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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1905)
-1 ji. VOL. XVII. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, KAY 25, No. 2 SOCIETIES HOOK HIVKH UUMiK no. nift, a. V. aud A. A. M. Meets Mitl nriliiy evening on or before eiU-ll full MIIMIII. i'MI'M VN Hl'TI.KK, W. M. A. I. Mm-:, iSei-ri't-iu j . HOOD HIVKKI II AITKIl NO. 27. K. A. M. lw tlrst mill luii.l l-'iliUy nights or eack month. I'. LHANDl.ER, H.P, A. 1). Mok, Secretary. HOOD HIVKH CHAFTKK NO. 2a, O. K. Meets seeonil un-l rmirlli TneKiUy evening uleucli month. Visitors enr.hul'.v welcomed. Mils. .1. I.. UKIIS1INKH, W.M. Mas. TllKitK. astnkii, Sneietary. IM.KWlLllK I.OIMiK NO. 107. I. O. O. F, Meets in Fraternal li-'ll, every Thursday nigtlt. WM. UANfiEK, N. U, II. 0. Smith, Secretary EDEN ENCAMI'.MKNT. No. 48. I. O. O. . HeKular meeting secontl and fourth Mondays oi raeu innnin. t,. h.. moksk, c. r. it. K. Kn it.icvn, Serine. LAUItEI- KKIIEKAII HEHREE UHHiKNO, 81, 1, o. o. r. Meet Hint and third Fridays in each mourn. .Mits. E. W. Uikll, N. O Mas. Ioua Thomson, secretary. WAUCOMA I.OIV.iK NO. 30. K. OF P. M lets lu K. ol 1'. h ill every 1 uuHiliiy n.ght. v . v;. iikock, v. i;. H. T. DkWiit, Iv. ol It. and 8. HOOD KIVKHl AMI', NO. 7,702, M. W. A.- .Meets In h. ol 1". null every weunesuay n g it. 1. 11 As. jo.nkh, v . u (.'. U. IIAKIN.l'lelk. HOOD III V KH ('AMI', N0.77B, W. O. W.- Aleei-on tlrst ou t tan,. I uesilay ol eaen mouth In Odd r-eliu.- hall. !. H. Ulaoq.C. C II. W. WAIT, Clerk. lidllll HIVKH t 11ICI.E NO. Ml. WOMEN OF Wooricnift-.Meeisai K. ol I". hall on the Hist and Hum nuliiv-oi eac h nioutii. 1.KNOI1A Sl'l'HK, U. N, NKl.I.IK ll.ll.I.OW'l-il.l.. lierk. H1VEUSIDE I.ODtiE NO. 118 A. O. U. W. Meets first aud ihird MiUintays ol each inonih. I . I.. Uori'i.K, M. w E. It. IIKADI.KV, Fi H- er l.'llKS'l't-.U Nllt'TK, ler. HIVEHSIDE I..ODOK NO 41), DKU1IKE OF Honor, A. O. U. . Anna Ilrst anil lllirn M.uinl;. i at 8 P. Miss I'oltA ..'nri'l.K, I), of II Miss I'AUIilK lol'l', llecmucl. (IF VVAsiliN'UTON HOOD HIVEH Union No, 142 Meeu In K. of 1'. hall the second and fourth Saturdays In each month at 7:itl) p. m. 1:. 1.. HooU, I'resldeut. i), U. Dakin, Secretiiry. 1 1 1 ,e r a ass e Ai iii. n o. Tim. unTted" Art- Isiin.s.-Mie! lie ri ini. and third Wednes day", won;: -ecninl uhd l.nirtli Wednesdays Artisan.-' lllill J. i. KOHKHU, M. A V. 1). Hhm:i. II, Soei'. liny. (JliUHT lllioi-UiV El( No. 42, FoKEsTEHS ol AllK l let.,-.l. els senium and lourlll Aiou ilays In men iimn I. in K. ol 1'. hall. liKO. E. SONIIKK, C. K. K. U. r.misirs, K. t'. CANBY Tn.sT. .'.(i l'..Vi. A. lt.-MEETS AT A. o. U. V. . li tl;. ,-econd and tourlli Satur days of euch ni.-i.t.i til 2 o'clui k p. in. All (i. A. li. H i ir s iih i led to meet with us. A. i. Imikmh, Commander. Thomas los.s i j.iuint. C'ANHV W. I..f V. It-MKKTS SECOND ami a.iutli .-a; i .ais-u eacli Mouth lu A. o. V. W. hall i.' " i . iw. I i i.i - n l.i.owKiLS, I'resldent. I.1..11: tii;K, .'Ml I. ..!)' MOUNTAIN I'O'li. I AMI' No. Illll'.l, It. N. A. Meets at IheK.ol I'. Hall on the second aud lourlll Fridays .a . .n lonth. A IIS. ( AllltlK IIHOSI US, O. Mux. El.l.A Dakin, It colder. WaI'SA TUMl'l.K No. il. ktnlhbunp Sisters. Meets seeon . and louith Thursdays of each inonlll. AMAM'A Wiiitkhkah, Al.E.C. STKLI.A HU'HAKII.VIN, M. ol It. & C. DR. W. T. ROWLEY, PHYSICIAN, SUUUKOX, 0CCUL1ST Oltlee lu .smith Uulldlug. Olllee lilione mil. Hesldence phone DIM. J. F. WATT, M. D. PHYSICIAN' AM' SURGEON. Tele phones: Olllce, Jul; residence, 811. MJIKIEON o. It. A N. Co. JK.S. MARY JOHNSON, M.J). Physician and burgeon. Olllces nun Iteslileui e In E. L. Smith lluildlug over Firsl N: I. l'nnk. Eulranci.', lear ol hank, i. i Third St. I'l.oi." 311. H. L. DOMBLE, physician Callrt tmniptiy -iiivv oilice in 1 1' i . i. K. shtiw. i 'it in town or country, , iuv, till: Olllce, ...ius iiuilUiiiK. DR. M. i. SM00T, Osteovachio Physician. OradUHle ..1 v ei iom School of Osteopathy, .. 