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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1925)
o ....... Pi J8 r.pxoE FOUR 1 PS 1 . - NOTICE AND SUMMONS. In tltc Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County ; Jackson County, a lxnly politic ami corporate. of the fctale of Oregon, pin tut iff. vcmus Laura 1,. Stewurt, .1. K. Itoswcll, John ii ... l- i.. ....... n.. it. ...i,,. i J. E. lloswell, Mi.rv A. Sice. John Alberts, K. H. Hopkins. Muude K. Jloswell, Hnscil ii lJoauimr. Sarah l)W.i.,. C. E. Mkhelon. Huinic J. llonney. K. 1.. Moure. L 1. Uvula, juic h l'ltino House, t 'in'. feiie, Strati t.. ' (ilhbvt, Ercd V. Wrigh iLnllia, Seaman,! Flunk Weston, K. (L hnuic, Oiih Itnsenburg, J. A. Julius Estate, Ccofgc uud Marry Lewis, i Urn. I.eNa Thomiis, Mrs. .. ,. Huiey, r . maiiuonvci m. .1. Jicinu. V . ' 1 Kathcriiie .1. Kellogg, J. K. Havidson, Charles' hell el ux, Y.'H- It. Myrtle M. Harris. Sarah A imv J V ' Dt-ltrich, Joseph T. llauiiiii-rtdev. Kin rem Hunting, 11. (J. Harding, Chuvuer Estate, T. C. 'lomhiiKoii, At a Kit- I tiompMjii, 1. A. Ann strong. A. T. Lumlgreu, Mrs. Allen C. Hobeita, Murnic It Wood et al. A. (iracc Lathrop, W. 1). Stt adtnaii, .1. P. Kelly et al. C. H. Hutch, Janus 0. Ikltel, J.sujc. Wright r.siaic, U. h. Iljtili, Aiulri-iis WeiiHier, .Unit i:..r. v 'i-.J.f. .,,;,.ii' i." ' pi ... li. C. tJalev. llarry IMUIey.' Mrs. J. nine Spindler, ii. C. McAtli-.ter, Small S. Mln-11 ' et vi r, II. S. KvaiiK, Fud K. Spauldititt. lules Loie, Jules I . K. ole, Mr.t. l Klt-iriliaitiiiier i ... .. i... i .. ...... il. L.. White.' Carl ',' Smso'ii, Mrn.' M. .ii t . . .. . . . i Jone."Fdi.b It. Al'cI.eod.' 'ituhv riu.nuut'. Kl.ner Pulrltk. K. W. K. Cldtt'.dl. K. j "r".' I. I.!, .ii..'.. i il- u'..itr'l K. .SelMn, Ken Howe et l. Tblorc Mart-, , ' "r "f" . J; ,K-. ' ii.e., W. II. Hamilton, Mary Lllen Uiown, '. '.. . "i,'l'-v fc Kim-ry Addition, Katfle nlnt, Welibom Uecwu, Cuel. L Ore Liveloek .p ' JV.'M'U4nJ 1,1 dcoU ,ei'orl ,aea JOti-7'W' Jl. C Cliristonernon, Cache IJ'ttre Uveal gck J',V?'.,,J , . , , . ft ,i Co.. Mm. H. A. Hall, Klkt. L-xIfie No. 11I1B.I., 0.:n.l3 J. A. Jcmim Lst; te j.eorKc on William llu-.vley, William llanlcy, L. It. ,1"r.rv. Part of lotn 1, 2 m. I .(. at 1 aU 1'arker, Porter J. Neft, Mcdford Prlntinu Co. A. W, Walker, A. C. Walker, Llnnie IIiiiih .mi, Walter T. Sumner, V. hi. Radovan, ticoruia 11. Kcker. A. W. Walker, McCoy Candill, a. J i. uruine, a. wormy, v iincimiiia neise, i-iirmrrK ami M ini (.ruwer h iianK. aiiiv u. SlcvetiNon, Artie K. Stevenson, J. II. ('arlton, Karl H. Tuiny, F. K. Forenter, (ieortrc C, Devinc, Kd Walker. William Mai ley, Anna M. Smith. City of Medfonl, Linda Austin et al, ,1. L. Deinnier, .1. C. Ward, K. V. 1uiIb, Hc otl . Havls, (iriievicv-; itose,, j-.llcii Secley, V. Hall, Muimle llnfcher, Dudley Moore, tniRtee; I. W? Aiooi.-, Mum Hllfclier. Scott V. DjviH, Jdu 11. Davis, Alico C. Hmireut. X. F. Ortl. .N. F. Ohrt, Oueen Amie Inc., O. ii. W orthNiKton. Marv Scanliin, May Scaiitlin. Mollie 'r. Hlack. Amelia W. n .( i, i u i.-.. :.. . ....ii , 11 Wiuul. 'f.. ' f VV-.i Li,.,' '.l.L. 'iwimn.'! Pine Lumber Co.. M. II. TIipJmi. F. W. Knowbh. W. C. Keiivoii, Mary ilenuett, F. (J. PaKe, It. II. Toft. J. li. (iol.le. Win. Schmidt.! L. K. Powell, W. T. Normile. J. .lobnKon, Theodore Karmirara. Steve Sliinin. AirueHH M. M.itw i m i...n-iw.,. v i ' Sterlinir Lmiiber Co.. v'li toV Dallairc. Siski- you He!rhtN Co.. Leroy Tucker. Jame F. ' Trr..uin i i.m.Iibp w triiKler. Canrv Lumber Co.. HarriHon S. Stine. W. L. Kdnmndson, Fred Dunlop, .labez Moore. Haldwln Corporation, Itoberi Ilnlla. Allwrt II. DeWolf. William W. llniiH-Mr, Mr. H. 11. ChaMain. Marv J. llBrd. Cart ft. Joys, C. Frank Itbo-leK. John M. Scott et al, A. C. Spcnce. MarKaret Van Winkle, S. A. Carlton, L. II. Carlloii, Clyde Kay, LouiH l loin. A. Kclioenliel'l. Mshcr Jlros., Cliarl II. Austin, Cbai les K. Austin, Pirdier liros. Finher A. ft N., Edgar It. Van I'jke, A. 'Way- land, A. WyluMiJ. .1. C. Drown, C W. I.mison, ' i- ti- ti.... it- ii '...... ii .(..!.. .lol.n " Tucker. ' Albert' llod-fsmi, ' Albert w! , , ;'rlle M. Harris Lotn 2 and 3, Hodirsnn. .lamcK C. W ilkin, W illiam I. Vow- k . 1 Aliieiid-d Addition, t.old ter Eilute, ItoMdbi A. York, C. ti. Starnit, , . . . . . . . H. D. Cole, Itasinus .f. O.niuel. X. Jl. .Nf 1,3,1 '-f ''" I? '' ; Mm. C. V. Nw, Nelson Nve. NcKon M. Nve '- . Amended Addition, Ookl el tlx, X. M. Nye., 0, F. Wright, Itaviuond ,llU; "HW: ., .... , .... ., Wilcox, Frank . I. Cannon. P. T. Devcreaux ' C:UA I .1. F. Deltrlrli. .losepb P llammer et in. licorice Moone. Albert Denier. Albert !' l-ot 1 . uml . 'l'M'k , I)t,ekui" H N. Denier. 11. F. Edmomhon. ,1. 11. Stanley, ; A,'","A,1'' A,,'I11'""1 ''V. 1 t. 1 .:. i i i. i, .Michael .1. tJlifford. Itertha Woodcock, F. D. ' :'V" lt' .Vj-'""''!1 i,;V1J' J'J Mason. Fn-I D. Mawon, Walter Kay D.ivls, i s. ''V V;,k,1 ". 'V1'"" ' . ' 11 Ui 'm73. Kate W. E-pilton. It. K. Campbell. It. L. ' 111 ."",'; 'v 'V. n.ari ''I'tTT i"!.' ii J ,Vj ltiddte. A. H. Ilolchin. Hoincr Itandall, 3' 'V'1' V.f 1 u,k ,A ,,!llH" I ('1M .lh,,3 4-"?-Aumisl Hray et nv, Mtirl Cotfeen, Harry L. i ""S w ITi 1" r,!"i .'L"'.. u Willi.,.,, ti. . W. IL Hamilton, J1,1,,' H.-. ,J .V, ' ,J IoU William Hart llaunlt Blanche A. Powell. J '"' " c11'' -f " ' " ... i . lloifue Valley Mcally tympany, ,IU, kson Co.. ' I. J M"l.uson La ... der lod Hank. L.Hlie Pclton. C. Frank Ithodes et nl. ,'? rv,:,m 10li- l,i'Ku 1J- l,ol,l 11,11 "ut W HI HI l' JiK'kH. FlrHL Slute Ituk. K.nrlc Point: S, I'. Coy et ux, Clara Young. Clara N, Yoiinu;, E. S. Walfcr, 0. J. lloiiHcr, M. J. Morn, L.'L. LiKbta., Lloyd Stiinson. TlirumiM () UoMnHiiii. -Thoiiiart (. Itohlusott, Edgar It. Van Dyke, Edwin W. Mullcr, ltouiio Kiver Farm ProduclH Co., Clarice V. Ne, Tlioman Mi'Aiidrews, L. Heath, Mi-n. Ida Stewart', Frniik .. Slintle, St. Anthony Inc. josi'puine rerry I'orter, civile uud a Fiel.U. J. B. liigginbolbaiu, F. 11. and Ander-. win A. t;ook. Mabel M. and Anderson a ) Martilj, S. M. Clevlnger. David M. NIoUn, i n. D. Taylor, William Winter Halsig. Lulu i (1. Owens, Jessie K. Maltbv, .1. X. Mocker-' Hinltli, Hold Itay It.nln- Co.. Henrietta Ell-' wood. E. A. llns-rll. . E. ltmojcll. E. M. HotJiwell, ;old Itay Invest tneiit. Co., Oliver Vincent Estate, Charles 11. Centers. T. K. Flyim, Lillian A. FH un. Charles II. Centers, Eugene S. .IciiKn, L. J. Vincent. O. I'. Wilson, O. T. Wilson, Kennclh A. Wychoff, .1. C. K. welllla et ux, Willlain Chick, William Lewis, lleKNie L. Messen I '.tin M. Kelso, Hettlm ml re. Ida' E. CUlte et vir. Cnkiiown' Owner. I Poinereue, Settle ti. L. D.nis. J, V. ltocbo. Clara M, lleall, desi rllied III proliate record, vol. 20, page 43; .lames T. LoRim. I. L. Ticichler. .1. W. Itb.e, I"1"-7;. , r . . , i , Ct.auncev Florey et al, Lawrence Estate, C-.H04 1 C. H HatchLot 4. block 1 . on Elizabctfi Lawrvuce et al. Daniel A. Sodcr- W,'H "f n"k Mreel. Itoiiue Ittver; i2.47 berg, .1. It. Wilson. W. X. Campbell, E. C. 1 ' Hot:.-. amen II Ib lUel Lot 10. llugley h litirgesii Sr., K. M. Levis,.,,, kale Faske. Adihlmn. Ashland ; 2.hl. .lobu F. ltM bo. Thomas M. Il.irr, Pine , C-l4U Isaac light Estate. C. S. Hatch ber Company. W'illiaii, W. Salsig. A. K. Klein-,'"t on comer of Depot and Main streets, de hammer, Valentine Combcsl, Hugh Combent, I "'nl"''1 l" r'l"l IB Uoglie j'.ilwaiii t. Merrill, llarn.l L. I'eikins. Itaii-,""' Carter. It. Cattcr. .lames W. Xeatba r. I Ilimanl J. Dougheitv. tt alft-r Messenger. I -t l Hln k . Tabid; ..4. Kichnnl M. .leni.mits. John D. Coss. Luell ! C-Sri4 S. Carhlr. It. L. Itensoi, Lot Kwuggart. M. M. Piene et al, T. Ita, idler, ' '"'"Kht id T. J. Hell iu the (iibsoii tract, T. ILindles, C. L. I iiUtiv. Nina Daseu-1 Tal. nl : l4.4:t, berry, W. 11. Dlketuaii, Frauds Dlkemaii.l C -OHO tleorge . 