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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1933)
PAGE THIRTEEN Local and Personal To Seattle MUs Orac Slntma is pending ths week in Seattle, having left Medford Saturday. " Child Dies The InXant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Q. E. Pry, born at the Sacred Heart hospital yesterday morning, died Thursday afternoon. No Kl wonts Meeting Aa Monday la Labor day, there will be no meeting of the Klwanla club at noon at the Hotel Medford, announcement made today states. ' . - Journey North Lieutenant A. O. Dunn and Sergeant James O'Brien left yesterday for Salem, where they will V attend to official matters at the Ore 'gon state police headquarters. Loses Wheel Louis Jennings of 918 South Holly street reported to city police today that he had a wheel stolen from his trailer at the rear of his residence last night. To Celebrations Sergeant Keith K. Ambrose of the state police left this morning for Lakevlew, where he will be stationed during; the roundup which opens there tomorrow, and continue through Labor day. Officer W. H. EUensburg left for Oold Beach today, and will be on duty during the celebration Saturday and Sunday. TT HURRY! HURRY! It Ends Saturday Mte Blilliii fttnrtn Sun. "KINO KONG" Fined 110 W. H. Stewart was fined 10 in etty court Thursday afternoon on a charge of being drunk In a pub llo place. He was arrested the pre ceding evening. t Call Rehearsal The Jackson Coun ty Teachers' chorus will meet at the courthouse auditorium Saturday) morning at 10:30, for rehearsal. It was announced today. Hunting Doves Nlon Tucker of Htllaboro, Cat., and party are now at, Corning. Cal., where the dove season Just opened. Mr. Tucker plans to continue to his place on the Rogue river In a few days. i I Open Revival Meet Special revival meeting will begin at the Free Meth-; odlst church Sunday evening, Sep tember 3, Rev. R. J. Milton, former pastor at the Portland First church will conduct the services. Leave Sunday Mtss Olga Anderson, chief deputy In the sheriff's office, and her niece. Miss Winifred Trltch of Grass Valley, .Cal.. are leaving Sun day for a two weeks' vacation in port land, Seattle and Vancouver, B. C. Returns to Medford Patrons of Mrs. Iva Fredericks will be glad to hear that she has returned to the Medford Beauty shop after spending the summer at "Tahoma" lodge on the Rogue river. Returns South Bruce Dennis of San Francisco, well-known newspaper man, continued his trip to San Fran cisco on the Shasta Wednesday even ing, having spent yesterday here on business. Deficiency Three Inches The weather report by the U. S. weather bureau located at the airport, shows that during the year, ending August 31, the total deficiency in preclplta tatlon for that period was 3.18 inches. The excess last year was 4.30 Inches. the total fall In 1933 being 23.44 Inches. This year It was 14.90 inches D Old Fashioned Crullers Remember the tender crispy crullers your Grand mother made? Wo have discovered a formula which duplicates the goodness of this old time favorite and tomor row we will have a special, price introductory sale which you shouldn't miss. 19c doz. These are just the thing for your week-end outing. Easily packed and popular with young and old alike. We have done our part Nine new employees since August 1st. Al Stewart and His 8-Piece Gang Back Again '. . With Better Music . . till JACKSONVILLE LEGIONNAIRES FREE! Show Your American Legion Cards at the Door We Have a Ticket Ready for You! Out-of-Town Visitor K. O. Psber. Central Point merchant, was a court house visitor this morning. Visit i Brother Mia Aletha Gray Is visiting her brother. Richard Oray. In eastern Oregon, where he teaches school. t Returns from South Mrs. Grace Brown has returned to Medford from San Francisco, where ahe has been spending the past month. Meet Tonight A meeting will be held this evening at 8 o'clock, of the Southern Oregon Mining association. The gathering will be held In the Chamber of Commerce building. Shreve to Speak Roy Shreve will speak this evening over KM ED at 6:20 o'clock, on the N. R. A. move ment, and the duty of the citizens to support It. Clothes Stolen L. W. Marshall of 450 Haven street reported to state police this morning that several ar ticle of clothing were stolen from the clothesline at his residence some time during the night. .Arrested for California Charles Havey Hutch Ins, miner who resides at Rogue River, was arrested at 0:30 o'clock Thursday evening by the sher iff office on a complaint from the district attorney's office In Vlsalls. Cal. Hutch inn is charged with forg ery of an Indorsement on a bank check. t Melon Stealer Sentenced .... Robert Husband was sentenced to 30 days in Jail and to pay a fine of $35, yester