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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1939)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREGON, SUNDAY. NOVEMBER S. 193S. PAGE SEVEN Society anc Clubs !lSeven erv'ce Davs wnr r' Scout Func,er By Clara Mary Davit (Continued from page four) Garden Club Has Thursday Meet The Medford Garden club met Thursday afternoon on the mez zanine floor of the Medford Hotel. Mrs. Helen Arnspiger gave a very interesting and in ' structive talk on the care and culture of the chrysanthemum and named many varieties. A fine collection of the flower was : on display, being from the gar dens of the club's members. Arrangements were made for the Garden club's participation in the Armistice day parade. Miss Jane Snedicor is chairman of the committee preparing for ' the club's entry in the parade. Persons having potted plants or flowers to loan for this occasion ' are asked to contact Miss Snedi cor. At the conclusion of the meet ing, refreshments were served. Mrs. Edith Bundy and Mrs. Lil - lian Woodford were hostesses. College Women to Convene Saturday The Rogue Valley College Women's club will meet Satur day. November 11, at 2:30 p. m in the Girls' Community club on North Bartlett street. The hostesses are Miss Lucille Abbott and Miss Clare Gume lius. and the social chairman is Mrs. Fred Wagner of Ashland The book review is entitled "American Earth: The Biog' raphy of a Nation," by Carlton Beals, and will be given oy Mrs R. C. VanValzah. Past Matrons to Convene Monday Past Matrons' club will con vene Monday afternoon at 1:15 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Ern est R. Gilstrap, 35 Geneva ave nue. Dessert will be served instead of luncheon as was previously planned. Assisting Mrs. Gilstrap will be Mrs. C. O. Larison, Rose Hous ton and Mrs. Lee Garlock. Students Enjoy Hallowe'en Event A group of St. Mary's stu dents enjoyed a Hallowe'en pari ty Tuesday evening at Dixie Brown's home. Games were played and refreshments were served. Guests present were the Misses Monica Wilcox, Barbara Bray ton. Katherine Weston, Ruth Middendorf , Esther Ritchie. Mary Wilcox. Beckie O'Conner. Mary Wooldridge. Julie Austin, Olive Austin, Dorothy HofbecK and Messrs. John Jensen, John Gitzen, Jimmy Lewis, Edwin Lemine, Victor Holzgang, Bob Bauman and Thayer Carlton. Dr. Divine Talks To Pro-America Pro-America, national Repub lican women's organization, will meet Monday noon at the Hotel Holland for a luncheon session, during which time Dr. Sherman L. Divine will present an aa dress on Americanism. Starting November 20 evening meetings will take place at 7:30 o'clock in the Sixth street lobby of the Holland. Purpose of the evening sessions will be to ac commodate working women and teachers who are not able to at tend the day time gatherings. Reames Chapter Meets Thursday Reames chapter, O. E. S. will hold a regular meeting Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in the Ma sonic Temple. Past worthy matrons and pa trons will be special guests. The November committee will be in charge and serve refreshments during the social hour. Mrs. William Young and Mrs. G. H. Maasdam will be joint chairmen. All members are asked to attend and visitors are welcome. rkf 'A 'H KVJt J(V, J5,l f ' " -Mm St . . : - S. - - '. Each year the Girl Scouts set aside one week during which they demonstrate for the public the aims and program of Girl Scouting. It was observed na tionally last week and In Med ford local scouts enjoyed pro grams and various activities. The event honored Juliette Gor don Low, founder of Girl Scout ing in the United States. Mrs. Low, whose birthday on celebrated by by Ortnhr 31 was u nnn ;..i I Mc leach chapter was written by uiuie man uut,uwu ....... - . . , T. aiuert-ni rficiiive ui menu. of Mrs. A. D. Hess. 224 Van couver avenue Thursday after noon at 1:30 o'clock. Dessert luncheon will be served and Mrs. W. B. Hickman will be the assistant hostess. Travel Study Club to Meat The Travel Study club will meet Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. R. S. Wilfley, 29 Ross Court. The book, "Sky Gypsy" by Claudia Cranston will be reviewed by I Mrs. C. W. Guches. Current events will also be given. Mem bers are to note the change of meeting place. Put Presidents To Meet Tuesday Past Presidents club of the Degree of Honor