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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1906)
HOOD RIVEB GLACIER THURSDAY, 0CT0B2H It 1C03 r Arum of Tartar Powder, Ire from alum or ahr , phatlo aeltf cjnjsuBSffiwz APPLES PLENTIFUL NO BIG SHIPMENTS The apple Hltimtion lu CIiIohko and the middle went, reported by the Fruit and Produce hows, In uut uia terlally dllfereut from last week. Lo cally tbe trade in not very active. Ke celpts, especially of bulk stock, are liberal and only tbe fluent varieties and t,radea are at all brink. Under grade truit and lien DhvIk, whloh are here heavily In bulk, are very dull. Price ooverinf the market are about tbua: Jonathan, extra fancy, t'2.75 and $3; No. 1, i'irj and &G0; com mon to good, $1, and 2; llliiah, twen ty ounce, and Crimea Uolden, fauoy W and Vl.'i; pound Mvveet, tl.j and l ixv. Alexander aid jjikiIibhs are about done. The few Alexanders here oominaud I'i and $'!,'), when fancy; the same price for the lew (IraveiiHtoiua here. lOariy pauked lien JJavIa are just beglnina and when ex tra fauoy, acdl at ll.OU; fair to gjod, (l) cents and !.&. liulklrult la weak er under the heavy supply, 40 cents per 100 pounda for K"od lieu Davis being about top. uood eating varie tlea soli in bulk at 00 aud 00 cents per 100 pounda. The tracks are full of can ,of bulk apples, and the range by oarioadi la .X) and luu. The situation south and southwest of CbloBgo, in the opinion of many dealers, will force bulk shipment? lu un-heard-oi quantity, ihe growers have been alow to appreciate the teal situation, If they do even now. liar rels are getting higher dall.r, and in some sections they now ooet 4,) cents, aud even tneu the siipiny la sliort, "The farmers had an Idea that they could wait till the buyers came to them," said one well known receiver to tbe News this week, "ho they made uo plans tor packing, now the bar rel scarcity, aud, what is more, the labor scarcity, is torolng the situa tion. They are ottering '2 and J'J.fiO por day to packers, and can t get them. It's worse west than east, for the west has the Urst big crop tu years, aud the growers don't know how to onpe with the situation. "This is bound to mean. heavy bulk shipments, wbicli alieady we are get tlug. The next few weeks will bring matters to a tiead, and no one can say what the outcome is to be. Grow ers must oonaign heavily, with a big percentage of bulk stock ; miiHt store themsleves, or take tbe buyers offers. They can't store lu warehouses to a great exteut, because there's no stor age room, judging from all reports. It they consign, they'll have to let the fruit oome ou the market for wbat it will bring. "Already the market is demoralized by heavy bulk receipts. The cheaper trade oonllne iu attentions largely to bulk fruit, If this were not here In suuh large quantity these buyers would take hold of the best fruit to ouie extent. As it Is, the heavy sun ply of bulk apples limits the sales of the best varieties, liealeis here say the buying sltua tlon lu the south and southwest is not materially changed. There Is ho big movement iu winter varieties. They say either lu this sectiou or In New York except ou special deals. Keports of havy purchases by some JNew lork Unns lu New iork are mis lading, unless explained. K. P. Loom is & Co., for inxample, are re- fiorted as having bought about W,000 larrels lu York state at $2 aud more. These are said to have been lwgely King aud Ureeuiugi, and do not xtaud the purchaser so high, varie'.ies and conditions considered, as sup- Sosed. Another Now York llrru, whose igb priced deals are talked about, has really made some very shrew I bargains. This firm has bought a lot of New York groweie' crops, apples, peaches, pears and plums, all at the same price, which, for apples alone, would have been high. Hut iu this way peaches have heeu bought at GO cents per bushel; plums very cheap aud pWs at reasonable prices, iitni the good prollts ou this fruit have left the purchase iirice of the apples very modeiate. 