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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1905)
HOOD RIVER, GLACIER, THURSDAY, JUNE 1 , 1905. MORE BERRIES; LESS ACREAGE CRAM TO INCREASE HIS CAPITAL STOCK More berries are being sent out from Hood River thin week, the beinlith of tlitj terry teason, thun were shipped at the name period last year, uotwithstHinlinK a IW per cent decrease iu the total ecrcage. This is accounted for by the superior quality of the berrien thin year. Bo far the weather conditions have been perfect for producing lare fruit, and finer lot of trawtorries never be fore left Hood Kher, than those sent out thin season-. lietween TCOi) und NtHX) crates were ehipped Monday night, and even more Tuesday night. Early iu the reason, Manager Shep ard of the Fruit Growers' union esti mated the crop at 75,000 crates. Many considered this too high an estimate, but indications are thiH will be slightly exceeded. Mr. Davidson of the Davidson Fruit Co. (ays orders for crate are coining in faster than big factory can niett the demand. Two Portland box factories are kept busy manufacturing crates for the Hood Hiver berry growers. Early in the season, when Mr. Davidson solicited orders for crates, the growers underestimated their crop, and failed to make their crate orders large enough. Now at the height of the season .the demand for additional crates is greater than three factories can meet. The factories ex pect to catch up with the orders in a few days. Pickers have been a scarce article thiHj'ear, and the want column of the Portland papers has been liberally pat ronized bv Ui local shipping associa tions in an effort to secure pickers for their customers. The early patches i.long the Colum bia and at White Saltuou are uearing the end of the season, while in the foothills the hen if s are just getting plentiful. As work grows scarcer in the early patches, the pickers move up the valley to the later plantations. Pickers are making good wages this season. 18 Cars of Herries Tuesday Sight. Thirteen full cars of strawberries left Hood River Tusday night, the largest shipment ever made in the his tory of the berry business in Hood River. Then were express shipments in addition to these 111 cars, whioh brought tl e total numlier of cases for Tuesday night, something between 8000 and IH'OO. The days havo been very warm this wek, with cool evenings. Tuesday night there was a refreshing shower. CAROLINA BERRY ' LOSS IS $600,000 Strawberry g; o vers of North Caro lina declare tley have lost G00,000 this year tweans-e the railroads failed to furnish stillicient refrigerator cars to transport the fruit to the markets. Speaking of Uib situation in that state the Produce News, under date of May 111, has the following report from Charlotte: "The loss of strawberry growers on the undelivered crop grows larger daily. Growers h::ve tiled claims amounting to fi",0,LHKi, and the Ob server of this city pluces the loss at 000,000. It is said the Atlantic Coast Line contracted for 1750 refrigerator cars, nud at time of writing only 50 had been delivered. The Armour car lines will be held responsible for all the losses. In faco of the fact that 15 or more northern agent s were on the ground, eager to pay 'J to 15c a quart, hundreds upon hundreds of crates were allowed to perish for lack of shipping facilities. Growers were gathering 15.1.00 to 20.1,00) crates daily and turn ing th mi over to the station agent. The a'tual Iihh amounts to 1180 car loads, business is demoralized, ship ping assoaiatious and clubs are on the verge of colla ee nud growers see ruin ahead. Ten luo.isaud hands were brought in to pick the crop, receiving 81 a day. The bank of Chad bourn last season 'took in 000,000 the first 70 days. This yeaf growers have not re ceived money eno gu to pay one-half their indebtedness on the present crop." Horry Losses in Missouri. Delay iu delivering strawberries by the express ci..: rallies in Kansas City Is causing i.eavy Josses to growers in that scr'ier'. es v ill bo seen in the following New York Packer dispatch from that city under dato of May lit: "The loss to berry growers in Ar kansas, Missouri and Indian Terri tory, by reason of delay in delivery by express companies in this city, will be very largo. The Wells Fargo Co. is blamed for poor service. Tis is aiding the private car lines, al though tbey have been complained ol also. Fruit lias hern handled very roughly, too. in haste to get rid of it. nm Neosho berries sold at ?'J.50 and 1 a case, but t he bulK of choice j fruit went at M.50 to if 1.75. The first shipment of Missouri strawberries left Snrcoxie on the