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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1929)
3A0E FOUR? afEDFOftft MATT, TRTBTiyR. MEDFOTID. OKFlONT. FPJDAY, MAKCII 20, 1929. Your Medford. Piggty Wiggly Co. Where 100. people' help themselves while 10 are being 'waited on. Each article plainly marked by a swinging price tag. No fuss, no iii rry with nervous clerks. Take as long as yon want to '.-:a ct your needs from a complete stock of popular brands nt dependable merchandise. Vou 'will enjoy shopping tha Piggly Wiggly way. J Pound Creamery Aftr 1 ..BUTTER I . u 2 : ; ,95 c Viut ohialiinhle 3Ss;AE, $i.oo pifigly Wiarsty Mi'iiil. inltd flitvor 1 Quart Jar Best" Foods 7 C r MAYONNAISE U4 IPint Jar Best Foods Q O n RELISH : - 00 U (Host FcHXl) 1 Carton Chesterfield 1 1 O CIGARETTES : ' Pound Caddy CRACKERS 43 c e&ch .' 2 Pound Package Premium Graham -2C r. CRACKERS 2 Pounds Silver Nut Q OLEOMARGERINE The Mnnl of wny "Olw on tlw ninrkct ' - 3 Packages DKr JELLO 1 Dozen Fine C cookies ; JC 2 Pounds Bulk . OKn COCOA , 2 Small Pkgs. Quaker Quick OATS J IAlber's Premium 3E OATS JJC 1 Alber's Premium 1 WHEAT FLAKES JC 1 Pkg. Kellogg's ICin A WHEAT BRAN 1 Pound Bulk -i 91 1 NOODLES :....AZC 1 1 Pound Bulk in SPAGHETTI 3 Pounds MACARONI o C Bulk ;, ChOC "I Pounds r q Lyj SUGAR ooc 1 fl Bars P & G Q T iU soap r JVC 1 f Ba White Wonder o C iU soap : JOC 3 Loaves on BREAD 6UC Bunch Turnips Bunch Beets Pound White Cauliflower Bunch Fine Mammath Celery Bunches Fine Asparagus ........... Bunches Nice Head Lettuce Dozen Oranges Dozen Oranges Dozen Oranges, medium large .. All flno Mvivl unvcU Dozen Tangerines ...5? 5 ...Sc 1LV 35 .15 ,.43o 13 Piggly Wiggly Market EASTER SPECIALS Turkeys Chickens Rabbits Lambs Hams- on Per pound,.. JJ Clioirc'Steaks 50 Per' pound Q OCQ lot Koast O OO Per pound .'. Phone K36 o We Deliver PIGGLY WIGGLY All Over the World Yes, we deliver orders $3.00 and over Free, in city limits. (Sugar excepted) i- Extension of the California Ore son Power company's distribution j line to Murphy in now under way. meeting a need which has been felt j for years. Twenty-five reHt dents of the Murphy road section are siKned up for the power, with 10 Installing; complete electrical equipment. The line will be constructed as far as' the Murphy school 9 row the Ap-! plepate river at the present time. I Residents of the upper Apffogatej and Williams creek sections are endeavoring to olitttin further ex--tension Into their districts. Grants' p'&aa Courier. j "Legion Whoopee Jievue," April' 1. Try to get In! 8 Order your cut flowers now for Raster. ' Choice selection of roses, carnations, sweetpeas, tulips and many others. Medford Green House, 1005 10. Main. Phone 374. S With the arrival of the recent warmer w cut her, radio reception, as far as distance is concerned, is not as good as It has been, accord Ing to local radio listeners, who had been In the habit of listening to eastern stations regularly. Static is said to be increasing and it Is generally expected that it will not be long until it will reach the aver age summertime condition. KineaWi's Imperial Orchestra, Gold Hill Hat. night. 8 We have choice Easter lilies. Monarch Heed-Co. 6 Mrs. Thomas Hlckerstaff arrived here yesterday from her home in Mill Valley, Col., to visit her moth er, Mrs. Leo J.. Mikschc, for tho next month. Fresh shipments of smelt arrlv ', Ing daily. Free delivery any place In city. Johnson's Market. Phone 97. 