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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1925)
O o o Q O o o BRINGING WELL-JlC,5-0.D BOV- WHtXE ltTHACT CAT' MOOrVrANT ME TO 1 TAKE OUT WE'bT . WITH ME? LEAVE IN A LlTTLF won r The Markets Livestock PORTIAND .Ore.. May 25. Cattle opened plow; receipts 2550. Steers, good . $9.50 9.7 5; medium $8.00& 9.50; common $7.00 8.00; canners and cutters $5.001?7.00; heifers, good (8&G lbs up) $8.00 tfi 8.50; common and medium, all weights $5.50' 8.00; cows, good $7.50(7.75; common and medium $5.00(7.50; canners and cut ters $2.505.00; bulls, good (best yearlings excluded) $4.755.50; com mon to medium (canners and bo lognaB) $3. 50(4. 75; calves, medium to choice (190 lbs. down) $8.00(911.00; cull and common (190 lbs. down) $5.00 and $8.00; medium to choice (100 lbs. down $8.0011.00: cull nnd common, (190 lbf down) $5.00 & 8.00; medium to choice (190 to 200 lbs.) $7.00 10.50; medium to choice (260 lbs. dp) $5.00(7.00: cull and common (120 lbs. up) $3.60(0)5.50.- Hoks steady to 15c up; receipts 1G70. - Heavyweight (250 to 350 lbs.) medium, good and choice $12.00 13.00; medium weight (200 to 300 lbs.) medium, good and choice $1 2.25 13.25; light weight (160 to 200 lbs.) commln, medium, good and choice $13.25g)13.65; light HkIUs (13a to 160 lbs.) common, medium, good and choice $11.50'912.25; packing hogs, smooth $11.5012.00; rough $10.50 11. 00; slaughter pigs (130 lbs. down) medium, good and choice $11.00 12.50; feeder and stocker pigs (70 to 130 lbs.) common, medium, good and cholre $11.50 12.50. - , (Soft or oily hogs nnd roasting pigs excluded in above quotations.-) - Sheep slow; receipts 1580. Lambs light and handy weight,!: medium to . choice $7.508.0?; heavy weight (92 -.lbs. up) medium - to prime $7.00 S.O0; alt weights, cull and common 6.008.00; spring lambs, medium to choice $9.00 11.50; spring lamb's, cull and common $5.009.00; year ling wethers, medium to prime $6.50 8.00; wethers (2 years old and over J medium to prlmo $5.007.50; ewes common to choice $4.O06.50; canner and cull $ 1.50 ft 4.00. (Above quotations exoept on spring lambs on shorn basis.) Kggs. PORTLAND, Ore., May 25. Eggs steady. Current receipt ,28c; pullets 25 26c; firsts 25i20o; hen-nei-l"i, 3030Hc delivered, Port land. - IJutlcr. Butter stendy. Kxtra cubes, city. 41n; standards 40'c; prime firsts, 40c; firsts, 38c; undergrndes nomi nal; prints 43c; cartons 44c. Ilutterfat steady. Best churning cream 40c net shipper's track In zone one; 42c delivered, Portland. Poultry. 't ' Poultry steady. Heavy hens, 24 25c; light, 2223c; broilers, 2025c; young white ducks, 3032c. Potatoes. Old onions nominal. Old potatoes lomlnal, No. 2, $2.25 2.35. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., May 23 Wheat Hard white, bluestem, baart $1.65; soft white $1.02; western white, hard winter, nort hern spring $ 1 .60 ; west cm red $1.58; BUB hard white $1.70. Today's cor receipts Wheat 20; flour 11; corn 1; oats 4; hay 5. , San Francisco Markets '! SAN FRANCISCO, May 25. (U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics.) 1 , Broilers, leghorn 1 to 1 lbs. 22 io 24c; 1 lbs. 24 26c; colored IVi to '1 lbs.- 38 to 39c. Fryers, leghorn 2 to 2 lbs. 34 to 37c; colored 2 to V lbs. 42 to 44c. Y Young roosters, colored -3 lbs. and up 62 to 54c; staggy showing spurs 86 to 38c. .... . ' Old roosters, colored 15 to 17c; leghorn 12 to 14c. Leghorn hens 2V6 lbs. 25c; 8 lbs. 26c; 3 to 3 4 lbs. 27c. Large colored hens, fancy, 32 to 33c. San Frnnclnco Market. -' SAN FRANCISCO, May 25. But .terfat. f. o. b., San Francisco, 46c. V ' i San Francisco Apples SAN FRANCISCO, May 25. (Fed eral State Market News Service.) ; Apples, boxes. California New towns WANTED To Buy for Cask All Tour Second Hand Furniture MORDOJJ ft woou UP FATHER I bErST MV lCf-f UP TO Mf HOObE HELL BE HERE A.NV NIMUTE fancy 3& tier $2.75 