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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1903)
ff O. R. & N. TIME TABLE. East bound N'o. 2, Chicago Special, 11:50 a. m. No. 4, Spokane Flyer, 8:'2 p. in. No. II, Mull and Express, 110:4ft p. m, No. 24, Way Freight, 8:4.) p. in. No. 22. Fast Freight, 3:45 a. m. West boumi No. 1, Portland Hpcclal. 2:05 p. m. No. 3, Portland Flyer, 5:07 a. m. No. 6, Mall and Express, 7:40 a. m. No. an. Way Freight, 8:45 a. m. No. 21, Fast Freight. 11:30 p. in. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Rambler Bicycles at Knapp's. Mowers and rakes at Savage's. Notary Public done by Barnes. McCormack mowerB and rakes at Sav age's. For bargains in watches and jewelry, go to C. H. Temple. We can fill your orders for chicken at the Central Market. Use Williams' anti-septic hair tonic and keep off gray hairs. , Yon can get highest market price for your eggs at Central Market. Copies of the Glaciervcan be found on sale at Slocom's book store. Barnes, the real estate man, has a competent stenographer in his ollice. We carry a full line of groceries, flour and feed. Bone & McDonald. We are paying cash for vegetables and fruit at the Central market. Barnes collects rent. pays taxes, draws up transfer papers and writes insurance. Don't pay rent. See Barnes, the real estate man and have a home of your own. When in need of fine work in watch repairing and jewelry, see Temple, the jeweler. If your eye sight fails and you have pains and headaches, see J. II. Tem ple, the occulist. Barnes, the real estate man, has fur pale one of the best stock ranches in Sherman county. For spring v.agons, buggies, harrows, cultivators, pumps, etc., go to McDon ald & Henrich. Bone & McDonald will deliver powder on Saturday of each week. Place your order with them. For SO davs, the W. B. Cole residence, lot 100 x 100. A good buy for $1,(100. Prather Investment Co. This is the season w hen yon have to buy a mower can't be put off so go to Savage's and they'll do the rest. If you want to (He -on timber land homesteads, call on lienrge T. Prather, U S. Commissioner, district of Oregon. I now have a very complete line of watches, clocks, watch chains, fobs, etc. Carke, the jeweler, opposite the post tVtce. How old is Ann? She is old en (iih to know a tiling or two i She says as fhe In- comes o'd -r she likes ; this store more and more. There's a satisfaction about shopping here that she doesn't get else w here. It's a differ ent store. The Lit tie Store with Lit tle Prices. McCALL'S Patterns, 10c & 15c. J GET IN THE HABIT OF TRADING AT STORE NEWS. 132d SATURDAY SURPRISE SALE. TOWELS Fancy colored, fringed, honeycomb Towels, size, 20x40 inchts in tvd and white, blue and white, orange and white; make fine bureau or stand covers; also nice to hang over chairs, as well as being good serviceable towel. Regular price, 20c Special 15c. Underwear. f! Oil serviceable garments that give comfort, warmth and wear, and make j on feel you can stand the cold weather. Fleeee-liiu-d shirt. and drawers for women and children, In silver gray and light blue. To wear them is to appre ciate their worth. 25c, Sic, 50c and $1 x-r garment. Lamps. What fine nights for reading, but lit tle pleasure to resd be-id a poor light Our nickel plated H. & H. lamps are light-diffusers at small owU Really thev are the best and brightest lamp made Mmple and safe, and worth everv ceit of $2.50 The Little LAME'S JACKETS Frank A. Gram's THE UP-TO-DATE-STORE. An unusually fast selling season has broken our stock quickly, and from now on to the end of the season we will sell all LADIES' JACKETS At Enormous Sacrifice. Come early, as we still hav(? many beaut i- ; ful styles from which to make a 'selection. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. Prices from $2.95 to f 19.50. Same goods as reliable Portland houses are showing. Yours Pure Lard. We are selling our pure kettle-rendered lard as cheap as you can buy any other brand of lard in town. We manufacture our own lard: it is made from pure hog fat and Is not steamed as most of the lard put up by large packing houses. We have all the modern contrivances for putting up first class lard and will guarantee every bucket. Five pound buckets, 75c ; 10s, 1.45. MAYES BROS. Millicery. Ladies, you will find me ready for business at my store, one door south of Abbott's grocery. I carry a full line of