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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1893)
That Peculiar ft n n Lightness and Flavor Noticed in the finest bfscuit, rolls, cake, is due to the absolute purity and the curate combination of the ingredients ot the Royal Baking Powder. The best things in cookery are al ways made and can be made only with the Royal Bakinc. Powder. Hence its use is universal in the most celebrated restaurants, in the homes of the people, wherever delicious, wholesome food is appreciated. Its sale equals that of all others etc., ac- IR0YAL55V!J . MM S'i $ : n combined. Aade with the pure acid of the grape. 9 . 0 v'fafafafafa fa fa fa fa fa fa Vv fa Vs v ' s ' x s ' ' ' Whnt IMil Tliry llt'urf A few yoitrn,i? I wns assist ,-tnt janitor of n laro insm-utu'c buHiling near oll Trinity. Now York. Tlu hoiul janitor's family lived in OrtvnviUo, N. J. I to wont 'homo ovory Satuv.lay niiilit . Tim elevator man tiny brother! and I took turns in wati-hiut; tho build intf Sundays. The janitor had an old friend who was it pantryman on one of thoOM Dominion Meinuships. llo called one Friday, but tho janitor was out. llowiisilisappouit ed iuvnuso tho mourner ho worked on l.iiled tho next day Sat unlay!, ami ho tol.l mo thoro was a storm brewing mul ho was afraid of a roii;;h jiass!t;;o. Sunday morning 1 got my breakfast, wont out ami (tot a paper aiul thou wont down into tho ongino room in tho baso nmnt. I sat thoro talking to tho fireman perhaps 15 or CO minutes. All this time tho front iron doors wore locked and tho kev in mv nockot. At onoo wo hoard tho tront iionranove tlmnvn violently owu. and it (teemed as if a hundrod people oamo rushing in on tho main omeo tloor. 1 ho hroman jntnpiM mi and oxo annod. "I- rank, what mo di-vil is that?" 1 listonod ft momnit and somebody mi stairs screamed: "My Hod! My Hod! Wo aro lost! W o aro lost: Wo woro both !rottv well fright ono. I but wo rushed upstairs and found eveiy- thing as quiet as tho gravo, not n soul in siL'ht and tho front doors looked as 1 ha.l lffr thorn. Tim n,t mornimr whon I UHkod in tho nanor what should 1 soo on tho first nairo but nn nooouut of n shinwnvk, and it was tho very satno ship that tho poor pantryman did not wish to sail on tin Saturdav boforo. Ilis namo was among tho lost." Now oan an v ono explain what it was I hoard that Sunday 1 or. M'w York Rooorder. lKt'HKIl.Y NIIAKV. A ti-mnlilliiir liinul. nil HMoertiilll toi, (tilnoll- Ilex, lililli'Hliil lv ri".lW' "litllOm Ivom ln VlHi e or i'ixumo le Hiiollicr, UHimlly imiul nn ihimou'O ill unexi'i'fli'il iioihoh, h' HiiioiiK IIh Imili'iUli'iii (( vMri'iiii' him vniiitii'ii. I li""' m'liu trill urn. Iltt tin' lii'iillli o( mi'li mul welin'ii In tlil I'niiitiiloii Is " .livl.liillv slink ," Ihilile In lie e i'i I In nil ii IUntnniMV liy rim Ini'li tin' Mkiiioih inlKlil ili'ly. 