to 3.50; four tier $2.50 to 3.25; poorer as low ns $2.25; Washington Winesaps xf $3.75; fancy $3 jo 3.50; Oregon Ncwtowps, four tier fancy $3 to 3.60. CORN JUMPS UP .ON REPORTS OF DAMAGE CHICAGO, May 25. (By Associated Press.) More than eight cents a bushel jump in the price of corn took place today in hardly a single hour. Frost, that to many traders sugge.stcd calamity to crops was chiefly respon sible. Corn for December delivery soared to 994c as against 91 1-8 to 914c at the close on Saturday. Influenced largely by the skyward movement of the corn market a rise of more than five cents a bushel in wheat quickly ensued. September wheat went up to $1.54 as com pared with n finish of $1.48 1-8 to $1.49 3-8 on Saturday. Word that ice ,a quarter Inch thick, had formed at various places in cen tral Illinois was accompanied by re ports that two-thirds of the corn acre age of that section was subjected to serious damage. Killing frosts also were reported from Iowa and other corn states. Probe Extraordinary Example of Rudeness By Utter Stranger LOS ANGELES, May 25. An ex traordinary example of rudeness on the part of an utter stranger was be ing investigated by police today. Mrs. Dora Kidd, 31. negress, revealed tho incident last night when she walked into the receiving hospital, carrying a piece of her right ear. The fragment had been bitten off. she explained, by a man who rushed up to her on the street and without a word of elucida tion set to work with his teeth. A sur geon sewed tho severed portion back into place but left the solution of, the mystery to police detectives. Stockholders Notice. Notlco is hereby given thoj tho an nual meeting, of the stockholders of Tho Home Telephone & Telegraph company of Southern Oregon, will bo held at the office of the company, 218 West Sixth street, Medford, Oregon, at 3 o'clock p, m. June 2nd, 1925. '. 61 :V, H. GORE, President. Notlcu of Appointment of A'clmlnlstrn , trlx and to Present ClnimH. In tho County Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the County of Jackson. In the Matter of the Estate of Robert Shirkey Welch, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that the un dersigned. Bertha May Penwell. was on the 25th day of May. 1925. duly ap pointed administratrix of tho estate of Robert Shirkey Welch, deceased, by tho County Court for Jackson county, Oregon. In which court the estate of said deceased is pending, and that all persons having claims against said estate will present the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at 828 North Central street, or 412 Lib erty Building, Medford, Oregon, with in six months from the date of tho first publication of this notice." Dated this 25th dav of May. 1925. BERTHA MAY PENWELL, Administratrix of tho Estate of 1 Robert Shirkey Welch, Deceased. Nritlco of Final Settlement.' In the Counly Court of the Stato of Oregon, for Jackson County. In tho matter of the Estate of Mabel F. Richardson, also known as Mrs. C. S. Richardson, deceased. . The undersigned has filed in the tounty court of Jackson County, Ore gon, the final account of his adminis tration of the estate of Mabel F. Rich ardson .also known as Mrs. C. S. Richardson, deceased, and said court has fixed Monday, June 8, 1925, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day, at the court room of said court at the court house In Jacksonville, Jackson county. Oregon, ns the time and place "We flatter ourselves, that you, like most of the other folks who trust us with the care of their rrs, do it because you- respect a good piece of machinery and want it to get proper Lubrica tion. Free Crank Case Service. Jones & Kirkpatrick A ReaJ Service Station AfEDFORD MAIS TRIBUNE, ftiTtflPORpi OftECiOyftfcsDAY, MA23. 