1 m iile, Alo. Ilrosltis I- . li1 iHitns i aud 7. Tel. Iu:t3. V s . It, OHEUON. DR. J. LDGINGT0N, Physician and Surgeon Ollice over lliu l' irst Nutional bunk. DR. A. F. ROWLEY, DKNT1ST. Olllce In the Smith lluiluihg. I'niiiic .l. c. h. jenkFns, d.m.d. Specialist on L'luwn ami i.nugf Work. Tuk'ptioiii'H: ol'lir, restdeuce, iM. Office over bunk KIUk. HiM)d Uiver, Ore. E. H. HART WIG, LAW VEK. Wlil I 'ruitii-; hi All l'i.u:ls. Ollice wlro lieo. D. I.UiIk-i Im,.i A Co. i i leclions, Abstracts, Aeltleiueui o i -luivs. Hoou una, our ....... JOHN LELAND HENDEKOX ATTOKNKY-AT-LAW. ABSTEAOTKR, lff 1AKV PIBUO and REAL EBTATK AGK.NT. ror 28 years a resident of (Irafon sml Wab Irtlcn Has had many yean experlcac il Real Ketale matters, ai abttraetor, aearcliet itl tlUei and ik-euk Haliafactiou guaraateed w no charge. A. JAYNE. LAWYER. AbetracU FurnUhed. Money Loaned. Hood Kiver, Oregon. p C. BR0S1U8, M. D. " PHYPICUN AND SURGEON. 'I'bone Central, or 121. Office Hours: 10 to 11 A. M. ; J to S and 6 to 7 P. M. jj.i.v iuN HAHP.KK SHOP riAVNES & QltEY, Paori. The plc. to get an easy ihave, an op to date iialr cut, and to enjoy the luxury of eoroelali bath tub. THE O.K. BARBER ..SHOP.. Four Chairs Quick ainl sati-l'.utury work. Two bath tulw in niinipetjr.n. RUSSELL & RIES, Props. Arrival ami departure of Mails. HOOD KIVEIt. The piiKtofflpe Isopen dally between 8 a. ni. and 8 p. ni.; Sunday trom 12 to 1 o'clock. Malls for the East close at 11.20 a. in,, 8.2U p. m. and s i. in.; lor the West, at 2.40 p, in. and 9 p. ni. The carriers on II. K. D. rout No. I and 2 leave the postofnee at 8.30 a. ni. Mall leaves For Mt. Hood, dully at 12 ni.; arrives 10.20 a. m. For Underwood, Wash., at 12 m Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays; arrives same dttya at 11 a. ni. For Whit Salmon, Wash., daily at 12 ni.; arrives at It a. m. WHITE SAI-MON. For Hood Ittver, dally at 9 a. m.; arrives at 2 p. ni. F'or Husuni, Trout ljike and Uuler, Wash., dally at 7.3U a. in.; arrives n p. in. F'or Olenwood, Fulda and Cillmer, Wash., dally at 7.110 a. ni.; arrives at n p. in. F'or Pine Flat and Snowden, Wash., at 1 p. m. Tuesdays and Saturdays; arrives same days at 12 in. For Hlngen, dally at 4.45 p. in.; arrives at 8.15 a. m. 0. II. & N. TIME TABLE. ast hound No. 2, Chicago Special, 11:43 a. m. No. 4, Spokane Flyer, 8:40 p. ni. No. 0, Mall and FJxpress, 10:40 p. m. No. 24, Way Freight, 12:15 p. in. , No. 22. Fast Freight, 4:05 a. in. West bound No. 1, Portland Special. 2:511 p. in. No. 8, Portland Flyer, 5:l a. m. No. 5, Mail and Express, 4:48 a. in. No. 23, Way Freight, 9:25 a. m. No. tin, Fast Freight, 1.05 p. in. OREGON H0PJ LllNE AND Union Pacific 3 Trains to the East Daily Thronirh Vtillmsn stnndards and tourist leenlm ears dullv to Omaha, rhicnifo. Hno- Icsne; tourist sleenlnir cars dally to Kansas t'lty: throuirh 1'ullmsn tourist sleeping car (personsaiiy r-onducid) weekly to rhlcairo. Reclining chair cars (seuts tree) ui the Kast dally. InriiT TIME SCHEDULE! Perllanf, Or. AaatTi Chicago Portl.and (peelal 1:16 a. m. Tie Ealt iJika. Denrer, Ft. Worth, Omalia, Iiiiiii CitT, Hi. Ixoili.Chicagoand Eaut. l:2Ip.u Huntington. Atlantis I Rait Lake, DenTer, fizpreaa t. Worth, Omaha, 1:15 p.m. Tla kamai illy, hi. LoaU.t :hluago and Eatt. Huntington. Walla Walla, Lewli ton, Bpokane.Wal lace, Pullman, Minneapolis, Mt. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, Chicago and Kaal. Et. Paul Fait Mali lit p. m. Tla Ipokaae I; 11a.m. River Schedule. FOIt ASTORIA Hnd8l) P M 5:il P. M Daily except Huuday. way points, connecting: Dally with steamer Tor II" acoi except and North Heachstenm-i Sunday, er Hassalo, Ash street Saturday, dock (water per.) I0:il I'. M FOR Davnm. Oregon :l A. M. 5::t0 City and Yamhill Rlv Dally Dally er poliils. Ash street dock (water per.) except Sunday. except Sunday. FOR LEW IS TON 1:00 A. M. Ahout Idaho, and way isilnts, from ltipai la, WurIi. Monday, soil M Wedn'd'y I Tnesilav F'lhlay. I Thursday, I Sunday. A. L. CRAIO, General Paaeesrer Portlaal. Or T.J. KINNA1RD, Agent, Hood KlTer. Mm BE SATISFIED WITH YOUR JOURNEY If ynur tickets leinl over the Denver ami Rio Urnt'il" Kailnmd, the "Scenic Line of I lie World," BECAUSE There are i many scenic attractions and points or interest along the line between Otfilen anil Denver that the trip never Incomes tiresome. If you are jrohiK East, writo for Infor mation and get a pretty book Hint will tell you all about it. ff. C. McKHIDE, fiencrul Agent, 124 Third Street, I'OHTI.AXD, OREUON. PK.JONES,Dentist Crown and Bridge Work. Teeth Without Plates. Treatment of diseased teeth and gums. Office Drosius Kuilditij?. Phone 10!)1. M. E. WELCH, THE VETKIUNAKY Sl'KUEON. If prepiiml to do nny work in th