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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1933)
UEDFORD MAIL TRIBUTE, lEDFORD, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER I, 1933. PXGE FIFTEEN You Can 't Afford to Miss the Buying Opportunities Listed Here Why Not Try a Want-Ad WAIT, to sell Tout nome? Want to get rid ot fw odd ana and In household Cumunlngat Do joa need tool tot row gar dint . . Mi inerpenslve want-Ad in the M iribuni Classified Pag will find the anw.i to thee and man? other perplexing problems. Here Are the Rates: per word nret insertion - (Minimum 25c) Each additional Insertion. Dei word J Minimum IOC) Per line pet month, without copy change $l3t 75 Phone LOST NU fOUNP UJffr If dog missing, call ISl. TT-nAm.rlm glasses Monday Sacred Heart hoe. oital and Riverside. Please return , to Mall Tribune. "WANTED FEMALE HELP SALESLADY Wonderful opportunity home. Electrical appliance; sells on eight. Box 12028, Tribune. WANTED SITUATION CAPABLE middle-aged woman wishes ideally situated; suitable for res v .1 r- home for employed cou- taurant, drug store or shoppe of vo care w ' - . j or work in restaurant or po-u- r . .1 . Box 12025, Tribune. tng noueo. WANTED Housekeeping; wages. Box 12020. Tribune. small MAN AND WIFE wans position on ranch. Experienced. Riverside Apt. No. 33. ""WANTED MWCtXLANBOCB WANTED Kerry Keen for Model A. Phone 479-X. WILL gentleman In small coupe who found small black and tan sable Pomeranian female dog. answering nsme Sally, please take her to Jack son County Humane Society? Re ' ward. WANTED To buy 811 Bennett St. a few chickens WANTED Lambs' wool. Paying high prices. J. J.' Osenbrugge, Medlord. WANTED Ewes and lambs. Box 10, Mall Tribune. Write FOR general painting and floor wax ing, call 806-L. WILL SHARE expenses to Salt Lake or Sacramento about Sept. 10. Box 13536. Tribune. WANTED Wool, hides and pelts; pre mium price for lamb's wool. Med ford Bargain House, 27 N. Grape. Phone 1062. TrAOTTtD Pasture lor cows, also want saddle horse. Chester Wendt, WANTED Laundry completely fin ished, 8o lb. Also day work. ' Tel. 4-F-2. WANTED Laundry completely tin- ,.h4 a In Phone 4-F-2. WANTED Modern bouse to rent, 3 bedrooms, waixmg distance courthouse. Phone H7-J.' WANTED White Leghorn pullet, niv. description and prloe. Box 123. Butte Fails, Ors. WOULD LEASE smsll herd Guernsey cows to party witn ieea. a. Howell. Rt. a. Grants Pass. wanted Household goods, stoves, tools or what have you. Medlord Bargain House. 27 N. Grape St. Tel 1062. WANTED Listings of valley homes !n exchange for choice Cal property- Staple Realty CO., Asniana. BAT GRINDING A specialty Brown, the bay grinder. 40 So. CeotraL TBONE 969-R. Have your furniture "rsupnoieterea. regiuea, reununea Thibault, JTJNK WANTED We pay cash for JUNK BATTERIES to RADIATORS. ALUMINUM BRASS. OOPPEB Si (link Of all deecriotlons. MED FORD BAROAIM HOUSE r No Grape Tel 1062 FOB BENT HOUSES FOR RENT 4-room modern house, unfurnished or partly furnished, st 510 Beatt.y St. Inquire next door north, or Phone 823-J. FOR RENT 7-room unfurnished . house; 4 bedrooms; near high school. Phone n-w. FOR RENT 115 North Oakdale, 5- room unfurnished, very desirable lower flat. Reduction- In rent al lowed for care of upper flat. Chaa. R. Ray. Realtor, Medford Bldg Phone 303. FOR RENT Completely furnlahed house. 411 Woodstock. FOR RENT 5-room modern house, est side. Phone 1858. FOR RENT House rent for carpen ter work. Box 13088. Tribune. . HOUSES 810. 612 0 and 618. water paid: wood rang Phone 108. FOr R.WTT unfurnished. Home furnished Brown to Whit. CLASSY modern 5-room stucco, front Cleat 833 pin. if"! ME8 FOR RENT Call 696. i FOB SALS OR RENT CMney Smith Dome turner west Main as orange Exclusive listing w L Vswtet Jackson 00 Bank Bldg. vx room furn'-ued home! 113 Cot- OB VEJ'iT APARTMtNTS FOR RENT a housekeeping room HO. at 137 Tripp. Inquire T03 w. 13th St. RENT 2 and 3-room furnlahed apart- menta. 016 No. Central. TO LET Purnlihed modern rooma: very reasonable rent. One block aouth of courthouse. Wm. F. Cempbell. 80 B. Main St. FOR RENT Cnfurnlshed apartment. combination living and dining room, sleeping room, kitchenette with bullt-tns, gas range, refrigerator. bath and toilet. Beat and water furnished. Rent 18 00 per month. Phone 7t or call at Mall Tribune offloe. DURRELL COURT. 329 No. Holly. FOR REST t'URNISHtD KOUMS ATTRACTIVE rooms. 