1925 JUST POT IT THERE. V7ITH hers THE. CAT A.LL PACKED NICE.LT" IN THIt) THE RET Or I WANT TO TALK TO OIQQ'b FEl AWHILE f PUT TTli, ; I DOWN- jru for tho hearing of objections to said final account and for settlement of said estate. All persons interested In said estate are hereby notified and required to make or rilo their objections to said final account, if any they have, on or before tho time aforesaid, fixed for tho hearing and settlement thereof. Date of this notice and of the first publication hereof is May 4, 1925. C. S. RICHARDSON, Administrator of tho Estate of Mabel F. Richardson, also known as Mrs. C. S. Richardson, deceased. HELP WANTKIi-FKMALE WANTED Young lady to attend switch board. Experienced. Hotel Medford. tf WANTED Middle aged woman for housekeeping in small country town. 525 No. Riverside.- 55 WANTED Woman, come- and. see at once, get In touch with a big money maker. Will appoint a rep resentative in Medford, Gold Hill, Contral Point, Phoenix and Jack Honville. Dint rlct Manager, Jack sonville, Confectionery, Jacksonville, Oregon. 67 WANTED A woman of mature years for offico position. Address Box 850. Medford. -63 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Contracting and job work on houses. Apply evenings, 146 S. Holly. W. Bergman. Phono 600-X. 55 WANTED MlSCKLtiANEOUS WANTED Wells to drill. Expert ad vice qn wells and springs. . A, R. Enyeart. Jacksonville. 60 WANTED Furniture repairing. A. N. Thiebault. Phono 969-H. 67 WANTED 200 feet 2 inch pipe Phone till-J-6. .65 WANTEI Spoiled hay; -weedy hny or any old hay. Boar Creek Orchard. Tel. 401-R-l or 1057 after 6 p. m. 55 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS i'FOR RENT Oarage. $3.00 per month. 325 So. Riverside. Call after 5:00 in evening. tf FOR RENT 5 acres of alfalfa, new 4-room house. $25 per month. Charles A. :Wir.g. Phone 728. 55 WANTED TO RENT Immediately, three tennis. 1057- tf FOLLOWING ADVERTISERS ARE Members Medford Realty Board 0E30E no: HAVC WMAT you WANT $1 O Yi ! We Solicit Your REAL ESTATE BUSINESS, - In All Its Branches -. SALES :: RENTAL8 :: We are offering wonderful values in fine suburban homes with bear ing pear orchards. Just what wo all have dreamed of owning some day. Come in and talk, them over with us. x- ! ' V , BROWN & WHITE AGENCY, Inc. 12 East Main Street . , PEAR ORCHARD NON-RESIDENT OWNER This fine young pear orchard is located on Jhe Pacific Highway, with fine highway frontage. This Is a well-kept orchard, has a paying crop this year. . The owner says sell at what we consider a sacrifice price. Most reasonable terms. Considering quality and varieties ot trees and location It cannot bo equalled for the price $12,000.00. Phono 409 J. C. Profitable Pear 45 acres with 23 acres in tearing pears, Bosc, Bartlett, De Anjou varieties, part 18 years old; and about 20 acres In alfalfa. Modern house, large barns, complete equipment; estimated value present crops more than $6000. Well located near Medford In the best pear district In this valley. Property now in excellent condition. Can be bought at a bargain price and paid for in small annual payments, only $3500.00 cash required. Yor Inspections Invited, EARL 8. UMY ' Liberty Building O0O90OQO00O0Q09QO9QQQO00O00900QQOOQOQO0 MT LUACiE, "DO MUCH - IT Its I 1925 By Intx FOR KENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Front room, 520 S. Cen '" tral. 67 FOR RENT 'Nicely furnished corner rooniH, close in. Also garage. Tel. ' 905-M. 69 FOR RENT Room for men, bath and , garage. 609 E, Main. tf FO RRENT Furnished front room. . Close to bath. Phone 604-R. tf FOR RENT HOVKES FOR RENT modern 3-room furnish ed house. Phone C81-R. 66 FOR RENT Furnished bungalow, ' close in. S. Central. W. H. Ever - hard. 6 S. Fir. tf FOR. RENT C-room . house, phono 749-X. Tele 56 FOR RENT 6-room modern house, Just remodeled, garage, wood nhed etc. - Closu In, on east side. On pavement. Phone 5&2-L. 851 E. 9th. 55 FOR RENT 5-room. modern house on pavement. $25 per month. Charles A. Wing. Phono 55 FOR RENT New 4-room, modern home on East side. Charles A. , Wing. Phono 728. 