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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1892)
m he Hoo acier. Rim VOL. 4. 3food Iiver Slacier. ri'il.UdlU ITIRT iTUbT MOHNIKd ar Tlie Glacier Publishing Company. I1()0I) KIVKK. OREGON, SATURDAY, SK1TKMHKK ItTiT no 1f; " WASHINGTON CITY. 1 imi mnioN mica. Oitt yt i miintha.,, Hirtu ihonllK, tiiU flop .. .., .. 1 .. ICea THE GLACIER Barber Shop Grant Evan, Propr. ootid Ml., i.Mr Oak. . . Jld Uer, Or, SUvl.m and Hulrcuitlin neatly done iialiifaUiuit (iuaiaiitsed, A IK'imty United Stitcs OJlcctoi Arrested in Mexico. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FRUIT CROP Tac G jvi-rnrnt'iit Contract Indian Sihoo' at 0:d Mis-Ion Keopens Ex citimt'nt at I'uinlx. The Portland cable road hag been sold under a mortgage. I IbIio I rli i li t ion in t a will place complete ticket in the Held. Tho Common Council of Kan Joxe ha fixed the lax levy at $1.25 on tlio $101. M tirhlial Parsons has withdrawn lib lihi-l Kintu ngiiinit the SaJt Lake Tribune The Halt, Hiver Valley of Arizona hat dreams of becoming a groat hop-produc iltg hecllon. Hin Jose retimed to vote $150,000 to be expended for a new central school ami for sewer facilities. The Iridks at tin United States Con sul's oil! cu at Victoria, H. (J., "how an itn r.'n in exwirtn to Fan FratieiHCu dtiriun the past li vo month. It U state I that th Cliino sugar-beet factory id not retlnmg sugar this season, but in ali'pimi raw sugar t) t lie Npreck els relinery In Han Francisco. In a sham night attack at tho camp oi the Nevada mtiitU near Carson throe men in liaatdy itetting np stepped on bayonets, and severely lacerated their feel. Tim baseball bat and an ax were wielded in a tight at Virginia (Jity over the title to a house by I'airii k Ward and Tom O'Rjurke. Both were seriously won ml od. The Ue publicans are holding two Stale Convention!) in Nevada. There la a d s augment over tho propoaltion to accept the silver electors or to select a straight Republican ticket. The fru t crop in the Willamette Val ley will fall short of the average, it in a nd, owinit to the cold rains and heavy winds which prevailed last spring. The ehoitage is especially noticeable in the prune croj. Dr. A. M. Newman proposes to locate a colony 01 Norwegians ol 000 families in Lane county, Or., and will purchase from II. 0 Offen the latter'a 2,!M0-acre farm, located eight miles southwest 0' Eugene. The price to be paid is f 44,-000. Tli A It,. ..... I I ll 1 . ., v Muiinn y- iciiriiii rirtommrnus 10 Uir President the Kcsiguiitioii of tlie Marhl of UIjIi. The Treasury Department so far this par nas nipjH-i 1 tt L $ i,m o,(K;0 for mov ing crop, as uguiUHt tl 1,80,1,1100 for the KHiiin licnoi lul vt.Hr. 1 1, xr.m i .. cr ae is exp'ained not by a diminution t! 1 in crops, but by the fact that the banks were U'tter suiplied with small notes. Kecretary I'oiter says there lias been as yet no place or time fixed upon loi the Hireling of the international mone tary conference. Hhould the cholera coiilinueits menacing course, the opin ion U exp ecs id at the Treasury Duparl inent that it la altogether probtflile the meeting of th coherence will m de- lorel unlil some later date, when the danger from the scourge will not be ao 4reat us now. 'I-I... t . inn rin-rciary Ol llio illlflriOf lias ap ,j ,ri.ioiied the survevlng appropriations, Oregon receives J.r),(ii;o, Wsshington fll.i 00, and Idaho fiO.lKM. OreKonhao an increase of lo,U0,l over last year, and Idaho an Increase of ()K, while Wash uigton is the same as last year. Of the amounts apportioned the tollowlng are 'o I hi used on public lands within the railroal hind grants: Oregon (t.ri,uiKI, A'aihmgton l!,00tl. and Idaho 1 0,001). Attorney-tieneral Miller recommended iiie 1 res u -nt tint the resignation ol united Mates Marshal 1'anons of Utah !e aikii for immediately. The Presi dent approval the recommendation, an 1 1 he Marshal lis Immhi asked to rHuign. it I stated at tlie Department of Justice mat this action was taken because the Marshal and his deputies on some occa lions bad allowed Iris oner (Jroestieck to cave the pr son and visit bis third wife, lor livinif