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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1929)
O i . i ; i n srsii.w. KKrsiMwfcsO;-. o o o o ' o o CpPFOUtl 'Si ATT, TlflftPS'TR. "M iT'j'OKH. - 4 AUBURN WW DODGE BROTHERS NEW SIX HERE :i .n bos -shr-wn "tht ..s- u-m-t within )! xn'l Jhji uil the .- i;:.- Iiody cavily d wiihln 1'ort - o O , HAS BiG APPEAL ' TO CAR OWNERS o u O 1 o O'.V'-'I.f 9 " The S-fu .Straight - jtyu Auhurii has hen built op-'t '.u'.y -r :1m- persons who rin ri.-m-. i hi n'ior cirs ;,n. wini iaic ih- finer type of ncrfoi m..iic, tcuni- ins to I!. It. riull:nr, vici-prl-.i-dt'nt of Auburn. "It is our h.ijff," .-ays JMulkn-r. 'ihaf the A merit ati public i le sirous always f i.taimnir a finer product, whether nut to, Rolf clttl-s, , wafhliiK machines or i-uu-muhiU's. Tin jifrfm-JiKmct ut yi'sicniny is nut satisfactory today and ot-aiity of iinf nntl form has cmnf. to mean much in our lives. Tin automobile meauKt'eK in a lonp way thy sut-cfss and pleasure of u family." j "In buihiint; our s -: o lino with a ! fnur-door closed mixlel, we have ttlven the jmldie an automotiile j that no one need evef have to ; apolnizo for having houht. The mother. fA wheel)afe is )1T. inch. The hodics d-tivered are hits and momy, heantifully ap pointed with the finest of mohair- -' nr i','P''--;,"ttnr pn- , .sit:n, making for int-ria-M d p.v. .'t t JiydrauJic ah-K;-7..iw. The upholstery and silver finish hard- ' Kfevsive pr:n-ipl-s of -iimitrins ' ecummiy. speed ami acceleraiit.n , ttital sjn Mi;r Ifiiuth is IO inches, ware. The engine is a straiuht-! 'sii;n '"lH'h d ilh the rushed- ' have Im-h di-v-ififl. Th.- iii;ni Su-. rins is of ttiv vum and sccttr ciKht LyC'imint; developing over ' 111 ' iiml depeiidaldlily that cliar- is the "L" head typ v. ith a Im-c ; type. AO i!. 1, and the chassis contains itt-terr.cs LJtuIge J-imtliers products. , nf 3 3-H inches, stroke of J .-J. Uater far cfNdin system is cu Alma Rubens, motion-picture star, decided on Dodge Gccthers new six coupe es the car to give her ! s Hubens is shown in front of her hon.e witr the motor car present just tefcre t:;e car was !h;t( h: tt-i"-herj 3 eij;i mch ouLstniiiliny; fca lures ri ran Ho brakes, hydraiiljc h- is nt'tVved ,in the Dtnle Brothers f incho and ttttji iliplact'mcj)l sho nhsorhers. iiiiur lubrication svstein ' ,-(K,,w (,f .Motor and other refineiiu ids. ! f"r -Met'tord. "This line irf built hnv nnd of Kiht body types, In unique :tt- . Six, now m display at the show- of 'ins cubic inches. Seven bear-; ulated by ecu! lifilK-'il pump, alt ti ulalicn around Die cylinders balers . inws. witli a total area of 2 4.1 ,"' automatic thermostat preventing j sfiuarc inches support the 52 until the proper opera ting tem- pmind cra!ikt)::ift. The large pcraiuro is reached, 'elluiut ra- flcet api)earatice, and the colors U'acUve cdor combinations, fca- j Urom:e-haok bi'ariiu';j are held is: are t h e newest obtainable. Throughout the design of the en tire car we have kept the one idea in mind of luxuriousness - to be ' had at a moderate price," 10 REGULATE 1 TRAVEL TO CHECK PLANE lEGGERfe, luring many refinements In me chanical detail, comfort and ap pea ra nee a u offered . The cars are u striking answer as to how Waller 1. Chrysler intends to in crease 1 Judge Jbtilhers prestige, for the inrorporat : features at a movably in place by positive self atignim? heaving caps.. Invar stnjt aluminum alloy pistons with thiv-. cinnprosshm ii;?g ar.d one oil ring. K ii vino compb-t jii!)lai el from the frame by a live rear rubber moumtriu. insuring free- price that only the uniting of su. h h.m from vibration, f remetidoiis facilities could pro- Cyhmieiv are cist in b lin-e. iSody typt .s include the iln upp-" ha'.; if tin paj-seiiger piiaeloiu l".idslcr with rum bio si'al, S-passe'i ;rr siabtn, 5-passenger de luxe sedan, f.