1 refern, Carroll K. Pratt. Normuu I. Iliadeu. T. W. Dickers,.,,, William 'l '- . M"k 12. Ashland; $H:t.i;.. tiilbert. II. C. Sloddard. It. M. Cook. Maivl C-lfi-" !!. C. (iatey Lot 12, block fil, A. Price .1. L. ILnnmeTsley and W .1.. , Ashlaii.l; $1 1. .13. ChilderH et 1. K.,lph C. and Edna E. and C-:lii,"i I Marry PoMey Lots 3 and 4, block M. J. Mall, Applegate LuiiiIht Co., Haltlej"1" Fairvlew Addition, Ashland; $ll.,'3. WillianiMni. .1. T. OHguo,,, Mis. V. Iteuler. ' t' :D'.'2 Mis. Jennie Nplmtler LoIm 10 and Chester Kuldi. Itaukers Discount Corporation. ' 1 l'1,M'k "E," Fain tew Addition, Ashland; Chester Mrs, T. K. Uobeits, E. tJ. '101- HriggH, (irants Pass llaiiklug Co., M. F. C-:HI.'i3 (!. C. McAtisler, Sarah S. Shell. Cnm-lle, Otlo I list,, Frank L. Waller, Ellu-' ir- ,j,,t J. leii Terrace Addition, Ash bell, A. Smilh. W. II. Emerson. II. F. Pint 1. 1 ,1,ltl' Cuardiaii, Cliaib-s L. Donahue. Catherine C-itH,.! 1. S. Evans, Fred K. Spauhliiiff LWle, First National Hank of Mcdlord. E. 3l . I Mamadine tract. Ashland; H2.0.'.. Siiaul.tiiiir. Iliiiiiii F. ... nl flr- CKli.'i.'. .liiled Cole, Jutes F. Cob- Part of Seciirities Co.. SlnT.iian tlrkuio T Motion, W. M. Chilsnii, W. A. Hehneis et ux, Charles Kinkel, A. E. Lalourelle. A. E. La tourclle. Ernest Itowland. Pacific Title ti Trust i:o., II. II. Eisinan. Mrs. A. W. Illaui-h-urd, Willis M. Hiall. Itenrv W. Hrirnireter et ux. James F. PilrvilitHin. John i!ilHur. Wilbum II. Illalid. .1. W. r,...mkm, U .11... 01 Howanl, Victor S. Howard, W illiam I Morris et al, Itose Haldwin. Hose Haldwiii f f, Anna Chapman, and all other persons or pailies unknown, owning or claiming iiiiv ; right, title, interest, lien or estate in or tit the premises herein described, defendants. I In the name of the slate of Oregon: I You. nod each ot von. as owners, cbilmiiiils' or holders of an Interest", lien, claim or cstat it, aim to nie iit-rcimitlcr desert bed real prop erty, situated hi Jackson comity, tdale of Ore gon, and nil persons owning or tliiitiiltig to own. or having or claiming to have an interest inetein me hereby not idol ihaf Jackson county duly oivitiiixcd countv and tsxlv nolilic ml cornorte ninb'r sod be vbtM of the coustiti,-l tion and la. of tho state of Oienoii, the I plulntitr ahoe iiaini-d. is Hie owner mid holder 1 ei fain ceitltiraleN of delltiuu v numbered as set out tn the couidaiul on file herein, issued on the ith dav of December, A. D. Ul'-U, by the hheriff aid t.i collector of Jackson county, state of Oregon, to said countv, and IhmiiiiI In bonk form, as reipiired by law, for ne ur liniment lor tlie year 1 1' 2D. upon and n ici lining ail llie ileftnoucut prot-crtv upon the tax rolls in the office of said sheriff and tax collrclor tor ttuld and upon which nn.SO c-ertifimlen of ddin.pi.ncy luue bevn issued! C Htiiip E. W . K. Cnldwrll. K. M. fatdwelt pteeiomly or issued al all lor the mi id cnr Ci esshiook Orchard trad', .V4 aires of the 1H20, nave and excepting onU- that' all tliose N. In.u4 acres nf lot i:t; $111.14. certain cerl if ictcs of dclimpiem v issued to C :ti;ii II, E. Exlw Lot 10, CrcssbronV Jackson county, Oregon, upon rejl prop.-rl the Orchard tract, .V .".." acres; $1K.13. titlen to which are reKtered under (he prnt-1 t-:7 1 It. W. Present t. II. C. Stoddard sions of Chapter Ml .of Title Lll of the Laws I'd U, Eagle Hi-ighls Fruit Farm, 10 acres; nf Oregon rel.iOug to the reuio I ration of titles $127. to real property, ate tnt included in nor to he (' n?? Howard 1. Holey Lot 10. Eleven uffeiled by Oils uniicr- nnd sunimons, and EiKbty Orchard trad. 20. ill acres; $7.12. whu-h hii id certificates of delinquent y so ivsiied I I iliTl- J. F. Walter. K. Nelson, ltci Howe, to khhI ctmnty Merc tibd bv snid shclft and i 1 collator III the office of the countv of haul connly nn the tilth tlay of J.inu.iri. A. D. 1 tfj.'t. and constitute and arc public rcorrls of said county and ojien tn the In-pce-tion of all persons intensled therein: Yoll. and each of ymi, aie further notified that the descriptions of hr property indudc.t In said certificates of dclturjucucv . the name of the person or persons appearing np.n the latent fa rolls tn l.v haii.U of (he sheriff aid tax collector td Jut kse.ii ctnmlv, of Ore gon, ut the dale of the lir-l put.ln'at'ou of this iiotice nnd Kiitnmoiis as the oumr or own ers of said propcrl. and it urkiinun n'n st.ite.1. and the tula! t:- -1 I v I do .1 A. D 1 - the .itt.- ipif f-ll-.ww c ill - la L si, nt -Lots 1. lI, 4. bio. k 7, Unite Kail O 8.-.02 .1. E. llosw.ll. .Ichn P.ilnt. et ,i Lot .'. block .1. Central 1 '. $2U M C-859S Sarali E. DnmW John "9 ft MX Lot fl, blo-k 1, Ceitlr Poiol, S er. cV r.,,fnMrix lleiliu- I . us ,'i n, a , (Vnlral Point. lli.83. I block 0, Crnlrjl Point, $1H.08. C liiitti Mjry A. Mec, John Alberts Lot 3, block 2.ri. Central Point, $47. C4. C-3,'1'7 K. II. Hopkins Lots 1 to t, fuel.,'.t J. E. litwuHI. Mamie rf Iloswttl jots .1 aim mm wcti s" ieet u 16- t '-",ral ' IU, , V f-3..U Howell Dow iiliiff. e : Howell-Ul 6 and U. Wot J, Central IJ i '-3 (tun Sat ah Downing. Maude E. Hoswell- Lots :i and 4. blink 'J4. Ceiitrar Point, !. ;-m0 1 ('. K. Xlichelhou Lot 4, block 'I C't-htral Point. 9.(1. C-;HHrt Muiiih- l. Honney lI'flilrMl I'ltllll. Si. ill. i i I.' I U.,nm I I I nu la LnlK f.:i(H Haln'ii Pi."' Jloiwe Lot 2, block Central Point. 4.1M, (.:-: ttU.V Cony Hellv Part of lot 2, Con Kl.tni 'lr.nt. Central Point, described in dteu record 12 4, pane .'..0."(. V-XMW Sar.di K. tiihlert Lot . block 2, Put'liKon'tf Ailililion, Central Point, $7.7i. 0.:ny7 Fred W. Writtbt ltt4 7 and H, block a, PatUttoii'u AdiliLion, Central Point, IMjtiOH M.irDia Heamait LoU 6 and 0, ... VM' Addition, Central Point, Frank estoii- -Lot fl. block i .Slilebl'i Ad'litioti, Ohtral I'oint, $12.'- i ( m k. u. Kiiirie i.ois ;imi , block 8, C"" ,l,1i!,0' 1!i,'Kl'', ''"'"V V, Vi'ui. it f-UHl Itosenburir Part of lots I ' l,l":K K.'" Vlllitl011 tM J,"jf ,,mTlb,,a U"U rewra UB' (!! 1 2 -.L A, Jonas Kstate, Crorjre nnd Kimiv A.hlition to F.atde Point. $4I..". (H0I4 .1. A. iIoiiiih F.statc, Ceorcn mid ' llarrv Lewis Lots 1 lo incl., the Kant tuirt . ot lot's it and 7. the mm Lb Ki1, feet of ttm West part of (ot 7. IoIm to J-. Incl., nil III block II, Daley & Lmcry. Addition, Kagb? Point, Jff4 .a 7. (':((Jlo Mik. Leila Thomas, tJeoriec and llarry U-wl I'art of lot 4, all of lots fi, (i. 7. H, went liar I of lot !, in block 12, D.iley itt Kmery Ad'Htion, and part of lot 0, Frjer'a CH.I il.l. A. .InmiH hslate, (.eorRe mid .aITL 'Jw""""u"1 . t , tv? ,.'" 'S10:U,I,''1'' l"'t 1(,tM, 11 'H' ? hl,"k. ,)al,y huwi Addition, .f , Z , i-' , - I , ',,,'NM- , . " .V:,r'', Lot 2 Addition. Knir h Point. '!.oH. Ulrlcli C-'l'Ufl Mik. K. A. Flore Lot described ,',, re'nl , paKO u'i'J, Kujfle Point (no I f-a2 . s. Hrandon. ot at riirec-fmir h acren mit of land .leM-nlM-d u . red record 1 17, I"1' ";;'Kl i'""'1 I'lattn ). 40.7rf. :.2I J. . Jot ins Kstate, Ceor-fe uud Harry Lewis- .and described in deed record le land in Daley & Emery Vafe ' Aildition. Sec, Addition, Sec , 11'. . 