'I'ii (niiiiy iln' i'i' von". mMi'hi ni'iu-iiil iKnr niiit, iIiihiikIi lln' iiu'ihinn i'i rrnifi'iivil ili:i'".llnii mul it ii ni'iml nl nil llll.ilu il I'ntti'l i'i lri'l'tllK lit IiIkI'I, l'' tnlM'il in ii lii nltlilul ".liiinliiiit. A Kiiiiiiinli'i' "I tlll.1 l-i HuMi' ti-l' K Stiililiu ll llllli'lv, W llli'll li' ..tiil'llit iliKi'-lteii. I'Ui' mvi'i'lliiii mul Hm Imlill el I'i'ih nil n i i'ininiu'iith ivuitliir l"iM. tluis vi-iit'tt tnii Hull I'i'ililN i'iiilluii mul. mi'li N liillii n'.l .v ii liii u el Ui'iiKili mul ni'ivi' tiiiiitiiilliiv. I'nr kiilni'V I'uiiii'liiiti tlii'iiinii tim, lu'iiii luln. mul it I'U'vi'iiilM" el l lie Mii iitlni l" nt-iiil.i'.iii'iil ivtiirii nt iniiliii ml ilis..r ili'is, Hint iiii'ilirliu' i w lllmtlt it 1'i'i'f. Ilil'li'i' dull j tnki' it liu'ithivslill. Kleptomania, which is so often used nowadays as a cloak for respect able stealing, is a form of monoma nia. Dr. Fritehard mentions a typ ical caj-e of a madman who would never eat his food unless he had pre Tiouslv stolen it. The temple of Ypsambul in Nubia is cut from a solid rock, and its en trance is guarded by four statues, each 05 feet high, 25 feet across the Bhoulders, the face 7 feet long, the ears over 3 feet. The total annual loss from insects in the United States is estimated by the best entomological authorities at about $oS0.000,000. A RESCUE THAT COST A LIFE Oil CtilM SClATiCA, SPRAINS, BRUISES, INJURIES, CUTS, ALL ACHES, Se BURNS, WOUNDS, soreness, FROST-BITES. THE LUMBAGO. Sold ty XrujjW3 ani healers Everywhere. SE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO., Baltimore, Ml. gssssssss! S Swift's Specific SA Tested Remedy Par All s s s s s s s s s s Blood and Skin Diseases A reliable cure for Contagious Blood Poison, Inherited Scro fula and Skin Cancer. As a tonic for delicate Women and Children it has no equal. Being purely vegetable, is harm less in its effects. A treatise on Blood and Bkln Dis eases mailed free on application. Druggists Sell It. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. Issssssss s s s s s s s s s s s V Saved the Young Lady, but Mtpprd aud Was Dashed to Pieces. I witnessed a most heroic incident manv rears aero. In 1SC5 two ladies and two gentlemen wont over the Susquehanna river, opposite a small town in Pennsylvania, to a place call ed Peter Steps." To get to Peter Steps, which is on a bluff 150 feet high, you had to go bv a back road. On top of rim stens were two tall pine trees eight feet apart, and to tie a rope to thrt tres and swinsr out over tiio bluff was the object of the party After the gentlemen had been swing ing some time one of the ladies want ed to swintr. Annie, a beautiful girl trot in the swimr. and alter a short time, she exclaimed : "Give me a good push. I want to go out so I can see rli road below. W e dut so, wnen ! snan went the roie. and with a terri j ble scream Annie went crashing down 1 on the rocks. j Almost scared to death we ran to ! the road Mow. We could not see Annie, but on looking up there she ! was. Her clothes had. caught on a cm-ill Bpnih o;i It tree, and she was hanirin!? between heaven and earth. By this time a crowd had gathered on the road below. L very body was excited and was wondering how to tret her from her perilous iiosition Just at this time Harry Saylor came running up the road. Seeing what was wronz. he went up the back road to the pine trees, and catching the rrmo that was used for the swiiis ue scended. But. alas, the rope was too 6hort He did not wait for a longer one, but inch by inch he picked his way to tne oak tree, and by the greatest exer tion he managed to get her to the base of the tree. Once there evn lie dared not leave go of Annie or the tree. In the