ith, the earliest date in the history of the industry." WHITE SALMON. The pinning mill owned 1 v McCoy & Thomas, is shut down fur a few days on areont of the berry seaon. It is the intention as soon as the berry season is ovr to open full blast. Muny improve ments will be made and additional men employed. L. U. Ingram, snwer.fW the pinning mill is ereeting a residence on bis new ranch, two miles northeast of the city. He will Boon move bis family from Hood River It is bis intention as soon as be has cleared toe land to set out seven acres in trees C. V. Chapman is running the bar ber shop now. He has his residence converted intu a modern first-class shop and is enjnving a splendid patronage. Mrs. Ueo'iw Matthews ami tier daugh ter, Mrs. .Mattie Morgan of Gilliam county, are guests at the home of Frank Cmsaker. A soeial dance wa given Saturday evening in the bull. All had a splendid time, and it is the intention to give all ot her party this week Saturday. The strawberry" season will close with a big d nice ami all will turn in and ce'ebrate the greatist harvest known to the valley. BINGEN. .T. A. Henderson, made a business trip I to The Dalles, on Friday. . j MissHnlda Hankin ol uoiueimaie, is tiie guest of her brother, YV. W. Rankin. Miss Rankin is teacher in the piihlic schools, and will remain in the valley during her vaction. The bav bailers are now lii evidence. The harvest has commenced in earnest on the first crop 1-ast year .1. A. Henderson secured five cr"P-, and the first crp were inrerfered by high water. This will undoubtedly lie one of the big years in the hay line, owing to the absence of high water. As a result of F. A. Cram's recent trip to Eastern Oregon, be has concluded to incorporate his popular business with a large working capital and will carry on a general business making such change; in his present system as seem best, lietween now and" February 1, l'JOti, he proposes to throw his entire line on the market, and to realize as much cash as possible and have his stock at the mini mum before merging into the new com pany. The new company will do business on a much larger scale than Mr. Cram's capital would permit bini. New depart ments will be added, and such improve ments made as the people of Hood River will greatly appreciate, Mr. Cram is the first business man to make a two-page announcement in the Glacier. His large ad In this week's ptiper will be read with interest by the Glucier's 7500 readers. The Glacier assures these readers that Mr. Cram means what he says, every word of it. The bargains he offers are unparalleled. Make a visit to bis store and see for yourself. , Was Patient Sufferer to the Last. Earl Simbnton, who died at his home iu Hood River, Wednesday morning, May 24, was born at Rich Held, Ohio, October 28, 18711. He was therefore, 31 years, six mouths and 26 days old at the time of his death. His illness began with pneumonia and measles. During the last eight months of bis illness be was unable to be out of bed. He was a patieut sufferer to the last. The funeral services were conducted in the home of the deceused and the body was conveyed to the Idlewilde cemetery where it was ten deny laid away. As the casket was gently lowered into the grave kind friends sang softly, "Beautiful Isles of Somewhere." The services were conducted by W. A. Elkius of the Valley Clrristiau church. Mr. Simon ton spent his boyhood days in Ohio. From Ohio he moved to Colorado iu 1000. He became a member cf the Christian church in 1805. He was married to Miss Flor ence Abbot at Trinidad, Colo., in 1901, and immediately moved to Can yon City. Mr. Simontou did a great deal of contracting, bis father ami brothres working with him. In Canyon City he superintended the construction of about 80 houses. With IK) men under his dircetion be bad at oue time as high as 12 houses under course of construction. He was not olny au ex cellent carpenter, but au architect of no mean ability, as a number of tasty, well arrnaged houses in Hood River and vicinity give evidenca. He drew some of his best plans when near the end of his earthly career. The deceased leaves a devoted wife, a father, a sister and two brothers to mourn his departure. His mother and his wife's mother both passed away about one year ago. An infant child was laid away iu April, 19011. A good mau has gone to his eternal reward. W. A. E. Death of James (iraliam. James Graham, an old and liiglily respeeted resident of Hood River, died at the family residence on last Saturday morning, at the ripe age of 81 years, 2 months and Mi days. Deceased was born in the isle of Guernsey, March 11, 1824. When 23 years of age he crossed