1 Mw 1 iu,,t jdatted). U.4li. : :"1iW:!14r" rWV. 'ffuV.0. n of lots 1 'ilo'k, r''.',iI(1 "'"v.4," -- i ( -3(J2.j M. h. Moore, Katli. rme J. KelloffR -Lot d. bhxk 7. ;old Hill. 47. Hi. C il'(i .1. W. Ilerrin, Katberine .1. Keltomf -Lots 10 1 17. block 17, Cold Hill. $IK.'I1J. (8'J7 J. K. Davidson. Char leu KeN, et ux , LotH ii and 1'. block 32. (iold Hill. 94.21. ttt"' -.- C-:t'i2H Z.oe It. Noe, Carrie ( ameron Lot ick l.i, Deekuui s Amended Addition. oh III II. 811. lil. I11"' 1 l C-U:(il Mallie Thompwiu Part of lots 4, r, (1, It, VI, block 2(1, described in deed record . puKc 10.'.. hi .lacksouville. t0.7P. C-;tii;t7 1. A. Armstrong Lot fi. block 2, LiiiiiIuitii'h Addition, .lacksouville, ? It . X 1 . I C-llilltK A. T . Lnuilgren tMinineuce nt Kouthnist corner of lot H, block 'J, In Lund greu'M Addition to JnckMonvllle; thenco west I -iA feet lo the countv road; thence iioi theiiHlcrly '';' "' njnl i;j interseclton ot west line of block i. Haul addition; thence Houtli to '"f ' 1 J- ' 1 & ' C-.'HI.Ul Mrs. Allen C. Roberts Lots S, 4, 7. H, block H. Phoenix; $i;to.'i0. (MOWl)- Huriile It. Wood, et al. LntH 1 nnd 2, part lol' , 2-11 of lot 4, block l'l. riiocni-. Described in deed record 100, page :t27i :i (.:. ClttH 1 A. (iraee Lathrop Lots 1 to 1.1, incl., lots 17, 1H, IV, 20, 22 and 211, block 3:1, Phoenix; 912. OIL ;oi42 w. i. steadmon Lots l, a, a. l'lni Pluienix; $21. hO, c -amn- nl. Lot east Vuter ','lM. I;t M- I'hwnix (not pUlled) I"11""", r.' - ' C-aii I Andreas W eiduer, .lames Jlarrutt, I .( ii. i, in, . i nun nail HujuiiuiiK Miner Ad.litioti. Ashland; $7.t.07. C-Hil.'iii Mrs. C. Kleinhammer The north 'ft t-H feet of lots 1. 2 and It. block U, Pratt's (Alaska Addition to Avhland; $S0.;.7. C-;i.'iS Lottie I'eltcui Lots SI and S2. block "C." U. Addition to Ashland, 9 1 211.07 (' :ili."dt C. T. Shepherd Lota 33 nnd 34. block "D," Itailroad Addition to Ashland; $2 H I).'.. C-3nitn It. C (Jally Lot 10, tdock "F." Uallro;,d Aildition to Ashland; $i;t.Hi. C-.'tiil M. L. White Lot 2S, block "L," Railroad Addition to Ashland; $2lt.47. C-:DW2 Carl L. Swauson Lois It. 7 nnd 8. iiiock ,," ilailroad Add I turn to Ashland; $207.0.1. caiiii.i Mrs. M. .1. Wolf Lot 27, Vallev View Addition In Ashland; 912.44, C-lllU i ,1. 11. Ib llan uud L. H. Nicholson liranile slreet. west. Hide, lot described deed record HI. pane .'.70. lti-foot front: n 4.7 s. c:tmi.-,D. T. .lone Oregon street, west l,iH feel of laud described deed record K.'i. l"Ke 1; $:i'J.(t:i. c-iiuiiii iMiiui it. Slcl.eo.1 Taylor Btrret, west side, bit "described deed record 82, page (.Ml, .'.n font front near Montana sve.; $14. 2S. C :imi7 llubv Tlunnss Taor (drert, west si.le, lot described deed record 10U, page H7. foot front -, ft 1 4.27. CSiltlK Elmer I'alri-k Ashland (tint plat- led) ; part of laud described deed record Ht. P'g S, lowuship Si S., Kaugtf 1 F... acres; $ et at.. I liciorc Maiinier Lots 1. 2. S, 4. -r and l, llMcrd.ib Sec. 21, Twp. 8 S., 4 W.; 2ti:t. C ni7.'. - W . II. Hamilton Loin 1 to HO. In clusive. Itoauc (titer Irrigated Orciianl lands. r.OO a- res, ii. tlii. C-:(h7ti-W. II Hamilton Lots and S2. S4 to 4 2, in. lusiie. and all thai Part nf lot 47 north of eounly od. Itogue lts r Irrlgati CSfiTT -MaVv Ellen ilrown Part of lot blo.k ' F." Rogue liner Valley On hard Com 'iff. riMil deed rcird I'l', p.ise 32 ; .i 12 c ;ii;7 -Well... He. ion. Cjch. DOre Live .cli. D'th of lot 2 Itoial h.i i.t -i l I TI Vt" It-. . 1 "j D'Ore I ite acrrs lot 7 K CompMi.t --I tt 'i and X ltoaV4n hard ttact N... :t ; J JO C V Mi-s. S. A. Hall. Elks Loitge No. Uii-i- Lot 10, blmk 1 1, Ciiv of Mclf.inl; $ V US CI, 1.1 W illiilo Hinl.-e IViltl.n. n.l ' IMi.-.l- Willcim ILnvlev, nhlev $yi.l8. I C-.I7i-Cbarles IL Austin. Charles )Oau- C 3flM4 L. 11. Parker Lota 3 and 4, block ;" SK- W ot N - , 5 Tp. 27 b.. 31), City of Medford; $44.23. Jtauge 1 t.; U.0ti. J C.3i;k.-c porter .1. Ndf, M.dford Printing'. U-37U9 Fisher JJros., Fisher, A. ami N. Co. The X. i. feet of lot 7 all of lot H. the . Twp. 37 8., iUnge 1 ti.; 11.5fi. S. 11.0,'t feet, of lot y. blo. 44, City of Med C-380U Edgar It. Van Dyke Lot 4, H. K. ford; $:.2.UV 0 I li of S. W. V. K. W. yt of S. ti. Vi. 7, 3im( a. W. Walkej. A. C. Walker. I.lnnlf itanscMiii Lot 1, block 4U, City td Aieuintu:; $7.U(i. C.aii7 Waller T. Sumner Lot 8, block 79, Cilv of Meilfoni; $30. Mi. C-aOKn F. M. Itadovaii W. 100 feet of m T '. A- ianu n. t. lot 1. blo.k 11, Itealtys Addition. City of U. Sec. 21, Twp. 37ayi.( ltange 1 ti.; UciHord' $41 '10 i $11.06. C-3i. Oeorgia M. E ker, A. W. Walker , TT3- C- Brown N. W. Sec. 21, Lot devribed de.d rer-onl 110, page Ul, Uro-j., J ,s -. Uaiigc 1 E.; $(J0JJ4. backs reserve. City of Medford; 73.10. S.r , C' i'UI,HO". u- w wunsou C.3ti!ij McCoy Candill Lot ii. block 1, Z;- ft, Sec. 22, Twp. 37 b.; ltauge 1 E.; Carlton's A.hlition to Cily ol Medford; $4.00. , , , , c:tii!4 A. L. Craim lait 7. block 1. Carl- . C-hO.-i W. H. Taylor, H. II. Taylor Quar- ton's A'lditiou to City of Mcdlord, $4.00. ( C-JHPjii A. Wothy Lot 4. blo.k . Carl-. ton's Addition to City of Medford; $3.13. C-umiO WilhelmiiiJi Helse Lots 0. 7 and 8, ' tdock 2, Central Suldtvlsloii; $21..rttl. :t;7 Fanner's ti Fruit lirower Hank Lits 0 and 10 and X. half lots IL and 12, Ctoverdalc Addition, Medford: $24.11. CUnOH Artie It. Stevenson, Artie E. Bteveil son Lot 12, block 2, County Clancy Addition, M.-dford; $9.2.1. C-3ii'.i0 I. M. Carlton, Earl S. Tuiny Part 'if lot IL block 2, Collage Addition. Medford,. descnlK-d in deed record 77, page 371; 30.31. C-:i70(l F. S. Forester Lot 7. block 1, Crescent SuMlvlsloit. Medfonl; $13.01. C-:7Ul Oeorge C. Devlne Lot 1, block 3, Crescent MUhIivIsIoii, AletlToni; if 1 1 .4.1 ( 'CIlll W,.tL..r U'llli..,.. h!tjil,.v Intfl Ill, 14. K., block 4. :rowell's Amended Addi- tion, Mcdlord; tiu.2'i., C-370Ji Anna M. Smith, Cily of Medford Lot 1 7. block 4, Crowell's Amended Addition, Medford; 20. 112. C-3704 Linda Austin, et al. Lois 3 and 4, block 1, Edward's Plato Addition to Medford; $111.24, C-370'. .1. L. Deinmer Lot 1, block 4, Fail mount Addition to Medfonl; $i.02. C-3700 1. C. Ward Uds 4 and u, block 2, Kcmvoml A.l.llli,,!. Me.lff.r.l- li;-)4 C-3707 S. V. Davis Lots 0 and 10, block reconi ju;t, pagu uu, Sec. 32 S., Range 2 F; 1, llighlaud Park Addition. Medford; $18.87. ($40.14. C-H70M S.oit V. Davis Lot 7, block 4,' C-3817 X. M. Nye E. of N. W. Highland Park Addition. Medford; $0.2f.. i W. Vi of N. W. U, Sec. 10, Twp. 33 S., C.37(,f( (jenevieve Host S. lf.O feet of E.'a"K 2 E. ; $.7.1li. -Id feet of bit .7 in block 2, Imperial Addition,! C-3818 Fisber Itros. X. E. . less 9 acres Medford; $10.12. Rnl'l 1" Sec. 30, Twp. 34 S., Range 2 E.; C-:f7l0 Ellen .1. 'Hlevens Lot 13, block 3, 'ti-23. Kendall'H Addition, Medford: $10.12. C-3 610 Joseph F. Wrighf W. V4 of W. t . .. 1 1 1 wuiuim James itoot -i-ot uiock rieuwotHl Aim i uon, Al en ion i ; s in. C-37 I 2 P. M. Hull. Sedev V. Hall Lot G, block 1, Oak drove Addition. Medford; $4.00. C-37I3 Maggie Huteher. Dudley Moor, Trustee-Lot II, block 1, Oak Crove Addition, Medfonl; $1.00. C-37 14 D. W. Moore Lot 9, block 2, Oak urove Auumon. .ieiiiurn; :i.ny, C-371:. Maggie ilgie M. llnteher Lot 10, block Addition. Medford; $3.00. 2. Oak (Irovc C-37 10 Scott V. Davis Lots 7 and 9, E. Vi of S. W. Vi . S. E. Vi of X. W. V4. block 1, Oak Grove Subdivision, . Medford; . Set.'. 