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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1893)
3Cood Pjver Slacicr. liooh itivr;i!,oit. .ii i-v i'., iva nil; muls. 'Hi" mull ii hi v , .H I, 'n. i 1 1 nt II elm II A. M, 'r,: , Mll, HiiIuiiIiivm; il.-. (mil i'ii. mi,,,, ,(.. ,,,,,, I m t in nm, , II,, r , a( h ,M, m i lvr nt I . M lll III . 1 : . ,. l-'..r Wlill. sli,, ,, ,.vk il.illv nl H A, M. 1 1 I V r i ul iiiii- n't , v ' t t wiiH,. sill,,,,,,, i,.M,r,,r 1 1 t r . ;n ""''. I I I iiln- mi. I l i 1 1 ' 1 1 w I A t I 1 1 x. i:itii:r i.ot u. .1iani;i:s. I'rruli I'Miiilii'ii n i'i l v. .1 i-vrry l:iy Si I MIiiiIiiiii'h, III A fn!l line of hnj'j;y wiiMhei'rt al ie liariichn hlinii. f 'I'hel.i III M. 11 camp IlleellllK Ml rioiil lake In Aili'int. II. lllelt' t : 1 1 1 1 . 1- a' 'rnwell'M, fli'hll, nweel, yellow ami haul. I. K. llnlwuv Iuim a lot of lour, aii'l live weekn old pi;-., ,,r Mile. A full line of hIm lui ' 1 1 ImI 1 1 1 .. leal her at I he harnos hleip. ( 'ill load of Cm hi. llal lior lime Ju-t received ut S. I i. lial lmi hm Mi"H I ,o 11, e The I lalliM, UvlHillll Minx Maiy I l;iier, III the Vlilli V. We have ii vi ml farm and niiall tracU for Hair. ( nil and c,ct pricex. Sliekv 1 1 V pnpi r 'ill cenlH pel- hoX of K'i doliole hIh i'Ih, at the illlli; hti'ic, UeV. , I I, Sllli'lille and wife, i f The Italic-, Wi le ff Wcdliexil.iy. Wax hIiIi.j"i, lin I'lilix, Hew Htoe, pre-ei vim,- ki lt l. i and evcrylliin;; clr-c at T. r. Iiallat.' The hand linx liavo cum hided to keep I he hand l-'j-rtlei' and all) ilae I Icili evi l y 1 1 U. The hachali chili ol(,Miliied Salur I;iV . 1 1 1 11;' and U.ll miiiII liaf -nl I ali;;ed fur pi ad ice. Partlcx mil in;.' in eri-ini for Sun (lan' w ill nli a-.-lra e ni di ll Situi'dat Willi W. C St ran 'hall. l-'inhilll' kll, C, h laclJe ilichldili;r puli ", ha-i Ily and liy Im .okn, at Sliati.i- Ji.'iIi'h, at I'm I land :i I' 1 The hi t !. nlde of Purl Ian liah.ui'n al Pol of ll!lill': l.lekli , call he fi'lllid at (hi-r.i- and pli' i T. (', Halla-i hax jll-.t received a liln hloek of eiM'k !'iM'-, i:i!i;'r ;l nd kitele n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 nit-. I all and m i- ihcui. Mr. and Mr. I , P. u l uichx arri veil -day 1 n i 1 ciuiiini: .Nuitlii-in Pacific. from I in 1, I inn to Pol I land no r lie You can vi-it lh" for j 1 1 t one half I he I1III1 li.i-lh;; tii l.i I-. 11 world's f.iii' now . I'V n t'iilar ra'.c-, ,er the I liiuli CI lie. Tie- ( 'olmnhia i .'!' fn l ahovc low al. r lieu k al ! In- ( 'a-i-iiIch, hut it is thonuht work can ho pu-ccn!ed l' U,Us )-t. I r. Prosju-i ealle.l to ( hi lio- uiih, I lnn-'la 1 vciiiinr. Mr- Coo!