1 ' 338tf Itucker's Taxi. Phono 68. Rates 26c. Prompt service. ltf An announcement has been made by the d (Vector of the training schools at, the Oregon Normal that training centers will be opened In Salem. CoKvallis. Monmouth, Inde pendence and Volsetz during the coming summer term. Only those students grudtiallng or completing work foi a-teaching certificate dur ing the summer will be permitted to do practice teaching this sum mer, due to the lack of facilities with which to take care of a larger group of tttudeiits. Dunce (111 2:00 at Gold Hill East er ball, Gold Hill Sat. night. 8 ' Pon't forget to drive out to see tho location for the new airport oiie of these evenings. Signboards lead off from tho Crater Lake highway opposite the National Guard-field and Pacific highway! near Owen-Oregon Lumber com-' pany. 9 J. Heston Grieve nnd Dewey Hill j of the Prospect hotel resort were nmonr the out of town members ', attending the Klks lodge last night. ; Dry fir slabs, 6 load. Tel. 631. Medford Fuel Co. SJ-ltf Factory blocks, $6 load. Tel. 631. , . Medford Fuel Co. 324tf j Kfforts were being made today Ijy Miss Lillian ltoberti, oxecutlve I secretary of tho" Jackson county j lied Crorts chapter .to locate a man : named Hubert Anderson, believed to be residing In Medford or In the ! nearby vicinity. Anderson is an j elderly man and I.m being sought ; by hi dauKhler-in-law, Mrs, Felix : Anderson of Saskatoon, Can. He Is said to be a former minister and to have resided In Jackson county for years. 1 Old-time dance, Walker's tonite. Any voter desiring to visit tho proposed site for the airport and does not have a car will be fur nished free transportation by tele phoning tho Chamber of Commerce 63. 9 Mr. and Mis. William McDan-' lels of Hueh spent yesterday and last night at the home of Mrs. Mc- Daniels' xbdor, Mrs. William Han- 1 wen of Medford. Itynge's old-time danco every Thurs. and Sat. at Nat. 9 Money loaned to worthy people (o pay their honest debts. Thomas Kealty Co., Urn. 1-. Palm Ulk., cor. ' Main and Front, upstairs. Guests from Portland at local ho- tels include C. U. Welch, C. K. , God bey, H. J. Ueddow. C. Sly tor. J. W. Keenan. 11. T. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. C. Grelle. Jus. II. Grrlle. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Smith. Iloyd French, J. 1)., Uucll, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Iturkc. Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. 11. Oak leaf aurt boy. K. l. Smith. A. C. J Smith, I. U. ration. J. H. Pal-' more, Mr. and Mrs. 1 ami is Ebert, ; ,IJ, W.v Olson. Mary Anderson, G, A. Mitchell. Herbert Moxon. 11. It. Wilson and 1. O. Myer. 1 Danco tilt 2:00 Ht Gold Hill Kat or ball Gold Hill Sat. night. 8 One thousand faster lilies. See our display at Liberty Market,. Itonuo Valley Floral Co. Tel, 1040. - 8 The tcncnil health of Jackson county is- showing continued Im provement, according to the. county health unit, which today reported 'a decline In 'scarlet fever cases, after tvivlng been prevalent sev eral weeks nuo, Thre also have been no additions! smallpox cases, following an outbreak of seven cascs in the Charles Swift family of Medford. , Cheap dry lumber at Medford Lumber S"tf l.oeal miTrest Is being aroused In tha first rodeo of the season to be held in northern California or southern Oregon at Yreka a week from next Sunday. The rtuleo will be st agvd by W 1 1 1 ia m Ness, w h o was a visitor In Medford this week. Mr. Ness has a big string of horses perform!: In the rodeo, which will Inchui ffilldoKKln:. roping and bucking contests, as well as races. Quite delegation of Medford ro itco fnns are planning to attend. 