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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 19, 1939)
PAGE TEN MEDFORD MAH-TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1939. After A Man's Heart by JEAN RANDALL YESTERDAY. Bug mil mnK Tim needs her, and iht needj to bs needed. Sht disregard! her parents instmettoni to return to Chicago, and moaes to Boulder to be near Tim. She telii George Tim will marry her. Chapter 12 New Establishment THROUGOUT the day George contrasted Buff, her small en ergetic figure, her a?ile mind and her self-reliance, with the help, less and appealing Iris. 'Fraid old Tim's the kind that likes to be leaned on," he mused. "Iris got his number the first time she saw him. Golly! When she lilted those long lashes and gave him an I'm only - a girl please eome-to-my-rescue look, even I tarted figuring what I could do to help her. Buff, on the other hand, stands straight as a young aspen and defies all the winds of heaven to move her. I wonder " He found this line of meditation so profitless that he abandoned it, re alizing with a grin that he was de pending on Buff to work out her own plan for Tim's ultimate re covery. Tim accepted ths dinner Invita tion without hesitation. Whether his willingness came from George's inclusion, or whether belated gratitude for Buff's kindness dic tated it, his partner and friend cared not a whit. The important thing was to get Tim within the sphere of Buff's influence. They found her Installed In a five-roomed apartment, the ornate furnishings of which produced solemn amusement in its new tenant. She pointed out a large oil painting above the fireplact. "It was done bv a local artist," he explained. "Before I retire it to oblivion I'd like your separate opinions upon its subject. At first I thought it was the explosion of a featherbed on the shnte of an Italian lake. Then Mrs. V," bb said that it looked to her like a cherry orchard in full bloom 'in a desert sort of place. This morning the sun slanted on it and 1 became con vinced it was the surrealist's idea of a cottonflcld. Now. with the fire light and lamps, I'm beginning to waver, wnat do you ana Ueorge think. Tim?" George made opera glasses of his hands and retired to view the work of art from different angles. Final ly he announced that Buff was all wrong in her guesses. "It's a couple of dozen white filgcons trying to fly without using heir wings," he asserted. "Three of 'em are doing a darned good inb of it, too. One of 'em's two f shove ground." To the amazement of the others, lim joined in the nonsense. "I'm surprised at you both," he Ha id severely. "Don't you know Art when you see it? The painter has clearly depicted a busho! of popped corn being flung across the water. I suppose it's a summer resort of ........ Irln " Un U,s. ...!. QU1IIU niuu, IIC WUIl Ull kliuullb- fully. "and the stuff was neither buttered nor salted. The purchaser thus expressed his indignation." "We're all agreed on its being a waier scene or some kind uny way," Burt said with relief. "Now when I get used to one or two other trifling items in the place. I can seme flown, for instance, II you . want hot water in the bathtub you turn the knob Hint's marked waste.' And vice versa. And those two chairs that I've put in the corner and hedged off with a table re not to be relied upon. Even the original tenant Im sub-letting you know forgot and tried to sit on one, with alarming results. He weighs around two hundred, and I thought for a while I was going to have to call Mrs. Webb to help me jet mm to his feet. Tim ran his hand through his hair, always a sign of bewilder ment with him. "But why did you rent this apartment? ' he asked. His eyes went from the