- of thai place havin;.; i ll! Ins left loot hadly w illi an ax. t'ollllly colli I will Hot llleel au'aill until Scjiteinhcr, and the disiriel conn will lake a ret tin: it tin.1 I'uM Monday in Novcmlicr. Mr F. A. P. 11 1 mess, (if Portland, Maine, after a hin t iil to Mr. innl Ml. I lair. son and other relatives here, l fi lor home Wednesday. Dr. O. ('. IhiHMer ,.f 'I'he Dalles, w ho lias heeli veiling relatives in the nt foi'scM-ial mouths, arrived home Willi his family Saturday last. The Watson's have heeii surveying the ground l etwccu aiieoma and the railroad track, and among nlhi r things Jiae laid out a grade up the hill. Cordwood in a limited amount will lie accepted at this olllce in payment tortile paper. II you ncsiic 10 laae iiilvaiitiigc of this oiler, don't wail un til snow lia s. Services at (lie ( 'engregatioiial cliurch will he held tomorrow iimniing at II o'clock hy P. (I. McKinie, and at s o'clock in the evening hy KeV. '1'. F. ,'lap of Portland. I nscct ieides fir fruit pesls and etc.; Poliilou Purple, I'ai is iiecn, I. X. I.., Whale oil snap, powered hellchore, Persian insect powder etc., at Ihe J loot I Kivcr Pliarmacy. Mr. F. C JniieMittcmpteil to make the trip to Post Pake Saturday and got as far as Laurel creek. He reports the Miiiw as at least three feet deep lilid almost iiiipassahle. K. I'!. Parlmess desires to announce that hereafter he will sell for cash only, innl nl. a reduction of from live to ten Her cent, and will guarantee prices to j suit the times. 'all ami see. j Mr. ('. . Ui'lierls and family came ! tii from Portland I limsilay and went ; out lo I Heir place oca. im. n. . nm river. Their daughter Maggie who is livin" in Pendleton, met llieni here, nud will remain through the Hummer. 1 TI... e..l,l wciither has made the sea side tired so tar tins yeas, people pic- i'.,i-i-iii.' to Inii 1 1 tt'ir liivsH ics instead in !;:;";;,; ii;. U,,cl,. U liny ny knew It however, there would he n rush for th'w section where the weather , is ahviivson its good hehavior, and the i trip to Mt. 1 lood just now is at its hest. a ZXZ I IhiHt to ! ho turne.1 into Hood river. ; .,1. . 1 .....I ..nt, f-ttili Imve liewitated I lie 1011 i.... fc"" ; . ' 1 longahoiit prosecuting anyone 0111, mo chances are the law will lie tested un less a change is made, for the hotter. a ti-iii'ii to t he wise ought to he uf- lleioiit. i Mrs 0. C Uarlmess Dead. A telegram Thursday morning an - nouiieeiUhe death of Mrs. Barlmoss, at her home in Indiana that morning. She was quito well Known neie, nav - ing lived hero nearly a year, and loaves many friends to mourn her loss. The cause of her death was cancer of tho Hloniaeh, whieh developed on her return to Iinliinui last 1'all. '"von sale. A 4 spring J5 m'aleil mountain hack; A. B. Uloweru & Co. I Mil., I Illy I'nllii.r. I',. V. Wlllielm icmIiIiiik im lower I'll'li en Mil' creek huh I h nl' The IihIIi-m, ' wiin kllleil liy It Im hhii J leriiiiinii. nl IiIh I holili' I'lliliiy I'VclilllK. KeeeiiHi'il wim ii m eniH, ,,... or vioie.,1 lemiier, Hi innl nihi mi nek iiiH hi.h'h wire, iier- !:,T .7 '."".'"j w"': lllllllly they pot, llilo ii lieht. Alli'C I liU I he olil man yol. liiw hIioI, (run ami Ihlenleiieil to kill Hie whole I'lilnll.y, liinl III ilcl'c Mililifr IlilliMcU' the Hull nt ruck lli" liilhei mi th" with u elnli, killing him Innluiilly. A pre- i liiiiimiiv e , 11 ii 1 1 ii :i I inn at Tlie llallcM, S.iiiinlay, 1. Miilhil in the mhi'h nnpiU lal. ; IIOItN. III Hood Itiver Valley, Sat iinlny Inly H, in Mr. and Mr. Arthur Iin- '' irow, adauehler, i I ' liti racillc I'lirllirr Itciluri-H the rail's. To Chleat'ii .'i.l.lHI lii-..; St. I.oiii- :; lir-l ela-.