404 8. Grape. POR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing mama with oath room oriel" leges, gsrage. 10 pet month, 13 set suveraiae. CLEAN rooms, good beds snd bosrd. Dedrover'a. T18 Welch. POR RENT Attractive rooma. board at 14 Cottage. good FOB RENT BOARD AMD BOOMS FOR RENT Good board, room. 1S3 No. Oakdale. BOARD AND ROOM at 718 B. Main Rates very moderate. FOB BENT -MISCELLANEOUS OARAOE or store room, 317 North Riverside, rent Boom 18x80 feet on drape St. Suitable for email busi ness. Located next - door to Mall Tribune Job Shop. Reasonable rent Call at Mall Tribune office or Phone 75. BUSINESS OPPORTUNIITIES FOR LEASE New. modern building. I nn25 feet, colorfully decorated. any kind; $35 per month. Located at 835 S. 6th St.. Grante Pass, Ore See owner, 514 8. 4th St., Grants Pass. FOB EXCHANGE WANTED TO TRADE Good Jersey cow for a plsno, ruDoer urea oug gy. John Deere dleo plow, 2-bottom 8-ln. gang to trade for radio or wood; coming- yearling Guernsey bull for sale. Ed vogei, nt. i Box 354, Medlord. FOR SALE OR TRADE 30 head! work and saddle horses. Tel. bjb-k. FOR EXCHANGE li4-ton Graham truck for panel delivery, rnont Flynn Electrio Co., 107-J. WANT LIVESTOCK Will trade equity In 6-room bouse, axcewent location uox 1063c Tribune. FOR EXCHANGE Light sedan In good condition, for truck. Phone 097-R-l. j-ROOM modern home bath laundry trar screened poroh Dullt-lns gar age shade snd rult trees; 6700 equity for car. acreage cabin site or what have yon Phone 1638-L. or writ Sox 13337 Tribune. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good eound work horse. 1400 lbs. 7 years old Walter Jones. 2nd house below bridge. So. Ashland. FOB KXCHANUE IttrnX. ESTATE FOR SALE. TRADE OR LEASE 10- cabln auto camp at Alturas. Cal. Big Fines Lbr. Co., Medford, Ore. . FOR EXOH ANOE 80-acre Irrigated farm. In cultivation, In Weld coun ty. Colorado, 34 miles north Den ver. 19 miles south Oreeley. A No. 1 water right. Want smaller prop erty nearer the west coast, J. M. Spurltn. Fort Lupton. Colo.' FOR SALE OR TRADE 320 acrea good farm land in soutnern Alberta for Medford property or acreage. Must be clear, owner. Mary E. ousuuson. Star Rt.. Medford. Ore. TO exchange Nice Uttle Dome In Bend. Ore., clear for something clear In Medford or Ashland. Prefer small acreage. What have you. 155 7th St. Ashland. FOU SALE REAL ESTATE WHEN you think ot real estate, think of Brown As White. POR SALE 4-acre ranch; alfalfa, fruit, walnuts, good buildings. Call 429 So. Front. FOH SALE AUTOMOBILES. BARGAINS IN GOOD USED CARS Liberal Trades and Terms. 1930 Bulck Spt. Coupe. 1930 Chrysler 70 Brougham. , 1929 Chev. Coupe. 1929 Chev. Sedan. 1939 Chev. 4 Coupe. 1931 Chrysler 8 Conv. Coupe. 1938 Packard Sedan. 1929 Ford Roadster. BUY NOWI ARMSTRONG MOTORS, INC. 38 N. Riverside. FOR SALE On Federal truck,' one Bulck sedan, cheap. Call 630 B Central. FOR SALE HOMES FOR SALE 3 bouses, both on paved streets near school; one rented trade for good country borne with small acreage. Will assume. Box 13580. Trlbun. or Phon 70. FOP SALE New 6-room modern house In Eugene, will sacrifice. Inquire 1129 Nlant St, Medford. 6-ROOM modern house. Price 61500 323 N. Riverside. Phone 319-X. FO8 SALE POULTS V FOR SALE 12 black Minorca hens. laying: 1 year old. Price 610 Phone 797-J. 17 R. I. Red pullets. Blood. Pitt view at nesr central Point. FOB SALS LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 100 sheep. Phon 417. FOH SALE MISCELLANEOUS POR SALE Golden sweet com. can taloupe, tomatoes. Damson plums. F. S. Carpenter, J vllt hlgawav, FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOB SALE Apples, erabapples. plums. nectarines. Bagley orcnara. rsient. WOOD for hay or potatoes, near Trail. R. C. Skellenger. Trail, ore. POR SALE Used sewing machines, all makes, as up; terms If desired. All makes rented) and repaired. White Sewing Machine Co., 24 N. Bartlett. FOR BALE Large Ice box: also large electrio range. too Dakota Ave. TUSCAN CLINO peschea. Olelm Ranch, Talent, Ore. FOR SALE 1-8 h.p. electrto motor and rotary pump, very reasonable prloe. Inquire Valandra. Hotel, cen tral Point. POR SALE 12-guage Western Pleld pump shotgun. 821 So. Holly. POR SALE Ultra violet health lamp, cheap. 112 Mistletoe. TOMATOES for- ssle at Calhoun ranch. 