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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1935)
PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFOKU. OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1935 Klii,10RDrjWrRIBUNE "Evvrron In Southern Oregon Rada th Hall Tribone" Dully Kirept Balordaj'. Published by MEDKOllD PH1NTINO CO. SI-IT-29 N. Fir St. Phon II. ROBERT W. RUHU Editor. An Indtptndent N.wappr. Entered as ncond-cIaiM matter at Med r ford, Oregon, under Act ot March I. IS SUBSCRIPTION RATES Malt In lilvinci: Dally, one year 'J Dally, all montne n llv nnt mnnth By Carrier. In Advance Medford. Aah- land, Jacksonville. Central Poi Phoenix, Talent, Gold Hill and Pally, one year M-00 " Pally, al monthe .' Dally, one month AH terme, eaeb In advance. Of filial Pnper of the iAtjr of Medford. Official I'aner at JarkMon Counly. MFMHKH OF TUB AHHOI.'I ATKO PKtt8 Receiving Pull limrd Hire Herrice. The Aaaoclated Press la exclusively en titled to the use for publication of all news dispatches credited to It or other- vise credited tn this paper, and also to . the local news published herein. All rlBhts for publication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. MEMBER OF UNITED PRESS MEM TIER OK AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS AdvertlKlnx Representatives U. C. MOO BNSKN ft COM PAN If Office" In New VorU. Chlcso Detroit. San Frsnclsco. t.nn Angelea. Seattle. Portland, MEMBER SB Ye Smudge Pot i Uy Arthur Perry. A movement haa been launched to relumburae college football play era from the gate receipts, thougn It la feared the exchange of cash will do something to "academic freedom." It aeema fair that a "tar halfback who consistently acorea tne victory touchdowns, it entitled to more than the cheers of the multitude, .and a friendly lap on the back from his coach. There was always a bit of Incongruity about an ace gridiron performer, cavorting before an SB0.000 audience, na then hitch-hiking home for Christ inas. e e There was a debate on the Town send Old Age Pennlon plnn at Balem Thursday night. The orator assigned to oroose the rainbow, came out for $300. per month for the old folks. He then proceeded to argue he wai right, but the method pro posed to get It was wrong. He did a good Job of lifting himself over the fenco by his bootstraps, wniie wearing no booU. e There waa the usual number ot auto accidents over the week-end, due to hootch, haste, hiuis, and not turning when the road did. Spring flowers are reported bloom ing in many upstate areas, contrary to the calendar. Aa yet no house wife has gone out In her front ysrd to pick a foolhardy pansy, and met an early blooming candidate for sheriff, wearing a straw hat. e "EDITOR: I have been a reader of The News-Telegram for many years. Accustomed to the moat as inine of edltoriala, your of Novem ber 37 sure causes attention." (Portland Newa -Telegram.) The un oftened brick-bat. The Great Brl tain-Franc peace proposal whereby Italy waa to he ceded half ot Ethiopia, and have control over the remaining half, with the further proviso that Em peror H. Belassle give up his throne, has been rejected by all concerned, aftve the original proposers. The Ethiopians, an ungrateful people, ll(re the "peace terms are Incom plete." It must be because Oreat Britain and Prance forgot to pro Tide that Ethiopia pay Italy for Invading them, wlthoxit cause. WAR DEPARTMENT NOTICE (Oregonlan) And the reviewer of the re cent Junior symphony concert erred when he wrote that "even the comparatively modern 'Donee of the Buffoon' came off without serious casualties." Aa a member of the orchestra, I maintain that there were no casual ties, least of all serious ones. (From a latter). t A Portland Jury acquitted two youths, after they had confessed a heinous crime. The verdict was the usual surprise, and one of sev eral freak findings hy the well known "bulwarks of liberty." The district attorney seems to be well liked. As yet he has not been found guilty of the crime charged to any of the defendants he la prosecut ing. L. L. B. Here's your request: m,n famiionfo oAt, rerhsns you remember the old fashioned girl Who often la touted as time's flaw less pearl? Don't pine If your mem'ry haa faded a bit And dim Is the picture you hold ot the chit. She simpered and giggled when men were In sift lit And showed beyond quest Ion her thinker