Image provided by: University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR
About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1893)
I THE SAN FRANCISCO BOARD of HEALTH. We, the members of the Board of Health of t!io. City and County of San Francisco, Cordially approve and recommend the Royal Baking Powder. It is absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the best ingredients, of the highest strength and character. In our judgment it is impossible make a purer or stronger Baking Powder than the Royal. Jos. R. Davidson, M. D. Henry M. Fisku, M. D. Chas. McQunsTEN, M. D. T. J. Lf.tournex, M. D. Mcmlvrs San Frjticisco 'BojrJ of Hulib. So Nerd of Utile. It was une of the faculty in St. Law rence college who many years io an swered the question of a horrii'.eil Eng lish lady as to what form of discipline the school adopted when men aud women wore allowed to study together: "The college has no rules, madam. The youiiji women don't reqnire any, ail they discipline the young men with tb'ir very presmce. We really have nothing to do about it." Henry HI of France p&inteil his face and usod all kinds of cosmetics, wearing at night a mask and gloves steeped in pomade. JUST A LITTLE pain neglected, may become RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO. lust a little SPRAIN may make a cripple. Just a little BRUISE may make serious inflammation. Just a little DURN may make an ugly scar. Just a little COST will get a bottle of ST. JACOBS OIL, A PROMPT and PERMANENT CURE. Years of Comfort against Years of Pain for JUST A LITTLE. A ropy of the "Official Portfolio of tho World's Columbian Exposition," descriptive of Building and grounds, btuutilnlly Illus trated, in water color ertecta, will be. sent to any address upon receipt of 10c. in pottage rcamps by The Chables A. Yogeler Co., Baltimore, Mo. It's Just as Easy To grow Choice Flowers as it Is to grow common ones if you START RIGHT. Hither on of the following collections Is a garden In itself, and your garden Is not complete without them. They are all beautiful and fashionable flow ers and the plants are all strong, healthy and poj grown, and sent, postage free, ior the price named. IDE TOW BOPIIK BMCTIOI OF SWEET PEAS Compritittq It Dutinct VaHctia. A Large Packet oj Seedt of each for fl.M, or a Packet of Setde of tit lanu vartetiu mixed for only 10 cent. ,2 Roses $1.00 V5L"" 19 Carnarlona tabibttm 12 Pelargoniums $1.00 12 Chrysanthemums $1.00 Flower or CCCrjC B Cbolc Varieties ot Elthu Vegetable OCCUw (row owa or oar salaotua) for ojie DOLLAR. SHERWOOD HALL NURSERY CO. V i, tar. Saosome t Clay - - San francta, hi. WATER CAN'T SOMETHING Mi I rise above its source. A man ' can't sell at the price he pays and make HERE EiCH I'll. money. The merchant In a small store buys from some large city store like ours, that buys from the manufacturers. He can't sell to you at our prices, neither can he offer you such an assortment as ours. Ging ham is something everybody uses. Make a trial of sending to a large store to us for it. Send us $1.25, with a description of what you want light, medium or dark colors, a Scotch stripe, plaid or cheek and we'll mail to you, postage paid, a 10-vard dress pattern, showing the newest styles and a quality of Gingham that we ask you to compare with any purchased elsewhere at the price. Our Spring Catalogue is a finely illustrated buying guide, which we send free at request. OLDS OL KING, Portland, O . No one thinks of buying a watch without gettiLg prices from A, FELDENHE1MER, First and Morrison streets, Portland, Or., be cause he keeps the largest stock, buys cheaper, and can and does therefore sell cheaper. Field Glasses and Hall Clocks