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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 18, 1893)
'.vfood driver Siacicr. noon ltivF.n. on. now r iwt. all saii.sf.uto in: The taxpayers of Poulard ro.oisily began an investigation for t ho purpi s. of discovering what bail Income I tin1 county money. Their report hj ended shows where woruo of it is at present lo cated, and it also p'hows that some of TortlandV hanks ate now running on the people's money: " Mr. Malarkey was asked what funds Motiging to tiie ii tiniy he had on hand, and lie said J-J.iK'd in the general fund and $-",tW in the school fund. The question was asked Mr. .Mftlurkey whether he had any county funds in any 'of the banks. Jiesuid not a dollar. He was asked if he did not have some money that could he 'turned into the sehool fund. He an swered that there was no money other than the $4,000 or $,ox). " Sheriff Kelley sail that he had not been in the habit of making out the report that the ooinniitte? de manded. We impaired the amount of funds he had on hand, and he went on at great length to explain how the funds got into their pivst nt predica ment, and showed the receipts for moneys turned owr to the treasurer. Of the funds which have jul U'on turned over to the treasurer, Sheriir 'Kelly reports f 16,rT 1'4 in the North west Loan and Trust company's bank, $ in the Oregon National bank and f2,O0t in the Union Ranking com pany, in all J;519,t44.11'. lie was asked why these funds were not available, to vhieh he replied he could not cheek against them as it would close the bauks. He said that the banks had promised io raise ."0,C'00 by iVceiu lea 1st for the school fund. "Sheriff Kelly incidentally men tioned that one of the banks carrying county funds sent 40, COO of the county money to Ellensburg, Wash., to hold up from insolvency their branch bank there during the panic. "Upon a second visit to Mr. Malar key it was learned that lie had some funds in a local bank. Mr. Malarkey said they were state funds. We asked him if the stata treasurer had receipted for the money. He said no, but that there was au understanding between Mr. Metschan, state tieasurer, and Mr. Lowenbergof the Merchants National bank, and that everything was all sat isfactory." The reading was interupted at this point by a unanimous ro:ir in in the as sembly. The report concluded thus: "Mr. Malarkey was asked as to the mnount of the etate funds, and replied $121,000. He was asked if any arrange ments bad been made with the bank for the payment of 8 per cent interest that the county teas paying o:i the warrants unredeemed because of tlie money in the bank. He said that question had not been raised. Then th committee ventured the remark that the people had already raised the question." 'City Treasurer Krug of Seattle, who fled to the East when it was discovered ! that he had loaned the city funds to J private individuals, was not posted, j He should have taken a few lessons! from the Multnomah county officials. Had he done so he would have loaned the money to the banks instead of to individuals, and this would have proved entirely satisfactory to the taxpayers. Sheriff Kelly and Treasurer Malarkey were much shrewder business men. They loaned county monejp to the banks in the sum of $420,000, and calm