rug, against whose crimson background green and yellow flowers were flung, to the array of hideous ornaments on the mantelpiece. "There are plenty of nice places in Boulder. What made you choose this?" Gay Evening SHE shook her head but made no reply. Luckily Mrs. Webb came in at that moment and announced dinner. George rolled expressive eyes as he tasted his soup. "I hope you're going to ask us to dine here frequently." he said. "When I eat Mrs. Webb's cooking I realize I've practically starved when away from her " "What," Buff demanded cau tiously, "do you feel would be 'fre quently'?" "There are seven nights in each end every week," George said. "I don't want to presume on Rnmi na ture, and it's true that if and w hen you leave Boulder Tim and I will nave to subsist on what we receive t our boarding house. 1 think every othr evening would be a happy compromise, dnn't vou? That will give you time to miss us. If you like our company; or to rest up, if you don't. That strike you as fair and square. Tim?" "It does not," was the succinct answer. "Buff, pay no attention to him. His lower nature gets the bet ter of him when he's hungry After dinner he'll be more reasonable." It was a gay evening. Bull was careful to mate it so, avoiding any topic whicn mignt aisturo iun. "But just you wait, my dear bov." she mused when her guests had departed with enthusiastic thanks lor ner entertainment, i shall play a waiting game for a few days a week perhaps. After that the delugel She let both George and Tim severely alone for the next two days. Indeed it was George who telephoned to ask if she had for gotten about them, lost Mrs. Webb s vajuaote services, oi naa fallen into the lake depicted in the masterpiece over the mantel. "I've been busy," she said. "But you can both come out to dinner tonight, if you like." "If we like!" George threw sufficient feeling into the words to make other com ment unnecessary. But when he told Tim of his plans he encoun tered an unexpected obstacle. "Go if you wish and since you invited yourself 'm said. "But I have other plans." Questioned closely, he muttered of work to be done at the labora tory, "trying to catch up." George argued and pleaded in vain. Final ly he again had recourse to the telephone. "Tim says he can't come to night," he announced plaintively "Can't or won't?" inquired Buff "Says 'can't'; means 'won't'!" "Leave him to me!" So it was that when Tim emerged from his tiny office a lit tle after six, he found Buff's car parked in front and Buff herself slumped restfully in the seat. She had the air of having been in that position for hours. "Hop in!" she bade him. "Non sense, of course you'll come. Well, you can wash up in my bathroom as well as in your own, can't you? Your shirt s reasonably clean," she added, inspecting it critically. "Anyway Webby's heart will be broken if you aren't there to eat her biscuits." Very, Very Determined HE HESITATED, but the door she held open and the imperi ous gesture of her small hand were too much. He climbed in. Present ly he said: "Look here, Buff, it seems we'll have to talk this over after all. I hoped by this time you'd have tired of your efforts to look after me. I hoped your father would have sent for you. I hoped "You hoped to get rid of me. In fact!" Her tone was cheerful and she gave a little tilt to her perky hat. She looked gaminish and very, very determined. "You're wasting a lot of my time, Tim, and not do ing yourself any good either. But I'm prepared to let you drift a while. Tonight I want you to see what I've done to the apartment." She had done a great deal, he discovered. The too-cheerful rug had been replaced by a restful tan nish square. Several comfortable armchairs stood