mean time a lunger rout was procured, and tying it around Annie's waist she was landed safely above. Not so with Harry. When near the top, he slipped. Down he went, landing on the rocks below, a bruised and bleeding mass. Gently and tenderly was he taken home, but his work on earth was done. On the stone that stands at the head of his grave are these words, "Sacred to the memory of a man who bravely gave his life for another." Cor. New York Press. One Thing Bishop Brooks Did. On one occasion Bishop Brooks re ceived a letter trom a man m .new York saying, "Will you please eend me a list of all the publications in vour diocese?' On receiving it the bishop did not even smile at the ab surdity of the request or seemed an noyed that a man should trouble him upon such a simple matter. He ac cepted it as sometning to tuiiui. "Do vou think vou can find what this man wants?" said he to his secretary. "I mies.q so." came the renlv. and o A f the secretary, who knew the noble hearted bishop so well, spent half the night completing the task. Boston Globe. tiii-vi i iiIwiinx imy ii"1 dull"", n ttivo vou l ho tii'"" m iiiil"lii'll. WliK Vi', I know : it iiiuMh'II wniilil Imlil nit Uii' news II IVUIllill"". TdU'liliiit Horses a l.esou. Teaching a new horse to ivmo out of his stall at tho ftro alarm Mental ami rango himself alongside the polo is not so ilitVieult as nitiiht bo sutiiiosetl. Imagine iv pair of new horses assigned to nn enirino. The surroundings aro utoi o or less torrihlo to them, but they aro very gently and carefully handled and irrmlrmllv lose their fear. I heir tuition Wins at once, and tho driver is their te.ieher. assisted bv the other nu n. The ordinary signal is given, as ir lor afire. The stall doors open, ami t no horses are led out, put in position, and in a few minutes led back. 1 lus process is perhaps a dozen times refuted, t treat pains are. taken that tho animals siiau not strike against anything, or he by any means frightened. The unusual spectacle of a harness sns- n..mlel in air is ant to disturb them at first, but they are led slowly up to it and induced to smell of it and inspect it uu nil sides. After thev have been led to their lxisi- ti.itw a few times thev aro allowed to enmo of their own accord when the sig. nal strikes, though n man stands behind them to touch them up a little if they do not start promptly at the opening i uie il.wir. Two weeks constitute the aver age period of instruction, but horses have known to learn in one lesson. Oth ers, however, aro months in arriving at omvil tirofii'ienev. "Road. Track an 1 Stable." Nerve Jarring Joriiluritle. Thero is nothing in the world which produces the sense of mental nausea more completely, or is more certain id turn tho intellectual stomach, than the use of certain jocularities of speech with which many people think tit to adorn tliuir (nrivtrs:ititm. TllO tieolllo will) seem to find it impossible to speak of an unmarried man except as "a gay bach elor," with whom the sea is always "the lirinv" dr t'-.ft "herrimr nornl. and a horse "a fiery steed," who eternally talk about "Suntlay-go-to-nieeting" clothes, ami who have such phrases as "no extra chanre." "agitate the tintinnabulator, "the noxious weed," "tho pipe of peace," "id winks." and "braving the elements" forever