was light. Bhe looked at them cow-eyed that old baby stare Designed to make gents think they nwln't take care And twiddled her fingers and fum bled her skirt. The tricks of the trade of the old fnAh toned flirt. o, If you've forgotten the old.faJih loned Jane Just let the lapse give you more pleasure than pain. The present-day flapper may worry the cranks. But virtue is more than mere hid ing of shanks. (Exchange). OUNbMjI'H Repair rui 'mak of gun, eiou flrtH to N fir. World Affairs Reach Crisis 'X'lIE Christmas season promises to be a momentous period in European politics. That time-honored expression of the Christmas spirit "Peace on earth, good will toward men" will be subjected to the sever est practical test in modern history, England can make out a certain case for peace, for her motive behind the betrayal and desertion of Ethiopia, is to pre vent a war with Italy, and perhaps another European conflagra tion. But not good will toward men at least not toward the dark "complected" gentlemen who under Emperor Haile Selassie, are now engaged in dodging bombs showering down from Italian airplanes. KJO, precious little good will toward the King of Kings and his ancient kingdom. According to the Anglo-Freneh plan, long suspected, but only publicly revealed recently, Musso lini will be given a generous slice of Ethiopia, if he will call off his war, and in effect the three world powers will divide up this section of Africa as they desire, entirely ignoring poor old Selassie's protests as well as his A SHOCKING revelation nnthiner new. rpnrlomon . c ' " " No, this surprising show-down, this unexpected dropping of the diplomatic asbestos curtain, showing the old boys behind the scenes engaged in the partition most as old as civilization, the old, old army game. That is the shame and pity of it,, that it is so old, when we had exppcted the world in the year of our Lord 1935, was ready for something new. WHAT does it all meant It means that at the present mo ment. Mussolini, with his air fleet, his U-boats, his mil lions under arms, willing to fight any nation, or nations, that dare oppose him, WINS. Tea that is the milk in this particular cocoanut. Mussolini may have been bluffing, but if so his bluff has not, been called. 11 Duce has made good. Mussolini stated that the imposition of any sanctions that hurt, an oil sanction in particular, would be regarded as an unfriendly act, a cause of war. The plain truth is, England does not want war, and is afraid to pursue a policy which' means war. France wants war against a country she needs as an ally against any future Ger man aggression, even less. So the plan is to buy off Mussolini, not, at the expense of England or France, my no! but at the expense of Haile Selassie! Can such a sordid, cynical and' from what has transpired before through the League of Nations, such a TREACHEROUS program be put overt That remains to be seen, and that is what makes the holiday season of 3 D35 such a momentous period in world history. IF the League of Nations and all it involves; if the various and sundry treaties of amity and peace, and all they involve; have been all along, and are today, merely a lot, of empty phrases and gestures of self-rightcousncss to serve as a smoke screen behind which the forces of militarism, and the SPIRIT of imperialism, still determine the course of human history, then j this partition of Ethiopia will be carried ruit, just as the parti- j tion of Poland was carried out, and a temporary peace will be signed. If this is NOT true, if the world really learned a lesson from the world war; if the League of Nations is something more than so much window dressing, and the treaties of peace, something more than scraps of paper; then public opinion in England; ami France,' supported by world opinion, will never allow this dis graceful and immoral bargain to be carried out, by their respec tive governments. They will be forced to abandon their plan, or retire. So the events of the next few weeks promise to determine Hie destiny of the human race for many years to come! (Continued From Page Ona.J gument, Justice Harlan Stone Inter rupted an Attorney to Mk: "What are the sanctions?" The lawyer paused a moment. Vis ions of Pith lop l a and oil and the league, confused htm. Noting his pre dicament, Justice Stone continued: "The aanotlone the penrtltlfs?" This brought