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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1936)
MEDFORD MAIL TRTBUXE. MEDFOKD. OTCECON. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 9. 1936. PAOF NTNE if Read every ad on this page, you will probably find exactly the things you have been looking for or a tale or trade for unused artlclea you may have. Search your attlo or b tore-room you may find many things othere are Melt ing and be able to realise Im mediate cull. If what you want lan't here, advertise for jXrlbune Classified ads are Inexpensive ellectlvel RATES Per word first Insertion.- a (Minimum 35c) Each additional Insertion, per word .. 1 (Minimum 10c) Per line per month without copy changes 135 Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND IjOSt From Howard St., near Pine i cone, grey Persian, female cat. ' Reward. Phone 666-X. TAKEN UP One yearling Jersey steer. No marks or brands. J. M. t i Taylori Ruch. . -, - - toSTSmalPblack, bob-tailed dog. f ivlth white ring around neck and white feet. Box 1413 Ttlbun roUWO"lrge long-haired dog. Male, write C. A. Fenton, R. I.. Box 243. TAKEN UP Two-year-old Hereford steer, marked ; two upper bits in left and one uo derblt in right; blotched brand on ; left nip. Owner may have same oy .1 paying keep and advertising. O. E. j Terrlll. Brownaboro, Ore. ' LOST Gold isvanei with blue stone j pendant. Return to Tribune office Reward. LOST U aog is missing calH6lff MALE AND FEMALE SPENCER OORSETIBRE District Manager Foundation garments cor rect your figure faults, Free Dem. In your home. Phone 142B-Y. Mrs. i L. James, 830 Bennett. GOOD PAY STEADY WORK Reliable men and women to service McNess customers In home locality or Jackson county, no f.i...., or capital required. Write Furst Js Thomas, 429 Third St., Oakland, Calif. PARTY to sell canaries at home on ' commls8lon.Box 504, Trlbune; WANTED MALE HELP MAN for coffee route. 94 week op portunity. Automobile given as ' bonus. Prompt service from Weet 1 ern Warehouse. Write Albert Mills. 64 Monmouth, Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED Man to put 882 East Main. In garden. CAN USE few more experienced prunera. Phone 401-J-3. 8 ALES REPRESENTATIVE Experienced or inexperienced, to as sume protected territory on fssi- . selling nationally known lines of electric refrigerators, washers, lron- 1 ers. and other noma appuaucee. v cep'ted applicant will be aided by lowest Iinanoe plan ever olleretl.J !.. t-,n.m aalAa nPOmOtiOIl Slid adverttamg. Most complete school and twining ever offered starts next week. Aggressive, energetic worker win earn better than average in come. Apply between 9 and 11 a. m mornings, but not later Uian Monday. c. d. bean, inc. 929 E. Main. WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED Girl or young woman to assist with housework and care or children. Oo home nights. Phone 1147-J. WOMAN having few spare hours dally can make up to 631 weeaiy and pet own dresses free introduc ing Fashion Frocks. No oanvasslng n No investment, rwniuu Dept. N-4884, Cincinnati, Ohio. ADDRESS envelopes at home, spare time, 68 to 616 weekly. Experience unnecessary. Dlgnllled work. Stamp 1 brings details. Employment Mgr., Dept. 884, Box 75, Hammond. Ind. VANTED Olrl to assist In dental ofllce. Give qualifications and tele phone number. Box 623, Tribune WANTED SITUATIONS ' WANTED Day work. Oo home nlgLU. 118 McAndrewi road. ' DAT S. mgn service oarpenwr work vUWUlisms 1320 N Blverssde. ''ANTED Do? work Mrs. Huson Phone 1348-M WANTED--MISCELLANE0 US WANTED To lease ranch, talis. Box 1426, Tribune. HIOHE8T corn-belt prices for car. loads hroke or range horses, mules and colts. Fred Chandler Horse and Mule Market. Charlton, Iowa. WANTED Visible gas pump, air compressor and oil containers. Rt. 1. Box 562-B. Grants Pass, Ore. WANTED Good used washing ma chine. Call 7-F-14. HAVE BUTER for good well Improved suburban home with small acreage Come in and list your property. The Rest Estat Exchange 19 N. Bartlett. Phone 1496 WANTS'-' 6l"TrIEKH B JI..D1NO LOAN ASS'N Ia k E1 ssTlng psssrwoxs W;ll Dy 'OO "ent on the dollar ! B-irw nr vx:f certificates snd . pA.,k i FMARLES K HU AGENCY. INU :u I Msin ta i'2. Mealord, Or. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Used furniture, ranges, beaters tools (run Jars. etc. Hoi oroox Furniture Co. In old fire Kail Bldg. 112 E 6th Tel 647. WANTED We pay cash tot household goods furniture and stoves We also buy meuile nldes pelts wool and mo hair MEUPORD BARGAIN HOUSE 11 N drape St Pbone 1083 WANTED Cook stoves, heaters bed springs msttresses dsy-oeds. sani tary couches and oote or what have you- We pay cash w exchange NEW DEAL FURN EXOHANOE 433 E Main St WANTED FOBS FURS FURS Highest casb price psld (or raw furs Complete line ot traps on .sale. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE 37-38 No Orape St Mad fnnl FOR RENT HOUSES SMALL furnished house at 839 Bartlett. Call at 331 Apple. FURNISHED house. Adults. 04 west 10th. FOR RENT 6-room furnished house, $25, water paid. Inquire 1316 Locust. FOR RENT 6-room house in Jack sonville) hardwood floors, fireplace, 915. Holly Court No. 6. completely furnished, 640. Tel. 195 or 1147-W. FOR RENT Very attractive furnish ed house; studio window. Frigid aire, oil heat, etc. MB So. Oakdale. FOR RENT 935 water paid, 6BMI BUNOALOW, 627 S. Holly St. A OOOD HOME. Two bedrooms down stair, large room upstairs. NICE SHADE. Phone 1679 or 917. 4-ROOM furnished house for rent, electrlo range. Inquire 309 South Oakdale. FOR RENT Modern house with 3 acres ground. Brown es White, 104 W. Main. UNFURNISHED house. 4 rooms, bath and screened porch, at 1610 West Main, 917 5U; water not paid. u. a DeVoe. 623-J-2. FOR RENT 6room modorn furnish ed bouse, close in Phone 457-J FOR RENT inf'trnt.hed Homes furnished Brown Whir FOR RENT BOARD ROOM BOARD AND ROOM at 716 S Main rates reasonable ROOM as BOARD Home cooked meals, 926 per month. 903 N- Holly BOARD Home-cooked meals served in privtae home Reasonable rates Near business district 33 N. Orange 8t Phone 148-X FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Pleasant, furnished Bleeping room. Phone 432 -W. 33 N Peach. lIKA:riVE room M)4 (trap FOR RENT APARTMENTS 4-ROOM Apartment, steam heat, hot water. Frig Id aire, garage, 503 South Hony. FURNISHED APTS. Phone 879-X. FOR RENT 3 -room furnished apart ment 616 N. Central. FURNISHED 2 and 3-room apart- merits and garage; adults. 604 W 10th. FOR RENT Apartment furnished; shower, steam heat, hot and cold water furnished. Mall Tribune of fice. FURNISHED apt, FOR RENT Apt., 137 Tripp. Hotel Grand. FOR RENT Furn. apt. 718 Welch. bachelor apartment. 448 S. Front . FOR RENT 8 room housekeeping apartment, furnished with gar age. Adults. 327 N. Orape. APARTMENT for rent 916 west 10th St FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE Jonathan ap pies Ala Vista Packing House, or see Joe Kantor, Rt. 4, east ox Phoenix FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS TO LEASE On shares. 86 acres near Talent, for planting to vetch. Tel. Ashland 373-R-4. FOR EXCHANGE REAL ' ESTATE TRADE 10 acres fir timber, cabin, baru, creek through, for good car, about '28 model, w. M. Frye, Rogue River, Ore. TRADE Acreage for good used csr. Inquire at 730 crater Lake High way. FOR SALE OR TRADE H4j acre. small house, electric pump. Bar gain. 117 So. Fir. FOR '1HADE 6-room house, gsrsge, 2 lots, for Improved country home, close to market. Will pay cash dif ference. Ann Barkley. Phoenix. Ore TRADE OR SELL 160 sores timber business or property, nesr Medford W A Connacher, Jordan, Montana FOR SALE OR TRADE Income proP' rrv rloi tn Phone 95-J FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE or RENT Modern 5-room unfurnished house, close In. nesr hleh school. Will trsde for Copco stock. Owner will be at 702 West 4th St., Monday. FOR BALE 1 srv five room house, some fruit and berriea. bam. gsr se. good location, good soil. E. Gould, 403 West Jackson Street. Fi"R SALE 5-room modern hou. elosa In, 6800. Route 1. box 498 South end of Kinga Highway. POR SALE 4-room modern house. sloping poreh, bara, chicken house. 