I be Atlantic for the United States, and became a resi dent of Rueiiie, Wis., where he was married to Margaret Tostevin. Later he resided in Chicago. In 1H84, with his family, he came to Oregon, and for a number of years lived in the upper Hood River valley About nine years ago he sold his farm there anil moved to Hood Kiver, where his latter days were spent in peace and quiet. Mr. Graham was a most loyal and highly-respected citizen, a kind and cons'derate neighbor, an affectionate husband and dutiful father. Although his death was expected in the deep but mellow eventide of life, yet his loving and benign presence will be greatly missed. Of him it may he said, Trulv, a good and noble man has gone to his wel'-earne l reward. Funeral services were conducted at the family residence Monday morning by Rev. J. I,. Ilershner, assi-ti d by Rev. SV. C Gilmore. Burial was nonle at Idlewilde cemetery. He is survived by a w ife and 11 v,-children. They are A J. Graham G. W. Graham and M . G. K Williams, of Hood River; Mrs. V. 1(. Fifli, of Chi cago, and Mrs. Chi s Hartsch, of Cal gary, Canada. Tim children were all present except Mrs. l'arlsi.h. Death of J. M. Perkins. J. .M Perkins, the old soldier who was sent to the soldiers' home at Rosebrug last winter, died there Sun day, May 2-i. Funeral servics were conducted at the M. E. church in this city Tuesday, with appropriate military services at the grave in Idle wilde cemetery. James Monroe Perkins was horn at Salsbury, N. C, August 22. 18112. He was married, to Miss Dannie Sorrel about one year before the breaking out of the civil war, when he enlisted in the Slid Keutucky.serving through out thu rebellion. Comrade Perkins is survived by a wife, eight children and 20 grand children. The children are Mary Elsie Loser of Salt Lake, Phoebe Ann Repp and Nettie May Huckler of Hood Riv er. Two eons reside in Idaho, two in Wyoming and one in Kentnckey. Mr.and Mrs. Perkins were both mem bers of the Methodist church, having united with this dennminatiou at Salt Lake 12 years ago. IN MEMORY OF SOLDIER DEAD (Continued from Pair 1.) CASCADE LOCKS. We are having very pleasant weather. Hood River strawberries are com ing in slowly. N. D. Sanford went to Hood Rher, Monday to secure a supply for the local market. A. Conner went to White Salmon Monday to look after bis berry crop there. Dr. Sbrouder is repairing bis drug store. II. L. Osburn, our hotel man, is do ing a good business, and feels satis fled that be is located iu a good town. School closed here last week, and Mr. Isenberg and Miss Cramer lelt the following day for Hood River. Mr. Isenberg is in the employ of the Fruit Growers' L'Dion there Mrs. A. Hall went to Hood River last week, returiug Saturday. Charles Lee is still erecting tene ment houses. Examination) for Forestry Service. Adolph Aschoff, supevrisor of the north half of the Cascade forest reserve, an nounces that civ 1 service examinations for the position of forest ranger in the forest service, department of agriculture, will be held at, Hood River, Oregon, August 9 to U, 1905. Don't fail to see the new hats, latest m des, on display at Rand's. play soldiers on the field of life. It is easy to be brave at a distance from the smell of powder, but hard to lie brave at the call of right. All to soon will come the fluid taps lights are out, and the final roll call. "We live today not by tho survival of the fittest, but by their sacrifice. The country wr.s purchased in their blood. And so we lay laural wreathes on the graves of our honored dead. "On a battle field of the South, a young soldier lay dying. His com rades slowly and sadly laid him down, thinking that he no more would wake. Straigteniug himtelf out, he said: 'Listen comrades, don't you hear it? Hear the call of the roll ou high?' Then with joyful cry he answered: 'Jesus, captain, here am 1.' " 'Always faithful' is a motto writ en on a tombstone in the sunny South, erected over the grave of a hero. It describes all true soldiers, whether in times of war or peace. " Rev. Mr. Chambers, reviewed in brief the gist of his remarks and closed with that line from Kipling's recessional : Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet; lest we forget; lest we forget.' Cast Flowers on the Water. School children, membera of Canby post, G. A. R. and women of the Re lief corps gathered a the Grand Army hall at 10:30 Tuesday morning, and marched to the county bridge over Hood River, where flowers were cast upon the water in memory of the sol dier dead. On arriving at the bridge, the gath ering sang "Nearer My God to Thee, " after which Mrs. A. S. Mowers, com mander of the relief