ly tell the tavpayers that "everything is satisfactory." Had this money been loaned to private individuals, Kelly and Malarkey would long since have been arrested, but the rights ef a bank ing corporation are so sacred lhat pass ing over the people's money to it is "perfectly satisfactory." The proj-osition of Secretary Gresham ito restore Liliuokalaui to the throne of Hawaii has raised. a tempest in the mewspaper world. There are many reason's why, the frecretary's proposi tion's not practicable. This govern ment has recognized the provisional government of Hawaii as the de facto government, has sent two representa tives to it, Blount and Willie, and to now attempt to overthrow it would be .practically declaring war on a friendly nation. The present Hawaiian gov ernment came into power through a bloodless revolution; .its officers are all .either native or naturalized citizens, .and what this country has to do with .lighting the buttles .of the deposed queeu is past finding out. The theory An advanced that the United .States de tsires to right the wrong committed iu sending marines ashore, but as this was done only to preserve -the peace and protect property, no wrong can be im puted to this government. JYom piesent indications there will Ibe about 100 acres set to orchard trees iin the valley this "full. The time is irapidly approaching when orchard Jands will be beyond the reach of the lavcrage farmer. Every year will see fthe vacant land cleared, and soon the vsrhole .valley will .be one immense or chard. Xands worth twenty or thirty .dollars an at re now will be held at ten or twenty times that sum, and they will. he worth it. OF CRAES! CHICAGO WASHINGTON a Sold Cutting' Afciy j!'!"-) DRESS GOODS 40 ets. I BSESb GOODS 5i Samples sent upon request We recently invited discussion of the fruit question, as to whit varieties were best to plant and what varieties to let alone. So far but one person has given his experience. We think the question the most important one before our fruit growers, and hope it may be discussed fully and freely. In talking with one of our most prominent fruit growers this week he asserted that the question ; of what not to plant would take ten j years to discover. With a free inter-; change of opinions this iiu.v be settled much more speedily. I The OrafonittH sees nothing but what is perfectly proper in the loaning of countv money by the sheritr to the. Portland banks. The view our digni fied contemporary gets from its position ' on top of a remarkably hili delinquent i tax roll published iu its columns, no I doubt enables it to see matters in a dif ferent light from the common taxpayer j located on iheground. The newspaper calls it "the hard conditions of the i present year,'' but the taxpayer clasps it as larceny. Time slips by, and already the slate is being made out for county and state officers. In three months more the buzzing will be plainly audible, and a month or so later the nominations will be made. The president's proclama tion setting apart the Cascade Forest Reservation has probably settled the matter of Cascade county, but will not prevent the good people of this portion of old Wasco taking a hand iu the election. Three men rouued lite bank at Mil ton Monday. The president of the i l L- A ll.iiw.ii ua.s