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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1923)
! PAGE W0 MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. MEDFORD. OREOONT. FRTDA Y. , rAPRTL 20, 1 923 Zocal and 1 1 Personal The weather conditions changed yesterday afternoon rendering the ligght to heavy frost predicted yester day morning by the San Francisco weather bureau, (or this valley, void. Hy five or six p. m. it was known by : Frost Expert Young that there would be no froBt. After midnight a gentle rain began to fall, which during the night and up to this morning at times ' Increased to copious wetness, until in all .24 of an Inch had fallen. Rain Is the prediction for Sunday. Don't miss Legion's last dance In Oriental Ballroom. Admission 10a. 26 Men's work shirts at a big saving Saturday and Monday at Hutchison & Lumsden. Regular $1.25 grade at 98c. Regular $1.00 grade at 79c. 20 Crescent . orchestra dance, Eagle Point, Saturday, April 21st. 20 Harry Scougall, the employe in the Mall Tribune printing department and well known baritone singer, was seized with an acute attack of appendicitis at hli home, 145 North Ivy street yes-, terday afternoon, and was ruBhed to the .Sacred Heart hospital where an emergency operation was performed on him about 6 p. m. His condition )b reported today as still serious, but that he was doing as well as could be expected unuer tne circumstances. Mld-nite lunch at dance, at, Rnch Sat nite. 25 Dancel Jackson 'Hot Spring Sat 26 R. L Red setting eggs at DaVoe't. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Folger arrived home this morning from New York city and other, eastern points where they had spent the winter. , . Don msg Legion's last dance In Oriental Ballroom. Admission 10c. 26 Export car washing and polishing. Phone 73 and "Little Rip" will oaU for your car and deliver It when the job Is .finlfhpd. ; ' ' ' ' S3 ' There's a' busy ' TlusInoB , College In Mixtfnrd.. OWN." .' . ' , A much appreciated feature of enter rirlse on the part of Manager Hunt In his creation of atmosphere for the wonderful film, Robin Hood," showing at- the Page theater this week and trhnse engagement ends there Satur day night has been the garbing of the ushers In medieval costume, and the introduction of the picture by having an Imitation castle drawbridge raised In front of the screen to the blowing t trumpetB by two actors in costume at the beginning of each performance. The costumes were obtained by Mr. Hunt from Seattle. In keeping with :he grandeur and masslveness of 'the tllm production 1s the accompanying musical score played with skill by Miss Betty Brown, the Organist. : Got your feet In shape for hot weather. Come In and be fitted with i pair, of Selby Arch Preserver shoes. Hie Hub Shoe Store. 25 ! Wax paper for kitchen and picnic lse.'!Lnr(to-, nVIl with outter. 'Bittrft leavy. Medford Book Store. 25 See special prices on standard make Ires before buying. Exchange Tire Co. i 27 Mrs. Bertha Adams, of Medford. vas in the city today making arrango nenta for the coming convention of he O. A. R. and allied groups to be leld here in June. Mrs. Adams, who s district adjutant for the Ladles of lie & A. R. was accompanied by Mrs. Wendell, past stnto commander, of Vshland. Thoy arranged for a five oora suite for their headquarters at he Oxford and are also gating a hall or- their meetings. Grants Pass Courier. Tomb tan stockings at one dollar ind fifty cents a pair at The Hub Jhoe Store. 26 Dance! Dance! Jackson Hot Spring, Jnt night. "Let's go!" ,26 Dance, Central Point, Frl. 25 A meeting of the Medford Poultry lub In boys' and girls' olub work will )0 hold tomorrow afternoon at the ubllo library beginning at 1: 30 p. m. )fficera will be elected at this gather- ng. . ...... . . . f Mld-nlte lunch at dance at Rucn ' lat nlte. t 25 Grape vines: Tokay, MUicaVMal- go,. Rose Peru. Zlnflndell, Thompsons , (endless. Trellis grapes: Concord, Irlghton, Worden, Agawam, Niagara nd eamphell's Barly. Eden Valley Jursary. Phone 680-J-J. tf Several loads of ashes, good for , lllor or walks, for the hauling, In rear f Mall Tribune office. tf i .i i.-. ; r. I 'V t .. ... ... y A LITTLE CHAT , on the desirability, yes, the ne cessity, of your having policy of Burglary Insurance. Come In and consult us It will cost you nothing and not obligate yon. . And you may profit by thi opportunity. McCURDY Insurance Agency T1. 