about. An open bookcase glowed with color from rows of volumes. The painted mon strosity above the mantel had dis appeared and a panel of Lance's cartoons, plainly framed, lent an impish note to the room. Ash trays stood conveniently about; the big square pillows on the couch were covered with whipcord. "Better?" she inquired. "Much better. And cost about a thousand dollars, I suppose." She produced a slip of paper which she shoved triumphantly in his unwilling hand. "Eighty-seven dollars and forty five cents," she announced. "Of course the cartoons and the books aren't included. I brought them from the ranch. But all the rest 1 paid spot cash for " "Imagination must be the strong point in the Carroll family." he said rudely. "I happen to have priced a couch similar to this my self. It was a hundred and forty five dollars. As for the rug " George, horrified, attempted to interrupt but Buff intervened calmly. "Both are secondhand," she said. 'The couch was all right as to springs but needed re-covering That stuff looks expensive but it s only glazed chintz. The rug was a bargain because it had a burned place in one corner. Webby and 1 put the biggest chair over that so you can't see it. A carpenter made and stained the bookshelves for me. You'll find them on that list $11.60. They're only pine though they do look like walnut," she con cluded complacently. "Golly, what a wife you'll make some man!" The words burst from George involuntarily. "I know I'm getting a bit thin on top, but then all the Weekes become bald pre maturely. Once you get that firmly fixed in your mind, it doesn't seem nearly so bad, Buff. And I know I'm er not slender, but I'm sure the right diet could correct all that. Do you think vou might consider me, darling?" She shook her head. "Sorry, George. I thought you knew Tim and I are practically en gaged." "We're not!" He glared at her. "It's all right to have your joke. Buff, but if you aren't careful peo ple will begin to talk. All college towns are gossipy, didn't you know that? How'd you like to have everybody taking you seriously on this subject?" "It gives me an Idea," she said. "Dinner, Webby? Come and eat, Tim. You won't he half so cross after you've been fed." Continued Monday. On the Radio Chains STATIONS Where to Fled Them on the Dial: KtX. Porllaud. 1180; ttt'L, 640. Lotr.tngeles; KG A, 1170. Spokane. KUO, 790, Ban FranclKu; HGW 6'iO. Portland: KJR. 970, Seattle. It XX, 1050, Loa Anseln; KO.. 830 Denver: KOIN. !H0. Portland. KO.MO. me. Seattle; KPO, 630, Sao Francisco; KSL, 1180, Salt Lake. 1 KOW; Prgm.. KNX, KOIN; James' Orch., KGW; Powell's Orch.. KSL; Madrlguera's Orcb., KGO, KEX, News. ' KJR. I 10:00 News Reporter, KPO, BOW, ! KFI. KSL, KNX; Poster's Orch., KOO. KJR, KEX; News, KOIN. 10:30 Ravazza's Orch., KPO. KOW. KFI; Nottingham's Orch.. KOO. KJR, KEX. 11:00 Martin's Orcb.. KPO. KFI; Organist. KEX; Basle's Orch.. KSL; News, KOO, KNX, KGW. Thursday. 8:00 Songs, XOO. KEX, KJR. S :30 Orgunlst, KGO, KEX, KJR; Vagabonds, KPO, KGW, KFI. 8:00 Major Bowes, KNX, KOIN. KSL; Good News ol 1910, KPO, KFI. KGW; BUetch, KOO, KEX, KJR. 7:00 Columbia Workshop, KOIN, Music Hall, KPO. KFI, KGW. 7:30 Concert Salon. KOO, KJR; Sports Pop-Olfs, KNX, KOIN; News. KSL. 8:00 Fred Waring, KPO. KGW, KFI; Danco Orch.. KEX, KJR; Aloha Land, KGO; Amos and Andy, KNX, KSL, KOIN. 8:15 Sam Hayes, KNX; Dance Orch., KOO; I Love a Mystery, KPO. KGW. KFI. 8:30 Symphony Hour; KPO, KGW, KFI; Ak-It-Baket, KNX. KSL, KOIN; This Moving World, KGO, KEX. 9:00 Strnimc as It Seems, KNX. KSL, KOIN; Adventures, KGO, KEX. 9:30 Those We Love, KPO. KFI, Friday 5:00 Music for Listening, KGO, KEX, KJR; Melody Time, KPO; Order of Adventures, KFI, KOW. 5:30 Etchings In Brass, KGO, KJR; Now and Then, KGW. 8 :0O Plantation Party, KOO. KEX, KJR; Waltz Time. KPO. KFI, KOW; Prof. Quia, KNX. KSL, KOIN. 6:30 Jewel's Program, KPO, KFI, KGW; First NIehter, KNX. KSL. KOIN; Who's in Town Tonight, KGO; News, KJR. 7:00 Drama. KKX. KOIN, KSL; Lombardo's Orch., KPO, KFI, KGW; News, KGO, KEX, KJR. 7:30 Business Frontiers. KGW; Adventurers, KGO, KEX, KJR; Young Man With a Band, KNX, KSL; Big Town, KPO. 8:00 Fred Waring, KPO, KGW, KFI; Amos and Andy, KNX, KOIN. KSL; Buckaroos, KEX, KJR, KGO. 8:30 This Moving World, KGO. KEX; Death Vnlley Days, Kl'O, KGW, KFI; Johnny Presents. KNX, KOIN, KSL. 9:00 Sudj's Orch., KGO, KEX, KJR; Kate Smith, KNX, KOIN, KSL: James' Orch.. KPO. 9:30 Remember When? KOO. KEX; University Explorer, KPO. KGW. KFI; News, KJR. 10:00 Dance Orch., KGO. KJR. KEX; News Reporter. KPO, KFI KOW; News, KNX, KSL. KOIN. 10:30 Madriguera's Orch., KPO, KGW; Roberta' Orch.. KOO. KJR. KEX, KFI; Pasadena Dane. KSL. 11:00 Nottingham's Orch., KPO. KFI; Bawl's Orch., KSL: Organist, KEX; News, KOO, KNX, KGW. IUI, Washington, Oct. 19. (AP) Secretary Perkins today named Harold D. Jacobs acting admin istrator of the wage-hour divis ion of the labor department. Jacobs, who has been assist ant wage-hour administrator in charge of information, will hold his new title, it is understood, until Lieut. Colonel Philip Flem ing assumes the full title of wage-hour administrator. Fleming was named by Pres ident Roosevelt yesterday to succeed Elmer F. Andrews, who resigned. Closing time lor Too Law to Clas sify Ads is 1:30 p. m. High School News by STUDENT REPORTERS pxpfct to give in the nrar futurr. Acwpttxl urw members were iilno announced. Richnrd Srluu-hard stated that thfrs were M Umim i!0 new drumaust. By Fujcrne ItiMinrtt At thr H E C.-. meeting held Tues day, ways and mr.uis of making money were discussed nnrt the an nouncement was made of new nuin be sewpted Into the organization Also two new officers were crested and officers for these were elected They were. Ned Lyman, vice presi dent, and Ciretchfii McAllister, com missioner of actum-During the rest of he d ny t he new members were Initiated by wearing Mjns to classes. Drama club met TiU'wlny to plan ctlvltles. Thi y nnve nlieady .sent for several psus, tune of which tin.) Last FYldny intuited one of the busiest days Med ford senior hih has witnessed this semester. During the morn.n enms and or ganisations of the h-mtul prepared approximately 20 float a for the par ade. At 10 o'clock a rousing pep assembly was held. In tilt uon. parade at 3 30, ht following awards were made: iioim' PC A., first prhre: Boys' league. wo ond prlw. advertising. Junior first prlw; Olrls' league, second pric WINDOW GLASS We sell window glass and will replace your broken window reasonably. TrowbrlU Cab- t met Work. BACK SEAT RIDERS By CLUYAS WILLIAMS PUTS CrlllOTEN IH BACK SEfrf 1b m 1HEM FOR ft UTHE RIDE BKCWK AWARE OF A CORIOUS EftfftE. 1MD$ UHEWlW DISCDYERS m NEREIS1 J13HI0R WI1U "THE CORT K0T OH BKK OFfiEffT. SWS HIM IMMfDlffltlV DFKFEH1H6 MErif BREWS W, BECP.0SE sisftf? WaWs to srf whew: JUNIOR 15 5lflKG 'RESTORES ORDER AtlC QUltf All 15 SHATTERED BV SUDDfr) BU6f FROM JOHN'S HARMOtWA WHICH HE HfVS FDlMD IN HI5T0CKET. HARMONICA . y -CWfj "f L SISftR EMlfS PIERCING, 5CREAM$ 0.MMIN6 JUNIOR KICKED HER, WHILE JUNIOR CIRM5 HE WA$ ONW IRVlXfi TO SfAKD Ofi HIS HERD ON SEftf bv means of sharp iec1ure restores silence (BflrnsM by Thff Bp!) Synrttcnle. tTic.l BECOMES AWARE OF SDFT WH16PER5, 6I66LES AND SNICKERS WHICH HE FiNDS HARDER ON THE NERlES TriAhl MORE TANGIBLE. H0I5ES. HEADS HOME SETS BIPING Salem, Oct. 19. fAP) Bids on 16 road jobs costing S1.000,- 000 will be opened by the state highway commission In Port land on November 2 and 