dress and street hats, also a good assortment of veilings and velvets at rea onable prices. Tailored hats a specialty. Mmb. Abbott. Go to Stuart's, the first class confec tioner, for fresh oysters.daily. Bread, doughnuts, cold boiled ham, crabs, Fri day and Saturday. Orders taken for lun ches, salads of all kinds, wedding cakes and cut flowers. I have just received a complete line of cut glass-sterling novel ties, Rogers Rros. 1847 platedware, and a choice lot of white metal table ware. Ask to see them at Clarke the jeweler's i opposite the post office. Apple growers' supplies, 10x10 paper, wrapping paper, lining paper, pink and yellow, poster and white layer, blue card board at Coe & Son's. Two hundred to 5,000 to loan on real estate. If your security is good your money is ready. Prather InvestmentCo. All watch, clock and jewelry work guaranteed. Clarko, the jeweler, oppo site the post ofllce. Just received at the harness shop, a complete assortment of horse blankets. 8. J. FRANK, Prop. Furnished rooms for rent, with or without board. Mrs. II. A. CQYLE. Phone 794. Ask to see my new line of rings. Clarke, the jeweler, opposite the post oil! cu. Wanted Good fresh cow, Jersey pre ferred. Allen Macruni, Mt. Hood, Or. Carrier's, formerly Hazlewood ice cream parbrs, for oysters. Mayes Bros., headquarters for onions at (1.25 by the sack. Oysters! raw, stewed, fried, roast, cocktail, at Carrier's. Fruit paper, 3,000 pounds at Coe & Son's. Racine feet at Coe & Son. M. Sunderland and wife and their niece, Miss Kdith Stansberry of Kansas, came up from Portland last week. Mr. Sunderland came up to set out some fruit trees on his place. Thursday he and Mrs. Sunderland went to Lyle to visit friends. Useful in the Kitchen. Paring Knives, good steel 8c Wooden Spoons 5 and 8c Granite ware spoons, long handle 12c Match Safes, Bronze iron 25c Iron handles, very little price 10c Apple Corers, very handy 8c Fruit Slieers 8c Alcohol Stoves 25c Chopping Knives 5, 10 and 15c Our Notion Counter U always interesting. Photograph al liums to mount your pictures in all sizes and stylet Brushes, combs, Indian beads. Good stories, paper-bound Novels, 8c. A DEPARTMENT STORE IN MINIATURE, Store with AT tr, FRANK A. CRAM. A. E. Wells, who is working for Wil liam Kennedy, picked 16 boxes of Hpits enberg apples from one tree on the J. Lacy place. Mr. Kennedy has the Lacy orchard leased this year. Mr. Wells, when he arrived in Hood River last July from Texas, was inclined to doubt some of the stories ho heard of the productive ness of Hood River orchards and the prices received tor apples. For instance the story of Sears & Porter having re fused $20,000 for 20 acres of their or chard,with the farm buildings included, 18 months ago. He now knows the 20 acres are worth it. Sixteen boxes of Bpitzenburg apples that is, Hood River Spitzenburgs are today worth $32. Frank Caddy was blasting out some stumps and trees on his place last week. He put three sticks of dynamite under the stump of a big pine tree. When the blast went off a large piece of root went through his neighbor's wood shed, about ten rods off. The neighbor came out to see what he was doing. The big tree was toppling, and the neighbor thought it would soon fall. "Do you know" said he, "where that piece of root went?" Frank thought it went out in the field somewhere. "No, it wentclear through my wood shed. My wife said when she heard the racket, 'that fool will kill us all yet.' " Mrs. C. J. Crandall accompanied her husband from The Dalles Monday. Mr. Crandall is architect for several build ings now in course of construction in Hood River. Mrs. Crandall is a native Oregonian and deeply interested in col lecting for her scrap book everything written that pertains to the early his tory of Oregon, and especially of the set tlement along the Columbia. She gave the Glacier a call and procured copies of Captain Coe's story of "Hood River 50 years ago." Mrs. S. C. Wheeler returned from California last Friday. She had been at Riverside, Cal., for about six weeks, where she was caring for the small chil dren of her daughter, who died sudden ly in San Francisco while on her way to Riverside. Mr. Lovegrove and the children came with Mrs. Wheeler as far as Oregon City, w here they expect to make their home. F. S. Hill of Ridgefield, Wash., was a guest at Mrs. Alma Howe's last week, Mr. Hill, who has traveled a great