on their lips, are capable of pro- ducinif a sense of disgust in those, who rum to see lanL'iuiL'e kept bright and rlnan which is absolutely intolerable. It is difficult to say whether these rant phrases that is, a perfectly propi r de Kerintion of them are more odious when used consciously or unconsciously that is, by people who believe them to be funny and intend that their hearers should con sider them funny, or by those who ha' e merely caught them up and repeat tiieni like parrots and without any intention, good or bad. London spectator. TUN tlKM INK AMI TIIK 8HM. Kvei V Kni'd tiling litis its liost ot latitat ors; every koiuiiiio ittiit'ie us cumui'i mu. Tho Imitators sWviiv choose tho most vnl- ttnlilf mul popular iiilit'lt" to counterfeit, so Ll lltltl tllHV i'llltlll llielr mIiiiiii to he ...m il nr us ironil. or the siiiiie us " Sn ami .s.i'm " in mi i ii' iniiv tii'iu'iiu upon ii mm S.i.mni S,i' " nrlli. ii is t III host Ol till' L in. I Tim nIiuiii tilOVI'S tllO Kt'llllllH' llll't'll ..I" i ti.i i liiim ii nun's, iind never hits litis 1'i'cit heller tllusliali'ii limn uy uie mum ,.r i irm.v'a I 'inn UK I'i vsikiis. A i.i cock's 1'omn s I'i. Vil nius tne siaiKi- itt-il of escelli'iu'o the world over, mul il i.,,;i.ii,ii.. in tlmir civ thill theirs m "lis gooii its A I i.coi k's" uie only eiuphii-iWluK l i v ml unit ml nut 1 1 L' " .M.I I I'l K n I" i' I... .,f i,..iti..-t iiin. v 1 1 1 1-1 1 it is their i.i.,1,.1 ,,il,ii i.m in inutiOe. I ho ililler ence helwi'i'ii tho gi'iiuiiu' mul theto iitiitH ....- iv ii.- l ."illlV 111 V L'l' UT I lIlMll'ltllllll l is us wide us thill lii'twfoii eonpor mul gold. i iii .-Hi, ...... ..... .- . , ( .,1.. iii.i.i muni liiiviin; Al.l.i ot K s I oh ot s I'i vsn iis. Thev lire tho only pfi'lVct plasters ever produced. Customer l till" l'liri" Krutliul i"ei'i" you sunt tnr t.rni-er Ol eourie u is. nini iiium-hjiih uk '.' OiMiuiH'r -I loiiuil umiie Kinvi l in it. PRINTERS AND Dn Kl i nil A nn write to PALM Kit A KKY Wo liuve for hiiIc clienp on t-:my I.tihh: 1 ev S -column folio or li-cnliimn iiniito lnipiovc.1 (,oiiiilry'iimi'l"'ll I'n'ss. .Mho I pew U-citliimn l"l'' '"' '.Iiiiiiii quarto Inipiovt'.l Coiinliy Ciinipboll I'iwh; l'"tli cmiplete. Also I si'ciin.l lian.l ('.uiiiliy (!tunpliell 1'rcsH; will print ...l.iii.ii iiiiiirto paper; is gii.'ininli'i'.l to ! in 'f (Vet, ft.iiilitii'ti. TIicm pn'HH.'H run easily I Ml I . .. I I ......... I ....... I . 11,1 lV llllllll', Will "II III -II'IMIM II.HIl, M )ny ii.iiiu , " ; presses or other tniicliineiy tnKeii m l'" pavinetit. II VOU want a l.uriif'i, TYri: K'PKV, I'nitTi AM', On. -XI9..2 j j ii ii a U i Hercules Gas Engine (UA OH OAHOI.IMC) Mad for Powr or Pumpinn PnfiOK. Tb Oiwtl1" Uilllil On lM '.u uii Uiu Maiu Kl'r-Tl'KK ASH I'lI.KH UUCP. u- n.liluAlir mifri rinitilni. nl'.i ftll.t ftll TVQ IhI dliiiMtdiii wtUtoiit imlii iirili'Umllim Irom t)til liitm, No I'tuo, no l"y. '' il ivl''if i-HMH. Aiiilr.-M lor pnmittiot Ur". I'orturflulil A Umh-)-, SSS Markclnlri'Ol, Knu Kmuc'.in-o. ho How ii llu' in w I'l'i'm- 'I'' Viirlllllll. Sill" WIIV Viulllllll, It lit it. A ln'i li'i t So nt r There Ii mure ciitart Ii in Hi Ii Imi ol llu' .limn, linn: nil ,il iit iIii'iim"! lull toKi't tier, mul until llu" lu-l lew venri nm miihh I to In- iin iiiiiliie. I'it i nieiit nmny Venn iineiori pru. iiuiiiieeil II it lei iil ili'i-it-e nml iirim rlli. il Inrnl r..i,i..,ti. nn, I l,v eotetiintlv (iilllili; tueure illl liieiil treiiliiieiit'.riitiuiiiiri''l li lin nriil.le. Set enee Inn tiroveit i iilnrtll In ! i-nlnt 1 1 lit Imutl ili-eme. Hii'l t In ri-l.