-; I tmaliu, Kiuian 1 ity, Sioux city and SI. .Iiweph .S'l'HHI li 1 nt die s. Haii h em rcHpoiidiuly re-iliiei-ilt i nil cicdi in poinlH. CoiihiiII I ' ni' ill 1'neiiie iijm hefure pincha-ini; 11 1 ii I vmi w ill he convinced that Ihe old Ovei land U I he clicapi I and iplii'lvi -I 1'ililc to take. ( !i.iri:'i Willi llnr-e t n I i tt r I '.',( ioMiuaii wii" liioiii'lil no from Pnrllaii. I Saturday hy ( 'oiiHtahli' ( )lin-: cer, chiiii'i-d with HlcaliiiK Imr-CH from j the ll.ihnl.H. liuMiiall clailim lie hou;.',ht the ImrwK ho, hy him to : Kocrt and other, of the IndlaiiH, hut i heinn hruiiiiht licfuie .IuhI ice Henry lie I waived examination and in delatllt of j ; hail Wiih placed In Jail al The I Inline, j lo aw. lit the aetioii of lie (.'land jury. (inllitt Institute. The Wii-i'ii C ity Institute will hc ln Id hi re, l"vitiiiiii:' .Inly .'111 mid In. Mill" ii'ild Aut'li-I Slh ilu'lu-ive. 'I 'lii-re will le two cIm"ch, I'lofo-sois .l.ihn ir'.vlu of The I 'alien. Aaron I 'r.i , r of Initur, ( '. I., (iilheit and P. A. .-n ih r of 1 1 1 Pivcr, and P. P. I'n- dcrwoo't of llo.Vil, Me Hie ill'-trtlctols. 1 1 has lin 'i il' h nuilieil lo hold twit c1.ii-n i i 1 1 1 11 1 ! a u e 1 1 11 - I y , eiiiliraein ccry day each one of the leu htudics ie!nliril of 1 1 : 11 1 1 1 r-t in e.Mimiuatiou. I'.y 1 a 1 u i u a 1 1 1 1 1 of the program it w ill I rn that any six of the ten Htudiis i'. ill hi' I.. I. i ll al one course. It is ex pcclid that cadi h aclicr w ill M-kct -111-I1 a i-'iui'-i- ie. I .-t vuils their wants, and l.i' p to that t lii'oU'.'llollt. A Llca' di al of time and money is pi Ul oil I In -'- i 11! il Ules fur 1 he sake of t In- teacher, audit is earnestly Imped, lliiit all wiil attend. Kclnelnher the law 1 ci j 11 1 iv- vmi to at 'end at Ieat two . ! : 1 x -; and oil cannot jm - il ily keep up 1 w i;h lie- M-hool Work in Ihe county mi-i-.s miii do alleiid. timid hoard and I I skin;; can he had at not to exceed d : per, lay. Any that wih to camp wilP have a ei'liliiioiliou- .lace furnished to Ii teh their tents free of cost. The 1 1 'I 'i'i' !'' 'llt' ll' raihoad i:i 1 no, hy hoat 7'. cents. An c.cuisioii will he planned fur Saturday, Aug- .ilh. I liter. -sting lee elci. s will Lie I i s and general I evel'al : CVellin;,'s. hook- , i, hung your text nooiis, ami ncip make it a grand success. I.AII.V I'laiiiUAM I IlisT ( I. ASH. !Mot:ll Opening exercises. 11:10 t. 10. Al.-ntal Arilhmctic, I'rol. ( ; ,,vjti lti:l() to II. Spelling, Prof, (iilhert. 