is always frerfi and contains a full assortment When you want something real good, try some of our homemade Bostbn Brown Bread—there was never any better made. A FRASIER GROCERY CO. = We are distributors for the * INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY A ' . , OF AMERICA P. & 0. Walking and Tractor Plows . Cultivators Harrows < Arsenate of Lead Nitrate of Soda > Orchard Supplies / HOOD RIVER FRUIT COMPANY N. W. COMMISSION BEGINS TO FtlNCflöN After «n all-day session between members df the Northwestern commis sion and representatives of growers' cooperatives from all over the North west, tentative plans for a Northwest centriil exchange were 'nude, tern porary directors named and sub- exebanges projected at Wenaitdhee. Yakima, Hood River, Walla Walla. Helah and Rpokane last week. A ton nage of H.55O cars was assured; as soon-ns 10,(»00 cars are sswhtned the agreements will beeonle effective. In dications pointed to Yakima being picked as headquarters, although more detnils were to have been settled Mon day in an adjourned session. R. P. James, of Yakima, was nimwl chairman of the tentative board of directors of the central exchange. Edwin Smith of Wenatchee, was re tained air secrelary. Other memlwrs were E. M. Gillette, of Malaga; C. K. Benton, of Hood River: a representa tive to he named for the Hpokane val ley growers ¡.J. W. J-angdon. of Walla WallH; C., C. Frost, of Selah, and I*e H. I-ampaon. of Kmaiewick, White Bluffs and Hanaford- The Skoolcum Packers' Association, of Wenatchee, the Wenatchee-Okanog an cooperative and flic Yaldmn Horti cultural Vnion expressed approval of the plant hnt declined to pledge them selves to join without first consulting the stockholders. Articles of incor poration. drawn l>y the comailaalon. were ajqwoved and sub-exebauges •nd the cxHitrhcta between them and the central exchange were discussed. r ’ 4 > ; -I TheGi/t Supreme— an Elgin Watch ’S Elgin Time is “train time” in the hands of thousands of railroad men, all over the world. Such a present as an Elgin, is a gift of a life time. Nothing else will Ao. \ u ■ JI ever take its place—it’s /Ar supreme. boat Lake Road Soon Open The Lost Lake road is almost free of snow, according to Dr. W. Ihniald Nickleeen. of Portlnnd. who wlffi a jtarty wnlked to witbin ■ half mile of the highland body of water Sunday, Dr. Nickelson reports that he and his friends drove their automobile to the rock crusher turn-out, within a mile and a half of the lake. “There,” he says, we were turned back by fallen trees, The winter storms felled nlanv tree« along the highway. Aa soon aa creara have cleared the mad. it will be possible to motor all the way to the lakealde.” 1^1 a M 4 3 4 a W. F. LARA WAY Vj JEWELER = Spray, Nitrate of Soda Orchard Supplies Notire to Creditors Notice 1« hereby given: That the undersigned has been appointed Ex ecutor of the will of John Bullwinkel, deceased, by the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said Estate are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified according to law, to the undersigned, al the ofloe of bis attor ney, George R. Wilbur, ElioVSullding, Hood River, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated and first published this April 10, 1924. Fred Vogel, Executor of the Estate of John Bullwinkel. alOml « Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Hood River County. In the matter of tbe Katate of Charles H. Bproat, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istratrix of the Estate of Charles H. Hproat, Deceased, by tbe Judge of the aliove entitled Court. All persons having claims against saM estate are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned ad ministratrix within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice, nt the office of A. J. Derby, First National Bank , Building, Hood - _d_ Tn the Circuit Court of the State of Rlter, Oregon. First published March 27th, 1924. _ Oregon, for Hood River