1 mile southwest phoenix, lo lb., already picked. Bring con- reinera. FOR SALE Tomatoes lc lb. Bring containers. Second white houee from crossroad on uld Midway road. DRAG SAW for sale: S blades. Hlway aacnange, bo. rnoemx. CUCUMBERS, cut flowers, dill pick les, urs. uressier, 1107 e. Main. FOR SALE Pickling cucumbers, all SIMS. 21s w. stn St. Tel. 1S45-Y. WINTER eabbate, cauliflower, broc coli plants. 1202 E. Itlh. POR SALE Port Ortord cedar boat, A-l condition. 846 Apple St. FOR ssnd. gravel, sediment, fertilizer ana teaming, Phone 912-J. MISCELLANEOUS Authorised Frlgtdalre Service. Other makea rep. Tel. 437; nights 905-Y. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstracts. MURRAY ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title, Title Insurance. Rooms 3 and 6. No. 82 North Central Ave., upstairs. '. JACKSON CO. ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. Expert Window Cleaners. LET GEORGE DO IT Tel. 1173. House cleaning. Floor waxing, ori ental Rug Cleaning, specialty. Job Printing. MAIL TRIBUNE JOB DEPARTMENT Best equipped plant, in wuuwn, Oregon. Printing of all kinds; book binding; loose-leaf ledgers, and blanks, bluing systems, duplicating cash aalee slips and everything In the printing lines. 38-30 N. Orape. Phone 75. painting and Paperhanglng. M. A. BLISS Painting and paper- hanging. Tel. 646-w. 313 S. Grape. Money to Lend. WE LEND MONEY ON FURNITURE AND LATE MODEL AUTOS Three per cent per month on un paid balance. No other charges. See w. B- Thomas, es soutn uentrsi. ground floor Craterian Theater Bldg. Stat License No. 8-157. Plaho and Violin Instruction. FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano. Halght Song Service. Arrang ing, composing, etc. 318 Liberty Bldg. Transfer, BADS TRANSFER STORAGE CO. Office 1015 No. Central. Phone 316. Prices right. Service guaranteed. REINKINQ TRUCKINO CO. Trans fer and storage. We haul anything at a reasonable price. Ill No. Fir Street. Phone 332. HAWLEY TRANSFER Expert pack ers and movers. Special livestock moving equipment. Prices' right. Riverside. Phone 1044-X. LEGAL NOTICES Suit tn quiet Title. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION In the Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon tor Jackson County. The California Oregon Power Com pany, a corporation, piaintirt, v. Rer-ln B. Packard, also known as Reason B. Packard, and aa R. B. Packard: Eutah Ann Packard, his wife, also known aa Euthann Pack ard, and as Eutha A. Packard, and aa Eutha A. Smith: I. M. Smith, husband of said Eutha A. Smith; Nancy Ann Hoxle, also known as Nancy Ann Hoxey; Almlra Avery, also known as Almlry Avery; R. B. Packsrd, also known ss R. B. Pack ard, Jr.; Edward Packard; Ellen Packard; Sally Packard, also known sa sady psckard; John Packard Charles Packard; Atty Packard, also known as Athy Packard; Jefferson Packard; Viola Packard, also known as Vloley Packard; children and heirs at law of said ftezln B. Pack' ard snd Eutah Ann Packard, his wife: John Dos Hoxey, also known as John Doe Hoxle. husband of said Nancy Ann Hoxey: John Doe Avery, husband ot said Almlra Avery; and the unknown heirs of ssld Resin B. Packard, deceased: of ssld Reason B. Packard, de ceased, and of said R. B. Packard, deceased: the unknown heirs of said Eutah Ann Packard, deceased, Euthann Packard, deceased, Eutha A.- Packard, deceased, snd Eutha A. Smith, deceased, and of said I. M Smith, deceased, husband of said Eutha A. Smith: also the un known heirs of said Nancy Ann Hox ey. deceased, and of said Nancy Ann Hoxle. deceased, and of said Almlra Avery, deceased, and of said Almlry Avery, deceased, and of aald R. 8. Packard, deceased, son of aald Resin B Packard, and aald Eutah Ann Packsrd. deceased, and of aald R. B Packard. Jr. deceased son of said Resin B. Packard, and sold Eutah Ann Packard, deceased, and of aald Edward Packard. Ellen Packard. Sally Packard, Sady pack ard, John Packard, Charlea Pack ard. Atty Packard. Athy Packard. Jefferson Packard. Viola Pack-, ard, and Vloley Packard, th ds-' eHw ceased children of sstd Resin B. Packard and Eutah Ann Packard, deceased; Thomas Chavner. also known as Thomaa Chavener; and Margaret Chavner, ble wife, also known as Margaret Chavener. and as Rose Chavner. and aa Rose Chavener. and as Rosv chavner, and aa Rosy rh.v.ner; and Maris ret Thompson. formerlv Margaret Chavner, also formerly known as Margaret Chav ener: Peter Chavner. also known a Peter Chavener. an as Peter J. Chavner. and aa Peter J. Chav- en;r: Michael