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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1923)
MEP-FORD MAIL TRIBUNE. fEDFORD. ORTCGOX. FRTDAV, :PRTL1:X 102:1 PAOE VTVY1 ;( SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY All Wool Skirts . . : : $3.75 Brush Wool Jackets . . .x.$6.50 All Wool Sweaters ......... $2.50 White Dainty Blouses :"v $1.98 The Colonial . Liberty Building Telephone 298 For three generations the name- Foteer's has meant j GOLDEN OATE yVll Ml Iff bIlJ - - ' TS- Tenor Monday, April 16 8:30 pm. Pag'e Theatre UNIVERSAL has been the approbation of ' Thco. Karle's exceptional voice it is char-act-ized by such rare power and delicacy of , tone that he has been termed by noted critics one of the greatest American tenors of the day. Xn common with the present tendency among artists, he records exclusively for Brunswick. Ask the nearest Brunswick dealer to play these Karle records for you: , U002 8tba Mar Cnjna iml mam (Throvsh Hlj HlMMllnir Hide) in Latin..... ....Ilomlnl Rraiitrm ln. In r, Minor Inacmlaco IHn.lly Groaning) In Latin...... .Var.ll , JS03B Klllah (If Willi All Your Hi-nrl). . Mni!clolin Host notry BrMtrd Trart Koblnron Any Phonograph Can Play Brunswick Records THE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO. Manufacturers-EatabliskaA 18iS CHICAGO NEW YORK CINCINNATI BRUNSWICK. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS A large number of sport enthusiasts attended the formul opening of John lieeson'g playgrounds at the corner of Sixth and Holly streets last evening. Misses Marie Elclier and Helen Con don defeated Tlielmu lleeson and Juanita Griffin two sets out of throe In the ludies' doubles. A. J. Crose and Deke Buckingham got a number of amateurs starten at handball and all ot the horseshoe champions of the city were present with the exception of Pop Gates and Gus Newbury who lost their mutches to l)r. K. U. Plckel by default. 1 ' Hemstitching at Deuel's. 3S Sunday, April loth, the Hotel Med ford will serve a special dinner for $1. 20 Frank Hammond was given a sus pended jail sentence of 30 days Tues day when he pleaded guilty before Justice Gleun O. Taylor to a charge ot' unlawfully spearing game fish. The arrest was made by Deputy State Game Warden Pat Dally. I When better automobiles are built. Bulck will build them. tt Don't forget the governor's holiday and the Dads vs. High School baseball game next Tuesday afternoon, April 17. Everybody's going. It's going to be a great game. 20 An electric siren will startle the natives hereafter when there Is a fire In the city, the Blren to take the place ot the bell which has been In use for so many years. The siren, which has been used twice, can be distinctly heard from all parts of the city, and Is a decided Improvement over the bell. Grants Pass Courier. , . Do you remember our Enster din ner? Next Sunday wo will serve a similar dinner for $1. Hotel Medford. 20 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phoue 108. 711 V. Main. A recent circular Issued by the Uni versity of California College of Agri culture Experiment Station on the Control ot the Wild Morning Glory, a virulent and annoying weed of Cali fornia, Is written by Clyde Q. Barnum, son ot W. V. Barnum, Phoenix ranch er. Barnum is taking post-graduate work at the University of California College of Agriculture. Formerly he was with the Jackson county patholo gist's office. "' The selection of yarn is a matter of personal needs and tastes; everything that is new in yarns. Handicraft Shop. 19 If you want to sell your orchard, farm, or residence, list it with Earl S. Tumy, 209 Liberty Bldg. 21 Judge C. M. Thomas adjourned cir cuit court yesterday In Grants Pass until the first Tuesday In May when he will return to that city to finish the work of the, term. Circuit court will open Saturday morning, April 14th In Jacksonville and . continue until the first Tuesday in