11:10. to J. Written Arithmetic, Prof. Fmlerwood, 1 :.".o to L':Ki. (icncral discussion. l':l ". to "J:. "ill. Math-( ieography, I'rol. J (iavin. : D:'i"i to a:ln. Adv. (irainmar, l'rof. I-'ra'.ef. : .";l"i to pi'.O. IJeading, I'rol. ruder- : Woo. 1. ! SMII.VH CLASS. j '.i:10 to In. History, l'rof. Fra.ier. ! 10:10 to 11. Language work, l'rof. I Snyder. 11:10 to li.'. l'hysiollifry, l'rof. (Iavin. j U : 1 .- o i!;."i0. Writing, l'rof. (iilhert.! !:-Vi to ;;:!(. ( ieography, I'rol'. Snyder, j ;;:l"i to I ::(. Theory, l'rof. (iilhert. 'IV n minutes hel ween each recitation I il( ,(, 111(,mj, l, ,,mi Vl. minutes in the j afternoon. I S;lV(, l)lis for fliuro reference.) Yours very truly, TliOY SlIKI.l.Y. "World's l air Ira e'en Will Have 11." 'i-i,t. mil.lU- .'ennui I through service . ,. . ,, ,. , . . 4 . .It.sol. -lash.oi.ed to, ; change cars. On the through solid j ( Stranahan has opened his1 vestihule trains of the Chicago, Union ; Ktan.l on Oak stivi't, and will keep a! i,.tl.ilU. , 'rti, western Line, from 'stock of line candies, fruits and cigars; , iutermcdiate ! a .luriK tho " ; .I," is This is the XcU So" In.ost and lastest road. Roiilcncn Hiirucd. ! I). K. Ordway's residence on the east, side, caught tiro Saturday night and was totally destroyed, lie nian-j rigid to save most of the household 1.:... 1... ; filets. inoios an tans uu mm, 1 lmvini; n i uhu r-iiu-o. X0TICE. T,i(i ,m0ting of tho stock- , h()1(U1.s of Vwv c,vek Water Co. will w UM at ,R Smith sl-hool house, in I , . . Y.lllo.. 'aseo County, j () Saturday July '2 at 2 o'clock p. m. for the elect ion of ollieers and the transaction of such other husiness as ma v nroiici'ly come he fore it. J 1 T. K. Wiekcus, V. .1. Canuibell. 1'ivs. .see. DiomiihI. i l-'nlliiy nfli-mooH til.oiit L';.'!0, Jtoliert j it . I I ..... i M I M..,. I I.' I be 'I ycnr ni hoii of Mr, hidI Mi'm. .1. I'' A rmor fell In tin- unrlritf iienr tlielrl ' lilnec mil wiim lroWliei. lie Innl . . . - . . - , A. 1- All n lie,,, y , ivo, ii,,. iiouhc r,,r ,i lew ! Has ;just boon platted and is no w placed on tho market. All lots are iniiiuicH wIh-ii i. in inoiher ""-! reached by tho pipes of tho Hydrant Company. If you want to build a i;'MHy 't.'houso for a homo or to rent, buy in SOUTH WAUCOMA. It is tho I (mill).' Ill Hie Hpl'l win' IoiiihI liilll w . ,, .. m . , Ivllitf I'.irii ilo Ii wiil'il III the i-ilj;'- o' finest residence property in tho city. Terms to suit tho buyer. 1 tlie water. 'll UiinvU Was hleilily; H,C COEe HI 1 1 1 1 Ii 1 1 1 1 -' I , every elloil, lo I'cxliHciliite ( him ln-lnn miuli- in t he meanwhile, Iml. " . wil hoill, avail. The little hody was hlirieil III Iillewil'lc eeinetery Hatur- lay, Ihe funeral Uinn attleiKled l.y a liuj-e niiinher of Ii ieinln of th : family. ('HllllV Cllillt. I'he I'ollowiiiK I'illM "I' Ho"'. Itiver j ojdc, n-i; allowed hy the (oiinly coinini.sKioncirt IumI, week: , Knox ?!0 .'