Chavner. also known as Michael chavener; Mary A. Price, widow, formerly Mary A. Chavner. also known ss Mary A. Chavener: children and heirs at law of said Thomas chavner and Margaret Chavner, his wife: W. E. Thompson, husband of said . Mar garet Thompson: snd the unknown heirs of said Thomas cnavner. oe ceased, of aald Thomas Chavener. deceased, and Margaret Chavner, deceased, of said Margaret Chav ener, deceased, of said Rose Chav ner. deceased, of said Rose Chav ener, deceased, of said Rosy Chav ner, deceased, and of said Rosy Chavener, deceased; Iredell J. Phlpps. also known as t. J. Phlpps: C. P. Phlpps. his wife: W. J. Phlpps; L D. Phlpps. unmarried: D. E- Phlpps, widower; snd May Phlpps, unmar ried, also known aa Laura May Phlpps. and aa L. May Phlpps, children and heirs at law of ssld Iredell J. Phlpps and O. P. Phlpps. his wire: the unknown heirs of said Iredell J. Phlpps, deceased, and of said I. J. Phlpps, deceased, and of ssld O. P. Phlpps. deceased: Hester Jones, formerly Hester Phlpps, widow of said W. J. Phlpps. deceased; John Doe Jones, her hus band: Dell W. Phlpps. Dale Phlpps. a minor; Donald Phlpps, a minor: Alice Phlpps. a minor, and Callata Phlpps. children and heirs at law or saia w. J. Phlpps and Hester Phlpps: the unknown heirs of aald W. J. Phlpps; and also all other persons or parties unknown claim ing sny right, title, estate, lien or interest in the reel estate described in the complaint herein, and situ ated In Jackson Countv. Hmmii and Southern Oregon Credit Bu reau, a corporation, and R. H. Toft, Defendants. To Reeln B. Packard, also known as Reason B. Packar-I, and as R. B Packard; Eutah Ann Packard, his rife, also -.nonn as Euthann Pack' ard and as Eutha A. Packard, and as Eutha A. Smith: I. M. Imlth. bus band of ssld Eutha A. Smith: Nancy Ann Hoxle. also known as Nancy Ann Hoxey; Almlra Avery, also known as Almlry Avery; R. B. ?ackard, also known as R. B. Packard, Jr.; Edward Packard: Ellen Packard; Sally Pack ard, also .known as Sady Packard: John Packard: Charles Packard: Atty Packard, also known as Athy Pack ard; Jefferson Packard; Viola Pack- ard, also known as Vloley Packard; children and belra at law of said Realn B. Packard and Eutah Ann Packard, his wife; John Doe Hoxey, also known aa John Doe Hoxle, hus band of aald Nancy Ann Hoxey: John Doe Avery, husband of said Almlra Avery; and the unknown heirs of sstd Resin B. Packard, deceased; of said Reason B. Packard, deceased, and of said R. B. Packard, deceased: the unknown heirs of said Eutah Ann Packard, deceased, Euthann Packard, deceased, Eutha A. Packard, deceased, and Eutha A. Smith, de ceased, and ot said I. M. Smith, de ceased, husband of said Eutha A. Smith; also the unknown heirs of said Nancy Ann Hoxey. leceased. and of said Nancy Ann Hoxle, deceased, and of aald Almlra Avery, deceased, snd of said Almlry Avery, deceased, and ot aald R. B. Packard, deceased, son of said Rer-ln B. Packard, and said Eutah Ann Packard, deceased, and of aald R. B. Packard, Jr.. de ceased son of ssld Resin B. Packard. and said Eutah Ann Packard, de ceased, and of said Edward Packard Ellen Packard, Sally Packard. Sadv Packard, John Packard. Charles Pack ard, Atty Packard, Athy Packard, Jefferson Packard, Viola Packard. and Vloley Packard, the deceased children of aald Resin B. Packard and Eutah Ann Packard, deceased: Mail Tribune Daily ACROSJ I. Angry 4. Doomed t. Label U. A klnt of Judah II. Maltreat 14. Ths mllknah 16. Dull sound IT. Perfumes 19. Hollow-horned ruminsnt animals It. Small round mark It. Else It. Not saline or won If. Exist - 15. Wagoa track 29. Detail II. AI9S 13. Racompense II. Put In .17. Weary II. flinging vole Solution of Ytiterdty'i Puxzl Akl2A OTIS TOO L 5 V 0T1V1P O R RE T R I MT1R Y OT SJTRO E SNA PC I? F M E 6 6 E DliF AT Kl E S S E O N 0 M I A NTZJ PSALTE RflN IT E R rTTLrJR U BIHC p NE1P p 40. arow old 61. Employers 41. Segjllsi ending ,,; B,T,r, tense mw. Biitrni ni or pvUhnM 10. E4.b tuberi 1. Stitch DOWN 1. EnUngli a. Kind ot food I. Fm< chili 41. M.rchtvndlM 44. Wiser 46. Society bad: col lot). 47. Anoint l. City In Frane IS. PurpoBM 15. Wr&th ' I2 I3 WA K V' 17 is io n A ft ft : m ?"" " ao " "- m 3 m 22 23 p 2A 23 """" a 2J 23 ?p 2f" Vo "" & 3T" 33. " Jm 44 37" 43 25z5 JJT """" """" """" w , m Ml m .Ii 49 So 31 S3 S4 m 'M L I Thomas Chavner. also known as Thomaa Chavener; and Margaret Chavner, his wife, also known aa Mirgaret Chavener.