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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1893)
Vfood IQvcr (51 U.WtCl . Hood mvku, ok.. ri:u. IS3. voxsolwa run S.mie few week a;j., : man mimed 0JU,, ,u place Wont, who N deputy United States j vacant till the next meeting. In the nia,tdial for the st..: of Wiisliinpton ruiun,s (iwln-Broderiek cotit.-M. two ! siuvesMve legislatures l':i lied, tiinl the I atiUe had onlv oho MMiatoi' for two I years, In tin latter cim1, the jrovcrnor i stiouclv desired to r!ioint lirnderlck, Among tho excellent monrtsivs enact d Into law by tho hi to legislature was the bill of Mr. Mauley proiinr f.-r one assessment and oiio collection of taxes. Tho bill abul'islies city ami chool district assessors, and provide for the levying of taxes by eity ami .lis ; e.inie to Portland aimed w ith a wnr ( rant f r the arrest ol a Chinese woman J who I Hurried and was living with I Iter husband in the eity. Instead of nuking the arrest mvordlng to law , ' eveiireil the sorvi.vo of a chinaman, and i the two deliberately kid-imped the wo- in.ii), taking her t Seattle. The Port ' land liar .Waelti.m tU the matter up and ha.l Wist nnvite.1 and tried in : Portland, on the elmrge of kid naping. The ease was proven beyond the por- trict authorities upon a certificate from ! adventure of a doubt; the county assessor of tho total amount 1 ',u mo" tv,i f assessable property on the rolls. Iving ! brought in n verdet but the intelli 'a: ted too of '' a-ault but win advised by the secretary of the senate, then an etlleiul of twenty yearn' stan. liny:, and by more than a score of senators of nil pmlcs Including hou r las, Seward, Hale, ('us Tombs and I'Vsscnden - that he would not bo inl mitted. A similar case occurred in j Oregon in lsvi, wh.Mi the legislature i tilled only one of two vacancies. The 111" V ' ', ; governor renamed (rom ami t vrlthiu the boundaries of the eitv or battery." No doubt tiiev were moved to thus jugjile witli the law f.iul their appointing, j an I l.anewas the onlv senator from district. The assessor then extends the city und district taxes opposite the ' "KM ion,,, 1 ' sviepitliy, f. lycb'ul cf State Mild county taxes, and tho col- i ,,uil' l,llt.v Buike, the iimm.: tal, sard - ...... ... lector collects tiieiii all nt one time, "nit no cum try W..S sale!' loan It paying them to the treasure , aI. .... I .. ... . . , rr i i i, .1 , r ,1 a .1 1 1 1 , 1 ., fn. 1 I, . i .. Kcepi lueiu in separate tuiius, i no " - """'' num. i. i.iiu. great advantages of this system are up- 1 nue.i niarsin.i s can U.I nap a ; ttkrent. It is not a new one. but the i ehiunmans w ife, no woman white or ; j Oregon till Riker was elected in isiio. I'll.1 law of precc.lcnt is perfectly ir. The governor can appoint only to a vacancy occurring in the recess of n tlS3 d 1'ivpar 'd to fiinil'.li at oiiee, a line e!;es but ileal and ' ill 10 time "lnt "no onintrv w..s suier loan lis.,, , . . , . , . . ,, 11 "ml! - t till legislature and which the previous vr who lowest citizen, or words to that elect , ... ,. 1 .... ' . legislature could not anticipate. When Is. The !u,d it was subune truth. It deputv-,, , . , , . . , , , , one prevailing in the majority of states where the tax laws arc systematized. Under tho old law the unfortunate property owner was put to much trouble to pay his taxes, lie had to go black, is free from dancer. Wot should have been sent to the penitcntiaiy, and wo U'lieve the court would have gladly given him the limit of tho h.w had the jury, as it should have dor.e, ; found turn guilty as charred. lev'i.