!." ieo W Winhai l I I'l David Winliarl I ' Ii K '... per I fii, lieo I'clklliH... Prank Ki-Ih..., T A ( 'minor... I. I'raiici--cii.... Win l-Mick II M Tumliii- J i;u 1 ii'i 1 no -j. 10 'J. 10 J. in I, Il. nry Pi "0 (' P od.-ll JamcM Wir-hai t P II lliiituii L'-i HO 1 .-,11 7 (Ml S M Itald win 1!MHI 'hii Odhmari 17 y P A Cox. 17 LIU Il IHI lin im li (III !l I.'.'. L' U :; im 1:1 on 1' III) j. ou : no 2 on 1: im no s V- Itartmc-'H.... P Ni h-oii L Henry K S Olini-r IlliH llethliuili. 'OH Pin ( I. (iilhelt.... W M Murphy. I) Ii ( 'onjier.... .1 I) I liver- W II P.diek.. . N .-inilh II 'I'linliiiMiii. ll.ivnes' Sjiiir Hems. Havm.s' Sim h, July 1J, iMi::. iifiiioi: ( 11. ii: Mr. John I inveiiport h;is moved into the hou-e formerly occupied hy Andy Kind, ,'iinl will inn the hoard- 1 i Jt house. 'I he t :( pill I,Ulllher 'o.'s IK w planer has arrived and is a line machine; it is h u le l.y Fay A- 'n., and w ill will dress a piece lix 1 I on four sides. Mr. Hcii-'y Pusw iek our tie iuspce- n,-s. J Ie takes pleasure in refcrr'nijj; to tor, received a telegram to report nl Mr. A. S. Plowi is, (who for years was ., . , , , , 1 1 I.,-, eoiintv commissioner in Minnesota,) Omaha as hh as ooss h le, and a lt . ,- , .11 . 1. ' and for whom he did county work us Sunday night. 'county surveyor, as to liis ahility. Seveiiil of the hos at this nlace have Patties writing me at Hood will re mit yet got over their lime the -Ith of c-ivc prompt attention. .Inly. 1 heir 'irls lalKcil loo swcel lo them. The steamer Inland Fmpiri! lies aho'.it a (iiartc of a mile helow hi re l;if fu r water. Pi.roin l it. Oat of Siglil. Th,' traviliug puhlie arc now full ! lliv. ,lu.-.1(.. ,Hat the ( 'hicago.Fliioli ; lWil-u, lltl, Northwestern lint' oilers Itl,,. -,. iv hci acconinioilations to the iiiihlie from and lo Chicago, Omaha I ' . mti i-mi-iiiate liuints. lint olllv (l'.l- 1 Wl.(ps ,-.,iri 1(Ut un t10 'around. 1 1 I'OIt S.V1.K. year Farm on White Salmon one mile from the Columhia, I I acres cleared line spring, and water for irrigation. Apply at thU olllce. NOTICE. There will he a meeting of the stock- holders of the East Fork Irrigating ' Co., al the odcll school house, Satur- day evening July loth at li o'clock for: the purpose of levying an assessment, Ill-iking arrangements for work on the ditch and selling stock. J. A. Knox, President. Two Snass. Will sell for 0 cents on the dollar, i the finest sheep ranch on the Pacific coast. Will range naturally fenced, ; sulllcient for 50,000 sheep. Can ar range lor cutting -oil tons of hay if tie-' sired, convenient to market, no hiiihf, ! AlsooO acres of land V: miles from the ; town of Hood River at per acre;! level and easily suhihied. For partie-j ulars apply at this office or to W. P. j , Watson. 1 lood Itiver Or. A good set of single harness, hand made, from $15. to $20. j Team lines $2.50 to $3. j Full line of buggy! washers in sstock. ! Poston Team Collars, per pair $5 ot) lj Halters -Xl 00 Feather Hone Whips ..oOets. E. D. CALKINS, Hood Kivcr, Or. 522?v A. "..'