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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1893)
L 3fo3i livcr Glacier. HOOD III V Ivli. (Ill, VKW. S,. .s:i;i. Tin: mails. Tim mull iiiiIvi'n Ii M t . 1 1 n. t M II n'- fttork A, M. W.'-l ;n ..tin mnl KmI tit'il:iy; tlf- tl'tN 'lit Mltlllll 1 J i 14 ,l llti'llt. .'nr I 'Ih'Iiuu el It, Iiu'.cj ii! M A, M. in riven Hi I1. M iMllllltllM ',, 1-tiv Whlli. Hull t 1,'iiVfi lUlly til H A, M. RI'llVt'N ill intn ti'rliflt I', M, I'l'mii Whit. XhIiimiii i' vt-H fur l'"iiltln, till nti'l', Tumi I like iiml M 1 1 1 1 , WihJiii iIi.'. mi. I .'ii I n . r.a?i:i i.m , Mvmits. Mltllill !? CCIllM III I'.all llir'i'. Tin1 i:iy-i'.'U' paced iIum ii M'linliiy. Nlfkt'lMin l.t'i'i.'i wiiue ('in mi I rii'.'iix try tlirm. T. J. Viitntiii w us up (Y'tiii I'liilliiiiil JMoinliiy. I'lcline framed to order nl the I'lll' llltUIV Hllll'l . A Miotic Itiifi wnt jiiit In iln' Aiiiwry liullilitiK I lit" wt i k. t'''ri'l nil Wool II 1 1 It t fio'host III re duced i' ii I'M at I I.'iiiiiii'm. Ivl Miller mnl l!tll. 1 1 H'-ImimI t were fit Till' I iil l'H cdlii'Miliiy. linn. I!. I. Sniiili vixiti'il Portland Monday, id unmix W t iluiMliiy. All liiiitln of music uml Iiih il ( liiin IkhiIu In t at M. II. Nicki lsi ii'H. A li'-f.',"Htipply cf InunlMtiiiic wiill 1 or JunL I'cci ivcil hy H. JO, Ji.irl mc:.s. Walhien nn. I IIiiiiIm.ii hnvn fur nulc AppU'M, tlrioil fruit , ,lunT, vyv, Iiai'iui, CIC. M. II. Nichelseli receives I'resli call 4l IfH uml ehevillii; ,'.ul"i elery luu Wcelrt. Ifynll VMIlit In iln II c:l"ll lill 'iliehs in limlunnr wiling prnililee, hh Nviihaee A ) luirisnii. The pl'tn peel fur H hi;; licrry ei'np Win llcVcr Itetli'l, ull'l llie );ialli linls hill' In 'iclil ii iheiii mi. mil luii'ist. The hleainer levuiatnt' Is !'.j.'nin tm tier mule iiii, I is j 1 1 : t iv 1 1 1 , eniiiK I'tiull with the limits mi Hie Imii r river, The I, (iln1 tvlar literary ene'iety hi:. . I llh I. iImiIh nr t lie i.c" sun uml Will luce! lin lin ie ::4iiil in xL Minier, The ('(thinili'.an Mumps reminil mie ll'cstiil.iy nl Hie til'l .Iciii'ielata' - In- iiii ul en clti hi tunc.-: "I'.iim, let'.i iliplnl'.'' Juc Wilnu's inany fricmls will he Jileiiseil tu learn that, his mine k pin .lileliif.' liuely ami jamm-es In ii .-u I n lllllliy year i lo enllie. (iin;;cr .V 11 uic h i'c ju .t civivc. a hI.h'K in liiiinthy, als. i inivt'il lin. I Juty. ill s. ii l.y lialti nil lea.siiiialuc t tie (' il l . tei'liis. I.I (.III, .11' l'Tnir tin t l s per sack, .;,:.,'.. p. r Par rel. Ollnl'l.t ;-.l) pel' llUlltliell, Cii.lM jicr tmi. t Imp l.ariiy p. r hun dred, ;i"i.nn pi r mn, at iiaiiiu'. I'p to date we lialc healtl nf hut tliive applicants fir t nc pnsi I a m nf pes' llliiMtcr lu re. 'I hey ale ,S. I'. Invllie, io. T. i'ratlier uml I.. I ,. M.u .e. The cpinif; ll;',hts arc early this year, the lilst crop nein;; harvested ai tin IiliiH'pienulu at 'I acker's Wednesday Jilghl. Jltind Kiver ut in, luit mn In it. ( upturn A. h. I. lowers v, HI pmltalily i jiinvc in i.uiiii.v iiaea in ji't.i'i inu'i kiilii,. lllll. . Iii'vl lilnlltli. tf Umlel'- Mtllll'l In! Will .',() lilt.) iiUMIiess lie;.' , again. J. T. Wihhart caincin from tihove this fnl'kN ol the l iver on the cast side, Thill's, In V. I i ,. I el it ,1'is I he slt.AV alnlllt two feet "deep III that liel;''hii.n!, ''hnistaliec ill the lecislatllsc, juil-ill!.' lull melting rapidly. j from Hi" fact that all of them have Then. SuUsdorf was over from hi-! '"'' h siiveii t he "cold shoulder" so far. incr, Vv'iihli., ."itiil'day, and telis ns ihc 'I'he time has come when every jmi .Himw i very deep tiicie yet. 