1 Kaster ball. Jackson Springs Club Sat. night. 9:S0 till 2. 8 W. J. Tanner, formerly In the real estate business here, now In the same bu.lnesM in Kin Fran cisotK Is here looking after prop erty Interests. Mr. Tnnnr says the city and valley has made a wonder ful growth sine he left, and says he always hears nl thlnKS about this city. O Gt those fenders and auto bodies straightened at drill's Sheet Metal Works, opposite Lewis Super Service SJatlon, Phone 418. tf Two more three-cushion players were eliminated -from the city championship tournament In larft night's games when Dr. W. E, Lan tls defeated W. Hopp by five points ! and Batten defeated Dr. Winkle in another handicap mfctch. Both men have been defeated three times' and the tournament Is expected to end next week, with the edge given to ! N. Fuji to win. Fuji has won three i games and has not yet been de- j feated. Dr. Lantls has- won two ! games and lost two. 1 i Easter ball. Gold Hill Sat. " 8 Mr. and Mrs. George Walker left J for Glendalf. Ore., yesterday, called i by the death of Mr. Walker's sister. Kincatd's Easter ball. Gold Hill I Sat. night. Dance till 2:00. 8' Temporary auto licenses were is- j sued at the county clerk's office yesterday to Florence Spackman, J. R." Crews and Gordon Stout of I Medford, and J. C: Mayham of Eagle Point. If you are registered, whether you Yire a taxpayer or not, you can vote on the airport bonds Tues day, April 2nd. 10 Wentworth Gos., former Pacific Air Transport pilot located in Med ford two years ago with the trans port comtfany, was a visitor at the local landing field yesterday, flying: a two-passenger amphibian plane, with which he was en route to Se attle from 'Oakland. This plane is capable of landing on land or. water and Is of a type rarely seen her.e. Easter ball, Jackson Springs Club Sat. night, 9:30 till 2. 8 Mr. and Mrs. W. F. "VVeygen of Chlloquin are spending several days In Medford visiting a number of friends. The Weygenjs formerly owned tho Court street grocery store In this city. Fancy dressed turkeys, chickens and capons at the public Market Sat. a. m. only, March 30th. N. F. Ohrt. Trail. , 7 Peace was reigning In the Ash land gasoline war "battlofront' after all dealers In the city decided to sell gasoline at the standard price of 27 14 cents per gallon. Up until last evening, three dealers were selling for 22 cents, arousing the Ire of their competitors, who threatened various things If they did not brgst the gas price. Kincald's Easter ball. Gold Hill Sat. night. Dance till 2:00. 8 Obituary SULLIVAN Funeral services for Melville C. Sullivan, Civil war ! veteran who passed away at Ash- land where he had been confined; to a hospital for more than two ; years, will be held at the Conger chapel at 2:30 Sunday. Services ' will be under auspices of the Med- : ford G. A. R. with the local Ma-, sonic lodge in Charge at the grave. ( The remains will he laid to rest beside his deceased wife In Med- , ford cemetery. ! FRLSBY Funeral rites for Bes sie Fiieby, wife of F. B. Frisby of near Jacksonville, who passed 4)vay Thursday at the age of 36 years, will be held at the Conger funeral chapel at 1:00 p. m. Satur day. Rev. Raymond S. Rees will officiate. Mrs. Frisby is survived by her husband and five children ranging In age from our to sixteen years. Interment will be in Med ford cemetery. Sparkling Beverage for Easter Feast Nothing gives the Easter dinner br the evening luncheon more tone than a nice, mellow, sparkling drink Canada Dry. "the cham pagne of ginger ales." It is made of . the highest qual ity of Jamaica ginger and