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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1935)
PAGE ELEVEN . i iji J im. . iiimi jij.. i .., ,-vji-j,i.-M.i-L"'i.'i-Tj.'j OTKlwaiwiv -imXA, um"tomi..u. i ,. ,i. i .ni..ii.iin u,i M . A. ED pimmm LHKT MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MT5DFOKD, OREGON. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1935. , . i gtt.'eWVls&t; f Bocaow J) t .: I Bead every mil page. You will probably find ex actly the thing yon want to buy .or sett. If It Isn't there, advertise. ' It's Inexpensive, effective. RATES Fer word tint Insertion (Minimum 2 3c) gaea additional Insertion. per word Minimum 10c) ret line per month without spy change! ,,,, Phone 75 FOR WANT ADS LOST AND FOUND STRAYED Light Jersey yearling heifer. Finder please notify M. L. Parker, Box 178, Talent. LOST Oct. 18. lady"a white gold . wrlat watch, either 1100 block W. ." 10th or Grill next to wood'a Drugs. ! Reward. 1108 W. Tenth. LOST If aog is misetng. caU1616. WANTED MALE HELP POW WOULD YOU like to make S7.50 a day? Own a Brand new Ford Se ; dan bosldes7 Be your own boss? .J . send everything you .need. Posltlve- ly no money risk. Details Free. Al ' bert Mills, 7391 Monmouth, Clnem 1 natl, O. - WANTED FEMALE HELP ADDRESSING Mailing circulars, at ; home for mall dealers. Earn . $15 ! weekly. Experience unnecessary. ' Stamp brings particulars. Wilson 'Co.. Long Beach, Calif. - . WANTED Woman who knows VIAVI to qualify aa a VIAVI dealer. Write Mrs. F. 8. Gannett, Medtord ' Hotel. . $15 WEEKLY arid your own dresses FREE for demonstrating new Au tumn Fashion Frocks. No oanvass- Ing. No investment. Write fu'ly. i Give size and color preference. Fashion Frocks, Inc., Dept. X, 4006, , Cincinnati, Ohio. WANTED Girl or woman for general i housework. 140 S. Holly. WANTED Girl for housework; room, ; board and wagea. 311, No, Oakdale. WANTED Experienced girl or wom an for cooking end general house ' work. Tel. 1489. . WANTED Extra waitresses for Satur day and Sunday. Good pay. Call 131-J. MALE AND FEMALE BIG MONEY full or part time. Take orders for holiday gift perfume, cosmetics, toiletries. Superb quality. Beautifully packaged. Franclnc Labs.. Dept. 1050. Hammond, Ind. WANTED SITUATIONS . STENO., type., shorthand, filing, booa keeping, etc. Low wages to atart. Phone 951-R. WANTED Invalid to care for In re fined Christian home. 204 Hamil ton St. WANTED-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Good used light car. Coach or sedan for cash. Give particulars and price. Box 5255, Tribune. WANTED Plow for Fordson tractor. . Inquire Glenn Darby, south end King Hwy. WANTED Transportation for a to Crescent City and nturn. Furnish gas. 118 So. Fir. WANTED Transportation to L. A. or San Franclsc after Monday noon. Share expenses. Call Grand Hotel. WANTED 8-ft. 4-horae disc harrow. Vlda Steele. Brownsboro. WANTED TO RENT Garage near 704 No. Central. WANTED Calves, not under three month. Phone 387eJ or call 837 Pine. WANTED W pay cash for household goods, furniture and stove We also buy metal, hides, pelts wool and mo hair. MEDFORD BARGAIN HOUSE. 37 N Grape St Pbone 1062. WANTED Heifer calve. Write Ruby Schula. Beagle. Oregon. WANTED Beef cattle, veal. HmU and pasture. J. J Oenbrue. FOR RENT HOUSES TOR RENT Nicely furnished S-room stucco house, electric range and water heater. 812 South Riverside. POR RENT room modern house, Xnqulre 510 Pa;m St. after 6 p. m HOUSE FOR RENT Phone 879-X. FOR RENT 5-room - unfurnished home with enclosed aleepin? porch. 718 Sherman St. See Ray at Lewi Super Service. FOR RENT 4 -room houe. 7-F-14. Phone FOR RENT New uburban. well ar ranged l-rm. house. Hardwood floors throughout, double plumb inn. built-in, laundry room, at tractive urroundliwa. Close In. M0 month. Call Jackwn County Bldg. ai Loan Association, 195. FOR RENT OR SALE Very easy trm. a-room house and ace In JackjoavlL. Box IISO. TrlDua. FOR RENT HOUSES FOB RENT 9-room strictly mcxtsm home, close to Medtord'a business district, In fine residential Motion; partially furnished; fine lawn and shade trees; basement and fiinwce; double garage. See owner at once at 333 North Ivy St. FOR RENT 4-room furnished house Inquire 305 So. Oakdale. FOR RENT Homes furnished or unfurnished. Brown as White. FOR RENT AVARTMENTS FURNISHED APT Downstairs. 