'lite i-"'Mer.w towti iispiriinr t ) cninty honors wusiinliroUc, wiicn he came through j , counties formcl uml the trip wa.s a very hard one. , anmml them hv a simp'i! Wink of the lli'tweeii tho inciiim; .snow and, , , , , , ., J, f l ...ii,l I,,. .- I at the leelslatuie. on the 4l reels. l el, wunnlli, hist eiioiiah a littie more to thaw tlie Kiouml, ami sprin;; and all her beauty w in ue upon lis, ! old harness Him) building of J. II. Th.; Son's of Veterans met Thursday ; Downing for that purpose. This is an evening for t he purpose of iiistabn.jr! , ri ,ho (ini.n UV(ls ,m( u)(i illlcciH. Only Imii' were present, in-! cludiiiK line visit Inn member, ami three j it" l'iu'd if will receive proper encour jiieiulieis of t he A. Jl. The W. Jl. ' a'.;enn nt. We welcome Mr. Clark and (;. as usual furnished a line supper: ; family lo our town. They are iiidus- JteniHare as scarce as lien's teeth, ami j ti ious and rei'pectalile citizens, the editor Is too badly usad up to man- ii .., nfaeUire anvthing In till space. The, trsmui.:. lobby at. Salem was too heavy for us, I The pruninu: knil'.' imd sliears are lor while we thought we were lobby. ! supposed uvtu rally to be more ellU'a InrcHiilts eoiivliieu us il was only lob-' , ious if ,;,,) wll,..', (!u. sa,, is i,,win-, 0 a then Ihc cut i. miirc apl to heal over We liave ordered rix car-loans ol nun i boxen of all kinds, and have arranged i fo.. Iiceiil,,,.- .i cood ((tocU eonstantlv. We also have the imcncy for the Web-1 he done in i'lirine; that it, would he fool fertilizers. Call mid see saniile ! pmd policy to . rune al tiny time of tlie fruit boxes nt. our new moms under K. i year when one has time, for the irini 4)f 1'. hall. Hood KJVi:uKi;t it Co. j nm season i-t only limited to the lcmtfli The VaxhI 1 lood Kiver literary sociely .''' .v'r. and if put imlil sprin met last, Friday evening at Odell school j ' eno loo la e, or not at all. 1 know o lousonml hadai.(dd-fa.shio..c.lspclli,.t:!MH "lehanl that wan in part prune. , ., - i,. ,,... i,,. .1,. ..i,,,.,' alter bloom tune, ami the history ol M( IKKII. l i'Miei 'I., y t.-.v-....iki . t on was. "Kesoived, tlmt th. credit Byntein ns jirnotieed by natloiiH and in dividimls Is more of un evil than a ben elit." And Winnns eaiiio down from The Dalles Wednesday evening. Jle tolls us a bit: run f li"b is expected this . . . j i i ; i .... i 1 year ami inai. no uinuim think tl.eir wliee s aro so 1.:aeei. i. ,,!l(o ,)V ,Iu. V,;!V ,u.v i,o,v or make a Kood ealeh. he boj s l ave . ,., m( heen energetic and tireless in then ei- nm.Hv, you should prune trees in forts, urn wo hope they will have a , w v (,u,v huJn .m(, (.v ,() Kencroiis harvest ol lordly salmon. j h;ivi, h(l pl.uni!1;, ,, helb.v thl, The niasiiuerado ball at. Tucker's, ; i,!,,.,,,, ((-,,,, ,.om(,.. 1 ean not surely say Wednesday nifiht, was quite well at-j ,( ( , id,,;, iri rieht or wrmiu' that ; onm tended, and barrinu' n little disturb- j ,);,(),it. ilVe, but many are preiudiee.l iince, passe(l oil very pleasant ly. Knox i ,,.,ai;,j,t prunim.t wiiile t rees are in mid Leasiire and W. T. Jlihhard (ur- bloom or early set for fruit, as they liished the music. Miss Jithel Cook L..,!,,, (w cfu'd on the tree isdisastrous, took the pri.e for bust sustained ehar- l)V (,.,,lsim,' the fruit to hli;;lit. .My own 4ieter, represent iutf (hxldess of Liberty, i.periciioe is not eonclusive, but when ,und U. J. Tucker as a, t ramp captured !lavi j,nu.,i youn;v trees when in the first prize, for gent