-pas- , s ttger laough'iiit. -1-p.issenger Vic toria, J-passenger business coupe und de luxe coupe with with dial or !).-! ruction provide maxi mum area for cooling". The fuel system is by vaenntn feed tank. ; titotmtt d on the dash. Ignition is i y si; v.ilt b:ttury. I'iju: ual riitgediiess is found in the frame, having live rross mcm- ; io iv, in addition t.. tin innit and : rear engtin st;pporj. The Best Painless Dentistry our aim In add so con to the present lof the Oodge name that every I'iudge owner will feel even greater WASHIXOTOX-bF. Hegulations , V n l,h's , 'att civatioiw " for Kky traveler,-whtch eventu-lf;11' r 1 h h'v- only ti.. ... w..o (n ' lnat tno public examine and test treaties guarding against aerial biiotlegtring and hi jacking and aerial smuggling of aliens are near completion. Since the passage of thp air commerce act of l:t2, whh-h pro vided for formulation of rules governing arrival of aircraft pas sengers from foreign pons, scores of conferences have been held by officials of the commerce, labor and treasury departments. 1 leads of t heso three arms of the government arc charged wltji . ootiy eunsirueiiun. Sweeping grace ful lilies are accentuated by the , modern narrow radiator profile. : nn. I iI.a l.ii...r .1.... i ... .i.. about ready to pronuilgatti definite ; I eeo runt " f millions. j Public lieallh department wffi- j cials have finished their part of ' the survey ami suggest bss vigor- : ous restrictions. They believe that ualvbtir thf remiiremnnt for a bill of health from all persons enter- . Tho -Mono-piece body construe inc the country by idane might i ,m" !tvnnw rigidity and baiane tests have proven the eniii-' cap able of easily developing lla or fi." umble miles an hour with reserve pow iavailalth' for higJ:er sin-ed--. There tn improved c-ij-bureior and icclaim ' ignition system, and engine oiling everv 1 wvstl'm 's sear type pump with full force feed lubrtc ..tioa. t'hrysler hydr uilic weather piotd' foiti' wlie 1 bre. kvs. expand ing in 12 inch brake drums oro- ihe car in every wy from the vide a to:al lraking area of standpoints of beauty, originality, . sc(unris inches, iiand brake of the lux::ry and performance." ( contracting hand type mounted ut From the radiator emblem, the ' the rear of transmission. New Dodge Hrmhcrs original interlaced type transmission f-uUmd by un-triangi-s with wings added, to the usually wide faced gears and a clean cut enameled hon.-hig that 'sturdy axle with double thrust conceals the gasoline tank, there , absorbing relief bearings. liiutch N a touch of -'I'DsDo finality about i single dry plat, type. P.ear uxb Ih car. A distini tive general up- , Is semi-floaling spiral bevel gear pearan. e l.-atures Die M ono-pieee ' iypi' in pressed sJeel housing, f'is- .:c-":"" i i Any mfmrfr iff LOWER HOUSE IS STRONG FOR HOME r- .i, . . V.'A MXdTi tX bP Having . uc CS. cessfui... run a happy home for 26 i years and .-till coiixulenn-; that the j of woman's achieven.enl, ! iiepi eS'-ntaiive i e a r 1 Ubfleid ! now is I't NohvfHy turning' her at ! ten'i'oi to fiitm s-'lief, flood rontro', and other problems confronting the ; Sevenijeih Cmi-r.