with whom lie had been con victed on the charge of adultery. It lias been le.irned on good authority at the Navy Depirtment that the Secre tary will not detach the Monterey from ihe Hin rrancisco station when she goes into commission. It is his intention to have tho vchsoI remain as the principal defense ol the city. Hue will tske coaHt- wire trips northward as far as Portland and southward to Han Diego, and will re nain constantly in those waters. The Monterey will tie put in commission .be fore her annorplate lor the vertical tur ret is finished, and its absence will lie supplied by thick oak planking. It i understood that Lieutenant IVndlxton of the Washington navy yard will be or dered to take charge as her executive ollicer. Captain Shepird, in charge of the revenue murine bureau of the treasury department, bin not yet received con firmation from any of the revenue cut tern in H.-hriius-aof the remitted arrests oi nriumi an American sellers by a UiisHian man-of-war for illegal sealing in the ne:g!ib-irho ul of the Seal islands, still owned bv Russia in the Retiring sea, and leaded to the AlakaConimoreiai Company. That the arrests were made more than three milej from shore is not doubted. The occurrence will have a pointed hearing upon two of the ques tions to be arbitrated upon, vix: What exclusive jurisdiction in the sea now known as the Behring sea, and what -xcUisive rights in the seal fisheries therein did Russia assert ami exercise, prior and up to tlie time of the cession of Alaska 10 the United States, and second, how far were the terms of juris diction as to the spal fisheries recognized and conceded by Ureat Britain T liB'ONI) THE ROCKIES. D..i: -.. I .t " .re. i . 1 una- din ui hit conns 01 sr. lou s Notoriously Corrupt. HUGE SUGAR FRAUDS UNEARTHED. Homestead Strikers Continue to be Ar rested at the Instance of the Plnkcrton Titles. lias saved Virginia's tobacco a grain blockade at Kansas Rain crop. There is City The paper mills of New England are uniting a trust,. Tittshurg will build a f403,000 home ior 11s paupers. The continued drought has injured corn in Illinois. Chicago's school census showa the city I..., i iii.i . I I If li 1 lion EDUCATIONAL NOTES, I ranslati-in of the N(w Testament From Original Gre-k Into the Creek Language Completed. Insufficient clothing keeps 8,000 chil dren from school in Chicago. Harvard urnverattv vnnii 7 iwi ,., " vi loom hi, uie norm s rair. Miss Irene Wood of Cochesett, Mas., has taiiLthtseventv-t of echrjol in the same schoolroom. Marie R ize has decided to winter in Paris and to teach a;nvimt t such Amer. ican and J'ar.sian btudents as can pay her price. ' lans University is the lareat in tha world. It has ,.'I5 students. Vienna University with t 220 Student. ! mm- .n,l and iferlin th.rd. Washintn Academy, wldch U Ka pride of the quiet, sta d little town of East Machias. Me., lias ii its 10'Jth anniversary. The University of Padua will ee!irota on December 7 the tercentenary anni yernr of Galileo's installment as pro fessor of mathematics. The teachers and KtinerinfAndanfa r the United States receive 80,')u ,0o0 an nually. This amount increase 2 fiist . 000 each year, or 3)4 pur cent. 11 lil Tlie Irritable Kaiser Dismisses One of His Personal Aides. TECHNICAL SCHOOLS FOR FISHERMEN Ukase Issued by the Czir Forbidding the Hissing of Foreign AriLts or ActorsEtc. col- Philadelphia is soon to have, a vtm i .1 j ..!. ui eievBieu railways, Atlanta is said to have a park for ored people exclusively. It is proposed tl build a railrnad (mm vv aldington to Mount Vernon. It will soon Uij reauy. It is planned to construct harbor on the north shore, off Lincoln rurx, uiiicago. Russian Jew Immigrants at Boston are wanneu with a solution of carbolic acid 10 ant cnoiera germs. Bank Commissioner Johnson of Kan sas has isMied a report, which shows great prosperity in that business. It is reported that Republicans will Miss Vio'a (iriswold. thfi nn!r jn a class of forty-eight men at tho Col-1 lege 01 rnarmacv. Northwestern Uni versity, carried off the CM pnxe. Tlie averaue yearly salary naid n man school teachers in Pennsylvania, includ ing all the distr cU both