-re re.inrei runiiitiitiuiiiii tri Htinenl. IU11' t'uliirrli Cure, timiiiiinetnri-il l.v !'. J. I'lli'lli-V .V ti', lnleiln, mi in, t tin' mill i cure on llie nnirket. It n tiiken tllleltlllllV 111 iln-l-1 Irulll tell ill',.is In H teiiooH. (ill. It ili ti ilireetll nil llie li inul Rllil lillienujl Mirfiteei i.l the iVitelll. I ln v Oder one Illllnlreit i.i;inri (or Hiiy en it lull to cure, .-eml lor etreiiliir-nml ii itinmui'oi Ail'ttesi V. .1 CllKNKY A I ll , lull it.', I'. 8T Sold l.y ilrtiKisl-i ; m cents. ' ll Illl, nei Mr. I.vneli suffer (nun chronic thirst? iteitr, nn'. lie t wult liintt ciioiikIi. I' so KiiMniellne.-itovo; niliit, notinell. Trv (1kiimk4 for breakfast. Will KOK.SN'T KNOW Kn ilT. Merrill ilie I'lnm-er lll.-M-le I'.-.i'er nt tnii limit: He Ii rellulile. Writ" nun - lin uioi'i 't he ret. million nf lieilnrA Hood liell'i'ti u 1 1 1 it 1 1 ill H hillik. (elluiv never 2.VtH Uii'i..nnil (l.tUtwr HottloT Tuts fliiKT roruiiTi in jinmieiiy "i whom nil otltoni mil. vaueni, vrono. om Throul, Horfn, Whooi'lnj Couh nml a ... . rnniifniitien if Tin iiii rlvul: InMCuted thoun,U, mul will Cl lt Toll If tiiken til time. h'ii ny nniKumi on n nui nnteo. For n Ijiinn Ui k or Client, uno BHILOU'8 BEtXAJDONNA lLASrii.K-H3. OHILOHVCATARRH liiivn uiiirrii i TliU reiniily In irtinrnn. Uvdloi-uroyou. Trice, Wet. Ittjoi'torfrw). DR. GUNN'S IMl'IlOYIO . PILLS A MUD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. A mnvtm-el of lh NiwuUM-'h iU t ni"cry ft hf.llll. I li" l'l'!' mitflV "l l 5,.k. t rrn iUr 1 lM .ur. II.. I..1-. Iirll.l. ill. EvI. .ml clear !!. ' -vlipl- l"'l ""' " o li.r pill. .to. T.. e.niviiii. '"l el mr,,mi Sri " mi I ...HI I"- tr.. or . tilll I..H f-r 'Jf."io. MolA Our op Fnchni an Pun. Ate 'Bill D 30c 5c: 10c Choice Rice, 5c ft; large Kaisins, 5c; fine Tea, ' KeK syrup, fJ ; rtruucjuc ijiiiiec, Tapioca, 5c; H-ib pkgs King's Huckwhsat, : Oried Peaches. 11c; Figs, 4c; Prunes, 12c; Apples, evaporated, 11c. HKXD FOR TIIK h'i PAGE BUYERS' GL'IDE FRKE, WITH FULL QUOTATION'S. Mention this paper. Address Jones' Cash Store, 130 Front Street, Portland, Or. DR. MUMFORD'S TANSY Tho rcliahlo Female Rogulatiutf K Tun n..:..b:ir ifiip('i.f ull in. nii.iiuiiiiiij w....v...i - p e' rwriiiiiritiL-sand the r vv distressinjr BJ'mp- g flV V tomsBO)rea. . "M Rufo. sura anrl . reliable. Sent pro- pairl on receipt of price w i per uox, o uoxeu lor v. W " JIumfohd Co., 130x 695, Seattle, Wn .TTniiiiirnri dm i o Aril i i woowvt. i iuksj ,, TTCHTN- PILES known by oltnJ HAVE Esssffl Vnil BIJSEaiNOorriiOTiiUAuiiw."".- TUU YIltLD ATOSCE TO ' Vi. dr. B0-SAN-K0 S PILE REMEDY, nm Trhleh acts directly on parts affected, VUI 7lorb tumors, allays itcly nn, effeottng r"f awrmanrateiire. Price t5c. Druit PILES Sr'SJr.Bosanko.Philadelpbaa.Pa. S0UET1IIXO TO IIF.ME31BER, If von" re a wrak or aiiin woman: - thai more' only one nit'iliolne ho mire to help you that It can w guar anteed. It' Ir. l'irrt'o's Favorite I'ri'M'ription. In biiililinir tin over- worlteii. feeble, delicate vvonion, or In anv " female ("omnialnt" or wPiikness. if It evor fails to bonefit or cure, you have your nioneT back. It's an invijioriitliifr, rostorauvo lomr, ootbing and mrcnptlii-iiliiK nervine, nml a safe ami certain remedy for wommfB His and ailments. It regulate and pro motes all the proper functions, improves tho blood, dl-uiols aches and pnins, brings refreshing Bleep, and restores lieaitn ami fcireitBui. Xn.