'Ibis Mini picked out orchards containing liberal supplies of tbe other fruit mentioned. Despite the tact that eautem buyers have oome west for apples, ou account of high prices lu New York state, ami despite a liberal export movement from this sectiou, eveu yet tlieie are iio nig sales or winter varieties report ed, rrices iu tne oountry are consul erably weaker. Hen Davis are olfered at 50 and 00 cents, picked and deliv ered ; fancy varieties i." cents and l Dealers say they can buy apples now where they couldn't get them a short tune ago, aud at prices then offered auuougn many glowers arestlll holding for higher prices, or are storing on ineir owu accouut. lo show the sit uation iu one suction., ti. M. John son, or tloldeu Lilly, Mo., wrote a lhioago dealer that there were thous ands of bushels of lieu Davis there, but OQt a buyer had appeared, ami the people wnfe dmorali.d and didn't kuow wuat to do. .Most any price would ue accepted. Will Srlll'liplr llarrels. J. K. HOr, of (Sentry, Ark., van on the markot this week and called at t he Packer oltioo. Karlier in the sea sou Mi. ltever ami other apple people at Gentry made preparations fur handling large quantities of apples, but when here this week hueaid the dertl had become so discouraging that at Gentry growers had about (sire'i up hopes of doiug much in this line. Several cars have heeu shipped Irom that point to Texas market-), but, the liberal supplies going to that state at a tinie wbon the weather is warm has depressed she market considerably aud some shipments have resulted iu J oases to the growers. Because of tbeunfHvorallo pros pects for selling and tbe fact that lit tle or uo storage space is avaihbl at this tint for puHinjf away spples, growers at Uentiy are now ottering for sale 4.0(0 barrels that they bought earlier in the reason and expected to me in putting up apples. In an ad in this week's issue of Ihe Packer .VI r. Hevera aud O. W, Patterson, also of Gentry, are offering 4,000 No 1 ap ple barrels for sale. They are asking 27 cents for tbe barrels, k noosed down, aud :tT cents made up f. o b. Gentry. Chicago Packer. County Court Proceeding. County court convened in adjourn ed session on Wednesday too third day of Ootober, UMHi, with the follow ing present: A. K. Lake, oounty judge; 11. ,1. llibbard, commissioner; (!. 11. Utoughton, commissioner; 8. Uollen, county clerk. Tha following proceeding were had, to wit: The petition of J. E. Sberar aad others for a cbauge in tbe oounty road, aud to abandon old road was oonisdered by t 9 ooiirt, and tbe pe tition was granted, the said J. II. Sberar, paying viewers and surveyor. The petition of J. N. Hall Bi d oth ers for a county road ras i Uo grant ed. Tbe petition of I). C. Jones aud oth ers for a oouuty road was granted. The pe itiou of tbe S ulny bu,ib Lumber Co. and otboia for a county road was granted, when tbe petition ers pay damages to Mrs. V. Dunn. The lollowlng bills ware examined and the clerk iutsruoted to draw wai- rants iu payment of same: Wasco Warehouse Milling Co elec- trio lights lor court boute, till. 'JO. Transfer Livery Co., livery hire oommissiuiiers, 7.50. Stanley Smith Lumber Co, lumber, 115.70. Irwin llodson Co , ofllce supplies, 131.75. II. ft. lilooher, serf iocs as u rv - or, m. 1Mb A Kircbolr, supplies t'O'irl bouse, 12.50. J. C. Wlngfleld, work on road, 1 F. H. Angle, wood for oouuty, 12!). 70. James K. Gooding, exchange pro teotograph, $17.50. Veue IjcwIs, rebate tax, il'i ft. I'1. Thompson, si r inkling streets, ft). 