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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1939)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1939. PAGE SEVEN U. S. STATESMEN DOUBTFUL ABOUT E European Races Determined To Have Their Quarrels Is Feeling Of Yankees. nd boyi who iwlm the Rio Grande from Mexico and try to dodge immigration officers. When a 12-year-old tyy swam the river recently and was cap tured, the officers took a bur lap bag. cut head and armholes in it and sent him back to his Mexican home attired in the costume. Livestock By Preston Grovtr Washington Yankee states men see really solid ground un der the widely discussed plan for a European federation based on economic factors rather than on a purely political basis. They would like to believe it would work. It has at least the advantage of a different ap proach, one based on assuring adequate bread and butter rather than on so-called national inspirations. Two things keep Americans from whooping up a too-eager enthusiasm for the idea. First is a deep-set belief that European peoples are deter mined to have their quarrels re gardless of the general welfare. Second is the fact that it is being advanced primarily by England, and therefore, in the eyes of many, should be scrutin ized closely. It is popular and politically "important just now n lnolr first fnr nrnnaeanda and only later for facts in any pro posal from "Kemaious aiduhi. Chamberlain Hopes rvimhprlain's sDeech sounded for a paragraph or so as if he had his eye on secretary nun. "Trt cnh n Eurone." said Chamberlain', speaking of the "new Burope" he hoped would grow out of the war, "it would be recognized that there can be no lasting peace unless there is a full and constant flow of trade htwpn the nations, for only by increased interchange of goods and services can the standard of living be improvea. Continuing in the same vein, 1.A cnirl "In such a Europe, fear of ocrrAQcinn will have ceased to exist, and such adjustments of boundaries as would be neces sary would be threshed out be fnresn npichhnrs slttine on eaual terms around a table, with the help of disinterested tnira parties if it were so desired. Oft-Tried Idea Europe has been looking for a forlpration of some sort for a An-rexn OnnPMt.innS. The CBtllOllC church tried for several hundred years to fend off the break up into tight little nationalities. The Holy Roman Empire, with a far less noble motive, sought this, too. Louis XIV of France tried two hundred years ago to make Eu rope a nation of one mind his own. England shock him down. The enthusiasts of the French revolution thought they had found the one-and-only type of government and tried to butter all Europe with it. Napoleon, with the same machinery but fewer of the ideals, dreamed for a time of a sort of United States of Europe under him. Water loo ended that. At the Congress of Vienna in 1818, Prussia, Russia and Aus tria set out to preserve the sta tus quo in Europe and even in the Americas by the "Holy Al liance." South American na tions, and in turn, Greece, Bel gium and Spain, shook down that house. The League of Nations was the next such attempt, but its machinery was better designed to make political adjustments than the economic adjustments about which Europe now is talking. Put to Work. Regina. Sask. CU.R) Seventy- five beaver have been employed by the Saskatchewan govern ment in the interests of water conservation. They were placed in streams where their work at building dams will 'raise water levels, aiding in fire prevention. Portland Portland. Ore.. Dec. 7. ( AP-TJSDA) Hogi ulable 600, total 1,900. acme, steady: good-choice 165 to 316-lb. drtvelns S6.00: few outstanding lota 6.106.1S; 330 to 270-lb. butchers as.SO: light light 5 35,1:5 75; pack ing eowa strong at Sl.25if4.75; good choice feeder pigs quotable S5.00 a 6.S0. Cattle 150, calves 25: active, steady to strong with Wednesday, dairy type cowa 25c higher than Monday; scattered common-medium laughter ateers $6 .00 7 .85: few