Ionian. bloom, I have several tiui"s had no The Union l'aeilic have published a. I fruit. U would be well emuhih to call very ileal pictorial world's fair folder, mil, the experiments of old fruit-men containing colored lithograph of the va- j on this paint. It may be passible that l ions exposition buildings, bird's eye . cry youiu; t rees would show poor re view of the grounds, with n complete . suits when (dder ones would not be ::f lnup of the city, showing location of f.eied. Anyhow, .I'Vhraary is a month the fair, hotels, railway depots, strict ; when the pruning can be done, usually cai'lincs and city parks.' Copy of same i to the best advantage, and one can may be had by Addressing W. il. J lur.-: prime if the y;ro,im! is wet or dry, which hurt, Assistant Cener.d 1 ..rfsener j e.mnot be st.'i.Loj' mn ii'g rruittf nil 1 Agent, l'oi tlaiid, Ovon. j i lo.vers. 'I'llin.tliy ;i nn, (,1'Cilciin ft Me Ken- !c, riillv, iiy eoiiliiieioin, whm in 'J lie Jdilli H i.ihI MitiiPlay, iiiiyliiK liny loi IIHI' (if Ifllll Wlllln I'lllIK1'1' in ''ii- -tftit lit '".ittiiii 'nix iioiti.eo rull- 'way. V-otK w III i'mii mvi , n n till I. l, l!"l Hi II I II llN lllll I'mT Ml I lie I tul le Li liable. ' 10I1I1 nilii'i ! ml i mil . The lilll iK'tiii.' the wil,ui''i4 of county of! I eel s (' IMh I lie t hi'llll' 1. 1' V; ct HI It- I v :, mm mi'l (In clerk '.M'W per year, Till" is el H ill;' 1 1 It il' I If' ell 'I'll, lull lllli. s H pl'uvi lull U made lit!' Illilcili'ii or ilici llelllnl CX if!l."( lur llie idttTiil', lllli! iiltit i'i' will v. iiii: for liul hill;- uml board hliiis.i ir. 'm ! I hem ill.' peiiide who will - cell I he iillicc even lilhl.'l' I lc n lerniH. I,. II. A'l.'iinx c.iiil Mr. I'.nler wci'c I I j i li'.in I'm i liiiel Monday iiii'l pur- i ll. 'i 'ii'.l I lie l!;; cu. 1 1 lies lie t limine Pi t lie Ml, I Inn. I .''l.'iee ' '". The cum In , lold t e lull I H'j'e lltl.l lieuvy tol lllis 1'ollte, hul Jti-.i i Ii.' I ii'ii;'; l.ii' llie pliu e I In ,v Hill le liM'il, rniiliili from Ihc lei' Hiliills nl' Ihc i;ienl Noltliclll In the iiiiiie-, iicur the l.nti-h ( ,'iiltiiuliia line. Tn n!)e ivllit lines Hot occupy 'I judicial p.t-ilitiii it iw.'.il'l n ein n lie i;.i'n iiiin li. uh m ice "In innl.d Ihc piiiiisliini nl I'll Ihc ( l ilt. i " til lie1 Clle 'il tin ,'.e i-e lil:' liijlir I'l lleleilC', I.V li llill',' I helil III li ;,' ! .In (1, h In p;iy llie ci.'ls n! Ihi'ir ii ri e. I . 'I U hnii ever h. liul llie cpin i'til nf h'n Itiillt.r .liel"" l.'lely, Il hn 1 1 lulls lie' I! lie In I'l, U hilt' I he e., pelle I if l he ill It I U ill I, Vl I lice I ell I ill 1 1 I I ml Mini. Tiic u imle l.ii-lii" let i i i 1 1 r nle.l in'n :l v, h' li.t' In lil ilic i't'i'S Ini' lie lit pill V I ', S. lll.U sh:l. The palliis fll!,'ll,"e. ill 1 i II i t IJt li' IT I ..I I II... I'.. el. u ..I tli.i I'U'l.l'i.le (,.U,(,ni(),jVi ii,,,,),,, p he nunhmL ; the liiw, We L'ivc (hem liolic.i tlnii ; "hen Ihc lic.M i;iiitnl liny inc. ts every; me nl I lieu I lieu 1 1 is! IV In 'III I he evil Ic nee i can lie prneiireil M III lie p.ii.eeuiei. (lie ill iT ale p ml , III lit I' l I'iiihI, nil' I nil lit' ei. lllll nl llie tit ep clinW Ul." helpli s-. Tliell I. ill. I'l' is u nuliili CI lieily Mil. I lllli ll.t tlnlllit I'.' plilll-'lieil us il hllilllltl li" the iiilty mil s l."im.' muiI. In jail I'm' ll'nlll i i III. mi ; ii i lii a y em , The N n lliii'.' ( lull. Tlie (-p. lliii.; chili was uttcmleil hy ahtai! nit, la .! M unlay cvenitm, mnl a pleasant t iiic was Ini'l hy nil. After '!ii;T'i.liinie (" itinn (if sull'n lecita tinli't, I'ea'h H,'.',s ( te,, I he spelling; nitll Wiil i. ".Ili.'i!l.' to pl'.nliilllice, uml tlie .1 l.,-i''s seuls i.ei'Upieil hp .1. It. Niclu'l 'ii, J. II. 1 1 lima aU'i .en. 