-.latuie, having had knowled that a vacancy would occur by expira tion of a term, neglects to pro for it, the scnatorship roiu.iins vacant till the next session ot the legislature." It is now nettled that Onrhett the windy and Mitchell the gaseous are to flcht for ?10,tW a side, lioth are iu- i viueuiic jaw-snuins, ami n is io i o j hoped that their tight may result like that of the Frenchman and the colonel, in San Francisco, who fought the eel- to a finish in to the court house for his county taxes, to the city hall for his city taxes and to some uucertaiu place for his school tales. He was assessed at a diil'crent valuation in each place and the collec tion began at ditlcrcut dates, so that ho could seldom make one job of it. In addition to this, tho three assessment ..II. w ivu. u.; UevraNUj u.i u....,ikP l" i ebratod talking match go to three places to asecitain whether, tho f ,,' projwrty was delinquent for taxes, in creasing the labor and expense of real estate transfers and tue uncertainty of titles. Furthermore, there might be three distinct sales for delinquency in one year, addiug a needless cost for re demption: By the new law cities and chool districts will be saved the cost of assessing and collecting taxes, property owners will be able to pay thir taxes li at one time and place and obtain one receipt for the entire amount, the number and cost of delinquent sales will be reduced, the uncertainty of titles by reason of tax sales be lessened and a needless annoyance and burden upon real estate transfers removed. That the number of men who will take toll from the taxes gathered will be re duced is by no means an objectionable feature incident to the operation of the The ieary exclusion bill takes ctlcet j May tith. I'mler its provisions every ! (.'hinaman now in the rutted Slates must register and receive a certificate j showing ho w as in this country pro I vlous to May lith. The 1 iv provides i that he must furnish a photograph of j himself to b attached to their eertlli- cite, and all t'hne. not p.isess.'d of the ivitiiicte a- above described will j be. expelled. The constitutional fca- tu.vsof the bill will no doubt be tested law. There is Pennine renublican rebellion I ,ht m,rN- !,s 'm lls tlu' "ttempt is in Kansas, the democrats not being in I ln:lll to ',lf,nv-' ,!u 1:,w- :ul'1 il M"i!' it on either side. What the outcome ! Pwl'l'l the Chinese will have the Ut Il;ent'lyS PAriOS will be is hard to say, but up to date ul U- j ? '"Z me reptumcans nave captured tiie rej "iriDNICxIIT." Win iiihKo tlu'sprliu', Nfiisim of l'-!l'!, nt onii-v.-alcnt ulin'i-s ihre.i' the uillcy in. it While Snhu. ... iislilnKhni, Time itiut plmv M.hjcot t. rut.iiv iipiuilninii'iilN,!i;iaii uihi I'dllciTo. 'Ml.tnhrht Is ii cut I'liu-K I ti.nihlctoiiliin, ft yi';u otil, I O.iuc-it; .,ii;h Ilea pimiiiN; kIiimI t'.-i . !::. ' II:.' il.l.'l 'iitali; .lulu, n l'i.pH'l i'cll.Mii iniuv. "Ml.lnljilu" Is it tid iIIihk. I Uoie.l I..-. -i'. i. t . 1 1 1 Ci imm' unit unite ii trot ter Ur n I u i ef lus .In', "Mliullvlu V r. nt ice will In. fid for stimlc H'l' lee, !,;.' !!' I JMCef M'l'N lc, or SI, for III.' M'iC"n. I' iSo'h Ihi-o.IIii:,', h nlnide m'i vI.'.i an.! loni-,' f .111,1-: to c Mi'li, can hn o.l hy tlio ..".ivon !- il.r u-1,1111.. ii, .1 meat -'I ;i. ."ei. on i" ch,'.l;:l,v I !.-: I. l-'or ti-iiu u:ut oilu'i lot, ii null Ion ni',il,v to, A, l 111 I I I'M. M:t tumor. Ollli'. nt the Hood llUer I'liHI.niU'y, 'I'llC I-'IH' I Nil H l't.