veterin ary line. H t un bf Kitiixt lyca,lllnK Ht or phoning to Clarke n drupf tort: Joseph A. Wilson Agent for Wire Wound Wooden Water Pipe CHARACTER READING BY Prof. vSizer Over Siot"Casli Corner Grocery Store PJ4.HTAM.KY. K 1. SMITH. K. O. Rl.ANCHAIt Pres. Vlci'-l'rcs. (ashler. The First National Barti5iwSfaii?ii.iass OV HOOD HIV Kit, OHF.OON. Capital' iiimI Surplus, 10,(100. Established June 1,1804. P. M. HALL-LEWIS Civil and Architectural Engineer r ana jurvevor. Ofnco, Second HI., aii.loitilni; Waiiconia Hotel. Ki'slilenoe alter April 1st, IVtiutry t'luli Inn. HOOD HIVKH, OHKG.OX. JOSEPH A. WILSON HAS Developed Water Power for sale. 1'artirs dcsil'iliir newer for manufacturing purpoces w ill ito well to .,,,. ,!,, B 1 1 write 10 lllill. R. P. ORE, CONTRACTOR Brick-work, riiistcriii"' uml ( Vinent-wnrk. STRANAHAN & SLAVENS, Contractors and Builders HOOD R1VKR, OHKtiOX. S.H. COX Contractors and Builders PLAMB AND KiTlMATKH FdIKIBBID. J. F. STRANAHAN, Architect 01 25 years' experience. Will lur nldh plans and epecitleations for all kinds of butldinus. Strictly up to date. Located at Hood Klver. E. A. SOULE. Contractor and Builder. Plans and Kstuutks Fukmshkd UPON APPLICATION. (II FREDERICK & ARNOLD. CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Estimates furniijhwtl on all kinds of work i'hmiiiu- Arnold. Main Kl. A1H.UU.-I. rr,rtnrlck. M.l mt F. W. PRIBNOW, Carpenters Builder KMtiMiutcK ciiccrniny ruinisljon, l'ltms antl Siu'ciriciitlonH iurnislipti. All work promptly and t rel'iilly atttMult'il to. Hood River, Ore. BELIEU & SANDERS, Contractors and Builders f Plans and Kstimatks Fuknihiikii - SIMONTON & SONS Architects and Builders. Ilecnrntive I'liiiitiinr mid I'liper lluninir lMiiliM fiirnlnlied. Estimates care ful I V made. 1IOOI) IilVKK, OliKtJON. FRAZIER & SON, PLASTKKKKS I'lue and Fireplace Work a specially. HOOD ItlVKlt, OliEGOX. W. E. PENNELL, CAUrENTEH. Whitlow uml Door Si-rcnix, Window and Door Yiuit,0)ircaiitl Slorr Urnm. In.oMn-inol nd h'rnitrr ,V- IHurini), Carpi t Dnnint, ('niniiit uml ; lMihig. Mood River, Ore JAS. McBAIN, Hood River Marble Works m prepared to execute all orders for granite and marble work, monuments, tombstones, etc. Also contract for till kinds of stone masonry, con-1 crete, etc. j Bargains in Real Estate. ' l . , ,,, , , , , 1 III li I l 1, 'I ' I I I. 'Ill lllll. I I 1 1 , I I . I I 1 I 1. Ii-roo m lon-e, lot lntlxllHl, ooiio. , 7 , , , , , , . . , ,, i .i i . Inch we n'iee t" tvnii r lor ir. i- ...m.,o,,I .,..;,,; very, Um ,w.mi of nian wi(h (hi '"'! (", Vrw- iurench. If thix point is v. rl.oknl, like- '-. room In. il' two lots. iDxKiO feet , wise the iirmn-r lime to m.i inld.. na .. eacli, city water; three IiIocUh sieoi, hoiife; pleasant location, rrice, il. 1(1 acred ai 11 id aiiple aniUtrawhci ry 1 land, four .ii'ieH clc ined, I2.ri fruit ll'een, ne ncie hi i.ih la rnes, 4-io.nn liotisi', well, s'alile, wood find ami puck-: ili lion-e noil cliirkrn lumw. l'rice $1J5) I 4. fi-rnom lioue, brow of hill, over- iiKikihtr Coin iii liia. one I dock from hiidi i wliool liuililiiii?, iroo l well and city j wnt;r: lare;e wood lions. ; cood chicken house; lot fiDxUK); or if desued, lot 100x100, (l-room house, hue loculion, over- ,ookiii the Coliitnliia. $iii)0. f(. lour fine lots for tl each, 4 for $150 each, Mow hrow of hill, overlook ing the (Jolomhiu. Hood River Real Estate & Exchange Co. Hood River, Ore. Treasure-r's Notice. All Wrhco cnmitv wnrraiits r.-l-tered prior to Mnreh 1. l'.niS, uill Iw i-.lil un iic4-iiIhI Ion ut my olflee. IiiUret cenwii atfer Mitrrh 15, J8 l ouuty Iretuiurer. NOTICE I'OH PUHI.ICATlON. 'epannient ofihe lnlenur. I ami oiiii e a! i I Til nsmed settler has tiled !iHi,vo hv mu nlioi to make tinsl prisi!' in sin!at hi-claim slid that suld tlnal pmi,l" u , i i (: u- i., lieo. T. Pratlier. l int' d M'llrs i . :i,i h.-uiii.. at his nrtice In HishI laver. on -. .ii, mi J ih :i i luifi. v n: ofldsid lliver, oregiin. on II. !; n. f,, I north, range 10 essi, W low S, II aud II. of MVI:..ii t.Mi.slt.p 1 He miM ,-s the Mlanvlii wl:n to pro iiiscoiiiinu,iusresidem-eui ol'sald land, vl.: Wllllain li risnn, Cl'.'irlew .tan:ui . . Illlstnun am! I'aul Au'.erl.ihl i ii,. OreKon. iniijl MH IIAKI.T. Ni'i. :,. :: roH's m u ;.. Notice Is heiehv Jlen t!e. have been npsiiiteil ei"e!'' and testnlueul ol feler K. K and all iwrtles havini; el i .l.