40. Craudall Uudertakiag Co.. burial pauper, fM. Harry (J. Llebe, care court bouse clock, T2. A. D. Moe, printing and supplies. Chronicle Pub. Co., priuting, $.1.50. u. A. Potts, road work, :u. L. L. Davis, road work, t. G. li. Castner, servloes fruit lu speotor, $15, HO. 11. JVl. llutton. expense Insane, 9VI.K). Dr. II. Logan, examining Insane, $5. 1''. A. Massee, special road fund. f.itiu. ('has. Holmer, lumber road district No. 0, $:1.'28. J. A. Doutbit, justice peace, $0.85. James Harper, constable fees, $4. (!. 11. Lalared, witness fees, $1.50. II. L. Payette, wituass fees, $1.50. W. (J. Wiley, witness fees, $1.50. C. H. Kuymond, witness fees, $1.50, J. A. Douthit. justice peaoe. $7.05. James Harper, constable fees, $7.50. U.ara UJrloh, wituess fees, fl.MI. Isabella Leslie, witness fees, $1.50. Nil Olnen, witness fees, $1.50. John Crate, wituess, fees, $1.50. Halpb Gibons, witness fees, $1.50. Frank Heater, witness tees, $1.50. Jasper Garr, witness fees, $1.50. J. A. Douthit, justice peace fees, (.1)0. James Harper, constable fens. $4. John Crate, witness fees, $1.50. Kalpb Gibons, wtiness tees, $1.50. J. A. Douthit. justice peaoe fees. Vlf.'JU. James Harper, ooustuble fees, $7.50, I'. W. llaJtpapp, witness fees, $1.50. K S. Pluuimer, wituess fees, $1.50. II. Harper, w tness fees, $1.50. F. C. Sexton, wituess lees, $1.50. Kobt. Wetler, witness fees, $1 50. M. Fllloon, justice peace foes, $H.75. J. II. Harper, constable fees, $1.50. John Crate, wituess fees, $1.50. K. V. Gibons, wituess fees, $1.50. F. C. Sexton, wituess fees, $1.50, Henry Loreuzen. suoervlsor H. I). No. 11, $17. lleall Jk Co., supplies, $10, W. Ilayues, supplies, $10, II. Southrad, care paupers, $4.25. Snow t Upson, supplies roads. $10.50. J. 11. Gill, supplies paupers, $10.75. The Optimist, priuting, tX II. J. llibbard. services as oominla- loner, $;)!). 45. Htaduiman Ice Co.. Ice oourt bouse. 00c. C. II. Stoughtou. servloes as com- mlssinaor, $1)0.20. heutert & Condon TaL Co.. tele phone rent, 1. C. Nickeltno. supplies onlces. 11.00. H. lloltou. stamps. P. O. box tent. 2.75. A. II. Glllis, supervisor K. D. No. $15. The Sexton Walther Co.. sunnlies K. I). No. 25, $!).00. ft. V. Haight. servloes sheriff's otilce, $7.50. Alaggie Ireeman, witness justice our l, f I ii.uu. G. A. liogers, witness same, $1.50. i nas. rainoomu. witness same 1.50 . M, Z. Donnell. sunnlies nauner and iioiio prem., m. Henry Loreuzen, road district No, 11, $50. Mrs. M. ft. Hood, care of Mrs, Moore, pauper, $42. panes Hospital, cure of paupers, P.ID.UU. , Drs. Fearguseo aud Kentei, $1)8. Hans Lage, K D. No. 0, $150. G. D. Woodwortb, It D. No. I! M50. J. D. Douglass, It I) No .1, $125. ft. A. Grlttlu, rna4 viewer, $25. J II Shoemker, road viewer, $0.40. ft. F. Sharpe, surveying roads, It, Chronicle Prlu lug Co., priuting, t.i. i.t. l. H. shoemaker, road viewer, Mil. R A. Orirlln, road viewer, 124. M. A. W. Mohr, surveying coualy roaus, i.i.fH'. . Home for til aged, care of ooucly paupers, riu. Court adourned. A. ft. Lake, county j dgo. 11. J. Hititmrd, commlHsionor. C II. St.o'ightia commissioner. Attest : S. lloltou, oouuty clerk. Leave Hood River 8:00 a.m. e tef Hit 440 p. & On June 1 Oth; and each Sunday there- after, Mount Hood Railroad will run nn excursion i rain between naod Kiver and Dee. A more pleasant trip thai! a few hours ride through the Beautiful Hood River Valley cannot be. taken and the Fishing' in immediate vicinity of Dee is unsur passed. Round Trip $1 Round Trip $1 Tickets on Sale at Office, Mount Hood Hotel. F. E. STKAKO J. W. WILSON DEALERS IN All etandanl varieties grown from wlwitetl wions of the liest bearing orchards in Hood River valley, (luarantepd true' to name and free from duipaBe. J. H. DEALER IN GILL Staple and Fancy Groceries Wel'roveWhatVteNay. Wa don't claim to know everything dui wa ao Know one tiling