offered at special priceB. HAVE YOU GOT PILES ITCHnrO TILE3 knovm V-7 trointmt like perspiration, cause inU-t3c hcIhes whpn -warm. TI:ia form ard BLIKI. BIiE-EDINOor tilOTUUDING FLLlJ YIELD ATONCR TO D?t. BO-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY, which acts directly oti par3 r.ffcctetj, absorba tumors, allays ltchinr, effect I sr a pfrmanrtntoure. I'ricV. DrucgfuU Or D?. Eoaaako, rhilstielpiua, Pfc ConsnmptlTea and people who hare weak lungs or Asth ma, should use Piso's Cure for Consumption. It has cared thousands, it has not Injur ed one. It is not bad to take. It is the best cough syrup. Bold everywhere. S&c. Watches -1 Glimpse Itackwartl. Thronsh that Ion dark stretch of a thousand years lying between the Fifth and Fifteenth centuries the greatest luxuries were books. Si costly were they that it was next to impossible for any but the richest to procure such ex pensive treasures, the more' the pity, since but inches of information, so to apeak, remain to toll the story of their worth and the tale of wonderful Kar niture, both bindins? and ornamentation revealing the peculiarly rich and varied handicraft then in vogue. Much of the transcribing of the period was done by residents of religious houses; boards of hard wood, over which leather was stretched, inclosed these precious treasures, and further protec tion by metallic corner pieces and mass ive clasps preserved the leaves from in jury. Literary treasures intended for royal households and ecclesiastical dignitaries, and copies for churches and monasteries had side casings of ivory on which ap propriate subjects were carved in silver, of quaint fretwork pattern, and other wise distinctively honored by the ad dition of gold plaques, studded with gems and jewels. Both sets and single volumes were carefully incased in boxes no less expensive than were the brilliant bindings. Harper's Bazar. Send Him to a Museum. Valley City has a curiosity in horse flesh that is simply astonishing. H.J Hamlin, one of our horse dealers, ship ped in from Montana a car of horses, or broncos, as they are better known. In this lot was one that he could not sell, owing to the fact that he had none to mate him. He is a son-el, stands fully 19 hands, or 6 ft. 4 in., from floor to withers; his legs are !J ft. C in. before touching the body, and a small bronco can easily walk under liitn. A man 6 feet in height can't see over his bitck. even when standing on tiptoe. In length he is fully thirteen feet, or seventeen feet from tip of nose to tip of tail. When standing with his head as ordinarily checked up a six foot man by standing on tiptoe can just touch the base of the car. "Hamlin's Elephant" is the cogno men he is known by. St. Louis Globe Democrat New Play Require Capital. A theatrical manager has a big con tract on his hands in this age when he starts out to produce a new play. The expenses are enormous. "Salaries," said one of them, "are in individual cases higher than ever before. The companies are larger and the scenery is simply ter ribly costly. We put on scenery now which would have made managers stand aghast in the old days. Transportation runs up another big account and there are a thousand and one necessary items to swell the total. If a play is a failure it does not take long to sink a fortune in it It makes a manager turn pale to go into bis theater and find rows of vacant seats grinning at him. He knows that means 'stopT and he can't afford to wait Very long for the tide to turn." New York Tribune. Much Won Oil. lUffgles Don't beg thera Them folks is wnss off than we are. Beery Beii They don't show it. Raggles Oh, I know 'em. They're rryin' to cut a dash on 3,400 a year and five