day afternoon, by Justice of the Peace William R. Coleman. Husband en tered a plea of guilty to stealing watermelons to the value of 2 from the Otto Bohnert patch. Bohnert has suffered heavily from melon thieves. Reconnollcrs Sites Captain Rob ert P. Dark left yesterday for the coast, where he will reconnoiter pro posed winter camp sites for the C. C- C. It Is probable -that some of the winter camps in the eastern part of this district will be moved to the coast for the winter. Lieutenant Carl R. Armbrust said today. Attracts Visitors The large chrys anthemum sunflower on display In the Chamber of Commerce building, having been grown by H. D. Cady of 16 North Orange street, has been attracting the attention of the many people who call at the office. The ! flower, which la the hue of a sun j flower, has the appearance in shape j of a chrysanthemum. I ; Seeks Divorce In the circuit court , of Josephine county, Mrs. Bendlna ! Carl has filed a divorce complaint t against W. N. Carl, on charges of mental cruelty resulting in their sep : aratlon In March. In the complaint she charges her husband with a bit ! tcr. nagging disposition. They were , married in Long Beach, Wash., Sep- tcmber 6, 1905. The court Is asked to ' decree her an entry to her land In I Jackson county and certain water rights. j Flowers on Display A number of "lovely bouquets are arranged in the Chamber of Commerce window, hav ing been brought In by Mrs. O. J. Wolfe of 508 South Qrape street. Two large bouquets of asters and gladioli were also brought to the Mall Trib une office by Mrs. Wolfe, who has many fine flowers in her garden. Egan Goes East H. Chandler E&an left Thursday night for Cincinnati, Ohio, where he will play in the na tional amateur golf tourney which he won two consecutive times over a quarter of a century ago and also attend the meeting of the National Amateur Golf association committee of which he is a member. He expects to be back In Medford in three weeks. Stars at Rialto Joan Btnnett gives Juiwi Dunn the cold shoulder at first then turns around and grabs him for herself. It's from "Arizona to Broadway." playing at the Rialto theater tomor row. Herbert Mundln Is also fea tured. There will be no showing of this picture tonight, the theater having been rented to the Christian Science church, who will hold a lecture there this evening. Complete Vacntlou Miss Constance Andrews and Miss Jessie Mastln re turned last evening from a two weeks' motor trip to San Francisco and other bay points. They made the trip south via the Pacific highway, and returned through the redwoods. ' . fJold Dust Slolen Frank Oedig of log East Eighth street filed a com plaint yesterday with city police that some (told oust valued at 3.50 had been atolen from the tin shop where ne la employed. ... Labor Day llnlidny Many Medford people plan on outing trips over Labor day the last outdoor holiday of the year. Diamond lake. Prospect and Lake o" the Wood, are the favorite spots, with many Journeying to the LAKeview roundup, i ... j Bybee Curve Safeguarded Fol-' lowing a series of auto accidents at I the Bybee curve one fatal steps have been taken for safety appli ance Installation At an rlv rinh. Signs and a red light will be placed m position. . .' . On Vacation Trip Miss Jane Han sen of tha local Cinderella ahop. and Miss Maud Morton of the Cinderella shop In Grants Paas, ar eleavlng to day by motor for M-dera, Cal., where they will be guesta over Labor day of Mrs. H. C. Sims. They plan to return here Wednesday. Returns from Roseburg A. S. ' Buckaroos At Dreamland The l tah (Im-karoos who are playing at Drrninland tonight, ntlt play over KMjKU from 5:13 to 5:45. Rosenbaum, district freight and pas senger agent for the Southern Pa cific company, returned here this forenoon on the Orrgonian from Rose burg. where she went yesterday on business. Grand Jury RcreAM - The- grand Jury has completed Its labors, fol lowing an inspection or the county poor farm, machine shops and court house offices. Any report It makes will be filed with Circuit Judge H. D Norton unon his return from Klsmath Falls. GEORGE O'BRIEN IN 'SMOKE LIGHTNING' George O'Brien has found a screen pal at last. Heretofore the western star has played n "lone wolf part in tales of the cattle country, doing his fight ing single-handed and getting little assistance from anyone. In "Smoke Lightning," which comes to the Roxy tomorrow, O'Brien Is teamed with Prank Atkinson, the British comedian, who has the role of a loyal but somewhat Indifferent fellow cowpuncher. Nell O'Day and the nine-year-old rodeo star, Betsy King Ross, have the principal feminine roles. FRESNO. Cal . Sept. 1. (UP) Young Corbett III, of Fresno, former welterweight boxing champion, has quit boxing. The Fresno Italian, champion of