well. W know bow to lit spectacles so as to re lieve many Ills aud ailment that wil nevei be relieved In any other way. Dr. IIogR, tbe Portland specialist witn u. Artnnr uiarke, Jeweler aud Opticiau, Hood Hiver, Ore. 1 Torments ofTrtter and Eciema Allaynl Tbe lutense itching characteristic of eczema, tetter aud like skin diseas es Is instantly allayed by applying unamoernan Halve ana many severe oases have been permanently cured by it use. For sale by Kier & Cass. W. J. BAKER 4 CO. 0 acres, one mile from town, all iu hearing orchard, stmwlierries and clover. I'rice per acre, $400. 20 acres, one mile from town, all nn dur cultivation and in berries and clover, Trice per acrei'100. 8 acree, two miles out, two acres ber ries, and about 4 acres young orchard set to Hpitzenbers and Newtowns. Four room house and 15 trees In (u'l bearing. I'rice 2,(100. 15 acres i miles from town. Four acres of three year old standard varieties apples, eight acres in alfalfa, which is in tine condition lor gettinx to orchard. Hmall bouse and barn. I'rice lor a short time, $3,000. 30 acres 5 miles out. Twenty acres in orchard, anil rive of it iu full hYurini;. Can tie divided to suit purchaser. I'rice 110,000, 8 acres 2 miles out. All in berries and a few full bearing fruit trees, i'rice 25IX). W) acres four mllss from town. :)0 Rpitzcnburgs and Newtown trees planted last year. 150 bearing trees. About two acres III berries, m acres ready to lot to trees or berries. $15,000 for all or will sell in 20 acre tracts. HO acreB 2 miles from town, three acii's berries, NH) peach trees will be in bearing next year. 200 apricots, 300 pears. 500 standard apples, all two and inree years piameii. i'rice per acre 1250. 20 acres near tbe almve plnre for $5,000. Improvements consist of ten acres In New towns one year out and ten acres in walnuts, same age. 40 acres 34 miles out on tbe Fast side Ten acres in orchard one year planted. 27 acres in Alfalfa which is ready to set to orcnaru. three acres uncleared. I'rice for a short time, $7,500. 20 acres .1) miles out on Kast side. 17 acres injorcliard, 3 an. I 4 years old. $H,fiOO. az acres o nines irom town, lauu trees 3 to 6 years old. I'rice $I2,(M. 22 acres 5 miles out. Nearlv all set lo fruit. A Unit hall in hearing, limine, burn and outbuildings. 1'iice $10,000. 20 acres 4 miles out on ti e K-ist side. 10 acres set lo trees, llalunce ctcim.l. I'rice $H,5(I0. UEaLi, H II INTITUTI Study telegraphy and fit four, self for salaried position, with unparalleled opportunity tor 4 vancement. Rallrond comtruo tion now under war m.kSS frreat demand tor trained oper ators. Takes only t to i month tn learn. Tuition, I inos., M Write for catalog. Pacific TI graph Institute, 6th floor. Com monnoulth hii Portland. Or. o i O S1CE$, lurrLt.ita. lAKtiePtwDERL FLAAXfiNCEXTaaat AbMhikMirih. ritUftruMr. OmmtStTmtk.lkwmjrrnn.1 aossncDEYtrrs CARPENTERING SCREENS t!hopopK)8iieO. B. Hartley's residence rbone 571 AND HARDWARE. - SQLE AGENTS F(R Majestic 4 Mesaba Ranges and Stiletto Cutlery. IIOOD RIVER HEIGHTS, - - OREGON. ESTABLISHED 1900 INCORPORATED 1905 WOOD OK SALE. I am prepared to furnish mill and slab wood, also other kinds of wood. I have a new steam wood saw and am prepared to do sawing. Also do general wain worn. Phon.