the attorney quickly hack to the United States, but In a tone which seemed to say: "Oh, you mean the penalties." A bashful lad with cheek of fran a Pp roar hed P resl dent Roosevel t at Warm Springs and told him the hltfh school at Durand. Oa.. was going to hold some exercises. He wondered if the president would attend, The president ae-ked If th young man wm president of the senior ola.a "Oh. no." he replied. "I'm the prin cipal of the school." Inquiry develoied that the princi pal wns nineteen yesra old. had con cluded his freshman yeor at the Uni versity of OeorKia. and had turned prlnctivil for a year in ordrr to get money to go buck to the university. The president Is telling the story to all educators who call on him. He usee it a an example whst has hivp pened to the American system of edu cation during the deiprmMon. A code book should be Usued by diplomats so that others than them selves will know whst they are talk tt about. Knr instance, survey thee elusive words from the toiwue of Nor man Dnrla at the London naval par ley: "Our objective must he to insure that, In the difficult and trvtn vears ft liesd . t he esvn 1 1 &s in ne of oi ir fleets, wblob during Ui put rights and privileges. of duplicity and bad faith, but nothintr new I of defenseless Ethiopia, is al he, proved suoh a guarantee of peace and stability, should be maintained by means of mutual agreement rather than by expensive and dangerous com. petition. I may say also that the United States, which la now definitely on the way to recovery from the ee vere depression through which It hea been going. Is moat snxloua to de vote Its energies and material re sources to upbuilding of the coun try." Translated Into American, this means Japan had better agree to a limit In the international naval pok er game or else a prosperou United States Is going to make It very ex pensive. The recent collapse of Solicitor Gen. oral Reed In supreme court Btortcd New Dealera talking about their dire legal predicament. Reed la the best court man they have. He has been overworked. Just as all their other key le7(. men. The baaic trouble la not so much the number of cases, but the fact that the lawyers with the large na tional reputations are alt on the oth er side. The lw books do not say so. but tt la a veil recognized fact that Justice often beet favors the side with the best lawyers. SOFIA, Bulgaria, Tec. IS. (API Prof. Vaastl Clatarskl, TO, a historian, dird today. The 'Treasure Chamber or Prince Carnival" at Munich. Germany, thlf winter, which will lllustt-ate the de velopment of carnivals, will contain contributions from Milan. Venice. Barcelona. Rome, Nice. Paris. Seville, Cadlr, and Madrid, besides those from nearly all German olttes which cele hrate such feat lv tie. A miniature group of Abyssinian Nyala antelope inhabitant of the F.thioplan plains and mountains, has been presented to the Charleston. S. C. museum. They were modeled from the original animals brought to Amer ica by Mr. and Mrs, 3. J. Legenrire, The turnover of collective farms (rades during nine months of 1M4 in 34 mum cities of the u. 9 S, R. in-t-rtwvi rn- 37! per cen. compared with (he Aine period Of 1935, Movco ha announced,. Personal Health Service By William Brady. M D. tslgned letter pertaining to personal beattb end nygiene nut to dUeaw diagnosis oi treatment will he inmered oj Ur. Brad; II a ita roped wlf-ad-dressed antelope u enclosed Letter, mould be nrlel and written in Ink Owlnt to the large outnbei ol lettera rerelted only a tew can De antwered No reply can be made to queries: dot conforming to Instructions Address Ur William Brady, ittb el Camlno, Beverly Hills I'al. RF.VIV.M, OF Prom time to time we read of people being restored to life after they have apparently died. Bome- times the fact of death la quite positively assert ed, and the nar rator of the in cident estimates that the person revived was dead five mlnutej or more. Aa for any tucb estimate, whoever ha wit nessed a sudden death or any athlng like it knows that the few seconds while the question of death la being de termined seem more like long, long minutes. As for the possibility oi revivsl when death coms, I can't conceive It. But I'm young yet. Looking over old flies I find I as sured a correspondent, only seven years ago, that nothing short oi radical operation could cure hernia whereas today good doctors every