t'l'iiiiiVi v unimiil- ! ed, being shot in the arm ami side.. The robbers were not disguised, uiul ( one of them, A. McCarthy, was recog nized. The robbers got f!i94.2o, and backing out of the bank, mounted their horses and escaped before the alarm was given. The sheriff has sent out several posses with orders to take them dead or alive. i All Europe is anxiously watching; Spain. Owing to tlie weak maimer in which the Melilla garrison has been re inforced, and other matters, there is ; much ill feeling towards the govern-j merit. It would be no unexpected ! thing should a revolution take place j and a republic take the place of the j present monarchy. ! PUT UUT THE LIGHT. j Mr. Scott, editor of the Orcgonutn, j has suddenly taken an aversion to "nigger rale" and confesses to a liking j for President Cleveland. The democ- j racy can now safely "douse the glim." Coon and Cuou Dog. An esteemed contemporary of the Inland Empire, of Tuesday, chases it self up a tree and then barks at itself. It says: ' Free trada is doomed. The recent elections gave it its death knell. Mr. Culberson, chairman of the committee of ways and means, and Mr. Roland and a host of democratic congressmen have so declared it. The warning voice of the people from Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Massachusetts and New Jersey lias been heard." And in another article it falls on it self thus: "Furthermore, a business which will not pay uuless patronage is enforced, like .discriminating in favor ot feed yards, is a shame to the city and a pal try method to bolster up a business." A friend of ours whose bump of ven- j eration is of the concave variety, made j the assertion the other day that he did ! not believe that "God could make any- j thing out of nothing." The measure! and quality of some people's unbelief is ; simply appalling. That same man is j acquainted with O. IX Taylor, and he has seen the site of the city immortal j "not builded with bauds" and du-M- j aied Grand Dulles. I AN fTjrrj r p-n IP i f Hit V blitz. !N- i aL Urfi"" r. A KU M CUT EOWN s nro CUT DOWN 50 cis. All lioods marktd in plain figures. Kvciy day should be "arbor day" iu Hood River. If you can't plant twenty acres plant ten, or one, or fur that mat ter, a tree whenever you can. tut them out and let them grow, for time is everything, and every tree means money iu a few years. Fifty thousand acres of land in this section awaits a chance to supply the world with ap ples. Do all you can to assist it. Motl'et of the 7. !;jruitt of Portland, is howling for the impeachment ol the president on account of his pesiiion with regard to Hawaii. If we are not mistaken MoU'ett once tried to depose Lincoln, and if his ci:eo!i..,ical Irte could be traced back to its roois, his re mote ancestors w..i:ll n.. nouoi l:ae it en found on aiiolbu" it ma; k.iMo cc casioti shouting Darabhas. Tlie San Francisco .'... uilm r man was here Wednesday m;,! secured a goodly number of suii.-crioei's f. i' that excellent paper. We, of imiii'm', sub scribed and exjicct to d;aw ii;,' li;.st prize next February, which is a hue ranch worth ido.KK We wid ivtiie from the newspaper busimss w hen we get it. UueUli'i.'