children to feed. Harper's Bazar. Scales in the assay office at Boston are claimed to be so delicate that they indicate the ten-millionth part of a pound. The world is at once very much more keen witted and very much more stupid than we think. Everybody in America that wears trousers knows that KIXfi'HAKE THE BEST. Send for rules for self-measure- Tr.iir, , diiH not a t ihul ...v..,, nil', ftiv a, jit liiai no tuilorcan surpass and very few equal. These trousers are cut by the highest-priee tailor art ists on eartn, ana are made with especial view to fitting fat and lean persons made to fit all shapes These and WHITE'S HATS are what we pride ourselves in leading with. If you want the best hat on earth under our personal guarantee, send us your size, weigh tana height, and we'll send you the best hat on earth at $V none cheaper. fl. B. STEIJlBflCH & CO., First and Morrison, Portland. Or. TAKE PrUtfDER'S. Oregon Blggq Purifier. KIDNEY LIVER DISEASES. DYSPEPSIA. X PIMPLES. BLOTCHES AND SKIN DISEASES 1 ItTKJCADACHO C03TIVCNESS. Jkl KING'S PANTS I fill I Vl MEXICAN DISCIPLINE. HOW A BRAVE YOUNQ SOLDIER MET A CRIMINAL'S DEATH. Tata of a Popular Captain of Oaalr In Meiloo Story of til Kifrutln ami th ClrcittuManer That Led l Shooting- A Powerful Picture.. Monterey, In tho stnteof Ncuvo lioon, has been the theater of many military tragedies, but th shooting of Savntor Eotnperron, second lieutenant of the Mexican cavalry, was the middest that had ever darkened the annals of the utato. A brief history of the event which ltxl to this execution is necessary to a proper understanding of the case. A company of tho Thirteenth regular cavalry was ordered to do special duty at Cadoroyta, a small town on the (lulf road. The company was in command of a first lieutenant and the deceased. A dispute arose between the officers, and Lieutenant Kstuperron, fearing, us his friends say, that his life was in danger, drew bis pistol, but did not shoot at bis superior. It is claimed that ho snapptnl the pistol, but it missed lira For this offense he was placed under arrest and tried by a general court martial and sen tenced to death. There were extenuating circumstances admitted, and the case was carried to tho highest federal courts. Pending a decision the first officer of the company was shot dead in tho portals at Monterey by ono of his soldiers, and the soldier. while yet the smoke was curling from his weapon, was shot down by the wtj tain of the company. Whether these deaths affected the par dotting power or not will never be known but tho finding of the court was ap proved, and powerful personal appeals by persons intimately associated with President Dx were unavailing. The death warrant was signed and carried tnto execution That the officer was ad mired by tho people and dearly loved in his regiment was well known by the authorities, as precautions taken by the commandant of the department were ample proof THE DEATH SCENE The time of the shooting was kept a profound secret. The cathedral clock chimed 4. There was a sharp bugle call, a hurrying of mustering feet, quick commands and rapid evolutions, and in a few moments the garrison fell into line. Tho gate in the rear of tho bar racks was opened, and the Thirteenth cavalry, in full marching order, on foot, issued forth, followed by their band with mufiled instruments. The Fifth cavalry followed, and then the Fifth in fantry. They formed a square, three sides of which consisted of the resjKvt ive regiments. The fourth was the wall of the barracks. The general command ing the department and statT took up n position in the center. When the troop? halted the commanding officer called "Attention;' "Fix bayonets:" He