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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1923)
If h KffiDFeitB MAIL' TRIBUNE, MEDFQRP, OREGON, TTTTTRS'DXY. KPRTTi gfl, 1053 PXGE SEVEN Saving Made Easy It's not so hard Uncle Sam is ready to tell you how in his New Free Book. Send for it today and get the "know-how" of what seems to be the hardest thing in the world. Treasury Savings Certificates make it easy and safe. Get your copy now. To get the book mail , thl coupon to . 11 V Tht United States Government I Addrtu Savings System Treasury Department , Clrj Washington, D. C. Siau Gentlemen! Do you know that we can make j'Ou a suit tailored to your measure at the price you now pay for a ready-made suit? Springer & Lee Opposite Rialto Theatre The John Deere No. 26 Disc Plow To Meet Your Orchard Plowing Requirements A plow must have an adjustable hitch which satisfactorily permits off-setting the plow to right or left, and the plow must be low and narrow to permit safe work under the limbs close to the row. Other qualities being equal, the plow that runs steady when widely off-set and that, requires the leaslj room to do the work i's the most satisfactory to use. The No. 26 is the plow that successfully meets your re- ' quircments. The No. 2G can be used with any tractor. It is . just the right size and weight for tractors of six, eight and ten hourscpower. ' Though espe cially, designed for orchard plowing, it also gives excellent results in vineyards and in general field plowing. " 5 Dscount for Cash. Hubbard Brothers VOTE TER STRAIGHT SLOGAN LOSES. COL BULL'S BUI FAILS The members of the Med ford cham ber of commerce did not take the ad vice of Col. Dull of Uuncum to vote 'er straight in the primary election for directors but showed a very Indepen dent attitude hf splitting their votes, the result of which was the -nomina tion of, members from all three of the tickets; Harry Rosenberg and Ed M. White, who was also nominated on the Cra ters ticket, were the only ones on the Andy Gump ticket to receive a suffic ient number of votes to place their names on the final election ballot. Those nominated on the Craters ticket were Ed M. White, Chester Uarr, C. A. Knight, Emll Mohr, J. W. Wakefield, W. J. Warner, Fred L. Heath, Alex Sparrow and Claude C. Cate. Those nominated on the Iluslness Men's ticket were J. N. Urownlce. Floyd Hurt, P. M. Kershaw, Volney Dixon, Elmer E. Wilson, XI. Montgom ery, John it. Tomlin and Itcv. E. P. Lawrence, One hundred and ninety-five mem bers voted. The ballots of fourteen members were thrown out because their dues were not paid, which was in accordance with tne by-laws. The votes of four members were received in the mail this morning and as the polls closed at seven-thirty last even ing, they could not be counted. The number of votes received by the nominees was as follows; 1 Ed. M. Whito 109 John R. Tomlin 83 E EVENT ON FRIDAY AT LI One of the notable musical events of the winter and spring will be the pipe organ and vocal concert to be given at the Presbyterian church on Friday night of this week at 8 p. m. by Mr. and Mrs. James H. Shearer. These choice Bptrits with their bril liant abilities and genial Scotch ami Canadian brogue and humor, have captured the audiences . and have pleased mora than before at their re turn engagements all through south ern California. They have played and ung In many of the largest churches in Canadla and Buffalo, N. v., and thru the large churches of lower California. After ten minutes trial in the Mormon tabernacle, they were asked to give their concert there and did so to a largo liudlence. Few musicians are permitted that privilege'. Many fine expressions of apprecia tion from a large number of the people who heard them last fall in the Pres byterian church bespeaks a full houso tomorrow night. It is nn Inspiration worth while for every boy or girl, man or woman studying music or who is interested in music. Mr. Shearer's explanations of the different numbers enables' one to follow the meaning of the master spirit who wrote them. Emll Mohr 74 Alex Sparrow - 73 W. J. Warner 60 C. A. Knight 59 Volney Dixon 58 J. W. Wakefield ; 52 Floyd Hart 51 J. N. Brownlee 50 Claude C. Cate 50 RniiAv Backache "tiuvb hud kldnev trouble and back ache for many years and I tried sev eral doctors but got only temporary relief. ; A friends advised me to try F.ilov Kldnev Pills, and before 1 used two boxes I was entirely well," writes A. C. Perkins, Summer Shade, Ky.' Kidney, tad bladdet trouble requires prompt treatment. Kley luaney run give quick relief. Refuse substitutes. Insist upon Foley's. Soli everywhere. Fred L. Heath : 46 Elmer E. Wilson 44 Harry Rosenberg 41 Chester Darr 38 M. Montgomery 33 P. M. Kershaw . 