-ss. .Mrs. opljicbi (Was eh-elod 1 fill oil! ibe ten, l of i her huoand. who died last Nevem- tnd tajjers across the cow oug the center tiood hinge. Lamp's, bumpers, radiator shell! t hub caps and door handles are I chromium pl.ite.l. Heavy steel fenders are of the exclusive I Judge otie-fdeeo design. t ton gear; ami snails are alloy : i,,M- ; K,''('' j u'ji h happy memories of her own New style wheels will) elliptic a : life liehind Iter ,M;s. !dfi"! is de jspokea and i ir;'e atlraeiive mush- termined tt do what she can to j room hub caps, balloon tires are 5 make the homes ot : the nation hap- i gen-'M ouslv ocersi:.e(. four l.ovejoy ' uier. Th- i'-ii'm r lief and fl Ciicck Up Your Teeth It v.; s m tn n casionullv SlUV- yui.' iei'Sh i.ispevted. Decay may g;;m a Iod hdd wi!,!-i a short i:m' and regu lar trips to yoiir i?-'7iD-l n:av f.ave ymi many dollars and nut' !t (!iscsuHiii. otao its. 1 wi:i tsM'C, them without haive. Dr. I. H. Gove Ttic Gcct Osntretry Done Painlessly 233 E. Main St. MtdforJ, Ore. Office Phone 873-J Residence PJidjjc 708-J in ;ilnl is inmiut'! itit Uio cliasfiis I holn. This mpnsllro h:is instil l l'fl'Cl ailHV IllL'll. I iii.M nil- IU1KM-IIK.M- KhkI llil.'S ! II has l.t-oii fuiin-1 I hat f.nv iw-! '" K""H"1. Til.- inli-rim !iav fllillilioM fin- tr.'insiuitliii'K ; 'V'n ''"'"Wl 1" nflnr.l maximum ronlHfclnua iliscaxrs in .such mall-I v,sl"n a'"1 ;'"l f"i' every jiawpn. lirr. The comparative sinaltnesH G''1'- o( nil- passeiidoi- lists anil tin- proh- j Vum-a me unusllally wi.le nnl iihlllly that Ih.-re will lie no air """"'teii nn lieavy lilnces, ;,ni fit t-'leeniKO elass fur many years t : '",0 J'Hehes Dial assure intuitive ennic remove vliluully all heallh l"'.k- hisiile Mrli wnrk lias mo linnirdH I'nwi that .ninree, it is lla"' "I'lmistery in l,ue ' nr tan said. shades trimmed In liroad-laee, seal Customs and immigration offi- j vushii.ns are Hide ami deep, rear cials, however, have a, fur different M'!" funiiiartmen's fitted with a and n more complex problem with i"'inK set and vanity case, arm which to deal, and many think the ,'K,S ln "" 1-" compartments of Goisifistasic&e? Bsd S Clef ta Crawl ,M,d , it - Selects es? Tractoi9! only solution lies in international i ine " luxe dan treaties. Few effective existing bars are seen against smuggling diamonds and aliens in by air. Contraband, it is pointed out. could easily be secreted in such common air car goes as fish, in which there is finite a commerce now between Texas points and southern salt water fishing grounds. And If aerial smuggling and hoot legging develop to any considerable extent, aerial hijacking is visioned as be ing not far behind. Victoria ami mougnam and Hutler silver fin ished Interior fitments. In the driver's compartment, grouped In a panel indireetly illu minated, are speedometer, amme ter, oil gauge, fud gL-ugo. starting button, carburetor choke mani fold heat control, spark control and approved theft lock Ignition switch. Operated by a current from a lighting socket, a portable humldi On top of the one-piece finger thin steering wheel are the light control switch, gasoline throttle ami horn button, hand brake is at the driver's right on all models except the Victoria and the brou gham where it is at the left; gear fled for the home or office helps sum is standard, thro, speeds fm keep the air at healthful moist miss i vnrd and one reverse, manifold and may also be used as a means j heat control insures efficient op to spread disinfectants or deodor- 1 ''fatiosi of the engine under all ants. It is shaped and decorated j went her conditions, fowl ventifa in the form of an attractive urn, (tors on each side, regulated by nnd the connections are so ad-!1111'11 f"ot fedals; windshield is Justed that the current is turned