'I'. I'rather. i nil:' v, ele the s nil h Hi" 1 illl . I , ill' llillt V- -I'i Wnl'ils ,1 pell' .'. l.y I Y;i:i U .! i:iis wiin iiein : I'.iii;'. - 1 ue in t la' eh lei I I he l'.,e. i" 1, ami At tin' leeellt V-hel.l I.V Hie ..'..!.,, leim.ilietl cur:. nl nil' ( lei'l I'.ll nf II. I). llll- (.llie, ua- . ! ,; . I j .r.;:: -lit; ll attic II I c ', vice p.esi h at, l' 'l!a, mT." I .'!; an.) I'i .ink Wat-m, l r.-a- Uiei'. Tile Ilea. ui'tT was place. I under -r " - - -s J ' -I ;. 1 1 1 1 1 s a 1 1 I :( t ! iet ;', (I a ft I is kept mi all it's iiinvemelits. 'I hl'ee c nil II I i 1 1 li s U t l':' app i;.ni. pre I 'll ! I t !l j. ami la lp Llhral'.v. in I hv th,' pr '-i leii', wt a 'r.tinnie is Mssui'e.l I'nr ( acli t '.iiiii1 all with yniir nickels, hllili! fo;- t he i chi.ul a unnil I i : ! . I . A W.nms, :-eel!aiy. I .'.l.'. liu ; Nnliiv. ; m Il'iud liiver Fruit (! rower in will meet at. ll ind l.'ivcr Sat-' II! urduy lie;.! at liiti'eli.ek a. In. fur the. further e.iiisi.len.t ioti of imillers per-: (;,;,. in,f tl, j,enmuieiit m'i;aiiiatiiui, all ili rested iii mir fruit i mluMi'ics arc le- 'i'l'l'tctl I.) he present 'I'u ii!!'! i:i Items. The "new ('..unity'' si'iiemei'H evi .leiitly have humped up icminsi a cir- M 'ssrs. M. O. Clark ami W. L. ihir- kcr have co:;ehith'l t, comhict a butcher shnp.,1 Condon ami have rented the (iiiekly and leave no sear. Tii is may '"'I1'"'. l"'n' iSM' he true, bill there is so Him , , i i i :il .pruiini w.mld he a va ualilc essay on (lie science of prunimv at lar;::e. I') to a certain time all the. tree.-) that were well pruned bore heavy crops of nears and prunes, and thost' pruned later bore very lew or none. If one knew the date' when the prunine; was done, l would have been easy to tell svhM lives were i.r.tnc.l In-ibro or tifter I I llnii,'ii'l, mi III.! U i'ii. III'!; Mi;liti I (.'iiirlen ir.'iti,'i:i v,'a- ii tfni'iiMte nf j 1 111 ...,l 1 1 I . ... II i ... ht V ..-I. w.-iiiii mil-;;... I ic ivein, in . .1. I ,. . 1 1 .,,,f 1 . ....n ii in ini ii. y.iiiii': On llie nilit I'nll'iv.'niif liM , vi"lthli'( Itii v. ifc w,n iiiv.lI.ciiciI l.y pin- Ju tl.l.ll!, Illi'l M.'l!l HT.V l"T llll' l.'tll'l i i'i'..!l iiiln I li.. i'i ii i,n, I. .el hill';:l.n i.''il lint li"-.!, it'ini' n :'l'!"tce, M'l'l. I .cm;; iliv 1 envei .''I i;l, I, i l licfari'..:.) .'nr!t, V."lH pur- . Hl!i"l llicl t Ji'.l, 111, lie I'.iil.'lll. Iii l . ii.y thi'ni";'i it iTnw.l i,f jnli.-enii'ii, win) v. !'" a 't.arjt il hy fl'i' pi. lnl tli.ii.'t, Ull'l I'l.i'l t nit ill l.l.i (:.' :t ; if . )l" v,:ih fttmii i . I'l . i u . . 1 1 i ' . i ,i . i . 1 1 fi .1' .1 ti. I-. .! i. ,! . ii in I ( 1 1 III, In t lie On m pen i tec! j.iry I r an ' Iliyil- li'i'M mi. ulv. In I'm tn'a:i! iiiii; Velnp- i licit I'ic ,'e..ii;-; la t".l' 1 "I I! IV.I'i II i:in' !; ali'.'.ir, Ii'd hi t t.ilppn' Ctl vih' Irn i.inri. ni'irrieil a v.'",ih iiy ini-r- hi,' ! i ;'n Knh'iti wa'i trie'l fur v." Viiilt cilia'', n; 1 lii.i ilel'.'in.ii '1 "fi the iun.i.ivit nl''iv,-, I, In , p; 1, In il.. th" " 'U V hn a. nl nil t; el. In it. tint lalt T v.'.m ivi'il I'.c v,iiM" I.niy i'l " '!' Iit-r I.e... I llnnr mi::; -. nan. '1 ''ply ,.',' '. i I V, ' lllll'' lllt'l 11' :."'t!'i ". Ti,i. ;, mi; Vi li i In i ' i ": M,.'.' ...mi i." -I i 1 ; (ml ,vi! 1.: lii-i'liii c i-;!i r in. in Y.v I. . pi. a r f'.' iu hy rn arri'i:!". tm i;ey.. - 'iii' ii.iiati It.'