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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1923)
PA OF FIVE NEW HIGH SGHOO HENRI VERBRUGGHEN MEDFORD DEFEATS othy need $r.,;ofr ti.25. (Mover, Need tlSViT. Brk nominal. Lard til. I Sib ?S.3f .J7. 4'4's 9T.K.; tocond I '4 'is 07.23; third i 's 17.12; fourth 4 's ST,!8:. Victory I 's 100; I!. S. government Hi's 99. l.ord Ourzon, the llritish foreign ,sec rsary, wifft a copy Hirjsay Mae Uonatd, the .opposition ,lufor , leader, 1'M.reMnlnK the--hone that there will lv nt hn&k in the relatives festw: Kimwiu and Great Britain. TO BE VOTED ON AT JUNE ELECTION CENTRAL POINT IJlieity Hiiml-i NEW YOKK, Slay IT. Liberty j bonds closed: 3. trtl.lrt: second 4's T,tfl; f irsf t 1 km niu us fur Peace, The I'Urun- .MOSCOW. May I With Mrl tr i MatwI IM x N TRACK MEET MEDFOTvD MAIL TRTBUXF,. MEDFOITO, OHF.C.OX. TITTTRR'DAY. MAY 17. 'iftil Why This STORE Grows month after month This is the store where you can hitch your dol lar to the biggest load it ever pulled. ' - i MEN'S SUITS All sizes and colors. The famous Louis Straus all wool suits, going-' at sale' prices, $17.50, $19.56 and - $23.50 Men's, oil leather. Shoes for ... . k .. i-.(. ; . . $2.00 Men's Work Shirts 89c Xlncle Sam Work Shirts 98c Men's Dress Shirts 98c $1.50 Dress Shirts $1.19 Men's Work Sox . . 10c Men's Dress Sox . . 15c Khaki Pants $1.50 All Wool Pants . .$2.75 Red, white and blue ' : Handkerchiefs . . 5c Men's Underwear .50c Boys Overalls, double seat and knee, at . . 98c ' " Why Pay More The Cheapest Store, in the West Furnished Housed to Rent Will H. Wilson A Handicraft i SALE Pillow Tops stamp ed for embroidery. Worth up to $1.50. Your choice, 60c One Day Only Sat. May 19 The .. Handicraft Shop Whether or not bonds to the amount of $105,000 to provide for the construction of a new high school building, shult lie" tt?sued will he de cided by a special election June lltli, In accord with a motion made by Mrs B. E. Kelly, seconded by John C. -Mann a ml passed by the school board at a meeting Inst night, Medford is sorely In need of a new high school building. It is claimed to he ta only town of the sf7.ei in the slate where the high school facili ties tiro so Inadequate In every way. With the exception tf I. D. Phipps, who did not vote, the entire board voted to place the Issue beforo the people on Juno 11th. On Juno 1Mb, a week lator, the regular election to replaco two retir ing members of the school board, Mcsdumes Janes and Kelly, will bo hold nnd it is reported that there will bo more than enough candiadates for thq position. , E. II. Janney and J. H. Carkln of the finance committee of the city council wero present at the meeting but O. O. Alonderfer, third member of the council fnance committee did not appear until lato and a meeting will be held next week some time by the two bodies to discuss playgrounds and other business matters of Interest to both council and hoard. DOCTOR FLIES TO I . SAVE PATIENT WENATCIIEB, Wash., May 17. Jack llensel, former army aviator left here at fl:40 a. m. today with Dr. A. E. Gerhardt as passenger to take the doctor to Headley, 1). C, in responso to an emergency call. Mr. Beck, Great Northern brakeman on a work train near Headley, was badly scalded by steam Wednesday night. The call for a physician came through to the yardmaster's off Ice at Apple yard at G:30 this marntng. The ma chine used Is one of a local aviation company. The distance to Headley is 191 mllos hy railroad. WHEN you buy Goodyear Tires from us you get a quality product, at the lowest price at which that quality can bo bought, and you also get a service that will help you get from those tires all the mileage built into them at the factory. There's the net of quality, price, and service, and of economy, too. At Goodyear Service Station Dealer too melt and recom mend thm new Ceodyenr Cord aith thm beveled All Weather Tread and back them up with ttandard Goodyear Service Medford Service Station M.d. Pof Westrrti Trade" Leader of tho famous Minneapolis Syniphonw Orchestra that comoa to th Pftffii. Monilnv. Mav 1. matinee and evening. This is one of tho most J laiuous III UIO .:'umijr timi this will bo a raro treat tor mnsie lovers. GEORGE GATES TRIES POLE VAULT ID BREAKS A! Ooorpo Oatog