24, Twp. 3w S.. Range 2 E.; $29.40. $10.74. C-3824 Albert Denier, Albert W. Denier C-3718 Scott V. Davis Loll 4. block 3, s- ti. Vi. bee. 3(i, Tup. 40 S., Range 2 E.; Oak Crovc Sulslivision, Medford; $10.12. $30.10. . . (-3710 Ida II. Davis Lots 1 and 2. block ' C-3823 Jl. F. Edmondson 40 acres des 4, Oak Urove Subdivision, Medford; $14.49. I cribed In deed record 11H, pugc 79, Sec. 34, C-37 20 Alice C. Sargent, N. F. Orth Lots Twp. 33 S., Range 3 E. ; $90.44. and ti, block 2, Orchard Addition, Medfonl;!1 C-S82I1 .1, II. Stanley E. Vi of S. E. V4, $G.02. Sec. 10. Twp. 3.1 S Range 3 E.; $3.84. -3721 Queen Anne. Inc. Lot 1, block 4,- C-3827 Michael J. Clifford E. of N. E. Quem Anne Addition, Medfonl; $11.00. j Vi, X. W. Vi of N. E. Vi . X. K. Vi of N. W C-3722 O. S. Worthington Lot 1. block . U 20. Twp. 30 S., Range 3 K.; $80.03. Riverside SuMi ision. Medford, $11.00. C-3H2S Hertha Woodcock S. E. Vi. Sec. C;723 Mary Hcantliu, May Scuntlln LoU 22. Twp. 30 S., Range 3 E.: $47.33. I, 2 ami 3. bluck 1, Itoanokjc Addition, Med- C-3S32 F. D. Mason, Fred I. Mason N. W. font; $128,17. 'i, W. 4 of S. W, i , Sec. 34, Twp. 40 S.. C-3724 Mollle T. Hbick l.ola 0 to 12, In- Range 3 E.; Slb-.-ftO. elusive, and lots J4, 17 and 1, all in block 1, C-3834 Walter Rav Davis E. V. of S. E Siskivou lleiglils Addition, Medford; $ii(l.10. U, ti. Vi of N. V.. Vi , Sec, 1H, Twp. 40 S C 372.-. Ainellii W. Habcoek Lot 7, block Range 3 E. ; $39.10. 1, Summit Addition. Mcdlord; $19.74. C-3K3.- Kate W. E.pilton N. 'E. Vi , N W C-3720 A. C. Sprout Lots 1 to 14, Indu- S. W. Vi . S. E. Vi , Sec. 1(1, Twp. 38 S.. sive, bloik 2, Summit Aenue Heights Addi- Range 4 E.; $00.!l7. tion. Mctlfordi $100.11 C-3S30 It. S. Campbell--E. Vi of 8. W. Vi. C-3727 A. C. Sprout Lots 1 to 12, inclu- Sec. 10. Twp. 41 S.. Range 4 E. ; .".3.(14. sive, block 3. Siimiuit Avenue Heights Addi- C-3H37 R. L. ItldiMe, A. S. lUlcbin E '4 tion, Medford; $00.0!i. of S. E. i. Sec. 12, Twp. 41 S., Range 4 E. : 0372S Ervin McUall Lot 12. block 1, $17.2d. Sunnyshle Addition lu Hair's Addition, Med- C-3H38 Hoincr Randall S. 6 of S. E. Vi. ford: 22.37. . Sec. 34, Twp. 33 S.. ltango 1 W.; $30.81. C-373H lleorge H. Wood Lot 7, block 2, C-3K30 August lliav.-et ux. S. E. V4, Sec. Wiilutil Park Addition, Medford: $4.88. 22. Tup. 34 S., Range' 2 W.: $40 20 (.'3 739 E. C, Way Eslal., Lof 3, block 4. ' C-3840 Mlirl Codeen E. Vi, f jj. y Wr.ihiul Park Addition, Medford; $4.87. Sec. 0, Twp. 114 S., Range 1 W. ; $34.40. C-37 4 2 Joe (iagnon. Pine Lumber Co. C-3K41 Harry L. Howard S. E. -V4, Hec. Lots 4 to 13, Inclusive, uud lot 10,- all in 30, Tfp. 3J S., Range 1 W.j 49.90. block I, Walnut Park Addition, Mcilford; C-S842 W'illiitin 0. Thicker N. Va of N. W $12B-nl. ' of S. ti. 4, Soc. 34, Twp. 34 S., IUligo 1 C-3743-M. (!. Thelss Lot 4. block 3 , W.; 4.7fi. , 1 West's Addition, Medford; 11. 2T,. C-3843 W. II. Hamilton S, V4 of S. V- (!.74(1 F. W. Knowles Lots 13 nnd U. S. Vi of N. Vj of S. K. Vi . Sec, 27, Two. 30 blink 1, Wliltmaii Park Addition, Medford; S., Range 1 W'.; $340.04. :1.73. C-384 1 William Hart Hamilton S. K. U C :f748 W. C. Kenyon Lot 2fi, Wpodlawn or S. K. Vi , H. li. U of S. E. V4. Sec. 28 Heights Addlfimi, Mnlford; $3.09. ' I Twp. 'Ah S., Rani;e 1 V.; 13. H2. C-3740 Mary Hontiett Lut descrited in1 C-381.1 lllanche A. I'owell H, of S W drrd m oid 03. page 2i.o, on Second street I Vt . S. W. Vi of N. W. . N. W. 4 of S. West', south side. Medford; $24.11. Vi , Sec. 28, Twp. 3.' S ltango 1 W.j 34.08. C-H7..0 F. (!. Page Trait tlencrlbed In C-38 4f! Rogu V.nllev Realty Company. deed record IMI at page 430 (extends to center Jackson Countv Bunk Lots fi, 0, 7 and 8, in of Hear Creek), on Main street East, south Sec. 20, Twp. "3ft S., Rn.ige 1 W. ; $2.'.ri.43. side. Medfonl: 1,87. I C-38 1 7 lloffiie. Vullnc ttn,.Ht. r dt Lot deRcrlbwl In deed r2, less lands' described in age 129; on Palm street 9. . Ide Lots 1(1 nnd 17. block record 1 HI. page 47 deed record 118. page 129; on Palm street i:-:wf,-j j. ij. not. le Lots 10 nnd 17. block 3, Herryvale Addition, Medford: $2. 2ft. iJuckwrn Countv Hank N. V. i of S W Vi' C-37..3 .1. II. (ioble. Win. Schmirtl Lot 0,'N. Va of N.'ti. V4 , S. W. U of N. E Vi' block H. .Herrvvalc Aildition. Medfonl: 1.H3. I X. IV. . X V. X. t W w it i-u a '-V C-37. ,4 L. K. Powell Lots 3 uml 4, block 2, Capitol Hill Addition. Medfonl; $ftft.74. 1 C-37:.7 W. T. Xorinile. .1. .lohusoii Lots 2. 3 and 4. block 9, College HiU Addition, i Medford; $I.S0. 1-3...S Theodore Karpurara Lot 17, block 1, Laurellnirst Addition, Medfonl; 2.43. I C.3 7ft9 Steve Stump Lots 1 and 2, block .. Laurelhurst Addilloii. Medlonl; $3.07. C-37ii0 Agness M. Sailer Lots 111 uud 20, bhsk l. Laurelhurst Atldilion, Medfonl; $3.07. C 3 7 lil ,. .ii. i,nuusot-rr , i. i.oiiusiwrry Lot 18. block 1 Laurellnirst Addition to.lnlx , 2 and 3 tin.) 130 aires off west end Meillont: $1.8. (.;Uii., Sterling Lumber Co. Part of lot 2, I. lock 1. Xickdl Addition to Medford. dc- mhIn-iI III deed reioid 1211, page ftlft; $8.08. C-37r.U A ii tor Datlaire Part of lot 4, block 1, Niekdl Addition to Medford, described) in deisl ret OMl 8.'., page 41; 3.S. ( -371.8 Sterling I.uuiImt Co. Part of lot 1. I.l'fk 4. Nickcll Addition. Medfonl, described in deed record 120, page fttft; $8.20. e-;7i'.9 Leroy Tucker. S.skivoii Heights Co. Hlock 1 , Siskiyou Heights Extension, Med ford; 7.lo. C;t770 .lames F. Trustee X. V, of S. E. 'i and ditch uud water right to Elk Creek, iu See. 22. Twp. 32 S.. Ranire 1 E.: 77.89. C-3771 Casey Lumber Co. N. E. of X- W. li, N. of N. ti. i. nnd K. K i of, N. K. -V. See. 22. Two. 33 S.. Ramre 1 E. (iil.7'. C-3772 Harrison S. Ht'ltie K. 4 of E. Va. Sec. 8, Twp. 34 S.. Range 1 E.: $48.74. C-3 7 73 W, L. Edmondson Land described in deed rts-onl 100, page 287, Sec. 11, Twp. naiiKe , r..; 94 C-3 774 Fre.1 Dunlop S. X. ti. Vi ol s. E. , See. Range 1 E.; $20. 70. ('3 77ft ,1a be Moore E. V4 Of N. E. Vi, 20, Twp. 34 S., of N. K. U. Tup. 34 S., Ratige w . '-a nt N. I,. Vi, Sec. 22 I K.: 20.10. C-;t777 Rahlwin Corporation N. W. H of N. E. S. 'v of N. K. Vi, S. W. Vi of S. E. Vi. Sec. 30, Twp. 34 S., Range 1 E. ; 101.04. C 377K Robert """'h Albert H. DeWolf N. l'j nf N. W. H, S. E. V of N. W. 4 . X. W. i of N. E. Vi. Sec. 8, Twp. 3ft S., Kaugc 1 E.; $3:1. 90. C-37 79 William W'. lleunessv S. W. Vi. See. 0. Twp. 3ft S., Rauire 1 ti.; $47.78. ' C :i7Sn Mrs. s. 11. Chastaln K. Vi of X. I'. t. N'. E. Vi of S. E. Vi, Sec. IS, Twp. 3ft ., Range 1 K.; l8.ttt. C-3781 Marv .1. Hard S. W. i, Sec. 24, Twp. 3.". S., Range 1 E.; 30.31. C-37H2 Carl (I. Jms X. t of S. E. Vi . See. 28, Tup. 3ft S.. Range 1 E. : 30.28. C-3783 C. Frank Rhodes Lot 3, Sec. 31, Tup. Sft S.. Range 1 E. : 31.79. C-37SI John M. Scott, et at. S. W. Vi", Sec. 3, Twp. 3ft sf.. Range 1 ti. : 27.84. ( -3 7 S.i Maldw in Corporation W, 1.4 of X. ti V, Sec. 30, Twp. 3ft S., Range 1 E. 13.211, C-37SCV -John M. Scott, et al. S. E. H of See. 33, Twp. Hft S., Range 1 E.; 7.17. C-3787 John M Sis-, 3. Twp. Stt S. l,-87MNll1iii M Sec. 4, Twp. 3rt S., Scott, It 1 n nc rf a, X. W. V4 1 E.; 32.14. S.oil. el al. X. E. Vi lttuge I ti.: 24.7ft. C 3 789 Margaret Van WiuMi fitwt. lols 4. 7 and 8. S. V. of s W alo part of lot 3 and part of D. L. C. No. 41, ling south of Ilutle Creek, dew-ribc! 41, deetl re,ir.l 122, page .'