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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1923)
METVFORfl "MATH TRTP,TTTj, "MEDFOftP". "OT?T!fiOyf. TT1TDAY. KPRTT; "13. "1923 REV. E. P. LAWRENCE Los Angeles Woman Tells of Wonderful Experience MANN'S THE BEST GOODS FOR THE PRICE; NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE MANN'S 10 SPEAK AT PHOENIX, REPEAT EASIER MUSIC MflS. GUSSIE E. HANSEN j "Mrs. QUssle E. Hansen of 916 West 6!nd fit rout, 1h how numbered with jthe multiudv of Lob Angles men and jwomc-n who have realized the won derful merlin of Tanluc. , in relating her. experience. Mrs. Hansen said: "It is wonderful what Tanlac will do for one suffering from, stomach trouble, nervousness and a run-down condition. I have tried It and know t rdm experience. i "Before taking tho treatment everythlnir I ate dlsaureed with me fco that I had terrible gas pains after every meal, and got where I lust preaded to sit down to the table. 1 suffered from constipation also, had awful pains across my back, and was so run down I was in misery all the Cime. i "Tanlno was helping so many others here in Los Angeles thut 1 thought It might help me, too, nnd It pertainly has. Why, my appetite is Just splendid since taking the treat ment, and my stomach is in such good order I eat to my heart's con sent. My, "back doesn't bother me any more, and I sleep like a child at night, ' can't sny too much for Tan lac." ' . Tafclac Is for sale by nil good drng- p'sMf-Make no substitute. Over 37 On Sunday morning, Anril 15, Rev.1 E. P. Ijtwrence of Medford will preach at the 1'hoenlx church at 11 ' o'clock on 'The' Supernatural God." j "Hold Thou My Hand." will be sung as a baritone solo by Mr. Harold Cor liss, kveryone especially invited. In the evening the Easter cantata recently sung by the double quartette will be repeated, at 8 o'clock, fol lowing the regular Christian En deavor meeting nt 7:00. Many who heard the cantata on Easter Sunday morning will want to hear It again (Sunday and a good attendance Is ex pected. Tonight (Friday) the II. O. class. taught by Mrs. Angell, will give a party at Clyde Hall, to the boys of Mr. I'olnlg's class, for which special plans huve been made: On Hunday afternoon the officers. teachers, and others Interested In the welfare of the Sunday school, are asked to gather for the-, quarterly Worker's Conference." and Join in discussing "The Chief Alms ln Bun day School Work," and "The Tests Which Will Best Show What Suc cess is Being Achieved." Luncheon the primary bungnlow between morning service nnd the conference. Next Wednesday afternoon the April meeting of the Women's Mis sionary society will be held nt Mrs. T. J. Malmgren's. Subject. "Africa.' and "The Africans In tho U. 8. A. Mrs. Under is to sing some folk songs or the colored people. OBITUARY mi bottles sold. Adv. MARSHALL NEILAN GIYKX IH BKKAT HEART Hit AM AS THAT VERK THIUM.IXO, 8TIH--TKIXO, 11KAITIFIL HIT TOOTHING TO KQUATi THIS f JY.AM1C XIXK-HKKL HU. FKIl TintlLI.KK. Now Playing Twm Sfan&is Banquet Jhy DOWN BYRNE J with SMITH Clifford Smith was born near La Crosse, Wisconsin, May 22, 18C2. He died at his home at Rogue River, Oregon, April 5, 1923. At the ana of eleven years he left Wisconsin for Missouri with bis parents, spend ing four years there. He crossed the plains with his parents In 1877 and settled on Foots Creek, Oregon, living there five years and at Grants Pass four years. During the four years spent In Grants Pass he became a member of the Odd fellows lodge. He was a charter member of the Odd Fellows lodge at Sliver Lake and was transferred to tho same order at Lake- view, Oregon. In the spring of 188G, he left for Lake county, Oregon and Bpent sev eral, years driving stage from Paisley to Lakevlew. Ho was married to Lydia Ann Purtln April 14, 1897 and to this union one child was born. Ho was j ungagod In stock