. Int. i-i -! in.; ." i. Mil l.s ' 1." imni. : lVj. j;,.r , t i i H," lit .i;l ni. rei; a'.' I U.i- I.' lli'lltl. v. Im eii 'l fv !ir.-t Year, n Mr... I!"pe. -'I' J. ii'.. ce.'iiiy in h r ' i..'!it v luik sviUi t!n lmc; ni i:1"1 1 1" l: w.vt ii kniu'l'l.iii;;lil' r nf llm limiK who tihtiuiietl v.'1'rM with) fame tint winner nf tlai l)r.;.!a.s ert'-e, wliicil v.'.n pi-riiap-i the iinml e..; , ,t ir-hnai)' airl I'liiiiantie lit r; linn ".i rnenrii. L'TiI ! ). ni':, !..", tin' ;-!!. . .-. f.i I iaimaat, ha 1 cue il.i'.i 'li'i l', w!m v. a . I lie in ii t ;is nf l,i,4 v.u-t p i. ' " ' -imiii. i 'i i h!i iniin if.l thi) yni.ii;-. r l.r..!li.-r i I' Ha- ! m lli Duke ,f llni ( It in i'. V. hn V.'l.a (it, .titl Li.l'l ".i'.ll la a .f i 1. .'I ,lrt. .a, j.irl ;m i 4 i.n-.v niily !' ;.ii lea i i 1 1 1 uriu".!i hi I'i ml. -hip v. n li la:- W..1.I ! JVnil. J i ;i:;. I.':-! ta ;u I... I I'i;'".. il.rr;'.!. r.t, nf v. ,..!.! th.) ( In. . ! ni'ii ! i. .1 ll.i- l..!c I .nr. I Hi. la", aid !.!;' I.i..' l l.i Mr-. Jin, If l iil.Ui : ii, is Hn. .'.,'il...,.v! i'.aia;!i:. r. iai;r; i. I Mr. It II,, ' of I. till ue. . ',, miani tmie 'J'ory liiel.i'ui r fur in ! tir, i:a 1 l.jniiier of the f.i' tf.i.. :'. It. l.i ::. lh.;.e ni. .1 ;.t !!. ! I '.- Ik-, !, "iiark'". '. in. ii had in i a ! "! j.ri.'ii i; i;i re i.icicit for many yi ura a ' , ..'ii : 1 ,"".'. ,c imri. ilia t li" Luli' i,. : vaali ;.i Al rlcly, K.a 1 l,..;;ii,m, Hei f.meral hi im; :., i.Ic! l-v liic !)uke of Il .!. km. li a- I 1 ii-.', llnrn.. : a l l.y mi-la.-r 'lis 1 1.. i.i.i. '.''...' t l.i '! I' I'.-.-pi i-! ' ve 1'aui ilic:,. - Lnndi.a T,",i; !i. 1 AI':lC'l'lU':,. l':unis In "I immi.-Iiiisi'Ms. Wnimi the ' .f the old Hay St:. in r.:t rn. re than .M. ah.mdmK d farm i. A ii. t t.f inany nf tiiiM- ..r- (ill. ml hn!i:e ,!' -..(Is is rei'.'. . ii.le :,t tint !i'':iii.i!;ar!'".; i f ike t.t;:tif hoard nf fi.vri (iihnre. and cay one wishes ji ccaii' .'y life ('(lUh'.iy air can ha.v.j Iila lerim; lie. I h.r il Very small in r.e it!"-! nf tae,:' .done,! farms are found hi the hill l.wiis of tlm western (.iim;;ei, id. aiiv haantiful for sitna- ta.n, irntnv i f them, ami laekim; only the tm;. !i' ( f l!:e wand w.allii to be- come namiiilieent manors. Essex ha-. less than aav other en I..... ...... ,.ll...r ...... i. tv r.v, t Snf. " -' if not precisely lew and far between. Tiiere s. ems tn i.e no j;-ood iva.-nn wdiy im-h jihici's ilier.ld k to rack and nun, wneii lmtidretlrt nl city lolljs ara lni ivin'tni' a smamer homo at n modest price. I'm is: oi i ( llu'.ie. ; ('otiru'ien.-e er neiievnleace? In Jail.;.' Tn lay's court i:i Chicago, diiria : t !: " liearia ; of a. cast) yes terday, .i middle axed man. After a'ljnarnin:; cuirt tiu j'.id:.;e found tho man standim: be fire him. "Tins is .hnVc Tuley. 1 believe." said tiic K'.rmi;.':.'!'. "I maierstand that your v.'im is mtereste l in eliaritie.',. 1 am a (-.trammr in t iwu and 1 thought 1 would call niioa van I'.ir a favor. 1 wish vou would Kivo thi- to Mrs. Tuley," said tho ni;i!i, jiressin mfo tiio ehantvllir a mil of hill.;. -WliocanlKiyitea'ao from?" ar,l;ed the jud;;e. ! "That i-i immaterial," concluded tho t.t ranker, as he departed. The roll eon- tair.ed five $!tK) hilb. Cor. St. Louis ; Gloix'-Deiuocrat. i Never Tun Slany of Thcr.e. There has heen a ;::vat bnehlin.t? down ! ... ...a; i ....... r .... ;i .... . t.i.i,,. .,f 1,, ' l.i .