-,iitiie,i . la-Twiil ' !m'Vu7.M? ' i-i iiiie,i in i.eln-rs.Hiiii- ''VeiV"' iV'v'.iin,',!'!. .vol .May, ' isu.v, tateolsald dets'tisetl era present Ihem, u iili i he pi'. I ", months limn tin (I.. i, .1 said exeeulois ill the nillee u' berlson in Hood Hlvcr, tta-..e, 1'aleil at llisi.l ltUer I . l'.HI. (IKOItliK 1. t 11 ,1 A.MKS K.N1H1I l. l-:xwutors of Ihe last will am! !. 1'eter Kreilerli k Knudsou, ilreea: .! 1 1 1 It'll 1 i if mil.!-. Nollwlslienliy c;enlh.,.l. . i: . .--in..; liave tiled lliell I: acwllal a, rs,. the last will of uulrcw II. Tieina . .-ai.,.,1. In the count.v c.Hiri. oi the Male ii . ' n, lur w aseo ihiiiiii , and tlltll r rulay , i in . l ;1 . ,,r June, ::, has ta'en apiioininl in n,, . . fur lu-arlnif oh.e.iions to vn.l ii 1 1 :,,.. n i i . t . and Hie selt lenient I hereof; I ti,- :ii.l It. : , , i , , to la at the hour of luo'lock un Mii-I il,i , ,,i soon Ihetvafler as the sain fin l..' h. n'.; Haled Mai S, l'.l. 1 M;l,"H'!iS, W5I..M. YAli'.s. Illll-Jl liM'CIIIOIS. NOTICE KO PL'lii.It'ATiON . Department of the Inlerioi, I,;uni (li'.iie at I'le' Dalles, OreKon. May HI, I Sua. Notice is herehy ifiven thai the f, ilnu iii-ti.niKHl settler has fi Its! notice of his n.lenliun In n 'ie final proof in supiport of his . i.. i:i. hi .1 ;m;ii . . ,i will he made before the ri.nMe um! ns'oivi' it The Dalles, Die., on June 2wli. i:n,. v.: JACOH I'AHl. M'CAI'tillilV. of Musier, Oregon; on II. E. N... :i.l(s. d.r lite 3, 4 miii S'i N W '4, of Sec'iaa 'IV. 1 N. Hanjre 11 E., W. M. He names thi-fi.lluwinff wiiiii's .-". to ir vt continuous resilience upon an.l 1 till ivai it. 1 f land, viz: S. 1). Fisher, Eilu :td I'.r nl: .1 , 1 ! Stark; Hiiec Hunter, all of M 1 ir.. 1 ne-nii. ml8jl6 MICHAEL T. t.ul.AfJ. li,ri;t. notr'K I'on rrr.i.icATio.v Iteparlnietitof the Inter'nr; I ,, tul iiillce, '; e Dalles, Oregon, April lu. 11 . XotUv Is liei ' y Ifiven Unit the fullowliu: iiiiiii, , si ttlei' i s ! llled nulli'O of his 1,1 make In-,1 1 iiiMii In support of his c:iim. uml 1 hot i-. i I inonf will he inaile lieloi'i' li..a'"T. l'nill , :, I'nllid Mates ('i.iiiiiilssii.:..!, 1 i;i ' , . tireon,on June :t. l!M i, v! : IIKNIIV .1. (..: 1: , , of Mount llonil, on'Kim, sti ail K ' No. K.'l.'l. for llii'Nil'1, Si !i,.)t -, l' 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 Soinli, Hanste III ICnxl, Wil'i: Muliii:;.. lie Uiililes lite luliowilik" u il; ' .-1 s to ; i . .e his eonllniiuus reslil'-nce 11 1 .uxl eiiltu e 1 lion of said Inn.l, t.: .inm - Ue, s- itu.-. sell Hoi. iii, .Mi'.r .'.'li I.11 .1, 1 : 1 1 , , 1 . lllK kaha , all nl M.eml " .'.llrll. I I. . I'l.l N. arjl l!,.Kl..,' GOVERN:: i ; Timber and .'ousted and do. LANDS 1 huvp tor local iui oni- iil'c rippir imiiisi find Unit(pr cIkIiik: fliK i. iWi-niilittuvti.. ;mi I ! land to Hrrlpl. ("nil ou or ;nltin s.-. Wm. V. KAN' I). Kei. riione H7i. ilooil Itivvr, l';v. JUDCiUJ. J. MIRSHCIMKR, ..Pension and Patent Attorney.. L'2:i Viishiiilon St., roit!a:..l, div. Pension-: iroler i,-ii-ril l.n v n 1 1 hiieri t i r ,tci or June ; , 1 -,?;). Indian War Pensions, ineri' ts . m' p i; . ,.is father, it, .lepeiiilrni and heh.!. -s rim 1 ren 11. nsioii: Nin-s -s 1 ' nsii ,i,s: IViihn i,..; torallo i hi peiiMon lull; deserleil w'tl..'- h ,l( pension: li,,iui:i.s ami arrears ui .'ii-i,,n Chariri h of Desertion Ceni cli d. ClainiH of nil kinds taken :i':iii si 1 1 m ' I'liiled Stiiti's ainl pioK'niti I. At Hood Kiver every touilli S.ilin l.iy in cacli 1111111II1. i . DTiTnTr rnnr I IUII lllflllllfjieturiim' Jit IUV I ytivd nciir (.olunvbia nursery ' sfiutli 01 town, as line a fjiin itv of com 111011 brick as en be I'ountl in tlie stale. Have ; 200. 000 to .'00.000 lil'iek (ill l f,. :,,,,,,;,.,, l, : ,liUI( lo1 inspection. 1 l ice at Vai'd $H tier tllolisaild. i onie out lo llio yanl ami see how wo make brick. A. T. ZEKK. For irrigation o city tots - Notice hIioiiIi) lie (iiven lit t he olli ,f .MM II)' niKMJ 1 1 1 I ' ;U::rV.,,;;,.Vi,i :iler Co. h Iii ii w a'er klini.'