1'JH A M.-ilfniM hi1mimI lljink lllila;. Miilforl, Orrjiii Frank P. Farrell tras sent his' resig nation as attorney for the World War Veterans Aid-commission, to take ef fect May 1st Don Newbury and J. L. Fllgel of Medford and W. M. Brlggg of Ashland, are mentioned as candidates for this position. The attorney must be a World War Veteran. Oriental Ballroom! Sat Last dance Legion management 2C Oladlola and Canoa bulbs. Eden Valley Nursery, 680-J-2. tf Bargains in Sheffield silver At Medford Center Jewelry Shop. 26 Mrs. S. T. Richardson returned to Medford. yesterday afternoon from Portland where her husband recently underwent a major operation. She reports that his condition Is excellent and that he is convalescing rapidly. Prepare your feet for the hot days of summer. Be fitted In an Arch Pre server pump or oxford at The Hub. 25 Orafted Franquette walnut Eden Valley Nursery, 680-J-2 tt Roses and flowering shrubs. Eden Valley Nursery, 680 J-2. tf "Restoration of the headln-!n sys tem of parking, which went Into effect today by a proclamation of Mayor C. L. Loomls, resulted In some little con fusion In the business district today," says the Ashland Tidings., "Several machines were parked with the front wheels to the curbing while others had the rear wheels at the curbing. Cars will continue to be backed In on certain streets where the grade Is suf ficient to make this necessary. It Is expected that the did system will be observed by all motorlstB In a Bbort time." ". -'.'' - Special showing growing girls' and women's one and two-strap, pumps, pat leather and kid at $3.50. The Hub Shoe Store. , .. . , , :. , . 25 'Spray hose 20 cents per foot1 Cra ter Lake Hardware Co. . J '.' U We have good values In used cars. Patton & Robinson. Inc. tf Paul Barren is a new employe of the Oolden Rule store. ' Mr. Barren recently moved his family here from St. Paul, Arkansas. Dance at Ruch Sat nlte. 25 "Ike's Jazz Hounds," Central Point, Frl. night 25 Big discounts on all watches and Jewelry at Medford Center Jewelry Shop. 26 The East Side circle of the Women's Association of the Presbyterian Church will give a silver .tea next Monday at the home of Mrs. C. W. McDonald, 823 E. Main street All members and friends of the associa tion are Invited. ' 'Oriental Ballroom! Sat Last dance Legion management 26 Special prioes on Standard ' make tires. Exchange Tire Co. 27 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Weods, phone 108. 711 E. Main. ' - ' A Chevrolet ' "490" roadster stolen some time ago from Los Angeles was picked up Wednesday evening by Patrolman Cave. The car had been standing on the strets of the city for Bams time with the key In If The car Is being held here pending the arrival of the owner from California. Those stinging feet serve a warning of more discomfort in the approaching hot days. Be fitted with Arch Preser ver shoes at The Hub and forgot your feet. 25 See special prices on standard make tiros before buying. Exchange Tire Co. ' 27 For sand, gravel, sediment and team work see Samuel Bateman, 302 Maple street Phone 91 W. ' Among the visitors In Medford from Grants Pobb yesterday was Dad Dun lap, manager of the Rlvoll theater there Who came to witness the Robin Hood film, which he will show In that city on Sunday; Mesdardes F. M. Ice land and Mrs. George Esterly, and Amos Williams. Dance at Ruch Sat nlte. 25 Milk and oreara at DeVoe's. ' tt Are you for the Legion? Fine! Then attend their closing dance In the Oriental Ballroom 8at 26 Aroused by the fact that the I. W. W. has been holding dally meetings In the Scandinavian ball, Klamath Falls to plan a strike In the lumber Industry on May 1, the American Le gion post of that city on threat of a boycott, Wednesday obtained a writ ten promise from the Scandinavian society,, owner of the building, that the I. W. W. will no longer be permit ted to use the hall. Come to the big candy sale at the Medford Center building. A balloon given to the kiddles with every 10c bag. . , 20 Mm. Corning Kenly went to Phoenix on Wednesday and brought back the garments which had beon collected there by the people of Phoenix and vicinity, for the Jackson -County Thrift Shop in Medford. ; 26 We will loan you money to build or liny Holmes the Insurance Man. Mrs. C F. Card, the manager