-l 1 1 1 III III II ' 00111(0,1. in. ,,f I'm- m-iiiiI mi'I ol tun ;-e-ot ilt.o netlon, of n i-iro ot' l.i to f.' miles an hour, .l-.Lh oa'i lie het in h s; n 1 1, iilioiil liMiv, to I,', miles, ' iohI ei tho si e! n II -i lit- uinler Io n IMt'e ou-r ' 1 1 liaiuls liluli, ,i h.M.ils hl;:h, of si lull 1 1 y over, mi o n hi; i iihuii, mill !o not In I in; iii- il mi it irlee as sunn I slo'-l list unri n ' si. ' litixcr. Hint ill h o mil 1 1 ; (o I no hit. Now i hero is :i ji i -lit :iti I. nun Ki t lor tho .lisj-, nlon of tlio vi t ol . in- Inrv.i'-Mi it tiollliii: m.iIHoiis, i on! of uo'l hreil roomy iiiaros. 'I'liesn last in u -l I o of i-oiisiilen.h;,- suhslam-o, ns well n ; Ihe slnllion, in old, -to Iii miio vo! ;ht In Iho ' ,'io,: m o. I'li-leH or, . ria-.;i s are i:o.n rally lar- l or an I l e::ier than A nn-i U :m unos; ami , ho. e vr oh , i In! a hoi-e ,, moiloralo M'.i' , may ho, n Is not lash ionahlii to pul hlni to tho 1 Io 1 1 1 1 1 ,-irr! li ,- l....l.M i,.M,l t.l..,,, .,t. tao,H;itoi., ;,;i,his ,. I;,,,;!!-.!,,,,,,,, ,.i ;huu., A Ion iiu.t Spi.t'tl,, I lii r.r; ha w ants e ory thlin; to nionr hliiniK ami iouorltil as ho mnvos iiloni;, A few ! hor-os l; If In lino Mjlo, ami of lrei,rul.l iielion, Monhl hrlni: u Mill hither !ii lee;ei l.u l.ahont as inuoli money ns tiu'lr !o;ior'er ciinl i.-asomihly ask for thoiu. ' The io Is i-.o i :-U in leotslini; loo many of either . of the nlm.. classes; nli.t Mo I i to cull the ; iittuiillnn of niir hoisi men ai Hoiilnrly to i Iho r -ro .In, -II. m, not only lor 11, o n. vnt, lul : for n lorn; Inline 1 mio. oairirtfiess, FURNITURE AND ALL ' ' KIND 0 OF BUILDING MATERIAL. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc. A l.uv.0 Mipply of, and :.rrhuir, ir,ihi I o null C.dclnaUu! tit tiit cii! mm ;;in! tinl, t! Iv.'.d'i. UT ' fs-- , . , y.s,, ,,, grade S --S S .- 1 ol eolilns, slatitial. also cheap CD JOl '.I'.IIS AND Kiri'All. lilts in rmTTTTTrATTP --1. Corner of Sim'dikI and Poilvfal Slrontn. i'i:i.i:iut a tt :t Acorn and Charter Oak j Stoves nr.d nances. Studcbaker Csbome Vin-nm, Hint I m riti lli'HIinU unit Slowtr. (.'ntnl t Iron, Coal, niaekimiith Hupplies, WifnnmnkorV Material, Htwr 11p, rump and rplpo, ritiniblng Supplies. N I'S I (Ut utvt f I .1 f If Coti;;it;iit,i r.rlrultnrr.! Inybuuet :AHBED WIRE. In Use t-' ,-n . '.oil. I I'. rw uv ir-wi Kfi rhat thirty days Is us ton lt as we leipi.-st niir pat iniis to j I i..i.-l i ( ni el. .lit iiuiIn, vel'il I lii-m-ii'lvcs resentative hall and are holding it. The courts are ignored, and by the time the matter finally reaches them, the legislatures, both of them, will le adjourned. A bill has passed the Washington j senate, and will probably become a law, making it a penal ot'.biiso to sell or give I away or have in possession anv cig-! I arettes or cigarette papers or wrappers. . NOTKT. Full IT lU.ICATiO.N. i i miner i, nun, ,ei ,j ane a, is The Thurman Legion of Portland, j w hich poses as a democratic club, and i Cleveland nnn.mnced Wcdues- which has taken charge of the inaugu-! lHv that he hud eomp!eto,l his cabinet ration ball, is said to consist of o-ie j ''' the selection of Kichard Olncy of man, one uniform n.l one torch; added I'istoii for attorney yem-rsl and Hilary to which the man is said to be a reiuib- i A. Herbert of Alabama for secretary ol liean, and is appropriately named Rockafeller. Th N ol loo H !i M II II 111- i ,1 ii no a. s,s. , limlier i out-, This will malic, the new A VJJiTL'Ol'S VETO. That governor I enuoyer did a vir tueousaetin vetoing the world's fair lull ia;self , evident, notwithstanding the statements of Mr. Henry E. Dosch. J This gentleman thinks that