- IL'I. TRED HOWE. Your Health Is your btt asHt. Proper health is most essential to your happiness and welfare. I'nre air is an absolute necessity, and no effort should be spared to keep it so in every bonne. Where open-flame illuminants rob the nir of oxiyi u and turn it into carbonic acid gas, pure nir is an impossibility. Air poisoned by the flame of m gas iet, or that of an oil lamp is unfit for breathing purposes and exercises a decidedly injurious effect upon the occupant of the room. Electric Light burning in an air-tight bulb leaves the nir of the room pure and fresh, and furnishes a better, brighter and safer light than any other medium. We furnish the current and a phone mes sage or postal from you will bring our rep resentative. Hooil Eiver ElscWc Liaftl, Powranfl WattT Co. Butler Banking Company HOOD HIVER, OfiEOON Capital Tolly Paid, $50,000 LkSLIK UllTLKH, President J. W. French DIRECTORS J. N. Teal, Vice President. Truman Butler, Cashier R. T. Cox OQQC 0 I3C 38C Mcnatchet'a lllf Apple Crap. The linnet apple crop in thi his tory of o the Wvutcbee valley Is now iH'iiiL' harvested. II. II. lloloomb UI have about ' cailoada of his own KrowiUK, t ouiail Kose 15, A. Lan ham '3, K. VVauitoner has alrcad nhipptvl to Nome this year on amount ual to aindnrloda. 11. S. Simmons ii credited with 4.000 bonw. t (J. h'ranca 4.1KKI. C (J. Cooner 5.0LH). t'Bilmau liroa. 3,5t, sod Ife K. Mot tnltr -2,0(KI boxes. The Weuatobne ice plant, whloh bas in couneotiou the largest cold storage plant in the northwest, lman ou its tlit batch of Ice today. - Mount flood Railroad Co. tally to ML Hood and Valley Points TI.MK TAHLK SMIIITHHOI'ND AKHH1VK A. M. HTATIONM J'. M. 8:1 leave Hood River Arrive MW K:t- t'ewerilale seam , '.'.'i-.r: Van Horn mo 8:;lft (rfillts ,4-;ft H:.17 ,.. Odell '"" 4K .l i)Bka alley Tllourher IU Wlliana ' .' 4:lW Mb Arrive Dee Iave I:IM Huiiilay'a Houllitioiind train will run iii.e hour Ule above acliedule, leavlni; Hood Itlver WUim. Returning regular aeliedal OMAN. T. KaKI.Y. U. F. A V. A. SNOW & UPSON Blacksmiths and Wagon flak ers Special attention given to making and repairing Grubbing Tools and Loggers Tools EXPERT HOSSESHOERS Z3ZDOCDO fllk.A aaM inmAum.mmtm m. I To 0 rnuirc i uut vrircrc iu u You are not getting value received from your' telephone if you do not me it in telephoning your drug orders ...Call Up Main 821... and leave your order and we will Deliver it Promptly We will call and get your prescriptions and deliver them when filled. 0 OQO( The Glacier Pharmacy CHA5. N. CLARKE, Prop, fl 38C DC DAVIDSON FRUIT CO Have in their New Harness shop a large line of Whips, Tents, Axel Greace and Harness Oil a T. RAWBON. r. H. 8TAJTTOM HOOD RIVER NURSERY. Stock Grown on Full Rooti. We desire to let our frkrad and patrons know that for the fall planting we will hare and can up- pij in any numoer Cherry, Pear,Aprlcot, Peacha Plum Trees. GRAPES, OURSANTS, BEERY PLABTTS, Shade and Ornamental Trees. Also, all the standard varieties of apple trees. Can supply the trade with plenty of Newtown, Spittsn berg and Jonathan apple trees. RAWSON & STANTON, Hood River, Or. FRUIT DEALERS and Manufacturers of all kinds of Fruit Highest Trices Paid for High Grade Fruit. I still have a few LADIES' TOP SKIRTS REDUCED TO COST $J to $6, f 7 $5, $5 to $4. Come and examine these goods H ill cost you nothing. : I also carry a full line of ....SETZ SHOES FOR MEN.... Royal Blue, $3.50 Perfecto at 3.25 A L. CARMICHAEL HOOP RIVER HEIGHTS We would like for you to come and examine our har ness it-pair woik which is quickly attended to. One Dollar will you to eye cutset m tpec cles. fwfect fit euanntrtd. fit taclet. Yir eyes fitted at home. Writ fer free txmlcletdescribing our method. Remember, the classes we fit you to are worth $3.50 any where on earth. Our price, only H.tXX OUR REPAIRING drptrtwrnt li BMt complete. Main .print Walcbclmn4 i iv. aena rour wort or reentered ntU. t! SO rcptin tnt Mt METZGER & CO. in uxti ituit. Mrrip, u. j NOW IS THE TIME to trade your old Stove in, on A NEW RANGE The Big New and Secondhand Store 6 is the place. We buy, sell and exchange anything in Furniture, Stoves, Carpets, Tin and Graniteware, Crockery, and in fact EVERYTHING salable. Come in and 6e convinced that we can 5AVEY0U MONEY. phoned 0. P. DABNEY & CO., Proprietors. 0 9 o O