1 acre, miles oui. siaw 1-3 down. H. N. Lofland, 325 South Ookdsle. FOR SALE Sacrifice: I rooms, sleep. Ir porch, good condition, lot 110X 120. hillmi in Phoenix. Take car psrt payment. See Short at Boj Service Station, Photo.. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE (-ROOM Close In. Priced to sell at 1500. Harold H. Brown Agency, tel. :95; alter S, 1870. IDEAL SUBURBAN PROPERTY Consisting of 9ij acres, excellent lo cation, only H mi. from Medford City schools: rloh. deeo soil; i acres In 30-year old Bartlett peara, balance suitable for garden, partic ularly Adapted for onions, toma toes or potatoes. Some Improve ments. Total price 62500.00 1.000.00 down, balanoe S yrs. at 6. CHARLES A WTNO AOENCY, INC. (Exclusive Agents) FOR 8 ALE Three acres on Lozler Lane close to highway. Improved with modern house, garage, etc. Big Pines Lumber Oompany. FOR SALE Beautiful home: plenty of shade; two acres; city water; one mile out. H. O. Wilson, Tel. 1564. FOR SALE 3 lota, 8 houses: terms are oath. Priced to sell. Cell J. E.. Rt. 4. Box 9. FOR SALE Vt acre, 8 -room house, water pressure, barn, chicken house, garage, fruit and berries, close in, 465. BloU CSSl. It. U. JriUttJSLU 204 East Main. FOR SALE 8 -room house and bese- ment, 2 acres, lots of oak trees. One of the most slghtlv places east of Medford. Price 43000. or will sell olf part wtthout buildings at right rice. Clarence Pierce, owner, Med ford. FOR SALE 214 shares of Jackson County Building flc Loan stock, discount. Box 430, Tribune. FOR SALE Cabin on Rogue liver, witn 900 zt, river frontage, price 500. Phone S14-R. FOR SALE 3 acres. Irrigated; H mile from city limits; 4-room house, cow barn, double garage, ohlcken house, 1 A. In bluegrAM and ladlno clover; school, electricity, mall delivery, good road; cow and chickens go wltn place for 91.000. See or phone Clar ence Pierce, Medford.. FOR SALE 4 acres adjoining city; lrngaifa; city water; 3 -room nouse; well located on paved road; $2,000; terms. Also 4-room modern house, lo cated near academy and high school: large living room, screened in sleeping porch, nice bath and lots of built -Ins. Real bargain. 41850 00. For Trade 34 acres irrigated. Hopkins ditch; new plastered house on graveled road. This property will stand Investigation. Trade for smaller acreage. L. O. PICKELL 304 E. Main. Phone 15 60 -J. FOR SALE OR TRADE 6-room house and 2 lots. Late model car or fur niture as part payment. Inquire 843 8. Ivy. 40 ACRES with nice new house to ' trade lor home In Medford. Mostly In crop. A line turkey ranch. BROWN te WHITE. Realtors. STATE OF OREOON OFFERS FOL LOWING! Medlord City Property (or sale. Easy terms; 10 down; bal ance like rent, 6 Interest; 4 rooms, 24 8. Orange, 2600. 0 rooms. 32B Crater L. Ave , 12378. 6 rooms, 308 Vancouver. 2S0O. 7 rooms, 145 Ivy St., 2775. 8 rooms, 110b w. Main. (2880. 8 rooms. 219 N. Peacb, 2176 7 rooms. 618 Liberty b., 42600. 8 rooms, 818 Catherine, $2650. 4 rooms, 43 Summit Ave., 42950. 6 rooms. 121 Kenwood. 62450. 4 rooms. 723 W. 2nd, 62800. 4 rooms, 400 Crater L, 61976. 4 rooms, 107 Kenwood. 61760. fi rooms, 304 S King, 63275. 4 rooms, 702 Park St, 62528, 4 rooms. 713 W. 13th, 62750. 6 rooms. 728 Summit, 63000. 4 rooms. 209 S. TTlpp. 62150. 8 rooms. 20V N Peach. 61900. 7 rooms. 1315 Locust, 63050. 4 rooms. 702 Sherman. 62800. C. Y. TENQWALD County Representative. 123 W. Main. HOUSES tor sale or rent. Tel. 196 evenings 1147-W. WHEN rou think ol real estate think ot Brown ft White BEAUTIFUL suburban home with fine diversified orchard: 66000: terms. BROWN i WHITE, Realtors FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES 34 DODGE Pickup; looks and runs like new; small mileage. A real buy; easv terms. PIERCE-ALLEN MOTOR OO. Dodge and Plymouth. FORD CAR Rigged up for prospect ing trip. Price 925. 216 Laurel St. 3-ROOM home-car on truck. Rearof 022 N. Central. SELL OR TRADE Two oars, model T Ford and Star 6 chassis. Want wood. C. A. Hansen, Oak Orove road. tioon ubed CAfia Chrysler. Plymouth Trade-ins. The Best Cars for the Least Money 1034 Chrysler Airflow Sedan new car guarantee. Two 1933 Plymouth Sedan. 1034 Dodge DeLuxe Coupe. 1034 Plymouth DeLuxe Sedan. 