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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1893)
Health Officers Speak. City, State and National Authorities report the Royal Baking Powder in i every way Superior to all others. ! STATC CHEMIST, CALIFORNIA : The Royal fulfils all the ' requirements. Our tests show it has greater leavening power than any other. STATE CHEMIST. WASHINGTON : There is no question but the Rov.u. is the strongest, purest ami most wholesome baking powder in the market. U. 3. GOV'T FOOD REPORT; Royal Baking Towder is shown a pure cream of tartar powder, highest of all in leaven ing strength. CANADIAN OFFICIAL TESTS; Royal Baking Powder is commended as of highest excellence, and shown to be greatest of all in leavening strength. SAN FRANCISCO BOARD OF HEALTH ; We cordially ap prove and recommend the Royal Baking Towder. It is absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the best ingredients, of the highest strength and character. ( BOARD OF HEALTH. SEATTLE. WASHINGTON; Finding in analysis that it is entirely free from any adulteration, we heartily recommend ihe Royal Baking Fowder for its great strengthj purity and wholesomeness. BOARD OF HEALTH. TACOMA. WASHINGTON; In our judgment the Royal is the best and strongest baking powder before the public BOARD OF HEALTH. SPOKANE; Certainly there is no bak ing powder known to us equal to the Royal. DR. BINSWANGER. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON; It is also my opinion that there exists no purer, better or stronger baking powder than the Royal. I confidently recommend it. Do not permit the slanderous stories of inter ested parties to influence you in using any other than The Best, The Royal. 100 KEWAKD 11100. The resile of thU paper will be pleased to learn trtat there i at least one itreailtMi disease that science has been able to cure In all It stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catairb Cure ts the oniy positive cure known to the medi. al freternitv. Catarrh, beinir a eon-tinuional dis ease, requires a cvnslitu'ioual treatment. Hal. 'a Catarrh Cure is taken internally, a''tin direflly upon the blood and mrteons surfaces of the sys tem, thereby detroyin; the foundation of the di ease and'arki" the patient strength by build Ins: up the constitution and ass istinK ntture in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative power that they offer One Hundred IMlars for any esse that it f,iiia to cure, dcud for iist of testimonials. Ad iresa F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75 cent. It was Ben Fr-ink'.In who said: "Three may keep a secret if two of them are dead." For Coughs, Colds and Throat Disorders "hrmvn't bronchial Troehei'' have proved their efficacy by a test of many years. Sold only in boxes. A boy never looks in the trlasa to fee if hit face Is clean after be has washed it; be looks at the tilrt on the toweL Tit Gismxa for breakfast. TJse Knamellne Stove Polish: no dust no smell. NOTHING LIKE IT. YEARS OF PAIN CURED. THE CASE. N. Albany St., Ithaca, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1881. For overoyears I have been a victim of rheu matism. I was persuaded to try St. Jacobs Oil. I have used two bottles, and a man more free from rheumatism never walked our streets. My limbs that were once stifTand lame are now as light and limber as in my youth. JOS. EDSELL. AFTER FIVE YEARS. Ithaca, N. Y., July 5, 1887. Suffered many years injury to hip resulting in rheumatism, muscu lar weakness and contracted cords. Two bottles of St. Jacobs Oil re lieved me so that I now valk about and attend to daily duties at 2. I heartily endorse it. JOS. EDSELL. lanf Ferry's1 Seeds m and reap a rich harvest. They are always reliable. always In demand, always the lest f FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL! 1S93 Is Invaluable to every Planter. I ii wan eneyaopeaia ui me luu-st mrming 1 lniormation iroin menigaesiautnurmea. , juaueu iree. .D.N.FERRYA. DETROIT,; jt co..vsMicn. . KMARK BY NOT RIOINO THE RIGHT BICYCLE )cnd f or, ota (ATAioove-Teu.5 vow all about NORTH PACIFIC fflTCLE f,0. BICYCLES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION."" Marqvam Buiipiwa -Portland Oregon, Pig Olstbeaeknowledrs leading remedy tor all tot on natural discharges as; prlval disease of mev. a certain cur (or the dtt;.'