.. Araii-a Ju The U'st salve ill the world for Cuts, Hruises, .Sores, Fleers, Sail Kheiiln, Fvjver Soies, 'i'etier Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Corns and all - is i ; i lirupt ious, and posit ively cures l'iits, or i.o pay required. It is guaranteed to ",'ive perlect satisfaction or m-.mey r. -Winded. Price cents per I. a;;. l'..r sale by Hood Pive." Phaiinacy. a';:,vs Russia has cone iu.lcd to !ai.'. possi's sio;i of lief railroad system. Siie V. i.l p:iy the present nil neis ?.",o. 1,11011,01111 far them. Mrs. Dr. Van, who was recently sen tenced to the peniiei-l iary from .Mult nomah county for the killing of Helen Wiisou, never reached institution. Ijeiiig sick, she was taken to the hos pital and died Monday. The new cruiser Columbia, in her trial trip Tuesday, near Roston, made knots an hour. She is thought to be the fastest vessel It is expected the new tariff bill will be ready within tivo weeks. Two men sand-bagged .John A. Drake, treasurer of the Indiana, IUi-1 nois and Iowa railroad, in his office in Chicago, at 7 o'clock Wednesday morn- -ing, and robbed him of .0,noi). Senator Mitchell is in San Francisco. It has finally been arranged for C..r bett and Mitchell to fight at Jackson ville, Florida. If they will heal one, another to death, and include a few Associated Press reporters in the job, 1 the public will enjoy their Thanks-; giving. j Twenty-one Chinese, ordered deport- j ed from San Francisco, have been re-! leased, owing to the change in the law j giving them six months longer iu j which to register. J. F. WATT, Physician and Surgeon HOOD RIVER, OR. Is e.-poet ally pre;nr.'il to treat IHarnita; ol' Nnr; anil Throat. R. E. SALTMARSHE & CO.. AT T11K- EAST END STOCK III -I'KAI.EKS Hay and Grain in Gar load Lots or Less. Live Stock Bought and Sold, And stock in transit fed, watered and given the best of care. THE DALLES, OREGON. I I A Nlnitular l'rlti. j A hi:''iii'ir Morv comes t mm RtvwU ' ol i yoini'i man Know n a tin '1vud : rrut'lM't. ' who I'M Several limit In past ' nailu l to all npHar!ttiei'M. every !nt ; ur.l.iy and returned to hie I'Vi'l'V Mom ! itav This pei-Miii. hy name Tie;urelh. w is In. at TiiIh, in the Cane t in, and i Ills Keen in -.h allien since eaily elnld ,M.t At i:ie nr-l el these singular, pli.'ii'iinen.i in- 1 1. . i va p't iMieil lor im. iil nii'h w:is to li.iti' lai;:'ii place ' : m i M. inlay on which d..v he rcinnied; ;,. hie li. iloMare'i I'lal tic r.ultv decs ,!ie, am! is obi;.;. .1 to ! U npoa th ' (.el; el the tccoi.hic; ,; i -el a "cl -e.. mi Us p.ues tijO i,,i:;:, s . I III., aequailll .(,. . . w .1 li t h '1 ! .-! 1 1' II e .-il d i d: 1 ;..l I, .of, ,h! I'he !: teil-t ! t!...,r ef t.irM .-js-t: '" ; !'o x : : h:!i. i:ud. il . i. nii.. iiev ei in. ...i a;; o; hi'- who tod w,-e a n;'Wspa;wr rep. ilei. wi.o v.c i wil.i Ci. ' av.iwe.l i;ip ise ol;; a train i . out he rushed Iroin Ta ; 'c. i s loom Willi a while face, exel.nilili'ig to las lrieads 1 I'aUe me nwc.v' I ha'--.' lived aa hour in the day oi judgement."- I'nl' lie (puia u .NOTii'K FOi; ITHI.ICATION. I .ra.l . !l'. . Vi,neii!i r, iish. Nov. .;. ,lvi:. .(. ..r.:cl-v .o.l. Ihnl Ice .coilllj; 1' :H';. .1 i-i t i ! ' I a , . '. I ll.i! n-r ... Cm 1 ! ll'! lt- I .ii' i i i..' , i I hi s, , i j . , i , . I ; i , i r . ips ,; U ' '.'.I , i.h.i. V. ir' I - !' ! I.. W . 1. iV Ml' I . 'I i I.I I' - eer ' l.K'.i S." j. C I i I '.'