every cent if the money can be, will be used in making an exhibit and in a conimuui Cttion to the Orcyonian gives the ligur i to show how it can and be, will ex pended, very truthfully adding that it will take close management to make the money meet the expenses. He virtuously adds that he will accept no office in connection with the exhibit and that those in charge of it will have to pay their own exjienses. This Js all line on paper, but the history of similar epproprations in Oregon and out of it will not materially aid In giving cre dence to Mr. Dos eh 's ideas. It is easy to"sweat" f'00,000, until perspiration leaves the financial body exhausted. If at least one half ot the $60,000 is put where it will do the most good to the largest number of those in charge of the filibuster ing expedition, the record will be badly and eternally smashed. The principal exhibit will be the commissioners, and the price Is consequently much too high tor the state to pay. Oregon should liave a first-class exhibit or none, and as the time to make the former is too brief, she should go without. Every legislature Is expected to make an ass of Itself jn some way, and those who conceived the i'G0,O00, raid on the treasury furnished a splendid opportu nity which was eagerly taken advan tage of. Tuo bill was conceived in in iquity, and being brought forth by the Oregon legisialure, was born in sin. There is no use in kicking about it, but those who engineeried the scheme had b Jit proceed to squander the money, und not waste time in trying to sugar coat the piil after it has been swallow ., ed. District court is still in session at The Dalles, with quite an extensive docket. It will please Hood Riveritcs very much if the jurors and talesmen for the May term are taken from some other j rotary of w ar. part os tne county, as that is harvest time here. the navy cabinet: Walter (2. (iresham of Indiana secre tary of stute. John (. Carlisle of Kentucky secre tary of the treasury. Daniel S. Lament of New York sec- "I t'nlteil S':i!es I .ill.. I I 'Itlee, 1 .!(!, I ll . no n h o '.'.I, bl.J. ii-ny i;ien 1 1 1: 1 1 in oomjilhiiioe i i -n i oi I In- m I nl I 'ni';i I -.H of tllltli I " .11 ill I lor lile :i!o of 111 I III- Mute, ,,f ( '; 1 1 lor ! 1 1 ;l , 1 11,- in. I W ii- '.i 'i.-nei i i i iioi-', ." .Mio-. I. .11 I ,01 e -, ol It I lilli-f, I ..lllllv li( 11-,,-n SI 1 1- o! . iv, i; .in, 1 1,1. I Ills ilil lil, ,1 ill t hi -little,- II. s - ol 11 -.i.i loll ii 111, io, Ii ir lile pin eluiv,. ol t;li- II l ' , II o' ,, r. 1 , ll u ' , ii Ii 1 1 ' Il m c M ion ii ,'ii;i o. .Mii-i ill i ii No, 'i i-.. w, M.,,,,,1 W HI Hill I' I ! Io - l,iel lull I lie l: 111 .oiii; n t Is mo- e ni;;,, lil,- lor n s 1 1 ml,, r or Mini,- Hum mr K"'.i ti'.luial i-ini'-i-i--, ii if I Io e.t.ihli.ii ih i i.'im l.i si :ii l.-iml In ll:o Io c.-ii-r ninl l-.e-iil.vr ol I. ni nlilc.i ill In- I'.iliei tii.on, on l'rUl.i..' lliei.'l!li ilny of Mun u 1 II - luiiiii-s ni witni m -e l-'ninli tiuveiiporl, A l-ix.iinlei- Hank 1,1. .I iioi I iii ionnin, I 'luu li-i. ilell, nil ol' hiioit l,ior . in- Any nn-i nil -iiih oliilinln,' mlvorvlv the nli. vo ilo-t riln-.l IninN lire I . 1 1; -.1 . . I to tile 1 1 1 1 . r iliimi.N in Ihiioiliooon or snlil '.'lih ilny in Mnreli, km. lieitino;.,", Jotm Y. I.owl, Iti-K'stor. and would respect full tee. uli ugly. '.D-czmc-cy'o Governor McKinley of Ohio has been made a bankrupt by indorsing the notes of one Walker, in whom ho had the utmost confidence. The governor believed in the doctrine of protection. ! .. , u:, . ..