other Ingredients, can be served at any function by anyone, and Is a pleas ing, delightful beverage for old and young. Order It from your grocer or druggist. - SMciul Communication Medford I-odge No. 103, A. V V" F. & A. M., Friday, Match 'r 29, 7:30 p. m. Work In the E. A. degree. By order of W. M. 7 C. Mr HOUSTON, Secy. Stores (lose Ucctlon Day. Tho Merchants Association re quests that all business houses, of fices, and business places of all kinds, close their places on Tues day, April 2nd, at 4:00 p. m., so that alt clerks, employes and em ployers can vote on the bond Issue for the new airport. CLARENCE MEEKER, F. E. REDDEN, President. Secy. Merchants' Association. i 10 C!f-Iiod advertising gets results. Who Out Vote. Every m&ti and woman who Is registered, whether a property owner or a taxpayer or nut, can vote at the airport bond elctlon Tuesday, April 2nd. 10 EASTER SPECIAL The whole town is talking- about how cheap we sell those oranges and, too, we have arranged a huge supply of fresh fruits. And, say! chickens' hundreds to choose from. , ' " . Oranges, Rose brand 252 size 2 dozen . . , 35c Fresh, tender Spinach 2 lbs 15c Strawberry Rhubarb--per lb 10c Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Green On ions per bunch . . . 5c Klamath Potatoes per 100 lbs. . .$1.00 POULTRY SPECIAL Dressed Hens per lb. 30c Dressed Rabbits per lb. . 30c Large Crabs 2 for 45c Johnson's Market Phone 97 6th and Grape MANN '8 The Be.t Goods for the Prtc.-No Matter What th. Price-WAHS For the Easter Parade Kupenheimer Suits Greater, smoother grace is the new vncriiB the vounff men have adopted for Spring. This style is given fine J expression by wortny iaoncs ue signed and controlled by Kuppen heimer. Exclusive woolens, enrich ed by new color and decoration. Loomed from long-fibred yarns that stoutly resist wear. $40 to $60 "Middi Shade" Blue Serge Suits $37.50 fill Mix ' rW Neckties For Easter Never before have we shown such a beauti ful assortment of pat terns and colors. 65c to $1.50 See Them in Our Windows New Hats For Easter Now is the time to chdpse your new hat for, Easter and spring wear. Our stocks are compJte. $5 to $10 Men's Fancy Dress Dress Sox 29c to $1.50 Boys' Elastic, Waist and Knee Dress Knickers Men's Rayon Union Suits A fine quality of ray on athletic button front styles, colors of w h it e, pink and flesh. $1.75 Made of r "THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY" J Men's Dress Shirts Collar-attached styles, pre-shrunk n e c k b a nds, fast colors. All sizes; regular $2.50 values. $1.98 Boys' Dress Hats New patterns and shapes of linen and other wash able mater ials at $2.95 65c to $1.95 pilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM I City Meat Market , The Open Front Market 121 N. Central Phone 324 Your Easter Meals Will Not Be Complete Without EASTER HAM Nothing quite, so good as Ham for your JEaster Dinner . Also Anything in the Meat Line We Give S. & H. Green Stamp Q West Side IIeat Market Across From Copco "Where Quali Costs You No More" We Deliver o Phone 649 - o HAMS OF ALL KINDS FOR YOUR EASTER MEALS BOIL .5 BAKE j G FiyeV TVliiioiis Hams, OOp ixmtid Other Hams Swift's Premium, - pn per pound fciJ7C Xehergal's Hams, OQ. per pound O....Q VC Morrel's KaniSQ ?n'r per pound . C t'udahy Puritan Hams, Qfl per pound OUC Milk Fed Spring Lamb Leir of Lanilt, per pound JJ Shoulder Ivoasl, o C per pound' OOC A Full Line of Rogue River Valley Meats, Beef, Pork, Veal and Mutton Vote for the Airport Bonds April 2 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING GETS RESULTS