then announced the sentence, and added: "If any man moves in the ranks or gives any expression of sympathy with the prisoner or fault with the sentence he shall be committed to prison from one to five years, depending on the gravity of the offense." The silence as of death fell upon the soldiers and the few spectators who were allowed to be present. Afar off the church bell tolled the knell for the dy ing. The early sun just gilded the mountain peaks that rise like giant sen tinels around the historic city, and one's thoughts went back to the dull gray morning, long ago, when an American soldier knelt upon his coffin and met a bloody death almost on the same spot. Great white wreaths circled the higher bills. It is now 4:43. From out the gate issued a company of the Thirteenth, ut its head a prisoner, and by his side a priest With a firm tread and a proudly lifted head he inarched, never faltering or halting, but with a bright smile upon his face he looked the least concerned of the party. FACINO DEATH BRAVELY. Be halted at a small marked elevation twenty feet from the barracks wall. His company filed past and formed in front, four files deep. Two lines advanced, halted, and one still advanced. There were six men in each line. The firing party thus consisted of six men in the front line within ten feet of the prisoner, and the second line within fifteen feet. The other two lines formed a reserve. The death knell tolled, and the clock struck 5. The officer advanced to band age the eyes of the prisoner, but the lat ter waved the officer aside and said: "I have looked too often in the face of death to fear him now." "It shall be as you wish," said the captain as he took his place at the left of the firing party. Taking of! his hat the prisoner surveyed the assembled troops, looked once at the sun tipped hi'ln, and said to the firing party: "Shoot straight for my heart, but do not strike my face. Adieu." And bringing his hand to the position of "Attention" he awaited the end. There was a slight flash of the cap tain's sword. The guns came to. "Ready!" Another flash. "Aim!" The blade drops. Six sheets of flame dart to ward the prisoner, who sprang into the air with three bullets in his heart. The surgeon took his wrist. The captain gave a quick command, a soldier stepped from the ranks, and placing his rifle to the prisoner's head, fired. In less than fifty seconds from the drop of the sword Lieutenant Estuperron was dead. The bugles sounded. The troops filed past the body; it was put into the coffin, and the grim tragedy was over and as brave a man as ever buckled on a sword had crossed to the "bivouac of tho dead." Cor. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Alasl Too True. Teacher What can you tell me about Julius CfBsar? Pupil He wrote books for the lower forms in classics. Familienblatt ' A Far Sighted Vouth. "Can you afford to marry?" "I think so. I have a clergyman friend who'll do it cheap." New York Epoch. l.leelril Without New York, Doforo ISlfJ livo iivsitlontn of tho UnitiKl Stilton wtw t'hH'teil without tho tuNiritu.u'0 of tho ntato of Now York. Thwo wore (loorgy NVtwhitifj Um (first time), in 17SU; JnmoH Madi son, in 1S10; Juntos Uiichannn, in 1MU; U. 8. Unmt, in ISM; 11 B. lluyi8, in ISTit. Ilatlfonl IVst, A I'nlr Arrangement. Mr. tiloin ulgo-In my lumso I al ways t.hvt to hoiul tho pm'ONsion. Mr, (ilonriilgo - Woll, you havoto foot tho Villa.