33 Rev. E. P. Lawrence 35 The committee of tellers in charge of the election count were T. A. Flfer as Judge and the following as clerks: W. G. Drew, Scott V. Davis, R. E. Trapp, F. W. Heath, Jr., A. F, Hovst- korta, M. M Willits, G. H. Grover, F. V. Medynski and J. C. Barnes. The final election ballots will be mailed today, ond the polls for this ol3cttoa-4loBcs on Wednesday, May 2d at 4 o'clock In the afternon, so that the election of directors may oe an nounced at the annual membership meeting which wiiJ be held that even ing In the basement hall In the Med- ford hotel. PLAY AT THE PAGE Miss Bruce Putnam, of Salem, for merly of Medford, who is in the city visiting friends will act as guest or ganist on the Wurlitzer at the Page for the first show Saturday night be ginning at 7 p. m. Miss Putnam has won the praise of press and critics both as a composer and player of the piano, and her many friends will be glad to hear her again Miss Putnam will play one of her own - compositions for the opening selection. OLD TIRES FOR NEW Before you start on your summer camping trip, let us look over your Tires. We take your old ones as part payment on new ones. GATES AND GOODRICH TIRES Petty's Tire Shop "More Miles at Half the Cost" 132 So. Riverside Phone 162-R "Mighty Lak' a Rose," Page "Mighty Lak a' Rose," the apieallng crook romance. Is now having popular showings at the Page theatre. It is vibrant with contrasts of life In the upper and lower levels, Its characters being etched in bold relief against the background of slum and drawing room. ' The cast Is excellont, with a notable performance given by Dorothy Mack- alll In the role of the blind girl. As the boy, James Rennle Is Just right, Harry Short, as one of the gang, does a perfect piece of comedy work; Anders Randolf is good as the leader of the gang and Dora Adam as his wife, gives a clever Interpreta tion 'Of a woman ot the underworld. Sam Hardy plays the wealthy bene factor, and Helena Montrose la seen ns "hnrd-boltcd" Molly Malone. Jean, the clever dog aotress, has a big role, Other numbers are Baby Peggy in comedy, the Pathe News, and the spe cial musical numbers by "Betty Brown at the organ. Anyone who has ever felt the sting of salt spray, or thrilled to the feel of a rolling deck, will become abso lutely homesick for fling on the ocean wave if he sees "Stormswept," the big sea drama now being presented at the Rialto theatre. For the viewer will be carried away from his seat straight Into the thundering, flashing, angry heart of a storm at sea. The fight scene between Wallace and NoaluBeery on top ot the dizzily buffeted mast is one ot the most grip- plngly reallstlo episodes ever filmed, But never for a moment does the drama of the situation leave you never is the spectacular, big as It Is, allowed to overshadow the dramatic, Gospel tennis will hold sorvlcos on Sunday, the 29th of April, as follows: Uniontown school house on the Little Appiogate, at 3 p. in. Sunday aftornoon. Ladies from the Woman's lllble class of the Presbyterian Sun day school under the- loudoi'Bhip of the pastor will conduct this service. Every one in the upper valley is invited. Also at Eagle Point on Sunday night at 7:30 p. m. a gospel team consisting ot the pastor and one or two men from the, Men,' a Brotherhood of Phoenix and one or two from the Men's club of the Presbyterian church of Medford will conduct this service. Euglo Point people who read this notice aro askod to announce this service to others. The gospel team consisting of Dr. B. It. Elliott, Dr. J. Stelner, Frank Smith, and E. E. Goro hud cliurgo of the morning service at Central Point lost Sabbath and report a most help ful and enthusiastic service. The following men also had charge of the service at the Sams Valley school house on Sunday afternoon: E. H. Hurd, chairman, Frank Smith, Cash Wood and Mr. Moidoff, the latter two from the Mothodlst church ot Medford. They report a crowded houso nnd a sarvlco of helpfulness that called forth a most urgent invita tion for a similar meeting a week from Sunday, May the 6th. The music by Cash Wood on the trombone and Mr. Smith on tlio piano was a special inspiration. The Place' to Live The only "place' inside your income. to live happily is Not until you have lived for a time out side your income do you fully realize this truth. "Make it a practice to save ten per cent of your income. You will then "live with in your income "and live happily. Start today. Jackson County Bank Member Federal Reserve Established 1888 Frank Hulsey ot Montague, Calif., spent Wednesday In tho city attend ing to business matters. PHONE 873 FOR LAUNDRY WORK Wet Wash 5c per lb. returned the following day. Dry Wash 7c per lb. all flat pieces ironed. Rough Dry 9c per lb. THE AMERICAN LAUNDRY 2 1 THE CALIFORNIA OREGON CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY 7 PREFERRED CAPITAL STOCK PRICE $95 PER SHARE YIELDING 737 POWER COMPANY R YOUR PARTNERS IN PROGRESS THE COMPANY The history of The California Oregon Power Company shows a substantial growth in facilities and earnings result ing from the large sums of money invested in its properties and from the development of the territory in which it operates. Steady Growth in Customers Serred The territory now served by The California Oregon Power Company includes parts of Jackson, Josephine, Klamath and Douglas Counties in Oregon, and Siskiyou County and parts of Shasta and Trinity Counties in California. This is an area equal to the combined areas of the states of Massa chusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. During the period between 1912 and 1922, the number of consumers has grown from 6,561 to 13,123, an increase of 100o. Increase in Facilities The Company owns and operates seven hydro-electric plants in Southern Oregon and Northern California. It has never resorted to generation of electricity by steam power. In building these hydro-electric plants, a natural resource is being developed which will be productive forever. In 1912, the generating capacity was 11,800 H. P. and at the end of 1922, it amounted to 52,580 H. P. The Company's high tension lines at the end of 1922 were over six hundred miles in length. The aggregate length of the distribution lines was over -eight hundred and ten miles. The investment needed for the construction of these fa cilities has increased from $4,189,325.76 in 1912 to $10,293, 569.69 in .1922 This price 'will be advanced May 1st THE STOCK Par value $100 per share. Dividends have been paid on The California Oregon Power Company Preferred Capital Stock since issuance: (April 15, 1921) at the rate of $7 per share per annum Checks are mailed every three months at rate of $1,75 pel share. Proceeds of all securities sold are devoted exclusively tc additions to and betterments of Company's properties. It is not assessable by the Company or any purposi whatsoever. . It is non-callable, and if purchased at the present price yields a permanent return of 7.37 on the investment It Is exempt from Federal Normal Individual Income Tax. i It takes precedence as to assets and dividends over com mon stock amounting to $4,441,100 par value. The equity back of the preferred stock now outstanding amounts to total of $8,385,361.53 which equals $288.30 per share or over three times the present cost of $95 per share. Purchase may be made In any amount from one share up ward. The stock may be purchased for cash or on our special savings plan, namely, $5.00 per share as first payment, and $5.00 per share per month. ' Interest Is paid by the Company on all partial payments under the savings plan at the rate of 6 per annum. Inter est checks are mailed to subscribers under the savings plan every three months. The stock is listed on the San Francisco Stock and Bond Exchange. THE RECORD OF TEN YEARS' GROWTH YEAR 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 Value Phjrilcal Properties . $4,189,325.76 . 4,787,624.35 . 5,054,312.08 .. 5,265,839.86 ,. 5,985,095.29 .. 6,498,375.71 . 7,311,310.73 . 7,416,522.45 . 7.692,884.51' 8,407,581.82 .. 10,293,569.69 Grosa Revenues $307,040.29 347,261.70 385,331.23 398,349.83 426,106.64 487,916.44 502,269.05 . 726,079.30 948,277.07 1,001,272.07 ' , 1,066,189.52 Operating Maintenanco Expense $137,663.49 143,746.67 163,209.21 171,458.26 213,679.91 226,509.67 245,150.37 295,743.74 398,041.48 449,082.18 447,787.60 Net Earnings without Deducting Intereat or Depreciation $169,376.80 203,515.03 222,122.02 226,891.57 212,426.73 261,406.77 257,118.68 430,335.56 , 550,235.59 ' ' 552,189.89 618,401.92 ,'. Kilowatt Hours Generated 21,492,374 26,485,359 33,245,366 38,133,884 " 41,936,855 47,755,628 46,216,299 108,238,745 142,404,975 129,368,808 130,124,154 Our partial payment plan of 5 per share per month enables you to take im mediate advantage of the exceedingly attractive price at which this high-grade security in now being offered 93 per share to yield 7.S7 per annum. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY Offices: Medford, Grants Pats, Klamath Falls, Oregon Yreka, Dunsmuir, California You may place your order or get full inor mation at any of our offices, or frcm any member of our organization, or mail in the coupon. This security at this price ii below the price level of comparable hydre-eleflric lecuriliei. We are holding it at thjs price temporarily in order to give our own customer! and friends opportunity to In vest. The price will be advanced May I, I I The California Oregon Power Company Medford, Oregon Plcaie have member of your organization can on me about your 7, Preferred Stock. . Name. Address. .tttwA.H, J, ,4l4jl,44.4V ftiK.4vA?l''-