344 I No. Bartlett. FOR RENT 4-rm. furnished modern apt., 10.00. 830 Bennett. FOR RENT ROOM BOARD RATES reasonable at 718 1$. Mln. ROOM FOR 3 Breakfast If desired. 153 No. Oakdale. 'for rent furnished ROOMS FOR RENT Nicely furnished, heated sleeping room. 43 No. Peach. Call 830-J. ATTRACTIVE rooma. 404 8. Grape. CLEAN attractive rooms; reasonable 410 8. Newtown. POR RENT Large front room; hot -and cold water and shower. 30 8. Fir. ' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS TO LEASE Pear orchard to experi enced man with equipment. Good buildings, irrigation. Box 5165 Tri bune. BACHELOR APTS- 445 So. Front.; POR RENT Business location, .room 16x50 Will remodel to suit" tenant Apply Mall Tribune. ' FOR EXCHANGE TRADE Columb;a Oraphonola. .-fine oak cabinet in good condition .large selection of records, tor wood. 37 Tripp St. after 6 pm. - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE IF you are looking for a dwelling or a -good Investment for your money. - please consider the following prop . ertles which are being liquidated by the Western Loan and Building Company. All prices quoted are cash, but local financing can- be amused for responsible persons who can pay 25 down. 644 Palm St. .......1.300.00 903-5 N. Riverside (duplex house) 1,160.00 815 W. 13th St. , ... 1,000.00 . 703 Palm Street 1,33000 826 Haven St ; 1,080.00 404 McAndrcw's Rd 600.00 .20-22 Portland Ave., (du?. : plex house) 3,400.00 707 Oak St. , 1,000.00 811 S. Front St., business . building , ..... 4,000.00 207 S. Rlveulde. garage building.. 0.000.00 See: W. E. THOMAS. 46 S. Central Ave. FOR SALE One four room .and one three room house, both modern on half acre with ava.blo acreage ad joining if wanted. On Lozler lane close to Jacksonville highway and Oak Grove school. Big Pine Lum her Co. Tel No. 1. .. , FOR SALE Modem small home; paved atreet. Would trade for larger house. Box 5274, Tribune. FOR SALE Apartment building with 8 apts.; also 3 cabin. Everything rented. Grounds are about 200 feet square, facing R. R. one way. Cen tral Ave. the other. Mtg. $3400. easy payments. Will sacrifice equity for $1500 cash. Inquire at 801 No. Central or Phone 1388 or 517-L for C. C. Pierce. FOR SALE OR TRADE & acre choic est war creeK oottom jana. on on ed highway; Medford water: near school; large sweet cherry tree. Box 5164, Tribune. . FOR SALE FOR CASH 153 acres free water, some timber for iogtfltig and , buildings. Mrs. Q. H. Corum. 345 So. Central ave. ' 20 ACRES, fenced woven wtre, 4-rm. house, large cnicnen nouse ana barn, well, a acres free water: S1500, third down, balance 4.- Sheley. 402 E. Main. FOR SALE 22 acres. t sores In alf alfa, balance wooa; 4 -room al tered house. Best offer over 1900 KUes It. Inquire 404 Bern' dale ave. A FINE east side HOME for only 3.000. and $700 wilt handle It. BROWN Si WHITE. Realtors. CITY LOTS from 250 up. all Im provements In and paid for. If you are Interested In ouildlng or buying a HOME, see us. BROWN & WHITE. Realtors, HOUSES FOR SALS OH RENT JscKsiiD County Building 6 Uid Aaa'n Phone IBB 100 ACHES well improved, stocked and equipped, close to Meed ford; tome cash ui income property Bal ance long tima low Interest. O A DeVoe. 6 2 3-J -i WHEN you think of real estate thlnl of Brown dc wmte. FOR S ALE LIV ESTOCK FOR SALE Light work and saddle horses. 