County. Nettie A. Bproat, A. D. Moe, Plaintiff, vs. Hasel Dunn Administratrix. m27aÍ4 and Jesse N. Dana, Defendants. B> Ilazel Dunn and Jesse N. Dunn, the above named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon : Yon and each of you are hereby re quired to ap|>ear and answer the c»m plaint of the plaintiff on file in the above entitled Cause, on or before six weeks from the date of the first publi cation of this summons, to-wlt: on or before six weeks from the 3rd day of April, 1924 ; and if you tail so to • Itpesr aud answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the Court for thé relief prayed for therein, to-wit: For the foreclosure of that certain mortgage executed by the defendants on the North Half of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of the North west Quarter, Section lit, Township 2 North, Range 10 East of the Willam ette Merldinu. aud recorded in Volume 13, at Page 061 of the Records of Mortgagee of Hood River <3ounty. Ore gon. and for such other relief as to the Court may seem just. Thia summons is served on you pursuant to the order of the Honor able II. L. Hasbrouck. Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, ide for Hood River County, dated, and entered'on the 3rd day of April, 1924, requiring you and each of yon to appear and answer said complaint on or before six weeks from ths date of the first publication of this smnmoaa. which date is the 3rd day of April, 1824. A. J. Derby, Attorney for Plaintiff, a3m15 Hood River, Oregon. Blds Wanted T Office Supplies These are days when you are thinking of them. We have nearly everything In the staple line you may desire. If you want anything-Special, we’ll get it for you. THE BOOK AND ART STORE f POONS UN Ml OAK STKKFT I .. . • ■ . . - .» . \ Runabouts, Trucks, Tractors • i -¿si " t L W: and Discs i “ A« Sold either As Is, or guaranteed as New. Terms. > • / Telephone lili X t <N » 4 . JS s & ,<*S [T •tjS ’fll' 9 J Ä'.i Revive Your Old Trees! HATTERING the subaoii around the roots of old trees with dynamite allows the roots to spread farther a * Thu adil jil bigger and better from orchards Sfijuvo* nated with dynamite. S #• M ■ r w" ■ Binding «ha acU ensures better drainage and SfiSbia the soil snore absorbent so it rataina and stuns moisturelorsun- taining the trea in times of drouth. Rootdraundtnse. too, will be Mpod by breaking up the hardpan with fihanatdte. Pacific Stumping is the explosive to use. It sheets stick - for stick with any standard st imping powder, anfi you got TUT half m 7 *— J—- Hood River Spaay Co., Hood River. R. J. Mclauac a Co., Parkdale. Byrkett Powder Co., White Salmon. Wash. ■ 1 I I NON-FREEZING A Pacific Northioect Product E. I. DU PONT DR NEMOURS A CO., INC. PORTL AMD All kinds of Motor Trouble Shooting Electrical Work a Specialty > HECK Succeaaor UNGER GARAGE to TUCKER’S GARAGE fi Phone 2133 I AU of the -Vegetables in Season ? FRESH AND WHOLESOME They form the best spring tonic. Remember our deliveries: City—9 a. m.; 2:30 p. m. We deliver Tuesdays and Fridays to all parts of the Valley. ' Get your order in early. r J PHONE ». 9134 T ►.J .V*- What will it cost ? 9 J « 1 Know before the work starts what it’s going to cost you. I’ll give a flat price and a guarantee on any job you may bring in, whether it is a small ad justment or a complete overhaul. Satisfaction Alwayfi I Shay-. 9» H SERVICE Shop i AT THB Shop IMI FASHION GARAGE R h . 