- Kato Tiohl's Washington. I'KKY KNTIMI H'Tt'HK MISKRV, If there In, In this vnlt til team, a more rllllo ninrtv ut inUery than the raeiunatli' Iwlnxi', wo hi yet In hi'ar of It. I'eoi'lo am limit ulth a tfiKlcney to rht miiallnm, juat aa they are it H one In eontmitplioii or to robila. Sltithl eaiiaea limy ileveloii thin. As noun aa tho a.onlliiH eomilitliil inaulletita line I, rocunriie ulnmlil lit liml li HoH'elter astomaeh Hlttem, whleh elioekn lli Ini'thrr tnmiuti. ami ImitUhea I lie rlieiimallii imlMHi from I lie vyatein, I'lili tltlemo t tallies etiietly wilh ti'Mil'mony ot phvnie una who have emiloeil thla tine liloml iloimroiit In I heir iirl valu iielleo. There la aiao thv amplest inolea kI nal ami (lenernl testimony ua to Ihe ellleaey ot the Hitter for malaria, liver eonilalnl, eon Klliallon, liiilliieatioii kidney tmnlne, nervona liea ami looa of a'ietilo anit tlenh. After a KfttliiK', whether (olioivtvl tiy a eohl or not, the Hillera li naeliil aa a reveiiiivu ol thv Initial allai k t( rhi liiiintlnm. tiiiewiril It." Iviinln, you're a (lenllemiui inula neholar: l IH where yon ruminate?" " llt'Ktirrn, ami yon nuenxeil it the IUt Inline; thin is j ist w here 1 room an' ale." NKUVOIS l YS I' K I'M I A, Senator James F. Pierce of New York writes: " For the past two years I have u tiered very much from an aggravated form of nervous dyspepsia. I have reported to va rious remedial agents, deriving tuit little t'enelit. A tew months sinee a friend of mine surest etl th i trial of All cock's PoKiiis Pi.AsTKifS. Following the suggestion, 1 have heen using tho same with the happiest t lVeets. To those simi larly alllicteil let me suggest the manner of their use. 1 place one over my stomach, one over the hepatic, region and one on my hack The client is excellent. From the day I commenced their use have heen alow v but surely improving, ami am quite eontlilent that tiy continuing I shall again he restoreit to my accustomed health. A Kansas official minle his iiiother-ln-law his typewriter. Thla Is the most rcimirkatile case I neKiiisin on reconl. KUI'TIKK AN1 PILES UUKKD. We poaltlvelr cure rupture, pile and all reo laWUaoaaea without palu or itetunUnti (nun bull neaa. No euro, no pay. Alao all ViwiW itla- oaiH. Adilivaa lor pamptuet or, r ortomelcj a Loaey, MS Market itrovt. Sail rrauctaoo. To the victor Mong the smll. Tcjus Is full of victors-please pnsa.thosc sHitl this way. Our renders will serve themselves by noticing the remarkable offerings advertised in another column by the Sherwood Hall Nursery Co. of Menlo Park and Sun Fran cisco, who are leaders on the coast iu fur nishing everything for tho farm and gardeu. .lagsoii says If most men's consciences shoiilil talk oil! linnl they wnulil he sueil lor aluiulcr. Throat diseases commence with a cough, cold or sore throat "iiruwn' ltrunchitil Trurhru" give immediate relief. Sublimit in bxf. Price. '.' cents. It is sometimes ililtlcult to ilelerinlne whether a French crisis is a new Issue or the name old crisis. ItKYVAKK OK OINTMENTS FOK CA TAKIUI THAT CONTAIN M KKC'l'HV, l. ... ...... HI ......1., ,1 t, ,,u ..I i l itiri.iiir will niiivi. uvH"j hip ,:m.w3 i smell ami rnmp' deriniru the w hole system when eirering It through the mueoiia irfaeea. U,,, .l,,.. .hmll.1 . ..,,-... lU, ,,U.t,l ft.V..,T, .... prescriptions from reputable physicians, an the damage they will do (a tenfold to the K'od yon ran po-Hibly derive from tln iii. Hall's (,'Mtarrh Cure, manufactured by K. J. Cticuey iV Co., To hsio, t) , contain no mercury, and la taken in terim; ly, acting directly upon the blood ami mii coiis surface ol the nystcin. In buying Hull' Catarrh Cure Ut mire yiiu tret the (reiiulne. Il 1 taken Internally and made In Toledo, 0., by K. J. Cheney A Co. Testimonial free. IW Sold by druggUl; price, 75 centa per bottle. I'rtinder'N ori'fon lllood I'urlfler la the best remedy for cleansing your system. Tit Oikmka for breakfast. Due Knamellne Stove Pollah ; no dtut, no imell. 