one-piece typo, hinged at the ttt off automatically, if the container swings forward for ventila coes rirv. Ponular Mechanics , thin. rv -v. ;:.:rci.wo,MH - M arrarine. .Many refinements In engine de-' SEVERI.N BATTERY SERVICE Owing to large buying power, we are able to quote the following prices: 6-volt 11-plate Battery, 6-volt 13-plate Battery, 6-volt 11-plate BatteVy, 6-volt 13 plate Battery, Battery recharging 1522 Nortfi1 Riverside 1 year guarantee $5.75 1 year guarantee $7.50 2-year guarantee $7.50 2-year guarantee $9.00 $ .50 Medford Ford Generators, with rewound armatures, guaranteed like new, $5.00. NEVER in history has there been a more daring venture than Commander Byrd's trip to the frozen wastes of the Antarctic. To aid him in this exploit he has selected two Cletrac Crawler Tractors. and to them has entrusted perhaps the most important phase of his entire expedition: the trans portation of supplies and the building of landing fields. A GraeSIsig Test S Power : and Tsfaetf su The expedition's two Clclracs wili baui literally tons or provisions and equipment over the track less area that is the South Polar waste. They will level off landing 'fields for the expedition's airplanes. They will dig shcltesTj for men and store houses for supplies. They wiil perform scores of tarks which only such power and traction as Cletrad's can accomplish. Onward, through diffi culties and sub-zero temperatures, they will be driven in a yruelin;f test such as has neveii before been given any tractor. You are looking for tk'ciulaijUtty in the next tractor you buy. CHOOSE CLETRAC! It is supreme in farming, road-building and maintenance, ( earth-moving, snow-clearing, logging and heavy hauling of all kind.1). ' Built in a Cjj-nplete line from 20 h. p. to 100 h. p. Arrange for a demonstration or write for literature, Hubbard bros. Medford, Oregon f K i t 0s N V i fry i V 1 .' rv i,"j..i . -.i.-,ktJ f" XT -4 eauty and proved m:liauial jicrfi-'rtion jilat'e l'i NEW 1!29 bl it.VNT Six apart frtfiu any oilier low prufd Six."'' Tiic price v i.i ui exiraorilinarily loss- when you ij.-pcrt lliLs -iittsl stMisatioiiul Six ever IhiIU" and fiiid LanolicstcrVi Itrallon Daiupuer, Rtl Seal Six tliiKler C.oiU menial Motor, Nfl- hjh lioiiaaliu- iiiyrsl!'ut p!slo!w,liO im h vfart'-iias', sileut liuuiig ' fliahi drive, full 1'oree feed luLrlealiou, r ( .:. fr: ) :-.'.'.. I'- -V in fc 4 t:i ' ; m i i '. !: i'K!:!i r a. SiM & RINDT .32 Worth Eivcrsido - Open Evenings Phone S68 Get behind the wheel W iGey he facts ! - -. t - - . '. -J- .y i nc a rw linn i he i lev iiyie D rive ociore yon ouy - To esaufc maximum satisfaction with your next cmj f o ofiJain fint pcfformaucc and fuHcst cn joyment take the common sense method G(irh'Hig before buymgl AH cars nrc nof tiic same ... as a Binyic drive in jSuirfc wifi demon irjlc coucliUMvcly! Her in ifjis t?ar.lsitig Buick in the tirw standard of power getaway accricration smuotlincss M-w'iftness vuitUy a standard so unique and unrivaled that Huicfc ts winttifig more than twice as many fmyrrs as any nthrr mitrw mnhi!c Hsttng atmvc 1200. lrorc thcte poin to your own satisfaction, Oct ltd, i ml tne wheel and g?t ihc fat(i. lirivc a Huirk and ict reMiiti nn the mad dtt ermine yxmt choice llutclc M!oe Ceif Mifl(, Mk'Im- rOllprS , . 5U9?I5U?5 SI ; ( AN , , , ? ) 2 ? 0 f n 2 M S SKiKTCAffS. . . iiiu.rrm T'rt r''"1 f f. fTidV A f'.nfrirv. f'on rnint intnm tnt hi uttHiyri uji ;ii matck Buick power, getaway, swiftness and stamina against any oilier automobile ilietiyoull choose a J311ICK : SCHERER MOTOR CO, 40 Kortlt Siver3ido I Phone 73