city and coun- Iro ia t '.IK ..,( I 1 ... .1... , aereat yacht I ' ' ' .'i" V. " Ti tpr - ------1 nuiflCU ieilf:ilHrn Cheao tearhnm ma Ira cheap schools, and cheap schools make cheap men. Mrs. A. E. W. Roberts of fn I. T has completed the translation rf the New Testament from the original Greek into the C vuivers:iy oi on O Mas eon rri nnnn her the degree of doctor of philosophy in recognition of her scholarly attainments. Vintage prospects are good In Spain. lTOD nrosnects in rmmi r.t r. 1 1 - win, lie land, are gloomy. The floa ina Donolation of fho Tt,om. uuuiuers OW,OuU BOUIS. The Venf zuelan rebels are reported to have captured La (iuayra. Chili and Peru are thought to be pre paring for another struggle. The Sultan of Morocco'a forces have routed the rebellious Angheres. Uruguay is endeavoring in , . : OOJ.Ojo loan from French capitalists. ' It is said that fashionable waterinz places of Germany are sliin;y patron- A company of Japanese actresses institute suit to test the constitutionality 01 iiie 1 nuiana apportionment act of 1801. More than 200 women are Mn,tcin nt Mr. Wanamaker receives mnr nnnuaiu I the Ave ereat imivrcitioa .0 u,..;-n.. frotn cranks and ottier beggars for money land Berne, Geneva, Zurich, Lausanne nun utiiciai mvor man any ottier man in n"u aie. me greater number of these public life. students are from Kuesia. and only . 1 ..1 . . : . . An auent ol the Red Cross Hoc ety ia r,c:r ' "ro ,rein America, utie hundred at Brownsville, Tex., investigating the ' n'l"8'v:n are mdying medicine, condition ot destitute people in the Rio 7 lwu puuosopny ana nve law uranue alley. The most instructive cnlW voll :....! ... , I J:... 1 - ... V .7 . . . " ,'" .jin-oi.uFFijlo uoinir an immense "'"'vereu ib mai ot lite Kir s be on i? nor amount of damage in Ohio to o its and 10 l"8 annex of the Western Res-rve THE CHICAGO EXPOSITION. other growing crops. Wnole fields of oats nave been destroyed. o....., 1... :.ti.t yanKn iiioinna in Ionian mm scared a wttiie man nearly to death by tnstitut inga mora torture of burning at the stake ana cutting otl his hair. It is said in Texas that the Railroad loiuuiission is only restrained by the rrc-ni decision irotn uiHKinif rates on the uouid lines and trie Hanta Fe. Itie LeijiBlature of Louisiana ha piaceit 111-ell on record as favorimr th election of Henators of the United States uy a direct vote ol the people. 1 ! 1 I ivt?u iiiu Arrcmo re iwing maue at Homestead, Wellesley and Smith .1 'i ..7 "V'1'"". wer tni?aged in irom the Vassar ecale. ma wiiii inn 1 innertons, tlie lat- ler uaving sworn out warrants, The government has unearthed exten o.vr nuiiu iiauoa uy wyBieillHlIC Unuer- weighing of impor ations. Eight im porters at flew York are said to be in volved. Anderpon & Co. of Port Huron, Mich., manu'acturers of carriages and agricult ural implements, have riled chattel mort gages aggregating $230,000 to secure creditors. University in Cleveland : " Wui milt fresh air; keep your leet off the rema- taire." This yell is a constant reminder of tlie sanitary rules of the school, strict nln,4 A . 1 t 1 1 uiT.-uicni;o vt wincn nas apparently tiroveu 01 great advantage to the students. tne President of tha Association of loilegiate Alutnr.a. Miss Klutahrl Howe, has been investigating the cost of a co.ieutate education for women. She nnds that the cheapest of all the worn ll i r 1 cu n i;oiit-gca id usear, wriere IfiUU C iV- ers an the expenses of a year's training, save those the student makes for herself. dilter but bttle At Cornell. Rrvn Mawr and the Harvard Annex the cliarires are sltirht v higher. 