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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1923)
MET)F01?n MAIL Wmtftra, MflPFOKD, OftE(10T, SATURDAY, TVECEMTIET? 1, J.I. MURPHY. PIONEER RESIDENT ASHLAND, Dec. 1. Mrs. J. J. urphy, a pioneer resident of Ashland insect away at her home on the nilevard about three o'clock this laturday) morning followInK an Aeration. Mr. Murphy is a proml- nt stocK man. Mrs. Murphy was Ac of the best known pioneer women southern Oregon. v Mrs. Murphy was born Jan. 5, 1884 the old Nell homestead on Neil feck, the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. ayborne Neil, who settled on their nch In that yeur. after arrlvine in A-CRon from a trip across the plains 10 year previous. Mrs. Murphy was an youngest of 13 children and June th, 1884, was married to J, J. Mur- tfy at Jacksonville. Until 1914 Mr. Ad Mrs. Murphy lived' on their ranch t Immigrant creek when they moved Ashland where they have since re- Mrs. Murphy leaves to mourn her 0n In addition to her husband, three idns, Carl, Murray and Ray; one liter, Mrs. W. E. Dean of Grants .ss; and two brothers, Wm. Neil of ijyrtlo Creek, and J. C. Nell of Gran Mr, Wash. .A daughter died in In fancy and a son, Clyde, died six years io. fThe funeral will be held at the If urphy residence in Ashland Monday i 2 o'clock. Rev. E. W. Chaney of the tffthoritat church presiding. f'A wedding of more than usual ln .iost occurred Thanksgiving day vjion Miss Vetrls McCredie became he bride of H. G. Enders, Jr., at the tome of the bride's parents in Central ?oint. Mr. Enders is the well known pUHincss man of Ashland, is promi lynt In all the important men's clubs IS the city and also a prominent social e&der. Miss McCredie taught in the Hihllc scools of this place until this anr, since which time she has been i home in Central Point. The young Oiiplo did not tell their friends what msfer $ewear "Woman's work is never done" l-but you can make it a great deal Wicker and easier this Christ Cast Electricity in the kitchen, the undry, and in housecleaning pes the hardest work your wife ks to contend with. Ask your electrical dealer. Ho trill demonstrate electric ranges a various models electric wash- rs, vacuum cleaners; and you, in get them on terms. Show him your shopping liot pday. . . THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY waffle iron ' vacuum cleaner table grill cooking rang toaster washing machine percolator - sewing machine heater Ironer curling iron t ! WisChfflmoslct tkflricitydothtwofk am -aV had taken place and attended the ball game Thanksgiving afternoon, as Mr. Enders has always taken an active Interest In all- high school sports. After the ball game they slipped away in Mr. Enders' car towards San Fran cisco where their honeymoon will' be spent, but' no- one, knows how long they will stay.- On their return they will live In the Keller bungalow at the corner of Sherman and Allison street. The best-wishes, of ;the -entire com munity go with this happy -couple. One of the special features of the T.llhinn MlnirfMl .l,.m ml nw j will be real Hawaiian music played Ion steel guitars. Spanish guitars uke- leles and banjo ukeleles by a quintet composed of Floy Rush. Charles Rush Charles Robertson, Miss Alice Mc Gee and Miss Velma Clapp.' Miss Clapp who is well kfeown for her ex cellent dancing will give. a realistic Hawaiian hula, Mr. ' and Mrs. I. C. Clapp and daughter Velma who have been resid ing, In Medford have moved to Ash land. ' Charles S. Brewster, who is associ ated with, the Kerr-Glfford Co. of Portland, and who to? years was the head of the poultry department at the Oregon Agricultural college is to udge the poultry exhibits at the Winter Fair next week. In addition to his work at the fair Mr, Brewster will give lectures and demonstrations which are being eag erly . looked forward to - by all the poultry raisers of this section. ' 'i .The schools -have been working hard for the display they expect to enter in the Winter Fair and Supt. Briscoe has requested more ' space than has been allotted to them. - He says that they really need the entire Chautauqua building for these exhib its which will be by far the best that have ever been shown in Jackson county, Dan Conner with his wife and mother all of Medford, spent Thanks giving day in Ashland the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hosier.' - The local post of the Salvation Army Ib greatly elated over the gift of a Ford touring car. The generous giver has asked that his name be not made public. ThiB car meets a need that htia long been felt by the local corps. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Chltwood, well known Jacksonville druggist i spent Thanksgiving day in Ashland visiting friends and relatives. ' t ' ' ; Mrs. Donald Fraser is taking a short vacation from her chamber of commerce duties, as her husband, who la attending the. University of Oregon, has returned to Ashland to spend -the - Thanksgiving vacation. Miss Hollmeyer will take Mrs.' Era ser's place; '.' ' The Ashland B. P. O. E. will hold their annual memorial services Sun day afternoon at 3 o'clock. '' Rev.: W. 'B. Hamilton, rector of St'. Mark's church, Medford, will, give the me morial address. A muelcal program will be furnished by the Elks orches tra, which contains 15 people; Sumner Parker will play a violin solo ' and Carl Loveland will delight the audi; ence with several vocal sojbs. f , H. C '. Sheldon ., , from. . Rochester, Minn,, arrived In Ashland .Tuesday where he will visit at the homo of his daughter, Mrs. H: O. Butlerfield. ;He will remain here indefinitely. ' A union service was held at "the Congregational church Thanksgiving morning. ' Rev. B. C. Miller of ' the Baptist church, preached an inspiring sermon which was greatly enjoyed by all present. The collection was given to the poor and was a very generous one. ' i T. W. Acklln of Hornbrook, Calif., was In Ashland Thanksgiving day visiting with friends and relatives. ' George F. Smith and wife were bus iness visitors In Ashland on Friday. Wm. A. Long and family of Rose burg spent Thanksgiving day with Mrs. Long's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Aden Spencer. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Oslln of Santa Clara, Calif., formerly of Ashland have been visiting fricjids and Tela? tives In Ashland for the past few days. They left Friday for their home. . Miss Elizabeth -Wagner ot San Francisco is In Ashland visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs! J. M. Wagner on- Oak street.,- She will return to her home In a fow days. :- Dorothy Newman, freshman at U. of O.j and member of the Delta Zeta sorority was captain of their debating team this year which won the wom on's Inter-fraternity debating contest and was awarded the cup. This Is the first year that a sorority has won this honor. The team will now debate with the winning men's team for (he shield. - ' " '-' ' Do you like good vaudeville? . If you do you'll enjoy the Llthian Min strel Show, Ashland.' faon..' pec. 3rd: Specialty acts, fancy dancing,' 'good music and a bunch of peppy chorus girls. Mrs. S. A. Cornwell returned Wed nesday from Berkeley, Calif., where she has been visiting her sister.-While there Mrs. Cornwell witnessed :- the Berkeley-Stanford football ' game played at the new stadium which was dedicated the day before the game. Over 72,000 people witnessed; the game. ' ' Llthian Minstrel Show, Ashland. Monday, Dec. 3, "One Big Night in a Cabaret."- See the Hack-faced wait-' era, Llthian RoBebud chorus, Hawaii an troupe, fancy dancers and the fa mous Llthian Octette. All the best features of a vaudeville, minstrel show and musical comedy. 216 Winter Coughs and Colds ' ' With the changeable weather which we have at thja season of the year coughs and cold are very prevalent; Be prepared for them. Have a bottle of Foley's Honey, and Tar Compound handy, and with the first sign of i cough or cold take a dose and prevent a serious ailment. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound has been the standard family cough remedy for over 6 years, bringing prompt relief and when once used you will never be without It. Sold everywhere. Adv. Notice to Subscribers All our carrier boys are supplied with whistles with Instructions to blow them when delivering papers. We will esteem It a special favor If you will report to us when the boys do not blow whistles or If there Is any irregularity In the delivery of your paper, V St. Mark's Episcopal ' Cor. North Oakdale and Fifth Sts. 8 a. m. Holy communion. 