3 and 3 year old colts. Med ford Riding Academy. FOR SALE OR TRADE Saddle mare J. L. Fredenburg. Sams Valley-. FOR SALE Cow. Blfalfa and oat hay, P,; miles west of Owen-Oregon mill on Rom Lane. R. L. Bishop. FOR SALE weaner p!rs. 5 each. Rankin Estes. King s Hlghmy. FOR SALE Weaner and feeier pig. Geo. Kendall, Applegate. Ore. FOR SALE -35 ewes: also baled oat hsv end feed wheat. C, A. DeVoe. S23-J-2. . FOR SALE Oood work Warn. 1300 pounds. H25 Henry Leaverton. Murphy. Missouri Flat. ' I WILL buy your hogs and sheep, any size, at any time F A Pearson Roea Lane. Phone 5I0-J-4 FOR SALE - Purebred Hamtyi'lllett 1 rsma Dolpa Phipp. Crater Lake I haj. FOR SALE POULTRY FOR SALE Black Minorca roosters. 1813-No. Riverside. C. M. Parker. FOR SALE Purebred Narragansett turkeys. Vlda Steele, Brownsboro. FULL-BLOODED PLYMOUTH ROCK breeding cockerels. Maya Ranch. Talent, Ore. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE OR TRADE For late mod el Ford or Chevrolet. 1931 Model A long wheel-base dual wheels. Tel. 838-R. STUDEBAKER'S USED CARS 1U30 rard Coupe ..-.....IIBS.OO 1939 Ford Tudor 150.00 1931 Pontlac Sedan 335.00 1931 Wlllya-Knlgnt Sedan 385.00 Essex 3-door Sedan 150.00 1935 Studebaker Champion at a re duction. SANDERSON MOTOR CO. HUDSON ,Sedan. fine condition, very cheap. Call 957 or 833-R. FOR SALE '31 Ford do luxe Phaeton. Call 493. PONTIAC 6 Sedan; overhauled com- nla.a. vn.rnntliMl AWITTVA,. OnlV ,265.00. pierce-Allen Motor Co., Dodge and Plymouth. GOOD USED CARS Birr DDlrBIl 1935 Bulek light 8 Brougham. 1933 riymoum ueuu, iowii six wheels, extras. MI33 Plymouth 6-wheel sedan. tail plvmnnth mnm: a real bargain. 1931 Ford A Victoria coupe. 1930 Ford A 2 -door sedan. Other real bargains In Fords, Chevro lets, etc. The new Chryslers will be here soon LA.". Li C WIUH tnn fv, Chrysler and Plymouth Dealers . 38 No. Riverside Pnone 18 (Formerly Armstrong Motors) FOR SALE Trucks and equipment 111 No. Fir St. WANTED The best sedan 100 cash will buy. Harry Young, Jr., Central Point. - FOR' SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Excellent Morganshlre bay and grey work horses, single or double, wagon and harness. FOR SALE Rotary pump used only 3 weeks also dairy separator, very cheap. 435.00 truck rack, 87.O0. Also 8 chassis. TRAILER Always for sale or rent by hour, day, week; logging or lum ber, stock and light utility trailers. WE BUY HIDES, wool, mohair, cop per, brass, used batteries, pipe and FOR SALErclear lot on N. Riverside ' and 1 clear near Washington school. Open daya, evenings and Sundays - . 116 South Fir FOR SALE Fur coat, newly renovat ed and rellned. Bartlett's Pur shop, 40 So. Central. SIMMONS baby bed and mattress, 6.50. Also high chair, nursery chair and walker. 335 Vancouver Ave. - GOOD tised bungalow piano; $5.00 .cash. $5.80 per month, with FREE LESSONS. Baldwin Piano Shoppe. FOR SALE Pathfinder bicycle in good condition. Reasonable. Call 1163-W. FOR SALE New and used logging dollies, trailers, semi-trailers; bodlea of all typea. Inland Trailer Manu- - facturlng Company, Stockton, Col. FINE Red Spltzenburg and Newtown apples lor sale ai Aia visva iMviwunj House. 327 so. Fir St. FOR SALE Small washing machine. $12.00. 229 wo. ivy. VERV BEST fir -wood, 2.00 tier de livered. . Box 155, Butte Fans. FOR SALE Apples, cheap; different varieties. Half mils from city lim its, or will deliver. Tel. 2 58-J. FOR SALE The famous Upton Bros. SpltE. ACl quica. rmuatw . DRIVEWAY MATERIAL S sizes ot rock at l.5o per yard, delivered Bateman. Phone 1534-Y or 912-J FOR SALE Used McOkey account rile. Box 4938 Tribune. ROLLER CANARIES. Call 623-J-3. FOR SALE Good Held corn. Bchutz. Cold Hill. M. A FOR SALE Ore pes and grape Juice The Dell Vineyard.; Rt. 2. Medlord FOR SALE Substantial J-wheel trailer, or trade lor wood. Inquire last house left-hand side of Losler Lane or Tel. 869-M. APPLES Several varieties Oebhard'a. Central Point: V4 mil north Bear Creek bridge. PEACHES. PLUMS IV40 lb; grape its lb Hukill. Y, mile south wn.te Orlffln Creek school. FOR SALE Grapes. J. A. Manke. a miles east ot Jacksonville, adjoin tng former Clancy orchard. MISCELLANEOUS tvwt Wirac-Vr tMm N.tlnnal Town send Rail? next Sunday at the Armory, at 1 p. m. Free admis sion. Everybody welcome. Come and bring your xrienos. ROOFING ROOPTNO Let us Inspect your roof before the rainy season This eer vice Is free. Call 370. Rogue River Roofing Co. BUSINESS CHANCES TALKING picture business. Small towns. A big money maker. New equipment. Complete 8O0 00. L. 8. Brown, 1015 S. W. Morrison St., Portland. Ore. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Transfer. TRUCKINO AND 8TORAOB Local and lone distance hauling, furni ture moving, etc. Reasonable rates TeJ 83 3 F, B Samton Co. HAWLEY TRANSFER - Expert pack, ers and movers Special livestock moving equipment Prices 'tght 913 North Riverside Phone 015. EADS TRANSFER at STORAGE CO 1 Oftice 1015 No Centrsl Phone 315 I Ftlse flht. eiH0 guarantetd. BUSINESS DIRECTORY JACKSON COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System tn Jackson County. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title. Rooma a and S. Nor 33 North Central Ave., upstairs. Expert Window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1173 House cleaning, floor waxing, ori ental rug cleaning and upholstering. piano and Ouitar Instruction. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Classical and modern piano tnatructlon. MEL CHORD for every one. The only method that never falli. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg.. Medtord. Ore. Money to Lend MONEY LOANED ISO to 8300 for personal or household purposes on House Furnishings or Autos; also Cars Refinanced. Loan closed within 80 minute. License No. 8 157. See W. E. Thomas. 43 So. Cen tral. Sams Valley 8AMS VALLEY, Oct. 20. (Spl) Mrs. Walter Grant and Mrs. Edna Stalling were hostesses to the Ladtea club In the school building October 17. Roll call was answered by mem bers, the spirit of Hallowe'en pre dominating. Another payment was made on the stage equipment pur chased by the president, Mrs. Geo. McDonough, and the financial report revealed that the club will soon have all bills paid and an attractive living room set for the auditorium to be used In school and neighborhood stage entertainments. For recreation the hostesses entertained with Inter esting guessing contests. Refresh ments were served on tables decorat ed In Hallowe'en symbols. Grandma WUhlte, of -Eagle Point, past presi dent of the club, was present and given a seat of honor. Thirty visitors and members were present. Robert Clark, who makes his home at the John Hall place, received a telegram Thursday from His mother, relating the death of his step-father, Chas. Walker at Yuba City, Cal. Sams Valley extension unit met October 24 with an attendance of 12. Buymanshlp and study of tex tiles was the object of the meeting with Mrs. Dick Straus as leader. A oovered dish luncheon was served at noon. Next regular meeting of the unit will be November 15. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Oalloway re turned Wednesday from The Dalles, where they attended the funeral of their daughter Buth, who was laid to rest beside a brother and sister In the precinct of the Galloways' former home. Ideal weather Is affording farmers a chance of getting much fall sown grain In while tractors hum day and night. First : freezing weather came . the early part of the week and tender garden vegetables were bidden good bye until another growing season. Next meeting of the Ladles' club will be held at the school building November 7 with Mrs. May Payne and Mrs. Joe Du sen berry entertain ing. Trees and plants of Ethiopia In clude the date palm, mimosa, wild olive, giant sycamore, juniper and laurel. Natal yellow pine, the myrrh and other gum trees. Mail Tribune Daily ACROSS 1. European mountains I. Roman god of the under world I. Pain 12. Burrowing animal 13. Dutch city 14. Operatic song 16. Supply In excess 11 Behave Id. Ocean 10. Product! ob tained by multiplying - by whole numbers it. Rotated rap Idly 11. Watering place 2i, En courts 15. Region men- - tloned In "The