Image provided by: Hood River Library; Hood River, OR
About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1924)
<p‘ A a K- ÉOOD RIVER GLACIER. THÜRSDAÏ, APRIL 24, 1924 T T NEW MOTOR TRUCK >unb Uturr (Klarirr DR. BODDY ACCEPTS CALL TO CHICAGO Retailers of ARTHUR D. MOE, Msrager JOE D. THOMISON. tdtax ■ ■ Nabaeriptloa. «2.00 Par Year. •• -BANNING-THE JAPANESE 7 Having accepted a call to the Wood lawn l’ark Presbyterian church at Chicago. Re'. W. H. Buddy has ten dered tils resignation to the Imard of trustees of Riverside community chunk. The Chicago church is located only four Hocks from the I'niveralty of Chicago, it has a membership of 1,400 Dr. Harold L. Bowman received a call t<« the First Presbyterian church, of Portland, while iHtstor of the Chi- «•ago unlvernHy church. The ntaff of the church includes two foreign mis sionaries, one of them a medical mis- alouarv; a city missionary engaged in work in the slums, a ministerial sec retary and two assistants. While J>r. Hoddy Intimated two weeks ago that <he might accept the o*ll to. the Chicago church, definite news of Ms Oc Moit wa». not xlveft out until Monday night, when his let ter of resignation wsb tendered the board. . . A committee has l>een named, to be confired by the <*liureh. for selecting a new pastor. Several names of suc cessful men are Is-fore tlMs^coinmittea. It is possible that a supply will lie made for the summer, giving the com mittee ntuple time In making a choice. It was stated that a distinguished minister, tiM-ml-er of a faculty of one of the northwestern university*«, might tie available for summer work. In discussing his call. Dr. Buddy The Japanese government erred ■Wh*n it presented the state depart ment with the bristling note iu pro test agaiimt • the immigration act, which lias bran passed by both fhe house uu! senate. The note apis-ared • to be a veiled threat. The act, as adopted by «ingress, is really not (lie- criminatory nrainst Jaiauieaei It will T apply to any ’js-optea who cannot be come citiaens of America. If Hood River folk will think back to 1010 and 1920 they will remember that the nation first heard of the pro- ' -post.I of excluding aliens who cannot become citizens and preventing their land ownership,through an activity of the Ilpod River valley. California, of course, had long agitated the «lueation. Bnt “In Hood River the Anti-Aaiatiq Association was formed. The local American Legion post took up the mat ter, and t-he Oregon state delegation was prevailed upon to ask the first , national meeting of the Ix-gion, at Minneapolis. to endorse the anti-alien proposal. Dr. V. II. Abraham, ns we •'There is uu element In the local recall, was present at that meeting as situation with which I am not de nn Oregon delegate. The Ix-glon took lighted, Our affections are more deep a firm stand and has since l>een Influ ly involved here than they ever can lie any other place. Yon have taken ential in bringing the Immigration such ample cere of all our material *' principle to a head In the bill just needs and given us so much genuine friendship that it has made It all but , passed by congress. One might think because of thia Impossible for us to leate. Hood River will always he our home and we expect "that flood River valley was a com to return to Oregon -in the not too munity in which (-Hixons would show distant future.” a distinct racial feeling. Not so, how ever. We have more Japanese neigh- bors than any other'section of Oregon. They are a bard working, cléan living lot of people. Their energy has been a boon to us here in the maintenance On motion of District Attorney Ba of our strawberry Industry, But, ker. Judge Wilson yesterday issued a thinking deliberately. we believed the lietich warrant for ----- ------- - ------- ---------- -- _ JMM V»>A«*O ** r* » Fred - W— Wise, — of ■ ün- tlitie had come when we should pro- derwœd, imroled two year« ago when test against a further invasion of Jap sentenced to a term of five years in the Oregon penitentiary convic anese. We hold no grudge against the tion __ after _ for murderous asaault on officers Japanese at present among us. ‘^prahended" hh™while "bringing will continue to treat them fairly and a boatload of moonshine liquor across With respect. But we feared that the the Columbia.