3731 / ■ 'Clean clothes at a moderate charge and strict .attention to details. ’ ' This business of clean ing and dyeing to suit the public preference and parse is a matter that receives our eireful, conscien tious consideration. MEYER & KING Phone lfilfi r "K S. E. BARTMEJ5 FUNERAL DHŒM AND UCENSHD EMBAE ■ Licensed wllh Oregon’s first class eftinbalmm. Ntone 1381,3821 y HOOD RIVER, OREGON J ---------- ---- Illi I H. 1“ .................. S I— Rubber Stamp Ink at Glacier Offlœ <> * < < ; I Mi 1 t ■> £ Id - * v" - t A * ; *' r Leaves Hood River daily at 4.30 p. m. Leaves Parkdale Daily at 8 a. m. (except Sunday). Every Saturday Leaves Parkdale at 6 p. m. ► f ¿1 I V 4 I «■ ■ BART0L-MANSF1ELD CO Phone 1291 Notice la hereby given that the State I ji nd Board of the State of Ore gon will receive sealed bids at ita otfice In the Capitol Building at Salem, Oregon, up to 11:00 o’clock- a. m., TIE RADIO SHOP OF HOOD RIVER April 29, 1924, for all the «Ute's la terest in the river front lands herein H. B. READ, Preprister 808 Cascade Ave. Tel. 1234. after described, giving, however, to the owner or owners of any lands abutting Everything in Radio or fronting thereon, the preference right to purchase at tha highest price offered, provided such offer la made in good faith, the Board reserving the right to reject any and all bids: Said lands are situated In Hood River County, Oregon and described as follows: Beginning at the meander corner common to Sections 31 and 32, T. 8 N. R. 10 E. of W. M., thence 8. 75 degrees, 40 minutes E. 11191 feet to 2x4x18 Inch fir stake; 8. 12 degrees 47 min utes E. 320.5 feet to 2x4x18 inch fir stake; 8. 43 degrees 26 minutes E. 150.5 feet to % indh iron bar; N. 66 degrees 51 minutes E 252.3 feet to cross on rock; 8. 74 degrees 4 minutes E. 202.4 feet to cross on rock; 8. 78 degrees- 44-, minutes E. 466.0 feet to crone on rock ; 8. 11 degrees 54 min utes E. 871.0 feet; 8. 53 degrees" 0 minutes W. 184.6 feet to Gov. meander corner. Thence returning on Gov. meander line to place of beginning containing 4.27 acres shore lands in NW% Sec. 82, T. 8 N. R. 11 E. W. M. Applications should bf accompanied by check or draft of the amount of bid find should be addressed to G. G. Brown, Clerk of the State Land Board, Salem. Oregon, and marked. "Applica tion and bid to purchase River front land.’’ G. G. Brown, Clark State Land Board. Dated at Salem, Oregon, • February 13, 1924. f21a24 mo Mrr. ' Licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director Used Touring Car, Parkdale Auto Stage t Anderson Undertaking Co. KELLY BROS. CO. C. C. ANDERSON, Sole Proprietor TUB UNIVERSAL CAB THE FASHION STABLE S Tomato Special Clark Special , 100D RIVER, OREGON J: Nsfiiee of Sale at Beal Property In ths County Cburt of the State of Oregon for Hood River County. In the matter of the Rotate of Dee and Freda Tomlinson, Minors. Notice is hereby given that, pursu ant to -an order and License of sale duly made and entered by the Judge of the above entitled Court in said cause, I will, on and after Saturday, the 3rd day of May, 1924, proceed to sell at private sale to the highest and best bidder the undivided one half Interest of the above named minor, Dee Tomlinson, in and to the follow ing described real property, situated In Hood River County, Oregon: Block Ix>ta 84-5-20-21 and 22, “ * " 7. Idlewilde Addition to the City of Hood River, Oregon; upon the following terms: The por chai iW to secure the purchase price of said minor's interest by first mort gage upon said entire real property, drawing Interest at the rate of seven per cent per annum, interest payable semi-annually, to run for such time •a may be agreed upon, and subject to confirmation by sajd Court. Dated and first published this 3rd day of April. 1924 a3ml 8. J. Moore, Guardian. FERTILIZERS We are now arranging accounts for the coming season. Call and see us. S- .. 4 Naiiee.of Guardian’« Sale Notice is herdby given that by vir tue of an order of the County Court of Linn County, Oregon, made April 14, 1924, authorising and empowering the underalgned as GuhTdlan of Pearl May Jones, Insane, to sell tbe intereat of the said Peart May Jone« in the following described land, to-wlt: An undivided one-fifth Intereat, subject to the right of dower of Mary B. Thom as, as widow of B. I» Thom««, de ceased. in and to the Nerthwest quar ter of Section One. in Township Two, North Range Eight Baat of the Wil lamette Meridian, in Mood River County, Oregon » at private sal«; -------------- Therefore, I will from anti after the 21st dav of April. 