1031 Chrysler 6 bedan. 1934 Ford V-8 Sedan. 1929 DeSoto Roadster. 1020 DeSoto Sedan. 1033 Chrysler Royal 6 Sedan. 1934 Terrnplnne 8dnn. We have a number of "29, a7 and 28 models at your own price. LANOE MOTOR CO. Chrysler Dealer Plymouth ttmxI car tot fim Brt!u FOR SALE POULTRY AND E0QS FOR SALS Whit Jersey Olant hatching rce. Call afternoon and evenings. James Ban h man. Route 1. Box 394-A, Cent ml Point, Oregon. FOR SALE Baby chicks, all breeds. Rlsrht prices. Monarch Seed and Feed Oo. CARLET POULTRY FARM Pedigreed Leghorns, R. I. Reds. Batching Ezgs, Babj Chicks. POR SALE June Bron poult. marked type, quirl mslurlng. 630 per hundred. Mrs W I. Hummel, Eagle Point. HANSON and Hollyn-ood W. U chicks, heavy Isylng strslns; lare. vigor ous chlr-sa Rorks end Reds IOC. Send for e.talfqr. Jenks Hatchery. Tangent, Oregon. RHODE ISLAND RED hatching eM 60c selling; 13 hundred. Mrs. rrsilk James, ill. , Livbair Ave. FOR SALE POULTRY AND EGGS Ui'STOM rUTCWNG Booking ord er for t'rkev only Eggs day jid nd B wer old poults Winston Hsb-nery F O Box get R.ispburg Ore FOR SALE DOGS PETS SHEPHERD puppies East Mnln St. for sale. 616 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FRESH milk goats for sale, 95 each. Wldmer, east end of Barneburg Road. FOR SALE Gentle farm team, 1300 each, 985.00. Phone 1410. Lyle Mer rill. FOR SALE work horse. Lane. Cows Just fresh, also Milton Houston, Ross FOR SAL& -Span geldings, weight 3200 age 7 and 11. gentle: tre&b cow, 4 springers. Phone 13-F-13, Ashland, Ore. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. R. V. Beall, Beall Lane. FOR SALE Baled grain hay and hammered alfalfa. L. A. Salade. Central Point. FOR SALE Galgales wheat, Kanota oats. Phone 403-J-l. FOR SALE Hardte 800 gallon spray rig, ready to go. Also 260 ft. new spray hose, call at Oregon Orchards. Frank Schuler, phone 4438-J-l. FOR SALE Electrlo Incubators from 50 to 400 capacity, Roy Stanley, Eagle Point. STEEL SAFE 21x22x26. ISOmTSc- Culston, 31? N. Riverside. FOR SALE No. 1 quality first cut ting alfalfa hay, baled, $11 per ton. Phone 396, Jacksonville. John H. Huenera. POR 8 ALE Two electrlo brooders. 431 Ear hart St. WESTTNGHOUSB range for sale rea sonable, phone 1140 or call 211 N. Oakdale. FOR SALE Phonograph, 81 records: Cheap. 1700 Prune St. WOOD Dry laurel and fir. Phono 876-X. FOR SALE Good used baby buggy. mii at vui west lutn. FOR SALE HaAnchen seed barley. E A. Parker. Vi mile south ol Phoenix FOR BALE Dry. old growth fir and hardwood. Phone 547. FOR SALE Recleaned field seeds, grain and the "dope" to treat seed before planting. Monarch Seed St Feea Co. FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay 614 ton 2nd and third cutting, p. D. Lof land. Central Point. FOR SALE Super phosphate, sulfate of ammonia, sheep guano, gvpsum Right prices, Monarch Seed & Feed Co. FOR SALE Liquid lime-sulphur. Get our prices. Monarch seed and Feed Co. DRY OAK. laurel, 61.78 tier. Foley Kancn, 114 miles aounteast Oold Hill. FOR SALE Crown feeds; land plas ter: Aero Bupemhosphate; Case farm machinery. Finley Implement i., uentrai point. FOR SALE Used machinery one each 10. 13 Ac 14-Inch ractor plow: 2 tractor discs: one hammer mill: 2 spring-tooth harrows; one Iron wheel wsgont 2 walking plows Fln . ley Implement Co., Central Point COMICS PEARS Put up In half boxes, 80 to 60 peara per box. large sixes suitable for gift shipments or home use, 61 00 to 61 35 Medford Ice ano storage Co. Phone 264 Mail Tribune Daily ACrtOM 1. Word of sorrow i. uverpowor with a strutt of greatness I. On the side away from tha wind S. Northern I'uroneaa IS. Sullenly .6. Onve out .7. Qlva Uis right Solution of Yesterday'a Putzle uR)5apieac'ei Ifeins fES T A B CfT SIHjMTg'N T AClHR B jS T EiPTlO LlADpA T 5 IT E vMZDjE w LlMPlSp AR ggMlO O N S kEH Wife TfN Ely T RIA L M UpSlfffE" WMfa T E. A P LTAT UN GljAjR E WDJL s AjLE PrTqii LjALjQb TiAjMjH A NlbJgo PjE Ng S.TfS SjaGlA pTeMAD?B AT P OP FIE R nMaIG O GMlTE j NC SIM M NTg U 1R AlB LE to 19. f.n of Seth .'0 Creek tetter IL Form of mm i cal composition 14. Aquatic animal 18 Conjunction 19. Stronghold 11. ii nf of ths Hebrides II. Actual 14. Title of a knight II. Social organ- 47. Work 61. C'aremonte. nation 61. Slo 96. Feminine name 14. Bwt strretton 17. Hn wivii of an Aus- 19. Silkworm trmisn nhrub 10. SUKfr-yle.aing 57. Business veietablei transaction Dm u bed Piece out Rock or cliff: U. 8. El. Born fey. sharp DOWN L Beverage 1 p p r w( r 7 wa r r r Ml-, 15 l(" lit''7 Zl 23 24 25 2(. 