- and as Rose Chavner. and as Rose Chavener. and aa Rosy Chavner. and aa Rosy Chav ener: Michael Chavner. also known sa Michael Chavener; son snd heir at law of aald Thomaa Chavner and Margaret chavner. bis tfl-':: and the Unknown Heirs of said Thomas Chav ner. deceased, of sstd Thomaa Chav ener, deceased, and Margaret Chav ner. deceased, ot ssld Margaret Chav ener, deceased, ot said Rose Chav ner, deceased, of aald Rose Chav ener, deceased, of said Rosy Chavner, deceased, and of aald Rosy Chavener, deceased: Iredell J. ' Phlpps, also known as 1. J. Phlpps; C. P. Phlpps, his wife; W. J. Phlpps. son snd heir at law or aald Iredell J. Phlpps, ana C. P. Phlpps, his wife: the Unknown heirs of said Iredell J. Phlpps, de ceased, and of aald I, J. Phlpps. de ceased, and of said O P. Phlpps, deceased; Hester Jones, formerly Hes ter Phlpps. widow of said w. J. Phlpps. deceased: John Doe Jones, her husband; Dell W. Phlpps, Dale Phlpps, a minor. Donald Phlpps, a minor, Alice Phlpps. a minor, and Callsta Phlpps. children and heirs a. law of said w. J. Phlpps. and Hester Phlpps: the Unknown Heirs or said W. J. Phlpps; and also all other persons or bartlea unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the reel estate describ ed In the complaint herein, and alt uated In Jackson County, Oregon: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you are hereby required to appear In the above .en titled court and cause and there an swer the First Amended Complaint on file therein agalnat you within ten (10) days from the date of the service ot this summons upon you if served within Jackson County, Oregon; or It served within any other county of Oregon then within twenty (20) days from the date ot the serv ice of this summons upon you; or If served out of the State of Oregon after an Order of Publication, or If served by publication ot such sum mons, then on or before the last day prescribed In the Order for publica tion ot said summons, which last day will be the 32nd day of Septem ber, 1933. This summons Is published In ac cordance with an Order made and filed In th above entitled court and cause, by the . Honorable H. D. Norton, Judge of the above en titled Court, and which Order has been tiled herein, and is ot date the 35th dsy of August, 1933; it requires this summons to be pub lished In the Medford Mali Tribune published st Medford. Oregon, once a week for a period of tour (4) con secutive weeks, and requires you and eacn or you to appear in said court ana causs and there answer ssld com. plaint on or before said last day for uie puDiication 01 saia summona, And you will pleas take notice that If you fall to ao appear and answer said Amended Complaint the plaintiff will apply to the above en titled court for the relief prayed for in aald complaint, to-wlt: That the plaintiff la the owner and entitled to the possession of the fol lowing described real property, sltu- atea in jaexson county, Oregon, to wit: Commencing at th Northeast ' oorner of Donation Land Claim No. 42 tn Township 37 South of Range One West of the Willam ette Meridian: thence south 89 degrees 68 mlnutet west 1788.3 . feet slong the Donstlon Land Claim boundary to the point of beginning; thence South 89 de grees 66 minutes west 403.67 feet along the Donation Land Claim Boundary to the easterly bound ary of the old Psclflo as Eastern Railway right ot way: said point being north 89 degree 58 min utes East 1330.9 teet from th Inside "L" corner of Donation Land Claim No. 42: thence South 13 degrees 38 minutes East 872.05 . feet along the Paclflo As Eastern Railway ngnt of way, wnicn fol lows the present right of way fence: thence south 7 degrees 64 minutes East 145.96 feet follow Cross-Word Puzzle lt..Written prom- liee to pay SO. Barren 31. Malt peechen: humoroui J. Swollen lb. Leave undone 36. Larue net bottomed boat IT. Compound ether 10. Former tn iwror 11. Substance used to de tect othr tubitancei 14. Poit of a talrraie 36. Olfactory organ 39. Leasee: rare 43. Approximately 4. Malt liquor 46. CompoaltUs for two 41. Reman tyrant 49. Point 40. Nativa metal 41. Korth Ameri can republic: abbr. , 13. RngiiFh liver 44. Bohld 47. Kind of Tea sel: abr. 4. Nots of the cale I. In t in te (. Playful it run fie T. KnKiUb letter f. Acts I. Diplomacy 19. Solemn tob der 11. Aeriform fluid IS. Female deer ing th Paclflo Eastern Rail, way right ot way to a point