May. " '' " ' All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 East Main. We are giving summer rates now on fur repairing. Bartlett's Fur Shop. If A thief entered the garage In the sample room building of the Hotol Medford last night and departed with a telephone. The disconnection of the wires lighted the switchboard in tlta hotel and aroused the suspicions of the clerk but the thief had escaped with the telephone before Ed Herrlott, the hotel bus driver, who was sum moned by the clerk, was able to get to the sample room. Brown' Bays he bouglft shoes so he can sell them. ' tt The automobile Industry Is grow ing rapidly. The Durant Corporation shows wonderful growth. Hayes-Hunt Corporation, the body factory for Durant is offering shares at a small payment down on monthly Install ments. Be sure and obtain a savings account n the Durant Plan, as It pays to be a partner of a man ot Mr. Durant's type. Phono 915, Dr. E. H. French. 23 G. S. Butler of Ashland has been appointed receiver of tho Medford Building, by Judge C. M. Thomas, nnd now has charge of the same. Mr, O'Nell, who was here representing the Pacific Savings & Loan association, returned to Portland this morning. There's a busy business College In your home town, OWN. Hand-made cluny and filet lace Is the most durable trimming for silk lingerie. Handicraft Shop. 19 Wonderful Picture, Page "Quiricy Adams Sawyer" is tiow In its next to the. lust day at t lie l'age theator. ' 'v 1 -- The simplicity of the plot barely Bkirts the melodramatic line, but catalogues with fidelity the lives of simple, unaffected folks, living their really uneventful lives in a Biinplo way, enhanced as it is with consider able local color to Bay nothing of a tender romance that curries just suf ficient conflict to give It .balance, make "Qiilney Aduius Sawyer" Im mensely enjoyable. The suspense Is gripping ns you wonder whether Sawyer, astride tlio horse, will reach the raft in time, and resctio the blind girl bororo she is mercilessly hurled Into the fulls be low. The romanco is exceptionally ap pealing and really Is the outstanding high light. "Tho Stranger's Banquet," Rlalto "Tho Stninger'B Banquet," now in its next to the lust day at the Hliuto theatre, is drawing very big crowds. The picture is big in theme and big in execution, and employs one ot the most Imposing casts that has been seen recently. Among them are Ho bart Bosworth, Thomas Holding, Nigel Harris, Claude Gillingwater, Roekllffe Feliowes, Jean Hcrsholt. Ford Sterling, Cyril Chadwiek, Claire Windsor, Eleanor Boardmnn, Alleen Piingle, Uicllle Hiekucn und Eiigunlu llcsserer uud these are only a few. I.lvohtock ' PORTLAND. Ore. April 13. Cut tle, nominally sternly; no recelpls. i Hogs nominally Bteady; receipts 175 (through.) Sheep steady; receipts 4SC. llulK-r PORTLAND, Ore.. April 13. nut ter weak. Extra cubes 4 llii i'2 Vie; j undergrade 3Sd40c; prints. In box; lots 47c; prims in half box lots; 4 ." Vic; cartons ISc; dairy, buying! price nominal. liiUterfut f. o. b. Portland 4Cc. (. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., April 13. Wheat, hard white, blucsleiu, bnart $1.3.1; soft while, western white, $1 20; hard winter, northern aprlng, western red $ 1.1 9. Today's car receipts Wheat 27; flour G;'eorn 2; oats 1; hay 10. San Fi-hucImco Market SAN KKANCISCO, April 13. (IT. S. Bureau ot Agricultural Econom ics.) Eggs, undersized pullets, 20MiC. RAN FRANCISCO, April 13. Hut terfat, unchanged. SAN FRANCISCO, April 13. (Slate Division of -Markets.) Poul try unchanged. For Finer Texture and Larger Volume . in the baked goods use ... . BaMsak PowcSes? 