.'' I I' !" ..'I i'! !! mi i.i'l.!.'iiil?.i.', w nsiimtion. on I c.:..!.. i 'I'l'lliau..!! I'. V, , '!.!. I'ut .'li.'.sr ,n li. a No. . uac.T M i iloti ':, -i..-.-l'ii!i. A. I s. i li-iiih. i' s'0, i, r i;,.. s 1 ,.l ii m 1 , .iii.I it v e t. ' s. ,' 1 1, 1 1 I, a r i'J :.!. V ill tli.T. I !.' icua.'s i iu foil.m n.;; m en..,is I., pnur Mas I'l.iiifii.oiis rluMii lo an, I i u 1 a a I ion . : , sai. I la il I. I I i. of t 1:. 1 a !., i i. ..; 1 - n.'i . .I'lm K. Miiiiiii'i'is. ! inns. li. i.NU.'l..-. ii.i ul I lc I'. 1 1., W ;,s ain.;on. li ol..r IS. I lc, l'r.--i'ii,...ii 1 .-1 . i ; . r si u. in. nl .. vN:. I'"i' I a.- s r ' , s. s, j. i, ii i I; c.i! , wlit. n IT. Il.' Hi,- 'ii.; Ii n. - . - :.. r iv c t,n. ai s isiili i . v u ... u n in. . ul i a I loit ..;'. si I laa.l, .: I'hlinno'i K. " rclii. .loltu li Sinim. ,11s, !'. i, U. li.a ll.ilii , l.alls I'., Ul ii;la,;.ll el l. !. I 11., u. II. j A riloal.t I. ran nuni''1. fao aa -, VI' 0 ,1 ion No. i .1 iin.l.'t' s.-c :: 1'or. I. mi'v , ..h.Ihi-- .! ''. lor li;.- s .-I , - i ' , t- l.oi i, io,' l : U e, ii ill. una . an. I ii 1 ,.. ii .' liin! ii i' 1' n ii ' , .. :i l't .: n i . I.' .' U 1 II I'll I . 1 tc l.a m.'. 1 .a- I'lillun in : '.i a ne-'-t s to ioi i- ; li is i , . 1 1 1 ,nn. a. - , j.,u i,,, ., .,1 i : !', -, 1 i : .1..... -nil s",,,. ,,v ,,rsm, I 'l.'ll'.'l . M. VTill'i olill'i., s I'll, nil ol I ) !,- I'. I 1 i'.s.l. I m ,. Mli.llT. I'm. 'in ; A ,'i.!li a I .on N- tin. 1. .-. '. l-'.ir-aaie . ; s. j.ii'ni' , i- . i- a, nn ih. u' ef --, .' I :, I ii, r 1'J e i .;, ii i .1. itio . 1 1.- i.ian. r a- n.lioiim ,i iti.,-s,' io j . r. 1 1 . ' I.;-n; inn n - I'lnaa I , :in. i .iiia i'i.'ii "I, -n'!!;o'l. - . ' .!.-'", ;'. '-'ii , I I n i r i , , . 1 1 I .. v. I v I, I . I ; an I, i ;. ; i, i . , i . a i I . I ''.' ii I . ail ot 1.1 a I'. ' '.. Hi'. ,,. .lollll I). Si!;i'ii,.n i'la, M , M V:I..M I ' a...:. " ' ' I I. i' . . . .-, .a-,- a, . .-i. i v. ,.. ; . ,, , , , i n . '..s'..fa a. "I I a.-.s. , ol i. 1 , -i. I,'--. I 1 1 ' l-l. a i .1 lc 'I ia'ii.i'i.- ; . . I' a : van,-..,. -i- . I is I i,a.n : to il: I ;. !' I . "', Una ;..!) l i. i. i .a.:, . . !.!. r. ! i..!.!. li. I., i in.;..-. ..ii .a I.; ;.- :. i .. i, ... a. a' i.m-.. !'. , as!an:;o. Iioil.lili J.i:l I. tii ... ., 1 N , 'a' ; s'it MM ICF i nl; PI lll.ICA I H N. :'i'inii.. r Land. . i . mi.- ., i :.; I'nl'e.l sm.. . . 1 ('! -'. Ynti. . ei', . ;', n -in. -. ..i. I ; ;-, N , I . I ; I . I". I . ' tl in e,"n a; ilia i i : n i in1 1 - i o'- ; -1 at ' ' .. t ."' .. t - - , i 1 1 1 . i . -s . 1 ; .: ,,i" i . a'.; , ,: - a., a. i aa i ,. ..i la il ;aa . - ; a in,' s - a a . .: i a' i. i..a . ' .n. Ni" aaa ah I '-i i -h t. ai 1 .-i i i . , r . , I I . , I' ll s . i ,ii a. no .'. a .. . i ... -,,"iaiaa s;:,..,ii i :i n!n;: -i ita . la.sii.. lo.ani Ho-'-.- li - -V . , ' s , a i... ; I . I .r , i a . i -. ' ol ti..- a ; .ii ' .a. "'". I in (. .'.l in ..,.;, a ' ! i i r .('. . . " ! . . no u ,,l olt.T a'o. ,; a . t ,,o a , i , a i - .. no - mo!'.' all: a I !, lor i . 1 a n l' '. '":. '. a , n .or il'--r!l!Ulltl !"l I"..-. "HI 'o . i . Ills .'i.o in ;o -a i.l l.-ai. Ik , -; , . : i i . . .' i i. ' eeilrf ol llOs olln,. :.l .o, Wa-a,, on.yioniln. liie'JT.a a,;, ot , i no . r. i v a. 1! - mil, ics a.s v n a. V. 11H..11 i I. en n.'