4nO tn t.Mni being a fair estimate. It ia a fact wnrthr of attention that in the coeducational college the price of a year's Jiving is hightr than it ie in any of the colleges exclusively ior women. PURELY PERSONAL. The Programme of the Dedicatory Cer emonies of ihe Columbian Fair Completed Etc. The Transcontinental Railway Asso ciation has instructed the Chairman to give the required three months notice to the Pacific Mail Steamship Company canceling the existing agreements. The Highbinder Society of New York sent a meseager to Emporia, Kan., to notify Wuong Lee that he muft leave tnere or die. w uonir is naturalized, and Wealthy Danish Banker's Resemblance to the Russian Czar Causes Him to Become Insane. A factory at Lynn lias asked for space at the World's pair to show pneumatic dynamite guns and projectiles. Colonel Eliott F. Sheuherd of New York has purchased 10,000of the World's the officers have promised protection to cnirnouventr coins, paying f 10,000 for "'. i ir , . .... An attachment has been filed at New New York will exhibit at the World's York for f450,000 against Bullick A Wll Hair sections of all the trees which are der, railroad contractors, who built the iu iho omui, wi mee mere Monterev and Mexican n m mat While an Indian woman was sewing in flia faliu.1t. r I ii Ipim a. 1 . 1 . C. .. Diego county, a wild cat pprang upon 6 .-rty three peie and etghty-five The claim is for money advanced to carry her, biting and tearing her flesh. A dog ..a numner which is not ex- on that work. came to her rescue, and diverted trie at ten'iou of the ca-, which chased the dot to the stable, and tho noise there aroused the husband, who shot the animal. The died from her wounds. There are about 175 Indian boys and girls at the Chemewa Indian school now, but it is expected the number will reach 300 before long. Uncle Ham has not sent the quarterly installment of between M.OJO and $10,00 ), which is required to run tho school, but it is looked for in a Bhorttime. The payroll of the pupils alone is in the vicinity of $215. In the Court of Private Claims at Santa Fe opinions were iianded down There are counterfeit $10 gold pieces got nnany into ai of date 1852 in circulation It Chicago Mi , ?ie 5? me 13 lra?lne, They are hgher in color and a reatX i1 t!," of celled, it is claimed, by any State in the union. t has been decided to make a Tacoma exhibition at the World's Fair to con sist principally of drawing and the con ventionalizing of forms and clay model ing. The High school will contribute most ot the drawings and lower grades models in clay. Complete plana for the exhibition will be arranged. The programme of the dedicatory cer emonies of the World's Fair has been completed as follows: October 19, re ception to the President of the United States, Cabinet and other attests at the Auditorium : 20th. erand "P Centuries " at tha vrcnnitu Vniin.irin shape of a laive illuminatoi) r1nlu .ifi. recently confirming the title to two large this will be speeches, military maneu- tne different continents, oceans, etc I ghter in weight than the ffood pai n f .. 1 1 1 1 " va an oi inem appears the letter 'n ' indicative of tho New Orleans mintage it H reported Jn New York that the tamns-vviuoner-ierkes syndicate has nouDiea up the Jay Gould holdings in the Manhattan E evated Railway Com pany, and that the triumvirate of street- ran way men wm demand three seats in tne company's directory, St. Louis, Mo., will have an attraef ivo Candidates Harrison. Raid. AWn vpr and uidwell were all born in Ohio. Bismarck used to spell his name with out the "c. German naaire, in wnrda having a similar endins aanpi-.inniw t ii. " "b ciiner lorm oi spelling, Lord Herschell. Great Britain's now Lord uhancellor, is not a direct descend ant ot the great astronomical Hersch- ens, but ta of the same family. M. Lareen, a wealthy Danish banker. so strikingly resembles the Czar of Rus sia that he has got finally into an insane that he assassi nation unsettled hm mind. llenry de Rothschild, one of the young swells of the famous family of Rothschild, is at Saratoua. He is one of the Paris Kothscht ds. and is said tn ha heir to more than $50,000,000. He is an atnietic youth of 19 years. Mr tredenc Le'trhton. PiWrfanf nf tne Koyai Academy, is mentioned as likely to be recommended to a Peerage. As literature and science have both a. ready received this compliment, it ia feature during the fall festivities in tbS oniight th i Ta r ZhoM "be "c gnized Shane Of A lai'CA 1 lllminnta4 irUU.HI, I. ' " "WjUliCU tracts of land in Taos county. N. M known as Las Ranchor del Rio Grande. The grant was confirmed for 109,000 acres. The other was the Cubero grant in Valencia county, calling for Borne 16, 0.0 acres. in a similar manner. The Prussian armv is sa;d tn nnntafn but one officer raised from the ranks Colonel Landemann, who was promoted for acts of exceptional bravery in the t-cnieswig-Holntein campaign in 1861, vers, etc. paintea on its eurt ice. It will be 100 A Madrid disnatch savs ; The oaravnU :eeV . n circumference, and will contain Nina and Pinta. which have been hnild- uuu incandescent lamps. ing some time at Barcelona for th On Canadian Pacific railway official lumbus celebration, have been launched, charged with being engaged in asistimr H )aa t ,.,(' i j. ; ov,,t M,iil lo 1 '..i i..ti " r .m,,..lo.. i,;.,:.