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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1942)
PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE MF.DFORP OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1942 "Tales of Manhattan", Coming To Rialto Screen Friday Here's What Speed Does to Your Tires Trap 36th Bear Toledo. Ore., (D.PJ The Ken neth Speakman dairy ranch here should be getting a bad name among the bruin tribe. The big cinnamon bear trapped there after killing 30 goats was the 26th bear taken on the ranch by government hunters since 1932. TIRE WEAR VS. CAR SPEED GREATEST DEALER IN WHITE SLAVES JUUT o Vat Mall Tribune Want ads. 9 Women of Poland Rounded Up For Nazi Brothels Nazis Boast of Cruelties. Br John A. Parrla United Press Staff Correspondent London, Sept. 18 (U.R) The Polish government-ln-exile, dis closing that "untold thousands of Polish girls and women have been driven Into Nazi brothels, described Germany as the "greatest dealer In white slave traffic in history." A Polish spokesman said the Germans had organized a veri table woman hunt" in Warsaw carrying off their prey by the truck-load to be sent to Germany in an effort to keep troops paci fied on the western front. From Gdynia, he said, 1,800 women, all officers' wives, were sent into German brothels pat ronized by Nazi officers. Thousands Pregnant "Thousands of young girls and women," he said, "have been returned pregnant to Poland MOTHER . . . PUT YOUR YOUNGSTERS IN POLL-PARROT SHOES AND BE SAFE! All leather In vital hidden parts to protect the health of growing feet. ELASTICIZED PUMP Glove-Ilka fit for young feet with roominess for growth. All leather for long service and economy. Sizes 12 to 3. Sizet Vt to 8 $3.98 PATENT T-STRAP Nothing loots lovelier for dreii-up than a patent leath er T-Strap, Special Junior lost for no gapping or slip ping. Sites 8'j to IMj. Sizes 12 to 3 2.79 2.69 CORD SOLES Built to wear and wear. Famous Poll Parrot, all leather construction guar antees correct fit for grow ing feet Brown or Black. Sizes 8'i 2. TT yV Wf? u53 " j t The grandest gathering of mo tion picture talent ever assem bled into one picture comes to the Rialto theatre for one week starting Friday In the eagerly awaited "Tales of Manhattan," with nine great stars and 44 featured players. Charles Boyer. Rita Hayworth, Ginger Rogers, "Dead End Kids" Billed At Holly Henry Fonda, Charles Lauhton son, Ethel Waters and "Rochest- Edward G. Robinscn, Paul Robe-1 er" are among the big names. Barbara Stanwyck Here Sunday 1 Myk sessjss 'sraaW- Barbara Stanwyck, Geraldlne Fitzgerald and Nancy Coleman are three attractive but naughty sisters in "The Gay Sisters," coming to the Craterian theatre Sunday for a three-day engage ment. George Brent stars with Miss Stanwyck and others In the cast are Donald Crisp and Gene Lockhart. j The hilarious "Dead End" Kids are on the go ajain in "Smart Alecks," their new rough-house riot comine to the Holly theatre Sunday for a j Winninger, plays as the com- three-dav run. Lm Hnrppv and ' nnninn fontm-a ulth 4h T1am.1 Bobby Jordon star with RoserlEnd" Kids. Pryor, Maxie Rosenbloom and Gale Storm. "Friendly Enemies." starring Charlie Ruggles and Charles 7-j tit &: s in lie i ii r 40 50 SO MILES MltCS MlltS p rut ru H0U MOU MOUK NORMAL Tim LIFI 20 10 MILES MILES rt n MOUt H0UI TO SO MILtt MILES Ml PES hou nous (Acmm TelephMo) This chart, sent by President Roosevelt to White Rouse Secy. Bcepheo Early for distribution, shows how different auto sp:eds wear your tires. Look it over, motorist, and take heed becauce rationing Is upon you. The chart was prepared by the Auto & Rubber Industries Tire Committee of the War Engineering Boaid. The note In the upper right-hand corner is to Mr. Early from the President. gsSfj W-V lf YICK SO CHINESE HERB CO. Jackson Co. Bank Bldg. J. K. Laong. Herbalist STOMACH ULCER and all disorders of "blad der, kidney, liver and heart. Also piles, eczema, constipation, rheumatism and other complaints dis appear aftar using CHINESE HERBS LIKE 'EM WELL DONE? Just to show how hot It Is en top of steal tan!: at dosort training center, Cal., Sergeant Sam Cowan of Hood Rivar, Ore., fries pair of eggs in the sun. Private Tom Kulce of Havre, Mont holds plate. Inside temperature hits 145. 