. We mv sttri il k- It... i ;, . ..i .. . i i . JHrtlii'r m.licc will le- jriven. ConiiMieri' win m- resiliences fvi.nt tin- onlh HilleP of the slreeta nilllicd I.1I..U will Hin inkle lictweni lioiira of "t and 1 1 mi. ni. ; thnt-e on lie' rorth tide !n ti en .i ami .1 p. in. ; ( ! ii m Kiver, O.ik and State clreetJ, and Slieriiiiin and I I.i- zel Rvenue". InciiHeof iilann of lire all fpriiikiiii.r "'"'Uld he etopped proniptly. I.. I'., t ,u f 1' , ,l tr r. UKKKA MKAT MAHKET, Mdit'IKK HKOB., Props. Petlrri In Fn Jh rA Cured Meitt, I.trd, roultrj, Fruit. ml VneUblei. raiE DKI.IVF.KY. PHONE lit Carpet Weaving. All km, Is ,n enriet wpimiir. K'i's niele from olil ear.i.. MHS lloD-l'.V. f2 If lloilll KlVer IL -liilils. Hood Eiver Directory. Tiie (Jliicier illr. ,ry of llunit Uiv, r eit;. ami VHllee. hii.I nun.; sliowlin; 1,m-h':,,h nf fnriio. Willi iwner' amnes. Inenlmn ul t' mi-ennui hiiU counlv rnii'l-, . leiw reit ly for tj illstril,mi,,n. I'riej tl.f). lilucier, J.iJ ' Klver, Oregon. j W A T f d; kail IX$ i1 ei A1 ST 'IjTCJ iOis I He mn ACTUAL E$mt$ OF Till: TRIP Eneliitiii . .'I'l' iission, (Jiioil Accitiniin!. i!:'.!ioi,H ::,:v Hi' Hi.ii in rort- i.uul for h '.'m a Day, t.''-'iv at t iu i.cvis ami t i.u k . :iiition in I'oitlaiiil il:!;. ,-i-ir.iiii r v. ill l' ' ' ,I0W fl-eai-ly tile ' " ';,' ' " m'ch. 'lite exi oiii-e.- u! liiefrip .iepeml Jsiiyelv, nf cimr.-e, ":,1 indihlni-l vliu i, lilies the '''!', '!Ut .- li' t il In of t!;e lixeil ix- ;'ii!-es iia.s la i n i ii i .., i 1 which en- ui lis one t;i i:i t a f.iiilv t.ccnriite idea wi i 'i'- 'i r ei iii I i .1 e I li. 1 1 I nil, I'lio vi in r ii) li ! . !:.i ;1 will liiut an ,u, ,,,. .:., ... !,. , ', ,,, . .. , '' ' ' ' .' "I' il il '.;:''! I ur eleini, c.iiiitoitulili' IdiIl'Ii.i;-. v. I' c . '' In I i't w 11 nut hs ( ,.((,, ..(',' v 11 l '.; 11 (1 . ; 0 . v'!. i:.ljll'p i.l I, "''cil'K' llOIIM'l ' ' :"ii rinip h It: 1 vi I '11 111 re.nci ' Anici lent, Ii.r- :..-i; ii- .,:.':' ai ccino ' . . 1 . lliMill'lliJ il- iivail: l,lc'. ;. in t!.e ilis 1 .' !' ' li 1 i.i tiiii: ; 1 1 i i ' 11 v, ill . . 1.1. pti. In . I. :. 11 ; y I c I. .1 i; i'i li.lll'C . ' r.u-.s.nt it re. I ... . !;:v -!.it and SI I v. i:iio ; ' ' V'V !i 1,1 1 ' ' " t:iki' in., rr. t.'.t l f n. ,( i ' .. C.I tie ,:. 1 111 I'n.. I lie lit Chi'-ee.i i . J.liJ y lc ' :nin 1 i r. ) ! ric. ' : I h rliC il. ll:il , 11 s'i ,v r. (.ii:..- i'i i,.i!.: ii, 1 ! ''it I';- , : 1.1:1,,! , ' : ' 1'. Il l I I'.lll- 1 1. : . 1 t. 1 ii 1 i ' i..-tati- t 1 ' 1 i ucni.y 1 :.,v 'i 1 ! r iiltlust, !( 11 v ithiii tin ' I.'1 i'' 1 ,'iii'.' nieii! 1 .'P.- Mi i ."l 11 li.ii 1 t . i thieo n. r; I... l.'t I'" - " lie lit. '1 :.. 1. 1 : 1 l; i ' ' .1 ! t '. t I Ir.ii lit ( .1 I. : Cl t ,! i.J I...J 'J.i i i-l'l, I'.r ..'H.lll'.i!.', V i ill., i 1.1 iTiii.; ;i : y 1 I 1 1; v, 11 ; Mi;.', ; I lie A.lmi '1 t I ' l-i "ir . Cl" t ,,( Ml f-lloV-! I' of H 1-ili.illU 1 1 !o I- 1' i I'ri.'i : t,.l -. to I 0 I'll'l .Il 11.0-0 I l'.,rl 1 1 1 -' 1 : f 1 1 . 1 1 t Ii i. i '.I 11 li - i r .lay c i nni, -j ifl.OII I. OH Jit I ;vi I.i, sis of n !' Ill t lo i', ii ,1. .L'ill; (l , Il Ul '.ilmi-si'iii i'liii1 shi us, ric ,'.i Tiii- sei . .'i i I.-, i.i, t !i'.i -di ;' : t the can ro. i, lu -r- , l.-n! t"ii ..'." .i, hrv.c, i';.;i. .Ml y.l.o ,.li, ul 1 . i.cini a1 !'.i 1,1 i. I e i,i ilr so ii i;v I e i ssil i l i I , i' e I'.', iii;:;'.; 10 i;el : ii.:..: II.. I il" Clil il I iiniv I , 1 : l ill . '. I l,l' II ; ilil Who I li e I., '. . i j , ii... 1 1 i i d (i ke I ' 1 r i . i . ;. ,. , i; i . 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 v lo i i"a I i d. i li.i -i .'!,. i v. il ! in ii short ! i: I ..'tl..:.d. A live cei'l lii.i ei- lii.-. iii In liiif j i . v I,, ir ii v.i nderuilh ! ' .ilil. ii,.. lie' liil ,:: ell, i : I I'.l. i- , a;..: ( ' i :.i , i iiwii, iiii.l tie snow-! : ' ni,';i:ii', h.iiv i n i i;ii,',c,l. j U, mi) I ,i! ;i i -.I rn-i.e t'rip. i :. '. ' 1 l-y l"" I. car (... Oil v i i; liiii- mi tie , iJii n ell'. ! lii.i. jlii ci,! ; if I I.i i-e I y ii lioailul linn 1i,. ;-, , ' , - ;,'), (, d ,i tmil i Un,.-. ; , ! ' ,,i,-. ,..iii ., .ui!,, I he I ,,i nl for I,-diii, ;. m i d ,;,,(,: i I'll.. I- l ,:' ,: 1 ;r u ' 1 ; 1 ' ' 1 ) ;' '' '' ' i '' I'M ! I tl.o . ilil -,; j,. Ii-nn iiie . .','1 ol I Or IH I ii.t till iL'l.liiiL' !l:i ill. I.e. liil'll. Ill- ,'Y l11'11" 11 Hm' duy i.nd ti ten dny i:,'i'i!,"': lay nl. Hie in ii" 11 ii.v In rn'ki'iicd u I jVK. 1 '. VISI T. j iii! OH . nil . ,11 ; lesltlilP.' . M....1 . Adinpvioi .1 .-Utah Tnhll ifl." hi: mv viMT Lodcii.-; .M,'.i-i . . A !n.i-si, In, iili'i.t In nil 1 .,0;i inel'i hii s 1 , ; , i i lis, "I't : i I iitl I'lirl i,,ll ll.i s car and I, at L'..i I , Tolill liei't'-Silt';, C,'iiS,. i.i, i i'i': i' ll'i iic fur Cea-iiii lii -. 