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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1939)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORB. OREGON. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1033. PAGE THREE Society and Clubs 1 By Clara Mary DavU Many To Attend S. A. R. Banquet Thursday Eve It Is expected that a hundred Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution, members o southern Oregon chapters, with their wives and escorts, will attend the anniversary din ner to be held Thursday eve ning at 6:30 o'clock in the Pres byterian church recreational room. The event will commemorate the ending of the revolutionary war and the beginning of Amer ican independence. Vice-president general Frank Gannett and Mrs. Gannett, of the national society S.A.R., will make his official visit at this time and American Legion com mander Niel Allen of Grants Pass will present an address. Reservations may be made by calling the church office, 194. East Side circle of the church will serve the banquet. Guests from Ashland, Grants Pass and Klamath Falls are expected to attend the dinner affair. 1 Crowd Expected To Attend P.-T. A. Instruction Unit Mrs. C. W. Walls, president of the Oregon Congress of Par ent Teachers association will be in Medford to conduct a school of instruction for all P.-T.A. units of Jackson county in the Christian church Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Walls will be assisted by Mrs. B. C. Forsythe of Ashland, state vice-president and by Mrs. James K. Hoey of Medford, state chairman of magazines. In the afternoon a brief mag azine skit will be presented as part of the program and music during luncheon will be en joyed. Mrs. Walls has conducted similar schools for two consecu tive years. It is anticipated that a capacity crowd will turn out for the school. All persons in terested in child welfare are in vited to attend. If Mrs. Walls arrives in this eity in time, a dinner will be held for her at the Hotel Hol land by the P.-T.A. council Wednesday evening. Mrs. H. H. Elhart, president of the county council recently appointed the following commit tees for the instruction school: hospitality, Mrs, A. E. Brock way; group singing, Mrs. H. C. Bebee, assisted by Mrs. C. R. Pond. AAUW Study Group Will Convene Arts and Decoration study group of American Association of University Women will con vene Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Medford high school, room 6. Why Let Yourself Get Constipated? Why endure those dull headachy days due to constipation, plus the Inevitable trips to the medicine chest, if you can avoid both by gettlngatthecanseof the trouble? If your constipation, like that of millions, is due to lack of "bulk" in the diet, the "better way" Is to eat Kellogg's All-Bran. This crunchy toasted breakfast cereal Is the ounce of prevention that's worth a pound of emer gency relief. It helps you not only to get regular but to keep regular, day after day and month after month, by the pleasantest means you ever knew. Eat Kellogg's All-Bran every day, drink plenty of water, and see if you don't forget all about constipation. Made by Kellogg's In Battle Creek. Sold by every grocer. Night Limited fc::::::::::.:: Every Regular Car Air-Conditioned ObitmHoa club ear, with lounge, fountain, btubor, bath, prlecU lesla, cards. Latest 7p of ataadard and toorltt tUaplag ear - Dalox ooaebaa, with louogaa for ma and woman, dap Indirldv al aeata, portar aarrico, fr pillow. Ilsv Fvnrpcc 5a ortlailc 8:3o. m. UflJ LAtUI Gdd Arrive- Spokant 6:30 p. a. New, Air-Conditioned Reserved Seat Coach bdMdual, adjustable seats (50c), observation section, nags sines, eto. Cale oonoar meals. Nem airconditioaed eoacb. Scenery of Colorable RlTr and Cascade Bang aed BonneTtile Dta. SPOKANE LOW FARES (from Portland) Coach $ 7.50 one way $14.23 round-trip Tourist 8.43 one way 16.03 round-trip Standard 11.24 on waj 16.90 round-trip aAsd Referred Stat Coach. BtnJi mad rwtvi at Aju mJJitiwtai Sostbera Padlle'a bono agent will sell tbroogb tickets la connection with tie S. P. A 3. Rr- t proportional fares. Details or 111 nitrated folders will be famished en request ft. H. Crosier, Gaa. Pasaenger Agent, American Bank Bldg, Portland. Spokane. Portland "Know Your Town" Survey Topic At Voters League Meet Mrs. Leonard Carpenter was presented as a candidate for president of the Jackson County League of Women Voters at a meeting held last evening in the Girls' Community clubhouse. Mrs. Carpenter was elected first vice-president