.21-1, See. 10, Twp. 30 S., Ranee 1 K. ; $42.1.0. C-37UO --S. A. Carlton. L. H. Carlton X. W. i of S. W. i, and part of S. W. 14 of X. W. . Nee. 17, Tup. 3ti S.. Range 1 E., ft3 acres; $10.78. C.3701 S. A. Carlton. L. H. Cirlton Land .tescrtlMsl hi died record 9. page 181, less land lescrdMie) in de ed record 1 03. pjge 23 7. Sc 18. Twp. 3S S., Range 1 ti.. 210 acres f'.'94.f. C-3792 Clvde Kav S. H of S 14, Sev 26. Twp. Mil S Hsiiff,' 1 E.: i'S.ftO. C37-I3 Lotus Porn V. 3 A-f . FOU. X E of N K. S. S. W. ?of E ' Sec ')$,.. s . It-iiif' 1 V.; .11 C I7:'l , V loctifield- K. of X. W i . X I. i.l si VI I. .1 -1.... (ViIanB 1 E : 13 !?". -Ki-her Him S V 1; S. E V. Se. ;il, Twp. 3ti i. Range l L ; ( 3Tt)rt Visher Hroa. Lot 4, S X X K. . S' ti. of X. W. . M W t T..i,Al7A -..-.. 1 I'. 1 1 ..' .1 T' ... u 1 ,a,'Ke, 1 C-aSOl Edirar Ii. Van Dvke W. V. flf N. E. H, E. ln uf N. W. Vi. lots 1. 2 and 3, n. ti. u of a. w. 'A, x. w. of s. e. u. Sec. 18, Twp. 37 K., Hauge 1 E.; $102.00. "r "nir " ' 1 ""'B I E.; $3.14 , (-;3 HJ0Jolin iuekri W. Vj of S. W. , "J, J ; w- Mtc- Twp. 37 S Hange 1 K, $o.rti. C-3 807 Albert Hodgson. Albert W. Hodg son S. K. U of H. W. 4. S. ti. hi, Sec. 7, Twp. 30 H., Hange 1 $W0.08. C-38US .lames C. Wilkin Lnni described in deed record 1)2," page 401, Hec. lti, Twp. 39 H., ltango 1 K, j acres; $0.00. C-3800 Williatn f. Vawter, Estate S. of S. W. V. N. W. ',i of S. W. Va. Sec. lo. Twp. SO S Hange 1 ti. ; $38. OH. C-3810 Ilnsella A. York, C. E. Stanis FJt i of N. W. t w. ft of X. ti. , Sec. 18, Twp. 39 S Kango 1 K.; $311.70. o-.ion ii, j. t ole .. M ui N. K. N. n . V. . N. ii, of S. W. U. Set-'. 80, Twp. ''i'ge i t.. i;i.o. C-.I81 2 Itasnuig .1. Oininel Lot 7, Sec. 0, "f. ". KC " r,.; t3Ht:i Uafiinufl J. Oininel Lots 1. 2 nnd 3. Sec. 7, Twp. 32 S., Hange 2 K.; $78.07. C-3H14 N. M. Nye S. K. V of S. W. M , Sec. 3. Twp. 33 K., Range 2 E. ; $lt..'2. 0-3H15 Mrs. C. V. Nve N. W. Vi of N. W. Vi. Sec. 10, Twp. 33 S Kango 2 ti.; $13.38. C-3 8 lfl Nelson Nve, Nelson M. Nve, et tlx. S. 100 2-3 acres of N. E. Vi described In deed y tt mi o. t.. ;a u in, w , occ, Twp. 30 S.. ltaiigt 2 E.: $4.31. 0-3820 Raymond Wilcox S. of N. W. 4. N. Vi of S. W. Vi, Sec. 18, Twp. 37 H., Range 2 E.; $31. 8r,. -C-3821 Frank .1. Cannon N. E. V4, Sec. 2, Twp. 37 ii.. Range 2 ti.; $4U.U8, C 3H22 P. T. Devereuux. et ux. Undivided half interest hi S. E. !i . Sec. 2. Two hk r Hange 2 ti.; $20.7... C-3823 Ceorge Hnone S. of 8. V. H, Jackson County Uatik N.'ti. Vi , E V4 of W. Vi FrL. S. Wr. Vi flf N. W. , Frl. W. ' oi S. W. V Htid S. E. Vi Sec. 30, Twp. 30 S. Hange 1 W. , $301.08. . C-3848 Itoo-ne Vullv TJ noli.- rn,...,H S. W. Vi Htid S. E. Vi . Sec. 30, Twp. . C-3848 Itotrue Vallev flenlte ro.m.ot. ( less land tleseribctl In deed record U4, mure 28o, mid S. Vj of Nt K. H "f - W. H and part of lot 4 sold lo Paul Midler), See, 31, Tw p. 3.'. S., Range 1 V.; $2011.40. C-3840 Lottie Pelton, C. Frank Rhodes, et al. E. V-t of E. "A of Sec. 32. Twp. 3ft S Range 1 W'.; $43.00. C-38.".0 Rogue Valley Itealtv Company, Jackson Countv Hnnk Lot 3, Sec. 32, Two 3ft S.. Range i W.; Hl'J.ftS. C-38..2 Wilbur Jacks. First Slat. n,.nV r.agu roim r.. , oi N. W. ; . X. E. . (,f t). L. C No. 40, Sec. 34, Tup. 3ft S., Range 1 W.; $1..7.08. C-3tf ..3 Wilbur JackH, First State Hank, Eagle Point Lot 4, in See. 3ft, Tup. 3ft S., Range 1 W.; $2.ft0. C-38.M C. Frank Rhodes X U of X W U . X. V. nf S.-W. Vi of N. E. Vi . and lot o! les 4.89 acres sold to A. C. IL.teliff u,..l a lo ild to .1. IL Cootcv. S.i- -All Tut, !t .". hi Range 1 W.; $143.04. C-oKftft S. F. Coy, ct ux. Lund ilcserlbetl hi deed reconl 121, page 20. in the X. K. Vi; See.4, Twp. 30 S Range 1 W'., 118 ucres; C-38ft0 Clara Young, Clara X. Young .a. m ucscnoet, 111 tieeti reconl ms natre 'Mil Sec. 9. Two. 30 S.. Ramro 1 W . l r-r- 941.77. C-38T.7 K. S. Wnlfer S. E. i of X. W. 14 of N. ti. U, Sec. 11, Twp. 30 S., Range 1 W.; $ft.(!4. C-8ft8 0. J. Hoilser S. W. ij of N. W. Vi. See. 2ii, Tup. ,t(i S., Range 1 W . ; $7.12. C-38,.9 M. J. Moos. L. L. Lightni Land described in deed record 104, page 44. Sec. 33, Twp. 3tt S.. Range 1 W, 10 acres; $4 1.2ft. C-.1800 l.l.M'l Stlmson S. E. V4 of N. E. Vi. Sec. 34, Twp. 3(1 S.. Range 1 W.; $10.41. C-3 8ti 1 riioiuas (i. Robinson, Thomas O. Robinson N. K. Vi and N. E. 'i of N. W. Vi . Sec. ,3. Twp. 87 N., Range 1 W.: 138. ftO. C-SM12 Edgar K. Van Dvk E. H of S. E. V. Sec. 12. Twp. 37 S.. Range 1 W - $10.88. C-3SC.3 Edwin W. Muller S. ti. i of S. W. H. W. V2 of S. E. Vi, Sec. 12, Tup. 37 S., Range 1 W.; $20.59. C-3 80 4 Edgar It, Van Dyke N. E. Vi of $8 4 7 ' ' " liuea 1 W C-3SH.. Rogue River Farm Prodnda Co, rive acres described in deed record 107, page ft3)i. Sec. 1ft, Twp. 37 S Range 1 W.; 87.31. C.380H Clarico ' V. Nie Lot 5 of the A. W'itson tisUto d escribed tn ileeil reconl 1 1(1, pagen 312 and 313, in Seo. 9 and 111, Twp. 37 S.. Range 1 W., 30 acres: $117.70. C-3 8(17 Thomas McAndrews latnd east of the counly nad in the S. E. Vi of the S. K. Vi , $'7 "4 ge 1 iu acres; C3SCS L. Heatb Laud described In deed reconl ion, page 43ft. See, 20, Twp. 37 S., Ramre 1 W,. 1 acre; 8.94. C.ISrtt) Mrs. bU Stewait. Frank X. Rhtitte Part of lot 5. Sec. 27, Twp. 37 S., Kange 1 W'.. 4 acres: $8.73. C-3S70 Mrs. Ida Stewart. Frank X. Shntte l ots 1 and 2, Sec. 28, Twp, 37 S., Range 1 W.; ?Jt.73. C-S87I Mr. Ida Stewart. Frank X. Shntte N. ti. Vi of Sec. 53, Twp. 37 S.f Range 1 W.; $ 4 7.uo. C3.S73 Mrs. Ma Stewart. Frank X. Shutte -M,t rt, part of lot ft. Sec. 34, Twp. 37 S., llanire 1 W.: $it.ftrt. C3S74 Si. Anthony, Inc. I.nnrl rlesetits-d m devil reconl 94. page 342. Sec. 3, Twp. 38 S-. Rmiir-v 1 W., 3ft acres; $41,117. C-3 8 7ft Josephine lerrv Porter Land des. cribed in Vot. lift, page lift. Sec. J, Twp. 3S S.. Range 1 W.. 7.37 acre. C-3S77 Clyde and A. H. Fields. J. E. Hig cinbotlum E. 'i of S. W. 4 of S. E. i nf X. W. V;. Sccfia, Txvp. SS S., Rantre 1 W., ft acres; 18.7. C-i7S F. IL and Anderson A. Cook. M.ible M. aiT Anderson A. Martin Part nf land des cribed in ro,,,,! yj, y,.Af.v hq !ltj i 49 deed mxTil Si, pace fiJl. Se. 17 Twp. s.. l; ihkv 1 W.. 3ft -ajes; t.".l.l?,0 C.tsT.).S M Cb-xicer sTW . , of li. Sc- s. r,. as S. lntre 1 , V. 77. t' .-O - I1.0M M. Mtolls. s. p Tatlor X 1 ,( s w x. S. W. U of S. W. 4, Sec. 33. Twt. S.. Hnire 1 W.; $4.00. V.nt ii;- ti V of N. W. Vi, See. A, Twp. S9 S., Kange 1 W.; K. Vi. $1 I..1S. 1 I t 3S82- lutn n Owen V. U of S. . See, l.'Siv. 5n. iB. 4D S.. Ilanar 1 W.'f si.nH I C-3SS3 i.csaie E. tltbv E, v( W. tit Sec. 14,Qwp.-;4 S Range 2 W'.; $41. .17 C-3884 J. X. lockcrsinitli S. V.. V4 and half Interest in ditch in Sec. 20, Twp. 34 S., Hange 2 W.; $10.40. C-a88ft W. I. Vawter Trtate, Gold Ray Jieaity lo, uiitimnea nail interest lti S. K. h of N. W. V4. E. Vi of S. W. 4. W. Vi of a. a. sec. su, iwp. ii 0., iiaiigu a w.; $30.ftft. C-3880 Heurietra Ellwood W. of X. W. Vi. Sec. 27, Twp. 34 S., Range 3 W.; $02.38. C-3887 E. A. Kusuell, II. ti. Russell N. 'Vi of S. K. V4, S. E. Vi of S. ti. i. Sec. 2s, Twp. 34 S.. Ruiijre 2 W.: $4.00. C-3t88 ti. M. Bothwcll S. ti. Vi of X. W. vt. 01 . w. 'A, ft, w. of S. K. V4. Sec. 30, TWp. 34 S., Range 2 W.; $49.72. C-3889 W. I.- Vawter Estate. Cold Rav In. vestment Co. Undivided half interest in S. W. , Vi of X. E. Vi. S. ti. of X. W. Vi, Sec. 3, 1 iwp. so Hange 2 Vt.; l,ft2. I C-3890 ((liver Vincent Estate S. E. Vi of r. 't, aec. 8, Twp. 3t S., Hange 2 W 17.07. , C-3891 Charles It. Centers S. W. U of V. ec. o, Tp, B& a., Range 2 W.j $8.70. C-3 892 T. K. Flynn. Lillian A. Flvnn S Vi of N. ti. Vi. Sec. 14, Twp. 36 b., itinge 2 W.; 2ft.o4. C-3894 Charles B. Centers X. W. Vi of i. r.. A, w. Va 01 . w. Vi. Sec. 17, Twp 3ft S.. Range 2 W.; $29.02. C-3 89. 