1. I ! II' I (.' ! , . Il i,n Iii I'iild o n: 1, I en:' nnii I i.i i:.- ill t li " 111' I I li ' . :.. ti, I , .Ii !, .', I,, I, . ' ,:i : liii'.i ilils l:l I In- I'd: i ' j i ( ' ' .- i i) 1 ,i i -' I inil .ill". ; i. v.,il,. I.i.- j. for 1 1 e iii.:'. .- n., i i.i n.i ', ! n pi 'i'v - 'th';'1, ,,-.. i ;,, . ,. 1 1 . ;, ' 1 . ' ' ,. . . ; ; .'i' . l;i - i.i I .",'. ,U I!' ,.' I, Ii I M 1 . , , li ' :. I;-, ', i - ::l t ii I i l' if in 1. : :i , , , .... , ,i ). . ... ,d i! i,, !:' and d i, c.iiload i r li ii'i l.i.r I ' , lil.-i!,i'-,. Wito Inn' in : I, and . , . m d t '..iii .'.dniisisou to ' l , l 1 I , j t : , , j ,,.;J( t ()J, I i i , i ' !: I D :,tv : I:..'. 'J I.i- si ,-!;,! V. ii) I ,.- r i.i,,! '.m ij Ii.v v I .'. t lie . I.I'! ill H I I'l'l ill I l i !.l i li li I V II iii .Il ' , i.iai ie I.;, .-i.iiiii ol - SJ. a., il l' t i 'it .Mil nil! ' ' Iii1 .- i.!' . i,..-iiiii t ion, 1 II' "i.i 1" to tl'i.'.l'i aionr M-lii." '. :. i r i f this lilt ie'.e Ii!., I ilil' .,. n iil'ld L. ! i 1: i;. .id ' ! ''i', ' i ; , r i -' ; I i'.i !."." i t der ini i i.i. I'i I i.i .''M'tili.i'l 1 I'I !, 1 I- , I' CO!' CO!,.- ill. tlVOS I'r. iJunci'Oit hi:.- liinplo lecoiniii'.'U- ilnticip:, inn! is licsrrviiii of the win roil the public hns seen lit to uive liiiu. Dr. Hiincroft, settled in Kuiikuc in lriMl, wherei he fonnht with Jolm Hi own for t !: nnti-slnvery ennse. Ho i.i iiIm) h vet ei tin of the civil wnr. lie was preient ut r.iril'B tlienter, the niijni et Lincoln s nssiifsiiiHtlon, and Iiiih pr. '-I nleii fie historical .-ociety v i'.li 11 ) ri i.:i'iiin on which fell some ol the iiie I li .nl of the martyred ptr.-iili'iil ns h.. whs curried from' the 1'inl.liiiH. Sonvenirs of tiiis pioyium will I e sold at the fair liy Dr. Ilaii- iTCll, EPWORTH I LEAGUES ALL DGSNG WELL The ll.dies dintricl I'.p.vorlh l.citL'iie onveiilioti riiei'.eil Kridiiy nn'i'liinj; w ith ii iiei, e:it, in all. mlaiice. Ilev. W. ( iiii:l, ol l'l'iif-.T wn iiride pivsident of .lie c ilivellllnli Willi .liiiis ( i lace (illhllll ol l eiiill. ioi;, .ci'i-elaiy. ( 'nimiiiltee were iuiiucm hy President Sini'li ii- fi.owi: licMolnl ions (i. II. Kon-e of (i,.lden.lale; I.. I!. I.nuchlin ol : lie I Villi's, Mi, (iriico (ailain of rem !. inn. Nominiit ions Pr. (J. M. Hoi II. oi t i.e. Hallos, i;. 1. Krencli of 1 eli.llilni'. Mrs. II. V. riark of I lei un id, Alin. ,1. Iv Cliappel ol'tiolden lale, W, .1. Baldwin or Arlington, ".M.i.iis and n.otluidH of Junior i:i i, ' was 1 1 e title of an excellent pal ei LyO. II. Koiiso of the Oolden- inlii chapter. Mim Annnsta liooth of llie DiilloH uddi'o'Hcd the conv.intion i f (he "Necesf.ity of a titroii Social I !e in 1 1. i nl uml hou to iimku it go." Krv. (i. I,. Tnlln. prcHiilnit of the Orcnon leiii.Mie, was prc- iit i'i Ho nMriiioon mid addressed lie en, vent ion on work of the leamie. in tlie eveniMir, I'r. t.'oleiiiitn, prenl ni Uilliuiietle imiverhity, ad I: c.--i d a lai.:o Dr. Colo i mi is an elcpient speaker, and liis Kiii.iliK iie niven close nttontion ! I Ih:m ie. . iif. Saturday niorn inn, tin) BUKsion () ened with devotional services led liy iMeniites frum the Wasco chapter. 1 he ti poi'ls of ollicers of tint various i'lnil teia were then heard. They showed a nteiidi. n-hip in The Dalles district of over K'i) Mpworth leiiHilnrn. '1 he Implies in ncneial nr.) in a .loin ishii'tf condition. I I. I... I' lench of l'.iiidleton diHcnssed in n . iy al io manlier the ''Kpworlh I.e. (lie's I 'lace in I lie Work of Kpreuit- ni,' siriinal lioliiieis. " liev. John Ki,i!..-i nl Jkiniiv in I'tesont Hiid ad iies cd tlm ineiiil.etH of the convotiou t':o i.i ik rf the Kpwi.rth Lenijne. 1 n I ',:i nlti'i ', Dr. I). j. Under i f tlie I'iiciIUi (.'In islimi A.hocal.H, l.'iit liia les'er.i o to the convent ion Hiid ili'liM rcil a i,,I.iiidid address, The oieiiiiiK exercises were conducted liy dclevatoH I'i nni ('iiscade Locks chapter. I .li 'iilen in ntten. lance wine: 1!. hdli'ton- C. j. l'rench, Mins Lni.i a Oiil'ini, Mrs. 0, I-'. I'.rown. 'Il.e Didles-C.iMie llooth, L. II. I. i..i,;ldiii. Aiis. it. li. McDoniild, lOtta i h i tilt, Iji'int Oi'cntt. I'i In. nil ll. Henry Jenten, I'M Hiiil.r, Alice ('lunch, (i. W. llrown, II. (!. Clink, Airs. II. (!. Clark, Mar yaiet Ni. Itriseii, I'ciill Khy, llelen liiianiiiiii, I'ldna SI. ptoe, Daisy Kat- IIIKT. Ai liiii.ti ii .Mrs. W. J. llaldwln. IVinevilli llertlm Horning, llirdio l"'i-", V.'