deal, says: "Hood River is the most beautiful valley I ever saw." He was so well pleased that if he can dispose of his property at Uidgeheld lie will locate here. Sherman J. Frank of this city has purchased the liarnees business of J. G. Wagner at Hood River and taken charge ol the shop, bherman is a first-class workman and Hood River may now tret her harness making done at home. Chronicle. Music hath charms, and we have the music in in sheet and folio form, instrumental and vocal. We keep up with the tmes. Prince of Pilsen mn sic and Nordica waltzes yery fine. Violins, Mandolins, Guitars. Banios. Zithers, Accordeons, Violin cellos, Auto- harps, etc. IK THE BEST Gloves. We don't sell glad mits, or give them way emier, out our line ol low-priced fflnve. anrl mit. lifted nr nn.linaH m-ill make yon glad all the value you could eipeci is crowuea into mem lor satisly ins the customer. Gloves and Gaunt lets, jer pair 25c, 35c and 40c Graniteware. Blue and white the craze is as ram pant at ever for blue and w hite in every- ming. now would yon like a complt set of Kitchen Utensels in this noun colur? We've got them tea and coffee pots, tea kettles, dish pans, water pails, dippers, stew pant, wash pans, baking pans, puiKiing pans, etc., at little prices Little Prices William Westerlund and his assistant, Fred Lundahl, of the William Wester lund & company of Chicago, Western immigration agents of the Harriman railway system, arrived in the city on No. 5, "Tuesday, in charge of a party of home-seekers consisting of the following: William WeBterlund, Fred Lundahl, A. Ossowski, Otto Anderson, Edward An derson, Haul Johnson, S. Rosenberg, John Nelson, Charles Weeks. William Westerlund & company being the East ern agents of Geo. D. Culbertson & Co., of Hood River, the party was taken in charge by the latter gentleman and giv en a ride over Hood River's famous val ley, viewing its vast fields of strawber ries and the big red apples that hang from the trees. The party crossed the Columbia Wednesday morning to visit Hood River Fruit Home Colony to get a view of that section of the country. There will be a party of eight Dowieites, members of the Westerlund party to ar rive today, Wednesday. These gentle men are bona fide seekers after homes, not only for themselves, but should they be suited with our country, many fami lies will soon follow. E. D. West and family returned from Morrow county, Tuesday, and went out to their homestead, where they will re main until they make final proof. Mr. West went to Morrow county and rent ed a wheat farm, hoping to make enough money to come back to liooa River and improve his homestead as he would like. He did better than he could have done here working in the mills and lumber camps, but he thinks he had to work too hard to make what he did. He says Hood River is good enough for him and he will wander no more. He found it no easy job to get up before daylight, feed and hitch up eight horses, load 70 sacks of wheat and haul 25 miles to Arlington over heavy grades, alkali dust and with poor water to drink ; then, at a late hour at night, roll up in his blan kets under the wagon. The reality of such a life doesn't lend the enchantment it might at a distance at least not for him. McGuire Bros, have a brand new sau sage mill, a Brecht, one of the best in use. The mill will grind 75 pounds of meat in 15 minutes. All their sausages will now be made in their own shop. People who have favorite dogs had bet ter look out for their canines. This firm also has a new top for. their deliv ery wagon, which was smashed in a runaway last week. II. F. Davidson did the proper thing by making the delivery wagon good as new. Snow & Upson made the new top, which shows their good workmanship. K L. Rood did the painting and lettering. The sad news of the death of Lloyd Cole, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cole, was received in Hood River last Saturday by a letter from Mrs. Cole to Mrs. Edgar Wright. He died at Los Angeles, Cal., October 17,1903, of scar let fever and diphtheria. He was a bright little boy, loved by all who knew him. His parents have the sympathy of their many friends in Hood River. Mr. and Mrs. U. D.Shafer of Wabash, Indiana, are visiting Hood River on an f respect tour with a view of making lood River their home should they de velop a liking for our valley. So far they are well pleased with 'what they