of the Red Cross Thrift Shop went to Phoe nix Thursday and gave a talk on the work of the shop to the rresbyterlan Ladles' Aid moetlng there. She also showed them some of the attractive garments made out of the discarded materials brought to the shop and out of flour sacks, bleached and dyed. Much Interest was shown and the Indies have agreed to sew occasionally for the shop and help this good work along, . Will your feet enjoy the hot days ahead? They will if shod with Arch Preserver shoes. The Hub. 25 Are you for the Loclon? Fine! Then attend their closing dance in the Oriental Ballroom Sat 26 I Twelve Inch slab wood $1.60 per i tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more, i Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley Fiiol To , Phone 76. tf I R. B. Dotrlch and 1. R. Fridrgnr, ' representing the Ashland chamber of l commerce wore In Medford today soliciting memberships. ! Delightful trip from .Medford to 1 Olenriale, chicken dinner 75c. Served 11 ft. m. to 7 p. m. Sundays at Klilon Hotel, Glondnle. 26 I 8 Urowri for your gwo ' tf Born at the home of Mrs. Nettle Graver, 335 N. Central on April 19th, to Mrs. W. Guy Prultt of Eagle Point an eight pound boy, to be named Don Russell. - Good roads lead to the big dance at Ruch Sat nite. 25 Last Legion dance! Oriental Ball room Sat. Don't miss It! 26 Colonial Garage for tire service. Bob Galilean, Canadian war veteran and local newsboy has left on one of his periodical jaunts and is headed for Seattle and mayoe Montana. A com munication was received from him thlB morning stating that he Baw Fort land play ball on the 18tli and Is fully convinced they don't; know the differ ence between baseball and golf. Grafted! Franquette walnut Eden Valley Nursery, 680-J-2 tf Brown says be renews shoes. J03 North, Central. , , .... tt A tea Dasunt' at the Shasta 3 to 5 p. m. Saturday. 25 The' Western! Union 'will'' put new cable rates into effect beginning Fri day. These new rates will show a re duction on messages to 36 countries In Europe, Asia Minor and Australasia tho latter when routed via London. The reduction w(Jl be from 37 to 34 cents to Great. Britain and Ireland, Franco, 37 to 34; Germany, 42 to 39, and so on. The hew rates Is the re sult of the equipment on the cables, consisting of a rotary relay at stations where messages formerly were man ually relayed. "It pnyB five ways." Four of tho benefits are payable to you while liv ing. All your protection In one com pany for one premium. Pacific Mutual Life, First National Bank Building, Medford, Oregon. 25 The Thrift Shop Is serving the Thrifty all the time. 26 A $3.75 alarm clock on sale for $2.60 at Medford Center Jewelry Shop. 25 Citizens military camps will be held et Fort Worden, nnd Camp Lewis, Wash., this summer from July 26 to August 24. Transportation and sub sistence will be furnished by the gov ernment. The assistance of the cham ber of commerce Is sought by the army In securing a large representa tion from this city and county. Good roads lead to the big dance at Ruch Sat. nite. 25 Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Ernest Ludwlg will confer a special favor on his relatives it they will notify this office. He is 29 or 30 years old, was raised In Napa Valley, Calif., was working until April, 1922, for the Edison Power Co., at Big Creek, Calif. 26 Colonial Garage for tire service. 319 Attorney James T, Chlnnock of Grants Pass attendedf to business and legal matters in the city Thursday. A tea Dassnt at the Shasta 3 to 5 p. m. Saturday. 26 American Legion dance season ends Sat. Oriental Ballroom! Big time. 26 Car oak flooring at Medford Lbr. Co. tf Asbury Ileall of the Central Point district spent Thursday afternoon In the city on business. '. .-- Saturday, April 21st, one day only. The Vanity Shop will have a special showing of silk dresses and three piece suite, copies of lute Paris' mod els. Hats, wraps, and Bport coats. Very hundsomo hats and dresses at moderate prices.' The Vunlty Shop, Medford, Oregon. Saturday, April 21st, one day only. ' Your visit appreciated. 25 Hemstitching at Deuel's. 38 Last Legion dance! Oriental Ball room Sat Don't miss It! ' 2G Attorney William M. Ilrlggs, Jr., of Ashland was a visitor In the city for u few hours Thursday. The JuBt Folks club of the M. E. church will offer a fine assortment of choice cakes nnd candles at the public market Saturday morning. Come early and get your choice. ' 25 You, You, You toll her. I, I, I, stut ter, that the Pavilion dances are dif ferent. The crowd blends. Dancing every Snturday night. 