1 Einrene S. Jenks E. U of X. F Vi. N. E. Vi of S. E. i4. Sec, 2g, Twp. 35 S iiuiie z v.; C-3890 Rogue Valley ncaltv 9 Company, Jackson County Hank X. V. of N. E. H . S. W. Vi of N. E. Vi, Sec. 25, Twp. 33 S., jmiiKe - vt.; s.tu.oo. C-3897 L. J. Vincent S. H of S. W. Vi , Sec. 20. Tup. 36 S., Range 2 W and 'X. E. V of S. ti. Vi. S. ti. Vi of S. E. Vi, Sec. 27, Iwp. 3ft S., Range 2 W.j $2fi3.30. , - C-3898 0. P. Wilson. O. T. Wilson V W Vi of N. E. Vi, Sec. 2U, Twp. 85 S., Range 2 W.i $21.18. . C-3 8 9 9 Kenneth A. Wychoff. ,L 0. S. Weil- us, ei ux. Muiu aeseribed in deed record 110, page 24ft, Sees. 10, 1ft and 1(1, Twp. 30 S Range 2 W.. 271 acres; $408.51. (j.3900 William Ulrick, William Lewis S. W. V4 of S. W. V4, Sec. 14, Twp. 30 S., jtaiiKe a vt.; ?o.(u, C-3901 Uessie L, Messenger Land iIpH' cribed in deetl record 102, page 55, in Sec. 24, Twp. 30 S.. Hange 2 W.; $12.37. C-3902 Etta M. Kelso Ilegin at a stake ow roos . or center of Sec. 24; thence W. 80 rods ; thence S. 2 rods ; thence E. 80 rods ; thence N. 2 mis to beginning. Also: Degin ml me a. c. corner 01 me a. n. lA al s. w. '4; thence N. 03 rods; thence W. 111 pods; thence N. 17 rods; thence W. 1 rod: thence S. 40 rods;t thence W. 20 rods; thence S. 40 rods; menu: c. 1V rOUS oeglllUlllg; SCO. I WO. 30 S Ranee 2 W'.. 12 acres: S12.02. C-3903 Hertha l'omereue, Margaret Pom- eiene in acres in i. i,. u. No. ftl and It. L. C. No. 02, and lot 1, described In deed record 10, page 337, iu Sees. 27 And 28, Twp. 3(1 S.. Hatnre 2 W '2.ftft. C-3 904 F. W. Settleuiire Land described in deed record 5ft, page 577, in Sees. 34 and 3., Twp. 30 S., Range 2 W., and Sec. 3, Twp. ikautje a o acres; ?34s.of, C-S90.1 Ida A. Chute, et vir. Land des cribed in deed record 107. nau-e ft17. in Kc 1 uud 2, Twp. 37 S., Range 2 W., 20 acres; $98.01. . C-3906 Unknown owner Five acres off the east enu 01 k. a ol t. w V4. Sec. 1, Twp. 37 S Range 2 W.; $3.57. C-390, (J. L. Davis Land described In tieeti reconl U7, page 519. Sec. 5, Twp. 37 S. Range 2 W.. 8 acres; $17.00. C-3908 J. F. Rocbo Land described In ueen record izu, page 400, Sec. 8, Twp.' 37 S., Range 2 W 17 acres; $05.18. C-3909 Clara M. lleall, James T. Logan Land described In tleed nscord 58, page 301. 1,T- iwp. a., jiange a vt., x acres $40.30. C-3911 C. L. Trelcliler Land described in deed reconl 80, page 1, lens lands sold Ut Oil man liros.. See. 12, Tup. 37 S., Range 2 W., C-3912 J. W. liybee, Chaunccv Florev, et al, E. Vi of S. W. Vi. W. Vi of'S. E. U. Sec 18. Twil. 37 S.. Rauire 2 W 41 4(1 C-3913 Lawrence Estate, Elirabetli Law- rent e, ei ai. unrnvnieu" nail oi land descrlbctj in deed record 74, page 230, Sec. 23, Twp. 37 S Range 2 W.; $117.12. C-39 1 4 Daniel A. Sod erberg Land lies. cnoeu 111 ucen recorti lit, page 122, See. Twp. 87 S Rauire 2 W.. 10 acres: ftl .27. C-39 lft J. R. Wilson N. ti. Vi of S. W. Vi . N. W. V4 of S. K. Vi. N. W. ;'i of N. E. Vi, aii'. iwp. a a n., ItHllgC a W.J C-3910 W. N. Campbell E. Va of S. W, Vi of S. W. Vi, Sec. 10, Twp. 38 S., Range 2 W.; $10.34. ? . C-39 17 E. C. Burgess Sr. Lund described in deed record 90, page 98, Sees. 10 and 11, Twp. 38 S., Range 2 W., 34 Vi acres; $119.57. 03918 E. M. Leviston Land described lu deed record 109, pugc 009, bee. 23, Twp. 38 ' , a it.; iu.a. . C-3919 Kate Faske. John F. Hocho W. Vi of N E. Vi, Sec. 2ft, Twp. 38 S., Range 2 W.; C-3920 John F. Rocho E. Vi of N. E. 4, See. 2ft. Tup. 38 S.. Hiiinre 2 W: S22.71. C-3921 Thomas M. Harr, Pine Lumber Co. a. n. 01 w. f Vi , ti. Vi of S. E. Vi Sec. 20. Tun. 38 S.. Run ire 2 W. : ! C-3922 William W. Salsig Timber only on S. E. Vi of X. E. i. K. ti. Vi of S. E. 14, S. E. Vi of S. ti. Vi, Sec. 1, Twp. 39 S., Range 2 W.; $20.47. C-3923 A. S. Keinhatnnier S. W. Vi of 30 wl, o-t Range 2 w.; C-3924 Valentine Comhest. Hugh Combest X. V4 of N. ti. Vi, Sec. 4, Tup. 40, Range 2 W.i $29.20. C-39 2ft Edward T. Merrill X. E. Vi of v- 7t oec. wp. tu a., jtangc s w. $20.17. 1 cj-3920 Harriet L. Perkins X. E. Vi . Sec. -3Z, iwp. 33 S., Itange 3 W.; $84.89. C-3927 Ransou Carter. R. Carter FrL X. W. Vi of N. W. VI. uml all of one ditch from Mans Creek in See. 3, Tup. 35 S., Range 3 C-3928 James W. Neatlmmcr X. E. Vi Sec. 0, Tup. 3ft S., Ratige 3 W.; $41.55. C-3929 Howard J. Dougherty N. E. Vi See. tt. Twp. n;, s.. Range 3 W; $87.81. C-3030 Walter Messenger S. E. 4 ol X. W. i. S. W. Vi of X. E. V. fi. E. Vi ol S. W. Vi. N. W. Vi of S. E. Vi, Sec. 12 Tup. 35 S.. Rauire 3 W.: S41.Kft. C-3931 Richard M. Jennings, John D. floss E. Vi of E. Vj, bee. 18, Twp. 3ft S., Range 3 W; $144.10. C-3932 Luella Swaggart S. Vi of S. E. Vi . -" P- Hange 'i w.; 38.7.i. C-3U33 M. jl pierce, et al. N. Vi of 3(14 Range 3 W. C-3034 T. Randies X. W. 15 of S. E. Vi Sec. 30, Two. 3ft S- Ramre .1 W C-3 93ft c. L. Dusenberrv, Nina Dusenbcrn- Land iu the E. U. of the K. E. i. See. 8 Iwp. 30 S., Range 3 W, tlescribed lu deed record 104. pace 71, 13 acres; 02.98. C-3930 H. W. Dikeinau. Frauds Dikeman vt, ut 01 . r.. y4t s. b. Vi of S. W. Vi. v. ... t.. 00 nature . vt.; nz.ll. C-39S7 Norman I. Hraden Lot 1, Sec. 11. Twp. 38 S., Range X W.. 50 acres; $37.04. C-3938 T. W. Dicerson, Francis Dikeman W. Vi of W. Vi of N. E. V4. Sec. 14, Tup. 30 S.. Range S W.; $20.00. 0-3939 William (iillicrb Part ' of lot 4, described iu deed record log, page ftO, Sec. 19, Twp. 30 S.. Range 3 W., ft acres; $83.90. 0-394011. C. Stoddard S. i of S. W. U. Sec. 2ft. Twp. 30 S., Range 3 W.; 19.84. C-3P4 1 R, 11. Cook X. Va of S. W. Vi . H. W. Vi of S. W. S. E. V, of S. W. Vi (less 2 acres) and ditch and water right, See. 28, Twp. 3d S., Ratige 3 W. : (11.89. t .81142 Mary A. Price Land described tn deett reconl 32. page 2(i. See. 27, Twp. 80 S., Range 3 W., 8 acres; $5.14. . C-3943 J. L. HaninuTslry and W. L. Child- crs, Ci ai. . r.. 'i ot s. E. V4. Sec. 84. Iwp. 30 S.. Range 3 W.; $14.73. C.39I4 Ralph C. and Edna ti. and M. J. Hall N. U of s. E. i . S. W. U nt s E u . E. H of S. W. V4, Sec. 14, Twp. 37 S., Range 3 W.; $48.50. F ' i-ju-ij Applegate Lumber Co. X. E. Vi 37 S.. ltAnco 3 V . t?l n C.394H Hattie Williamson, J. T. (iagnon S. K. i of S. W. Vi. S. W. i, of t. K. Vi. C-3947 Applegate Lumter Co. X. E. Vi See. Jrt. Twp. 37 S.. Range S W; $72.25. C-39 4 9 Mrs. C. neuter S. W. Vi of fct. W Vi, Se. 28. Twp. 38 S.. Range 3 W $8.40. t -.Hi., ii Chester Kubli, Hankers' Discount vorporauon r.. w I s. k. V4, Bvc. 3ft, Twp, 40 s Ha, 3 W.i 21.4. V 0.39.M Chester Kubli. Hankers' Discount . E n1-- 01 w i- Sec- 3. Twp. 40 S., Range S W.; 21. fit. i.;iH.,2 Mrs. t. K. Hnitert!) S. E. U of S. E. $11.01 74, on;, a, iwp. 41 Range S W.; C-3953 Mrs. T. K. RooerI X. W. J of $11 07 Kange 5 W.; C-3954 E. C Tiring V r ti o - i- (less 30 acres) and 40 acres described in deetl pain- o.n. aec. -1, iwp. 33 S-, Range 4 W .. ftO acres: $33.04. t .JH.... t, rants Pas Bankino- Co. W U of X li, Sec. 32, Twp. 33 S., Range 4 W.: $52. 4S, C-xy.iti- M. F. Crovelle X. W. of S. E. :.' '( Sec" $9.;.u. ws. va o( r.. v; of iwp. .ii , itange 4 W. I Franlr L. Waller W. U of M S. W. 14 of s. W. Vi Rarure 4 W.: $9.50. Sec. 31, Twp. 34 S., CSlV.nFlizalteth A. Smith W. U f M X. W. H of S W. See. 31. Twp! U4 S.. Range 4 W.: f .iu. C 3-ir.rt V. H. Emerson W. nf N W U Qt X. . V,, s, l, iwp. plunge 4 w.i $9.33. 1 u-3utii 11, y. Piatt, guardian E. Vi of W. Vi. Sec. 3. 