have seen of the valley. C. S. Wheeler presented the Glacier with samples of the Rome Beauty apple. grown on his place. They are handsome apples ana good as they look. Mr. Wheeler claims to have the . only trees of this variety of apple in Hood River. Dr. O. A. Shaw, graduate optician. is in the city this week, stopping at the Mount Hood hotel. Dr. Shaw is an old neighbor of our townsman. Colonel W, B. Perry, when he was living in Ne vada. The ladies' aid society of the Congre gational church will meet Friday after noon in the lecture rom of the church. Come early; a large amount of work to De done. Mrs. Bcammon ar,d Mrs. SI aer caine up from Portland last week and spent bunaay visiting the family of V. n. Stranahan. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKay of Port land, accompanied by their daughter, Mrs. Frank McCarthy, are guests at the Country Club. Mrs. Julia Knapp has sold her home stead on the coast and invested in busi ness property in Hood River. Mr. and Mrs Phil Mathews went to Portland Saturday to hear Nordica, re turting Sunday morning. Miss Ethel Uo bards is teaching school at Smock. Her school began some two weeks ago. Mrs. J. P. Rhaw went to Portland Wednesday. She will return Sunday. J. I. Miller is building an apple house 10x24. Important Fruit Growers' Meeting. The Northwest Fruit Growers' asso ciation, the most important of all our horticultural gatherings, will have their annual session in Portland in January next. It will add to the good name of Hood River valley if our apple growers reserve for that meeting plates of five apples each. A couple of hundred plates of our choicest apples will be good to look at. It is expected that the National Live Stock association will also meet at Port land on the same date, and that not less than thousand members of this organ ization will be present. E. L. S, Circuit Court Jnrors. Following is a list of the furors drawn for the November term of circuit court for Wasco county : O B Connolly, A M Harriman, C X, Phillips, Hans Kiindt, E Frederick, Pe ter Agidius, J W Elton, W H Cushing, J W Koontz, A W Fargher, The Dalles; A B MeKamey, J N Knight, W S Grib ble, Mount Hood; A I Mason, R J Ellis, J L I-angille, Joseph Hengst, N C Evans, Hood River; Peter Fonst, P WKnowles, Dnfur; J P Carroll, (Just W Johnson, J M Elliott, Mosier; I D Driver, Wamic; Frank Irvine, Antelope; Joseph Means, J W Covert, Endersby ; James Darnielle, Boyd ; C W Emerson, W D Farrington, W rentham. Church Notices. Union. Rev. TroyShelley will preach next Sunday at 11 o clock. Lutheran. Services nest Sunday. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Preaching at 3. Catechetical instruction for conhrnv ation next Saturday morning, October 31. United Brethren. There will be no services of any kind at the U. B church until lurther notice. ll U. Mianer.- Teachers Institute Postponed. Toe local teachers' institute, which was to have been held at The Dalles on Satnrday, October 31, has been post poned until a later date. Early Closing Sotiff. All itjiro. ht- iiwaI In pinto .1 7 n .... - - - - t. ra instead of 8 o'clock after November 1, except Saturdays, and two weekt be fore holidays. The beneficial result of good roads leading to the Klickitat grain fields it shonnbythe number of wheat teanw coaiing from that section every day. It Hon. Joseph Gaston, an old-time new s paper writer, was in the valley first of the week. Mr. Gaston was editor of the Salem Statesman in LSlili. In 1870 he was editor of the Portland Bulletin, and the writer set up many a thousand ems of type from his copy. About 15 years ago lie owned and edited the Pacific Farmer and made of it an excellent farmers' paper. Mr. Gaston went up the valley as far as the Elk Beds, within about six miles of Cloud Cap Inn, and m uuuguieu wuii jioou Jtiver. wur resources and their wonderful develop ment was a revelation to him. Scott Boorman left at this office, Wed nefday, an armful of potatoes, seven in number, that weigh altogether 20 pounds. The largest one, a St. Patrick, weighs over five pounds. The others are late Rose and White Star, lie has dug over ffOO sacks and hasn't got half way over his patch of hve acres. A lew- more donations like this and the Glacier force will be supplied with spuds for the winter. M. L. Emry brought to this off! ce a Late Rose potato that measures 19 inches from stem to blossom end. It was grown by