. tatlng weakness peailv o women. '1 A VS. 3 U-.r.-tMi Sot U I a . ....h..rlllAllAl MMlMin.Bll(lll yrdui;? HMmmilBI ft it I lHEtVu"t---" " U (OIa "T riant for a Metropolitan Newspaper. "I am a member of a syndicate that is going to start u new morning newspaper in New York." remarked Stuflley. "We have all our plana completed, and it's bonnd to be a success." "Who's your editor?" inquired Ass borough. "We haven't any editor and don't want any, but we've got au architect who says he can put up a nineteen-story building," was the reply. "We've hid den three reporters in a sewer, inter Viewed five ineu who died ten years ago and hired a Hoboken dog catcher to write cablegrams from Berlin. It will be a success from the start" "" ' Why the Biscuit Were Bad. It was no fault of the cook, although ehe was blamed by the mistress because the biscuit" were not as light, delicate and nnely flavored aa usual. When it was too late the cook found she had been imposed upon by the gro cer or his boy, who had given her a new brand of baking powder in place of the Koyai, which ene had alwavs used with good luck, and which had been ordered. She had uaed the new kind, spoiled the biscuit and got a scolding. The Royal Baking Powder, as every cook knows, is always to be relied upon. It is one of the greatest aids she has. She is always able with the least trouble to make the very finest biecuits, cakes, muffins and cfusts. Many a cook's rep utation has been made by the delicious things she has been able to make with it. It is no wonder that she is indignant when the grocer sends her another bak ing powder in its place, which spoils her food, injures her reputation and brings her blame. The grocer sends her the new brand of baking powder simply because it costs him so much less and he can make more profit by Belling it than he can on the Royal. The Royal is made from the very finest materials and costs much more than any other brand, which accounts for its superiority, although it is sold to consumers at the same price. The cook should examine carefully the label of the baking powder and see that she is not imposed npon. If the grocer sends anything but the Royal, send it back, as one cook did fiv times until she got the Royal. The only sa'e way is for the cook to have the finest things to work with, and the Koyai is not only the finest, but the most economical to use becauee it goes so much further. An electric road is spoken of to run between New Bedford and Fall River, Mass. A perfect oil dressing1 for fine kid shoes, guaranteed absolutely dust-proof, or money refunded. Watson's Peerless Polish. Use no other. For sale by all deal ers. This Trade Mart i on the best WATERPROOF COAT n the World I A. J. TOWER. BOSTON. MASS. INVALID GOODS. Rolling Choirs Berllnlog Chair Bark Rests Commode. Bond for Catalogue. W. A. SC8HDCK, 21 Hew Montgnmery St, S. A TftUB. C6NTL6MAN. Gnrp TTIfUam Curtis' Treatment of n Ambitious Young lteporter. Some sixteen or seventeen years ago I wna reporter on one of the Chicago paper. I had only been a lit tle while in the business, and I was both green and ambitious. Now it happened that a part of my work was to visit the various hotels every eveuiug in the search for personal items, the arrival of well known people and the like. It u not work of the highest order, but I put my heart in it and really think that I did it well. One evening I wan standing in the oflioe of a certain hotel, which for the purpose of this story need not bo pre cisely identified, when I observed a handsome, distinguished looking gentle man enter, witlk np to the desk aud register. As he turned to ny a word or two to the clerk I stepped up behind him aud saw what