5 Ounces for (nor tbftn patwd and ball Cor a quarter) Use less ttharaeShlgfrer priced brands MILLIONS OF POUNDS BOUGHT BY OUR GOVERNMENT. Did Winter leave you .with that tired fedng? WINTER'S 'vrlth Its ffijt laclc of pure - air und sunshine, shown its effect in Spring. To bo un derweight ' easily tlrod, listless, and have a poor appe tite, lndlcatoa a woakoned condi tion ot the blood. Nature must have help your blood Is minus fighting strength! Moro red-colls mean cleaner, purer, richer blood. S. S. S. builds red-blood-cells. It builds blood-power! That Is what makog fighting blood. Fighting blood, destroys impurities. It Lcv ' ' : TCTfcJI fights boils. It fights skin eruptions! It always wins! It builds nervo-pow er, thinking powpr. It builds up run down, tired men and women, boauti fles complexions, and makes the floeh firmer. Stronger and moro useful nerves depend on blood-power. S. B. 8. will glvo you that greater endurance, energy nnu strencriii! Mra. Mtr! Pelmet. Crowell. Taa, writes: "J wse In a tun-down condition aid lost forty-tour pounda to weight. Also guttered from pimplea end 'c heads, ATy drvmiat tscommtndtd S. S. S. It mtd mo a now woman, t think S.S.S. to be the best medicine on earth." rrCT U vAii-nAir fl a a la saM At H good a rug woros. mo iiu-kb r.o sm moro economical. Get a bottle today I rntir rv? Aurti la' riiv ih As sociated Press) The Rhinolnnd high commission today ordered tho expul sion of 433 additional Hermans, iney worn mostlv employes of tho customs service and the railroads. PHILADELPHIA. April 13. The city council adopted dnylight saving for Mny. June, July, August ana Septomber,; , , A. F. 4 A. M. A Special communication of vV Medford Lodge No. 103, on rV" Friday evening, April 13th, at 7:30. Work in E. A. Degree. Visi tors welcome. ; By order of the W. M 19 O. D. FRAZEE, Secy. 100 ATA J.LLA.S11! I CONVALESCENt"hOME. ASHLAND Have you an Invalid In your home who needs change? Our Sanitarium is the pluco. 20 FOR SALE Two lots on hlghwoy In Phoenix. Mrs. A. W. Short 25 8. S. Sc makes you feel like yourself again CanadianPaci Empresses hM These paladal neamthipa maintain t fort nightly cxprea tervlea Irom Vancouver, B.C 10 dayito Japan; 14 dayi to China. Oet particulars from W. II. Dea con, Gen. Agt, Psgr. Dept. Can-2 adlan Pacific Railway, 55 Third Street, Portland, Ore. : J: mi -iilfc W', J i;in a!"1 lOTl SALE Spray outfit, new this spring, equipped wun lvi it. engine. Just what you want for small orchard. Am selling at a sacrifice on account of leaving coun try. Call at 417 N. Oakdale Ave.. Medford, Ore. 20 FOR IlENT Nicely furnlnhed two room apartment; alsr Bleeping room and garagenlca yard. 016 N. Ccntrul. Phone 325-H. ifl VISIBLE GAS PUMPS YOUR GAIN They Increnso your mllrngo per gallon nnd wo nil like to soo wlmt wo pay for. , Wo make our own adjustments on our guaranteed AJnx nnd Coast Tires. Every day in every way yon get rutiro miles per dollar at tho ARMORY SERVICE STATION ' Pacific Highway at Jnrkon Street. ARMSTRONG & WOLYf Service Cheerfully Given by Ex-Servlro Men ' ALL WOOL : TWEED SUITS m Typifying . ; ; Spring! new'." SNAPPY ; NEAT Tailored to your measure 2900 ' "r. i For Saturday and next week Springer & Lee Opposite Rialto Theatre Phone 595-X' Star Meat Market SATURDAY SPECIALS t , ; Choice Beef Pot Roast..... ,. 15 Choice Beef Stew.:..:.':..;..1...!;...;.....' :...:..'.12 1-2 N Shoulder Pork Roast .,...:.! .,....20 Good Bacon . 25 Good Lard '....'..' : 17 1-2 . ' Phone 273 ;..:.:We DeTiyerr . . . .' . : ;i c ; SPECIAL $12.50 F. F. BURK (Op. S. P. Depot) E.T. B. G. ALL LAST WEEK Did U Eat TRU-BLU Grahams' and Cheat Spring Fever? . THOUSANDS D1DI Dmcnrtled U10 foods thnt are" too lmnvy for tho warmer weather of ppring, They substl; tutud siiiiple, .Jafiklthful Trti-Blu jGraluims, rich in vigor buildiiitr vitamines, in minoral units, in nourishment yet. easily, npeedly digestihlo, with li liberal amount of bran to aid elimination. ' -. -" TRU-RLU GRAHAMS are made of the TRUK . ,v ' graham flour. They are Bweetonod with nigar and puro, golden honey no cheap uhltutes. Try them TODAY. You'll find they taste ARK het tur. Your grocer will supply you. , In Cartons at 13c and 30c Also in 5 lb. Wood Boxes ' " ; Made by the TRU-BLU Biscuit Go. ' Spokane, Portland, Great Falls. ' T J