of tho C. E. Oatcs Ato Co., Is in the Sacred heart Hos pital with a badly fractured left arm suffered yesterday nfternoon in a Pe uliar arehHmt at the dimt track meet between Medfortl hiKh and Central I'oint hlKh at tho Holly street pub lic jwrhoolH athletic park in this city. M r- i iateft. ho in former years was an athlete, especially distinmsn ed in P' vaulting, nnd who is still of an atliHtie turn of mind, or was until the aceident happened, was the official starter of tho meet. While waiting for the met to bejiin he could not resist taking part in tne pole vault practice boing indulged in on the fieid by some of the school athk'tes. In making a high vault he in landing in the hole for that pur pose, slipped on the edge and broke his arm in two places; The member was broken square in two in one place. j Saying nothing to anyone about the accident he walked away to Ills auto in which his wife was waiting, drove away fast for Dr. Conroy'a office and en route tersely told her that his arm was broken. lirst aid was adminis tered by the doctor and then the Injured man was hurriedly taken to tho hospital where tho fracture was sot and his loft sid from hip to shonlder was encased in piaster. He will he laid up for weeks. This accident to Mr. dates comes at a very inopportune time, as he is chairman of the committee in charge of tho big automobile nnd motorcycle meet to be held hero June lfi, 16, nest, His place, it is presumed will be taken by Soeley Hall, tho vice president of the committee. i Contra! rotnt, winner of the Jactt sjim county high school tnu-k and flehl phamiiionshtpn for 1D23 and i3, was uVf'iitMl yf8ter1y hy Med ford In u dual meet at the Holly street field In this city by a filial seore of SS-54. A hti'tfo crowd of Central Point stu dents and townspeople nnd nl'acllralry the entire MtHifold high 8chml stu dent body of 450, attended the meet which presented numerous illtereKt ini; events. Tile events with witmers named itl order of their plaeiiiK in tile events Is as fnlluWH: Ssti I'unninfitmn!. Central Point: Chastain, Medford; tjiles, Medford. 50 yard, hoys' Uudy shinier. Med ford; l)k-A HiHgier. Metlford; Brown. Central Point. 6 hocoiuIh. 50 yard, girls Scott, Central Point; M. Xewnmn, Medford; Kteh niontl. Central I'tiint. 6,4 seconds. llroad Jump, hoys Dirk Sinitler. Medford; lirown. Central Peiuu J Daliy, Medford.. IS feet, 44 lite-hen. IliKh jump, girls M. Xewinan and D. Newman, Medford, tied for first. . lin-nner. Central Point, third, 1KB yard, hoys' Itudy SinKter, 1). SiiiKler, Donovan, Medford, 10.3 sec. 75 yard. Kills' Scott, Central Point; Ijiw, Central 1'oiut; JJ. New man. Medford, 10.4 seeonds. Shot pjlt Delniner, t Medford; lirown. Central Point; Morris, Cen tral Point.' 34 feet, 9 Inches. Pole vault Moss, Central 'Point: Cunningham, Central Point; J. Daily, Medfoni. 9 feet. 80 yard hurdles, cirla Brenner, Central Point; M. Newman, Medford; Iaw. Central Point. 100 yard hurdles llammill, Med ford; Hamilton, Central Point. 13.1 iK-eonds. Hiiih Jump, hoys n. Slnuler, rjom nier, Kelley, Medford tied for first. 5 feet, 2 Imhes. 229, boys' Dirk Rintjler, Rudy RlnKler; Shores, Central Point, third. 14.3 seconds. 440 C. IJaHy, Tlaymond Singier, ll.imiiiill. Medford. 68 seconds. Helay, plrls nichmond. Law, Scott Brenner, Central Point, won against Johnson, M. Newman, D. Newman. White. Relay, hoys Donovan, Van Scoyoe, Dick SinKler, Rudy Sfnffler, Jtedford. won against lirown, Anderson, Leo- ver. Shores, Central Point. Score of meet, 8$ to 84 In favor ot Medford. ' 0, A, C. GRABS SEEK mm ii Portland Wheat PORTLAND. Ore.. Mnv 17 WTieat, hard white, bhiestem, baart $1.33; soft white, westorn whlto S1.24: northern snrlnir S1.17: west ern red $1.18; bard winter $1.16. Today's ear recotnlB Wheat 2G: uarloy 2; flour 5; corn 1; oats 2; nay a. AVord has heen received hy the county nKent from the horticultural department of tho Oregon Agricultu ral .rollcRo that elj-ht or ten urculu ntes In tho horticultural department who have had considernhle experi ence in the field was well as In cnl leKe trnliiins are available for orchard work this summer. Orchard owners who would like to use Home of theso men could do so by confcrrlne with the county atrent. These men will- ho through school in about ten