55 FOR RENT Furnished house. 630 So. Central. . FOR RENT Eight room modern home with garage; close in to busl- ness soction. Nice lawn and shade. - Call at 326 So. Riverside avenue, tf FOR RENT Houses, Brown . White. FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Modern furnished npart ment. 315 N, Holly. Phone 368-J. If FOR RENT Furnished apartments, '.ground floor,1" "234 E. 9th. Phone 9B&-R. . ' '. 1 74' FOR RENT Furnished apartment, room and garage, 604 W. 10th. 27tf For ewi housekeeping rooms FOR RENT Houcekeeping rooms three blocks .fronr Main street. Phone 639-J-6. 60 FOR RENT Furnished two room housekeeping apartment to adults only. 325 So. Riverside ave. tf COEIO u Acreage Farms City Homes 20 acres Dear Creok land, four-room buiiKalow, threo miles from town; would trade on larger Irrigated farm. Fine Auto Camp, Store, etc., for sale or trade. 22 acres alfalfa, cheap irrigation, bottom land, to trade for Medford property. FOUR-SITE REALTY AGENCY Medford Building : Medford, Ore. o o LOAN8 IN8URANCE BARNES 6 S. Central Orchard for Sale o o o ?. fQRQOY WHAT TIME MUST BE OFF TO C" ( i uric'.1 OLD Top: iivi' r , is' I Feature Service, Inc nEM" WANTT MAMS WANTED Middle aRo kIiikIo man for poultry farm. Steady work, l'hone 9-F-ll. 65 rtusixHK.s oiTonTiTxrriES SAt.EMKN Will KUiiranteo nnlary $50 Iter woolt and furnipli auto to Hovornl men flelliiw excellent Kord . aeeesKory. AddresH HnleHuianaKer, 11143 Hroudwuy, Ornliville, Ohio. 65 LOST Wrist watch tiunday morning i on K. Jackson ptrcet: .Heward. lie turn to Mall Tribune. 66 LOST Little Gem env phone. Liberal . rewnrd. Kelurn to' Mull Tribune, (it LOST On West Main, two fluft .'i-uks, sizes 3x6 and SOxfill. i'hone 610-M, itr leave nt Medford Kluff Hun . Works, 700 11110 Htreet. Howard. 65 LOST Pnir of. ptray rininiod eyo classes, Friday afternoon. Uoturn lo Mull Tribune. 57 MOVEV TO IXJAN TO LOAN Money, Charles A. Wing. : real eatnte loana. Representative, ) Ruietv HavlngH & Loan Association. : l.oaiis obtained at nominal expense; i reasonable rate of interest. . Phono ; 728,.1'alm Ulock, Moil ford, Oregon. ' 6S FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Foil SALK Cocker spaniel puppies. 414 Arcadia street. 61 IfOR PALE New Zenland Red nnd Flemish lllant rabbits. Crowded for . rnoni. l'hoenix litua Inn Lunch Room. . 60 FOR SALE Cows; my entire dairy . herd. Will noil separately, or any way. M, Walsh, on South Peach i nt., Just outside city limits. SO' FOR SALE Four Jersey cows, 1 brood sow. M. F. Harlow, Talont. 61 FOR SALE Hay team, five nnd six years old. Can bo seen ut Dr. Git . zeu's. 56 FOR SALE Good fresh milk cow. I-hono C39-R. 65 FOR SALE Extrn good young milk cow and cnlf. Phone 1115. Address 610 S. Central St., Medford. 56 FOR SALE Team of marcs. 1400 lbs., wtiRon and doublo harness. 306 No. Apple. 66 FOR HALE Two fresh cows, espe cially good. M. Walsh, on South 1'onch street, Just outsldo city lim its. tf FOR SAT.K UEAI, ICKTATK FOR SALE 160 aero ranch nonr Bea gle, 80 acres under cultivation. Easy terms. Mrs. Anna Vinson, Central Point. Ore. Hox 378. 58 FOR SALE OR RUNT 100 acres,. 60 in cultivation, no buildings, in Sams Valley. 1.. M. Fisher, Gold Hill.. 55 FOP. SALE OR RENT Unfurnished house at 103"' W. 10th street. Fire rooms, bath ?.nd screen porcn. Pav ed streot. Lotd of shade. LoVor's Store. tf FOR SALE 30 aero farm, bungalow hoURO, good barn and other out-, 'buildings; stcck nnd farm Im provements. Paid up wnter right for 13 acres. All for $1800. $1000 cash. . lio lanco at 6 por cent for 2 years. About 4 miles out. See John Albert at Central Point, Ore. 56 FOR SALE Flvo acres with modern . . 