— Judge Wilson, who numbers of Japanese might reach granted the parole on unanimous rec ommendation of the trial jury, but It serious embarrassment. Japanese can was demanded that Wise take a pledge not intermarry and amalgamate with to desist from all Illicit liquor oper Americana, and it is dangerous for a ations. Wise last week was found guilty in country to encourage the building up federal court In Seattle of moonshin of such a population, a population ing and sentenced to'111 months at Mc that will remain foreign to ideals ai Neil's Island and four tfionths In the Pierce county jail. The federal court social fabric of the country. also assessed a 1250 fine. - District Attorney Baker will ask RKCRIIT8 Washington authorities to arrest Wise. Company C needs recruits and needs If he resists lieing brought to Oregon them now. It la hooves fivery ¡>atriotlc extradition papers will be asked. citiscn of the city to aid in recruiting Riverside Takes in 41 Members the company to Its full strength before Forty-one new memberg. of Whom the end of next week. The company 2N were adults, were received into must have full strength to attend the Hftverside community church Bunday. California encampment. If failure is The othem. were young people, ranging encounten-d we may lose the company. from junior high school to the senior class of the high school. We must not do that. “The Dawning." the pageant given at the dinrch Bunday night, drew a THAT SLOGAN record attendance. Htanding room Hurry with that slogan for the Odd was all taken and 200 were- turned awav. The pageant, which was di Fellows, a slogan that will associate rected by Mm. L. L. Murphy, depicted Hood River with the apples. The time the day following Christ's resnrrec is nearly over for suggesting slogans. tion. The costuming, arranged by Mm. C. II. Jenkins and Mm. R. B. If you have-a good one, it may win the PerigoA -was _ superb, Those particl- prise and bring Hood River much pating were: Albert T. Case. Mrs publicity. Get busy. L. H. Alexander, George Hmith. Dr. R. Abraham. I. R. Acheson. Mr. I. _. P. Calhoun. ________ Mrs. William E. It. Pooley, who spent the winter Kiser. _. Metcalf. Miss Marie Bartineas. Mrs. down in Georgia, where he observed P. C. Fletcher. Mr. Buddy, Joshua the trend of agricultural enterprises, Pierson, Maurice Kinsey and Helen says that a monument lias been erected Buddy. _______ . in a city there to the boll weevil. In Oregon Best for Picnics, Brodie olden days, before the boll weevil Edward E. Brodie, publisher of the swept the land, putting cotton planta Oregon City Enterprise, who Is home tions out of business, the country de on a furlonrh from Bangkok, where pended on one crop, cotton. Through he is minister to Slam, passed through n«-eepslty the farmers, after the weevils here Tuesday on the way to Baker, Mm. Brodie will visit a sister. had worked their depredations, ba«l to where Mm. Henry McKinney. Mr. and Mm. learn to'Pfiltivate something else. They Brodie stopped at Eagle creek for a began diversification, and ever since picnic lunch. Both. I>ecausc of the the country has been made prosperous. residence In the tropical country, wore And Mr. Pooley’s ol»servatlou is of winter wraps. “But the chilly weather didn't pre the same tenor of a remark not so vent us from enjoying out Oregon pic long ago by Gordon G. Brown, who nic." declared Mr. Brodie. “Oregon said