-...lltl l tiMlli'll, II I'll., lli.ll ,ti:, luu mtantitv of v:,nender. that have hen sold. A man that receive two timbrel-, las, or two bath robes, or two canes, or two smokmt; jai'kets. has a surfeit vt any of them, but a pair of braces is tho i f.afest present that can he cent to a man. j Duplicates make no difference. A mail may have, with a relish, a pair of sus- pondera for every pair of trousers. ) Clothier and I' tirmsher. A (iluist tn li fliiu'. A ghost has driven tho workmen from tha 700 foot level of tho Anaconda cop per niino at r.utte, Mon. They declare , that the ghost, which wius a former f ore-1 man of tlie mine, p.irches itself on tho rtUL.M i o. timbers i i tlw stojK'S and gives orders as ! Hrats coilivte.t ami taxes pn'ul for non to the manner in which the work should ; rcsidsnts. Land imivrs.of all kiiuls invparwl be performed. Exchange. j " sl.ort notice. , T7 7,. . Tl , ; Abstracts of Titles a Specialty. Desecbo. an lshiud luljommg Porto ' Rico, is infealed with rat si. There arc millions of them there, and it is unsafe for ti man to ret foot on the island. They have destroyed all the goats which were formerly bred there and tiro now eating tho shrubbery. An acorn was planted before tho door of his father's house, in Ripley, Me., by Currier Do'.vning. lie soon afterward left homo and was absent sevcuty-iivo yearn. When he returned the other day the iU'orn b.:-,d produced an oak nine feet in circumference. The agricultural department of .he state of Rio (Iraudo do Sr. I. Hrasil. is iniporling ha?f a million grapevine cut tings from southern Culifori' for uso in siavting esperimeiital vmeyaraj. "GAINES." Will ixft t:- tl' k iih'iii i if 1 "M lit, )', !n. t'H i ni nl 1 1 lilivt r. . . Oii'i'oii; lltnllfil lo j lllli en Iiiiiii'S i". iie lnv nun ),.,rri.,i,ii iiicl IVli;rc-(, , ;,,,,. ,,,,, n; ., . ,,,r(, ,,y ; A!l!i(,..ll,i n. J. .! -iiiniCii , li-l ,',ini', ,' , .1, l,, k, ::! In. iinii.1 . Wy, l.uU..U iiiKiI.h ' A Mn ,; V.,H r-.nw 2.:..; WUf (,r,i- Imni - - '' , n id I i.nii.'ii A lin'ml il. j Miii't r ' rn I n'ii' r ' 1 ' . i. ml 'H' nl (.ui. .l.iiu: j wllh lui; In li,.- ?:'i It i'i ii Mill f if the l.i ii. I All in.i i ! , n n (till In ii' i.t r In J !. 'mil ill's At;, en, I, i, i in nl I;. I It. . in, in ini'l V.I u It'll.) I In- v.'iiM i,i:,i r. i iiiiui' Wi Mini 1 1 inn;, ni t y ','i,!.,i. i' . ;..'. ! iini V. In. )i i', i'i.ji! 'I .'."-1 l.y 'J lininii.'. J'. Iri.l lin t. ;, in i.M ' I'lnnf 1',,',, Jiunn nr t,;,ii ( . la, r'ii in e:-.', I.m. (, .'.Iinnin It, (.neii...; n-'iin i.f il'iS, i.imI lrnlllii;f .i:..i. nl :Ui li !!n i I at :.liii,vli Inlini ir In ,i- :i ir ; i ; r i ' ; i ri ' I "i-''"''-' A-. a .! i i.r o!-l la-l ear niili . Ian, .Iln,;: lie In. II. "I i.u . ,,;l,lli In ; i '!'.-, ii a !. iii.-l !iii.m. a rit'ltt i nl I .' null I'n i, il el 1 1 iita : lie, I I... li. i vi. . ;, .. ,, Ul l,.' ' ''),ii iln.. when . I; n.)',iii : . i'. in ni' (,.,.,.! . I.f ,11 fn ll, ,,!' Will tart' ! ,y ' ,.' ,:,,!" I ,.rl " I. ill. ill 1 Ml i te i v. il I I.f lui lu'-ai'fl In .,; .!. inn i.f 'i n -ic .:.i. i r un.iiili, I 'ii' e.ire nl l.i- 1.1,'. i 11 In l i, i viii a.. i I.. I.-. 1 '"'; i.l a' i r'li'iil i.l' inflijii i -.i.ic it -i.l.l ;:uv ii. i.'iir. " ' ; i . i a:., i i,..n ,.in .'an na n:- ii l li ,s T. II. la rr.m, It. in.l Klvt r, (ii",nin - i;:a!.i.i: in - Stoves and tin- varo, kitchon far nituro, priming tools and plumb-; crs gcod.3 of all kinds. ! I ;. .:t,i ni" nl 1 1 in; ii ;.i'.'i.e' y. V. H. WiLSO;. i at):.;v a r la u: ID'r.tS at, AMI M-AV VoiT hl.'ii.'K, Tin-: liAt.i.i;-, (,i:i;iiii.. lull a .'.: M l.i I 1 ! Attorneys-at-Law, ! Chapman Block, over Postoffico fe Vj t li i . . t II ti '-v. A licw xtoek df lanlies' .'Hal (rents' WATCHES. 1 11. LIT) A N '0 .'