corps, took charge of the ritual work for the occasion. This was followed by a prayer by Mrs. Hansberry, chaplain of the corps. The first stanza of America was sung bv the assembly, and prayer was of fered by Rev. V. C. Gilmore of the Congregational church. Commander Phelps of the Grand Army post deliv ered a short address and cast a wreath of flowers Upon tho water. The school children then cast bexpiets of choice roses and flowers on the waters of Hood River, repeating in concert the following lines: "O, heroes of the ocean deep, With hearts so brave and true; With Hags and flowers and memories, We will remember you." The last verse of America was sung, and a benediction rendered by Rev. Mr. Gilmore. A return march was made to the Grand Army hall, when lunch was eaten, and the exercises of Memorial day continued at Idlewilde cemetery. Decorate (iravtrs of Blue and drey. The funeral of the old soldier, James M. Perkins, was held on Memorial day from the M. E. church, Rev. W. C. Evans preaching a very appropriate and touching sermon. The pall bearers wore all old soldiers, members of Canby Post, G. A. H. At the grave in ldlowih'e cemetery Can by post conducted the services. Afterwards the members of the post and Relief corps gathered at tho grave of their late comrade, Daniel Ulougn, where the regular memorial services of the day were conducted, and there the grave of every old soldier, includ ing two confederates, were decorated with flowers by the post arid corps. The attendance at the cemetery was tho smallest ever witnessed in Idlewilde cemetery on memorial day. CRAPPER. Rev. W. L. Dillinger of Centerville, Wash., accompanied by his wife and sou, visited eld friends in this neigh borhood a few days last week, lie was pastor of tho Methodist church here last year and was heartily welcomed by his former parishioners. He preached at the Clapper on Monday eveuing. Professor Arneson is building a now packing house. Elders Smith and Jackson of the Moru on church were visitors iu this neighborhood on Monday of this week. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Vanaiisdale that was reported on the sick list last week is improving. MissGoldie Jones of Hood River attended the Sunday school here last Sunday. Tho little white tents of the straw berry pickers are in evidence again. Norman Williams Must Hang. The Oregon supreme court has de nied Normnii Williams a rearing bo fore that body, and unless the gover nor exorcises his pardoning power the convicted murderer of tho Nesbitt women in the upper Hood River val ley is a doomed man. When tho news was received by Will iams it is said tie straightened up for a moment, folded his arms, as is his wont, and was silent for a time, but no visible change was noticed. When asked if he was not ready to make a statement, he answered : "Not yet, I may say something later. 1 do not want to talk to any one now." lie spoke in n kindly way, and then in a few moments walked to his cell. It now remains for Judge Itradshaw to re-sentence him, which it is liVely will be done when the court convenes in adjourned session. Thirty days from that time Williams must hang iu the yard at the county court house. Iley oild (iie.-tioii, Williams has au ticipnted for several days what the de cision of the Supreme court would be, for he has been arranging to make disposition of bis real property and personal effects. Monday he requested County Clerk liolton to piepare n deed to three lots be owns in Hellingham, Wash., leaving the name of the gran tee blank. This Williams iiifonned the County Clerk be would fill in and sig'j liefnre the day of execution, pro vided the Supreme Court did not in terfere. So far, Williams is maintaining the coolness with which he had demeaned himself ever since his conviction, and is per fectly resigned to his fate.thoiigh to those with whom be will converse he insists that ho is innocent. Lately he has been conversing with Father Desmarais, Catholic priest, to whom no doubt he has made a contession, if so , he will not likely tell anyono else of the crime for which he must now hang. He will probably go the to gal lows with the story of the murder of Alma Nesbitt and her mother a secret known only to him and his confessor. Captures Chicken in the Flume. A fat young chicken came sailing, down the big irrigating flume at S. D. i Garner's place one day this week. The fowl was captured by Mrs. Mat el Re mice, one of the berry pickers of Mr. i Garner.and will be taken to ti e lady's borne iu Portland as a souvei ir of her j outing in the berry patches i f Hood.: River. I HOMESEEKERS Don't be deceived by what certain parties tell you ab.ut