he had written on the register. It was "George William Curtis, New York." I knew that Mr. Curtis waa advertised to lecture on the following evening, and it occurred to me that it would bo a g(vnl thing if I could get an interview for my paper with such n dis tinguished man. You see what an ardent beginner in newspaper work I was. In fact. I was full of western en thusiasm, and I was uot lacking in cheek. So when Mr. Curtis turned away from the desk I summoned up all iny courage and it did require consider able and nccostod him. "Mr. Curtis," said I, "I am a reporter for The ,and 1 thought that perhaps you might have something to say that would be of interest to the people of Chicago." He turned and looked at mo iu the kindliest way. I shall never forget the geniality aud good nature that beamed upon me from his eyes and his whole face nor the answer which ho made to tuy suggestion. "Ah," said he with the most beauti ful smile that I ever saw, "then you and I belong to the same profession." What could have been more thought ful and considerate to the raw young re porter? It has. always seemed to me that thero could not have been anything said better calculated to relieve my embar rassment and make me feel at home. At the same timo I never could get rid of the impression that my answer was al most as good as his remark. "Yes," said I, "Mr. Curtis, you are at one end of it and I am at the other." Of courso ho laughed right heartily at my fcilly, and iuslantly we seemed on the best of terms. Well, all he had to tell me was that be was on a lecture tour and that he would speak in Chicago the nest evening. He was very willing to tell me where he was going I sup pose ho saw no objection to advertising himself in that way and after a few minutes' pleasant chat I took my leave, Mr, Curtis giving me a most gracious "goodnight." The result was about a stickful in Th the next morning. That was the only time I ever saw George William Curtis in my life. It is a matter of deep regret to me, now that he is gone, that I never went to heal him lecture. New York Tribune. The Origin of the Itrant Goose. Cambrensus, who wrote a great work on the "Topograhy of Ireland," tells what he knows about the wonderful barnacle or brant goose, as follows: "They are like marsh geese, but some what smaller, and are produced from fir timber tossed along the seashore. At first they are like gum; afterward they hang down by their beaks a? from a sea weed attached to the timber. Having In the course of time been clothed with 8 goodly coat of feathers, they either fall into the water orJly freely away into the air. I have frequently seen with my own eyes more than a thousand of these small bodies of birds hanging down on the seashore from a piece of timber, each inclosed in shells already formed. They do not breed and lay eggs like Other birds do, nor do they ever hatch any eggs, nor do they build nests in any corner of the earth. For this reason fasting bishops and priests eat them be cause they are not flesh nor born of flesh." Taken all in all the above is one of the most remurkable ornithological opinions ever entertained. St. Louis Republic. A Bright Scotch Lad. Some year or two ago I was staying near Crieff, and visited the village school, where I saw a lad poring over Homer. The schoolmaster told me that in the course of the last shooting season he carried the game bags for a party over the moors. This he did with other odd jobs, to enable him to continue his education. In the party were a nobleman (whose name was given me, but which I have now forgotten) and an Oxford tutor. In the course of luncheon one day there was a dispute between these as to the exact wording of some phrase from a Greek drama and the author. Seeing some intelligence in the lad's face, they were led to ask him if he knew any thing about the matter, when the lad waa able to tell them they were both wrong, quoting the phrase aright and giving the name of the author. Cor. Pall Mall Gazette. Wisdom' Proof. Billings Wilson