-I Ii'ilH CASKS. CHAIN.-;, CiiAi'.MS, KTC. SI'IlCI lL uf'ienti'm ven tnj clean in ami r, pai.'iiiL' watehi.'.-. J. H. FEUGUSON, Unnd Is Ivor. - - - - Orp.'irnn :- j A TVO, AAA MKATTY'S ..rsiin 1 1 jUV.W4H' lii.i'i.i'H. l ..r .a:-it-: ... Iiv.,s Icam.:! I'. IJeutty, W...-,l!iiam.:i, ,!, i,.( The iiii. leiviuii'il lieini; Ineateti near! II. mil River, wish.'s to inform parties; ho mav lie desirous of having stir-I veyin: done, that he ii a practical! stii'veyor of many years experience, j and t !iat work en; rusted to l-.iia will be i pel I'onned wit h dispatch arid correct-! "''. J'e a,,es picas, ic ., miernn to . 1 P A V- ' lU'ii'.' HV infill' Vl.'H'J M'l U ciiniity inmniissinner in Minnesota,) ; . ... - " aim lor whom nc did eountv woj-i? as e.uinty snrvcynr, as to li;.-; ubility. : I'm ties writiiiir me at Hood will re- j ceive prompt attention. C. J. IIAYKS. Dated Hoed River April Oth. ISfil. JOHN H. CRADLEBA'JGH. ATToltNKY AT J.AW. rnc'tii'. s ia ;!l tin- courts of Oregon and Wiisli' Sii'i'hil iiilemion given to coil' Vi-j .'lle'ili.. (U,ATi:il OI'i'MCE. 111)01) RIVER OREGON Land Locator. liverv body watds land in Hood .; I have some very dc-; ; for jK)iiusk:uU ami timtorotl i.l'ilnid with iMinn'ntr "W'-itt-l fn vm' r ,,., llK,.lte vcral stockmen advan.taeeously. Do Hot fail to see Ilu .tt 1 food Ili ver Falls or address me at Hood Hi ver, Wasco County, Oregon, W. Jloss WlN iXS, Locator. J, W, KENHA, , . . . 'Painter and Paper hanger, and rj kinds of work neatly and CilGaply Done. H001 R1VEn, onr.oos. j. m. iu-ntinotox. e. n. jickinstuy Hiili k Iiil. srccassui: to j. m. iu-m'inoton ,t- eo. 1S9 Second Sired Ths Dalles Or. Roal Estate- Loan& ,nsurance ScisnUnc American Agency t1 1 " i i- 1 . J N CWEAT8 W$& TRADE MAHKiff ,V JVj desigm patests, lti v COPYRIGHTS, otcJ For Inforntnitoa and freo ITar.dtiook vrrJ.p to J'UNN At CO., sil ilii.iAnw.w, Krw YotiK. Oldest bui'onu fur so.iiii'ins: r-atente In America. '('IviiiT S'.iteot ln'-.eii out t'y mi Is l.rtniRht Is'Iura tbo pubito by a uuiive given li-eo oi clutrgo in tho LTCst rlro.iitiit'ion cf ciy acl fntifc rnpor In tlis I v . i.U Sl'loaili'liy illi.s.muc.1. No intelligent i liwi iieiii:i lx v'tmai, It.. VVeeHr. a roiivi lfl.i.i ii'.,.iana. Aii.ii'CHs Mt'NN CO., I Vji'ri's,.:-d, iii-oaawuj', xSew lurli City. - ' r.PTT-T Wfl-,v. HfV Or DEALCF7 I.1USICAL IHBTEUKENTi BTATZONERY, GLASSWARE, LAIJ.P3, BLANZ-BOOKS, SOHOOI , -SUPPLIES. BOOHS, PERIODICALS, NOTIONS, CAITBIES AND TOBACCO. The Pnriher, EliildsngjSscon'J a Oak Sts. RJmEaW (BOItTLMI3) & HOOD Offer for Hale .iun,i)!i!) Ktaiiiliinl trccucrowii mi hi!) Jlr VawU witliont lrrlgn tinn or immure, t-iu h trc(n arc iiicuu parahiy cupefior to those grown on h'.Vi'il. h ue V. atci'eil Hnii lri'i;.'ateil tret s w hail p!;i!it"tl (ill liiuh uml dry noils ar liaiilc to Ht iint. iii i.rnwi 1 1 iiinl if t hey ii v ., it Is !i;i!i!e to In: '7 or 8 ycurs befor th.yheartn ninmint to c.iiv thiin.'. Our t n-CH :r( frf(uciitly in hcarinf; tha Uml .v ar from H't; ing 'ail. "i ill miikI rcfcrcuc'-H to Hii'u.stiuitiiitu t!il awDcrtion. i;" ' .', I i-ti H, n nil' J . ii'iiy, l. l:i rrii,:i, yjiHC'H una Apricot. Ismail friiitu in variety, m'mm.eiital t.-ee.-i nt nhrul, ami 40 varieties (out 'f Ul'Mcstsj (,f I'nses. SjH riullii f, I'riiin i-. S'Vi'l'.i I vaii(;t ic-H of Aw I'eachr.4' ami I'.iir1;) ''ijuj;fai-i:)jirri:i. Spiel il indtK-cnvntu t') those planting in lota of I'm) ii) jmni. (;!.irri..p'ii(!ciK'K invited. Ai'.'lr".