that we might in time look l«a«k Is-ats Slam for picnicking. The lsgl on the great freeae of 1019 as. a hless- time we went over there I sat down on a snake." ing in disguise. It brought about/ an earlier diverriflentlbfi. In frulla than May 4, Apple Blossom Sunday would otherwise have been the case Geo. R. Wilbur, president of the We cannof yet find anyone so bold a* Cha miter of Commerce, has officially to suggest a monument to that killing set Bnnday, May 4. as Apple Blossom Sunday tn the Hood River valley. frost of four or five years ago. Leroy Childs reports tliat the blooms of the hundreds of acres of apple trees The word, "Pepita” means nothing should he at their^ltest at this time. to Hojal River folk, btit just add that It is expected that the valley will en that la the vehicle for the annual tertain -more than 5,000 motor guests during the Sunday of apple blooms, operetta of the high school, and hen and the Chamber of Commerce and watch them scramble for tickets for other civic organisations are making the performance, which will be given preparations to greet the many vis itors. at the Rialto next week. FRED WISE S PA- . ROLE IS REVOKED w W I 7 -------- ~ ; ^eto^WeiMr Cha*. DeHart, Alie Yin Trouyen and Robert Winterateen. who for aotne time have been operating Independently in motor freighting between here and 1‘urtland. have joined haudn and furmed the Portland-Hood River Mo tor Truck Freight Service. The men, who will nerve all way atatlona, have Hecured a deput here In the building uu Flrat atreet formerly occupied by W. L. Slutk for dlatrlbutlng sprayera. Their Portland depot a »«1 w a rehouse will be with the Willamette Tranafer Co. at Tenth and Flandera atreeta. The men later will he served by the new East Side terminal freight atatlon. Roliert E. Fraaier la mauager of the company and will be In charge of the Portland office. ANNUAL CLEAN-UP NOW UNDER WAY All hatidii trill follow the urglnxs <rf the Woman’s Club committee thia w4ek and endeavor to make tire apple city a spotloM town by next Haturday night. The women are endeavoring to leave the city In trim for the an nual grand lodge session of Odd Fel- I owb , for Blossom Week visitors and the stream of motor tourists expected here throughout the trammer. Mra. Geo. W. Thomson, Mrs. C. A. Bell, Mrs. E. L. Scobee and Mra. A. B. Ben nett form .... the committe In charge „ of the cfean up. Boy Hcouts are partici- liating in the work. The boys circulat ed handbilla announcing the clean up. ----- —' Mount Hood Develops BaoebaU The Mount Hood t»asel>all team has the .prospects for a succeMful season this year, having a number of new men to choose from in addition to the good players that were developed last year. They played their flrat game last Ntmday. winning over Odell by a score of 9 to 4. Then they placed the Parkdale team a flve-lnnlng game, winning over them by a score of 6 to 1, all tn the same day. Next Rttnday the Mount Hood base tiall team playa the Pine Grove team on the Mount Hood ball field, which la near the Mount Hood community h«1’- ' '■ Aas’n Committees Named The directorate of the Apple Grow ers Association at a meeting last week named standing committees as follows: Hales,, R. J. Mclaaac, Geo! T. Galli gan and George Bheppard: warehouse, Glenn B. Marsh, If O. Downing and J. H. Mohr; finance. O. King Benton. C. E. Coppie and D. L. Pierson; In spection. Howard L. Shoemaker and Arvo Hukari. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Market Road Highway Conatrartioa Hood River County, Oregon____ Scaled bltla will be received by the County Court of Hood River County, Oregon, at the office of the County Clerk in the City of Hood River. Hood River Connty. Oregon, at 1.30 o’clock p. m., on the 12th day .of May. 1924. for conatraction of a auction of con crete road Ireginnlug at the weat end of the Weat Hide Market Road and running Went for a diatance of approx imately 3400 feet. The work involve« approximately 100 cn. yda. common excavation ; (1100 aq. yda. preparation of subgrade: 0100 nq. yds. 7 in. (1-2-3 mix) concrete (Hiving; 30 lin. ft. 12 in. culvert pipe; 1R00 lln. ft. expansion joints; (WOO lin. ft. shoulder construction; 50 cn. yds. crushed rock. No bid will lie considered, unlemf accompanied by cash, bidder’s bond or certified check for an amount <>qual to at least five per cent of the total arqount of the bid. A con«>rat«> sur«4y bond will be re «inlred for the faithful performance of the contract in a sum equal to one half of the total amount of tlte bid. Plans. R|H*«-ifications, forms of con tract. propoaa) blanks (same as used by state) and full Information for bidtiers may l>e obtained at the offlie of the County Clerk. Hnod River. Oregon, upon the deposit of $5. The right is reserved to reject any anil all prois.sals or to accept the proposal or pro|Misals deemed best for the County. By order of the County Court. Kent ShtM-maker, County Clerk. ■ a2tml w 1 ■ - ; i ■' ■ Bedding Supplies WEARWE1X SHBBT1NG Bedding Supplies form an important item in the household supplies. Every housewife takes a justifiable pride. UJ.them. Wearwell sheets and pillow cases represent the highest standard of quality and live up in every particular to their trade name. We have a good supply of sheets and pillow cases, ready made, as well as all widths of sheeting and pillow tubing by the yard, at very attractive prices. Let us supply your -needs. Get ready now for our convention visitors in May. Towels of Highest Quality All sorts of towels, from the di minutive guest towel to the comfort able bath size, iti plain white, colored and embroidered. The largest and best line of towels in the ’city at economy prices Now is a to supply yotir needs. New Gingham Dresses For Ladies —A dandy new lot just received— Comforts and Blankets We were never much better prepared to take care of you in this line than now. Cot- ton^potton and wool mixed and all pure wool made by the Oregon City Woolen Mills. All sizes in plain white and colored, fancy plaids, etç. We want to call your special attention to some wonderful values in All Pure Virgin Wool Blankets that -<we bought at a special price and have marked at the same big saving to you - These have slight defects in the weave nothing very bad, however. They are surely beautiful blankets and wonderful values. Do not fail to see them if you want a real bar gain in blankets. 2nd Floor. . For Sale^-Good 2R ton Bterling track, vaine For Sale — Apple, peach, paar and cberry (too Will take good mortgage or other good trees. We have a foil line or general nursery aaourlty. Address »18 East Stark BL. Port stock. Phone Parkdale « or write C. T. Raw- sou. Parkdale. reati land. Or. ml For Bale—.Medium priced modern bodee and tarage. Coca« Ion very attractive. Eaay forme. Enqatre Gla<ler offloe.a!7tf Fo- Bale— A Guernaey-Jeraey milch sow, fresh very soon, aged t yeera. An Al animal. PrloeMO. T. W. Berry. HL », pbone M». aM For Hale-Timothy and alfalfo bay. J. P. Tbompsen. Phone Odell 2S8. al7tf For Bale A good young Jersey milch cow, »0. Phone M'8.________ _____________ a!7tf For Hale or Trade—A good light team at »76. tohllnoier Hroe. Tel. 2861. al7lf For Bale—One 840 egg Masters tnenbator; One «»egg maebine. Tel. C. D. Nlckelaeu 5S01 mk For Hale-One Chevrolet 1-lon truck, A No. 1 condition, new cab and palet. A enap Hee “Bed,'* Belmont Garage. aKIlf ror Hale or Trade Auto wood aaw attach- mon* for Ford car. »12». Tel. 2MI. alOtf For Hate- Bargain. One Kingsbury piano, »WOaaab. Tel. Mil. alotf Foritele-^Fresh cow, 6-weeks old pigs. 3-In. blag* iron pipe, a No. » ram, 44n. sewer tile, oolMstaor glased. Registered Jersey Boll for àervî&rprto» «.00 Walter Well«. Tel. 47». aM