27 4-4- 3b ';,37 38 -;. 3f jfc , taanw aiaMsM -eatfas 1 - a.seaa- ' npa6i aMasaav -saiaiaia. i sk Maav .vaww UiJL. U. -r-r- ......, 48 44 So ' SI STL S3 S4 " " ss 77 sZ . 'if, ' . FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR 8AIX Two light rowboats. 939 Mae St. OOOD sewing machine sell, trade for car. 813 Beclcman Ave. FOR SALE Toledo range, bedstead, oil stove. 217 W. 2nd. TYPEWRi lEKS-Bierma 116 N. Cen tral. Phone 2U3. FOR S.-UE Balej oat nay ground al talis and oat hav loose elf alia hay. C. A. DeVoe. Phone 6J3-J-2. rOR SALE Hay ano.grain; hay loose baled or ehopted; wheat, barley ant. rtat -vhole or ground Phone 855-J-3 Victor Bunwll. NEWTOWN apples wrapped and pack ed or face anu fill; large sizes A reel buy Newtown 8 15c per lug Bring yuur own containers Phone J28 AmerK-an Prult Growers, fno. 213 So Fir Medford. Ore. APPLES We deliver Tl 13i-L MISCELLANEOUS ANNOUNCINO The Precision Shop Electrical Repairing, Lathe work. Brazing, Soldering, etc. "You break, we fix." 419 E. Main. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Armracia. JXTKSON COUNTY MIS I K ACT CO bstracte ol line ano rule insurance The jnly complete I I 1 1 e 3 y te m in jacaaoo County. MUHKAY ABSTRACT CO. AOStreols ttt rule Rooms a snd t No 811 North Ontral Ave, upstairs KAUS rKANSr'EH X 3TOKAU8 IX Ollloe IUIS Nu Centrsl Phone 816 Prices runt Uer.ioe usrsnveea rKUCKJNl) AND Sl'UHAllB. - lx" and lung dlstanoe muling rural ture moving etc Keaatinaole rates Pel 833 F E 9smsoo Oo HAWLEY rKANBFEH - Expert p rs snd movent Special livestock moving equipment . Prices "ight !! North RH-er!1e Ph-me 113 Ktllfrl Wlnrtn tlliwiliTS. LET OEOrttlB UO fl - 11 U72 House cleaning flooi waxing on unlfll rua denning snd ipn-.iatrlng Money to Lend MONEY LOANED - 650 to 3C0 fol personal 01 household purposes on House Furnishints 01 Autos; al. Cars Hefinanoed Loans closeo within 40 minutes License No 8. 157 See W B Thomas 45 So Cen i.ral liHiime Tax lti-iorl prepared. INCOME TAX Federal and state re turns prepared. See Earl Foy Room 11. Jackson County Bank Bldg Phone 798 ROOFING roofino Lei us inspect your roof oelore the rein? season mis ser vice is free Cell 270 Rogue Rlvei Roofing no Actor Cagney Sues To End Warner Job HOLLYWOOD, Cal., Feb. 8. (AP) The red-haired rebel of the movie col ony, Jamea Cngney, has begun a new round In the old battle of film star versus film producer. ' j It Is his second serious skirmish with his, employers. Cagney has filed suit to break his contract with Warner Brothers Pic tures, Inc., charging his contract, signed November, 1033, stlpulatod he should appear In no more than four pictures a year, but that In 1034 and 1935 he was assigned roles In five films. Cross-Word Puzzle 11, Aperture In ft needle 14. Oil of rose petali: variant 1 4. Mass of bread 19. Faring the direction from which a cinder moves tl. Tree of the aledlterran enn region 21. Anoint Sign of the iodise 15. liore 14. Accuitom: vuriant 17. Fanatical tO. Sound of marching feat 81. Hide 23 Prophet 41 Card game 43. Old-womnnlih 4r. Khor (arket 47. Not having a mate 49. Crunt4 dlih ' 4. Old musical note BO. Before Rl. Unit of work 63. Catch night of & iTonnUn I. Negligent t. Something at !. Fa Id o . r-:iint . Misery . 