his class from February 22, last, when he beat Jackie Fields, until he dropped the crown to Jimmy Mc Larmn of Vancouver. May 29. an nounced his retirement today. TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY! TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Cozy 5-room cottage, modern, fine lot and garage. Just off West Main 8X. Must sacrifice this place at 1000; terms. Write Boi 26J for appointment. FOR SALE Inquire at 723 HcAn drews road. If you want to buy a dandy little acreage adjoining the city, at a price far below Its value. FOR SALE Baled straw, 30c per bale. E. II. Niedermeyer, Phone 697-R-l. WANTED Boy for general work around greenhouse. Medford Oreen hou&e. Tel. 874. FOR RENT Oarage, 314 No. Bartlett, FOR SALE My home. 4. room house, large lot 70x129; cheap, for 530. Come see It at 428 Hamilton St-Medford. FOR LEAdE 4 Glen 0k Court. 7 room attractive stuccc. unfurnish ed or partly furnished; hardwood f loo is, fireplace, tiled bathroom, basement, piped hot air furnace, attractive grounds. Charles R. Rav, Realtor, Medford Bldg. Tel. 302. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE 10-acre Valley View ranch: 6-room house and bath, cooler, 3 large screened porches, 3 large poultry houses; water piped to all: granary, barn, gar age, alfalfa, pasture, grapes: 2750. full price. R. A. Rolf, Central Point, Ore. FOR SALE Young turkeys hatched May 1st, cheap. Inquire Peter Betts ranch, Eagle Point. WANTED Green gatre plums and peaches. Caaparte, 616 W. 13th. TRAILER Good tires, 10. phone 1385. Notice of Final Arronut. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson Countv. In the Matter of the Estate of Euphemla J. Warner, Deceased. The undersigned, Administrator with the will and Codicil annexed, of the Estate of Eupheinla J. Warner, decensed. has filed his final account on the administration of said estate with the County Clerk of Jackson County. Oregon, and the above named Court haa fixed 10 o'clock a. m., Sep tember 30, 1933. at the court room of said Court, Cour mouse. Medford, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections thereto, and al lowing and settling the same. RAWLES MOORE. Administrator with the Will annexed. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY CASH PAID for men'a secondhand suits, odd oouta. nau and shoes Will H. Wllaon. 33 N Front St. TOP PRICES oald tor 2nd hand fur niture. Berrydale 2nd Hand Store 1603 N. Riverside. Phone 266. BIO green slabs, per load 2-load lots. 188 Medford Fuel Co, Tel. 631. BARTLETT8 for sale on trees. . An derson farm. Talent. Phone Ash land 436-Y. 4 ... 1, RCA PERFECT SOUND Ends Tonite KA "EVENINGS FOR SALE " Buy Your Winter FUEL NOW! V Order GREEN PINE SLABS Delivered Direct From the Mill Tins fuel will dry in about 30 days and you have effected A BIG SAVING Phone 7 Timber Products Company End No Central Ave. A Good Finn to Trade With SATURDAY ONLY Continuous Show 1:30-11 A SON OF THE SADDLE George O'Brien King of westerns ill Iff ju 'NellO'Day Betsy King Ross Frank Atkinson From the rtoiy '"Canyon Walls" irZancGrer rA'noWiy David Howard FOX Plctur ALSO CARNIVAL FAIRGROUNDS SATURDAY DINTY MOORE'S LITTLE GIANTS Men 35c . Ladies 10c Slum, at , m mm U Ma ise i-0 II 1 ff .PjTlh ml Ml Eves 55 7:15 - 8:15 1 I 1 1. Wa, L,inWJ Klddlrs a Dim WOItl.D'8 FINEST SOI ND . . . UCA IIIOII FIDELITY WIDE TUNGEI H ENDS TOMORROW NIGHT Q wjomnaavn rri mm DANCE Shows at 2:00 7:15 - 9:15 Never Before Such a Picture . . . Never Be fore Such Crowds! With all Medford as a grand and glorious audience! If you miss this picture, you'll miss the entertain ment treat of a life time! ...BUT... you'd better hurry ! IT LEAVES TOMORROW! "Thunder In llwta" am IPHODI K ! I WW lugboati MGM's Comedy of Heart Throbs With ROBERT YOUNG MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN WILLARD ROBERTSON JTV . H 11 r iisi XtmWMJ Jimmy Dunn m t confidence man A Fi Mr n,, lBt confidence . and III Wir . hli heart . . when It came to XJv framing pretty girl. Set against background of lilting tanea, ' NiTVl j I red-hot mamas, swooning rhythms It s a Mot! . with f 7--, JAMES DUNN JOAK BENNETT I 1 K HERBERT MUNDIN MYRNA KENNEDYjir Z :::::::: 8L """mc l ficf ' BENEFIT ' SUNDAY NIGHT ' : rK. 9Sm FAIRGROUNDS I "lil'tA ""t BENEFIT OP THE MEDFORD SSli 1 BASEBALL TEAM v XjlTfI--i I DINTY MOORE 5 nra 1 NS(S J j LITTLE GIANTS I -v 1 I 1 1 i I 1 ' d i a a r Sun.-Mon.-Tue. It I SOUTHERN OREGON'S FINEST THEATRE Positively Ends Tomorro Vanllr rnmrdr Mlrkrr Moue I 5VpVf a 1 A College Life in the Raw-Raw I Bing Crosby Burn & Allen Jack Oakie COLLEGE HUMOR f Radio's Nationally Famous Singing and Pkylng Cowboyi, Direct from KSL and 0BS Chain "SMOKEV'andHis F LATINO THE LATEST DANCE HITS AT DREAMLAND tonight SsSr.:::2: riHvlnj Oifr K.MBD Tnlle, .1:1,1 In :4S