Road to Mar-daisy" 12. Eagle J. Dry 15. Withered 16. Humorous It. Turned sud denly 10. Tally: colloq 11. Direction U. Child companions Solution of Yesterday's Puzzle SlTlElA I 5 3 C I O Nls PA L t E T lO N G U E A I NOjRO O Wi TTO P O P A wN 1 pjs ViSORlillTE Bjtl .UPlRuF...tJLs wb L E a Mb e l o w H l E 6 arc hMd uep e ip .!L!L A n c IeJ rfopteas i eve e rTrI YIETfils uIeIeIkMrIyIeI 47. Rowing Im plement 10. Expose to public view IL, Outline of the shore fit. To an loner point K8. Anger 66. Entrance 57. Not so much 64. Conjunction 63. Small Island 7 3 4 s i 7 II fi 9 ' n jlzzzbzizz ZZZ i Ul ux-L. i 25 2i ZJ mfi Zf 30 31 . 32 33 34"!5' I 11 If 53 WW It 11 &u UML iMLiULu, 43 M 45 46 lf47 46 ZZZ1!ZZZ" zMZ. Sfi 57 ' MEANIE BATTLES 10 FEATURE MAI Tomorrow evening the curtain goes up at 8:30 on one of the season's most spectacular collection ofmeantes appearing on one card, when Joe Smollnsky, known afar for his dirty work, meets Mad Marine Kennaston of Gold Hill In one half of the main event at the Armory, and Harry De metral, nail chewing Pole from Chi cago, meshea with Hans Schroeder. gruelling German giant, who has twisted and battered his way to two wins In his two performances here, The meanle angle will be carried on into the opening bout, or vice versa, when Holland Warren of Klam ath Falls meets Floyd Wolfgang of Medford. The two have met before, and fireworks are Indicated. Warren won from Wolfgang In the recent middleweight battle royal by out roughing his opponent. The Medford mechanic doesn't Intend to lose by the same roue tomorrow and will un cork some of the outlawed stuff him self If the occasion demands. What happens when meanle meets meanle Is always a matter tor con jecture, and the one between Smo llnsky and Kennaston la an all meanle affair If there ever waa one. Both favor the phoney hold to the legitimate one, and both like to bite or slug their way out of a tough spot, leaving little to be desired In the way of gore. To cop this off, neither likes Ray Frisbte. who will be the third man In the ring. The feud between Frisbte and Ken naston Is too well known to need much elaboration: !n a recent bout at Klamath Falls rumor has It that the marine unleashed a haymaker at the referee, knocking him kicking. Frlsble wobbled to his pins, shook the cobwebs out of his head, and then lashed out with a giant killer and neatly extracted a good handful of the meanle's bicuspids. . Tht next week Kennaston refused to fight Babe Kates In the same ring with the big fireman. ....-,'.. He has overcome some of his na tive shyness now, and has also de voted some time to walking around Frlsble, surveying the back of his skull for a good wallop. fi AN FORD STADIUM. Athens, Ga.. Oct. 28. (AP) Into the sodden turf of Sanford stadium, with dusk creep ing over the field and the score dead locked, Alabama's Crimson Tide ral lied spectacularly to old-time form to day to bury Georgia's unconquered Bulldogs under a 17-to-7 score In a traditional gridiron battle. lighting doggedly for three periods, with the count standing at 7 to 7, the Rose Bowl champions capitalized on awaited breaka to score a field goal and add a touchdown In the waning minutes ao annihilate the previously unbeaten and untied Georgia grld- ders. Cross-Word Puzzle f I. Exclamation I. River in Russia 10. Cereal 11. Makes lace It. Disease of . cereal grasses If. Mounts a nor Isontal bar tl. Stops mo mentarily it. Good looking 36. Chop 29. Silkworm 27. Novel 29. Triangular muscles 10. Eilt , 3L. Masculine nickname !4. Gladdened 17. Sweet pots tors tt. Facility 41. Stftte i n Brazil 41. Bucket 44. Cord 45. Branches of learning 46. Lacerated 44. Indigo plant 49, Nerve net work S3. Burmese hlll- d waller 14. Bone DOWN 1. Book ot the Bible S. Ardent aftee tlon t Agrenable 4. Knot Indian weight a. Tunes out a radio sta tion i. Paean god 7, Parties ALABAMA AWAKES, CRUSHES GEORGIA SLI TO START, BURIES BLOOMTNOTON. Ind., Oct. 28. (AP) For