.iy. i.i..i;:i i,,o,.., .loin ,n, I'oa.l.i. I ., . ,i . .- ! . i , a . ! ol i . ee' ... I : a l a-11. air. i: a-i . It J . r- "is riaaa ai a-i .-'' -.ii t 'ie ,i!..,ie m -."'il. '.I Ini,:- a:i' r ;',!. -a I I" 111 ' 1 .oar ii.'i.iii - oi I i,,- e, on a l..'i..r;' -a a I J. .It a. .lollll il. I.l' oi, la ..'i-t. a'. NOT !CK ru; I I l.I.IC.VI'K'N. ' I .in I nil' i i i.' ... .a l it;, i n . A i: a '.'a I . i ;. ; N'.'ir.. is h; ;n a taa; r.,a.o. , i.l- inn ,( ;,-r I. !,..-( a. ; a . i a; , mi, ai ..n ( to; tin; I ; ii .a in - n,a"at 1 t in- ela an, a:n! ; i.a: -.ini i on.! n al I,.- in..... i- tor.- i!.e i;, ..... i- ati'l li. ,-fiv I . S. I :. ii. I i a..'.' at . i n .a;. mi ny ( ,,- ,n on i ..a ., '.. i, I I: lolai r. li.i. A I . No. a j J inc ii ii', of n w '., S i'li 1 tl 1 ,S e 11 ,.i. lie ic in. - I in- foil .u oa' i ;l i.l--. lo i. I'.oi-la- i''ailao:..ns f.-i I. ,, noon an! i-niliia-a i i . 'O'' !'...'' a., i L ,..'. -!i ".,.;', V, 1 1 -a,., :-'.a il. i .a'. . . '. . W. ' a , ail ol t 'a i . I ' ei. - ii a . i i.i.ii ' i i a 'a .a, ' -,.iJ-oi Ma li. ; I a; i' ',. . 1 1 i a;;, m-id-t. r. ' NO'iir;: i:n;i.j! -vriiiv. I.allil illii.'i' nl 'I he I'aM. -, l a'.. ci. !'. I '!. .Solii'e i- la-iel.,, tiv.-li liait tin- . .1 Io ,'. I il'i mi mo. I Miller I in.-, liie. I hut ae ol i, is intent inn In mala. (! r III sti.,ii.'i ol l,i-i cialni, ana said jnonl' Mill he naine lieliire Hie I J-'i -l 'I- II mi Keeelver I'. S. lalal oiee lit Tlie luilli'N i n'., on .Moinlay ...v i'-.i).i, viz: Marion F. I.n;-. ; fid No. I. m". (or tin- v 'j ii iv ! i mi. I w J.j s w ; i i'"' - Ti I li r I' c iv in. I le names t in' foilowhii; v. 'nfiv lo prove l:is i on! aiuoii:, iviacii me ti poll uinl en 1 1 i i u nnii (! .-atil lioni ii.: ( 'a.iile.i .. Morse, Mi.i'si-. Wili lia.nil, Aiislin 1- I'lielps, nil nl iio(.l iii er ( a '.aai. oelllnvlil .IcilN V, I.KWIS, I'ctflsler. ; NOTICE FOR l'l.RLICATiON. laiml O.'lice at V.-incniivcr Wn.sli. Del, 7, li.'l. ;'.ol id' is liereliy ullell tllllt till' lolloHlllH-' llllllll'l K'tt ll'l's iin e iilcl in, I it-- ol Ih. ir In-' ten I ion to ninl'.c linal prnol in iiii(iil nl' I heir ; claim iiinl that sahl ii'oot' M ill l.e iinnle he- j lore V. It. Duiihar I '(iiiiiiiissioner I', ."s. ( ii-i ciiit ( Oiirt for Jiislrlci ol wnsi i ) nti n nl i inl-; (iciiilaic wa.-liinxtonoii Novcmhi'i' is, );sii;i viz: I Cicoivrt (iii'hiii, J Jlomesti'iirl A ppili'iitlnn Nii.i,2:i lor the v nl'n c 'i li ' 'i 'l s (.e, iiinl n ei., (il'ni.;.j Mi.'! 'il '1 p j n r li will incr. ; JIo unities the IoIIom ii i; lo pro'. c his ('until, lions residence upon utid ctiliiviilliiii i of sithj liuiil, viz: Ncisnn Aiiihm'soh. lici'iniin ' Hcrlsciii, Allien Hcrtschl, nil of I I'. ( Wiishinloii, 1 'i link siIiiim', of ilen n o' nl '.(). i Viisliin;toii. j (Jeortfi" (ieiliiliK. i I'tirrhnse Ap licntinli No. 17!) under sec I forfeiture net s-cpl Z !s!H) l) I t-n 8ec ifii , 'J'i.') Ii rll'i'iisl will iner. lie nun ins I lie lollowin.; wll iicsscm to pnive j his continuous' claim lo an, I cull jvnl ion of! Mii( liiini viz: Nelson Andersnn, llel'aain j llerisclii, Alhert. iicrtM'hi, nil of I'uidn I', I). WiishiiiKiiMi; l-'mtik .Shun, of GlemvooU 1'. (). i asiiinani. (a-lli-HVlT JlllI.N J). liKOUlleiiAll. lll'lMll'l- NOTICE I'OR PUBLICATION. I.iilidOdicc at. Viiiicnuvcr wiisii. Kept. :XI, WM. Nutlet' Is lii'i'i liy nivcn 1 inn tlie follou ln" naiiieil setller litis Hied notice of her intention to iuiilic commit hi inn tinitl jiroof in sii j pf irl of her claim, and Hint i-uid (.roof M ill lie imtdc hefnrc the Ueirisa r iital lieeeiver 1'. h. l.nnd Oliicc ul Vancouver Mash, on Novcmhcr l.i, li:i, viz: Alice M. Wordsworth. U K. i!."