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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1925)
o G o V i O ....... Q ' MEDFORTf iATL TRIBUNE, MEDFQRD, OREfiON, FRIDAY? JUNE 5, 1025 PAGE SIX 11! v.; OF ALSO POET, DEAD JARIS, June 4. Camllle Flammnr lon, the noted French UMtronomer, la dead. ti CarniMo Flammarlon, the French poet-rut ronomer, made astronomy popular to the laynmn. Jfe suxar coated astronomical factfl, but while he won' applause from the luymun pome of hln Berious minded contem porarh'H In the study of astronomy at tucked many of his theories as pure fancies. Flammarlon, when a boy nlno years od, wllnc'HHt'H the sun eclipsed by the ntpon. Awed by this phenomenon, his ofalef concern wrh In how astronomers who predicted thin event, were able tor tell. Thereafter, tho lad could us ually be found nt minuet on a neihbor- , Ins hill watching the departing orb and waiting for the uiuiearance of the sturs. " In his 15th year he wrote a book on tho oriKin of the world, but, in his own words, "It luckily never met a pub lisher." He entered tho famous Paris Ob servatory and became an assistant as tronomer to Le Verrler, and wrote his first published hook at nineteen yeurs of age. It was translated at once to almost every language. He soon assumed direction of the scientific review "Cosmos," and also published his second scientific work, "The World Imaginary and the World Heat." With tho famous aeronaut Godard, tho young astronomer ascended in balloons to study the heavens. These observations extended over a period of five years. During the Franco-Prussian war In 1871, he demonstrated tho practical application of his knowledge of as tronomy and telescopes. Hidden In an observatory at Passy, as captain of a special corps, ho commissioned other astronomers to assist him In study of the Prussian troops banked around Paris. All overtures for public office after .the war were refused by Flammarlon. He devoted himself to studying double and multiple stars, their colors, and spots, the which he proper motions and sun v nances of the science in specialized. Most of his great achievements dur the latter part of his lifo were accom plished In his observatory at historic Juvisy. It wits called the "half way house of kings and ctourtlers." Here Napoleon had received the news of the fall of Purls and from here he de parted to Fontuinebleau to bid adieu to his army, in 1814. The estate was a gift to Flammarlon from an admir er, M. Meret. Flammarlon will be remembered for his many books, written In a poetic and philosophic vein. While great se crets of the universe are therein dis closed, they are clothed in language that Is as entertaining as a novel. It is on this that his popular fame rests. Flammarlon himself had said: "Within the last quarter of acentury our sublime science has been wholly transformed. Instead of watching in ert masses in motion through the void of apuce, the study of the evolutions of the stars and life has taken Its place. It is a signal advance over the old school, and may be looked upon us likely to prove the grandest feature of astronomicul science in the near fu ture. John L. Sullivan knocked out 16G men on his famous tour. MAYTAG SHOPPE HAS L Thfi Maytag Shoppe. connected with the Crater Lake Hardware company, Is engineering an extremely success ful selling campaign for Maytag wash lng mueiilnes, according to Morris Leonard, sales manager of the shoppa Recently an entire carload of 100 washers was received and the local dealers have Bet a time of two mouths In which to sell the entire shipment. If successful this will establish a re markable record for washing machine sales In southern Oregon. Mr. Leonard haB as his sales force helping him in the Medl'ord territory, L. V. Doonard and Charles Wortman, and this trio has been making real Maytag history in this city. Frisco Ftro Fatal. SAN PHANC18CO, June 6. (A. P). Fire following an explosion, be lieved to have been caused by spon taneous combustion destroyed the plant of the Klvlda Paint company here today with an estimated loss nf tlK nnn nnH t'?n ftftn Throw I fire fiKhters were Injured. Hot Biscuits for Dinner! i , Make them with THE WORLD'S CBEATEST ... They will be light tender tempting every time SALES TIMES THOSE OF ANY OTHER BRAND Alr,. wJi t :a n R K B I V'Kf Learn f romThose Whom I Have Cured TUY FREE book on Piles and . other Rental and Colon dis. orders contains dozens of letters volun tarily written by prominent patients whom I have cured. Many of these cases were of over 15 years standing, and had made invalids of the sufferers. Send or call for this book TODAY and learn how these people, one and all, old . and young, were resiorcu m ' r knur nnftlftv la tnv ' ii,rtl"l'l?M r.llARANTRR In ' cure any cat of Piles or KE- $& FUND THE PATIENTS FEE. . DEAN. M.D..Inc DnoVlANO OFtlCES: SEATTLE OFFICES. SVKHISdVWa ift efM and pinsT - Si BBS rfo rjes esh ess DEPARTMENT SloRE Reliable Merchandise Since 1894 Another Brilliant MONEY ' SAVING EVENT , " v.