. 1'. .Jiiinette. S'iiiildil: I . M. ljuKllliu. ;i -.:-( i. Kdninntoii, A. Alonroe, Mai-i.-ii llnl.-H. Cent, mile-W. H. Dellinwer. i hm.ioo locks i. ij. ,ioniis, r nil Iv.'i iiiiiii. I I'roi-i ir-- W. ('. Siiiil.t, Mrs. Lee C iilenihile K. II. I lworlhy, (i. II I'ohsIi, Airs. J. Iv Cliiipello. I I ine Oiove Miii'Ki.iet WoIIh, Klilh 1 liil'l'y, eiiii AI iller. j 'id-.t'i (ivn John, Alls, j : riii'i, A i lie-on, In. An, if m. I HI" I'liO .iiin. lll i o.iweii. iioiiii hii-i--.,. ...rouse, i .coro lliider, J. V. Alnves, lien l''.vaiis, Helen AI. licit. ' j liii'keilnn Aiyitlo AlcAlurray, 8. 10. : 1 1 1, ni ilii'.iok. I .Morn ,1. ilin I'.vaiiH. S:i! ui'iliiy nf fenioon (lie following' dh-trict oilli e is wele elected : W. (!. :!'::illi of 1'i'ossei', pieisdent; Miss Hi.I'iHi.y Vnrker of Nortli iiklnia, ir. r.-tiuy; Airs. It. Mel loniild, of 'the I. ".Hi. i, In ii.-iirer; (!. L. I''ieiich of I'l'i'i'li'lun, llr.t. vice presidi'iit, Miss :.! V, i iiif ol Hi, oil later tiicond i : i".-i iriit; Mi- Myitlo AlcAlurry i, rsifi.eluni, third vice piesident ; '. . .1. Ilidd vin of Ailinnton, fourth i. " i.i'es'ideiil ; .Mi-. Hear of ( iohlen '!;!, jnnior 1 1 j r i i t. iidcnt. ! Urv. V,'. O. Sn ilh of I'l'OHser was . hcli'd lis dele., ut, i to the interim-. ! i i m 1. 1 i on ven I ion w liieh me. I s at Dell- ' Ml' in July. Aiisn AuuMa Hoot II of I in. Dalles ui..- iiHineii as alternate. Lev. Iir. I.i'. In- of I'oilh.nd ad-,!ii.-,-ed ii h: i s;i, i.i ,,l i.nce .Siiuila y morn inr ut the AI. Iv chinch, and the cou '. eiil ii, n elosed Nuiulay cveiiiiiu witli a s; li iiilid mldir s l.y Lev. V. ( '. Smith ,,i i i n. .-i r. i r l.-i I oil resident of t he '.: 1,'iel iiino'i. oiiiiuii'iition. Air. ;.i ilh him "I l,ini.-i il nil ui, hi ymilirf :i n. lie i.resii.'.nl with dignity over .':' i. vent I. ;i. i ; lil'"'l w it li eiilliii.-i- . i . I',' Iii- l l.i l" V.rl I.. '1 I.i. !.ni, i i :i 1 1 iii for net year I,:.., not I eell iheidid upon, hut will m ry lii.i he I'i nilli'ton, as the dis 1 1 i I .".iiilei nee of tin. AI. IJ. church .. il! ne el ( in i e ue.t I in,.-. ll,e njoit- of ollicers f rum the I, 'I .-rent chapters showed the ieni.'iie lo I iii a lliinii.-him; condition ', ; i oi'L'liout I ho district. This total i end ership is now over sun. I uily of Ai'iinn lines Wonders. Nen l.i-ri; ( irilipic. 1 "iii iid L.ivir'' hits 1,1'tiiinn a syn iij.j m lur 1 1 r-) i , iiilerprii.n and 'Vet l ,i' .' J I ! ni. I" of that, valley i . '. " i; 1,1.; d ( otuitiy nnii they vie ' i' ' n ilh'i' in sei inn w'io can lei: inn uir.-i liiiil il is Ultl i;trv on Ilin font-tool. It. is m i Ilrst, and always, and if ii'.., I rent li left Op Kin its a i;; t "lavuiiihlo mention." i ! i t's ii'iulo 1 lood Kiver. i.i v. ill nnik Newhcru if we ! ' i uiiio h irit of loyalty to v, il Mi,)' in Hood Kiver. , i, dy that liuikes you cat, deep . i called l'aluio Tahh'ts, i' s".i li'uuliiily hy WillianiM1 .ie., i!, od Liver. These reat ..ii , c 1 1 -1 i ution htiihlers cost only ' ll"., sl IwKeB (2.00. .',i, SETTLERS HERE FROM THE EAST MAKE HOOD RIVER THEIR HOME Valley's I'opulat ton Increased Last Week liy 25 IVnjilc-Tliej Boy Farm Lands. Koiir fiiinilieH from the llant Lave wit bin the last fn ehate of farnm on the Kast Side, anil have moved onto the land with the intention of making Hood Kiver their homo. These four fumllinu h,. ed in total ': people to the population of tho valley. They are all people with ineHiis, and propose to improve their lands in many ways to increase the wealth of the valley. liro sales were conducted through ieorKO T. Prut her, the real estato limn, aud included the following ex- Iihiikoh of property : S. 11. Cox. Ifi ueriiii nmip .1 T. Ous ter's farm, to Mr. N.diU aiiiS of Chi cago ; consideration, ULitn. John, 'JO mny, to Joseph A. liiehofherKer; consideration, fti.'sl. M liiti,u, ft , i i-,, n i. -' "- I-., itni JV. Allll'shall's 111,,.',, in l ...le., r l!..,.l. .,1 - , ....vrvi.i I,.,V11V'A of Cliicairo; considei i.tion, HIOO. n. 11. orossor, aj bins, near Fine (jrove nehool hotne, to A. (Irames of ivansas; consiucinUi.n, riWO. The fullowiiiK city nd.s were also made ly this mint any ; N. C. Kvans, twoli U near Snow & I'i son's Lh.cksniii h i) ,,i, in Mm Alaicellus; coiisid. 