on the present fenos line; thence north 89 degrees 53 minutes sast 29808 feet; thence North 0 de grees .04 minutes West 505.90 feet to the point of beginning, containing 4.00 acres, more or less, all corner marked with a i-lnch pipe set In cube of con crete 12-lnjcl2-tn.xl2in. That all of aald property lies east ot the center line of the stream known ss "Beer Creek." Together with all th tene ments, hereditaments and ap nurtenancea belonging to or In any wise appertaining to aald real property, and That none of the defendants herein have any lien upon or rlgh' title or Interest In and to any of said real propervy; anu . That none of th heirs, known or unknown, of any of the defendants or nartles nsmed as detendants here- In. nor any ot those Included In the title aa "also all other persons or j paruea unxnown claiming ii r,"k line, estate, lien or inviMw ui real estate described In the complaint .r.i .,. .,,.,. i vv, rvin- ty. Oregon" have any lien upon or Interest of any kind in any or aaia real property, and that each and all I of the defendants herein snd the unknown heir of all of the defend- also a guest of the Wilburs and re ams herein, and all other persons turnpi wth Rev. Johnson and fam- mentioned as aeienaama nerein. be eluded from snv rU-ht. title, or In- terest in or lien upon any of said property, and for a decree quieting tne piaintiif s title in tee simple in and to all of aald property; And for a Judgment, for plalntlff'a coats and disbursements against such defendant as appear and an swer herein: . IT .Z ahau 5. ust and further relief as ahal be Just equuaoie in tn. prm. The date 01 tne nrst puuiicanun - ot this summons 1 th 35th dsy of August. 1933. The date or in last publication 01 this summons 1 the 23nd dsy or September. 1933. Dated at Meaiora, Oregon, tni 25th day of August, 1933. A. s. nEAjUBB. Attorney for th Plaintiff. 412 Liberty Building, Meaiora, uregon. . .... Notice 7. hereby 7 that .,. bids will be received by the under. .lnl until the hour of 7:80 n. m on the 19th day of September. 1933. and immediately thereafter openea by the City Council of said City,, for the purchase of City of Medford lie- funding Improvement Bonds, ln the aum ot Three Hundred Eleven Thou- ,1,11 nnAl rinll.M a-1 4 Ktn A m I """" L ...T to ne oaten as or ganujnr ..o., .l.nn.rv 1. 1Q-0 R-nria Noa. 1 13 inclusive. Jsnuarv 1. 1940. Bond No. 14 to 37 Inclusive, January 1, 43 inclusive. January 1, 58 Inclusive. January 1, 75 Inclusive. January l. 1941. Bonds Mot. 38 to 1943, Bond NOS. 4 tO 1943. Bond No. M to I 1944. Bond Nos. 78 to 03 Inclusive. January 1. 1945. Bonds Not. 4 to 113 Inclusive. January I. 1840, Bond Not. lis to 133 Inclusive. January I. 1947. Bond No. 138 to 153 inclusive. January 1. 1848. Bonds No. 154 to 176 Inclusive. .Tannarv 1. 1040. leonfa WAa. in 4ft 300 inoluslv. January 1. I860, Bonda No. J01 to 328 Inclusive. 'January 1. 1931, Bonds No. 337 to 303 inclusive. January 1, 1959, Bond No. 984 to 381 inclusive. January 1, 1963, Bonda No. 983 to 311 Inclusive. Each of said bonds shall b In ths amount of 61000.00. said bonds to bear Interest at the rare of 6 per annum, payable semi-annually, Xach bid must be in writing and units the ma it niaae oy a unttrng xuna oi im uity oi mtoioto. or oy .na oteve w "ZaSn rrr, . -, - . - . IIEN 111 HUB BbnKT, IOT nDi ISSS tHOU 2 of the per value of th bonis offered for sale. If any bids offend are not satis- factory to the City Council, aald "llt" rarerve i,ne ngns vo rejeci vile same. - as. u. auruiuj, City Recorder. Notice to Creditors. In the County Court of th State of Oregon for the County of Jackson, in the Matter of th Bstat of Prank D. prar.ier, deceased. Notice is hereby given that I have been duly and regularly appointed Administrator with th .Will AnneaM or tn above entitled estate under rnt ... V ' Oregon, duly made, rendered and en- terra upon August 10th, 1838. and all creditors having claims against said deceased are hereby notified to pre- .miv ,!. same omv veruiea, wi:n ""'il?nt?. 404 111 ,V, ""J?"