-.i..-- . " uuuiiuauuer m mm imicu BllurilV. HB OniV 1 vv. uaaa umiltioo lulu lUlHCOlin- OI Tnfl NITf.lAt.h n Olnln P.mU. Hl ! I i . I tho maata 0.1I a f,,, nt 1 1 '. tru ami th T.oo....,, 1 1 ....... v. - , . v- li .a n f 1 v jDnniiiu 1 ..... - 1 u. . 1 . j iiubiiiica m t- .' 1 ......... . wu... .iiicu, , t r . : .. e , . the 5 J.000 edition of the "Resources of nw lacking. The Nina is 57 feet long officially notified the Deputy Collector Ln.h T VV ?u j? U0Un-tl now against the man who nhonla nJ tl : .. The wheel manufacturers west af tha vmtt it iooiiQ.,o a i . . . . - i . wu uiikcu. n At : rv imi.riiiriHin Alleghany Mountains haveorganized the Rirnrv nawananar in P,.;a V, . ... H oaiicui if uwi ADt3ui:iuiiuii nil xnuian- Orej;on," a neat little pamphlet of 20u ver deck; the Pinta is 72 feet long over t,f Customs at Montreal of the fact with France ii'mt pagns, lull of general information about (loek nnd 25 feet wide. a view to putting an end to such work. wrnt r une oi me Dest snffgestionB yet made this tate. About half of the edition has been struck off, and it is calculated that it will take six weeks to complete the work. A'ter that he will start on the "Resources of Extern Oregon." The Monumental mining and milling property at Granite, the property of C. H. Mther, has been consolidated with the Morris mines nt Greenhorn, and a stock company formed with a capitalisation ol $1,20.1,000, divided into 25J,H00 shares for designs for the World's Fair souvenir coina is that of Ferd Peek of Milwaukee, Wis., that one side of the coin should represent North and South America with a ship between them heading to ward the shore. This would mean some thing, and it is of verv little mattei whether it is beautiful or not, althouab certain designers seem to consider the aiter qualification a tine qua non. A Mil.- 1-1 I , ., ! .. .... - .1 ' t I , , iuo company in incorporated under the UUIU 10 "over ming oi Deatliy, although name of the Granite and Greenhorn 't may be a joy forever, and in the case ot Uonaouaa'.ea Mining and Muling Com- ,ine souvenir coins the designs should at pany. . a ra intanrloi ts , . J. - . y 'lift . . r , I "vMumi.wug vIlV DUUUt Ji 11 it I Ljr. apohe. Dwight Smith of Jackson, Mich., and meanwhile an edition nf iiinnnn was elected President and Jay 11. Smith copies of "La Debacle " has been 6'old secretary. The organization controls 95 out. per cent, of the factories west of the rp rmq, t. ! i v. v n u -VHeghanies. J lerH " i to be be, ly ben . . , , . . .1 io laud uaa llio IOOK OI An aerolite weighing fortv-four Donnda hnalth hnitii, m...; v. .I, ... , i " I I .o mi.,- ji u 1 1 n lilt? nag mJ- tell on tt e farm of Lawrence Freeman (nmoinnnniiiitakaKiohnrj j. near Bath county, S. D., late Monday move unsteadily, while hia eves appear afternoon. The advent of the stnnn wa aw.-.lion ami t.;.i... .u. . . , . , .u,vi3u uiuuru uy bile blllCK liCn I, I. iil Hi. .aim. 1. ... .. I in ... . J iiumiui vi coidioi anni u CAUiuHiaim. i inina nr nnah ah hiD .h..u u i u:. are preparing to start on a rirnfoaair.n.t in Europe. The freedom enjoyed by the press in Germany is to-day greater than it was a few years ago. It is said that the Queen is about to convert Sir Arthur budivan's knight hood into a baronetcy. A large number of Hebrew immigrants are returning to Europe from thellirsch colony in the Argentine. Portugal will have to sell a portion of her colonies to meet the interest on the exterior debt of the country. The romin silver wedding of the "u W leen oi itaiy is to be made the occasion of great festivity. In Germany, France, Austria and Paly there are constantly in harr..fra der arms not less than 3,00J,(W0 men. The government of Portugal has sanc- uoneu ine importation ot 12,000,000 Kilos of wheat monthly for ten months. Liverpool hotel and trades not t ke kindly to the proposed change to Southampton by the Inman Company. The irritable Kaiser baa diem ssed one of his personal aides who presumed to criticise how he arranged his breast dec orations. TheCzir has issued a okase forbidding the his.