10 a.m. Sunday school. ' ' '11 a. m. Holy communion. - r .. wm. B. Hamilton, vicar., Catholic Church .' South Oakdale and Eleventh. , First mass at 8 a. m. . Second mass at lv:30 &vm Evening devotions and benediction at 1A0 p. m. Rev. F. W. Black, pastor.. v ' English I.utlicrart Church 612 W. Fourth St. ; Rev. T. A. Schoenberg of Portland will preach 8unday, Doc. 2. Sunday school 10:15. - Divine services 11. A quarterly meeting after services. Tou and yours are invited. F. Qreb, Becy. - The Church of the Xazarcue Cor. of Central and Jackson. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Young people's meeting 6:30 p. m. Rev. J. E. Oarr, a man of wldj experience as "pastor and' evangelist and well known among the holiness people,1 will preach - morning and evening, also each evening next week at 7:30 p. ni. You are very cordially invited to attend these services. Come and bring your friends. C. M. King, pastor, res. 10 Clark St. First Free Methodist Church Lillian Gray, pastor. Sunday school 10 o'clock, W. F. Garrison, supt. , Preaching 11 o'clock. Sermon by the pastor. Song by the young people. - Class meeting following preaching. Mrs. Schmidt, leader. - . Young Christian Crusaders meeting 6:3d. Leader, Mrs. Harold McCormiok. Preaching 7:30. Subject, Obey. We specialise in being friendly. Babies always welcome here. It you like to be made at .home, come and worship with us. If you are sick or In trouble, call us up, phone 1057. Pastor's. residence. 3(7 Tenth 8t. W. Church, corner Ivy and Tenth St, , First Christian Church Cor; Ninth and S. Oakdale. D. . J; yHdwe,'" minister, : res, 26 S. Orange, phone 1007, , - Services evory Lord's 'Day: " 9:45 a. m.' Bible school. Frank Patterson, supt. A growing school, "bigger and better all the time." '11 a. m. Morning worship. Com munion - and preaching. Sermon, "Business In Christianity." 6:30 p. in. C. E. meeting. Reports from the C. E. convention. - 7:30 p. m. Preaching. Sermon, "Every One's Friend." Special music at every service. The orchestra will play at the evening service All are cordially Invited to these services. Stra-hgors will find a hearty welcome. ' First Methodist Episcopal Church ' Fourth and Bartlett. " J. Randolph Sasnett, pastor. Mrs. Geo. Andrews, choir director.1 Bible school 9:46. Prof. N. H. fTranktin, upt. A missionary pro. gram will be the opening feature to morrow. , , . , 11 a. m. Morning worship. Anthem, "Crossing the Bar,". Barnby. Sermon, "The Welding Power of a Great Com mon Service." Offortory, soprano solo, "The Lord Is My Shepherd," sung by Mrs. F. E. Nichols. ' 6:30 Epworth Icaguo. ; Tho young peoples hour. 7:30 Evening sorvlce. ' Sermon, "The Great CUrse." Offertory. "The Homeland," sung by Mr. Dwlght Phipps. Special features: illuminat ed Cross hymn, and "A Candle Song" By four year old twin girls. ' Frcsbj-tcrlan Church Cor. Main and Holly. -Rev.. E. P. Lawrence, minister, 41 8. Holly, Study. 613. S. Newtown, res. ; 9:45 a. m. Bible school. Come with your Bible and. a studied lesson. Carl J. Brommer, supt. ' 11 a. m. . Morning worship. "The Mote and the Beam." The quartet will sing, "The Harbor of Rest," by Lester. . ',-.'.. 7:30 p. m. Evening servlcb. "Pre sentation of Missionary. Work In Japan" thru stereoptlcon slides. Very Interesting. Special Japanese numbers on the pipe organ, entitled "The Jap anese Sunset" -by Doppen and "Haya' by Maurice will be played by Mrs. March. 4 p. m. Junior Christian Endeavor, Dorothy HuBsong, supt. 6:30 p. m. Intermediate Endeavor. Devotion,-study of Japan, and Church Government. t First" Church of Christ, Scientist Authorized branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of .Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. t Services are held every Sunday at 11 o'clock, church edifice 212 -North Oakdale. Subect for Sunday, Dec, 2: Ancient and Modern Necromancy, alias Mesmerism and Hypnotism, De nounced. .... Sunday School at 9:45. Applicants under the age of twenty may be ad mitted. ... Wednesday evening meetings which Include testimonies of Christian Sci ence healings, at 7:45. . The Reading Room which Is In the Medford Bldg., Is open daily from l to E except Sundays and holidays. All authorized Christian Science liter ature may be read, borrowed or pur chased. The public Is cordially Invited to attend the services and visit the Reading Room. First Baptist Church '.