stockers SS.OOia 7.35; common helfera 5 25 (0 6 25; good feeder helfera quot able $8.00; cutter-common cows $3.25 B4.25: canners $3 00; fat dairy type cowa $4.75 t 6 .25: odd 'lead $5 50; few sausage bulls 5.1S m B.7B: beef bulla quotable $0.25: good-choice vealera $8.5090.50; common-medium $5.00$ 7.00. Sheep salable 1.000. total 1.300; few aalea steady to atrong: good choice trucked In wooled lambs $7.75 98.00; one double cloaely shorn 91- 1b. $7.15: odd feeder lambs $6 00: shorn feeders 5.50 6.00; common ewea $3.25, choice $4.35. than Wednesdays averaga: extreme top $5.76: buix good and choice 100 to 340-lb. $5.50 8 6.70: 340 to 270-lb. moatly $5.35 5.60; 370 to 300-lb. butchers $535S40: good and choice 120 to 150-lb. underwetghta $525 f 5.50: good 300 to 450-lb. packing lows $48535.10; heavier welghta $4 50 4.75. Cattle 4.000: ealvea 1.000: fully steady market on yearlings and year ling type light steers; atrlctly good and choice medium - weight and weighty steers ateady; medium to average good ktnda acallng 1.150 to 1.800 lba. Hardly enough aha atock here to make a market: mostly steady: vealera $9.00r 10.00. Sheep 13.000; late Tuesday fat lambs mostly 10i15c lower; top $9.20: bulk fed westerns and natives $8.75 m 9 00: best handy-weight year lings $7.78: weighty klnda around $7 50. Chicago Wheat Chicago. Dec. 7 (API Wheat M turea shot up 2 to 3 centa a bushel today, December contracts soaring to 9,c. highest for any contract alnce October. 1937. The top prices, reached ahortly after noon, attracted a wave of profit taking sales, howevert end quotations slipped 1 cents from the day's be6t levels. Wheat: Open High Low Close Dec. 974 994 87H 98 May 93 , 96 93 94V4 July 92H 941 91t 93 Portland Produce Chicago Chicago, Dec. 7 (AP USD A) Hogs: 35.000: active, steay to 10c higher Wall St. Report Portland Wheat i Portland. Ore.. Dec. 7. (API But ter, butter-tat, egs, cheese, country meats, live poultry, turlteys. onions, potatoes, hay, jaool steady and unchanged. Portland, Dec. 7. fAP) Grain: Wheat: Open High Low Close May 83Vi 841 8314 84V Dec. .. 82 4 83 k 83 '4 82 Cash grain: Oats. No. 3. 38-lb. white 126 00. Barley, No. 3, 45-lh. bearded white $26.50. Corn. No. 1, eastern yellow ship ment 37. No. 1 flax. ftl.90. Cash wheat btd: Soft white 82'jc; western white 83'4c: western red 82c. Hard red winter: Ordinary 82c; 11 per cent 82Vic: 13 per cent 85c; IS per cent 88c: 14 per cent 96c. Hird whlte Baart: 13 per cent 89Uc; 13 per cent 824c: 14 per cent DS'fcc. Today's car receipts: Wheat 8: flour 0: corn 8; oats 3; mill feed 1. Pear Markets Yesterday New York. Dec. 7. (AP-U8DA) Pears: 6 cars arrived. 6 Oregon. 8 Washington unloaded. 11 on track; steady; Medford Bosc, 3.145 No. 1 $1.75'! 2 20. average $2 01, 746 fancy 91.652 10. average $2 01; Medford Anjous. 660 extra fancy $1.76 3 35. average $1 89. 660 fancy $1.50 a 2. 10. average $1.84; Cornice. 720 extra fancy $1.95tf3 25, average $2.24. Chicago. Dec. 7 (AP-USDA) Pears: 3 Oregon, 4 Washington arrived. 7 on track; Oregon Howells. 720 extra fancy $1.00ie 1.40. average $1.28. New York. Dec. 7. W) Leading stocks overcame early selling barriers in today's mar ket, and. in the final hour, re sumed the recovery purh of yesterday. Closing gains, cen tering principally in industrials, ranged from major fractions to more than point. Business news was all on the side of the bulls, and, with wheat futures shooting up to around ihe Sl-a-bushel mark and other commodities display ing forward inclinations, com mission house customers took a more cheerful view of trends. Dividends and earnings helped brighten ihe picture. Tax sell ing provided a brake. Transfers were in the neigh borhood of 1,000.000 shares. Today's closing prices for 32 se lected stocks follow: Al. Cham. Dye 171 Am. Can 1134 Am. Pgn. Power.. 3', A. T. & T. - 169H Anaconda Atch. T. & S. P. . Bendlx Avla Beth. Steel Caterpillar Tract. Chrysler . Com). Solvents ..... Curtlss-Wrlght DuPont Oen. Electric Gen. Foods Gen. Motors Int. Harvester . I. T. T Sit, 36 304 BSi 65 87 37H 10 180', 39, 46, 54 60t; 4 Johns-ManvtUe Monty Ward Nor', h Amer Penney l J. C.) Phillips Pet. Radio Southern Pacific , , 77 . . 