WHITE SALMON They are grinding their ax, and you may" feel its sharp edge. See for yourelf Go to the depot and examine the White Salmon Berries Compare them with any raised in Hood Rier for size, firmness, color and flavor. It takes more than a "Rocky Muff" to raise such fruit. Come and view our beautiful valley ; we can show you the anil, climate and location for first-class fruit and berries. Just as good land as you will pay twiee as much for w here you bnv repu tation. Land that is Hire to advance in value as our valley develops. Call at the White Salmon I. niel com pany, it is our pleasure to slmw stran gers the valley. White Salmon Land Co. White Salmon, Wash. OMART Clothes at h M mm m al 11 i I H it the trail" J. A. VANDENBURG, i Mountain View j BAKERY Fresh bread, cakes and pies. Made from Hood River Flour. Dressed in one of those SWELL PATTERN SUITS to be found at VOGT BROS.' TOGGERY We are the exclusive dealers for the celebrated Stein-Bloch vSmart Clothes Recognized by all careful dressers as the acme of per fection. The moderate price at which we are offering these goods should appeal to careful buyers. Our superb clothing line is perfect and cannot be duplicated in this city. Brosius Building VOGT BRO Hood River BB TRY- The Second-hand FOR BARGAINS IN Store Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Crockery, Tin and Granite Ware, Hit' Mount1 lurnishing line. m lit 1 iii fact everything Ml We Exchange New Furniture for Old. Picture Framing. Furniture Repairing. Stove Repairing. THE BIG SECOND-HAND STORE, Cheapest Outfitters. O. P. DABNEY & CO , Proprietors. Williams' Pharmacy Corvallis, Ore., 3, 20, 1905. Mr. G. E. Williams, Hood River, Ore. Dioau Sue Tin1 sample si at ion has In tain !!).) per of ell cent. while arsenic which you scut 1o (he examined and it was found loeon- of white arsenic. This, for all practical purposes, would be considered pure. Very trulv vours, O. L. KNISELY, Notice to Contractors For Saie or Exchange. Uh will he rci'i'lvi'il nit to June It) fur tin ' I'miKtrnrlhui of it. house P hi flint Nnvllh'H tlotiH may "i wen on unit niter Suluritny, i Mnv 1W, al ieo. T. I'rul her m odlee, or resilience !of,l'. K. Jerome, on Ihe hill. I reserve Hie right to releet miy or nil hhls. j JK K. ', Hherrieh. i Janitor Work .Inn I tor work (tone nl reuroiuthle prleestiy l ex pur teiieed num. Apply to K. W. rlUttW, IMiolie H7. A No 1 mure, ponies: must lie for llh. Wiiuoii weight l.tiHI, for Hiimll team i f irentle; nlso one Mlnehtrmk M II. C. MeKamey, It. V. Saw Filing. All Winds til' mwx llli'il liy A. V. Chi-mIi'iim rt'Nliti-ni'f HitulliweMi coriirr Hnrn'(i-Hlmim ml illlliin, Hii1 HIvit H : 1 1 In. Wurk ilnno on slum noili'c. .11 " Chemist. 1'ring in your IV script ions. Hardware Stewart's Furniture ."() ft warranted host all coupled up $1- A full mortised, well painted screen door The new I'niversal Steel Itanji'e is out, at '22 Cot ten felt mattresses, ruurantced, MO days trial... ! Heinmerich pillows, all feathers, each 1 11 new patterns in linoleum, ly yd. from (i.'c to 1 Fancy white decorated bowl and pitcher, the fair... 1 Silver metal knives and forks, per doz '5 Holers unconditional, guaranteed 1 Soap, Williams' shaving, .'5 for Pocket knives, warranted Shovels, all steel, solid shank 1 Handles for every tool made ldc to Paper for builders, per roll .")) ft Malthoid roofing for all flat roofs, per si 2 Star shingles, to close, per M 1 Wood fiber plaster, per ton H San Juan and Pouch Harbor lime bbl. .ftl NO, 1 Porch columns, each Bed, iron, of newest patterns .f.'JO 00 down to Sewing machines, washing machines .10 to 40 Our aim is to furnish everything for building, fur nishing and operating a home. Our prices absolutely guaranteed against any market. We invite the most careful com- HOOD RIVER TRANSFER & LIVERY CO. TICLET OFFICE FOR THE REGULATOR LINE OF STEAMERS. Hauling, Draying, Baggage Transferred, First Class Livery Turnouts Always Ready. Phone 1. '51. 1(0 2: oo oo ."io 2 00 2T) 2.". .'0 00 :!.- or, :o .'50 oo sr. to oo! Davenport Bros. Lumber Company Have opened an up-to-date RETAIL LUMBER YARD On River St., 4 Blocks West of Depot, and will carry a complete line of Building" Material, Doors, Windows, Lath, Mouldings, AND ALL OPADKS OF The very finest line of ebrated Chickenng, 1h Pianos, from the eel- are parisons. reiionned Weber fine Kimball, which is used ant purity of tone ami easy act ion, tin the known tor its silver-toned the line of Stoves Stewart's Crockery Hobart M. Cable, ami on down Pianos to suit your means ami pocket book. I'.e sure to write for terms, or come ami see PARKINS & HUGHES, At EILERS MUSIC CO., The Dalles, Oregon.