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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1925)
MEPFOim MUG TRIBUTE." fEDFORP, OnEfiOy, M&NTutf MAKCTT h. 192.-) PJdE TlttlEE 9 Ms Inconceivable that ll property with 'ii potential villus of nVer fti.Oit0.0UO i should ri' ma ill indefinitely inactive, nd whqn the success of the Mount Ken hen tunnel, which Ih located but a short distance away, ahal! ngnln start tlu- current uf mining activity thiu district, tint Aim til a will doubt-Q less be one of tho big mines of Joso phlne county - otnnouncirip an - ' - J a 1 'JLL . I 1 , .-ffclJJ. SLL I L .--1 - - . L Jg?1' 11 MINING NEWS OF OUTHWESTLRN OREGQN o Edited bf Romlwestern Oregon Mining: Bureau. INCREASE IN PRICE - oCOPCO 7 Preferred Capital Stock The price of this Company's present issue of 1 Preferred Capital Stock, which has been offered at $98.00 per share since its first public offering seven months ago, will be increased to $100.00 per share on April 2, 1925. No change is to be made in the present par tial payment plan, adopted for the convenience 1 of those desiring to arrange their investments in this security on a 20-payment basis with in- , . terest at 6 allowed on all installments paid. Effective April 2 . This increase in price is made necessary by v an active demand and strong financial market for this type of security throughout the country. It is further justified by the satisfactory progress which is being made toward the completion of v the Company's new important developments. These projects, when completed, will materially increase the Company's earning capacity. . For full information concerning Copco 7 Preferred Capital Stock and interest- bearing 'partial payment plan, ask any member of our organization or simply clip and mail the coupon below. f4 S& 1 CALIFORNIA OREGON i 1 POWER COMPANY THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Offices: .... V OREGON Rojtburg Medford Grant Pas ,. Klamath Fallf CALIFORNIA Yrcka Dunraiuir YOUR PARTNERS IN PROGRESS Ask any member of our organization r-or mail this coupon today! THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY MEDFORD, OREGON Please send me full information about your 7 Preferred ' Stock and special partial payment plan. Name. t4ddress- Special Bargains We Are Offering Common 2x4 and 10 in. and 12 in. Boards at $20-00 per M. Channel Novelty and Double Run Rustic as Low as $3O0 per M. Get Our Prices on Lime Cement Plaster Shingles Roofings Sawn and Split Cedar Posts Sugar Pine Shakes , Sash, Doors and Windows We Can and WILL SAVE YOU MONEY MedfordLumberCo. Phone 629 Wholesale and Retail J. H. COOLET, Pres. Corner Third and N. Fir The Metal Market Copper. $12 11.: tin. $.537 lb.; lead. $.9 lb.; sine, $.073 lb.: Sliver. $.682 os.; uluininum, $.28 lb.; antimony, $.1? lb.; .bismuth, $1.95 lb.; ctuWniuin, $.60 lb.; Iridium, $32& oz.; Nickel, $.31 lb.; palladium, $79 oz.; platinum, $117 oz., quicksilver, ISO 75 Hj. flank; chrome ore, $21 ton. Other prices remain unchanged from last quotation. Local Mining News" '. TffgQ BaddV H .A. Cubberle of Salt 1-ake City, an S UtUo Joiirmiyw to Ijoi'hI Mines. Almedn Minu Of all tho mines In Josephine county, with tho possible exception of the . Greenback, tho Atmeda at On I Ice is tho best known. Unlike tho lirocnlmek, however, the Alnioda hleved Its notoriety, nut so much because of the recovery therefrom. as because of the lack of it. Prom ising, as it did, at one time to be tho largest Industry in the county, it was the primary factor which made possiblo the road down the lower Rogue, tho expense for which was borne chiefly by the county, and which Immediately across the river from the minu changes from high way, to trail. ' Tho oro body at tho Almctla is of great size and had all tho problems in metallurgy been solved it would have been very rich. Tho propor tion of recovery, however, has al ways been too small to cover tho margin between cost and Income, and the property h a s, therefore, never been sufficiently nttmctivo to overcome the difficulties, legal and otherwise, into which it has fallon. It is often cited na the most strik ing example of blight which legal battles can cast upon an enterprise It -la more true in mining than in muny other industries that what is worn out rusts out, and the process of decay has been continuous at the Almeda for nearly twelve years past. Tho mine still stands, however, a magnificent monument to Industrial failure and is none of the less in teresting to a student of tho futuroj ot mining oocuuse ot mat met. tho ore bodies are not worked out nor I have their value decreased, and ifi the human element can bo eliminate ed for a time, and modern methods of recovery adopted, the color of tho reputation of tho Almeda will be changed, and she will again bo a. source of pride rather than one of chagrin to the miners of Josephine county. Leaving the little town of Galice we travel three miles further, part oX tho way through the old placer diggings marked by heaps of gravel and bare bedrock, through tho old town of Almeda, whose houses still testify to the numbers that once In habited them, past the neat ranger station, with Its flag always afloat, to tho beginning of tho trail down the .Rogue. This trail, well marked, an broad and woll kopt almost an a narrow road, was "formerly used dally by mail tritlns of pack mules carrying tho United States mail to the outlying ranches, mines and towns on the lower Rogue. Its use, nowevor, at tho present time is con fined very largely to that of the forest rangers and sportsmen. Until recent ly a twelve foot plant bridge, sup ported on timbers and anchored with yjiro cables, spanned the Rogue at this point and gave access to the mine. The extreme high water of the past win ter proved too much, howovor. and tho bridge went out, so that now one must take the boat at tho pool below the rapids and ferry over. Tho faco of tho mountntnsldo fur some distance either side of tho mill is aenuuea or trees ana bares a sug gestion of tho brown mountains of California. Two things contributed to this, tho necessity