8ta en out ser? en la Pertaining to a rrtn In COn tlnent t. Ft M.I 10. Addition to a building army STRIVES 10 ELIMINATE FLYING PERILS DAYTON, O. (UP) Construction I will start soon on the only phystolog- : lea resfareh laboratory in the United Stntta (specialising In high altitude work, U. fl. army officials at Wright Fit-id announce. An appropriation of IfiOOO ha been made for the laboratory on the roof of the fteld'a administration bulldtnf. It Is to be erected above a preaaure room, which will form part of It. The preaaure room duplicate! condi tion filer face at high altitude. The proposed unit will conalat of two aub -labor a tor lei. one blo-ohem-lcal and the other for physiological research proper. It will Include also a room to house the small animals which will be used In experiment. , Capt. Harry O. Armstrong, who at tained national prominence recently as a result of a treatise on the physi cal reactions to a parachute Jump, will be In charge of the laboratory. Armstrong aald the laboratory will attempt to solve problems of safety, comfort, health and accidents of alti tude flying. An officer who Is flying at a high altitude may be cold," Captain Arm strong stated In explaining the work, but not necessarily 111 because of this. But we wlah to find out def initely whether this condition re duces his efficiency. If he would rattier be on the ground In warm room because his flying suit doe not shield him from the bitter cold at high altitude, then he cannot ba at top efficiency. Problems like that are what we will try to solve." Armstrong has mnde plans to ob tain a number of rare instrument for the lnboratory. The laboratories at Harvard university have agreed to supply two of these, e spirometer and a kymograph. A spirometer la a small Instrument which, when breathed Into, collect gaxes from the lungs. It Is delicately balanced so as not to alter the analy ration of the breath and affect Its composition by pressure. The lnatru ment will be used to determine the exact composition of lung gases at high alltudes, since they change after Inhalation. The kymograph ts a recording de vice used In the pressure ohamber to determine breathing rate and depth at high altitudes, blood pressure and other physical reactions. Armstrong haa developed a ' breather" whloh will purify the waste air thrown off by the lung so that It may be used again. The officer hold only one-twentieth of the air Inhaled la absorbed and used and the remainder la wasted. The ' breather" will purify this for use. Jacksonville JACKJ50NVIU.E, Feb. 8. (Spl.) Jacksonville Home Extension Unit will meet Tuesday at the horns of Mrs. Hanna for demonstration of meat cookery by project leaders, Mr. Hanna and Mrs. John R- Knight. Meeting will begin promptly at 10 a. m. Meat dishes prepared will be seived at noon. MembCra are asked to call Mrs. Hanna for further details. Mrs. Jack Argravea left for Lake view this week to be with her broth r . Mr. Post, who la seriously 111 there. Ardath Blair and Karmon Argravea spent the week-end at Lake Creek as the guest of tha William Hoefft fnmtly. P. T. A. held February meeting Friday afternoon at 3:16 p. m, A program waa given by Mra. Hunsek ar's fifth and sixth grades. Mrs. Bryant and Mrs. Kent went Initiated Into tha Royal Neighbor lodire last Tuesday afternoon. The Eagle patrol of tha Jackson ville Boy scouts under tha leadership of Bruce Metrger went on a hike Sat urday to Lily Prairie, taking their lunches with them. The following Boy Scout won merit badges or took rank at court of honor held this week: Harold White and Frederlo Metager, first aid to animals; Carol Lewis, star rank, safe ty; John M. BaulAberry, Ansel Oun ter. Tom Dunnlngton, second class rank; Jos Beach, first clsss rank, per sonal health. Tha senior party held Wednesday evening at the home of Madelene Metr.qer. class president, waa enjoyed by about 36 guest. This wa a no host party, and aa It U Leap year, the girls were very attentive escort for tha boys. Refreshments were served at 11 o'clock by Maxine Boone, aenlor treasurer, Mlas Lula Metzger, and Bud Perbler, Dancing, ping-pong, and cards wore enjoyed by the guests. who were I Wanda Straup, Evelyn Hamacker, Marcella Mltchel, Mary Wilson, Lucille Flltcroft, Lola Ma- thsny, Marcella Jones, Valery Pearca, Maxlna Boone, June Feebler, Alice Madson, Margaret Bdsns, Shirley Cantrall. Madelen Metager. Russell Ayer. Louis Hedgepath, Herman Hospheld, Frederic Metzaer, Bud Mltchel. Chester Flltcrort, Walter An derson, Byron Bsckee, Jack Pearson, Maurice Burns, Elliot Rowten, Bud Peebier, Warren Mse, Donald