1924, at tbe office of Aubrey 8. Tunning. Browns ville, Oregon, eel! the above described interest in tbe above deucrtl«‘<i land at private sale, to the Mgheat bidder for cash in band, subject to confirma tion by said Court. Mary B. Thomas, n. al7ml5 » Hail Insurance. See R. E. 8cott. m6tf Bids For Transportation Wanted Notice is hereby given that bids will be received for trauaportihg what is commonly called the East Side pupils of School District No. 3 to and from •‘bool for a period of nine calendar months, approximately from Septem- l>er to June. The road to be followed, the time of arrival and departure of the bus, aud other details may be had from the School Clerk or City Super intendent. Bids will be opened at the regular meeting of the Board of Directora of School District No. 3 on May 5, 1934,. at 8 p. m. The Board reserves the right to teject any and all bids. MH. Nickelaea, A24 Clerk. Have You Radio in Your HomeP KELLY BROS. CO. a waa wrapped thia a—aou Wrapping l»e practiced extenaivoly by avveral large aacoclatlona and eaoceriui which iiandle tbouaauda ef carload* of ap ple«. Some caah buyara and grower«’ aaaiM-iatloiia have pgckpd apple« of all grade« and all varjatlea tn oiled «-rape. By far the moat important «omdd- eration leading to Ita increased uae la that oiled paper baa reduced, and, In moat caao«, entirely prevented the damage by acald in common or cold Htora^-and In transit. Prevention of the aerioua loaa from thia trouble and the reeultant advantages in marketing the crop have led to shipments of many carloads of oiled peper wrap« to the Northwest this eeeaou. The additional coat over ordinary wrap per« la only about tw» coots per box. Roiuea. Staytuaas, Griuiee. New town« and Wlncseps are all subject to severe scald aud these varieties were wrapta-d in oiled paper by most ojieratora. While such varieties as Jonathans and Delicious do not usual ly scald badly, many of these also were put up Ln oiled wraps. In fact, It is the prediction'of many shippers that all wrapped apples moving from tbe Northwest will be in oiled paper within another year. Jn general, fancy aud ('-grade apples Of red varl- etlee tend to scald more than extra faucy. because these two lower grades are nut so highly colored. Some aHsiH-iatlena had enough oiled paper to wrap every box of apple« sliipfM-d aud they are advertising the fact that nothing but aach wrap« was lined In packing their particular brand. Many packing house« are stamping the box with tbe words “oiled wrap” .and others have these words printed on the individual pa pers. Eastern buyers are ts-glnnlng to Specify oll-wrafped apples In their orders and shippers are quoting this special pack. In May, 1923. oil-wrap per apples brought a 81 per t>ox pre mium on the New York auctiou over aimilar apples in ordinary wrappers. " < ■ í* ■■ At a unique-religious and patriotic meeting at Riverside Conununlty church, under the auspice« of the Sun day Ev«aiug Club, Company C, lfifith Regiment, O. N. G„ wns giveu n boast recently. Chief speakers of tbe seeqion wore: Adjutant General Geo. A. White and Capt. Geo. R. Wilbur. The guard couipany, under the command of Capt. Harold J. Blackmao, attended tbe ser vice In a body. . Gt-neral White and Capt. Wilbur both urged the citiaens of the city to give the compauy of citizen soldiers their hearty «upport. Active member- «hip In the organization waa declared one of the beet expressions of com- inanity «errh«. Other numbers on the program in cluded ; Introductory remarks, Ber keley H. Snow, commander of the local logion |iost, who presided; prelude, "Ttie Star Spangled Banner;” invoca tion, Rev. L. H. Miller; benediction, Rev. W. H. Roddy. Mias Sara Howe« prodded at the church's big organ. General White wan accompanied by Mrs. White and Major and Mrs. Gay, of Portland.' ___ The party " motored up over tbe Columbia River highway. 1. 1 I