-n ' ; on ne ijeiiei ;u Hilary A. Herbert of Alabama secre tary of the navy. Hoke Smith of Georgia secretary of the interior. J. Sterling Morton of Nebraska sec- I retary of agriculture. It'.ehard Olney of Massachusetts at- w.ii sai.i:. and even his politiral enemies will eon- cede that his business habits show that he at least needed it. Wilson S. llisscll of New York post master general. COXCEIiXIXU SENATORS. BEATTY'S PIANOS AM) OKUANS. Hon. Ilnlliel I'.cnttv tlm orntil Or. iti. - i .1 ... . i ino lesisiatuie oi our neigiiooring gaii and rmno inanul.icturer, is Imil state of ashington is still deadlocked, I nig and shipping more Organs itml with but little honn of reneliin.r v I'lanos than ever. In lsTD.Mr. Itetitty 4l mi .i lett home ti lK'tiniless phnv bov, and bv agreement-. Tho report, the very j hia i,,,,,,!,. vvii ll i,iW worked hi latest, is that Judge Hume of Seattle way up so as to sell so far nearly liiu.iHio will be placed in nomination next I "f I'eatty's Organs and Pianos since Monday and an effort made to get the!.1?70- -Xoti''1' w;'w dishearten republicans to agree on him. The ol- Xl lowing from the Oregonan shown that i forever, he turns to an advertisement if Washington is to have two Senators and comes out of it brighter than ever. His instruments, as is well known, are very popular and are to be found in till parts of the world. We are informed that during the next ten years he in tends to sell i.'li(i,0iM) more of his make; that means a business of 820,1)1)11,0011, if we average them at $100 each. It is already the largest business of the kind in existence. Send to Daniel RDoatty, Washington, New Jersey, for catalogue. the o" shares of the capital stock of Hood River Townsitc ( 'ompatiy. 110 acres of land formerly part of the John Divers' claim. 3120 acres being east hull' of section 12:1 township 1 north range !t cast--heavily timbered. The above will be sold at a low valu ation and on liberal terms of payment. K I,. Smith. LAST (All.. Private jt.-4orc?.r - And a Com pick; Lino of - DRUGS, GIIEMIGALS AND HBDICINBS. YOURS FOR HOOD RIVER, DBS. VmuLIMSS fr PCGHUS. 10 mi no n TeTi ifiiiivuriiu DEALERS IN - muri lul It eeems to be settled that the work at Cascade Lacks js going to commence its soon aa the weather will permit, and lie prosecuted to completion. The plant has been turned over and one of the contractors is now at the Locks get ting things in Hhape. The granite to be used in the locks will ba cut at the contractors quarries, Iiocklyn, Califor nia. It is quite possible that steamers will be running between The Dalles and Astoria before the close of 1894. The annexation of Hawaii is a sub ject calculated to fire the American heart with the desire to gobble those celestial isles. The principal objection to the scheme is the fact that they are, indeed too celestial. There are probab ly 50,000, Chinese on the islands, and one must ba elected by the legislature, as the governor cannot appoint: "The only person ever admitted to the senate upon appointment of a gov ernor to fill a vacancy caused by ex piration of a term, is Charles B Bell of New Hampshire, when the constitu tion of the state, adopted in March of that year, changed the timo of meeting of tho legislature from Juno to Jan uary. The term of Senator lilair ex piring March 4th, and the legislature not meeting in June as usual, there was no Eenator to take his seat when con gress met in December, and the gov ernor appointed Bell. Ho was admit ted, but only sat until January, when the legislature re-elected Blair. In this case it will be observed that the