!" ?on" to me at my orflce. Rooms aoi-8 Men lord National Bank bnlMln. Medrord. Oregon, within all months irom me aat of tnis notice. uated at Medford. Oreeon. this 17th dsy of August, 1833. O BO ROE M. RORRnTal Administrator with ths Will Anneied oi tn. astav ox rrsnn o. rrauer, BasuK, tvarrant rail Notlc IS herebv slven thaf. hw.l District No. 4, Jackson Oounty. war . ... HO 1B inclusive rZTZr .p'lV- .i"wrM.., . ' . -"i-'"-r , 4... war- rents to re presented far navm.nt . i the office of the District riartr ru. Hall, Medford, Ore von. REBECCA JBNAfrjr. Clerk School District No. 49 Central Point i-Eninau roirrr. oept. i-(8n .1 Dwlght Brown of San Francisco ZVroZTr ,nd " Franklin tenner, dein of Columbia ..,.7. n,,Mwi, . aa it reen guest at the home of hi brother - ln law and alater. Mr. arut Mra ra Faber. Mrs. Mary Robins of Oranta Pass was a Sunday guest of Mr. snd Mrs. C. J. Duncan. Th Soldier and Sailors reunion wss held in Ashland oirk Thursday, August 34. with fin attendance there being 104 renUtered. The lore noon was spent In visiting and re calling past event and ft bounteous' dinner was serve dst noon by the ladle of th various auxiliaries. At on o'clock all repaired to th wom an's club rooms where an excellent program was enjoyed. Greetings from th national presi dent ot the Woman's Relief Corps, Barbara Tyson, to the comrade was read by Ethel Weed, president of Oeneral John A. Logan W. R. O. of Medford, and announcement made that th 1934 Jubilee will be held In Medford. Wilbur and Leon Yakel are vaca tioning in Madera. California, their former plac of residence. Mrs. Joe Wright, Mrs. Eldon Glea- ion ind qco, Trelchler are among th0H ln mt loc,ut, who are affllct- ed with rheumatism. Miss Janlc Hesselgrsve has re. turned from Aromas. Calif., where she has been th guest of her sister, Mrs. Leola Reed tor some time. RT nd MfJ j M Jonn,on ,nd . . . . . dun,,r Am' nd n JM 'u' Monday evening from a month's journ in nogaies. Arizona, wnere ui were guests 01 men- anuKiiwr, . J. R. Wilbur. Mrs. Johnson's sister, urs. Wilson of Wlchlts, Kansas, was ,,y j., a n.uuhtlul trip "u Climax OUMAX. Sept, 1. (8pl.) Mrs. Eva O'Connor and Leo Woods of Lakevlew "",n tnelr motn"' .v u. n. Loi. cosarove, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Charley were In Medford Thursday. Twenty-alx people enjoyed a huge dinner Sunday at Lloyd Adamsons ranch and assisted with the rstalng of his new barn. Sam Coy took hi sheep to Lske Creek Sunday to be pastured, AO snjoyable party was held at the Hurst horn th last week-end. ckv leral Eaal Point famlllea wer pres- .r" :T . ... . " "tn.voc speu. .... pa.. w In Portland and returned Tues. aay. , Carl Hanson snd Kayton McLean left Wednesday for Los Angeles. Mr Hanson received word to return to nU position In th St. Helen's oil fields. 0lwlM WM at tn. 1 " " wv,- Miss mcui coy or arsgie roin. Tititea ner nrotner Tom weanesasy Mrs. a. m. warts returnea to xtucn I after a few days' visit at the Werts I home. cilia Mel. Baltv Heath snd "Curlv1 Colbeth ot Medford visited the Hurst and Comstock famlllea Tuesday. A. J. and Everett Orlssom are hav- tng some work done on their road this week N. N. Charley was a visitor ln Med- ford for a few daya recently. uttle Crystal Gold endeavored to win . -.-m-,in. i.v -.nH nn 1. ..Vl. hnl and barf a nulll I " . '"..LT V..' .TJ" : a" imsvr jua. .. -a- F7d mitton nas been riding iot I cattle her tn past few flays. Oeorgs McLean assisted L. H. Werts I with haying last week. Foots Creek FOOTS CREEK. Sept. 1. (8pl.) A minor rout was given August 30 tt th mouth of Oalla cwek, ln honor thi birthday of Mrs. Effla Birds- i -M .,. lrthii .k. wie bk4 I t.h. avanln were! Mr. and Mrs. Vlc- I I tor Blrdseye, David Blrdseye, LeRov Camron, Basel and Audrey White, Bobble Cameron, LeRoy, Loretta and I Terrain. Tomnklns. Phvllta and Re ind Miller and Beth Boomallter. , nmaiu .a .later. Mr. J. 0 rmason of Portland, called on Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Lance August 13. MlrT ay lert th first or tne weeit with Mrs. Horace jone ior a hi oajs 'Hit in oaaiann, cai. Mr. M. T. Boomallter and daugh- tera. Beth and Mrs. Leona Miller, .,,. n m uh mri '-w, w,?. ..,. ,.., ....v. norn lodg Mr.' and Mrs. Cleo Ollchrlet and ton Charlea spent August 24 with r. ana Mrs. k. ii. Miner, Margaret Batea of Rogue River vis. lted Mr. and Mr. Ted Dole Thurs- gay evening. Mr- and Mr.' Charles McMerrlcIc Alios snd oeorge, snd Mrs. Julia " " Mrs. Rucker remained to apend ser daT wltn n" ster, Mrs. John Cotton. Sybil Walker, oounty health nurse. wss on th creek August aa. Mrs. Bertha Fryer Is spending the week with Mrs, Beset Anderson of Applegate. Mr. and Mr. Robert Cook of Gold Hill are apendlng this week st their mlna whlla Mr. rVvtlr