-. (The Friendly Church) Frederick R. Leach, pastor. Office at church. Phone 1062. . v 9:45 a. Bible school with latest facilities for real work.. Mrs. Hans Holmer, supt. The Glee club sings at all sessions. Join Sunday. 11 a. m. "The Purpose of Prayer, the first in a series of three sermons on Prayer. The Lord's 8upper and reception of new members. Soprano solo, "The First Commandment. Clifford. Mrs. 8. M. Scott. Violin solo, "Aria," Gounod, Mr. Janes. 6:30 p. m. Young people's meeting. Numbers Browing. 7:30 p. m. "Who Will Be Lost?" Orean recital . and song service. 'Quartet, "Jesus, the Very Thought o( Thee," Mrs. Scott. Mrs. Isaacs, Mr. j vawter, Air. Aiuuuux. wuunei, line- Day for Thee," Tool. , - j -. Tuesday: All day work meeting of the women of tho church with cov ered dish luncheon at noon. Mrs. W. C. .Wilson In charge Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting. Thursday 7:30 p. in. Choir rehearsal. Come and enjoy the services. Main SI. Methodist Church South - John B. Coan, Pastor. Cor. Main and Oakdnle. Study in church. Phono 384. Headquarters office of Boy Scouts at tho study. Bible school at 9:45. Dr. Frank Roberts, supt. Classes for all ages. Morning worship and praise service at 11. Rev. J. C. Jones of Corvallls will apeak both morning and evening. Musical numbers for the day will Include two violin .duets by Misses John and Beaton. Two choir selec tions, "One of Ood's Days" by Martin, and "Ho Will Not Let Mo Fall" by Ackley. The Epworth League meets nt 6:30. You will enjoy every hour's service of this day. v The first quarterly conference ses sion will be held following tho even ing service. i Week-day meotings: Monday even ing 7:30 regular monthly official board meeting followed by social hour and refreshments. Wives ad husbands of board mcmbors invited. Tuesday 2:30 Missionary society In church parlor. Election of officers and rail call. Wednesday 7:15 mld- woek fellowship service. 8:15 choir rehearsal. Saturday T o'clock Scout Troop 2 in the Scout room. Saturdny 2:30 the Junior i Missionary society will entertain their mothers at thctr regular meeting in the church parlor. ' Presbyterian Church, Jacksonville Please do not fall to hear Rev. F. Gordon Hart of Grnnts Pass, Oregon at this church Sunday morning at 11 p. m. Mr. Hart is a man of unusual ability, and one who's lecturos and addresses have been much sought after. He is a man .who has given much attention to young people's work In this state, Washington, and elsewhere. . We are hoping to have him give some of his special addresses while here with us. His stay hore will be - short, so let us plan to attend every meeting possible while they are In progress. The services on Sunday will be as follows: , 11 o'clock, a message by1 Mr. Hart. Anthem by the choir. ' - On Sunday evonlng wo will have our Thanksgiving Boris service, with a very short message, from tho evan gelist. Tho music will consist of choir selections, boIos, duets,- quartets, choruses, and congregational singing. You will want to hear tho young folks sing, also Mr. Hart's singing. - There will be no charges for tills entertainment, but as we are greatly In need of some new song books a silver offering will be taken for that purpose. ' ' Remember that the evening service will begin at 7:30 Bharp, and that you will need to come early If you wish a seat. Edwin H. Edgnr. pastor. iTamov Hacnrr Poos av K-L Pills For Kidney sad Llrtff Trouble. Constipation, In tMtlnal Indigestion and j&lnared Alimeau Lfw troablt !m4 t wriwi tfl. And ur ttffn of Mvcr troobl ! btltauanvM. If 70a hav attack of bvadacha. If you haa a eoat4 toaguo, If you hava afield apaa- tlte, you probably ara billou- which may load to doranacmaat of tho II Tar and to aerlouo ond. tmo often, fatal raaulta, Had tbla strong endoraamtnt of Or. A, W.ChiH'-K-L Mill Mr. J. H. too, Jtooto No. a, Baalay, Oa wmoai " for a matber of roaro f fiavo bean troubled with ay