Dorothy Joe Caaad, Homer Smets, Oall Lusk, Lewis Applebaker, Bob Coke, Stewart Ft'rbes. Mr. and Mra. Geo. Campbell were called to Crescent City Tuesday to ba at the bedside ot Mr. Campbell's brother, who paaeed away Thursday at the Crescent city hospital. Mr. Campbell has the sincere sympsthy of his many Jacksonville friends. Rattle Columbia lie. THE DALLES, Ore., Feb. 8. (API An lew breaker waa preaeed into servlna hsr todsy to ojen the Co lumhla river channel to ferry service which hsd txen halted temKrerlly I Ot UaU IrlUtUM weal aus, Golf Star Engaged Tha ennanement of Lawson Lit tle, jr., International amateur ool' tar, to Mlaa Dorothy Hurd, 18, was announced In Chicago. Thay met In Colorado Springs, Colo., two years ago. They ara shown in miai nuro e home at tha time of the snnounos mens, (Associated Presa Photo) U. S. TAKES ROLE T NEW YORK (UP) With am the aters under lease In New York, the federal government today la tha larg est show producer In tha metropolis. Tha slee of tha Federal Theater Project, estimating In seres and seat ing capacity, respectively, la two and B000. Each of the six playhouses haa mora than ona production scheduled. Only ona theater la within the Broadway district, Tha Blltmore which will house the "Living News naper' The production of thU nov elty will not conflict with commercial shows, producers have been assured. Just outside the theatrical belt Is the Manhattan theater, formerly Ham marsteln'a and this the Popular Priced Theater will us shortly. Farther uptown, Daly's theater will witness the creation of an Experi mental Theater headed by Virgil Geddea and James Light. The first four plays selected by thla group ara now In rehearsal with an opening date set at Feb. 16. The Negro theater la rehearsing several plays In Harlem's first theater Tha Lafayette whloh haa cradled such atara aa Bill ("Bojangles") Rob inson, the lato Plorence. Mills and Charles Ollpln. The Willis In tha Bronx, and tha Bhubert-Teller In Brooklyn will be occupied by tha Managers' Try-Out theater. Both ara large playhouses designed to prepare plays for Broad way. Not the least Important of tha Federal Theater's physical properties Is Its Workshop, where, In a remod eled Hell's Kitchen church, tha seta and accessories that will b used In the productions are constructed. In addition to these playhouse there ara a doeen companies playing operettas, one-acts, vaudeville, and folk pieces tn community houses, social center auditoriums and church halls. ARTIST BIOS CALLIOPE FROM BOSTON (UP) Oeorge McPad den, Bsatsn and New York artist and scenic designer, has satisfied hi boy hood penchant for circus rnusl by building his own portable calliope. As ha explains Iti "I took th Inside out of an auto metio grand piano. I didn't use the player attachment anyway, and 1 needed th bellows tor my calliope, Then I had to reverse tha bellows so thsy would puff Instead of pull. "I waa stumped by the pipes for a while, but I finally figured a way out to get them pitched properly, I Just took lengths of brass tubing. mad tha slot in them and then Kipt shoving a oark down In them until 1 tot th right pitch, Then I eut them and closed th end with brssa plug.. "The air supply waa I problem. had to figure aout a wsy to drive ths bellows automatically I finally hook ed up an electric motor In the cellar, and that drova It nicely." EOF GAINS ENTRY TO OLD HAT SOCIETY LAKEWOOD, N. J (UP) An or dlnsry garden hat which once adorn ed the head of one of Americas fam ous society leaders tods ts the bssls tor one of the most unusual secret societies for college women In the country. When the late Mrs. George Oould wore tha favorite headgear on the palatial estate now the campus of Georgian Court college for women, here, aha never associated It with "Flctra Mltra." noming we line or "crown," cor responding to president of ordinary club, Miss Margo Joyce, senior year book editor, says tha Idea of Plotra Mltra was borrowed from tha Latin satirist, Juvensl whose writings apeak of a sect of Oriental women distin guished by their characteristic em broidered headdress upon