(v nlco "ill lip chean. V lt.ll .'"Hll this you pay only for the good you get. erman THIS IS TIIK TI VI K TO ..r.ler yniir hl'MMKK Kill, I. Kits. Vim want the in. it ; Hint's tint n ilv khnl Me deal III. n r) 'I lien m ud y oil r unlet II Illl I'"" Hi" '""'I III ill KIlS I L II V i"l lK " I'AI.MKK LLllO. 1 BlAM: For simplicity It IlraU llio IV.irM. It oil Itsrlf rroiu IV Ili'srrvnlr, JoCrlrrlir i get nut f or1r. JiO llaltrrlrs or Elo trio hj.arau r ronawtthftCliraprr (lralKirtaltiio tlian i iiiiu-r t.uuiini. null run I'lrtieui'ii to PALMER &. REY, MANurCTUfi, 48S Uiuwu SlnwU S:n f rintija. U -AMI- 1'iiiiti.AMi. oitrio. FRAZER BestintheWorldip Get tha lienuineifil Sold Everywhere! w rltAMl V OOl.wKV, Ani-iit AXLE UOhlL , 1'i.rtUnil. Or. WINSLGW'S - FOR I'or !" by CHILDREN Mruf t. Sooth bvnup TEETHING V. i i lit lm NG YOUNG MEN I Th Spoclllo A No. I. (ur. wliluMi lull. n rams nt innrr-lin-ii a-id lfr n ullei i ( h .. i.n l.lllitlllX. I'leH'IIK ntrii line. II letniii ri-niil). 'ir' 'i.'-n ' i t.llle.1 N'l.lln all llll.:itl.ti Maiilitiietllters: 1 lie t , han J 1 y.,'.'.1? i.. ,: III f. r; iliinK ! ff) ESS71 Krldiret's Admiration for Kdneatlnn Bridget was a "hired girl" who was tnn nminhlrt to TipliftvA in a Kooldinc A story of her should he remembered .1 as an item on tne creuit siae wnen the delinquencies of "help" are be- mcr conned over. "Whv. Ei'iJL'et." exclaimed tho - a T rj 1 housewife, "I can write my namo in the dust here ! "'Deed, ma'am," replied Bridget with crenerous admiration, "that's more than i can do. hure now, "G yrup 59 TuDGii J. B. Hill, of the Superior Court, Walker county, ucorgia, thinks onoiitrli of Ocrmaii Syrup to send, us voluntarily a strong letter endorsing it. When men 01 ranK and erliip.'ilirill thtlS USC 31ld reCOm- meud an article, what they say is worth the attention ot tne puuiic. Tt it nhnvesiisnieioii. 1 nave uscu your German Syrup," he says, "for more than i can ao hare now, , - ancfCo lsonthe Throat there g nothing oxke education, after J M s a recommcnd it for all, is there, ma'am panion -Youth's Com N. P. N. U. No. 500-8. F. N. U. No. 677 Mamma Caught Napping. "Am I thin or fat, mamma?" She had already been Ci;kinar too many questions, but her mother an swered her once more. "Why, dear," she eaid, "you are not very fat, but you are fat enough for a little girl who is growing. This reply was certainly diplomat ic, but it did not apparently satisfy the child, for a few seconds later sho came out with this terrible poser: "Say, mamma, are there any little girls who are not growing?" Boston Herald. Settled In Advance. Mr. Hunnimune Now, as we aro going to start housekeeping, Ethel, we should heenn rierht. Order, vou know, is heaven's first law, and there must be a head to every house, Mrs. Ilunnimune That's all pro vided for, George. Mother's coming to live with us. Exchange. Life's Cares, and