-ing of foreign arttt-ts or actors on the operatic or theatrical stage in St. Petersburg. A jury at Paris has acquitted De Mores, principal, and his seconds, who were indicted fur the killing of Captain Mayer in a duel. v A pension of 2.000 vearlv haa conferred on Lord George Hamilton, who was First Lord of the Admiralty in Lard Salisbury's Cabinet. A Geneva watchmnVor huo ;t,.,,i . talking clock that can Via an nillnDia .L-i !. -li . .. . "uJui"CTl uiai it, win invite the courting young man to stay to breakfast. The number of dead in tha ParVc)t pit in Wales is placed at 107 one of the 148 entombed have been res cued, and two of those have eince died. Madame Moes. a bear t.n mar at while in the cage holding t.n onimoi in check, slipped and fell, when she was immediately torn to pieces by the bears. At Vienna 4S0 doctors h .1. J.L . .. w -1 - nueuu cnoiera patients on the condition that, if they die while in the dieeharge of their duty, their families be provided THE DRAWBRIDGE KEEPER. Dreckor, (he drawbridge kerpir. opened wide The dangerous gate, to let UiovchwI througlu HI llttlo win wa Rtuoding by bin Ride AUive I'aawilc river, deep and blue. Wbilo In Hm dlttanto. like a moan of pain. Wan heard tbe wtiktle of tbe coming train. At once brave Drecker worked to awtni It back The g.-it'.-llke bridge that teem a gate of death: Nearer and nearer, on tbe slender trax-k. Came tbe ewlft engine, pufilng lu white breath. : Then, with a ibriek. the loving father saw um waning twy rail headlong from tbe draw. Either at once down In tbe stream to eprlng And save his son. and let tbe living freight Rush on to death, or lo bin work to fling And leave bis boy unhelpd to meet bis r&t bleb should he do? Were you, aa be woe, tried, Would not your love outweigh all else beside? And yet the child to him was full as dear As yours may be to ron-the linht nt A presence like a brighter atmosphere. me uouBenoiu siar mat shone In love's mild sklee Vet side by side with duty, stern and grim, hven his child became aa naught to him. For Drecker. being great of soul and true. Held to his work, and did not aid bis boy. Who In tbe deep, dark waters sank from view. lueoirom nis rattiere lire went forth art Joy: But as be fell back. Dallld w ith hi. nln Acrtwa the bridge in safety passed the train. And yet the man was poor, and In his breast Flowed no ancestral blnml nr kin n. True greatness needs no title and no ( rent To win from men Just honor and reward: Nobility Is not of rank, but mind; And U inborn and common In our kind He Is most noble whose humanity Is leant corrunted. To ba Iiiki ! The birthright of the lowest born may be: Say what we ran. we are one brotlirhwiH And rich or poor, or famous or unknown. ii i uearu) are nouie, true nearts alone. -Henry Abby. Men with Several Offices. A good many business men of this city have two. three and Home four different offices. Sometime these are four or five milea apart. There are well known lawyers here who have two offices and handle a wholly different class of busines tu each. Interested in big cor;ii ations, a live business man often necessarilv ha office hours at the corporation offices of the respective concerns. This not only enables him to discharge hia mind of all other branches of hia business while attending to one, but it enables those who have business" with him to transact it without in terfering with those who are bent on something else. The mental strain thus put upon an active business man soon sends! him to Florida or some more perma nent resting place, so that it is doubt ful if anything is gained by doubling up in this way. The matter is inter