26 Twelve-Inch Bla wood $1.60 per tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more. Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley Fuel Co. Phone W. . tf A. F. A A. M. Jk Stated communication of Me'd ljT ford Lodge No. 103 on Friday V evening, April 20th, at 7:30 p. m. Visitors welcome. 25 O. D. FIIAZEE, Socp. F. & E. Theatre CENTRAL POINT Mntlnoe Every Saturday 2 P. M. Kiory Monduy "COUNTRY STORE" Saturday, April 21 WALLACE REID in "Across the Continent" Admission lOc-.IOn; Mtatlncos 10c-20c PAGE MONDAY NIGHT APRIL 23RD (8:30 Curtain) Ac riLAyj inc. pcEsemr - Seats Now 1 ' Selling ' Lower Floor, $2.75; Balcony, 1st. 4 rows, $2.20; Nxt 4 rows, $1.05; Next 3 rows $1.10; Bnl nnco 55c. Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching. Buttons covered. Picotlng. 3c per yard. ' '' Last 'owto vj A mighty mngnot pulling hundreds ""S?JS I miles and tnllen, '"!SU? 0. I From nil over Jnckson County (hoy ICST' i como (o Medford to see the (treat, 'SsT' RilSa 1 putting rotunnofl that ling been pro- 3kJ3V?S' I duccd as no peetaclc hns been pro dueed before.; with Its thousands In y . the cast, Its color, brilliancy and ir 2&. Uon that shows ftScir Fairbanks as Never Before V Continuous tomorrow 12:13, 8:JM' S$j!WKS! 4:55,7:00 and 0:00. Music with iSyVS 1 evVrjr performance. rf A V !f2jTr.V sBi ' v; yAxrtv rAiiv .... , fMlte 1' itMMSF I EC0K0MYGR0 . v : - CETERIS The Home of Bread Like Mother Made A dollar may not go far these days, but just let go of one and see how long it takes it taget back. Besideslthe big saving, there is a teal pleasure in shipping the modern selfvicetvayNo u. ing for a clerk and no impatient clerk to hurry you if undecided. '.viisif.".'! .in.'. '".'''": ' v ' ' " 1 . M ,; For Sa tiirday Corn Starch, 1 lb. pkgs., 3 f or . . . . . . ....... 25c Quaker Corn Puffs, 3 pkgs . , . . . 14c Sliced Pineapple, No. 2 cans, 3. cans $1-00 Broken Sliced Pineapple, No. 2h cans, 3 cans ...... ... . 89c Sardines,' large cans 3 for : . ., :'. . . .' " ; 25c Extra fancy Peas, Petit Pois, 3 cans 70c Catsup, full pint bottles '.rv.rr?..'. : . ft : T . ... l9c Goody Goody Peas, No. 2 caris3 for . . 7. 7. . . 49c Standard pack peas, No. 2 cans,' 2 for "'.'TV'. 23c Minced Clams, flat cans, each . ; 20c Whole Butter Clams, No. 1 tall cans .i''l . : . . . V. .l.l'i I',..' 24c Crimson Rambler Syrup, cane and maple, 5 lb. can 58c Crimson Rambler Silver Bubble Syrup, 2h lb. 33c; 5 lb. 53c; 10 lb. .... ... . . . . . i . ... .'. . 93c Del Monte Pork and Beans, 6 cans 29c Camel Dates, pkg. . . 10c Country Club Coffee, 5 lb can ... $L59 Star Naptha Washing Powder, 2 pkgs . . . , v. . . . 9c FRUITS IN GALLON CANS Ripe Olives, per gallon.c&iPC) .: . . .'. V . ; . . ; $1.09 Bartlett Pears, per gallon can-vv. j, . .- 89c Grated Pine Apple, per gallon can . . . . 64c Broken Sliced Pineapple, per gallon can . ..... $1.29 Pitted Pie Cherries, tart, per gallon can . .... ... . . . . . . ; $1.38 Huckelberries, per gallon can . . . . :. . . . . . . w . . . . .-. . . $19- Peaches, per gallon can . . 87c Apricots, per. gallon can . .V'.'f3i:' i ..... ; 87c Newtown Apples, per gallon can ., . . . ...':. 55c Blackberries, per gallon can . . : . t 85c Loganberries, per gallon can iJf . ., 77c " ' ' !':-,'t. ' ' . ' . . ' Bakery Special CAKES Mocha or Devil's Food, regular 35c size, for Sat. .23c Gates & Lydiard Buy Here and Bank the Difference Kara It Give Jtr let the Y. W. C. A. Hnvo It, P u The Rex Pastry Shop 121 E. Main St. will be here;, ' April 28 . ' - '.1,1 - ; -'i ..j.'". i Watch this space for announcement .- (I Star Meat Market SATURDAY SPECIALS Choice Beef Pot Tloasli.M..r.:.I..i.L.:L 15 ; Choice Beef Stew.'.... ..12 1-2$ jf Shbulder Pork Roast .........20 t Good Bacon ..25 Good Lard . . 17 1-2$ I .... . """ , . u Phone 273 We Deliver1 f We ship Pumps and Engines in carload lots. Let us figure your Irrigation plant. , Williams Implement Service 28 S. Bartlett Medford A FEW PRICES: I.. 10 oz. 29 inc 4 10x12 ...$14.25 j ............. ...... ijJiU.UU 14x16 $30.50 Medford Tent and Awning Works Opposite S. P. Depot r i C. A. IHvo April 23 to 5tO. .- . ' J - fip--'-