la vrlnrftn. nnfc - 1 or for Hlatt and Roblson from the North Fol mine on Blrdseye creek, Th. Olrl Seoul, from her. who en- u.1 . t... ,ti at bridge, were PhyllU MUler. Barbara, Marjorte and Jean Skeleton. They wer. accompanied ny meir leaner, Mr, pens, and 13 other ecouU. Charles Phlester called at Riviera on his way horns to Medford after completing flreplsee in tn new Bradahaw lodg at Savage Raplda dam. Mr. Fhlester 1 the father of u.a VlAla. KarihiV. who taUAht bmni v.are. . Is I i CCC Camp Foreman . faaao iy. Am RaXOr I . . - SALeM, Ore. (UP) uwnarn wai lulu, enrolled as a crew foreman a tn cisi c. o. c. camp in vieiep county. Insist that western loggers ar nc-men. To prov It, report th ttat for I es try department, Watlulta recently ahaved himself with hie axe, then performed use tonaoriai operant - on several of bit Impressed astern - 1 camp mat. POT BOILING OVER; (Continued from page One) don recently word of which never got In the newspapers. Present wer Foreign Secretary Simons, Canadian Tremler Bennett, Australian Premier Bruce, Atrlcan Premier Smut and heads of th British foreign orflce. Our confidential reports say Simon stressed the Importance of enabling Germany to get treaty revision la connection with her frontiers. Th British foreign seeretsry indlcsted what he mesnt was particularly th Potlsh and Hungarian frontiers. He Is reputed to have said th time for revision by arbitration had passed. Article 19 of th League of Nations provides for such aibltra. tlon. Herr Hitler la doing his bit to win English sentiment around to th Nasi cause. Dlplomatlo mall pouch dispatches from Oermsny say an additional fund of 10,000,000 marks has been set aside for propaganda purposes. Part of this money Is to be spent 111 Britain. One stunt contemplated I the founding of a weekly publica tion allegedly to be "an Independent Journal of British opinion." Another goodly cut of th fund Is to be expended In bringing young foreigners, particularly from th Bal kans. to Berlin and training them ln the manner of a Hitlerite. Down In Italy Benito Mussolini has a hidden Iron In the fire. Our agents report XI Due want to unload Flume. But he'd do It In such a way aa to n hailed for his "concession" and get a tew of more material nature In return. Flume Is a dead turkey as a sea port. In th first plac It get too much competition from Venice and Trieste. . In addition th railway running to It through Jugoslavia Is asking exorbitant freight rates. When British Premier MacDonald and Foreign Secretary Simon went to Rome some tlm back to an nounce the Four Power Pact Mua sollnt was set to spring Ms plan to be generous If h could mak It pay. Opposition from th Wrench and th Little Entente together with a tension between Italy and Ger many delayed the scheme then. The time Is nearlng when it will be hatched formally. England Is facing a problem IB connection with her emigration. Ordinarily about 300,000 Britishers leave their native Islet (very year to seek their fortunes. This ha been about the figure for thirty years. Now for th flrat tlm Bon f her subject ha gone out and 8.000 have come back to th mother coun try. With mouths to feed -and now demanded th situation la giving th English torn concern. When th Graf Zeppelin left Fried- rlchafen recently on her trip to Rl de Janeiro the Nazi swastika waa floating from her atern. It waa th flrat tlm Herr Hitler's emblem bad shown on the giant airship. Th Germans ant undertaking regulsr fortnightly nervloe between Oerman and South America carry. Ing passengers, freight and mall. Fifteen passengers wer aboard to th Inaugural flight. 4- If MASSACRE PICKED DP, KLAMATH FALLS. Or. (UP) A grim reminder of th bloody massa cre of more than 40 women and chil dren' of an emigrant train by a war party of Flute Indians near her a th SO' was found recently. An old rifle barrel of th cap and ball type waa picked up off th shores of Massacre lake (scene of th. bat. tie) by tourists. The lock was smash- ed and the barrel bent. Th. pioneer usually bent th barrels and broke the lock on their weapons to p re rent Indlsns using them. ) Seeks Recluse EstalEe Mrs. Nellie Jan Or 1st, SI (abova), ef Greenfield, Ind., filed tult In Natchez. Milt, to break will al legedly mad by Jtn Surget Mer rill, wealthy rtclua who wss tlsln last year. Mra. Orlet eontendt th It Mitt Merrill'! dtughttr. (Asso ciated Preal Photo! I vr--' '