'Two. 3ft S.. Ramre 4 W.i U-:i0oZ t Uarles L. Uonthue W y- of N. fc. Vi, Set. 3. Twp. 8ft Range 4.W.; $24.0.'.. C-S9H3 Catherine Lvtle. FirsC Natiunil Bank of Medford N. W. Vi of S. W. Vi, Sec. 3, iwp. 30 b.. Kaiiife 4 w.: ib.ui. C-3904 ti. M. SpauMing, First Vational nans 01 nouinern urvgon K. 'A, aec. lo, Twu. 3ft S.. Rauire 4 V.: 72.44. C-3 9 ti ft Benjamin F. 31 orgy n. et ol. Land desertled in deed record 113, page u74. Sees. 21 and 28?Twp. 35 S., Range 4 W., 24 acres; $34.14. C-390C Oregon Securities Co., Sherman itarKson r.. oi is. k. a . . . h 01 . r.. Vi, Sec. 24. Twp. 35 8.. Ha nil e 4 W.: $54.40. C-39C7 T. K. Hoi ton Land described in deed record 107, page 44, Sec. 3, Twp. 3(1 S., Range 4 W.. 90.50 acres; .'.0.1 ft. - l C-3 968 W. II. Ctiilson. W. A. Reimers, et ux. N. Vi of X. E..V4. S. W. Vi of X. ti. Vi . S. E. V of N. W. V4. S. W. i. W. Vi of S, E. Vi, X. E. Vi of S. E, K, S. ti. i -Jt S. E. Vi. S. W. V4 of X. W. V4. fcc. 12, Twp. 30 S., Range 4 W.; $150.08. C-3909 W. II. Chilsou, W'nu A. Reimers. et ux. N. W. V4 of X. li. Vi, N. E. Vi of N. W. Vi. bee. 13, Tup. Sfl Range 4 W-; $11.57. C-3971 Wiarles Kinkel "W. H of S. W. Vi. Sec. 30, Twp. 30 S.. Range 4 W.; $18.10. C-3972 A. E. Latourelle, A. E. Latourette X. Vi of X. E. Vi, Sec. 30, Twp. 30 S., Range 4 W.j $25.43. C-3IJ73 Ernest Rowland N. E. V4 of Jf. E. Vi, Sec. 4, Twp. 37 S Ruiige 4 W.; $15.77. C-8974 Pacific Title k Trust Co.. O. P. Eisinan S. E. Vi, Sec. 0, Twp. 37 S., Range 4 W.: $107.26. C-397ft Mrs. A. W. Blanchard W. Vi of n. v. ?4 , oee. 0, iwu. m a., itange 4 w.; $(iC04. C.307(l Willis M. Hiatt N. E. Vi , Sec. 8, Twp. 37 S Range 4 W.; $128.10. C-3977 Henry W. Ilelzettreter, et jt. E. Vi of N. K. V4, See, 18, Twp. 3 7S., Range 4 W.i $53.00. C-3978 James F. Fitrgibbon 0s Va of .X. E. Vi. S. E. '4 of X. E. Vi, Sec. 24, Twp. 37 S., Range 4 W.; $18.70. C-3979 John X ah hour N. W. Vi, Sec. 28, Twp. 37 S., Kange 4 W.: $93.01. 0-3980 William II. Bland S. Vi of N. E. 14. X. W. V4 of S. E. Vi, Sec. 32, Tup. 87 S., Range 4 W.; $4T.58. C-3981 J. W. Tompkins E. V- of E. Sec, 34, Twp. 37 S., Range 4 W.; $39.74. C-3982 William James Howard. Victor S. Howard W. Vi of S. ti. Vi, X. ti. Vi of S. ti. H. S. E. Vi nf N. K. Vi, Sec. 0, Twp. 38 S., Range 4 W.; $38.22. s C 3983 William Morris, et al. S. 'W. Vi of S. E. Vi, Sec. 1J, Twp. 38 S., Range 4 W.; 13.43. C-3984 Rose Baldwin W. Vj of S. E. V4 . E. Vi of S. W. Vi, Sec. 25, Twp. 38 b.. Range 4 W.; 84.58. C-3985 Rose Baldwin, et vir. Part of it. L. C. No. 37. described in deed record 105, page 58(1 (less 5 acres in river and road), and 1-0 Interest iu ditch from south side of Apple gate river, in Sec.25, Twp. 38 S., Range 4 U'., 32 acres; $82.64. C39H0 Chester Kubli W. Vi of S. E. Vi. X. ti. Vi of H. W. Vi. S. E. Vi of N. W. V (less 10 acres), ami ditch and water right from O'Brien fork of Applegate river, in See. 18, Tup. 40 S.. Rana-e 4 W.: 44.17. C-3987 Anna Chapman X. W. Vi, Sec. 10, Twp- 41 H., Range 4 W.; $80.40. That' the said several sums hereinbefore set tortn near interest at the rate of twelve (12) per cent per annum from the date of the issu ance of said certificates of delinquency, to-wit: from the Otli day of December, 1924. And you, and each of you. as such, owners, claimant's or holders of anv interest, riirht. title. estate or lien in .or to tiro hereinbefore des cribed real property, and each and every person, firm ami corporation named iu the foregoing iiai as itemg uie owner or owners, according to the tax rolls of Jackson coun; state of Oregon, of tracts, parcels, lot's and blocks of land almve described- and following your re spective names, and each and every person, firm and' corporation owning or claiming to own, or Having or claiming to nave any ngtit, title, interest, estutc or lieu therein, and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any ria-ht. title. JliteresL estate or lien in Hie real property almve dcscribetl, anil all persnns inn-i. i-n-n uiL-ii-iii are nereiiy iiirxner noiiiieu and summoned to appear within sixtv (00) davs after the date of the first publication of this notice ami summons, exclusive of the date of said first publication, and defend the action or pay ine amount one, all an sliown alwvc, to gether with the accrued interest from the date of the issuance of said certificates of delin quency, at; the rate of twelve (12) per cent per annum, ami costs, ami yon are furtlicr notified to serve a copy of your appearance, objections or answer mi the undersiimcd attorney nt his residence and pot; toff ice uddress iiureiuoeiow siaico. And you, nnd each of yon, are further noti fied, that in case of your failure so lo do, judg ment; and decree will be rendered herein iu the above entitled court and cause, foredosimr the lien of said taxes, Interest, penalties ami costs unt. encn uuci "nn puree, 01 lami, mi ami block of rcul property above described for the sums and amounts due linoii and ehnnred aguinst the tymie or said taxes, us hereinbefore set forth, witli interest and accruing penalties and costs und ordering the sale of each tract and parcel of land, lot ami block of said real property for the satisfaction of the sums cnargeti and found airainst it. resnective v. as provided by law, and as prayed in plaintiff's -uidi,Ni,ii biiu application lor judgment ami decree now on file In this cause and court, reference to which Is berebv made. You are further notified that the palfntlff win uppiy to tiic court for such other relief as may be just, meet, proper and equitable tn the nrelnlses. This summons is published pursuant to the provisions of law and the statutes of the stute 01 wregon, anil an order of publication duly given and made herein bv the llnt.orjlilo c xi Thomas, circuit judge, and judge of the alMive eiiiiiieu murr. aim nateti ami entered herein on Die 2oth day of February. A. D. 192ft, and the date of the first publication nf this sum mons is the 2nd dsv of March. 1925, and the last: publication is April 13th, 1925. All process ami papers in this proceeding ...ij in.- Nitm uiiyir me iimiersigned attorney for plaintiff, residing within the stale of Ore gon, at Die. residence and poslofficc address iiciumueiow siaieti. JACKSON COUNTY. A body politic and corporate of the state of Oregon, plaintiff," By RALPH il. JENXIXOS. Sheriff and tax collector of saM county. XEWTOV r CIMNKV District attorney for Jackson county, state i un-Ku,i, urn 1 Biioruey ior piaimill. Residence and postoffiee address: Medford Liberty building. Medford, Oregon. Summons for- Publication Kqulty No. 30S4. Suit in 7'iuity for the Foreclosure of a Mortrrnpe. In the Circuit Court of the Stato of Orepon for Jackson County. The Right Reverend Walter T. Sum ner, Bishop of Oregon. Plaintiff, vs. Joseph A. Newell (also known'as J. A. Newell) and Alice E. Newell, husband nnd wife: Oregon Growers Packing Corporation, a corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Oregon; and Jackson County, Oregon, one of the duly or ganized counties of the said State, and a body politic. Doicndnnts. To: Joseph A. Newell tateo known as J. A. Newell) and Alico K. Newell, his wife, of the above named defen dants: In the namo of the State of Oregon Vim nnrl ni,rti nt i . n A u .... 1 ...... w. UIW IIUIl'KJ it Tiutred to appear in the above en- . uui l uihi cause ana mere answer the enmnlaint nf tv.n nlnintirr on file therein against you. within ten miy irom ine aato or the service of this summons upon you if served in .Tiiek-Mnn rnmiiv n.