!l for tlie M' ) s w '.; sec. I.! iiml n n iv ;,, -"c 1 T ti r ll'c w in. Sue names loe folio-.', iter M itnesscs to prove her conl iiituiiis residence iu.nn iiinl culltvu ion of, said land, viz: Waller l.ales, liaelmel Uowliums, liiirry sihimk, Wiliiiuu Kiiicaid, all of White Kaliiioii Wnsli. n;llispl2 John I). (iKonuiii.AX, liefjlsler. S4. Id'M I FUEKITUEE AKD ALL KIWrG OF BUILDING KTATI.niAL. 1 ! Paper, Faints, Oils etc. A l.'iy i :,ti;')!y t)f, .UKi , ::,: to e.t.dl C.'!y.Lh-,.toii licpiiil (.ubh;. .".nl l!uU,tI Ir.i'ls. Prepared (. lurnlsh ul oiiee, a Ilia e!a- - 'l . Huh , a! . a ii cheap Krado Ini! I c.i ' and ' ' i.-.'ial ir;i v i ! . . ' . f , it .io!'.iu:i:.: and Corner of Socond i i : .in: vn ; Acorn and Charier Oal: Stove:", ittnl I .'... 1 (.'mis Amninuili 'ii and Stmr!i:rr i''. I ron, Coal, PilaeU'-in ;i ii Supplies, NVaiioiiiiiakcr's M.Uei inl, i:i' cr Pi e, Plillips anil Ppipe, Plumbing Mi plies. That thi'.ly days '' i:s leu;' rs c cm: , i, .,('.: .m-.!, and would ii speel fully ic.pli -I patrons to ; ivern lie in-., lies,n,;!'. 6y yJ s- '-b dUduwiDli Proccrp.;l'?.:iic ;::.d ' f rrr,!'.! v f!ie)ir.n:rHn DRUGS, GilGHICALS A II D IluDICIHES. YOURS FOR HOOD !;;'. .::?. Ti'Tn TTTT r T A i ' '" f ' r ' TuTl iob a wmmi mm. DZALER3 liP r fS S . 1 - CslMlVi wM.WV. Bracislc iv T" rs "I " I - s-s, r - J- - 1 'JtiJ'j 4'-i vv si SM m Mut MiM (i.N s:jii;:i I'le-ii'l III. iw -at m -i .s. i i n s . s. ' 1 ('"N .Tl I ,-r",',l IN I M "'1 ;..-( -s.i fmfm MkU llUc'Irt V,.a s-, l,a X-J N 1 - .a. i-. 'w' viu aim sv hm y Have on hand :i full supply of i '. " '. ' , ii.; lo and I ).'uati;a:ila! trees; gr;p vines, .small fruits, 1! i.-os an. I Slirulib-rv. lie sure to j-ct our priivs bol'iir" jiui'eiiaf-iuo ia:-c hen-. Retiifinbrr our I rccs are k'l'nvt 11 -l rit-t ly withmil ii'i'i;:.'ilion. THE DALLES. OSEGOIJ 1'. II. Stanton. Local Attenf. HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE Choicest Heats, Haia, Bacoa, lard, Game, Po-aitry, Also Dealers in VEGETABLES A?JD FROSTS. Corner of Oak and Fourth Streets, A. S. DENNETT. A'ironxi'iY-Ar-LA ir. oi'l'irK INsii .AXNO'si:rii,iiN(;c(iiXK!i OF (,'Ol'il'l'AX I) SKCDXI) H'l llKKT, Tilt' llnlli'H, ifcu'im. !'0!i S.VLH. Six lots in Waiutonia, 481) hitch in Skamania county, and several farms in the valley. J. II. CUADl.liUAl'dlf. I! IN ' ' .. ... . . ; j ' i -' it ' , i;r.r.Mi.i:t:s 1 n "uiI umI !;tru :s. ", ;' '. "' Wi. n.l.s. Ctrr l!,..l. ... S. t . S - ml. M..HU .. M Mi k aw Cain 1. oiy 1;rici:!'iiriil liii;leiiieiit i.ii ! M.n l.i'i"' i . TAILED WIIIE. , , 1 --. S . A..f .i.U S4.i.4.inW Tsrnlnss. " - " "' f-. . j . ,..s --. - rv ;.. v-i u. wv .i-L- m -,' Si,,;i'K II. r. n if: :'(( I'. lii-y. .... 0(,il liver, Oregon. JOHN il. CRADLEBAUGH. -VI'I'iHiNKV AT LAW, rrm-llces In nil Hi" coiiriii of Oregon and Vnhiii2(.on. Sieci;;l iiiieniion given to oon. veyimelne. (il.jW'iKjioi.'ii'i,; JIO(H) RIVKR OIIEOON ViWl SAI.K. House mid lot in Hood River. An i!.y to a. s. Ruiwuhh.