Mr. Barbe, in Blowers ad dition. Who can beat this potato for length? S. A. Knapp last week bought the John Middleton property, occupied now Dy t.arner'B restaurant, paving 20o0 for the same. The lot has a frontage of 44 feet on Oak street. Good Merchandising Does It. There is only one criterion by which t he people go, and which causes thorn to give their patronage to any store, and that is honorable, honost merchandis ing methods. In the 15 years that I have been -in business in this city, none can honestly say that I have ever yet failed in my duty toward the pnbl'f. I may make mistakes everyone does but I am more than willing to rectify any error. While I try to serve you faithfully both in quality and price, if there is any suggestion a patron can make as to whore wo can servo you better, I will cheer fully give such suggestion my earnest attention. You will find our large stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Underwear, Hosiery. Skirts, Cloaks, Waists, Blankets, Hats, Crockery, Groceries, Stoves, Hardware, Flour and Feed complete in all its departments. Having bought for spot cawh, and taken advantage of the markets, you can buy bettor goods from us this Fall for less money than ever before. Free Delivery was a good investment for The Dalles merchants to repair the Klickitat road, and would be still better if the repairs were extended further. Klickitat farmers prefer bringing their wheat to this market than to the railroad if means for reaching here are equal to those for reaching the railroad. Mountaineer. Sew Today. Oysters. Any quantity at Carrier's. For Sale. Second-hand cook stove at Carrier's. Longley,Klk and Stetson hats for men at Knapp's. Get my prices on watches, clocks and rings.Clarke, THE jeweler, opposite the post otiice. If you want good goods at the lowest prices, call on Clarke, THE jeweler, op posite the post office. Your eyes tested and fitted with the best pebble lenses at $1 and up at Clarke's, opposite, the post office. For cut glass and silverware go to Clarke, the jeweler, opposite post ollice. He will save you money. All watch, clock and jewelry repair w:ork guaranteed by Clarke, THE Jew eler, opposite the post ollice. Headaches, pains in the eyes after reading.granulated or inflamed lids,etc.t indicate eye-strain. Have your eyes tested by Dr. O. A. Shaw. Dr. O. A. Shaw, optician, of San Francisco is at the Mount Hood hotel. Have your eyes tested free and your errors scientifically corrected at San Francisco prices. Charles Temple has just received a large assortment of gold finger rings direct from the factory. He has all the latest Etyles and they are most beautiful. Buying direct from the factory enables him to sell 20 per cent cheaper than ever before. Now is C"e time to get your rings for birthday presents or for the holidays now near at hand. t'rosiers's Sew Sfore. A. Ii. Crosier & Co. will occupy their new store next door to the Glacier nftlee, Monday morning, November 2. Mr. Crosier had hoped to be settled in his new quarters several weeks ago, but was prevented by delays incident to the work of carpenters and painters. Neatly pnjiered mid painted, supplied with modern fixtures mid con venieuces, and stocked with fresh goods, this new store justifies the statement that it i the best of its kind in towH. Mr. Crosier came here less than three monts ago, purchased the stock and business of O. B. Hartley, and by en ergy, enterprise, courtesy and fair treat ment has built up a paying business. With a bright, capable wife an active assistant in his work, no wonder his efforts are rewarded. Mr. Crosier is a firm believer in the ellleaey of printer's ink, as the pages of the Glacier readily testify. Though young in years, Mr. Cromer shows evidence of acute business sa gacity. From Portland, he comes highly recommended by the leading buHiuess men of that city. New firm, new store, new goola the people of Ilooxl Kiver wish the trio success. A. I. Mason left two big carrots at the Glacier ollice last Saturday. They were erown without irrigation. The largest one measures 21 inches in cir cumference. Trout lake Sew Sotes. Uoldeadale Review. Beatrice, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Byrkett. has been sick for several days. Mr. Peters went to Portland the 28th on business. Rufus Byrkett lost a fine cow the 27th. The cow died of eating green clover with heavy dew on. James