- , ' for Southern Oregon Shoppers Saturday and Monday at the M. M. Dept. Store Women's Pure Silk Hose $1.00 Those arc the f a jn ous Holeproof and Allen -A superfine pure silk quali ties heavier thread silk, finer guagc and longer silk tops than any hose on the market today. Special at, pair $1.00. Misses' three-quarter Silk Socks m . i 1 Spool Cotton 24 spools for $1.00 Ctiic silk socks, special 2 for $1.00. Flesh, grey, blue; plain tops; 2 for $1 $1.25 Rubber Aprons $1.00 These are pure gum rubber; rose, blue, lavender, gold, green, pink, red; also in fancy with white dots. Made with double cross back straps, high bib front. Very big value, each $1.00 One lot selling 2 for $1.00 in a nice style, all colors. $1.25 Women's Summer Munsing Suits t$l. 00 Style No. 773-154.' These are in the fine quality super-knit, low neck, no sleeves, tight knee; sizes 34, 36, 38 and 40. Dollar day special... $1.00 Combination Sanitary Belt and Apron Regular $1.25 value selling ' $1:00 each. Flesh rubber webbing, made in small, medium and large. ; Sanitary Aprons, 2 for $1.00, Small, medium, large. Extra, value rubber. Women's R. & G. Corsets $1.00 No. 712 R. & G. pink twill, average figure, bust height,' 3-inch $1.25 selling........$1.00 $7.50 Corsets $1.00 Close out of broken lines in Modart and R. & Q. models. ; . ... if Agents for Munsing Wear McCall Printed Patterns Children's Play Suits 89c Sheetings 9-4 Black Hawk bleached sheeting, special, 2 yards $1.00 42-inch Pequot tubings, special at 2 yards for....: $1.00 (5e Japanese nainsook, 38-inch, extra fine quality; 2 yards for $1.00 GINGHAMS 6 Yds. 27-inch Ginghams $1.00 Close out of all 27-inch ginghams; these arc values much below market costs. Dollar day, 6 yards $1.00 6 Yds. Comfort .vlYffli i .Large assortment of comfort challies, all .so mciies wide; spe cial, 6 yards....$1.00. rwsa sm m Women's Shoes Save a dollar h pair on sintiiiier low shoes. Patent, kid and brown cut out strap pumps in all the newest styles. Priced special at $3.95, $4.50, $4.75, $4.95 and $6.50. Every pair at these prices means a saving of $1.00 or more to you. Dunmore Nainsooh o No. 54 Fine quality, yard wide; special, 3 yards for $1.00 Cotton Crepe, 3, Yards $1.00 Fine quality cotton underwear crepe, 27 inches wide; orchid, flesh, gold and white, with a dash stripe; special 3 yards for ,..$1.00 65c and 55c Dress Voiles 2 Yards $1.00 New voiles in new patterns, full 40 inches wide; 2 yards for $1.00 $1.25 Fancy Dress Linens $1 This is (he, newest in fancy dress linen with fiber silk stripe running throughout, in green, gold and tan; full 3(5 inches wide; special. .....$1.00 5 Yds. Romper Cloth $1.00 This is a wpnderful value for boys' blouses, men's shirts and ladies' dresses; regular 29c selling Dollar day, 5 yards for : $1.00 Red Seal, Ginghams Three yards double fold fancy Red Seal ginghams, 32-inches wide; spe cial, 3 yards for...... .....$1.00 $1.75 Crepe de Chene $1.00 This is a fine quality and good weight, 40 inches in width and large number of shades from which to select. Big value for, yard... $1.00 Corduroy $1.00 Heavy quality corduroy in rose, sun flower, Pekin blue, brown, purple, fawn and. biske; full yard wide. Make up your robes now and save on this price of , 25c Percales, 5 Yards $1.00 Ensign percales in light spring- pat terns, 36 inches wide; wide range of new designs. Selling Dollar day at 5 yards for $1.00 $1.25 Baby Blankets $1.00 Esmond baby blankels. Soft as rabbit skin, Cortex finish, animal patterns; size 30x40; pink or blue; regular $1.25; special s,....$i.00 $1.19 Women's Fabric. Gloves $1.00 These are made of fabric like leather with fancy embroidered backs and fancy cuffs;, grey, biscuit and tan; sizes 6V to 8; special. $1.00 Women's Shopping Bags $1.00 Large sized shopping bags in black or grey, unusual values for $1.00 Ecru Val Laces, Special :. 20 Yards $1.00 Curtain Nets Heav' quality cream and ecru nets, regular 39c values selling Dollar dav 3 yards for , $1.00 Cretonnes Beautiful patterns in new fancy cre tonnes, special 3 yards for $1.00 MEN'S DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS Men'? summer union suits....$1.00 , Men's $1.25 dress shirts $1.00 Men's $1.25 soft collared shirts ..........:.......$1.00. 7 pair men's canvas gloves....$1.00 Men's Allen -A lisle socks, 4 pair 1.00 , Men',3 Holeproof lisle sacks, 2 plir $1.00 Men's silk and wool ties $1.00 Boys' K. & E. blouses $1.00 Medford Building Sixth and . Central