! If you have property to hcII, IIhI it wil h il.-. We have eoneliideil to han- (lie ail I lie 1 loon river properly weean and are prepared lo (In ho oil the very Miiallchl, living commiM'iloiiH. We an; ho Kit uated an lo eidily reach all (iohhI hle iUieiliel. (iivelH a liil (if Ihe properly you dcMire In wil and we will do the rent, ( all and M-e im at tin, (i A ll-.H olliec. T. C. DALLAS. - liKAI.KIt IN - Stoves and tin ware, kitchen fur niture, pruning tool3 and plumb ers goods of all kinds. II' pail iii'' oft in wari- u -jH-i'liilty. W. H. WILSON. A T'iOl: S l '.Y A T t.A W. AND ...I, NKW VOT lU.OCK, Tin; jiM.i.i.s, oiiiiii'iN. li'm.'-t- In ii 1: i'i .i.m;i;i;, Attorney s-at-Law, Chapman Clock, over Postoffice I MIC l AI.I.KH (ikKi.nN. JUST RECEIVED. A hew stock of I. adies' 11ml iellts' WATCHES. K! U.F.I) AND SILVKIt CASFS, CHAINS, 'IIAKMS, I'. TC M'WIAL attention (riven to cleiin inland repairiny; watches. J. II . FERGUSON, Hood River. - - - - Oregon. The undi-rsiu'iied heint; located near Hood lliver, wishes to inform part it's who may lie de.-irous of having sur vcyini: done, that lie is a jiiactical surveyor of many years experience, and that work entrusted to him will he k iToimed with disiiateh and correct- Dated Hood Hiver April (ith. PSid. LOST. A gold ringlet with two ruhics nnd two opals, in a small case, hetween Tucker's mill and the depot. Finder will he rewarded hy returning, the same to I his olliec. Land Locator. l-'.vcry hody wants land in Hood Piver Valley." I have some very de sirable tracts of good land 011 my list for homesteads and t i inhered claims, with ruini'.og water 0:1 j them. lean locate several stockmen advantageously. Do not fail to see i meal H 1 River Falls or address me! at Hood Kivcr, Wasco County, Oregon, W. HoSS WlN ANS, Locator. j.M. Huntington &Co. l.U Second Stnvt The Dalles Or. Reai Estate, Loan & Insurance AGENTS, K ,iits ,.,,,.,.,,.,, lllu, vtM for non- j,iM,S. t.und paiei'.;iif all kinds prepared on short .notice. Abstracts of Titles a Specialty. A.s. r.i.owicus W.M.Yaths. A. S, BLOWERS k GO. DEALERS IN Dry Ooods, (iroceries. Hats, Caps, Roots and shoes; Flour, Feed etc. Country Produce P.ought and Sold. AGENCY FOR rflBRADLEY&METCALFCOi t3 I I IJ CtLEOKAl tO f y B00TS&SHOES " ESTABLISHED 1843 tUAJ!fl .1 i'-i 1 -r- THE BIGGEST BOOT IN THE. WURUB TRADE MARK COPYRIGHTtf LANGILLE HOUSE. HOOD 1UVHK, OREGON. Commercial Men and Tourist's Headquarters. The Cloud Cap Wayside Stages leave the house daily 1. lv lor l 1UUU ill'l . . n .....,.. , a specialty. Rates $2. Per Day. W. A. LANGILLE, . - Proprietor- DEALER IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, STATIONERY, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, BLANK-BOOKS, SCHOOL SUPPLIES, BOOKS, PERIODICALS, NOTIONS, CANDIES AND TOBACCO. The Prather, Building,Second &0ak Sts. The finest mountain resort in Amoricn; situated at th? snowline on Mt. Jlood facing the liliot glacier, 7,0ih feet the sea. Will be opened Jul v 1st. Kate f.'J.oO tier dav, ."