when the league was organized last spring and has since been acting chairman. Mrs. Blanche Lyman was pre sented for the office of first vice- president. Voting will take place at the November meeting with members submitting additional names to the secretary if they so desire. These names were sub mitted by the original nominat ing committee, headed by Mrs. Dolph Phipps, which presented a list of officers for the organi zation meeting last spring. Material gathered In the survey "Know Your Town" waa presented in the form of a panel discussion with members of the department, government and Its operation, taking part. Mrs. Stephen Nye. Jr., chairman of the department, conducted the discussion, which waa prefaced with an interesting historical sketch deal ing with the early growth of Med ford and this district by Mrs. Ray mond Pish. This was followed by material of a general nature con cerning the city, with Mrs. W. A. Thompson and Mrs. Paul Janney presenting facts on population, in dustries and schools. Industry and workers was the sub ject handled by Mrs. Maurice 8patz and Mrs. Nye. who supplied figures on unemployment, local working conditions, local industrial problems. with comment on how these prob lems were handled. A discussion between Mrs. O. A. Eden, Mrs. Marjorle Pena and Mrs. Leonard Carpenter supplied facts concerning recreational conditions. Commercial and other forma of group recreation were discussed, with em phasis on that sponsored by such agenclea aa the Girl Scout and the Girls Community club. Mention of the proposed new park along the banks of Bear creek met with con siderable comment from the assem bled group. Miss Marjorle Kelly, and Mrs Thompson presented material on local education conditions, mention ing the various types of education found and giving considerable detail about the Medford school system. The system has found state-wide recognition. It was said, because of lt plan of providing a curriculum which takes equal care of the three types of pupils, those below normal, normal and above normal in ability. School taxes and lawa were also men tioned. At later meetings of the league the survey will be continued, with sdeh material as publlo welfare, health, taxes, local government, courta and Juries being presented. Preceding the panel discussion. Mrs. Justin Smith, chairman of the department of government and for eign policy, brought the group new material on the present session of congress and 1 la neutrality legisla tion now under debate. The November general meeting will be devoted to a discussion of a bill Intended to make the amending of the national constitution a simpler process. This will also be handled by the department of government and lta operation. A study meeting will be held at the clubhouse Monday afternoon, October 23. for discussion of the material on this subject. Parretts Return From California Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Parrett returned Saturday evening from a fortnight's vacation spent In California. The couple were guests of Mrs. Parrett's mother, Mrs. Max GeBauer, and her brother Harold GeBauer, in Pasadena, Cal. While there they were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allyn A. Monroe at their apartment in Hollywood. Mrs. Monroe is CHOICE OFS.P.&S. TRAINS DAY OR NIGHT & Seattle Railway the former Miss Dorothy Rob erts of this city. The Parretts later traveled to San Francisco where they en joyed the Golden Gate interna tional exposition on Treasure island and the races at Bay Meadows. In Burlingame they visited Mrs. Parretts brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pace, former Medford residents. Friend Home Is Scene of Party Mrs. Charles Friend enter tained at her home on Howard avenue with a birthday party honoring her daughter Donna, Saturday afternoon. The enjoy able affair observed Donna's sixth natal day. Games were enjoyed through out the afternoon and refresh ments served at a table centered with fall flowers. Mrs. Clifton Friend assisted the hostess. The little honoree was the recipient of many birthday gifts. Guests included Lyle Starkey. Allen Starkey, Theda and Mar lene Payton, Jeane and Mary Nelson, Naomi and Philip Todd, Maurian, ' D a r 1 a and Gale Friend. Golf Prizes Will Be Awarded Soon Women divoteers of Reames Country club in Klamath Falls numbering fifteen are due to ar rive at the Rogue Valley Golf club Thursday for a round of entertainment by local women Luncheon at the Hotel Med ford will fete the visitors, after which various golfing activities will take place at the club. Tomorrow a no-host luncheon will be held for local members, after which winners of the club championship tournament played off last week, will be awarded prizes. Also a feature on Wednesday's program will be a talk by club pro Laddie Selkirk. His topic will have to do with golf. All club women are invited to at tend this affair. Swiss Resident Is Recent Guest A recent interesting visitor in Medford was Miss Maria Luth- iger of Zug, Switzerland. Miss Luthiger was the house guest here of her aunt, Mrs. Frances E. Holzgang, at her home on Rose avenue. She vis ited Crater Lake national park and enjoyed trips to other places of interest in the valley. After conclusion of her ten- day stay here, Miss Luthiger visited in the east and embarked from New York for her home in Switzerland where the Holz gangs formerly made their home. This marked the visitors' first trip to the United States. Why this seal on every ASSOCIATED AVIATION ETHYL pump spells "Happier Motoring" for you f QUICKER START You get a "better motor" that starts quicker and stays started when you switch to As sociated Aviation Ethyl, because this only true aviation -type fuel you can buy for your car mixes instantly and in scientific exactness with the air in the carburetor, gets to the cylinders faster in ready-to-fire form. 2 FASTER PICK-UP Just press the throttle and away you go with a magnificent surge of power like nothing you've ever experienced! Built after rigid aircraft specifications. Aviation Ethyl makes the motor respond with instant peak power the aviation principle gives new driving surety in traffic Prove these points to yourself with a tank full of Aviation Ethyl today-It's STILL THE BEST TIDE WATER ASSOCIATED OIL COMPANY LISTEN TO ASSOCIATED FOOTBALL SP0RTCASTS Luncheon Meet For AAUW Group American Association of Uni versity Women will gather Sat urday afternoon at 12:30 o'clock at the Hotel Medford for a lunch eon and program meeting. Highlight of the after-luncheon affair will be a discussion of the neutrality act by Miss Josephine Kirtley and Mrs. Justin Smith. Both women possess a fine knowledge of the neutrality act and It is anticipated that their discussion will develop into rather a lively debate. Mrs. C. I. Drummond will be in charge of a musical program and Mrs. L. C. Taylor is general program chairman. Medic Auxiliary To Meet Wednesday Jackson County Medical So ciety Auxiliary will meet Wed nesday afternoon for luncheon at- the home of Mrs. L. D. Ins- keep, 2401 Hillcrest road, at 1 o'clock. A business meeting will follow the luncheon which is in charge of the following committee: Mesdames Charles Sweeney, Ed win R. Durno, Dwight Findley and E. P. Pickel. Mrs. R. J. Conroy, president of the auxiliary will preside during the business session. Dignitaries To Be Meeting Guests Degree of Honor club will hold a special meeting Thurs day evening in clubrooms at 8 o'clock. The important affair will honor two out-of-town club dig nitaries, Lois A. Geiser, rv gional director from Battle ground, Wash., and state offi cer, Ethel Lindholm of Portland. A class of candidates will be initiated during the session. Prior to the general meeting a dinner will fete the visiting officers at 6:30 o'clock. Mable Bennett is in charge of this event. All members are expected to attend both affairs. D.A.R. To Meet At Marsh Home Crater Lake chapter, Daugh ters of the American Revolution, will meet Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. H. E. Marsh. Mrs. Frank J. New man will review the book, "The Tree of Liberty." Mesdames C. M. Hurd, E. H. Hurd and Dr. Virginia Riggs will act as assistant hostesses DAV Sewing Club To Meet Soon D.A.V. Sewing club will meet Thursday at 10 a. m. at the home of Mrs. O. W. DeJarnett, 618 West Jackson street. A pot luck luncheon will be served at noon. All members are asked to at tend the session. 3 MORE POWER Aviation Ethyl give you power you never knew you had, enables you to take every grade in grand style, means you get maximum per formance with a minimum of shifting. And Aviation Ethyl is kind to your motor, because it prevents harmful "knocking," thus reduce engine wear and tear. 4 MORE MILEAGE You actually save money when you drive with Aviation Ethyl, because it gives you increased gasoline mileage. There's no waste. Every last drop of every gallon does a job. And less gaso line is used during initial starting and warm-up periods of the motor. Mrs. Espey Is Party Honoree Mrs. Laurence Espey was complimented at a dessert bridge party and shower Fri day evening when Mrs. Wilbur Tucker entertained at her home on West Fourth street. Guests included Mesdames S. E. Jarvi, Phillip Humphreys, Jack Fitzgerald, O. T. Whitman, Jens Jensen, Nathan Thornton, Lynn Neeley, and Eugene Mon aco and the Misses Jeanette Mc Kee, Mary Lent, Jenes Jensen, Ruth Meusel, and Jerry Wilkin son. Miss McKee and Mrs. Jensen were awarded the prizes and the honoree received numerous attractive gifts. Decorations were effective in hues of blue and pink. Brooks Home From Northern Sojourn Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Brooks returned Sunday from a week's vacation spent in the north. Part of the sojourn was spent in Canada and Washington. In Bellingham, Wash., they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. New bern Hodges, former well known Medford residents. Enroute home, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks attended the Pacific In ternational stock show held in Portland. They made the trip by motorcar. Mrs, Harris Home From Exposition Mrs. Maurice Harris and small daughter, Nancy, returned by train this morning from a two weeks vacation spent in California where they attended the Golden Gate international exposition on Treasure Island, and visited friends and relatives in San Francisco, Stockton and Sacramento. Contemporary Club to Meet Contemporary Book club will meet Wednesday afternoon at 2 o clock at the home of Mrs. Frank P. Farrell, 1510 East Main street. There will be no luncheon prior to the club session. Sewing Club Meet Changed Friday Afternoon sewing club scheduled to meet at the home of Mrs. Dan Conner has been changed to the home of Mrs. Johnny Grinstead on the Jack sonville highway. The session will start at 1:30 o'clock. 1 Closing time for Too Late to Clas sify Ada Is 1:30 p m. Delicious Steaming 'Hot PORRIDGE . . . It'i aaty with Roman Meat. Dtllcloui nut-Ilka flavor. Reclpai on package. Aik your Grocer. Cooks In 5 Minute Calendai Tuesday 7:30 p. m. P.E.O. chapter BE. home Mrs. George Canode, 1716 Crown Hill. 8:00 p. m. Pythian Sisters. K. P. hall. 8:00 p. m. Knights of Colum bus party, parish hall. Wednesday 12:30 p. m. Women golfers. clubhouse lunch. 1:00 p. m. Past Matrons. home Mrs. Guy Tex, Central Point. 1:00 p. m. Women of Rotary. home Mrs. C. T. Steward, 1 East wood drive. 1:00 p. m. Medical society. home Mrs. L. D. Inskeep, 2401 Hillcrest road. 2:00 p. m. Contemporary Book club, home Mrs. Frank Farrell. 1510 East Main street. 2:00 p. m. Priscilla Circle. home Mrs. Eva Low, 1020 Queen Ann avenue. 2:00 p. m. Wednesday Study club, Girls' Community club house. 7:30 p. m. AAUW, Arts and Decoration study group, room 6, high school. 7:45 p. m. Toastmistress' club, Girl's Community house. Hold Finnish Ships Helsinki, Oct. 17. (AP) Halting, of two Finnish freight ers, the Scandinavia and the Tarmo, which presumably now are being held in a German har bor, was reported to their owners today. Both carried lumber. Use MaU Tribune want eda. KB plfA PRODUCT OF THE 8 au4---Fj5- iT' 5 Before You Buy Any Car Be Sure to Find Out About De Soto's New Room, Ride, Handling Ease It's here. ..the 100 horsepower, 122H" wheelbase De Soto... at lower prices I Try De Soto's brilliant new performance; the inviting comfort of its wider seats; its luxurious Floating Ridel The rear axle is moved back 114 inches . . . the back seat ride is now as smooth as the front I Warn ing Signals tell you when gas, or oil pres y 7JA 1 100 Horpowr Engine Try gJ y7f YTOvK jffllSA)' 0 22V4"Wheelbaee Seate wid get Jifi er. Incraaaad ahoulder room. mfiffflvif O Advanced Styling-Back's aa flfjfflt& beautiful aa th. t rontl fi V m Naw Floating Ride Rear aala moved back 7'4 inchea. New Location To know just how good tea no be try Schilling Tel. Compare in exquisite flavor. Compare its clear, fragrant, refreshing goodness. Com pare if for tterytbiMg you want in a cup of tea. Insist on Schilling Teal PEY BLOCKS Three Kinds To Choose From Factory - Planer - Rough All The Same Price Valley Fuel Co. Tel. 76 DC IOTO AND PLYMOUTH DEALERS HUMPHREY MOTORS 28 W. Main sure is low. ; .water temperature too high: It's 1940's most feature-packed new car , the bigger, lower-priced style car the : modern American family wants I Look Ride then Decide Drive De Soto todayl De Soto Division or :'! Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, Mich; ! MAJ0RB0WES,CRS.NErW0RK,THURA, 9-1 P. M.. P. s. . Nw Perfected Handy-Shift I eeuihtftini te a U el the rlat 83 South KirersMU