6-room house; 3 acres in bearing . pears with water. Halnnce laid out In city lots. Located about a block i north of Jacksonville road Just out side city UmiU Owner on promises after 4 p. m. .65 FOR SALE Will soli my homo of 47 acres near Contral Point, one-third . down, balance to suit purchaser. J. I?. Hongiand, D05 . Houlovard, Ash- . land. Ore. . 60 FOR SALE Twenty acres full bear ing apples and pears, black, deep, heavy soil, no irrigation dobt. Trees about 15 years old, good condition and crop. Rargaln. Price $3800.' , Torms. E. 8. Tumy, 209 Liberty Bldg. tf FOR SALE Throe acres lever cloar land, Irrigated, water fully paid, two story house, good well, two miles from Medford. . Bargain.' Price $1500. E. S. Tumy, 209 Lib erty Building. tf FOJt BALE Several farms, good val .ues, easy terms, low Interest. O. ,C. Boggs, Atty for State Land Board. tf SACRIFICE RALE-ig,r00 acres as sorted alfalfa, grain, orchards and stock ranches. 1 acre tracts and up. Price $6 per acre up, 6 and 10 year's time. Ranches for rent and exchange. Gold Ray Realty com pany, owners. 15 N. Orane St tf FIRE INSURANCE THAT INSURES CARL Y. TENGWALD Hotel Holland Building Member Realty Board Phone 993 3T George Mahus Pf THAT CtOy TALKEdT; bO MUCH HE r n, FORCOT TO r- TAKE THE ) -) Cat - r' Cicot Britain righn reserved, t FOR SALIC ACTOMoniliKS FOR SALE 1923 Dodge "A" sedan. Perfect condition every way, new cords all around, only gone 10.0U0 ' miles, one driver only: very cheap r next few days. Mr. Mason, CotUlgo i No. 13. Idcni Autu Camp. 55 IfOR SALT! Slightly used Overland . sedan, priced right. 18 month con ; tract to right party. Armstrong Motors, Willis Overland Dealer. 68 FOR SALE Chevrolet touring car . with good tires,, good mechanical condition. Only $250. Will sell on easy terms. Armstrong Motors. 68 FOR SALE Ford truck, best buy In town; new rubber. Maul your own ' fruit nnd save prico of truck. Arm j strong Motors. 68 FOR SALE Ilargnln. Ford touring. good order, $60, Junes & Ktrkpat ' rick. , tf FOR SALE Maxwell rondstor, sult- able for making delivery or bug. Bargain. Addess Box A, Tribune. tf FOR BALE POULTIW AND EGGS FOR SALE 18 R. 1. Red laying hens. Phono 666-M. 1112 Roddy 1 Ave. 66 FOR SALE O. A. C. Barred Rock eggs for hatching. Phone 201-J. tf FOIt SALK, HOMES FOR KALE OR EXCHANGE One l four room house, well furnished, one throe room house unfurnished, nnd . threo largo lots. Also 320 acres - good dry lund. Hell or exchange for ten to twenty acres Improved near Medford. Prefer equipped propor ty. H. E. Davis, Aubrey Roud, Bond. Ore. 66 FOR SALE Must bo sold this weok; ' 5-rooms, bath, all you need is small i first payment move In, balnnco like rent. See houso at 1022 -1 til street and phono 684-J-l. ) 09 FOIt SALE Modern 7-room house, ', close in; paving, sewer, wntor puld. ; ltnrgaln, must bo sold this week. ' Phono 917-Y evouings or mornings. 56 FOR SALIC MISCKLLAXEOUS FOR HALE Comnloto household fur 'nituro and range. Small portable tent bouse. A renl sacrifice. Call any tlmo. 108 So. Onkdale. 56 FOR SALE Stool range, 6 holes and reservoir, 3 burner oil stovo with oven. Phono 539-J-l. Mrs. D. W. Luko. 69 FOR SALE Knlo plants. Phone, mealtimes, 354 Jacksonville. 66 FOR SALE Shoemaker's machine. . Priced to sell. Singer Co. 10 Su Fir. . . 60 FOR SALE About 300 gallons of smudge old nt 5c per gallon. Cnll Central Point 127. C. E. Holds. 55 FOR SALE Tomato plants. Phono 0-F-6. ,65 FOR SALE Chicken wheat. Phono 10-F-3 evenings. 69 FOR SALE Alfalfa In shock. 11. A. Sottlemire. Phono 774-J-2. . 66 FOR SALE Sugar pine shakes, nindo nt Butlo Fulls. Fabors, Central Point -78 FOR SALE Do Lavol separator. Phono 534-R. 56 FOR SALE Now Deering mower and rako. 14-F-22. 65 FOR SALE Ono used Werlin piano, mahogany case, $150. Ono slightly URed Aldrlch piano, cheap. Palmer's Music Htoro. 66 FOR SALE First cutting alfalfa hay. Phono 7-F-4. tf FOR HALE Now piano of Quality. Easy torms. Nool Erskine. I'hono ' 729-W. , 69 FOR SALE Astor plants. C. Cary,; S41-J-1. Address Talent. . . tf FOR SALE OR TRADE Autos and furniture. New phonographs and records half price. 