is a very smart man. Witherton What makes you think o? Billings He knows as much as hi son. Witherton (with emotion) How old Is his son? Billings Just twenty-one. Witherton (reiuovinsr his hat) What a paragon of wisdom must that parent be; Jlate i leld s Washington. Pumped Him Dry. A barrister tormented a poor German witness so mucji with questions that the old man declared he was so exhausted that he must have a drink of water be fore he could say another word. Upon this the judge remarked, "I think, sir, you must have done with the witneea now, for you have ptunpajd bia dry." Exchange. TH1C riBT LAW VT KlTUtft. ThUsoU-pN-aiirtailoti lii'knoirlvlRiii to be. atut pooplt' who adept aitalmt the envrosohr-a ol uIsomnc s ROUHlti mlloinak lutof nM, accred ited by i'Xtlvm' and lit sum'iWm ol lU)'t i'lu, slVml a happy llUiitiatlou ol t; wUdom ol llit ssvIuk, III I Ld ucHltti Ihcv mum and loutlmie'to uiiluv, Ameun nialadh's, sifulust ... . ... ..... ..'.L.i..,. ii .......... .I in. IIU' Krvtwiu in nilllll rn'." !"'! rHiiiimii imi tors ajllonls rHIrli'iil rt'i'Uou, dlsosws oJ til klillii-vt and I'lH.Mrr are Ira itlitnUli Out 111- lillini JiTlil mill ,'ini'H rivi.. ,..-imni j nvi, (mm. I by onllimrj) iuosiib. I tut III I li t a can and w III suiHiuw mrm .oiosuimuy issirtinuvriiiiiu tilts, t d "t llio milxi't nud (n rxtHi.Mit 1 v, lliv host u. Mills niHV 1h fiixH'icd. lh In mcdii'tiiu H.Kll VIH1UIIU lit VI "'in ii, i ii vi'ti.,1 1'miiMi, dyKidta, malaila, rheumatism and tiurvou- IK'Mt. Hit a IKtltt raiiltiins almut koIiik 'i'urlty Inr man who bikes iu iit)i r and k(V two dK- II IS I'KKHON A I. KX I" Kit I KM'K. Hon. Jiunes V. HuhIoiI, while sirvln his sixtli term a Speaker of the Assembly of the State of New York, write. "SrTK or Nkw Yohk Ahkkmiu.y I'll am mikhI m.) Ai.ii vn v, Jan. HI, 1 I desire to one more hear my testimony to the value of Ai.i.coi k'k IViuh's I'i.ah tkk. I have used tln'in fur twenty-live year past, and fan conscientiously com mend itieniMH the deal external remedy Hint I have known. Yeats iijjo, lien thrown from a carriage ami seriously injuml, 1 (iiive them a thorough trial." Ill n very short time the pain 1 was sulI'eriiiK iliNiiit. peiued, ami within it week 1 was entirely relieved, t'n another occasion, when suf fering from a severe cough, which threat ened pulmonary dilliciiliics, which 1 wa recommetiileit to go to Florida to relieve, I determined to test the platters iigilln. I applied them to my chest and hctween the shoulder blades, aiid in los than a fort night was entirely cured. On still another eveasiun w lieu sullei ing from an attack of rheumatism in Ihe shoulder to such au ex tent that I could scarcely raise my arm, 1 again resoited to the plasters, and within very lew days the rheumatism entirely dls appeavett. 1 have them constantly by-me, whether at home or abroad. My luiuily a well at uiytclt have found them to bo a sovereign remedy, both for external and internal trouble's. I never had but one kidney dilllcully In my life, and the application of the plasters cured mo In a week. I desire, as 1 said before, to Itcar my testimony in a public way to their etficacv, an i 1 know ol no better way of doing it than by giving you my personal experience." One person with a chronic esse of vanity sometime Kit es tlio dtseaso to an eutlru town. Bl'l'Tl KH AMI I' 1 1. ICS ClIKCDi We positively rnro rupture, pile and all rec tal disease without palu or detention from busl uosa. No cure, no pay. Also all Primtt dis eases. Address for pamphlet !r. I'ortorfluld A Losoy, SJS Market street. Man FriineUoo. O Chsrlty, what awkward daneliiK Is some times In lh)- name! OS TRIAL. Vfi A) That's good y JaJrV 14 to 6 viy a nuxlicino, fk. T but lt' P""" UJLfkL I hard condition under which to ten it. Perhaps you'va noticed that h or- ilmarT. bit or mli Jni8tlicin doeau't at- i I I tMIIlt it. I I I The only remedy of Its kind o re- marknWe in Its effi-cts that it can be sold oa this plan Is Ir. Pierce's Oolden Medical Dis covery. As ft blond-cleanser, strength -restorer, and nosh-builder, there's nothing like It known to medical n-iem-fl. In every disease where the fault is in the liver or the blood, as Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Hilioustiess, and the most stubborn fckin, Scalp, and Scrofulous afTwtions, It is guaranteed in every case to benefit or cure, or you have your money back. To every sufferer from Catarrh, no matter how bad the case or of how long stand ing, the propriotors of Dr. SnRe'a Catarrh Remedy say this : " If we can't cure It, perfectly and permanontlv, we'll pay you $600 in cash." Sold by ail druggista. SHILOHS CURE. (CQUGHCURrfeV 5c: rnc 0 1133 Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sor Throivt. Sfl'd by !l iJniitKists on a Guarantee. Kir a Lame Side, tacit cr Cht Shlloh'i Poroua Plaster will civs f;iti .f.iciion. aj cent. SHILGH'3 VITALIZER. Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins, Chiitfcnooa.'ronn.,Rayl "tfuloh't VitalUr'SAVrd) :.IY LIFE. I enmldcr it lhcht:irrrnt(iifralch'dUaltdm1em I ever uned." For HydisT' la. IJvtr or Kidney trouble it oxecb. IVico iScu. SmLOHpATARRH vSatiSflwifln EMEDY. Have you (.'atHrrh? Try thla remedy. Hwlll rollove and Cure you. l'rlco 60 ctg. Thlg I q jeotor f or i t s ru ecessf ii 1 1 rea tmen t Is f urn lslied free. Shlloh's Itemedles are sold by iu oa f, Kuarantee to give eatiaf action. Fresh Air and Exercise. Get all that's possible of both, if in A need of flesh . strength and nerve force. There's need, too, of plenty of fat-food. Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil builds up flesh and strength quicker than any other preparation known to sci ence. Scott's Emulsion is constantly ef fecting Cure of Consumption, Bronchitis and kindred diseases where other methods fail. Prepared hy Pcott k Bowns. N. V. All drucirlsts. 09 n 0 1st quality can ever wumg be flent by maiL Mfty. hap you Know it. By freipht, prepaid if preferred, we ship safely 4, 5 oroft. trees; 2-y r.Koses of rare excel fence, everything I You actually pay less than for the puny stuff. 1,000 acres Nurseries. 20.CO0 acres Orchards. Exact informat ion about treeB and fruits. Stark Bros., Louisiana, Mo. Old Gold and Silver Bought; sen! yonr old Gold and Silver hj mall to th old and reliable house of A Coleman, 41 Third street, Ban Frsnclwo; I will lead b return mall tb eash, aooordlng to ansa; U the amount la nut satlnf aoton U1 return gold. r. mm mm aii HSf f ails. F3 n mm mm m m a Best CouKh Byrup. Taste Good. Use Pi In time. Sold br druirelss. 11 N. P. N. U. Ko. 4808. F. N. U. No. W7 . AW l Hood's Cures The msrvi'lUiiis i-mp ol M! leitlr llniiiU'V ol I'onlsn.l.N'.V.has ailrscl pit whli" slti'iillon Miir win ii'uh in di'iiili't ilimr Willi lii'inmrliHt!"-1 aui'il ( iiIith In I lie Hi'inm h I'oul't nil uiiiIiIiik lien Ihe i Ii s o I a n s niiiil I title Mil ii Iim, StS hiir iiioiIut uiui'il lii'r in si,"Ir:S.";ii iry iiomi Miiisnmlll'. ini lluutloy. hlii" ri'lm isiilly I'liiim-iili il ami ma lew ilays fo It lnui-ir, litnailnii iih -l'l , aH-llt srsilusHy rvliirni'il, ami In ninnlh shu roulit uulk nireti llio ronm. In sli niontlis bIik uhi "ill as i'Vi r hi hci Mil., ami has hron lit crf im t lu-iillli ivr since. Hhrsavs: " I know lhat Hood's Sarsaparilla in lust mono, at vrl nit II . rkiOOS flllS ''" 1 lv"r J"'i'1i"', IMI lulisnrsK, Sirk lliMilai'lm ami I otint I h t li:. "German S I simply state thatI urn DniRRlst and Postmaster here ond am there fore in a position to jude. I have trievl many Cough Syrups but for ten years past have found nothing equal to Hoschee's German Syrup. I have given it tomy ta!y for Croup with the most satisfactory results Kvery mother should have it. J. II. Ilnirns, Druggist nud Postmaster, Moffat, Texas. We present facts, living facts, of to day Host lice's German Syrup gives strength to the body. Tuke no substitute. 4J yrup l-ELVS CREAM BALM !. n.r FT'-iT'r I fi..iir, Allnvs I'nln ami I Mlliliiliiitl Inn, lli-itls VCll"tl tflA 'J I I ho Murrs, Kralor,' I'nsto nml Mni ll, itml t tiri-s ,?