where are curing hernia with in jections of medicine, without sub jecting the patient to the risk ot a major operation, "the risk of a general anesthetic, confinement to hospital for several weeks or loss of time from regular occupation. So l say I can't conceive revival of the dead. In the light of present knowl edge. Resuscitation of the apparently dead Is another matter. I believe that is possible, because I have done It. By means of the electrocardio araph, Von Hoesslin reported before the Berlin Medlrat society, regular contractions of the heart were dem onstrated for half an hour Rfter physiologic death. Physiologic death means that breathing has ceased and the heart has stopjied beating so far as all ordinary testa can show. The ord inary tests are feeling for pulse or for the heart beat, listening Tor heart beat with naked eat or with stethoscope, holding a mirror before the mouth to see whether vapor condenses on it from the breath, noting whether the pupils are wide ly dilated or whether they still con tract at all when a bright light , beats on the eyes, taking the body temperature, noting whether there ! is any reaction to any reflex, noting whether there Is still any blood How from wound or a puncture ot finger tip or car lobe, etc. in prac tice the stethoscoplc test ! gener ally relied on. None of the other tests is so significant. But as the electrocardiograph shows, the heart may still hnve life in it when the patient is apparently dead. NEW YORK DAY BY DAY Ry O. O. Mclntyre NEW YORK. Dec. 18. Dairy: Be times and wrote a preface for Bob Davis's book on dogs. And came nn epistolary bou quet from Ber nard Baruch, for whom I have such high regard. Also an oaken cask of brandy pressed from de sert dates which Harry Rtchman sent from Palm Springs. This day Baron Wrangel told of a painter I great ly aMnlre living but two floors away, yet I have never aeen him nor have I ever seen Julia Marlowe and E. H. Sothern, also neighboring tenants. Typing until Balrd Leonard phoned In a frenzy over the loss of her dachshund along the street. To dinner at Llndy's, stimulated as usual by the Broacmay burx-fuzz, the preening and cock-a-doodle-do. Then early to my couch with a feeling I have attained the lonely years, miss ing so greatly the companionship of Will Hogg, Irvin Cobb and my Bos ton. Rend until 4 a.m. Walter Dur anty's "I Write as I Please." Francis Lederer, embryo Hollywood Romeo, la out, so his prets agent trumpets, to become the worst dress ed actor in Hollywood. He haa not bought a suit In three years, doesn't expect to for several years more, and never patronlres a prraser. He likes to go necktleless and Is usually three weeks In arrears on a hair cut. An other gesture In his btrarrerle Is carrying a fountain pen in his hip pocket. Lederer, slouchlly aurtouted. may become a No. I Boy in expressing feminine appeal, but there are many precedenta. Including history, against htm. The professional heart-breakers from Lord Byron to Clark Gable had a stfady eye for Sartorial splendor Physical deformity s rarely a de(t er rant. Byron had a club-foot and the more modern Maurice Chevalier had an underslung lip and legs that bow. ed. But they knew their togs. Personal nomination for the great est radio showman of hit time Major Edward Bowes. The best dressed woman question Is also one greatly mooted. One ek it's the highly puwllctzed Kentucky belle Mrs. Harrison Williams, and the next the equally exploited and snow haired Elsie De Wolfe. The distinction depends largely on which dresa-mak-lng establishment has the most as tute press agent. If I "sere pinning medals on the fashionables of the New York scene I would feel torn among such exhibits as Mrs, Robert Rubin. Pccsv Hnvt. Mrs, pvrnn Fov. FUi W!nnrr Wichfeld and Mrs. Or son Munn, THE HEAD This newly established physiologi cal fact makes It imperative that everyone who teaches or practices any kind of resuscitation should insist on keeping up the effort in every instance at least half an hour, and no doctor or other persons in authority should presume to order cessation of the effort within half an hour, In any emergency. In fact it U now clear that the doctor o; other person In authority who eanc tions discontinuing resuscitation ef forts within half an hour In any circumstance Is guilty of lndefen slble malpractice; sven momentary interruption of the artificial res piration to permit examination, treatment, or moving the victim, u unjustifiable negligence. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Natural Water to Drink Is It healthier to drink distilled water than plain water, and in whst respect? (B. S.) Answer Natural water Is best for drinking, provided It Is pure, that Is, unpolluted. An Odd Taste My husband will not eat any kind of sea food, consequently our only source of lodln is cut off. Please send instructors for the Iodin Ra tlon. (H. H.) Answer What, he turns down lobster, clam chowder, shrimp cock.' tall, abalono steak, sand dabs, sea bass, barracuda, salmon ( fresh and canned), tuna (canned), and the dozen other fine foods from the sea? Does he object to the use oi Iodized salt instead of common salt for cooking and table, on the ground that the lodln all came from the sea originally? Inclose a stamped envelope bearing your address and instructions for taking an lodln Ration will be mailed you. Who Bathes to Itch I seriously contemplate Joining your movement In favor of air bathing. Every time I bathe I suf fer Intensely from Itching for hours afterward ... (A. O. W.) Answer Come on In, the air 1 fine. Don't be so blamed snooty about your bathing. Send stamped envelope bearing your addresa, for monograph on Pruritus. Anemia Please print again the directions for the home made iron tonic for anemia ... (A. P.) Answer Send d 1 me a nd stam ped addressed envelope for booklet 'Blood and Health." Ed. Note: Person i wishing to communicate 'with Dr. Brndy should send letter direct to Dr. William Brady. M. D., 21A Ei Cnmlnn. Beverly Hills, Cat. Sign over a West 54th street nat check room : "We think you pay enough for your hat and coat when you buy them." That up-the-hollcr philosopher Bob Burns, revealed by the miracle of the radio, has been making steady pro gress. His post-office stop Is Van Buren, Ark., and when they get all the Btraw out of his hair and his ears pinned back, the studios believe he may "go to town." At the moment he is broadly but hilariously funny. He Is reputed to have cracked the seren ity of a Tory group of after dinner thumb-twiddlers at the Union League recently with his broadcast of an un cle Inquiring of an isolated Ozarker: "It must be hard, away off here, to get the necessities of llfe?';'fc The re ply: "Yesslr, It Is and half the time you get It It ain't fit to drink." The same uncle married and after a cou ple of weeks got to wondering where his wife spent her nights. So he went home and there she was I Bagatelles: Mayor La Guard I a won't have a phone on his office desk . . . Michael Arlen's latest" White shirts with pink collars and cuffs . . . H. L. Mencken and George Jean Nathan still say "Hello" aa they scurry by . . John Masefleld's English pit bull dog is afraid of dolls . . . Senator Carter Glass weighs only 100 pounds . . . George Gershwin has Joined the gray-Ing-around the temples brigade . . Prince Louis Ferdinand has been showing Frazier Hunt all the dime museums and soda water hell holes In Berlin . . Charlie Journal Is at the silk ropes of the Casino. On Fifth avenue today self- Hart In Orttm mnln for CbrUtmu uhlpmrnta, lhl nHn( our fourth rr. hnvr Iwn lopplnj the Sun Mnrkct, alo lornl nlM. Atn honrjt ivrlclit. and trnillnt lrrr and prompt rturn. Ship to thf firm and Hondrd hr thf ttnlr ot California to ha saff. Rcfrrcnnv rtunk of Amrrlrn, California and Montgomfry St., San Frant'luro. California. vluke sure that you hlp Tour turkrj, for the enrlTchrUImm market! Will Be Receiving Turlfeys December 17th, 18th, 19th at Davis Transfer SOUTH GRAPE AT MEDFORD For any Information rait at Hotel Ja(knn. Phone 3na or rail lnl Tmn.frr ALBERT MICHEL!, Representative conscious fellow walking a bit stiffly In front of a somewhat bewildered and corn-fed lady. And X thought of Kin Hubbard's Em Moots, who aald: "I've got a cousin In the city but I alius hate t'go any place with him 'cause he tries to act like he wuzn with me." Comment on the Day's News By FRANK JENKINS f F you are latere ted at all In what J is going on In Europe aa you should be, because what is going on in Europe may concern Intimately what your paycheck will buy you must have caught this paragraph In the news: "The hotly -discussed Franco-Britten plan for ending the Italo-Ethlopian war wa mode public today in a flur ry of European antagonism. Having