Pleasure. Thobridft had iust left the altar. nnrl tViA rlpnr nld frrnndma was kissinc the fresh cheek of her blushing young rlr-srpndnTit "And now. mv dear." whispered she of the white hair and timeworn face, "remember that life's cares must be life s pleasures." JNew V ork Times. and. Lunsrs. I can recommend it for " ' 4 I 1 them as a first-class medicine.' Take nn substitute. :ds, so.oo. IRON J fcVnil fur CiitaluKUC. f . A. SCHROCK 81 Fins Bedding, Hair Mattresses, Floss Mattresses, Wire Mattresses, and Pillows. NKW MoNTIlOMRtlY ST Hun r rmiclHOo Uu. A Good Appetite Is imparted by Hood'n Sarsaparilla, which tonta the diy H'ion so thutall symptoms of Iysp-p" iila are removed. Mr. Robert W.W.Dcnvirof 28 Franklin Ht.J.oni? Island City, N. V., sajB-. "For two y;ar I snll'i-rid with dypensia, and could find no cure for it. I bc-Ran to take Hood's Sarmiparilla ami In one month I fiua hut , . . .1 l.l,w.,l dyhiKJiJHia, for I am now perfectly wcll HOOD'S PIUS 'ire purely vegetable, and do not purgy, aiu or gripe, bold by all druggists. 20c Si Mr socg A. FEI.DKNIIEIM- LeailliiK Jew pier nf the 1'aelllc Northwest, keeps a laws HtocK ot an HKCKKT KOCIKTY HADIIKH on hand. IIi-hI L'ni.ils at low ettt IlKiirea. Iltulges maue to orner. f)( to $250.00 OIUlUU U. F. Joiinho can be made monthly wnrkinit for Joiinhon A Co., lUWIMONn, Va. Deuvlr. Ll I'Iro'k Ili'ini'ly tnr Cntarrh 13 tho limit, KmliiH to Ijkb, nml Mii-apHW Hold by DruKKlHU or sent by mall We. I. T. lliuoltlno, Warren, la. M 213 THE BEST HARNESS r.VKU M.Ni:r.(Tn:i:i) on 'iiii: coast is M.lil l.y IHIUMT.AKSOS IIAKM'.SS CO., tit .rift-H Hint will itxtnniHli Yi.r. Only tin- Lent Oiik-Tiuini'il I.t'iillit-r tiHt'il, nml nil wik irmiruii-tfi-il. Si-nil fur littf IlltiHlntti'il Cut it!.. -'in' mi i:. 1110 I'nioii Avt'iiut' (Must Sitlt ). I'oi lluiul.Or. :-wx'i !-1"-.m . iw i !i"r?rryr'-TOg WiPERIAU'WH EELS ON AND AFTER JULY 1ST $100.00 CASH! I -NORTH PACIFIC CYCLE HIT iiirsn -DKAI.Ell IN Bicycles, Morrison Street, Po'tlard, Or. A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF Moore's Revealed Remedy. lurnuu ftuvnntj Tnlinrv 111.1 rnn Htalii ulll, nlAn.iiKi flint hvthft iinu f,f KKMKDY my htiNbiiitrl wan relieved from annlil ciiHn of . .. , l. , ., , , ...... , .... . -ii. hi v 11 iit, rt Amtouia. Okroov. .Tnnnnr- . ...... i - ihiiu i.iy . in j 11 ii nun in i waii in in: yi u i .,., ..n.j in v vnlliiin'athov i.nliriilvi.l IM irt.A M M ATI lit Y KM KIT. MATlriM when the beHt doctor I could get did him no koo.I. YonrH In urntitiiilu, R1IKUMAT1HM atnl 111 SOLO I1Y TOUIt DKI'OOIHT. THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN BREAK VICTOR, RAMBLER, CLEVELAND WESTERN WHEEL WORKS and BICYCLES IS WITH AN AXE. FRED T. MERRILL, Tiio l'iomtor Dealer of the Paei fit: Coant, with main utore at :i2(i WnKliinuton street, hi'IIh tlte iiCHt ami liu.Kt ruliahlo inacliinesniaihi in Ainttr ira. Over 000 nt!W anil Hectind-lianil Cyelt'H for Hale or tnule, ciihIi or on eawy pavmentH. Write him before you buy. 52-page illuntrated cata- It.L'ue free for the unking n: IJIU iii mil' ii.tiiii.. it. ll .1 I: C.:i 1 n i. . .ii . . ... TUU NI.OCK Ul iii;vi:n: nilinii :n uini ouilN, illld UIIO lil-liail' Mil. ', I'OllllilCtO With Baking OveiiH, etc. LIVE AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE.