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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1936)
MEDFORD MA IT j TRTBUNE. MEDFOK1), OREGON'. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 14. 1936. to go back a huncreo. million years, to the black Jura epsllon time when man was non-existent. In those days It Is believed that a so-called Nep tune's Sea covered the Swablan Alb, a mountain range In southern Qer many. Subsequent centuries saw the mud of this sea compressed Into slate at one-twentieth of Its original vol ume, enclosing the Imprints of tch thyoaarus, primeval fish, and sea flowers. Through years of work Dr. Hauff has made casts from many kinds of foMlis. For 3.000 marks a person may buy Ichthyonarua nine meters long, accompanned In some replicas by their young. His best find at Holzmaden Is said to be an lchthyosaur with the skin on. a discovery made In 1892. This is understood to have presented the first reAl Image of the primeval beasts. They are believed to have had a body rewmbllntr that of the dolphin with a tall-fin of wnicn the under support was an apparently curved backbone. Further, a boneless back fin could be distinguished In the cast, which showed ft shadowy line depicting clearly the flshllke form t the snouted monster. Dr. Hauff does not spend bis time hunting In the slate quarry, it is Is nearly an equal amount scattered throughout the world in the form of Jewelry, onramenta. fillings ior teeth; church, mosque and temple orna ments; gold-leaf signs and to) private hoards. India Is the greatest hoard ing country, where native princes have vast sums accumulated through centuries. ' Most of the world's -gold has been mined in modern times. The society offers these figures for 1935: South Africt, 8.900.000 ounces. South Africa,-9.900.000 ounces. United States, 3.300.000 ounces. Canada, 3.000,000 ounces. Since 1402. when Columbus' voy age opened the way to the rich gold supplies of the new world, produc tion has totaled 1,189.400.000 ounces. Of this amount, all except 217.000 ounces has been mined since 1860. i!LF lion. It points out that the holdings probably never were surpassed by any government at any time In history. "The Inca Athaualpa of Peru," the society said, "sought to purchase bis freedom from Pizzaro by filling a room about 20 feet aquare with treas ure as high as he could reach, but America's present gold supply would form a cube 120 feet high, wide ami deep, the size of a 12-story building. "It would make a solid structure of 71S.000 gold 400-ounce bars about the size of building bricks, worth $14,000 each. This Is equivalent to one for nearly every person In the twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. t "Spreading out this gold Into a 'de luxe' highway top-dressing, a quarter of an Inch thick, there would be enough to pave a two-lane 16-foot road from New York to Chicago, near ly one-third of the way across the north American continent." Tills golden treasure Is being guard ed with extraordinary care. Near Fort Knox, Kentucky, 600 miles Inland from the Atlantic coast, a huge new steel and stone storage fortress la be ing bulls to house much of the gov ernment's gold aupply. it will be guarded nor only by the latest type of burglar-proof vaults, but by the army's most modern mechanized cav alry units, stationed at the fort. An other large aupply of gold has been FLU EPIDEMIC 'CLOSES 9 CALIF OF GOLO DWARF FABLES OF OLD !r iLU II PITTSBURO, Calif., Pfb. 14. (UP) Nine schools In tin PltUburg area were ordered closed down today by Superintendent Ramsdell when City Health Officer H. E. Petera re ported that 40 per cent of 2000 puplll were suffering from Influenza. Peters estimated that approximate ly 800 children were either In Initial or advanced stages of the disease. The shutdown order affected all elementary and high schools of the region. OF ICHTHYOSAURS worked by a commercial firm, whtchj sells the slate for Duumng purposes. The workers, however, for a small compensation Inform the scientist whenever they come across the dirty, reddish-brown line which usually de notes the confines of a fossil. The entire piece of stone must be transported to the workshop. If it happens to contain an lchthyosaur, at least three months delicate, pains taking labor must be put in before the cast of the monster Is completed. One small slip of the chisel, and weeks of work, to say nothing of a unique specimen, may be lost. BFRLIN (UJf Dr. Barnhard Hauff Is Baitl to own the only lchthyosaur factory In tlie world and to be the only one who selli antediluvian fos sils for his livelihood. Living near the alate quarry at Holzmaden, near Klrchhelm ( south central Germany). Dr.' Hauff ha spent a lifetime preparing and cast ing potrtfled outlines found printed In the brittle atone. The orlein of these 'mprlnta Is Mid J moved from San Fran'sco to Den WASHINGTON (UP) When the U. 8. Treasury's monetary gold stock passed, the 10 billion mark rocently the holdings totaled nearly one-half of the world's supply. The National Geographic Society, that the public might comprehend more accurately the magnitude or this gold supply, offers some compar isons an to Just how much Is 10 bil ver, 1,300 miles Inland. Though tnc possibility of invasion Is remote, the government Is not risking its gold too near either seacoast. The society points out that the ex act amount of gold In the world Is impossible to determine. Gold coins and gold reserves held by govern ments as backing for currency total 633.400.000 ounces. There presumably A white-tailed kite, a fading spe cies of hawk, was captured recently at MfAIlen. Texas. Use Mall Tribune want ads PArtE ETflTTT SATURDAY and MONDAY FEBRUARY IS-17 HIM ASSORTED FLAVORS JELLO . 3 packages 17c Posts 40 Bran Flakes 10c Comet Rice 3 lb. pkg. 27c IGA ALL GREEN Asparagus Tips 1 1 oz. tin 2 f or 2 9c IGA WHOLE KERNEL Go!denBantamCorniioz.3for29c IGA WHOLE String Beans IGA SIFTED Sweet Peas No. 2 tin 1 6C 11 oz. tin 1 3C IGA Spinach . . no. 2 tin 10c fPJWWfA ' Maraschino Cherries 5 oz. bottle I UU Royal Club Royal Anne Cherries No. 2H tin 25C We bring you those values in celebration of this nation-wide annual event. Serve cherries this week; everybody's doing it. SatW-Q LIGHT and FLUFFY Wjpjsiee 17. jfijf PUom make no mistake . we aiiaren-" i jt! an oB.rino it at a remarkable mice I - trvsl foi L-M BI.S 63 B . EflfcSSr trttVtf wMchwul mean a real savin, to you Jl JifSwX ZiiS tfKM f i . 3fc2iJ XtfiHT L fsaKaasHisaaB.B..saasnrsMDannHn, SATURDAY and MONDAY FEBRUARY 15-17 E E PLYMOUTH AUTO and 1,000 gallons Super SHELL GAS "I EVERY WEEK UNtfl MARCH 21 Medium Bars 4 for 23c Large Bars 3 for 28c FRUITS and VEGETABLES SATURDAY ONLY Lettuce . ... 2 for 9c Oranges, 200s Rose brand 2 dz. 47c Rhubarb, fancy hot house 2 lbs. 1 9c Celery, fancy white . stalk 13c Potatoes, U.S. No. 1-25 lbs. 43c SweetSpuds, U. S. No. 1 -4 lbs. 23c Peas, fresh, green, pole 2 lbs. 25c Brussel Sprouts . . 2 lbs. 19c FANCY LOCAL HOTHOUSE TOMATOES AND CUCUMBERS IGA Best Patent Family Flour 49 lb. sk. $ i're ready to supply you with just the kind of coliee you want I W have a blend that will please, and a special grind ior your cotiee making method at a price that means real savings. The IGA coilees are noted ior their high quality and rich, fresh Oavor. Our cofiee is not the cheapest on the market, but it is the most economical, because it brings greater coffee-satisfaction per dollar. Blue "G" COFFEE 11b. 21c Red "A" COFFEE 1 lb. 18c Red "A" COFFEE 3 lbs. 50c Peak COFFEE 11b. tin 27c ME is TO Mas a For five years housewives in increasing' numbers have found IGA cake flour their favorite for baking success ful cakes. Join the throng of IGA cake flour users today. IGA BEVERAGES GINGER ALE ok LIME RICKEY 1 2 oz. bottles 2 for 15C ilEAT SPECIALS 30c SKINNED SMOKED PORK LOINS PREMIUM SLICED BEEF A C 'A lb. pkgs pkg. I OC SWIFT'S DIXEE SQUARES : SWIFT'S PREMIUM SLICED BACON (Platter Style) lb. 20c 42c Vermont Maid Syrup Ijb UK. JW V 12 oz. jug 21 'i Brer. Rabbit Molasses Gold Label No. 2'S tin : 31? green label No. 2' i tin 2GC IGA Pancake Flour 40 oz. package 19c IGA Baking Chocolate v2 ib. 10c IGA PURE Lemon or Vanilla Extract 2 oz. 21 C IGA PureBakingSodaiib.pkg.7c IGA BROOMS Red 'A' 56c -Blue 'G' 73c IGA COCOA 2 lb. tin 16c WHEATIES . package 12c Italian Prunes ec-703ibs. 1 6c Rumford Baking Pdr. 12 oz. 19c iqa De Luxe Catsup , "oz. 14c IGA Tomato Soupiooz.can6c Woodbury Facial Soap 10c IGA Mayonnaise qts. 49c IGA Mayonnaise pts. 29c IGA Salad Dressing qts. 43c IGA Salad Dressing pts. 26c White King Granulated SOAP, large package 33c Purex qts. 2 for 23c Purex Vi gallon 20c Purex Bowl Clean . . 15c Purex Drain Opener . 15c Edgmont Smacks 1 4 oz. pkg. 1 7 c (Rutlcrrd Wafrn) GOLD HILL CENTRAL POINT HAM'S FADER'S GROCERY Cash MARKETS . Z, Z,nr,, GR0CERIE8, FRUITS and T. .rJrilnr.i.L VEGETABLES - FEED FRUITS, VEGETABLES BUTTE FALLS GRANTS PASS STAR SEED FADER S and GROCERY Cash MARKETS GROCERIES, FRUITS 409-411 "O" Street Phono 43 VEGETABLES FEED MEATS ROGUE RIVER . n ... , c Price, Quality ana Ser- HEATH and vice Being Equal, IGA HOLLISTER Stores Merit Your Pat- GENERAL MERCHANDISE ronage. MEDFORD STORES LUMAN BROTHERS SUPER FOOD MARKET GROCERIES MEATS FRUITS VEGETABLES BAKERY Corner Main and Bartlett ROSE GROCERY GROCERIES MEATS VEU ETA BLES BAKERY GOODS 205 VV. Jackson Open Evenings and Sunday Phone 1420 ALEXANDER'S GROCERY, INC. A Complete Line of Battle Creek Health Foods 203 West Main St. BUNGALOW GROCERY Fresh Meats and Vegetables 409 N. Riverside We rive S and H Orccn Saving Stamps Phone 4S5 INDA HUMPHREY A COMPLETE FOOD MARKET 504 East Main St. JACKSONVILLE TALENT. GODWARD TR YON MERCANTILE MERCANTILE groceries General Merchandise general merchandise Hardware Your independently-owned I. G. A. ASHLAND Store offers you the price advan. DOUGHERTY tapes made possible by buying in r 11 rr n V conjunction with hundreds of other v H U V L R Y successful I. G. A. Stores. 17 N. Main phone 62 77I Cave city l.G.A. Stores Feature I.G.A. Brand Merchan- SCHUMACHER'S dise . . Highest Quality at f D A T r n V a Saving Price Always! X The IGA of the Redwood Highway Phone 462