days and could he used to a rood ndvantuee !n this county. Aliy froit' grower Interested In this matter should get !n touch with tho county LKenl Immediately. T T GINGHAM DRESSES AND BUNGALOW APRONS t I X X X T T ? t New shipment of the latest in Gingham Dresses, Jap Crepe ITonse Dresses, Gingham and Perealc Bungalow Aprons. Nohhy patterns and popular colors made up in the most attractive styles at surprisingly low prices. We make to order or duplicate any particular style Apron or House Dress desired, giving it that personal touch and finish that will surely please you. Prices always reasonable. LADIES' SILK HOSE ,Our showing of Ladies' Bilk Hose in the new popular shades so much ad mired this season, eomhinc all the good qualities of first class Hosiery, that is necessary for long service. MILLINERY . We display all the Xohhy Hats and Flowers for summer wear. If its sly lish we have it at the right price. , COLLEGE GIRL CORSETS For all Women who want to keep young. SHIELDS Excella Patterns ' 20o to 35o' 222 W. Main Medford f t T t t t I f 4 Livestock r PORTLAND; Ore., May IT. Call- tie weak; no receipts. Choice steers $7.50;S.OO; ntedfnm to good $7.00 T.iiO; choice cows and heifors $6.50 7.00. Hogs steady; receipts 167, (con tract.) Prime light $8.50S.8o. Sheep steady, receipts 1207. EKK PORTLAND, Ore., May 17. Errs slow, weak select 2li27c; firsts 23 2"ic; pullets 21n. iliuylng prices, mixed colors 2122c; henneries 25 g2c; pullets 20c. Biittef PORTLAN'D, Ore., May 17. But ter firm; extra cubes 3839c; undcr- grades 37l4SSe; prints 42c; carr tons 43e. Dairy buying price nom inal. Butterfat f. o. b. Portland 41c. Poultry PORTLAND. Ore.. Mnv 17. Poul try unsteady. lieavv hens 22tt23e- light hens 2i)c; ducksac; 1923 broil ers 25(533c. Buying prices G per cent less. ' Potato-;! - PORTLAND, Ore., May t". Pota toes stendv: nulnt. l.ocnlfl 7r??)Hrtc Yakima S0c(Tf$1.2ri cwt; huytng price 50$65e cwt.; new potatoes t8c popnu. San Francisco Markets SAN FRANCISCO, May 17. fU. R. Buroau of Agricultural Kconomlcn). Eggs, extra pullets 26(4e; unilersiznd pullets 22c. SAN FRANCISCO, May IT. Bttttor- fat unchanged. SAN FRANCISCO, May 17. (State Division of Markets). Poultry tm chnnged. Chlcnso Wheat. CHICAGO, May 17. Whent, no Mle. Corn No. 2 mixed BS'.ic; No, 2 yeltovy SOWSTc. Oats, No. 2 while 4(ifl46c; No. 3, whlto 4 5 W 45 K c. live nm!nnl. linrley ftsie, Tim WANTED 1.1 fJOOl) IlMftllT CTTTKnS IMMBIHATBfcY Pay for olulit limirs tiny Ilonrd and room $10.00 to $14.00 per week. Ideal weather. Thirty five miles south Racramento. All i insurer 'unrTPywsir?' 1 mr I Wonderful Power in the Chalmers Six The improved Chalmers Six has wonderful power and speed. Yet it is a most economical ear to operate and maintain. This is due to the engineeringf skill which has brought the Chalmers six-cylinder motor to new heights of fine performance. One turn at the wheel will make you a Chalmers enthusiast. May we send a car around for a demonstration? Chalmers Six Prices S-Passenger Touring, 1 185 - - Roadster, 1 185 7-Passenger Touring,1345 Sport Touring, 1445 Sedan-Coach, JSSS ' 7-Passenger Sedan, 2095 " Prices f. o. b. Detroit. Revenue tax to be added '. . Oregon-California Auto Distributing Corporation Medford, Oregon CJho CHALMERS SIX 7 uan louije Mepairsfor m , III That's one of the most important questions to ask your self when you go to buy a new farm machine. Assurance that you can get repairs readily means that without costly delays, you will be able to maintain the good working qualities of the machine for many years. Lack of that assurance may easily mean that the ma chine will be out of service long before its time. . : '.. j ( ; -i ,. , , ... . lv ' Look ahead, when you buy your new machine. Ask yourself these questions: S . .'. .-I '. , . ....... 1 Is the manufacturer so well established that he will be sure to be in business to take care of future goods? .. '',. ' ' . ; i . r . . 2 Dees he have a good reputation for .standing, back of his goods? . . . . i ; , -. - 3 Does he have a dealer, close at hand and ready to give prompt, efficient service on repairs? Dont Take any chances. , Buy only those machines for ...... which you can get repairs readily. HUBBARD BROS; summer work. Wire or write. It. P. WOMACK, lukiyn, CttUf, T