-nnn .' 1 served in any other'county of Oregon, mm w nn in twenty (i:u) days rrom the date of tho service of this sum mons upon you, or. if served by pub- llnttlnn or out nf Ihn fitnta nr after nn order of publication, then on or Doiore ine last nay prescribed in the ordor for nubliration nf ni,i summons: t And you will please take notice that if you fail to so appear and answer the complaint, the plaintiff will apply 'to tho above entitled Court for the relief7 HomuniloH tn hA P'alnt. to-wit: For a judgment against ine aeiennanrs josepn a. Newell and Alice K. Newell for the sum of Twen ty Five Hundred Dollars and interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from December l, 192' until paid; and for the additional sum of $ is?. 50 nnd interest thereon from mild (bite at the rate of ten per rent per annum until paid: nnd for the further flum of $14. ?5 and interest fhorfknrt nt. Ih rni, n . periintium from the Hate of the Instl tirltnn of this suitr February 11, 192G, until pnld: for the further sum of $:t:tS.23 and lnt"rt thereon nt the rate often per cent per annum from November 5, 1924: nnd the additional sum of $509.00 Jtak'oriiey'u fees herein; and for plaintif 1 costa and disburse ments herein to be taxed; and for such additional sum, if any. which the plaintiff may prior to the entry of decree herein and nftor default prove to the Court that the plaintiff necessarily expended for tho protec tion of the mortgage security herein, and for defenng ngainst any liens of any of the defendants on the real property described in the complaint, and for removing from the title of such real property nny cloud result ing from any such lien, with intorest on any such sums so established at tho rate of six per cent per annum from the date of the disbursements, resnectivelv. That a decree be entered decreeing the plaintiff to bo the own er and holder of that certain mort gage executed by tho defendant Jo seph A. Newell to the plaintiff on or nbout the fith day of January. 1920, and recorded January lil, 1920, in Book 48 at pages 303-ia of tho .Mortgage Records for Jackson Coun ty. Oregon, in which said defendant conveyed to this plaintiff the follow ing described real property, situated in Jackson County, Oregon, to-wit Beginning Ten and One Half (10 4) chains South of the Northwest corner of Section Thirty-Threo (33) in Township Thirty Six (30) South, Range One (1) West of tho Willam ette Meridian, Jackson County, Ore gon; thence South on Section lino Nine nnd Five Tenths (9.5) chains; thence Fast on the quarter quarter Section line Forty (40) chains; thenco North on tho North and South quar ter Section line Nine and Five Tenths (9.5) chains; thence West Forty (40) chains to the place of beginning, be ing the South Thirty Eight (38) acres of tho North Half (4 ) of the North west quarter ( ) of said above named Section, together with all and singular tho tenements, heredita ments, rights, privileges and appur tenances now or hereafter belonging or appertaining to or used In connec tion with tho above described pre mises. That plaintiff be decreed to bo tho owner of the principal noto for tho sum of $2500.00 of date January 0, 1920, described in said mortgnge.aand of the interest note for SlST.tff of date January 6. 1920, the first of which draws Interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum after ma turity, und the latter of which draws interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum after maturity, each being payable on the 22nd day of Decem ber, 1 922, nnd each containing an obligation to pay such additional sum us the Court or Judge shall adjpdgo reasonable as attorney's fees in any suit or action thereon, and both of which notes are secured by said con veyance in said mortgage; That it 'bo decreed that each of said notes, prin cipal, interest and attorney's fees is wholly unpaid and wholly duo and owing to the plaintiff. That It bo decreed that said mortgage be fore closed for the amount of said judg ment and that all of tho right, titlo and interest which tho defendants Joseph A. Newell, sometimes called J. A. Newell, and Alice 13. Newoll, Iiih wife, or either, had in any part of said real property on or after January 5, 1920, or now have in said premises, be sold upon such foreclosure for tho satisfaction of said judgment, and costs and expenses 6f sale. That such sale free said property from all claim or .lien of either of said defendants in and to any part of said property and free said prope-rtv and the wholo thereof rrom any lien or claim of de fendants Oregon Growers Packing corporation, an Oregon corporation, and of the defendant Jackson County, Oregon, and which, is ono of tho duly organized counties of tho State of Oregon and a body politic. That by such decree and foreclosure all rights of the defendants except tho equity of redemption "bo forever barred. That such decree provide that upon confir mation of sale upon foreclosure tho Sherirf for stiid County place the pur chaser of said premises in possession thereof, and that such purchaser and his successors in interest be entitled Id such possession pending redemp tion, if nny bo had. And that If at the expiration of tho period pro scribed by law for such redemption no redemption shall have then been made, the then Sheriff for said Coun ly make, execute and deliver to the person entitled thereto a good and sufficient conveyanco of all of tho right, title and Interest which any of the defendants had in 01 to said pro perty on or after January 6, 1920, and freed from any claim of the de fendants Oregon Growers Packing Corporation, or Jackson County, Ore gon. In addition to taking such decree the plaintiff will take a decree for such other and further relief as shall be Just and equitable in the pro mises. V This Summons Is published 'In ac cordance with an order made by tho Judge of tho above entitled Court in this cause, on tho 16th day of Febru ary, 1925 which ordor directs this summons to be published once each week in the Medford Mail Tribune, at Medford, Oregon, for a period of six consecutive weeks, and requires you nnd encli of you to appear herein and answer said complaint on or before the last day prescribed in said order for publication of said summons, which last day is tho 30th day of March, 1925. The date of the first publication of this summons is the lGth day of Feb ruary, 1925, and the date of tho last day of publication hereof is tho said 30th day of March. 1925. ' The time prescribed in said ordor for said publication begins to run from the date of tho first publication, and tho service of such summons is completo nt the expiration of said time for said publication. i- Dated at Jackson County. Oregon, this 16th flay of February, 1925. REAMES & RE AMES, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Address: 412 Liberty Building, Medford, Oregon. W. T. SLATER, ' Attorney for PInintlff, Address: 714 Porter Building, Portland, Oregen. ' . . With Medfora tr-HdA us Medford mft4. pooooooooooooooooooooooooc YOU NEED INSURANCE CALL ON US I " ; First Insurance Agency A.. !- HILL, MMflr, - M North Central ebon 1 MtdfeN. Ora. ooooooooooooooocoooftooodba DYER ;v. HATTE&s CLI ANTES o Phone 244 O 23N.Fl?8t. e t' 39ft J. ti. Hoswdl - 9, 10 jtij (1, Lois V "'id, l". I'lwk 30, Cily of Midlotd.Ol . 37 S., Range 1 ti.; J1.70. o o O 0 0 o Q 1 1 ,Mimm wtHam-ti$mi mi,"