read that far, you must have gone on to the next paragraph, which read: "Publication of the plan's text re vealed that Franca and Great Britain sought to appease Premier Mussolini's desire for expansion of Italy with a gift of about two-thirds of ETHIO PIA'S territory." THAT is to say. France and Britain are SITTING PRETTY aa It Is. Aa a result of PAST wars, they have about everything they want. Having everything they want, and & result of the wars they have waged in the post, they have everything to lose and nothing to gain by ANOTHER war. All they want Is to keep things AS THEY ARE. UT Mussolini ISN'T satisfied. When the loot of the world war was divided up at the peace table at Versailles, Italy failed to get her share. So Mussolini is going out to GET ITALY'S SHARE by the simple and time-honored proceea of taking It away from Ethiopia, whtch Is little and helpless. In the course of taking what Ethi opia has and Italy wants, Mussolini threatens to stir up a general Euro pean war, and If a general European war should start Britain and France might LOSE A PART of what they have gained by past wars. O the diplomat of France and Britain aet out to calm Musso lini down and ao head off a general European war. Their Idea of calming Mussolini down is to GIVE HIM, without fur ther fighting, some two-thirds of Ethiopia's territory, whereas all he could hope to gain by going ahead with a costly war that might in the end be disastrous would be ALL OF IT. Mussolini, naturally enough, la ALL FOR THE SCHEME) Who, In his shoes, wouldn't be? ItHAT right have France and Brlt- " aln to give away two-thirds of ETHIOPIA'S territory, In order to ap pease Mussolini t ' Why, the right of the 8TBONG RIGHT ARM. France ann Britain are exceedingly big and strong and Ethi opia is pitifully little and weak.. So of Ethiopia doesn't like what la pro posed, she can LUMP IT. w HAT a typical .scheme of Euro pean diplomacy It 1st Thank the Lord, this country had the good senae to STAY OUT of the league of nation. Otherwise, we should be up to our necks In all thla nasty mess. If Borah had nothing else to reo comend him In his campaign for the Presidential nomination, he could at least point with pride to the fact that he waa one of those Who KEPT US OUT. THE only coinfortlng thing In the whole disgusting business Is that COMMON, OP-DIN AH Y PEOPLE In England and France decent, honor able people who are accustomed to doing business a Individuals in de ATTENTION TURKEY GROWERS Beat; Fruit 6t Produce Co. 115-117 Washington Street San Francisco, Cal. cent, honorable ways are protesting vigorously against this schema of the diplomat to BUY OFF ITALY by giv ing her two-third of Ethiopia, If the relationships -of nation with other nations could be left to the In stincts of the decent,, honorable peo ple who make up tftese nations, In- stead of to the diplomats, we might get somewhere In the direction of outlawing war. (7 A Sa! sans FRANK WATANAI6 71 T S 10 HOLDEN I are receiving one letter from a Japanese disgruntled reader. And here it aire. Hon. F. Watanabe san Dear sir Hollywood Calfornia. What is matter to you! Are yon jackals! Why do yon printing on day of December 5th that JGarysville got a gold strikes in fcack yards! It were Jacksonville near It ed ford Oregon tviViere such are truth. Are I pride that I are Japa nese? Xo! not on your tin tights! Niot when such persons like yon, are printing such a news fiilH of nuts. Do yon not knowing that you have insult Jacksonville to the roots of their lcnees! You darn fool thats where you can go. You Jont (rot no more right telling news than for goodness sake thats all I hope. Disgustingly yours Geo. Nakamoto NotK : Oh so sorrow I done it. Oh dear Medford & Marysville reader, I bow my stomaek at 'on. -H times. Good work Naka nofo san. Weather Northern California, fair tonight and Tuesday, but becoming cloudy extreme north portion: heavy frosts tonight: gentle northerly wind off tSie cooat. Oregon: Pair eaat and cloudy west portion tonight and Tueaday; occa sional rain northwest portion: little change In temperature; moderate southeast wind off the coast. Fireman Too Enthused BELLAIRK, O., Dec. 16. (UP) This city's most enthusiastic fireman was In Jail today. Arch Ray. of the Bellalre fire department, was so wrap ped up In his work that he turned In a number of false alarms to bring the trucks