five astonishing, almost unbelievable minutes, Ohio State's famed "Scarlet Scourge" of football was shackled and licked by Indiana today, but It broke away from Its old relentless force and crushed the valiant Hooslers, 28 to 8. under an avalanche of second half touchdowns. Fifteen thousand spectators, many of them old grads who came back hoping against hope for an Indiana upset, stood up In amassment as the Hooslers, rated at no more than a 10-to-i shot, purshed over a touch down on a 42-yard pass from Vernon Huffman to Roy Eads who dashed 15 more yards for a total gain of 57 yards and the score. Nebraska Wlm LINCOLN Neb., Oct. 26. (AP) Nebraska's Cornhuskers beat their way hack Into a favored spot In the Big Six conference football cham pionship race by scoring In each of the first three quarters and nipping a late Oklahoma rally to win from the Soon era, 10 to 0, here today. EUGENE, Ore.. Oct. Hfl(AP) The spirited Ore eon State college Rooks were one up today on the University of Oregon Frosh football team after capitalising on breaks, and making others, for a 9 to 0 win Friday night. Don Coons, speedy end from Sa lem, blocked Gammon's punt In the first period, chalking up a safety ."ir the Rooks. The Rooks bad an opportunity in the first half to add to their two points, but EU fum bled on the fourth down two yards from the goal line. John Alexander dashed six yards for a touchdown early in the second half after the Rooks took the ball on the Frosh 18-yard line when a bad pass from center prevented I Blackman from punting on the fourth down. Ben EU, who had a big night packing the ball, place- kicked for extra point. s . Jimmy . Nicholson led two second half Duckling marches which were halted only within the- Rook 10 yard line. The Frosh made eight first downs to six for the Corvaliut men, but the Rooks had the ad vantage In yards gained. Coach Hon La Huntington of Salem. commenting on the Medford football ; team after yesterday's game, said: "I 're seen better and faster Medford lines, but that's the sweetest back- fleld I've seen In years and years. They are hard driving, fast and clev er, and they're all good ball earners. Today's beating is the worst I've ever taken from a Medford team. Huntington went to Aalem In 1932, but waa not coach In 1938 when a Callleon coached team walloped Ha lem by one more point than yester day's score, winning 42-8. In the 1938 struggle only four substitutes were used, in yesterday's game 14 reserves saw action. In both games Aalem scored on flukes, the '38 specimen be ing when Awede Anderson knocked down a psas, and a Aalem end caught it while lying on the ground. Yes terday's fluke was when Amlth's kick was blocked, and Warren took the ball 30 yards to score. Coach Bill Bowerman. present Med ford mentor, starred at end on Cl llaon's aggregation. ! tmt TOPIC, Oct. 3.-(AP) The first Invasion of the big town by . University of Michigan footbal'. team wa. crowned with success tf day when the Maize and Dark Bl-ie warriors, outweighing their oppon.ute by more than 30 pounds to the man. defeated the Columbia Lion., 19 ;o 7, at Baker field before near capacity crowd of 84.000. The big raider, from th midwest actually put the gam. on lee In the first five minute, of play wbtn they put across two touchdown Ui roll up lead of 13 to 0. It looked like lop-sld.d victory for Michigan until Al Br.rabas got loose in th. first four mlniites of the third period and ran 74 yarda to a touchdown and then converted for th. extra point. Texas Killer Of Parents Insane AUSTIN. Tsxaa. Oil. 3 (UP) Howard Pl.raon, 90'year-old college youth who killed hi, parents, Justice William Plerson of th. Texa. supreme court, and Mr., pieaon, wo. adjudged insane by & jury I district court to day. Th verdict pmventad th youth's trial on a murd.' charge. He wa r macded to the '.'