7.V GLASS. That's the way Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets come. And it's a more important tioint than you think. It keeps them ulwnys fresh and reli alile, unlike tho ordinary pills in cheap wooden' or pasteboard boxes. They're put up in a hotter way, and they act in a better way, than the huge, old-fashioned pills. No griping, no violence, no reaction after ward that sometimes leaves you worse oft than before, in that way, they cure per manently. Kick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Bilious At tacks, ana all derangements of the liver, stomach, and bowels are prevented, relieved, and cured. They're tiny, sugar-coated granules, a compound of refined and concentrated vege table extracts the smallest in size, the easi est to take, and the cheapest pill you can buy, for they're guaranteed to give satisfac tion, or your money is returned. You pay only for the good you get. There's nothiag likely to be "just u good," The Rugged Olii is largely an "outdoor" product. Fresh air and exercise usually pro duce sound appetite and sound sleep. Sickly chil dren obtain great benefit from Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with Hypo phosphites, a fat-food rapid of assimilation and almost as palatable as milk. Prpnrprt hi Scott It Bnwna. N. V. All rtnirEiat. N. F. N. U. No. 4808. F. N. U. No. 666 i ifli In i JL T5 14 Hood'sCures Sciatic Rheumatism Quick Rollef and Perfect Cure MI't.a Mr. C. B. IVfitcfo fltocklon, Cal. I wu o hully uftllclail with aclntlo rhauma ttsm that I eouhl icarcely more. 1 turd a K'eat many renintle w lilch did mo no good, A fi land presented me a holl'e of Mood's t-aisxparllla, Ulilcli I tiegan to take. The relief wu uulclc and two tioiilc eiiicil meeompleteljr. 1 author. Ia the use of my name and porlnilt lit recoiie mriidlnc Hood's Sarstiparllhi, fur 1 think It a Ti-ry valuuhle lueillclna. I recommcml It to all who may be amiciud with rheumatism or old Hood's a Cures (tor sores, as I kiniT of a lml y In Ouklitnd who bai been cured of ulcer by thl wonderful nied. Uliie." C H. PArnict, No. ai'.S California SL, BtiMkUm. Cullfornla. tiet HOOD'S. Hood's Plll act railly, rt pr ptlj and afticlruflv. on lln lifer and tiowclv Cfie. II UK'ta., tl.twiier Uott hC Uuo ouut a doao. Tina (Iriit Coroii rim nniiiii tiv nii where all other full. Couth, Croup. Sor Throat, Hoararntu, V hooping CoukH nud Aathma, Kor Consumption It Tin no rlvul haa cured thouiaml. and trill et na Y"0 lr taken lu time. Hold ny Drvinglntji mi a KUiir antMi. I'"or n Ijtmo Hack or Ch'-t, tio bHILOH'S BELLADONNA FLAS TK R iV. SH LP HA CATARRH Have you i uiai i li 'I'hl remedy la KUnntiu toed to cure you. rriuu,&OuUi. Xnjeclui treo. 'August Flower" I have been troubled with dyspep sia, but after a fair trial of August Flower, am freed from the vexatious trouble J. H. Young, Daughters College, Ilarrodsburg, Ky. I had headache one year steady. One bottle of August Flower cured me. It was positively worth one hundred dollars tome J. W. Smith, l'.M.audOen. Merchant, Townsend, Ont. I have used it myself for constipation and dyspepsia and it cured me, It is the bestseller I ever handled C. Rugh, Druggist, Mcchauicsburg, Pa. & DR. GUNITS ONION SYRUP FOR COUGHS. AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE. fnrsl!nafirally of nlna children, my only rom .fly for Couftha, C0M3 and Croup wu onion ayrup. lb In fust aaeireotlvj ly an It wn fnr'T year ago. Now my KrandohlMrm ttko Pr. Cliinn'a Onion Hyrtip whloh la already prepared and mori pleniittnt lo llio taat. 80M evorywhnro. I.arlfa bottli'a 00 oanla. Taaosoautntltutafortt, Thoru'a cothing a t'ood. WORRIED? Are you aiixlouH litnl nerv iih? A re ymi trinititeil