-7"ARi' V . u ' j rr r- n nfffo'"Hfc ivir,A tnminvin ty ft itivra lifiit'i in tint'i in-. )riiK'-l.lii nr y mall. KI.Y Justice to AH. It is now apparent to the Directors of the World's Gltmibian Exposition that millions of people will he denied the pleasure of becoming the possessors of World's Fair Souvenir Qoins The Official Souvenir of the Great Exposition The extraordinary and growing demand for these Coins, and the de sire on the part of the Directors that equal opportunities may be ailoi Jed for their purchase, have made it necessary to enlarge the channels of distribution. To relieve themselves of some responsibility, the Directors have invited THE MERCHANTS Throughout the Nation to unite with the Banks in placing Columbian I lalf Dollars on sale. This is done that the masses of the people, and those living at remote points, may be afforded the best possible opportunity to obtain the Coins. THE FORTUNATE POSSESSORS of SOUVENIR COINS will be those who are earliest in seizing upon these new advantages. $10,000 Was Paid For The First Coin They are all alike, the issue is limited, and time must enhance their value. The price is One Dollar each. HOW TO GET THE COINS: Go to your nearest merchant or banker, as they are likely to have them. If you cannot procure them in this way, send direct to us, ordering not less than Five Coins, and remitting One Dollar for each Coin ordered. Send instructions how to ship the Coins and they will be sent free of expense. Remit by registered letter, or send express or post-office money order, or bank draft to Treasurer World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 111. Hare been Imitated, but Never Equalled they are Beyond Comparison I We Make 90 per cent. Of the Wire Mats Sold In America. MM SHARTMAN W B that your mat mui brans tan attached stamped " IUbtmam." HARTMAN MFC. COMPANY, Works, BEAVER FALLS, PA. T. . OANSK, Oen'l Western Hales Agt., BOB State St., f hlonifo. HW I. CLIMSOI. a., rVtlutd, Dr. HOLLT. K150I, IIHM a CO, Ipikini Falls. Witk. Miwe Drimm DHirnv cures IIIUUIIL 1) . I1LILALLU . IlLIHLUlE I can state with plenmire that hy thu use of MOOKK'B KF VEALKD KKMEDV mv hiisbanil wa tclloved Irom an old case of KHKt'M ATlriM and my youiiRCst hov cnrcil entlroly of INFLAMMATORY KII HUM ATIKM when the best doctor I. oould got did lilm no gooil. 'WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF Mh.;;M'w,i. Simonds Crescent Ground Cross Cuts. And AM Kinds of MILL SAWS. Also Saw Roptxlrlne. SIMONDS. SAW OO.. 71 ROLLER SKATES A lull "Ii" k ut Kayiiuiml Kti'nlini llolhir Hkaliis I'onstantiy mi haml, Flro Arm, Fishing Tncklo - AMI Krtlii JuU ol I'.vrry ii' rlitloii H. T. HUDSON. US First Mlrl, - rOII'II.AMl, lt. Hi' 1 1'1 II mills In stamp" Inr mw II-' )"iKn lllua tralml calalntiix. YOUNG MCNI The Spoclflo A No. I. Cnrm, Klilmii' full, all rnn' ol lnorr hr hihI 44lr4i, tin tnnlii.r nf liiv iin'lt MUiitillii rii'Viiils Mlrli'lnii. It ln'l"U n'i in lorniil ii'imilir. full's vln'M t nr lliln int linv lulli'il. HoliMit nil IniiKUlnlii. Muiin'iu'liiri'i: l lm A.H.-I nhi. tivlli lnn kll.lM. '" h" J"" AXLE Best in the World! Get the Genuine! Sold Everywhere! SE VLf NIIIE'S ELECTRIC BELT , .' S-if r N liiiil Of Jn!lim. I.sli'nt lliiliruvril. Is rt'i'iiKiili'if hy tlm ini"l- C'l tr (rsnliin ss thn tmly i hiiiiiuiii ph iirii holt imiili' dr llio riirt' i( N'lnliiiil VVi'u km . I'ii Ins In I In' Km' k . Iaim ( Mi'inniv lhd r u. Nrri nits rriintra Ion nr all i!isso sillttK trout vntith- lul liiillsrri'llnii. I rlli'Vis In m r l'v" iliiy Hi I'liiiinilsin, I'oiKilli'slliiii. I'nrtil) nls, Klilm y or l iver IrmiliU's. l'rit-r)IO. inr rl i-inar. il ('. t). l. nr oil rtMiMpl nl irlfo. Aflrt ss OM.OOII HllttN , DrilKgUt. Oaklanil t'alir.irnla - - inr t tiiii in lioinl. I T vv , V It IJ (Sii.-l.'u A hnrh,-.t Hilt S., .it swii hi., N. Y. Why? Because They are Odorless, Everlasting And "Best." FLEXIBLE C A Rheumatism. Ahtiiru. OimrioN. Jauiturv III. Y.urs In eratltiiilo, MRH. N. V. BTEKLK. II. Front Streot. Portland, Or. GREA ' .... t --- 1