lodge will meet with Edith Elliott on Tuesday evening at her home on 'Ross Lane. W. C. T. U. ToMeet Thursday P. M. W.C.T.U. will convene Thurs day afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Cora Wilson, 720 West 11th street. Mrs. Fred Caulkins will give the devotion als. There will be special music and refreshments and the topic for discussion will be on Inter national Relations. Thirteenth Club Enjoys Meeting The Thirteenth club met re cently at the home of Mrs. Carol Poe for a covered dish luncheon. Games and sewing wero enjoyed during the afternoon and the prize was awarded to Mrs. Eve lyn Farr. Next meeting, will be held at the home of Mrs. Francis Bent ley, 245 South Central avenue. November 15. Club members a Hallowe'en party Monday eve ning at the home of Mrs. Leon Brown. (Continued on Page Seven) The IniUUnff effacta of food patties through th itomftch on axpoamd noma, of olerted tor tux frequently aiM bornirur. tearing ordoil u-Jiine naunm. Miktnit25N-RitkUdiiTMl Tlotmocb pnlu UDGA. TTt K tor nlM of nicer end tktmerh Dsinft. ladiseatlon. ree peine, f orhfexttnrn. taming tenwtion. bloeL end other Mrii,iM.unin1hvuctulid. (MBttCUCk. esenf UXGA Tibleu today. Abeotaulyetxeta Bee.Tbe7 meet belp 70a or jaor mooer rerasdedL entertained their husbands with' rood drusglt everywhere national organization. country, was "the eternal girl" according to Josephine Daskam Bacon, noted novelist. "Her tre mendous vitality and enthusiasm which brought the-movement to this country in 1912 nurtured it and made of it the great national movement it is today." In the story of "Juliette Low and the Girl Scouts," published run covers her life from the time she 1 tasted sugar for the first time "sitting on General Sherman's knee" in 18H4, when she was three years old, to her death in 1926. Each chapter is filled with colorful anecdotes of the amus ing and entertaining "Daisy" as she was called by all who knew her intimately. ft five hundred and bridge will be played during the evening. A regular lodge meeting will be held Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Calendar Lodge- Club. Church Announcements Rebekah Lodge 1 Meet Monday Rebekah lodge will hold a regular meeting Monday eve ning at 7:30 o'clock. All mem- vice in the auditorium of Wes ley chapel, Friday afternoon at 1:30. A- covered dish lunch will be served in the dining hall at 12 bers are asked to bring a dona- o'clock. Each one is asked to tion of canned fruit to be sent I bring her own service, a covered to the Odd Fellows home In 1 dish and a sandwich. All the Portland. women are asked to attend. COAST-TO-COAS! BROADCAST Or NEW I WANT A Dsvona" KMED Monday. 12:00 noon Pro-America, Ho tel Holland. 1:15 p. m. Past Matrons' club, home Mrs. Ernest Gilstrap, 35 Geneva. 2:00 p. m. Travel Study club, home Mrs. R. S. Wilfley, 29 Ross Court. 2:30 p. m. Government de partment, Voters' league, Colony club. 6:'.0 p. m. St. Mark's Altar Guild, parish hall. 7:30 p. m. Art association, home Mrs. H. W. Conger, 715 West Main street. 7:30 p. m. Rebekah lodge. I.O.O.F. hall. 8:00 p. m. Crater Lake Guild, home Mrs. L. E. Greenwood, 1016 Queen Anne avenue. Tuesday. 1:00 p. m. Methodist Mis sionary group, church parlors. 1:30 p. m. Lady Elks, Elks temple. 2:00 p. m. St. Anne's Altar society, parish hall. 2:30 p. m. Oiegon State Mothers, home Mrs. W. A Hol loway, 323 Mae street. 8:00 p. m. Eagles card party, 42 North Front street. Wednesday. 1:30 p. m. Mistletoe club. home Mrs. L. C. Alexander, 106 Almond. 2:00 p. m. Loyal Women, Christian church. 2:30 p. m. Phoenix Health Unit tea. Phoenix high school 7:30 p. m. Chrysanthemum circle. No. 84, K. P. hall. Thursday. 1:30 p. m. Loyalty Circle, home Mrs. A. D. Hess, 224 Van couver avenue. 1:30 p. m. Building Bridge club, home Mrs. Guy Conner, 516 West Belmont. 2:00 p. m. W.C.T.U., home Mrs. Cora Wilson, 725 West 11th street. 8:00 p. m. Reames chapter. O.E.S., Masonic temple. Friday. 1:30 p. m. Methodist "Week of Prayer." Wesley chapel. 2:30 p. m. College Women. Girls' Community clubhouse. Scout Leaders are Tea Hostesses Girl Scout troop leaders en tertained Friday afternoon with a tea In honor of council and troop committee members at Scout headquarters. Fifty guests called Detween the hours of 3 to. 5 o'clock and were served tea at a table at tractively centered with roses and matching tapers. During the affair Dorotny Root and Dorothy Nissen enter tained with scout songs sung in harmony. Cecilia Anderson and Carol Gibbs composed the refreshment committee and Vera Thatcher and Dorothy DeRoos were on the decoration committee. 