For Rale— ».room bungalow, 10U Blate Hl F. F. Clark, leL SBt. For Bale ot Trade for Hood River proper tv-SO-acre form, nultahle tor chicken raining. P o. Box »11. Portland. Ore. a>4 Pound—By Hood River Laundry, a gold Wanted—Four young ruen or two couplea for board and room Private famllyzane jedding ring. Owner may have name by sail r«M>ma, beet homo cooking. Kate« |i0 in US ing at Glacier office. Identifying ring and pay aM per.month. Give pbone number, reply to ing for Ibis ad. Glaoler. mPtr Eatray Notice— Saturday. AprilS, I lookup WANTED Wanted—Work with tractor, Fordaon, »2.25 at my ranch on the East Bide, one nay mare, per hour. Call WO» for Uavla. inistr white.foes, weighing about 1200 pounds Un less redeemed by owner animal will be sold Wantcdp-A paalura for a cow during the Haturday. May », al 10 a. m F. H. Mehr A aummar ffiontha, John Ledford, Box kl.itl. ». Bros. Tel. 44HO. aM FOR RENT aM Portable gaaoltna power wood sow. Will Wanted—Second Hand baby carriage. Must For Rent-Two furnished room«, gentlemen call Immedlal. ly In either city or valloy. he In good condition and reasonable. Reply preferred. Tel. 2BI3 after « p. m «241 f * Quick, rood work, ” my motto. W. J. Coin. X7 care Glacier e24 «»if For Kent-Furnlibed bousekeep ng rooms. Phone M03. Wanted—Work by the hour. Tel. 6721. ml Tri tm. ali'tf Reasons For Buying I aw I s ' Reda— You cam For Reut—Honaekeeplng rooma, »U Htafo. For Rent—Au 8-room bouse, newly painted see wtat you ara getting. The only 'govern, Tel. 9001. Mra. Nancy McDonald. aMtt end papered downslalH. Tel. V783 or cell st ment tested Reds in Hood River. They are 60 per osnt nou-seticr*. Recommended by the (03 Pine St. aStf beet authorities. Will hatch May chicks at 16c Wanted — General bouaework and houaa ktwplng. Addreeg K. T., care 01 Glacier. aM For Rent—A 4-room cottage. Tel. 2084. miff each If ordered In advance. Ralph R. lowla. pbone Odell IB. m>7lf Wanted—To buy a pig (No. not you, gentle For Rent-1 furnished rooms with hath and Wanted — Kxperienced dreaamakor wanta reader, thia ba, 4 feel,) weighing 100 to ISO I be furnace beat. 601 Blate Street, across from work. Have year old anlt made over Into an —a feeder pig. A. J. Grow, tel. fgn. all library. mfilf up-to-date Spring dreea. Will work by day or nrJOlf Wanted-Waablng ar washing and Ironing. For Rent— Rooms and fornlsbed suites. piece. Me «nd »1 per dosen. tfou»tactlon assured. Phone 3644, Mrs. H. J. Frederick nr*tf For Exchange — Rtook and dairy ranch. Will call for and deliver eloihea 11 In town. Want home prnpoaltlun, income, what have Write or call at 1028 Railroad Ht, I block north y«>u 7 Address V. BL O., sare Gtoeie r. xtf and 1 block went of Columbia at 101b. aM MISCELLANEOUS i Any alri In trouble may rommunlcsfo with Wanted-sA young-girl to asetsl In bouse Loot—A small llgbt gray neck fur. Finder Enelgn L ao of lbs Halvalloa Araty al the work in mornings. Call Mrs. Berkeley H. pleas« return to Glacier. a24 White Shield Home, 888 Mayfolr Ave., Port Snow. tel. 3734. alotf end. Oregon. all *M Loe«—Between Golf Coarse and Odell, a dri Wanted-An lee cbeet, a chiffonier and a ver golf olok. bearing Initiale "C. A." Phone Join Pig Club sewing maebine. Tel.«837. m*7tx 4381. a34 Yon may get a-registered deep red Duroc Wanted —Truck Hauling. General Motor A strong American Are Insurance company Jersey pig. six moutba old May 2, for »16. Pa truck will haul anything, any plaoe, any desires to appoint agent In Hood River with pers go wltb each Dig sold. None better. T. A. time. Tel. 3624 and 1462. L. F. CUIp. a»7tf . experienced insurance man. No. 10. aM Brooke. Avalon Wny, Rt 4. pboue 847». a!7tf For Balo—Baby ebleka and batching egga, Jiv-obean end Khenamllh Barred Horka, and White Lagborna, mated tocockereia from Bock with /»average egg record. Rhode laiand Red (Oockerola from trapneaied atock) and Anoo- UH», stock from bene with over ii-.