1 ;.t i. n, tfiU. U. A. Dano, two lots i nd lionise on Kiver street mar A. A. Juw.o's to W. l' Witlinm; lionsdiletiiliin i,a). Other sides ale exi t i ted to I e i IusmI hi a l,.e ,lu,-u M. l', .,t,. ..... . II... ... ...... .,., l u.llH 1 IUIB UlU moven'ciit trom the Kast Is aiinady perceptihle, and from the many in quiries he is receiving daily, thero should lie a lui'is'o ii.crcato in the pop ulation ot me vaucy wuijin tl:e next I'1 In, ill I s 'I II,, f,,, ,,f II... .1 1) as a fruit country is spread inn tar and wiuo, uiui as a result many easterners, tired of the heal and cold of tho mid dle wi st aro seeking a more eoiiKenial cliino, whero health, wealth and pleas ure aro assured them. (.iiiiiii Army Kiicaiiipniciit. IreparatioiiB aro boluir made for the annual state encampments of the Oregon, WiisliiiiL'tnn and Alaska Ciiand Army of the Keptiblh) at Oie ifim City and Vancouver, June '20, 'Jl and 'I'i, as well as (Irund Armv dav. June '2 II, at the Lewis an Clark expo sition, l aptaiu J. r Hliaw has is sued the following circular Jottor de scrihiiin the arraiiHomeuts: Dear hir and (Joiurade: The aiiiiiiid state encampments of Oronon, Wtith iiiKton and Alaska's (irand Army of the Kepuhlio lneela ht Or.'Kou city and Vancouver, respectively, on June 20. 'il and '22. Following the close of each encampment, i. e., June '2,'t, will he (irand Army day at the Lewis and Clark exposition. This day has lieen set apart and designated as "(Irand Army Pay" by the l'nir iiiuniisicmeiit, in honor of the surviv ing ineinliei's of that Krand army that inarched from "Atlanta to the Sea, " and which culminated at Appoiiiiitox. In view nf nniliiiu? this day a nieui o able one in the history of the Uraml Army of the l'acillo coast, an inter state committee has been appointed by the department commanders of Oregon and Washington to prepaie a suitable program for the entertain ment of our comrades who may at tend, not only their respective en campments, but, to visit the Lewis and Clark exposition. The coinmittee very much deaiies that June '2d may take the place ol a mil i i in ul encampment, both in point of Interest and numbers, and lo this end it nines the attendance t,f all comrades who can make it convenient to do so. The comrades of the depaitmeut of Washington will embark mi coiiiini, di ns steamers at Vancouver on the morn inr; of the Mrd for I'oitlnnd. ArriviiiK at tho latter city, they will lie met by the comrades of nient of Oregon and en'oi t. d to the exposition xioiiuds, and thero appro priate exorcises will be carried not. The trip from Vancouver to l'ortluud by steamer will be one of leasuie i ml scenic, beauty that no comrade should allow himself to miss. Tlie Ilrst session of the !o aitmcnt at Oregon city will convene on the 2' Hh. Jn the evening of that day there will be a reception to the com rades and in the iifteliioon of the '21st a parade will take place, Ou Tliursday evening thero will be an tu tei lainmeiit, at which time the gov ernor will address the comrades. Coiuaiiles, let this be made a mem orable mooting of those of us who are still able to attend those encamp ments ; remembering that here will be a great many of our comrades 1 . ie from the eastern status during tie in i ii 1 1 1 1 iu i'n t to visit tlie expni-ii'i i., i.u.1 this will sii'.e us an opportuuily lo in. tot them, I or reservation of rooms or tents, or tor any iiitoi ninth n ci tabling to til.) encampment, addles.- i hairii i n general coiinnittee, Oregon Oil.,. Address all communications to b x ii;iG. liespoctl'iilly, JA.MI.S P. K1IAW, Chairn an. JAAII'IS l' NKLNON, Seen l ry. New Saw Mill at Heine Valley. Coulter, Ktippe & Co. have lccatc.l a saw mill at lion e valley t. o i.i... a half miles from tho Collin I :a liver, between St. Aliutins and Ci Liu's hot s rings, The conipaiiy have their lliiine well under heiuiway, have sawed the lumber for several cabins and Luilt several for the employees and me making things hum generally. The owners of the mill are well known practical saw mill men. I hn mill is a boon to setting in that section many of them having Mitfcred heavy losses in the forest llres. Now they have sold tl.eir tim ber to tho company and alto Hud a reaily market for their farm pro ducts. Do Von Slider with Dyspepsia or indigestion? Clarke's Dyspepsia Tablets will cure you. 1 rice o .., 60o 3 ' K : i