legislature had no opportunity to exer cise its right of election. That of the previous Juno could not assume that the new constitution would be adopted, and its next successor did not meet till after congress. The case was altogether peculiar. "There have been many cases in which legislatures have failed to elect senators, leaving a seat vacant by the expiration of a term. In only one such case has the governor undertaken to appoint to the place. This was in West Virginia in 1SS7. The legislature failed to elect a successor to Senator Camden, and the governor named D. B. Lucas. Before he applied for his seat, however, the legislature met in extra session and choso him for the full term. ''There were many cases in our ear lier history when governors, u:-;der le gal advice, refrained from making ap pointments to vacancies created by ex piration of terms after legislatures had had the opportunity to elect and neg lected it. In 1S4-3 th Indiana legis- Notice is hereby given that all notes and accounts due me. and utiiiaid March 1st, next, will be placed in tlio hands of a collector. Pi. L. Smith. P.iMliictiou Sale at .15 rs. ('. .1. Html'. Sweeping reduction of ladies' hats for cash until March loth. f.".;0 hats for JJ.00 "' , .1.00 s.00 i.r,o Ladies' wa solicit patronage. House BrdHerV. Goods, Bc:;h and Bcctc,, Brackets an 7 o d fl Tanim Lime. Piaster aud L:;t!i Coil- mjr, LtZZZtlC Clld Iki ififiTn tics' A 1..M I N iNTRATOK'S NOTICE. Nut!''.! Is tini'oby i;lvon UiatHiB niiilnrslnerl Ii.-im tii-oii iluly :hiioIiiioi! lif'ititiiiNtnilor ol' tho cMuteof K. I-'. ( vv, (tin i ii, ii, t,y tlm lion. County t'nti.'t of tlm Mali in i -h-koh for Wiih ;( 'ouniy, n.liiliiis dill, i.i.o iiicii i.KMi, h. All person;-! Iimlns I'limiiK Ht,;.i;!.-,t .mill cstiile lire Uinri'lorc, licichy iiolllifit I i ri-n(nt their claims duly verilleil In the uniU'rHined m Hooil ltivcr. ( liTlIon. within six llionliiu from tliednte hereof, ntnl iiny elnlm not tircHciiteil tilnf! Will lie,l until n 1'laiiiin jimtented within thiu. lime arc fully l.Hiil. Hood fliver, Orr;;!iii, 1-Vh., nth ISM. II. i '. fot:. AdiiiinlMlriil,or. (IN MIIOUTI XT NO l it I ;. O. V. STUANAIIAN, 1'ri'nlili nt. II. (I. wn Hfcrtlary. t 1 13 R eiisnc Hanna will sell you goods tit former VirieeK ll nil ei vn vrm T, rior i-i.iif ,t h i t iuif riniioiilioi' tr. w ill i,(,t not it .., tl I w"."" u,f" ' ,.' lt..n.. slate, as the slate has been broken. Having tried the credit system for two years, and not being able" to adjust my prices so as to give cash customers the benefit of cash prices, 1 have con cluded to sell for cash only, with mo per cent, discount to all. We often bear our customers ask, "Why can't our merchants sell us cheap as they do at The Dalles?" I will tell you why. When you go to The Dalles you pay casli for your goods and get me benefit of your casli. J wi same by you. J. K. Read This and Profit by it. Olinger and Bone, proprietors of the Big Bed Barn, in addition to their liv ery and stage business, are handling grain, chop-feed and hay. They are also agents for the Knapp'Btirrell'ei Co. machinery. Bain wagons, hacks, bug gies, windmills and pumps, Oliver Chill and Steel plows; garden cultiva tors, plown mid narrows; and will sell their Mt. Hood coaches, hacks and bug gies, now in use, in order to open in the spring with an entire new outfit. Call and price their goods. IS'OTICK j'OU I'CBLICATION. Timber Land, Act Jiinn S, I87S. niillw.l K-liiti'M Limit om-n, Vancouver, Wash.. Jan. ,21, .S!i:i. Not ten lx hereby uiven tl int. In eon, ni !