«0 egg record, limited, Alao White leghorn hone, to- eseb and a few,Rhode laiand hena. Mra. Geo. ciiamberUn. Rhone Odell »xl. ml For Baja—IMO-lb., good, all purpose ranch how at a reasonable prloe. W. I. Klrky, tel. Odell I». »»f I For Hale-On the Heights, 2 Iola and S room hooi-e. trait and berries, all and , chicken runa. A rani bome, priced right. Uli Seventh Bl., pbona 3H3. aftlt For Bale—Pansies and perennial plants, an. nuals In season. Mrs. T. W. Berry, phone 54». aStf Or «fora taken tnr Rhode Island Red baby chicks Pbone 3372 -a alhf Vor Sale—Fordkon tractor In At ahane, tnet overbanlad by Ford Shop, frtoe |4«M). wltb «•xlraa Alao International k-1« tractor« In Al -hape, price |4U0; Cutaway tractor diac, »100; aleo Hardie Mogul Bpraver with 10 b. p en. Coe, Juat overhauled. »WO. C, King Benton, phone MM. ml For Bale—Jersey Black Giant hatching esgs. K per It; ball price after May 1st. Call phon« MIB.____________________ For Bate—Three tote near the business sec tion on the Hslghta, In block B Would con sider an automobile or placo tn trade or wqi ■ell on the Installment plan. At s eaerlflce. Add reas Minnie E. Caddy. RL A, Gresham, oragon. __________ mwtf Ford Touring Ford Roadster, License Ford Truck, overhauled, re-paint Dixie Flyer, 1921, »ssdnMar, regsiat Oakland Touring, 1919. . $254 Oakland Touring, 1517,...«IM Dodge Touring ............... «IM Samson 1 Ton Truck Commerce 2 Ton Truck Reo Speed Wagon 1923 Essex Coach For Bate-300 O. A. Q White Leghorn hens call pbone S8M. tnblf For Bale- IM.OOO Clark Beedllng strawberry planta. H. H. Fawboeh, tel. Odell 7». m«tf For Sale—Hardie sprayer, orcbard wagon, spring tooth and diac. S. D. KUnter, Metho dist Lane. * m«tt For Sale-Work bon», or will trade for cow or dra<eaw( tel. 0<lell Dane Kemp. mflOct J. F. VOLSTORFF For Bale-40 sere ranch and ranch equip ment; east side; I mite north' Odell station; K«iod buildings; close to church end aobool; Sart cash, estay terms to right party. Address . I.. Bradell. RL 4. Hood River. Phone Odell 5X<. Thia la a splendid dairy proposition j There la natural running Waler on each 30 throughout lbs year; also an abundance of Ir rigation water. m«tf Mash Found At I’ntlerwood While scouting' around the bluffs .west of I'nderwo-d, Deputy Sheriffs Hooker and Hunt, of Skamania county, Washington, recently dlscovvA-« <1 three barrels of mash. No still, however, could be found. The offiierk think the moonshiners are titllUhig a. -«avern along the bluffs to conceal their still. The mash Imrr'-ls evidently ha<i Iwen lifted to the lodge by means <>f.t-ope>. Cor. Cascade and 4 th Octogenarian Sent To Pendleton Robert Brace Curtis, an Octogenar ian of Cascade Tz>cks. suffering from senility, was committed to th«- Pendle ton asylum last week. Mr. Curtis, who 0. W. HAMILTON, M. D. «vas recently brought here for core by PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON a local family, rests under the delusion ihat his tied at night time is surround . Ornee B roricb Bfxx* «-d by phantoms. He calls them "itriint- rrs.” declaring'thnt flic annoying spec- Off! co. phone 3741 Rome phone 3742 ires keep up a' cwnsfatqnf harsh grunt ing that prevents him from sleeping. Rev. Wilbur Coming Here Rev. Geo. H. Willmr. of Milieu in chnrgc of the- work of the Nurnhiy school department for the Pemil« ton Presbytery of the Presbyterian chunli. wns hen- last u«s-k seeking a subiirlsin ranch pjacc Iler., Rev.. Wilbur stptcs that ho expects to muke the HoOd River valley his iiermanent homo a J the geographic ltwution will lx far more convenient than any eastern' Oregon point. He expects, he stated, to bring Mm. Wilbur and their three children - here soon. - • Dr. Hamilton locates Herr Dr. C. W. Hamilton, of Drs. Hamil ton 4 Hamilton, of The Italics. Ims located here, having