(UK) per week. For information write to, WILL LANfJILLK, HOOD RIVER, OR, THE DALLES MERCANTILE CO. THE DALLES 0KEG0X. DEALERS IN iy. Grain In carload lots, or retail at the very lowest market rates deliver ed anywhere in the city or at the depot free of charge. Mailorders solicited ami promptly filled. NO. 392 to 394 SECOND STREET. THE NKW TOWN lias boon platted on the ol.l camp Rrtiuiul, at the Forks and Fulls of 11. river, with Uirgv slsrhtly lots, j ......... . .... .....I .M..'u nitrp 1 water and simile in profusion, jier- feet drainase.deliahtliiiin.Hintain ell -, me et-iuiii. iiniiuin'ii a mountain summer resort and for all Oregon, tieinsf the nearest town to Mt. Hood. It is also unparalleled nsa initnufaelurini; center, bini( the natural .-enter for 1.10 siiuare miles of the hest cedar and lir TIMI1EK, possesslii!.' millions of horse pow er in its dashini: stream and waterfalls easilv hnrnessed. Where cheap motive iiou',-1- exists, there the inanuliu-turies will ecnter, surr.miHkd by soil unit ell-1 mate that cannot heexeellea nnywliere for fruit and agriculture, and with transportation already assured you will tind this the place to miike a perfect home or a paying invest ment. TITLE PERFECT. See me c n the ground, or adress me at Hood River, Wascc Co., Or. it nnon u 18. 1 B. R. TUCKER, PPiifRIETOB OF LUMBER OF ALL KINDS. MANUFACTURER OF FRUIT BOXES. HOOD RIVER, OR. ALSO PEAKH IX DRY "GOODS, STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY ETC. Terms Strictly Cash, AND AT Prices never before heart! of in Hood River. iOJ B1VER ML ana M; T. H. EMERSON. All Around Painter. KALS0MINING, PAPER HANGING AND DECORATING. Trices reasonable and satisfaction guaraa i teed, j IJOOD RIVER, - - - OREGON. m ON SALE TO AT 1T-1 PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST. NORTH and SOUTH KAST BOUND FROM HOOD KIVKR Xo. 8. So. 2, Express leaves at Mail " 1 l:5f A. M. 10:I P. M. WEST BOUND FROM rTOOD KIVKR. Xo. 7, Express leaves at 5;: P. M. No. 1. Mail " JdS A. M THUOGII SLEEFERS RECLINING CHAIR CAIiS AND DINERS. Slenmers from l'ortland lo Sua Francisco, every 4 days. For rales and general information null on DEI'OT TICKET AGENT. V. II. HU ULI'.rilT. Asst. flen. Tuss. Agt. 251 Washi.lsjton St.. l'o -thmd Oreaon. CAVEATS. TRADE MARK. DESICN PATENTS, COPVR1CHTS. etc. For Information and free Handbook write to MUNN & CO.. 8f.l Bhoadwat, New York. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Every patent taken out by us la brought before the public by a notice given free of charge In tha tanrest circulation of any scientific paper ta tns world. Bulendiaiy illuBtrateil. No Intelligent lan , ibo.Kd I be wltbout, It. Weekly. 3.00 vear- fl.flOsI-: months. Address JlllNN & CO Vuiii-a--" til Hwtaw ujr, iiew Yurk City. , mm '1 A Scientific American k Agency fo E'v'A.f TRADE MARK, 1 DESICN PATENTS, I J new. "... 1 -.... ft' 1 .i :AL.?-tr-