33 , . B3, . 401, 15H Std. Brands Std. OH Cal. Std. Oil N J. .. Transamerlca .... Union Carbide -United Aircraft U. S. Steel , . 354 44S 861, 45V, San Francisco Butter San Francisco, Dec. 7. (AP-USDA) Butter unchanged. Sacramento, Dec. 7. (API Churn ing cream butterfat: First grada 34jc; second grade 324c YOU THINK THEY'RE ALL ALIKE? !UkTt?25. fVl ingtothee...-t..riftv.'Peo. tMC. rind out what COBBS CREEK users know and enjoy. COBBS CREEK is deliriously different- smoother, mellower, more pleas ing to the taste. ..and thrifty! Peo ple who try it, stick to it. Ask for COBBS CREEK at your favorite package store today! See for yourself! FULL PINT M.55 FULL QUART Full 90 proof. 10 itriifht whitky four ysrt old. J59b wbiiky Ibrtt ytm old. 75 dislilltd grain mtulril ipiritt. Marriage Spans History. Dillon, Mont. (U.R) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Sapp, first cou ple to be married In Beaver head county after Montana was admitted to statehood, have cele brated their 50th wedding anni versary. They have lived in the county ever since their marriage. Gets the Sack. Brownsville, Texas. OF) Im migration officials are weary of supplying clothing to naked men Chan & Chan Chinese Medicine Co. Be relleted at once by our herbal remedy. Do you have: A s t b ni s. Hay Kever, Slomarh Trouble. Constipation. Chronic Cough, Rheumatism, Si nus Trouble, riles. Arthritis. Co litis, Kczema. Appendicitis, High Blood Pressure. Prostate, Heart. Liter, Bladder, Kidney, Lanes, Blood, t rlnary troubles. Herbs will give yon relief. 335 E. Main. NOW OPEN DAILY 1ft n. hi. to 5:30 p. m. Fr-ut Wfd. 10 a. m. to 12. Make LEWIS SUPER SERVICE STA1TON Your TIRES AUTO ACCESSORIES - ELECTRICAL GIFTS RADIOS ' TOYS Gifts for ALL THE FAMILYI Yes slrl Tires, Accessories, etc.. for Men Folks: Electrical Appliances, Lamps and Radios for the Ladies and for all members of the family; Bicycles for Big Brother and Toys for the Kiddies ALL AT REAL MONEY-SAVING PRICES, tool Don't forget EASY TERMSI ll "W MLf . IN 1.1 J WI FrMfrV Yr aw! GLES I J3b LIBERAL XEKMS '11 Goodrich Tinres Wrapped For the Tree! Rubber Tired W 1 LKS S1.79 GIVE TRICYCLES $6.49 and S1 1.49 WAGONS 98c to S4.95 No gifts will be more acceptable than USEFUL electrical appliances . . . We have some real values In the very latest appliances That's EXACTLY Itl A GRAND fllFT Sturdy aoortrlch Safety Sllvertowna the only tires with the Bmnilnit LIFB-8AVEB TREAD and GOLDEN PLY blow-out protection. Slnla tires and times, or sets of four, ready for the tree, EASY TERMS. ' SET YOUR OWN EASY TERMS All you have to do is select what you need, how lis your license IdentiAcation and tell os how yon can pay. That's aUl NO RED TAPE NO DELAYS Newest Stream lined Single TOAST- MASTERS $9.95 Other Toastmasters ... $4.43 Electric Heating Pads $3.93 Electric Irons ...$3.43 Sandwich Toasters Grills Coffee Makers Other appropriate Appliances Budget TermS EASY TERMS $12.30 Streamlined Wagons Now 98.75 Wagon with Built-up Sides I $5.95 BEST QUALITY BALL BEARING SKATES $1.29 COLORCRAFT LAMPS $3.70 ILLUMINATED BASE SMOKE SET $3.75 The Gift for Dad 95 CAR RADIOS 24S Or As Low As $1 a Week Goodrich Car Heater MANTOLA RADIOS Here h A Real Gift The SUPER PORTABLE The perfect companion to the out-door sport fan for boatlni. camping, and traveling. Newent arivnnrrd Aeronrope built Into cabinet ends need for aerial and ground wires . . . gives more satis factory performance with a minimum of static Interference. Dimensions only IS" wide, n'i high. 7" deep. Carry thla set with Its leather grip handle and smart, gray airplane luggage type cabinet with you wherever you go. Table and Console Sets At Real Bargain Prices Enjoy Your Mantola While You Pay! FOG LIGHTS AS LOW AS EASY TERMS $3.50 SCORES OF OTHER GIFT SUGGESTIONS LEWIS SUPER SERVICE STATION Eighth and Barllell Sis. C. O. Whetloek, Manager. "We Neyer Close" Telephone 1300