.herlff' custody and probably will be committed next week to a tat. tJ for the lnsan. ROOKS SCORE 9-0 WIN OVER FROSH MICHIGAN VICTOR OVER COLUMBIA FOOTBALL SCORES Coast Washington State, 38; Oregon State, 13. Stanford. A; Washington, 0. Idaho, 14; Montana, 0. California, 31; U. S. O., 7. V. O. L. A., 33; Oregon, 0. East and Mid West I Pennsylvania, 07; Lafayette. 0. Buckneaa, 0; Washington and Jef ferson, 0. New York. TJ 7; Georgetown, 0. Pitt, 0; Penn State, 0. Temple, 19; West Virginia U., 9. Miami U.. 30; Marshall, 13. Boston Collgee, 19; New Hamp shire. 0. Holy Cross, 3; Colgate, 0. Dartmouth, 14; Harvard, 0. Rutgers. 37; Lehigh, 0. Case, 13; Oberlln, 0. Michigan State, 37; Washington U 18. North Dakota, 30; North Dakota U., 30 (tie). Virginia Tech, 15; Washington and Lee, 0. Kansas, 0: Kansas State, 3. Carnegie Tech. 7; Purdue, 0. Iowa, 19; Illinois. 0. Missouri, 0; Iowa State, fl (tie). Ohio State, 38; Indiana, 0. Boston U., 40; Vermont, 0. Bates, 30; Maine, 7. Marquette, 33; Mississippi TJ., T, Mass. State, 30; Worcester, 0. Michigan. 13; Columbia. 7. Army. 14: Yale, 8. North Carolina, 10; Georgia Tech, 0. Notre Dame. 14; Navy, 0. North Carolina State, 30; Manhat tan. 0. University of Idaho, Sou. Branch. 97; College of Idaho, 7. Denver, 14; Utah. 39. Crelghton, 7; Grtnnell, 8. Oklahoma A. and M., 0; Tuulsa U., 13. Maryland. 30; Florida, 6. Parsons, 18; Columbia (la.), 8. Rice, 38; Texas, 19, College of the Ocarks, 8; Arkan sas. 61. Southwestern, 0; Abilene Christian, 7. EvansvlUe, 13; Hanover, 38. DePauw U., 0; Oeorgtown (Ky.). 30. Howard College 18; Murray Col lege, 0. High School Scores. (By the Associated Press) Eugene 30, Corvallla 13. Mil ton-Free water 38, Enterprise 0. Dufur 0, Beaverton IS. Tillamook 18, McMlnnvtlle 30. . University High 7, Rose burg 18. CHICAGO, Oct. 30. (AP) Out of a medley of fumbles and Intercepted forward passes, Ohlcsgo'a Maroons fashioned their first victory of the western conference season today over Wisconsin's battling Badgers, 18 to 7, In a wildly exciting struggle at Stagg field. An alert bit of defensive play In the second period set the Maroons up for their first defensive touchdown. Big Jay Berwanger got off one of his ions kicks to Wisconsin's five-yard line, where Gordon Petersen, tall end, downed the ball. The Badgers at tempted to get away with a surprise lateral pass play behind their own goal line, but Johnny- Wilson fum bled Eddie Janowskl's lateral and Ewald Nyqulat for Chicago recovered two yards from the goal, "Old Mill" Orchestra At Nat T uesday Eve Radio listeners who have followed the programs of Pranlt Oooluon'. "014 Mill Orchestra" of Salt Lake City, are loosing forward to the special dance at the Oriental Garden. In' Medford Tuead,y night, Oct. 39, for which this popular band ha. been engaged. Tbl. danoe, which la one of the numerous affair, scheduled for this week to celebrate Hallowe'en, la ea pected to attract a large number of dancers from alt parte of southern Oregon, according to the manager. 1 School Honor Roll Lincoln Hchool Honor Roll First six week.. IB rjorsle Miller,. 1 A Vernon Thatcher. 3B--Winifred Brock. Shirley Fallln. Wlllr w Kubll and Prushla Newton. ail Pearl Brock. Peggy Corum, Sh'rley Psnkey, and Gerald Pence. B Savln. Leater. BA Jetnette Shower. (Continued from Psgs On) senator Norrls, LaPollette and others Ilk them. Th supreme court has nsw wrin kle. Two sttendants sit flanking ths bench of ths Justices. Whenever any one falls asleep In the audience, they look st each other, arise, sit quietly besld th culprit and nudge him. Th other day government attorney wa listening intently to th business before th court (at least he saya hs was) but hs held his hands over his eyes to help him concentrate. When nudged, he emitted surprised "umpf," which momentarily disturbed th dignity of the attendants s well aa averyon else. Use Mall Tribune want ad. WISCONSIN BOWS TO CHICAGO. 