Coste, the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Coate, while hauling wood for Mr. Smith, the merchant, was thrjwn from the wagon, bv the wood sliding forward; he fell between the RIBBONS! (Eastern Fashion Notes.) Floral effects for evening wear. ' Corsage decorations. Odd hair bows. . Are the rage. AVe make them all free of charge. Our ribbon stock is complete. Price the lowest. Millinery Bargains "tire found in our store every day. Stock must be moved to make room for new goods. About Furs. A dealer may readily be deceived as to quality. Our buyer bought raw furs from the trapper for years. " You get the benefit of his exper ience, also of prices at least 25 per ct below Portland prices at KNAPP'S. TILE PEOPLE'S STORE; horses, frightening them ; they ran awav dragging him for sotno distance. The wagon ran over his foot, smashing it, was all the injury he sustained. John Peterson and daughter.Amanda, went to The Dalles the 28th. From there they will go to Portland. Mrs. Chapmaii of White Salmon was in Trout Lake this week giving music lessons. She has four pupils at present. The Trout Lake cheese took the prem ium at the Oregon state fair at Salem. The ball given in honor of Miss Mary E. Byrkett's birthday, September 2l, will be long remembered by her many friends. Miss Byrkett received a num ber of valuable presents. Card of Thanks. Myself nnd family desire to express our sin cere MiHiikN lo I he kind neighbor and friends who iissisled during the funeral nhseijuies of our dear child, Kannle K. Hillsii im. J. 1 IJJj JXrilOM. MiirrieJ. In The Dalles. Oetolirr , v.m. William K'ln niek and Kslella M. Kaiusey, hoiii nf Hood River. George W. Joseph, a Portland attor ney, accompanied by Surveyor Gordon and A. Wheehlon, of The Dalles were in Dufur Wednesday on business connect ed with the right-of-way for the pro posed railroad from the Columbia river They left in the afternoon down the creek, accompanied by T. II. Johnson, and had not yet returned when we went to press. The prospects for building the road are very promising. Dufur Dispatch. Ilie Republic's Great OiTer. Hpecial arrangement has been nisdo by the St. Louis Kepublic to furnish old or new Hub serllwrs with the only oihYial and authorized llff of Pope ,eo XIII. This Ih one t;reat vol ume, tHHihd in elegant eaidinal cloth, urilt and Ink stamping, Willi papal coat of arms, con taining nearly WK) pnges of U'Xl nd Illustra tions. The work was prepared Hnd written by MonsiKnoru'Keilly, D.U.L.D "l).,Lit. oin elal bioifiMpber of the i'ojm. The regular eash priee of tills hook Is fl.M. Anyone remitting $2..'0 will be entitled to Is monftlis subset iptinn to the TwIce-a-Week He publ.cand a copy of the book. Postage pre paid This oiler Is oen toedd and new suli serlbers. The hook is printed In Kngiish, Kreneh and German and Is now readv for de livery. Address all orders tu The Republic, St. I.nufs, Mo. Land to Exchange. 41 ..m ffn,.! ftp cnur Htttliiii. In t A .....).; a county. Or., in exchange tor Hood Klvcr prop erty, either farm or town pios rly or a busi ness pro(Kiliou r.state Man. Sit) A Few Drug S tore Specialties To be DRUG STORE : Disinfectants and Rubber Goods. rlol Purifiers (Our make nnd others) White Pine Courh Syrup (Our make) Vep-table Hair Tonic (Our make) Prescriptions Our Great Specialty. Stages to Cloud Cap Inn. Ticket office (or the Kejrnlator Line of Sleanierg Telephone nd have a hack carry ruu to ami from the boat landing If you want a rirst-cla turnout ciil on the HOOD RIVER TRANSFER AND LIVERY CO RIBBONS! Are the rage. Phone 581 Timber for Sale. I will sell (he timber on 2(10 acres. A good place for small saw mill or wood camp. (all on K. (J. Mahaneyor n2ii C. L. Rut) Kits. For Sale or Trade. N ice two-seated top carriage for sale or will trade for hay. Call at M .FASHION BTABLE8. For Sale. A nine room house nnd three lots with a Rood well. On the hill above the school house Call on phone 77;i. .Inside each pound package of will be found a FREE came. ; 60 different games. All new. , At Your Grocer'i. Rheumatism Positively Cured. The Cflllfornla Medical Company will re fund to the ciiHtomer nil money thiit he pays ttie dmtrttUt in case ho Ih not cnied of Klu-u-nmtisin by the nwof Oil of Eden Sweet Spirits of Eden. Chronic eases Invariably cured, and CURED I'KKMANKNTLV. For Sale by (). E. WILLIAMS, V.'ent for Hood Hiver. had at Lion Coffee a x a r