kidneva. liver and alao bit heart. I flnii Dr. A.W.ChaM'a K-LPIIIa a won derful omedy. They certainly aro the flneit I over used. I would ot be wit hoot them In my hoaia obo laae treat pieaaare in rec ending th to mj Irioadu," Too aa bay Dr. Chao K-t Fill at all drug ter. To bo euro 01 getting in genuine, aao inei portrait ana if nature 01 a. w, CbetM.D.,ara enteehbov yf protoeuea against imitation, Dr. A. W.CHASB MIDIC1NS COL W waablngton t Banaie, It. T WATCH YOUR BATTERY " PRMT-O-IJTX BATTKBT STATION FHeaffl lfcjiifc Pear Trees Prices Klaoghtcred While They liast , Bartlett, Bosc, Anjou, Cornice, Winter Nellie, on L'BsurlensIs roots, of finest quality. Let us save, you- money and supply you the besl. Take advantage of the reduction sale. Our 34 years In business Is our guarantee. We have all kinds of nursery stock. Write to day for these lowered prices. CABirojf NURSEinr co. Carlton, Oregon HAVE YOUR XMAS PHOTOGRAPHS made now at the Medford P. F. Studio in our new and larger quarters High grade work at popular prices. Over Medford Harness Co. 228 E. MAIN YOUR CHILDHOOD Was Spent in a l?oious Atmosphere in Your Home. YOUR CHILDREN Need the Same Influence. "The Homelike Church," Main Street Methodist STAGE FARES REDUCED By HOWARD & GRIM STAGES Effeetivo Nov. 19, 1923 Medford to Klamath Falls, one way $5.00. Round Trip $9.00 Two trips daily. Leaves 8 A. M. mid 1 :45 P. M. Office and Waiting Room nt Hotel Nash Bldg. A CEDAR CHEST THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Useful Durable Ornamental Mothproof Order now for Christmas Delivery TROWBRIDGE CABINET WORKS EVERYTHING IN WOODWORK CITY TREASURER'S NOTICE of semi-annual assessments Aue NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the semi-annual instal ment (one-twentioth) and interest on paving, sewer and water main assessments upon all properties for which application was made to extend time of payment, will be due and payable at the office of the city treasurer December 1, 1923, and will be delinquent after thirty (30) days from snid date and shall bear a penalty of five per cent (&) upon tho amount of such de linquency . Thirty days after such delinquency the property will be ad- vertised and sold for the amount of such delinquency, together with penalties and costs of such sale in accordance with Sec tion 148 of the City Charter. Dated at Medford, Oregon, this 17th day of November, 1923 ' MARY A. WEBBER, Treasurer of the City of Medford, Oregon. 11 II Taking Big Chances Do you know just what your chances arc to accumulate enough money to protect you in old age? Well, here arc the chances, according to statistics compiled by the insurance com panies. Tliey say that taking 100 men at the age of 25, all with an equal start, at death only one will leave wealth, only two will have accumulated a competency. Fif teen leave between $2,000 and $10,000 and 82 leave nothing. Moral, start a savings account right now. - Sz? FIrst National Bank Medford Oregon ' ' Series of 1 1 "THE First Baptist Church 1! " : i r - Hear the Sermons Sunday 11A.M. PURPOSE OF PRAYER 7:30 P.M. "WHO ARE LOST" 9:45 A. M. Our growing Sunday school 6:30 P. M. Our live B. Y. P. U. , Increasing numbers enjoy the services. . Come Sunday Wong Pon Chinese Medicine For Treatment of Acuto ami Chronic l)la ritHCH ot Men and Women. Cnnccr nnd tumor treated, In-:-fliipnzit, kidney, bbulder and stom ach troubles, fltH, hernia, rupture, colds, femulo troubles, pnralysls, fover, pneumonia, asthma and throat troubles, rheumatism, itmenorrhoca. Offlco Hours: : 8 a. m. to 8 p. m; Consultation Freo 2 11 Routh FiTnt St., Medford, Oro. Kodak Finishing - (or thme who demaad Um Swem'i Studio T K. Mala Medford FOR 8ALE Cockerels Trap Nost Stock. Egg Iloaord 240 to 305 Price In roach of all WHITE WING POULTRY FARM Phone 9-F-11 Phoenix, Ore. For Wet Wash Dry Wash Rough Dry Phone 873 Wet Wash, pound....Bo Dry Wash, pound... To Rough Dry, pound - .90 American Laundry Medford Iron Works Oar Specialty Medford Quartz Mill Mining and Bawmlll Machlaery. General Foundry and afaoWaJ Work. 11M N. Ocatral It. ' " Licenses for balance . of 1923 put on . . FREE OF CHARGE on any NEW CAR sold prior to January 1, 1924 The Busy Comer Motor Co. on er i Pray 3 ft