3. Included is a call for bids on grading and paving 2.71 miles of west unit, Grants Pass-Green Creek section of the Pacific highway in Josephine county. Other jobs include: Klamath county Surfacing and oiling 12.58 miles and grad ing .14 miles of Klamath agency- Modoc Point section of th Dalles-California highway. Jackson county Provide 7, 600 cubic yards of crushed rock nn Siskivou tunction-Klamuth county line rock production pro ject on Green bprings nis.iw.iy. ' The Mormon settlers of Utah once organized an independent state known as Deseret. STRANGE AS IT SEEMS By JOHN HIX Tat farther p. oof address the author, Inclosln- a stamped enrelop for reply. Reg. TJ. S. Pat Off. WJVS ChlViO Off BECAUSE- J iMme&Hiiivs Howards Heath. son i-P -a of cftuFoRNift- mm MftIN flirts W:-Y.:- ?ril'l .fr'TW I V-ll! is -rue fftiHER of 26wmeMjRS RPi?E5ENTlN6 5NERT0H$. . -r s lsif?' nl D THE 0L0Z5T t$b5.$ahJ3iUx- 172 M OLD JAPANESE CUzfofA HoJTo CUT ONE'S FIN6ERNAH& l&T MISForTuNE TM Tm. Br. u. s. on. Aii CHAMPION FATHER Three times married, Hansome Taylor Pace of Saluda, N. C, at 84 Is the father of 29 chil dren, 26 of whom are living. Oldest is Lonzo Pace, 65, "old enough to be the grandfather" of his five-year-old brother. Ransome Pace and one of his sons married sisters, so Ransoms is uncle to his grand child ren, brother-in-law to his daughter-in-iaw, and so on. 7-IN-l UNIVERSITY University of California boasts six major campuses besides that at Berkeley: University of California at Los Angeles; Davis campus of U. C; Citrus Experiment station of the College of Agriculture, Riverside; Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla; Lick Astronomical Department and Lick Observatory, Mt, Hamilton, and Medical Center, San Francisco. TOMORROW: Mystery of the Locusts. TAILSPIN T0MMY- r. -What Does Nevada Mean? By HAL FORREST N 7 SI 17 : S Z1 .VI i-7 : v , -i i r-r-c . Mwt tou men GOT VCHECK!; TOMKI N S, YOU R. ) I THftTJ A ALL RIGHT EVERYBODY HPPY LANDINGS OUIET.'.' A I YOUR COMBAT T&CTICS7 PACTR-OL WILL CLE A.R. ON THE LINE.' THE y ( TOMMY, IN CASE I ACTION ' VvOKKEP OUI?j 'f LLA ; )BE FLYlN&OUT V TO ME, ' CAMERA SWPS ARE. DONY 36E YOU CAMERAS ( l V VI K ( OF THE SUN, AKIC V MISTER. )TAKIN&OFF.' MR. ) I AGAIN.' KEEP POI I xdrVl''Min !W W!W I DIVING IN STEPPEW QUENTIn! RITIS WANTS THIS WOUR RNGER.S ) NVUl: Cl jj 1 Y a aaJal up formation J to be A real crosseo. kid, iKirifl W msMm W i.i. 1 I ii i i 1 1 mi , m EC rL- jr ' - -vj" J."' - ' I BEN WEBSTER'S CAREER Plan Approved By EDWIN ALGER ASI ST6PLOCK WHERE jj BUT KlH VOOOR V THAT'S U6STTK6 RUSTM I DO, OKAViV,V;,l jfe! HE WAS OCTOBER 6. M MR. BALUNGER I CAH'T-) POIHT' CHANCES ARE THINK YOU I TOO, I'LL fehfeli f S-rl'"' 193?? WHY ASK I REMEMBER k X. OUD WAVY-HAIR STEPLOCK fe'f! HAVE I RUSTY- PULL ft:'Jj5 . IVjiii.M?- HIM THAT, RUSTY? DUMMOJ WHERE YOU WERE) W ME, WONV REMEMBER EITHER, SOMETHlSS L- IT OM 1 iJ'XI U WHERE WASHE?tX J OH OCTOBER J HMEITHER-J AN1 HE'LL SIT ALL HOT , THERE rJ MlM AT - I itJ0:;v!W!wr KNOW? rV, I I b, I93S? J &sz Wif AN1 BOTHERED.1 -affiSlV Fj,-ir HIS I V-RJ f r mm ) mfwk m$mmm0m If 1 THE NEBBS On With the Dance Bv SOt. HEPS MR. - ; akg. T TO 1,'.io-iu- NEBB,vJWErJ 1UU OUIM MET OAMCE? '5ARH,V.'E HAVEN A. DIMMER OAMC& TOMIGHT &UT ITo OMLY FOR. y mm . VOU TOLD ME I D EMOOY OUR DAMCES VOU HAD SUCH GOOD MUSIC HOW KIM 1 EMoOY EM IF i. CaSjT DANJC& : ANJD OU SAID NOUR5E.LF I WA"3 A DREAMY PANC&K ( A ' l DlDNi'T TELL nT VOU OUR DAMCES WERE. POR "TUE HELPNOU BARRED 1 1 NOURSELP OUT 1 WWEN SOU MADE V ME o'VE VOU "vn I iP TO UAVE?. LISTEMED TO THE "A COMVERSATIOM THAT YOU POURED I MTO "THAT SIMPLE. BftiK.WUUU nrtiPe.N'5 EAR. - WELL,YOU &OT MEH MtRc . IT O MUKC. 1KUUDLC MOUTH TALKtU UU IMTO 1 r ' nr j&x: ' 1 f-7T )- ) 1