-", liLKINUTOX & CO. No. 2 i)t kuin lP.iil.liti'r, N. Vv. Conicr l"t rim) Wn.iliinjrimi Sts. I'ortland, Or. ;i,'V ITLKLNtiTON. Hood i'.iver, Or. THE 1ALZ;ES HBrOIilTTILE CO. Till! DALLIS 0UEG05. DEALERS IN Or 1 I?. Gri S3 Fi; In carload lots, or retail at tho very lowest market rates deliver ed anywhere in the city or at the depot free cf ciuirge. .solicited un l promptly filled. 1J.I2 to 3S-1 SECOXD STREET. TT 1 1 If I' XL IL H. DZALr-R IN GECCEHIES, FLOUR AND GENTS' FUBHISHIHG GOODS, FSUIT3 AWD VEGETABLES. Goniectlonory M Gigars. (ioods Nlliii at the lowest po:-siij',t; cash FIRST AN 1) OA IC STH KiOTS .... HOOD JUVER OREGON. malt! T' VtMl 'I'. 1 1 V 1 . .. . t.... ..t ., J . 1 oliicnn r. r . .t. ie i oil ... vtiinel, ul ihf fol ks enil 'a!! ol' ltn. ..t river, tt-ltti i:a;.f s'a;!.t!y Ini t'l'.t.iii .liei'is itiut aiii-ys. .iiut soil, ji'.ae ceil! vitt.'i'aml simile in ji:til'iii.a, ..'I'- : i'.vt tirnai.iue, licliisiitnil liniantaiii eli- i ma;.', the i-i'iitral imriiflina as a ' la, unman sii'imier r. s ua ami tor aii 1'H'ii.m. tieiia; the nearest town Ini Ml. H.x-I. I. is al-n tineariitieied : lis n anmiilacinriii!' cea ;.".'. i l!,e aa;ai'.i! is aiei' i'nr l.V.I sijiiiive j laii.s of I in'1 best i-.'ihtr t'.r ; TIMTSKR, I'essrssiim iiiiliitms . horse ow- ei ia its tiasiiiau stream water talis easily iiei'iiessi it. Where t-li : : ni.Uive jinuer t:.its. tli. i'c ilit' l.'aiar.f.i. tars's i will center, sarrcuiuleil by -nil .'.mt eii- in. lis thin cannot ! eweiieil tstty vvlieiv I for liiiii iia-l au'i;i".ii;ari. mnl witii i triini-ni lai mil aneailv ussva'eti yaa uili limi liiis tiie j.lmi to make a porf.i't liontc or a i.vinS iuvcci- j meat. TITLE PERFECT, Seo mo c n the ground, Tn f iJldCtdl . . TVT . , : if. Huutf huuiitu, A. S. BENNETT. ATTOliXEY-AT-LA II". ' OPFU'KIX Sit AN.NIVS 1UTJ.MXC, CORNEU OK COL'll'l'AMi ia'OXI S-lTKiiET, Tiie Da it os, lliTn'on. T Jl Jt " fi Are tho Beatty s uresis Write I'm- eatu'livriie. Aii.livs Daniel F. Dcatty Vasliiiii.'.tt.n, New Jersey t r PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST. NORTH and SOUTH EAST HOUND FKOM HOOD RIVER Xo. S, Kxpress leaves at il:SS A. M. Xo. 2, Mail " 10:& F. M. WEST liOUXD FKOM HOOD KIVKK. FXo. 7. Fxeri'ss leaves nt 5::0 I'. M. Xo. 1, Jhul " -1:15 A. M TIIKOGU Sl.KErF.KS UKCIiIXIXG 01IAIU CAItS AXl) D1XKUS. Sleamors from rurttaail to t?an Francises, every -1 day.". mm. irvi For rates nnd general information nail on imi'oT tick Kt Aiaas r. W. 11. Ill" tiLlU'HT, Asst. Con. Pass. Afft. 25i Waiihiilston St., Portland Oregon. 0 Vih-MW 0NSALE IN H IV: r I. price. One price to everybody. hi k 1EEIS0N. ' 1 AJ.. J. V-U COMMISSION MERCHANTS- W lii A General Gommlssioa Business, in al' kinds of fruit and produce, KCOD IIIYE2 CKEGOJI. T. I. EMERSON. All Around Painter. TT i5 T .Pfi-?""f T:.TTHfr 114 U, PAPER HANGING AS D DECORATING. mlsolla,ne uutl sanstacttou guarua- , nan. j8 HOOD RIVER, - OUEUOPti.oy ESTEAY. to A 2-year-o!d red heifer. No bmndsm or ear-marks. II. PiuouE. ist Isa ESTEA. Two red 2-vcar-old steers, branded TL., connected, on the hip; very large for their ne. Any one lindini; their" will be rewarded for feeding them unf nd notifvim' me. O. B. Haktlev. -it; B.R, TUCKER, PPtirKIKTOB OF 113 RIM MIS. Oi'' ALL KINDS. MANUFACTURER OP FRUIT BOXES HOOD RIVER, OR. A tSO DKAElt IN DHY GOODS. STATIONERY, TOILET ARTICLES, rERFUMERY ETC. Terms Strictly Cash, AND AT Trices never before beard of in Hood River. , H I 1 ill ). HY. , export! reeeiv braced 'i order !nor of r. Hy people but tfnlng I'gliU who ; Ca v , wa house, ItTinjt mong and a tire a iroud that 1' trier Bore tha his lim, k fnjf per . zz , xl Df tk te ) i V I- I I