-i ,w... with the provisions of tho net of Coni; of .lum;.",, ISTiS, entitled "An act lor IhcHale of stone land in the slntcs of ( 'alifornln, ( )re .ynii, Nevada, and Washington Territore. do the ! "mi.'ini I'l-aiio.ofChcowilh, eounty of Kllck- ii,u, none in wasii,, mis nits (lav tiled In tills ollico his swoi u sliitcmiail no 17,",:i, for tin liiirch.iseof Iho lois liund ! of mieiionno .'II In tnwnshiii Nn 3 nortb,raiif;cno.!l cast, w lil und will oiler proot to show that the land soiiL'ht Is mora valuable for its stone than for riKriciiltural purposes, and to establish Ills claim to said land before the Iti-glster and Ko reiver of this ollico at Vancouver, wash., on Wednesday tho J2th day of April He names as wll nesses: Amos t'nderwwd Kdward t 'udi-rwond, of Hood River OroHoii' Hubert (,'arr, of (.'nsciidos wash.. Cbm-leJ .Myers, ol'Clicnowitli, wash. Any and all persons cliiimlna adversely the above described lands are rcipiesleil to file their claims in this ollico on or before siiid lut li day of April,)'-'!!:!. JanidS apl Joim 1). (iKooiti'iAN. ItoiKlci- Contractors and Builders. Plans and S3atl3M.cLtes ----- 0EEG0N. HOOD RIVER Til ZDall rs 'CLrscries IflSON a WEBER I'ltnl'lin-VI'tiKS Have on hand a full supply of Fi ttil, Shade and Ornamental trees; rrp vines, small fruits, Hoses and Shrubbery. Be sum to get our prices be Ion purehasinff eisewhero. Remember our t rees are grown strict ly without irrigation THE DALLES. ------ OREGON VV. A. yi.iwoEiir.AND, Local Agent, lature so failed, and the state had fcnnexation might result in raising a only one senator for two years. Serious problem concerning them. We ! until the next retrular session. Three do not believe the United States should go beyond establishing a protectorate, ft nd doubt even the exjiedwncy of that. times in the history of Califor niain 1851, 18o5 and 1850 the leg islature failed to choose a senator, NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. i.n nu iilliceat Vancouver, Wash., .Tan. i;,ls!i.'l. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver wash, Hob. 20, :).!. Notice is hereby kI ven that the following.. llonsel and all whom it may Wash., on Kcb- To John ll, concern Notice Is hereby (liven that ttie followitu' ! named set tier ha tiled notice of his intention and that Kiiid .,-,.,.f ,ili V ii. . ... "xik,ici 'inn iveeeivcr oi iiio ij. M, ! ii, .V ,r '' i.anii iiince ni. Vancouver, for h i ', ,'"'""M;is r).n,,r1 U- Wiymt Cmtrt, j nmry Zii-d, Wei, viz: Washington on April 10th ly.l, viz:; John Ii. HeiiKel. t in il t im t li in Tor- of s w s w 4 of s e A and n e A of s w ' see ' il,,u K 0 'A ",ls li W J sec .15 Tp 3 n t.j f p 1 n 1 12 east w m. r 12 fw. in. 1 nutiios ti e following witnesses to prove I "e names the followim; witnesses to prove his continuous residence njon and cull iva-1 ,lis '"'" i'mous residence upon and eiiltivat ion tion ol, said ianrl viz: l.erov l-oisvlli. .loseoli 'f said luiid viz: Jiiini-hO. I.vlc. 'rin.i..,.- i lames I'ilz. Jolin A (ii'M-.n, 1 1 ,, ! Wlliteomb. Levi, smil li Ii.l.n I; wi,;i .' f.ylo I' .. Vashiiilon. ' .i ,- i,,.,,, .' i. -i it ..t c ,. .i. ' ' John I). Ocoghegan, ftegUcr. j .jntilel. !- John d. GKoiitikr, '.-. Kegisler. Joseph A. Arment. I Applications No. ts; and !) to I'nrchasc under sec ;l act Kept 2;) ls',10 for the lots 2 and .'I HI mamma onr ivw iki arnc fTB mramjm nuna miu mXamLaeJi mZJ Vua ulu V-r miiinTrli-ii tmui HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE -'4 ii . VT O. Sit foiiuiciiul Baooa, lard, Game, Poultry, Also Dealers in Corner of Onk and b'oiirth Streets, Hood River, Oregon.