4 Phoenix Unit to Sponsor Tea Party Phoenix Health Unit is spon soring its annual tea in the new domestic science class room of the Phoenix high school on Wednesday from 2:30 to 5 o'clock. Proceeds will be used for the hot lunch fund and all persons in the community are invited to attend. Eagle Women to Sponsor Parties The auxiliary of the Frater nal Order of Eagles will enter tain this month with a series of card parties the first of which will be held Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Eagle hall on North Front street. Similar parties will be held each Tuesday during November. A grand prize will be given at the end of the series as well as prizes for winners each evening. The public is Invited to parti cipate in the affairs. Pinochle, Oregon Slat Mothers Meet The Oregon State Motners club will convene Tuesday af ternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. A. Holloway, 323 Mae street. Mothers of new students are especially asked to attend. Art Association Will Meet Soon Southern Oregon Art associ ation will convene Monday even ing at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. W. Conger. 715 West Main street. All members are asked to attend. Chrysanthemum Circle To Meet Chrysanthemum circle No. 84 will meet in regular session Wednesday at 7:30 o'clock in the K. P. hall. All members are asked to attend. Lady Elks Will Meet Tuesday Ladv Elks will enjoy a des sert card party Tuesday after noon at 1:30 o'clock at the Elks Temple. Mrs. Ray Johnson and Mrs. A. F. Stennett will be hos tesses. Mistletoe Club Meets Wednesday Mistletoe Club of Royal Neighbors of America will con vene Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock for dessert luncheon at the home of Mrs. L. C. Alex ander, 106 Almond street. business session will be held in the afternoon. Loyal Women Will Convene Loyal Women's class of the First Christian church will meet In the church parlors Wednes day at 2 o'clock for a class party. All members and friends are In vited to attend. Loyalty Circle Will Convene Methodist Group To Have Praver The Methodist women will Loyalty Uircle ot tne M. r.. hold their week of prayer ser-1 church will meet at the home TUNE INI SUNDAY iniRNOOH ItOO O'Clock Pacific Standard Time end NIC tD NITWOUK Exquisite Styles PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS i The finest lines In America are hera for your .election. You will FERENT" lng. find that "SOMETHING DIF for which you hava bean look s' Coma in tomorrow and ample books. look orer our You will enjoy making a careful and leisurely selection before the rush season. Swem's Gift Shop CHRISTMAS CARD HEADQUARTERS GrOO or the MODERN ELECTRIC WAY Jungfrau Goat Milk brings health from happy goats, e 1'resh noat Butter. rhotco Ooat Cheese Deliveries every Friday. Drop a rard to Jungfrau Cioet Dairy Route 4, Box 54, Medford, Oregon. 41 1 I Hats Cleaned & Blocked Our expert cleaning and blocking service makes old hats look Ilk new. SAVE15CRiT Unique Cleaners & Dyers t0 AP 3) I6 iPUAIMlOS MORE BEAUTIFUL MORE CONVENIENT MORE ECONOMICAL Than Ever Before! Are you taking full advantage of the benefits of electricity in YOUR home that are yours for the taking? To enjoy the utmost of GOOD LIVING the electric way, let electrical appliances, large and small, perform tosks that it used to take hours to do, and ot trifling cost, too, compared to the cost of servonts. Your electrical dealer will show you appliances of various kinds that will bring new comfort and convenience to hostess and housewife. There beautiful to look at, time-saving, and surprisingly inexpensive to buy and to operate! Check up on YOUR home ELECTRICALLY You'll find scores of tasks that can be performed quickly, thoroughly, and economically with appliances you do not have then see your electrical deal er's appliance disploy today! And don't forget, It won't be long until Christ mas nd there's finer gift than a useful electricol appliance! W 1IL t iMwcwae.. . . . - 1 TkA COPCO te-arj flRrW. .... BM ,UUR ELECTJfAi DEALER 'onces. ""derate 20 So. Central. HALE WHEELER. Owner. Phone 96 .iilMIHi AM" II II III