out, a complaint charged. That's Nothlni; CHICAGO, Dec. 16. (UP) Qeoige Van Strook, 72, waa arrested today as a burglary suspect. Confronted with a criminal record dating from 1884 when police records were started, he said: "Shucks, that ain't nothing. I started getting arrested when I was 14." NASHVILLE, Tenn.. Dec. Ifl. (AP) The Most Rev. Alphonse John Smith, bishop of Nashville, with Catholic Jurisdiction over Tennessee, died to day. He was 62. YOKOHAMA. Dec. 16. (AP) Jo seph E. Grew, United State ambas sador to Japan, returned to his post today after a five months furlough. He waa accompanied by Mrs. Grew. X5 MW IN J. C. CARLE, ment. Telepnor 34 Flight 'o Time Medford and Jackson Count History from the file of tht Mali Tribune 10 and o Vear TEN YEARS AGO TODAY December IB, 1925 (It wa Wednesday) Howard Hill of the Central Poin aectlon. report the death of a mult while plowing. Service atatlon to be built Sixth and Holly atreet oppoalte the postofflee. City to enforce new building code ordinance, council announce. Independence district school ho u Is destroyed In the night by blaze of unknown origin. Community Chrlstmaa tree, cele bration to be held In city paTZ, evening of December 33. Medford basketball' chances hit by lnellglbles. Clare Williams, all state guard, and "Red" White, are out for practice. Bull Montana, the movie actor, to appear In wrestling bout here. TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY December 16, 1915 (It was Thursday) Southern Oregon dentists organ ize, "to pull together." From some of the conversations and dialogues that take place be tween men who congregate In dif ferent public places about the downtown part of Medford. a stranger who chanced to overhear what Is said might think that ev erybody in Medford was at the end of the rope. But If these same hard-time howlers would spend their time in boosting instead of knock ing they would get out of the old rut. The mind and attitude of the people make the times. (Editorial in Medford Hl-Timea, written by student. President Woodrow Wilson and Mrs. Edith Boiling Gait to be mar ried Saturday in the Whit Houm. The president secures the license. No "hard cider" will be allowed in Oregon, When state goes dry January 1, the attorney generaj rules. Grldfler Hurt In Crash LOS ANGELES. Dec. 16. (UP) James Scarfpln, tackle on the vis iting University of Pittsburgh foot ball team, last night received minor cuts on the face and hands when an automobile crashed Into a sight seeing bus carrying SarfpJn' and 20 other memiiera of the Pitt squad. PASADENA, Cal., Dec. 19. (UP) Mrs. George Till ley lost control ot her car last night, crashed Into a curb and Jammed her head througn the spokes of the steering wheel. Police, unable to extract her. rush ed the woman and automobile to a hospital. She was sawed loose and physicians reported she was "badly frightened." CHICAGO, DecT 16, ( AP) When you criticize the cooking of Lunch room Chef Christ Boorai mister, smile N Patron James Lorenzo had ' Booras arrested. He said the chef threw a meat cleaver at him for Im plying the food wasn't grade A. VATICAN CITY, Dec. 16. (AP) Mlchele. Cardinal Lega. Bishop of Prascatl, died at his home today. He wa 78 years old. SOFIA, Bulgaria. Deo. 16. (AP) One gendarme waa killed and two were seriously wounded In a olssh with communists In the village of Gerno-Dremovo today. to CALIFORNIA and all western points Leave any day from Dee. 12 to Jan. I, In. c1uit. Be back by midnight, Ian. 14j iouiiuirips ooin rirst uass and Coach-Tourijt-reduced to ervS. P. station it) the West. For a fast, comfortable holiday trip, take the train. EXAMPLE ROUNDTRIPS CMcs-Twrrtf Pint CUsi Ban Francisco . $10.15 $15.15 Los Arifeles . . . $19.40 $29.05 Coach-Tourist fares good in coaches and chair-cars on all our trains; also i n Tour, isl Pullmans, plus berth. First Class fare, good in Standard Pullmans, plus berth) Another moncy.saver Is 'our new trar serrice offering a variety of tasty food items at ie and I0o EAST via CALIFORNIA Special holiday First Class and Tourist roundtripj East on sale Dec. 1 2 to Jan. lj Be back by midnight. Jan. 31. Also new ill-winter coach and Tourist roundtrips East on sale daily; return limit, 6 months. At these low fares you can go or return ia California and the sunny Southwest, Holiday roundtrip example CHICAGO, turn Class, $86.00; Tourist, $64.35. 0