16 N. Grape, tf Used Ford Gars That Are Guaranteed 30 Days Service If interested (in a used'ear be ftire and Bee us. C. E.Gates Auto Co. -"FAflB SEVEN BUSINESS DIRECTORS" Attorneys REAMES & REAM ES Lawyers, of. . flee In Liberty Building. . Abstractors MURRAY BROS. GREENE Abstracts of Title, Rooms 3 and 6 No, 83 North Central Ave., upstairs. JACKSOV COUN1Y ABSTRACT CO. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance. ' The only complete Title System In Juckson County.. A. E. KELLOGO Abstractor ol Titles, Gold Hill, Oregon. Reliable Jackson County Abstractor. Over twenty years' oxperionoo in the ; . county. Phuno 6-J-g Gold Hill. it Building Supplies nnd fluorine STANDARD ROOFINO AND BUILD ERS SUPPLY CO. Build up Roof. Ing, Ashlnnd Granite Top.. 15 years ; guarantee. Best grade of roof pa . per cement. Pressod brick, plain and ' faced wall blocks, foundation .cs- mont blocks, fire place brick, all ' colors. All material Class A. Port ; land Benver .Cement for sale. As i phalt by ton, barrel or pound. Tel ; ephone 738-X. Chiropractic Physicians - DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectle Physician. DR. LOUISE : B. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechano-Therapy, Spon dylothorapy. Food Sciences, Chlro '. practlco. Offloe: Stewart Bldg., . , 266 E. Main St. Phones: Oftlo. 170; lies. 170-J-2. ' DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlropraotlc Nerve Specialist. Office hours 9-13,. . 2-5, 203-200 Liborty Bldg. Offloe Phono 680. Res. phone 1027. ' ;; Pen lists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. Phone 669. Res. 776. Offloe hours L. m. 6 p. m. Evening and Sunday by appointment. DR. H. E. MURPHY DontUlttT. Dental X-Roy. Phone 1 77, " otfiot Beoond floor Medford Bldg. f ? . Expert Arconntaut , WILSON AUDITING CO. B. M. W11T ' , Jinn, ft P A . AltAntinn vlv.n . . anything In accounting and -Income Tax requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Llb erty Bldg., Medford. Phone 167-R, Insurance EARL S. TUMY All forms of Inaur ' ance; Fire,. Auto, Life, Accident Bonds. Pbone 402. 209 Liberty ldg. ( Mouoy Ui linan J. B. ANDREWS Buys ' and sells mortgages and loans money on good security. 31 N. Grape SU Phone 63-M. 246 Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE, CO.-i Monuments. E. A. Hicks, General Mnnagor. P, M. Kershaw, Seles Manager, 103 E. Sixth St., Medford. ti ONtoo paths ' I DR. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CARLOW Osteopathia Physicians 416-418 Liborty Bid. Phone 904-J-3, Residence 26 South Laurel St. Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher Of Piano and Harmony. . Studio 311 . Liberty Bldg., Phone 72. . . -i Printers nnd Palillshors '. MEDFORD PRINTING CO. has the - .best equipped printing offloe Id Southern Oregon. Book binding;, loose leaf ledgers, billing syeteme etc. Portland prices. 27 N. Fir 8t ' Ftransler BADS TRANSFER & STORAOB CO, Office 22 North Front St. Phoo 816. Prices right. Service guar, anteed. .,, DAVIS TRANSFER A STORAOB CO. Anything moved, day or nlgbt Service guaranteed. 29 8. Qrapa, Phone 644, or residence 1060. Upholstering ' J. WEls Upholstery.. Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made xo order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone 201 Jacksonville, Ore. , r VETERINARY MEDFORD VETERINARY HOSPIT AL, Dr. E. C, McCulloch, Graduate Veterinarian. Office consultations free. Corner Grape and Fifth, Med ford, Ore, Phone 169 Day . or night. , . Window Cleaners LET GEORGE Dq IT. Wax and pol ish your floors, clean your house. Janitor service for offices and build ings. Geo. A. Seely, Phone 11.71. R24 Reekman Avo. . , FOR INFORMATION Corpenter's wicai ix'iu. rniini. iir,-v. Meets at Kuiith hah very Krlday ntght, 128 North Grape, between 6th and (lb streets,