for timber for the underground operations, and the kill ing power of tho funics from the smol ter, for tho Alameda possessed one of tho only two smelters in this district. which was last run under tho man agement of P. U. Wickham, now in charge of tho Wetsern Metals Mines property. Tho mill itself is large, building some 75 or 80 feet wide and extending between 2U0 and 300 feet up the mountain side, fully equipped with tho mining machinery in use two do cades ago. including a smelter with I capacity of 100 tons a day. Tho ore was taken out from of one and a half miles of underground workings, one shaft having been sunk to a distance of over 200 feet below tho bottom of the Rogue river. The best engineering ability was called upon In planning the workings and the tunnels arc well constructed and while the timber work hus In many places rotted away, it hours evidence of excellent conntruc tlon. The smelter, of course, is frozen and the slug encrusted pots with tho debris all about are muto reminders o ftho time when twenty or thirty sweaty laborers wrested tho values from their native ores. For tho use of the smelter the coke was hauled from Merlin, and since the smelter consumed from seven to ten tons per day, the hauling of the coke alone kept the road well traveled. The official figures show an ore body 1.206.000 tons grading down to $4 per ton, which 15 years ago. was too low for profitable working. In 1921, how ever, there was a. hundred thousand tons immediately available for treat mcnt, with an average value of $9 per ton at an average expense for treat mcnt of $4 per ton. It Is easy to see, therefore, had It not been for the un fortunate element, above referred to, I the mine would have been a contiuu ous producer. The money spent on th mine is variously estimated, some es tlmates running as high as a half mil Hon dollars. The actual ' figures, howover, show that tho development cost about $90,000. the smelter and power equipment about $60,000, and tho road, surface Improvements and buildings about $55,000. The actual production in 1912 and 1923 was about $80,000, the average value of the smelter matter produced being $261 a ton, and the run from Hep tern bor, 1915 to December. 1916. was $K0,000, the average matter being $275 per ton. The average assay re turns per ton run from $7 to $9 In 1912 and 1913 ami from $11 lo12 1 1915 and 1916. The original property consisted two Malms extending 3000 feet north from Rogue river, but other property authority on hydro carbons, is a vis itor In southern Oregon at this time. A group of mining men from tho north have Just completed a recent visit to the Consolidated Olid Mines on Wolf Creek. Cessation of tho rainy season bus provided many placer miners with an excuse for cleaning up. Them lm a probability, however, that must of them will have at least another months' run. Tlu death'of OeorKo ('inch has re moved from our midst a very lovable and enthusiastic miner. H Is to be regretted that he could not have liv ed to havo seen the success of the en terprise to which he gavo so much of himself. . The Ksterly mine at Waldo. Is mak ing splendid progress along the lines laid out by Its owner, being unable to use but a fraction of the water available at this time of the season. Preparations are being made on every side for the opening of summer operations at the various miles where the inclement weather temporarily sus pended them. do the all in If. D. Swartotit, a manufaclurlng chemist from Portland has b e e n demonstrating here for tho t three weeks a process for the treat ment of complex sulphide ores. which also applies to ores that not carry sulphur. Tiv this treatment, which Is from tho raw material to the finished pro duct in tho same day, lead, sslnr, iron, gold and silver and other met als which the ore may contain are recovered. Tho lead, iron and zinc aro recovered as pigments, and gold and sliver as the metals, one operation. The key noto of the process Is the strength, purity and durability of the product and the simplicity, and rapidity of the process as well the low cost of production and mar gin of profit, all of which appeal to the most conservative. hose persons who may be inter ested aro Inyited to view this demon stration which is being hold at room 05 of tho Medford National bank building, nnd see the entire opera- Ion from the raw material to tne production - of the most beautiful shades of pigments. don't forget my Trigley's" is hold by the company comparatively ndcvcloncd. Tho vein Ih a contact fissure voln with a slate hancinR wall nd porphyry foot wall. Tho old su perintendent's house, assay office, dln- inir hall and bunk houses and tne nun Itself is browned with ane but have boon kept In a state of fair preserva tion and when tho mine shall aKHln bocome active will still he usable. It J fc. m. 4? m T Mi Slip a pac&et inyxmr pocket when you gp home tonight. Give the youngsters this wholesome. lonjVlastind sweet far pleasure & belief It Use it yourself after stacking or when work drags. Iti a great llttk freshener Seated Tight -Kept Riglft After Every Meal THE; FLAVOR LASTS Invest a little each week for this summers vacation Plan now for next July. You'll want a car for fishing, fnr trins to the country, for Sunday picnics. Small weekly payments out of earnings will soon give you delivery of a car. Under the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan you can start with practically any amount you want, and make deposits of any size you find most convenient. Almost before you realize it you will have the car paid for. 165,000 people have already purchased their Fords in this way. Ask the nearest Authorized Ford Dealer to explain how they did it and how easily you can do the same. See him today or write us direct. I Ford Motor Company, Dept. N-2, Detroit, Mich, j : Ple.e moll me full particulars regarding your cwplirn for ownilK an automobile. - ' Name-Street-- SEE THE NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER COUPE I wy-'at On opi can drmountabl. gj ' ' ' A" "i"' 4" """" MKE SAFETY YOUR l E,S P O N S I P.! L I T Y w- O