taken n suite- of rooms In the Brosius building. He «•ill engage In the general practice of np-dicine and surgery. - w Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton have l>e<>n in the city since last week. They .are fust making many friends. Dr. Ham ilton Is an enthusiastic golfer, one of the type who srises with the. robins to play an early round. Mr. and Mrs. Moe Are Grandparent*- Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Moe are how' A Jlut':BWUiil. boh . Jiav. Ing been bora last Tliunulay morning to their da tighter, Mrs. Oral E. Pal- ' liiateer. in Salem. Both Mr and Mrs. -Mot- were at the home of their son in law and daughter, where the birth occurred, throughout last week. The new grandson Ims l>een immoti Robert Edward Palmatcer. I ------- _ra------ -f- »■ 1 ■ " ' For Bale—Flnmo lumber, and rough dreeaed lumber tor all purposes We deliver, when desired, to all parts of the valley. Horn Bron. Tel. 8681, Standard Lumber Co. m27tf FOR SALE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . I 1 1 > ■ ^be PARIS FAI R For Bale - Barred Rock baby chicks and hatching rasa. Jacobson strain, bred to lay. TH. Odell 1». Mrs. Elisabeth Brara. f»lf For Bale—First class straa berry plants for sals. Claud Moore, Jericho Lane. aM For Hale—Early maturing, heavy laying, O A.C. Strain of Barred Rocks. Beletded bens heavy layers, mated with cockerel No. 847-N. Record of Dam 248 kg»«. Pedigree shows up FOR SALE to KB Eggs on Dani's side and 283 on Hire's side. Eggs 18c each. Al»o baby chicks for For Halo-Glad'oll and dahlias. Bend 73c to Mrs. A Heer, Rt. t. Hood River, for 1 dosen sale. Mrs. Anna Edgington, Fifth and May, Htreeta. ftllf chore mixed glad lol, bulb«, bahlfh prices on request. mlS SEASONED WOOD FOR SALE For Hale — Electric light plant. UalvenaL 14 Inch Slabwood . ................. . . »8.00 Hpeclal price. »86 cash. For particulars call 14 Inch Fir....... .............................................. SWAB .*133, Mr. t'nger. aMU Winch Pole Oak...,,.......... ................ c. »11.50 RAY E. HARPER, Phone 680» ml» For Hate—6 weeks old purebred Hsmpshlre pigs at reasonable prloe. Phone 664» a»4if For Bate—f rnonf house wltb'large hasemml lol let and bath. 4 lota and sa>«gs, some fruit For Belo—Full blood Chester Wblfo boar, trees, shade Irra« and shrubbery. 1802 Taylor cheap. Alvo light orchard truck. A«ldrete Street, on lbs Heights, Hood River. Address M. C Miller, Viento, Ord. ml Carson C. Maslker. Maryhill. Waah. nttlf For dale—Or will trade for cow. one high For Hale—Wheel hay and timothy hay. C. T. class, three tube radio complete; two stages of Roberta, phone 46». . JlOtf smpllcallon. It has received all coast sta Pomona Orange tions and east to Texas. Write R O, earn of Pomona grange will meet Wednes Glacier. ml day, May 7. .with the Odell grange.- For Hate YoOng pigs. Tel. 4623 ». A. Me. Mrs. zWilliam Munroe, the luiUirer. announces that Geo A. Mansfield and —Ford loarlng car. R. L. Noal, R. Mrs.’ Alexander Thompson. respect- F. Forcale ». « ml fully Democratic candidates, for -the <'lilted Ulates senate and delegate tn For Hale-Tomalo plants; Karly Jowell. 18c per do».; Uno per iiuudred. T. H. Coon, Hast the New York convention, will he here end Montello Avenue. a24 for addresses. The meeting will last For Bale—A »00 pound foam. Tel, Parkdale all day and a dinner will he served at »M t «24 noon. For Bale—Barrell IMatrici one serai, groom -Iroweei foratshed j nati bu l ld l hgo, ae v e» tol lin g well, modern chicken houaae accomodating any, electrlelly. Address K. L. Barstow. 4» N. E. »th BL. Portland. Ore. J.vtTtf For Bale-Kir wood. lMn. and *-A Tbona MM. A. LaChapelle. myU *M For Hate—Fir and pine IB In. and 4 IL «rood, delivered anywhere In the valley. E. Bran re gard. Tat. Odell M. n»»tr F - • g---------- a * V' < iMEÆridSfr .* .T The Store of Bi <• < A