liecuuMc 011r p r- l..,u ur l,.r,...iil,. II you luive mil iieicleetml alleiuliiiK to I hem ovi r.'l 1111 11 1 1 h h, you can apeeillly i' rellevid wllhoiit Hie lean, ilmiKcr or Inconveiilence I will forward you a remedy Kiiaraiileed tri realore the most a. Kruval .'il chhii, tiy 'c.vpretw, (J. O I) . Cor S.iKl. Ho mil delay, u there Ik alwiiya liiin(er If iieKlecleil Ion Ioiik. Ad iUfm all eiinimnnlciillon and remltliinci a In Int. J. V. I.aMottk, P. (I. Box SSM, Hun t'rauclMco.t ul. and "VfalTl li II -ti l utav ji r m mm i.. . "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FRpM THE USE OF RHEUMATISM CURED BY THE USE OF Moore's Revealed Remedy. Astoiiu Oreoon, Jnnnnry 10. I can utato with pleasure that by the nan of MOOKK'H KKVKAI.KIi KKMKOY Iny hUHhaud wa- lelleveil mm an old eaaeof KHKI1MA1 ISM and my yoiniKeat hoy ourod entirely of INKLAMMATORY KIIEU ' MATIiSM when the bunt doctor I could got did Ulra no Rood. Y' dim in gratitude. MRS. N. V. BTKEliK. BOM) Y YOUR DKUOOIST. LOOK OUT FOR TRAVELING "FAKIRS SELLING " CIIEEHE-FRAME " And reiircsentlng them "Victors," -Ramblers," "Clevolands," "Ralelghs, "Rudges," "Sylphs," Western Wheel Works, ttc. Send for catalogues, club and agents' discounts. FRED T. MERRILL, 320 Washington Street, Portland, Or. onnniTPnoc ANP- PDBlilSttERS - Wil l, KIND A KI ' I.I. LINK Or TYPE Presses, Printing Material and Machinery I 'or mile at luvrcut prlcea and niml advutai''un teinm at Palmer & Hey Type Foundry, Cor. Front and Alder Streets, PORTLAND, OR. Wrlto lor prlcea and lei tin hefoio lniylii else where. BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. EW&XV HypMlln ptrnmnrntl)r rnnM In '( uikA1ny. V"ii t ut tiotriMi iHittui'i fur Ohi n,!no -rio mid th ttno nuiirtH(fr with ttintn w tin tlr l' cmi to to wo witlcviurm t loctiro lltrru or r IuimI wwy H'mI (my rxti'iOof rorttlitu. rnltitti1 Iain Ntul liuU I l illH, Uwo full to euro. If Toil huvn lukm mrr rury. IihMiIo ixiiurh. nn.liilll Imro tir mit iIiik, Ml ur'tua A'ntrhra In !innnh. iWr'l'ltronl llmU, onrr4'lorrtl aVinlat lrraufi niijr :irt f lU'i KjOr. llitlr ir I yrlro rttlllnot Out, tt I (V vphimi lf,04lt JM)M Ihut rut rtintt-A to cunt. Wo ilc!t llio iikh.1 tiballnulo ct uni.chttllrnifrt wKvorll tin n mm ronnoirtiri '1 !ilill i"ii liutnl - lmnirtl th flUIII r h imt-irmlttii rlnn. a-i.lwMt.iHIO ntMltnl t hlnl our iinitiill' t loiml inmnuiUMv A V-miIh wnt fitrl i n.'H'-tt(.ti. A'Mrt'M lOOlt. JCi.MI l , to JUiuoult Vt aiittti IKttgo,Hi dSaMARK I BY NOT IOINO THE RIGHT BICYCLE iho ro ova (atatpout-Teuj vow Atx auout fjORTU PACi r ir, rtcus f.O. WCYCLtS Of tVtRV DtSCHIPTION.""( Ma9vk Buitomt - Portiano pRrnpN. FRAZER AXLE BestintheWorldinnr A OP Bet the Genuineliinf flilf Sold Everywhere! U 1 1 LliU L. KHINa WIKII.SKV , A Brut, Tori land, Or. YOUNG MEN I Tho Specific A No. I. Cure, without fall, all rawi of llonnrr hn. 11'id tlrri, no matter ut lew Innf nt:ind!hir Previ'iitii Htrlcitire, II lirhiK an In Icrmil rciueily. Ciiri' when everything elat loin f .tiled. H.1I1I hy all HruicKhK Maniifiu-liirerK The A.HchiM-nhiil.MedliJna ITIr. a.l.OO. to., raiuiiM.,l. Bit i lChaet nnaiMi. w ta1iiif ramady rot a ui unnatural Hrhar ait. prlat.illrart'il x canal o eur for :.h 4t'-t. lailne laiu fi;CH to wotrra. I nrMrrlhalt anif fM'. aiiu 1 THttIWIMnlP" In rro,nDll A f : OItl,0 ETB ail lumrin BlUNtH 0.,UI'J !, OPIUF.l Morplilno llahlt florxil In 10 10 liny. y. No tiny till ourwd. EPHEN8, lobunon.Ohio, OH.J.Sr iiiiSrtoTJXjius Gas or Gasoline A Poaltlvo l'owcr. Kenulre No MeoiiHctl Euet lioer. YoiirWlfo;un K 11 11 It. PALMER & EEY, San Francisco, Cal. and Portland, Or. No Batteries or Electrio Spark. ajJzLi to he Just as jf'aid a ' iTo.liaYHW I f Uul tw 1 tins-a .