13-7 CLUE FIGURES IN IX8 ANGELES, Oct. S9. (OP)-. Oln found In the death room of Albert L. Cheney, rich elderly man ufacturer, waa subjected to chemi cal analysis tonight, while In an other phase of the bizarre case po lice announced arrest of a secou4 person accused of forging Cheneys will disposing of a MOO.OOO estat. The gin was brought here In partly-filled bottle found In a La. Vegas, Nev., hotel room where Chen ey died March IS. Mrs. Hazel Bel. ford Olab, plump, comely red-haired widow, waa with blm. With Mrs. Olab already In lad. arrest of Fred Steeger, Indicted witu her, waa announced In Philadelphia, uie district attorney's office said. Steeger and his wife, Clara, were supposed witnesses to the algnlnf of Cheneys purported will whlca a superior judge held was written by Mrs. Olab over Cheney, signa ture after his death. Steeger waived extradition and win be returned immediately, said tb dlatrlct attorney, office. Hla wife at atlll sought. Mr.. Olab, Jailed In Ueu of tin 000 ball, announced she has not re linquished claims to the 9400.000 estate. Through attorney B. 8. Haha, ahe announced an Immediate ap peal would be taken from the de cision of Superior Judge William Palmer, holding the win fraudulent. Meantime, an autopay waa being completed over Cheney, erumed body. HI. death, at the time, waa attributed to heart disease. Dr. Hoffman Moves To Larger Offices Medford Building Dr. - F. Hoffman, well-known local chiropractor, has moved Into th Medford building, occupying a newly remodeled office, formerly that of the late Dr. Carpenter. In this centrally' located headquarters, according to announcement. When Dr. Hoffman first started hi practice In .this city In 1920 he: was) located In the Medford Center build lng and from there he took up office In the Liberty building for ten years. Until recently he has had his offices, over the Farmers and Fruitgrower bank. THE GRANGE Phoenix Grange Phoenix Grange met In regular session Tuesday night with an at tendance of about 40. Mr. and Mr. George Andrews were voted favor ably upon to become members, Mr. and Mr. Andrews have recently moved to this community from Aahland where they were very cttv) member In the Bellevlew Orange. All are glad to welcome them our Orang. Important announcement of fuW ure Orange activities which H should bear In mind were: car nival to be held November ( at th Orang hall, which la being plan ned by the way and mean com mlttee. This committee named sev eral committee chairmen, who will be responsible for the various booth and aide event, which will help assure success of th evening. - Home economics brought up for discussion, the subject of "Orsng Church Sunday." November 10 ws chosen and If this date I set la factory with those of th church committee, plan wilt he completed for trie event then. It wa Toted to attend church In body for th morning service and Invite th church member to the Orange ball for the covered dish dinner nd afternoon of fellowship. Heretofore) the entire day ha been spent th church. This will be th third year that Orange church Sunday ha been observed. Another date) of Interest will be the state Orang meeting at Medford, November 1. Lecture hour program wa la keeping with Hallowe'en, consist ing of tongs and skit, which was followed by gamea. At request of th lecturer, many dressed a children, witches, etc. Th serving committee wa Mr. Olive Anderson, Mrs. Donna Oraf tls, Mis Ida Bishop, Miss Elv Cas ter, Karl Anderson and Jerry Bishop. The birthday of 11 those having birthday In October w observed by cakea' prepared by the H. B. committee. The next meeting ot the Orang wiU be November 13. More WPA Propect WASHINGTON, Oct. 38. (API Comptroller General J. II. McCarl to day approved an additional t&9. 316.110 worth of WPA project In 31 states. Th Lady Lions Club will sponsor Ruhums. Sale for Chrtatmaa Toy Fund Frl. and Sat., Nov. 1 and 3, la Sparta Bids;. Use Mall Tribune want sds. ( DUect Reduction LOANS on HOMES Variable Interest 6 to 8 In Medford District First Federal Savmns Loan Assn. ot Medlord 27 No. Holly St. I