1 r. Mlllllllll i 117 SOUTH CFNTRAL TELEPHONE 3110 They were of no further use to the Germans. Following the German occu pation of Poland, the spokesman said, German soldiers boasted openly that Polish women were Imprisoned by them, violated. and finally killed. It was gradually revealed that these attacked Polish wom en were not isolated incidents," he said, but the result of a coldly methodical policy of the Reich authorities. At first, only very general Information was received from Poland regarding the rape of young women sent to brothels by German authori ties. But in recent months, more detailed reports have begun to come In, and gradually the com' plete picture has been built up. The situation was condemned by Auguste, Cardinal Hlond, Po lish primate, in a report to Pope Pius. Cardinal Hlond reported, the spokesman said: Cleric Reports "These official abductions led to other abuses. In Warsaw military patrols began to kidnap girls on their own account . girls were taken to quarters oc cupied by troops, where each was violated several times . recruiting of these girls and young women for brothels was carried on under the pretext of sending them to Germany for forced labor. The spokesman said docu ments disclosed that dozens of Polish girls were forcibly ster ilized before being sent to Ger many, USO In Historic Setting Augusta, Ga. UR One of the most striking USO clubhouses in the country is located here. It Is the white-pillared building which formerly belonged to the old Medical College and which has been loaned to USO for the duration of the war by the Sand Hill Garden Club and the trus tees of Richmond Academy. Cloalns Mm tor CUutflrd Ida a. m To lata to Clauilj I1J0 p ra. . . .You can spot it every time TT TAKES special skill to make a thing good. It takes J skill to make Coca-Cola the skill that comes from lifetime of practice. There's a finished art that goes into its making. In Coca-Cola there's a special blend of wholesome flavor-essences which merges all the Ingredients cf Coca-Cola into the taste that makes Coca-Cola so uniquely refreshing. No one can duplicate It-Ice-cold Coca-Cola is more than just thirst quenching, It Is refreshing. The drink that goes Into refreshing energy. The drink whose quality sets It apart In delicious goodness. Wartime limits the supply of Coca-Col. Those times when vou cannot get It, rememben Coke, being fine choice, selli out fine Ak for it each time. No nutter how short tha supply, the quality of Coca-Cola carries on. 1 ..-U I. ....LIm. l.t I t a I a. in v i MMiiTiiiiiisj '-viai ro mix nwwuu iu when If includes ice-cold Coca-Co La at the ber rage ll turns lunch dm Into refreshment time. The best is always the better buy! BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF MEDFORD 3 GREAT DAYS! FUR VALUES At ADRIENNE'S W Thurs., Fri., Sat. Sept. 17th 18th 19th This year more than ever a fur coat is the soundest investment you could make. Choose yours with confidence at Adrienne's. We guarantee choicest pelts, last ing style and your full money's worth regardless of how much or how little you spend. Double check these Fur Investment values today! TBI" I In Biuret MOO RUSSIAN SQUIRREL HOC LOCKE COATS I09 Lynx and Platinum Dyad IOO WOLF CHUBBIES OT SABLE DYED MUSKRAT COATS... $195 FUR EXPERT IN CHARCE! RUSSIAN SAND HOC WEASEL COATS ItS BLACK and BROWN SITE CARACUL COATS. lD KOLINSKY DYED CONEY COATS... TWIN SILVER FOX SCARFS. A Pair .00 SO .00 .00 .00 89" J97" ADRIENNE'S