pertodlo visits to an ancient city. Chief requirement for a neophyte seeking admission Is that aha must have a sense of humor and evince It once a year. There are 31 members of Plctra Mltra. eight of whom are selected from each Incoming fresh man class. Identification with the Organlra tlon Is a coveted honor, as the group provides entertainment at all campus parties. A Plctra Mltra, however, never ex orolsea tha duties of her office unless she wears a hat of fantastic design, "elected after a secret Initiation. Thus anything from discarded Plumes to faded Imitation of veget ablea are embodied In tha laugh pro voking spectacle. Upon graduation, members of tha sisterhood retain their prlied head gear, but tradition holds that two must ba passed on to succeeding of ficers, one la Mrs. Gould's yellow atraw garden hat embroidered with gay flowers and tha other, a chla eports model fashioned with applique and feathers. Talent TALENT, Feb. 8. (Spl.) A party consisting ot Mr. and Mrs. C, Skeet ers, Mr. and Mrs. Don Montgomery, Mr. and Mra. E. Wlthrow, Mr. and Mra. H. Lowe, Mr. and Mra. W. Hervey Miss Mary Chambers, Ray Burnett and Ed Learning, attended the Phoe nix play Monday night. Tha Community club met In tha elub rooma Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Charlie Long presented a very interesting program to the ladles. The barn belonging to Mr. and Mra. R. J, Henry, east ot Talent, waa de stroyed by fir last Friday nlgnt. Tha barn and content wera a total loss. Wednesday evening Mr. and Mra. Maxwell entertained a few friend In honor ot Mr, Maxwell's birthday, Th invited guests were! Mr, and Mra. Wm. Hart, Mr. and Mra. Glen With row, Mr. and Mra. Harry Hamilton. Mr. and Mra. Vis Mason, Mr. .and Mrs. Harry Lowe, Mr. and Mra. Clarence) Homes, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Jones, Mr. and Mrs. jay Terrlll and Mra. Edith Cochran. A very enjoyable evening wo apent by ths guest. Mra. Anna Glllorest and daughter Margaret, and Miss Connie of Med ford wera visiting friends tn Talent Wednesday. A meeting of tha Dramatto olub waa called Tuesday night by tha president; Mrs. Vera Montgomery. A very Intereetlng program for the rest of tha winter waa outlined by th club. Th first of a series of plays will b given Feb. land, Several new members were taken In. The Talent chamber of commerce will sponsor a dance at tha city hall Feb. 14. Mr. and Mra. Thomaa of Yreka, Calif., visited at tha Floyd Young home Monday. Miss Alloa Nyswaner vnited Miss Dorothy Wells In Portland Monday, returning Wednesday. Mary Hodock la back In school after an absence of two weeks be cause of an appendicitis operation. Mr. Garland who haa been appoint ed district organlcer tor the Towns end movement, will organise a Townscnd club In Talent Feb, 18. Mlsa Leota Jacobs and Wllloby Connera wera married Saturday nlgut In Medford. Long Mountain LONG MOUNTAIN, Feb. 8. (Spl.) Ross Kiln returned Sunday from a business trip to Spokane, Wash. Mr. Finley of the Finley Implement Co. of Central Point, waa delivering fertiliser te tha farmers this week. Those who attended Orange Tues day night were Mr, and Mrs. Howard Short, Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Stowell and daughter, Irene. Mrs. Maa Stow all, Mr, and Mr. I. R. Kline, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Mongold. Delbert Mongold, of th cow-test-Ing association, waa In th Ashland district this week. Visiting over the week end at th Howard Short home were Mr. Short, daughter and little granddaughter ot Klamath Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith i"id daughter, Barbara, were Sunday ; afternoon oallera at the homea of Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth S to well and th Geo. H. Stowella. Bill Holman la busy sowing clover seed on tha old John Nichols place, which he recently bought. Highways Opened. LA ORANDt, Ore., Feb. 8. (API All main highways In northesstern Oregon were open to automobile traffic todsy, according to highway depattment officials here. Some high- , wsy in th Burns-Jonn uay eeo tioa wart atlll blocked, however. i- v I ti