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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1935)
TVfc Second Section nn EDFORD Thirtieth Year Full Associated Pres MEDFOED, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2935. So, 183. M RIBUNE PLAN TO RAZE ! .SLUMS FOUGHT IN KANSAS CITY KANSAS CITY, Mo. (UP) The fed eral government ts rcsdy to give Kan sas City $t,000,000 for & slum clear ance project, but It appears the offer XfiM be rejected. Both the democratic ty administration and the real es tate board are opposed. A. E. Hutchings, chairman of the committee sponsoring the slum pro ject, and ministers are urging accept ance of the offer to clear the city's substandard houses and provide new, cheep, improved dwellings. The statement of H. F. McElroy. city manager, that there are no slums in Kansas City and that it "would be a waste of public money, to elim inate something that does not exist." brought a sharp rejoiner from Hutch- ; tngs. ) Modern Facilities Lacking ; A survey, he said, showed there were 8,000 houses here without mod- I era plumbing, 23,000 families do not j enjoy the use of adequate plumbing, 0,000 houses do not have running j " water, and that at least 1,000 houses are unsanitary. "Other cities and towns are beg ging for government aid to clean up their slum districts, but here the of fer is rejected because the city. ad- j ministration and the real estate board j contends tt would work a hardship on property owners who bear the j greatest portion of taxation, he said. "However, holders of real estate thould realize that such slum areas are costly to the city and the income from them is small, and that here the real hardship ia worked upon ) property owners." j Blamed for Immorality-' j Disease, immorality and delinquen- j cy go hand in hand with uch dis- . tricta. Hutchings said surveys show. Locally, he said, it was found that in 5 per cent of the city's area, where j 16 per cent of the population lives, j 40 per cent of juvenile delinquencies j occur and 40 per cent of tee city's-j tuberculosis cases exist. Immorality, I he said, ia traced to overcrowded con ditions. Presenting the real estate board's aide of the controversy Byron T, Schutz. president of the organization, said there are now vacant 5,235 hab itable units which rent for $15 or less a month. "Another point is that while there are many families occupying houses and apartments that are not modern, they atill would be unable to pay the rent the government would ask for its houses," Schutz said, "Many houses also areout of repair because houses also are out of repair because many vacancies exist that owners have beea unabla to make repairs " In two, roll off the table, or! An increase of 1 per cent te the jplefcion of work In the classes we re- In all, 33,198 certificate wer Issued J iayght th principle sf preventive jnis symptoms ef illnras, proper car t&aU, sJ care of ihs ?dw?y i in the tub. number of certificates Issued for com ported to national headquarters hera ! Besides baby bathing, students are and control of disease, how to zeccg-1 csn?3escfii or chronica? m pa- i ses in Us hsms TOWN PROTECTS OLD OAK TREE DELAVAN, Wla. (CP) The two-eentury-old fidelity on an oak tree and grapa vine clinging to It woo the protection of pioneers and their de fendant here, who have acted to perpetuate the union. Old settlers swung on the Tine dur ing their childhood. Union soldiers lined up for a quarter of a mile at the corner where the old tree stands to be eworn in for Civil war service. It la recalled. Sale of the corner to an oil com pany resulted In formation of ft com mittee which obtained stipulation in the contract for perpetuation of the tree and vine and provided for an nual examination fay a tree surgeon. The vine was sheathed In concrete two feet underground and eight feet up Its trunk. HUSBANDS LEARN ill