esting, however, as illustrating the peculiar qualities of brain power and training. New York Herald. Technical schools have been estab lished at Kingsend, Ireland, for fisher men by Lord Pembroke, who is one of the large property ownera in the Emer ald Isle. On a recent Sunday there was a 26 mile foot race in Brittany under a scorching sun. Ihe winner on crossing the line drank a glass of lemonade, and fell dead. Henry Labouchere says that Mr. Chamberlain will end his career in a lunatic asylum. Mr. Chamberlain re torts that Mr. Labourite nturimt from oue. Ia the Boulevard St. Germain inPmio you can drop a small sou into a slot in a circular co umn publ ciy situated, press a button and catch eight quarts ot hot water in a pail. The latest idea in Paris is an official nspection of all. the shade trepa in tb city, with the view of removing those that are not healthvand others that are. 6 Tn view of t.ha imnonmr. plague, says the New York Sun, Dr. Da rem berg says to the Parisians "rii your ice!" Freezing does not nil the germs oi coniagiotl. The Empress Frederick- will vat ii fn tit Berlin early in October tn All rmrinfon the preparations for the marriage of the Princess Margaret. already well in hand. The Governor of New Rnmh wi00 states that since the passage of tte pro tection tariff in March laBt the area of land under cultivation in the colony had increased 25 per cunt. Several Welsh tin-nlat.n m ft n n f a t n vara closed their works works are now clo-ed, and 10,000 hands are line. Many sailed on Saturday to find employment in America. The latest news from Rolivia ia tn tbo enect that the The Origin or Humbug. Edward Nathaniel Lewer, who was all his life connected with the Lon don Stock exchange, and died on May 7, 187(5, aged eighty, once said in all seriousness that during the Napoleonic wars so much false news or pontics and army movements came through Hamburg that any thing that smacked of the incredi ble was received with the derisive phrase, "That's Hamburg." whence is derived by corruption the word "humbug." If the woid does not date back beyond the period referred to, it seems a more reasonable deri' vation than the very labored one we get in Webster's Dictionary. Notefl and Queries. Jerked Beef. A remarkable instance of the ten dency to change and even mutilate a word in order to give it a familiar and suggestive appearance is found in the expression "jerked beef." which is a ready English substitute for "charqui," the Peruvian word for meat cooked in smoke, or "jerked." Such a liberty taken with a foreign word may readily be pardoned when so happy in result, but the necessity for changing "lustrine," a French word for silk, into "lutestring" may be questioned, seeing we have many words, such as "luster" and "lus- trous," from the same root But there is no accounting for fancies, Chambers' Journal ; When Nails Came High. ! An ancient Eastport account book 6hovvs that tobacco was sold by the . j . ii. i . . ... . vara in mat ancient settlement in 1797. A somewhat extreme illustra tion of the limited purchasing power of a day's wages at that time is shown in the price of nails which were theu made by hand (cut nails not having been invented), and sold at Is. 2id. (twenty cents) per pound; an ordi nary days wages would pay for four or five pounds. Lewiston Journal. : Liberal DenilHpa ahan. rJ!!nAr 1M the d? P8 ,BhoId h' were heard a distance of fifteen head ia clear aa a be 1. d.t 74 r - u 1 "rlL""e"d the meetings, of ' "'" ' me man ana tne aeea they ml es or more, and in some instances nr. shrAww iam u;', t I ri , . UUW1 .luo Kovernmeni explains are intended to commemorate, ' J created considaVahla .f. n"ance8 1 no shrewder lawyer or politician in New its high-handed action in deposing some AJJLitC taiiu. ,c a I i - A Place for a Rigger Man. Rev. Dr. Boyd tells a delightful story against himself in his reminis cences. It is of the senior wrangler, who, when the parson told him of his intention to leave Edinburs-h for the highly desirable incumbency of St. Andrew's, naively said: "Bless me! are you going there? Why, that's a place for one of the first men in the church!" - M uieir mem Der a.