raising at Summer I Luke and Silver Lake for fourteen years. ln 1911 he diBposod of his property at Silver Lake and settled at New Pine Creek, Oregon In July of the same year, at which place he engaged in farming and fruit growing for nine yoars. Ho united with the First Rnptlst church of Goose Lake Valley, Sept. 3, 1917, and.liad been a faithful Christian ever since. He came to Grants Pass, Aug. 21, 1922, and In Sept 25, 1922 settled at Rogue River, Oregon. Ho loaves to mourn his death a wife, a daushtor, Mrs. Arlle Thompson and her two daughters, Erma and Arlene Thompson, four stepsons, George, William, Roy and Mark Partln; two brothers, Ora Smith of Kcrby, Oregon, and Fred Smith of Marshfield, Oregon, and three sistors, Mrs. Carrie Fry of Carson, Washington, Mrs. Emma Har bison of Corvallis, Oregon, and Mrs. llattie Shogren of Alcoa, Oregon. a -no i. -,,ui !"'' HEGI LAH PRICKS AdullH !Mp. Kiddles 10c. Lorc 50c. i Continuous Shows Tomorrow nnd Sunday '12:30 to 11:00 P. M. RIALT0 . , SUNDAY HARRY CAREY In "GOOD MUX AX1 Til UK" GOODHUE Mary ' J. Goodhue, wife of Frank Goodhue, passed away at their home on the foot hills road west of Central Point, at 9:20 p. m yesterday, after a lingering Illness. Mrs. Goodhuo was born In Buro county, Illinois, April 5, 1S58, and was aged 65 years 7 days. She was married to Frank B. Goodhuo in El Paso, Texas, In 1893. iney canto to Jackson county, Ore gon ln 1910, and resided In Medfnrd for a period of eight years, after which thoy moved to their farm whero they ltavo slnco resided. Sho leaves besides her husband, "lid son, Ralph, who Is confined to a soldiers' hospitul in Washington, also two sistors and ono brothor, Mrs. Ella llomtnld nnd Mrs. Harvey Rob inson In Iowa, and Leo Woodmnnseo of Spokane, Wash. Funornl services wll be hold at Congor's chnpol at 2:00 p. m. Sun day, Rev. W. 1). Hamilton officiating. Anxious Mother Waits Information, Mr. and Mrs. Davis B URNS Cov.r with wet baking soda apply gmtly wicks V VapoRuq - Owf 17 Million Jan UkJ Y.orly ' O. V. MYERS 'The Truck Man" ' MACK TRUCKS IffiO SPEED WAGONS M K. HoU rtione KHJ Mrs. S. A. Looney, of Nlckerson, Kansas, writes that she is very anx ious to know the whereabouts of Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Davis and two chil dren who formerly worked for the Suncrest Orchard nnd last winter were cutting wood in the foothills around Medford. Anyone knowing of their whereabouts please notify this offlco and we will glvo tho Informs tlon to tho mother of Mrs. Davis, who Is very much worried. Dry Rnil I'lillmlclphln. PHILADELPHIA. April 13. Fed eral prohibition agents who started a drive Vc-dnosday night to "dry up" Philadelphia, had raided more than eighty saloons, restaurants and other places early today. Thousands of gallons of whiskey, wine and beer were confiscated and B dozen prisoners taken. Sensational Sale ot Ready-to-Wear Hundreds of New Spring Suits, Coats and Dresses Go on Sale Tomorrow at Greatly Reduced Prices 20 Off On Suits 100 new dressy models in tan and navy go in this big sale. $25 Spring Suits,' now $20.00 $35 Spring Suits, now $28.00 $45 Spring Suits, now $36.00 $60 Spring Suits, now $48.00 $75 Spring Suits, now $60.00 $20.00 Silk Dresses $11.50 Some new models to select from. Made of Alltime Crepe, $20.00 values. On M 1 CQ sale tomorrow, ea. $35.00 Silk Dresses $25.00 New models, made of All Silk Taffeta and Flat Crepe. Good colors. Up to $35.00 values. This sale, $25.00 SWEATER TIME IS HERE SEE THESE BIG VALUES TOMORROW New Jacquette Sweater, made of ajl wool and silk and wool, in a fine range of colors. Priced from $8.98 to $18.00 each SPECIAL 25 new Slip-On Sweaters, all wool, good colors and styles, $4.00 val ues. On sale Saturday only, each v. $2.98 200 new Fiber Silk Sweaters in all colors and styles. Priced from $3.98 to $16.50 ea- Children's Sweaters in all col or 8 and styles. From $2.50 to $6.00 each LAST DAY OF OUR GINGHAM SALE , w $5.00 Waists $3.48 New Tricolette and Trico tine Silk Waists, in the much wanted Egyptian designs, $5.00 values. On sale Sat urday, each $3.48 $7.00 Skirts $4.98 25 new all wool Korrect Sport Skirts, good colors, in plaited and plain styles, $7.00 values. On sale Saturday, each'. $4.98 Children's Gingham Dresses in a great variety of styles and colors, ages 6 to 14. On sale Saturday, 98 C to $3.98 each $22.50 Coats $18.00. Just 20 in this lot, including some new capes, made of all wool materials. Good colors. $22.50 values. $18.00 Now, each ........ ' $35.00 Coats $25.00 50 garments in this lot, com prising some of this season's most exclusive styles. Up to $35.00values $25.00 1 his sale, each ... New Jersey Dresses Many colors and styles to choose from. Made of the best quality Jersey. J 1 4,50 Very special, ea. .., $6.00 Pongee Waists $3.98 New tailored styles, made of good Pongee, $6.00 $3,08 values. . Now, each MILLINERY SALE Win. Anderson's Imported Scotch Ginghams, 32 inches wide in a wonderful line of new patterns. On sale Saturday, yard ;.59V 27 inch Dress Gingham, all new patterns, fast colors, 22c value. Saturday, yard 19 Xew Imported Ratine in fancy figured patterns, vard $1.00 to $2.00 36 inch tiatine in plain and fan cy patterns, $1.25 values. Sat urday, yard $1.00 45 inch Organdie, new colors, permanent finish. On sale Sat urday, yard :..79 36 inch fine soft finish Long eh'th, 20e value. Special, vard 16 Tissue Ginghams, 32 inch ,bcau tiftil new patterns, fast colors. Saturday, yard G9p SPECIAL 32 inch Ivanhoe Dress Ginghams, new patterns, 40c value. Saturday, yard 35 M. F. C. Gingham 27 inch, ex tra fine quality, new patterns. ' regular price 32c. On sale Sat urday, yard 27 Xew Fancy Voiles, 40 inches wide, in some striking new de signs. Very special Saturday, yard 59 Dress Percales, 3G inches wide, all new patterns, (n sale Sat urday, yard 19 36 inch Pajama Check, good quality. Saturday, yard ....25 Crash Toweling, in white, 15c value. Saturday, yard 12 l-2 Women's Trimmed Hats in Sport and Dressey styles. All good colors. On sale Satur day, each -$5.00 Women's exclusive new styles in Trimmed Hats, all colcrs. Sold up to $10.50 On sale Saturday, ea. $8.00 Children's Straw Hats in a great variety of styles and colors. On sale Saturday, each . $1.00 SATURDAY SPECIALS ALL OVER THE STORE "Women's Lisle Hose, all colors and sizes, G9c values. Saturday, pair 50V . Children's Fancy Sox, pair 29 Women's Princess May Union Suits, all sizes, $1.25 value. Sat urday, suit 9S Women's Full Fashioned Silk Hose, all colors, $2.25 values. .Saturday, pair $2.00 Bertha Collars, new styles, $3.00 values.' Saturday, eacii....$2.00 Kayser's' Two-button Chamois ctte Gloves, in tan, brown, grey and black, 89c value. Sale price, pair 69 Fancy Chanioisctte Gloves in mode and beaver, $2.50 values, .pair.,.. 1.75 Women's Corsets, all stvles, $2.00 value. Special, pair ....98 36 inch Alltyme Crepe, new col ors. Special, yard .'....$2.69 36 inch Figured Shekara Silk. Very Special, yard. $2.98 40 inch Heavy Silk and Wool Canton Crepe, in all colors. Spe cial, yard $3.98 Gossard Corsets. Our new line of Spring models just in, all sizes and styles. Priced from, pair $3.50 to $12.00 Xew line of X3ossard's Longer lyiie Braissieres. Priced from pair 69 to $4.00 Women's Italian Silk Bloom ers, $4.00 values. On sale Sat urday, pair $2.89 Women's Corsets, all new styles, $3.00 ' values. Special, pair, $198 Sheets, 72x90, seamed, $1.25 val ues, Saturday each $1.00 Pillow Slips, 42 and 45 inch, 40c value. Saturday, each 33 Mail Orders Promptly Filled Stitched Cotton Batts, 72x90, 1.35 value, Sat urday, each $1.19 Postage Prepaid Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns MAI'S DEPARTMENT STORE The Store for Everybody Medford, Oregon Outing Flannel, 20c value. Satur day, yard ....17