TO WASH BABIES! ASHtNOTOH (UP) Domestic-', ally-inclined husbands gradually are j losing their fear for bathing babies, s according to the American Bed Cross. Many ipen are entered In Red Cross . classes which deal with hy-! gttne nd care of babies. Instructors repo't that fathers, by the skill they ; gain in practice, lose their fear that the baby they have to bathe may ; PtHt QVAtt 50 90 !J5 SPtAS MFG. CO K A em MO. HOUSEWIVES! OUR EXCEPTIONAL SALE OF SEWARES One -Piece Cast Aluminum Tub! I Another Reason Why the BEGINS SATURDAY You Can't Afford to Miss tffiesemmHtot valuer DISHES MOSS ROSE PATTERN DINNERWASE New Open Stock Pattern Jrnit Dishes, Salad Plate, Cereal Bows . Cup and Saucer, Utility Bowl, OC Sonp Plates Cvw Dinner Plates, Bakers, Veget- C, ible Dish, Platters 5wC 10c Full set for 6.. ..$4.95 IT " 1 - 1 H L a Another Reason Why the iM j j wire raw mm Cooking Utensils Vi quart Double Boiler QAf 34c 34c 44c 34c Ivory Enamel Sauce Pass, 3-qnart size . Swedish JSixing Bowl, enameled Dish Pan, large, ' enameled , 3-piece Aluminum Sauce Pan set . . . Cups and Saucers New Deeoraled 15c ' Popcorn Poppers Ok Several Stvles IaSa? GLASSWARE Beverage Set-Pitcher, A QQ 8 Glasses and' Tray......'. .1. wOC Vaculator 4-cnp glass 4 QC coffee maker, only... 9 1 a33 Green Glass Water Pitcher only ...... . .... Water Glasses 3 for '. 15c 10c GIFT ITEMS Large Chrorae Trays . Small Chrome Trays Chrome Relish Dishes Sandwich Server, Chrome Chrome Fruit Bowl Decorated Bread Board 4-piece Raage Set, revolving 4-piece revolving Refrigerator Cocktail Shakers ...fl.OO m$ 79 .69d 69 set 9S 49i aauM' of it rftap square tufe produces Kiany Rjore wb ciiTrrnt has sity sthr tali, tferreby prtHJae in$ fasttr, more ffic5ii &n& irr washing action. Being ne-pirr heavy rat Blumirmm it tHdestnwt sbie ana holds the neat a iJuriRg the vajtblne iriod. Ask Your Neighbor She Prefers A Special Trade-In Allowance Oh Your Old Washer While This Carload Lasts A very fortunate esdoad purchase enables as to offer TRAXJ2-IN AIXOWANCES for yossr old washer WHILE THIS CARLOAD IStS! Ws urge you ts ACT AT ONCE so that you iuay take advastsgs of added trade-in allowaaresl MODEL 110 $7450 Other Maytag Features! Csajster-simk Gyrator fast, gss- tle washsag actios Boiler Water Eetnover, with ss olosed, self -reversing drasa. ,. Sedimest trap that keeps the veater free from loosened parti- oles of dirt, m Auto-type bift lever ts start or stop washiog action. Quiet, oil packed, enclosed power drive, Hasdy hinged lid. . , Non-splash crown. Adjustable legs to salt ysnr height. Easy-rolling, rast-resistiag casters. And FHA Terms As Low A A MONTH Mir n ir utile,; The LAST WORD In Oil Burning Heaters THE BEAUTIFUL NEW AMERICAN Styled By Teague NO MONEY DOWN! Terms As Low As Sn tt'atrbfnjf Nf Rent f uel fcronomy Jt eel Hitrner f.'on;ttnDt Ierel Vfttre Ve.nted Feed f.ine AtitnmaHc Draft Hff u.ator ront-raJpft Pue Tank Yiflbl rinme Free Air CUvxtinma A MONTH The Big Games In the East And On the Pacific Coast Ars Always Available With a It's Just Like A Seat Near the 50-Yard Line Foreign Reception Too with Philco's Incomparable Short Wave! You Can Own a Phiico For As Little As 1. .--V . ' ..,v- CI y'v ($) A SET THE "RETURNS" J" JrtTS , I -1 lour j v V m . am nil n ff, jffr 1 k'M I i ! U ii p j 1 FRF.K. AT ONfR . mif I ?Nf ' Hi h , ? l' i v.,, A iwsp iftFili Jn radio recelpUan &a jss wltei? yas tit new Plf0 fw , OaiRiiJjs jfJ4 ?reptiesj s$fkm in mrt denijtfi nd feeaatyJ Vs IfJ in ddJ jomf faoHt AmerirBB ?iaits, jmt an iujie-iB on pess, Atraan. Am? firsts and Jap3?e nd cJBrity of tone ihcfcf tafiHj in U $190PHiLCO y e? strafdis $iie t , net yf itinmt f&F Itti ron ei AT i ?ae fflre CoRiwt ffee &g$i888 SMfeJ A WEEK Newest World Wide Aerial At No Extra Costf CO R . A TJ 229 East Main MEDFORD, ORE. Phone 497 Make Home Decorating EASY Be Sure To Use SAPOUN Paints Varnishes