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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1923)
MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, atEDFORD, PRECOX, THURSDAY. 'APRIL 12, 1923 PAGE THREE F. W. W00LW0RTH CO. 125 EAST MAIN STREET MEIUXMUi, OHEGON : , "' ANNOUNCE THEIR ' ' First One Day Sale of the Year For Saturday, April 14 The Big Specials which will be worth your time to investigate (.::''" . ' ' , Eniunel Dish (Pans, large Saucepans anil Preserve Kettles j,.h:'i on sale at 0:00 a. m-rlSc each Decorated Cups and Saucers !'.'!' " on sale ut 10:00 a. m. 15c complete Crystal Wlilfe Soap . , ' on sale at 10:00 a. m- 4 bars l(5c Large Mattings Rum ..i on solo at 11:00 a. m. 15c each Ladles' sizes, Bloomers on sale at 11:00 a. m. 15c pair Aluminum 8auce Pans, Preserve Kettles and Pudding Pans on sale 2:00 p. m.--15c each Special' Hand Pointed China, on sale 3:00 p. m. 15c each Create Oil Soap 6c a bar Candy Special Peanut Brittle ... on sale at 0:00 a. m. 15c a pound You can also make your selection from our complete line of plain White or Blue Bird Pattern Dishes. VVe have a larger assortment of Ribbons, Laces, Millinery, Cur tain material) Knit Underwear, and Hosiery than ever, at re-adjusted prices, which make a bid for economy. Also a line of Hardware, Notions Toilet Articles, Stationery and Glassware from which you can fill all your needs. Normal conditions are here, aa Is reflected by our readjusted prices. Bring your list of needs with you. Remember the Day.Saturday, April 14 GIVEN LETTERS AT SCHOOL ASSE today. THE GRADUAL DAILY ACCUMULATION OF FINANCIAL POWER LIES IN THE . GRADUAL DAILY ACCUMULATION OF , YOUR SURPLUS NICKELS, DIMES AND DOLLARS ' ' better save 'em ' " '"" and accumulate power. surely at the The Medford National 'THE THRIFT BUILDERS" . working with you. Our Trade Mark -as yon learn to look for it, you will learn to depend upon us. It is our pledge to you to play (air. Why Successful Orchardists Come Back to Us " The orchards of Washington famous the world over kxmtain far more Washington Nursery Trees than from any other Nursery. Thoroughbred trees pay! Successful orchardists come back to us year after year for their nursery stock be cause they know that our triple inspection sy stem and our high standards of growing and propagating insure the finest trees pos sible trees that bear earlier and bear bet ter fruit and more of it. We grow and ship only hardy, matured trees, grownon brand new soil, propagated from bearing or chards. Our trees are well rooted and free from diseases. . We pay all delivery -charges and guarantee de livery of the treee in first-cUts condition. Yon can ' depend upon golden rule treatment when order ing from us. Writ us. Salesmen Everywhere More Vmtr J The students of Medford high school enjoyed a rich and varied pro gram in assembly yesterday after noon. Prln. O. R. Campbell called to the platform representatives of the Parent - Teacher association, prize winning students ln typing, short hand and bookkeeping, the coaches and players of the. girls and boys basket-ball teams, and others of the faculty and citizens interested in the social and physical welfare of the M. H. 8. students. Supt. Aubrey J. Smith was invited to take churge of the proceedings and speakers, who after a few re marks introduced Prank J. New man. In a very fitting address Mr. Newman presented to the student body a gift from the high school Parent-Teacher association, which, upon being uncovered was a beautifully magnificent picture of Crater Lake. Student body president, William Johnston accepted the gift and ex pressed the thanks of the students for it. E. M. Hussong, teacher of biology, spoke briefly, encouraging a wider love and appreciation of na ture and the grand loveliness of Cra ter lake, and voiced his pleasure In having aided In securing the picture for the school. The " sentiment and order of the program now changed. Mrs. Ollie Ogle and Eddie Durno, coaches of the athletic teams, spoke highly of the members of the basketball teams and the harmony and hard work that prevailed while they were training them. Bows and short speeches were given by the ones re ceiving letters as they were present ed by Principal O. R. Campbell. The , girls' team was. Peggy Van Scoyoc, i Ruth Stevenson, Ruth G rover, Zlta I 1 Shinier, Edith Campbell, Juanital Oriffln, Thelma Beeson and Jean Kent, captain. The boys of the teams were: Rudolph Singler, captain: Ward Beeney, Harold Riddle, Gil bert Knips, Reese Baughman, Albert Allen. Richard Singler, Clarence Wil liams, Mervln Chastnln, Harold Relchsteln, Peter Bateman and J. V. Watson. Their 'fellow students gave hearty-handed applause as the ath letes carried off the red "M" that sig nified their prowess on the field of battle for good old Medford Hi. Principal Campbell gave a running fire of humor and wit ns ho awarded the coVeted emblems of victory. Still another group of well-earned trophies of conquest were handed to students in typing shorthand and bookkeeping, trained by Mrs. Eliza beth Jerome and Leland J. Knox of the business department. In a clever little speech Mrs. Jerome ex plained that the ribbons of profic iency were won at the typing and bookkeeping contest hold at Medford March' 17, 1923." The ratings wore: Advanced typing, Isabelle Robinson, first; Ima Jennings, third; advanced shorthand, Rose Scott, first; Norn Chlldroth, second; beginning short hand, Tholma White, first; Alleen Crawford, third; bookkeeping II, John Holzgang, first; Leo Glasscock, second. Principal Campbell offered his regrets that the emblem pins awarded to the members of the de bating teams- had not been received yet from the manufacturing Jewel ers, so they could not be awarded. The winners of these are Eddie Sauderstraum and Owen Donovan. negative team, and Fay Bragg and Frank Buchtcr, nfflrmatlv team. Supt. Smith asked Mrs. Glenn Fabrlck, president of the high school farent Teacher association to an nounce the particulars of the dads and Hi students baseball game Tues day aiternoon, April 17. This was given In full, committees and work ers, incidents and arrangements. Mrs. Fabrlck spoke, too, of her hearty appreciation of the co-operation of the students in making the Parent Teacher association meetings Inter esting and successful during the past year,, her pleasure In having the pic ture of Crater Lake presented to the scnool, and her desire to be of fur ther service to the student body in all their activities. Judge D. E. Kelly gave one of his characteristic, off hand, red-blooded speeches in praise of athletics and his hope of their lively enjoyment of the dads' game next week. Supt. Smith and Coach Eddie Durno gave a few well put boosts" for both the dads and stu dents' teams and prophesied a big attendance at the ball park for the event. So passed one 1923 red letter dny at Medford HI, and another fol lows when- the baseball awards are made. District No. 89, Central school, with an enrollment of nine pupils who walk a long dtxtunco through the woods to a schoolhuuse not on a main road, has so fur this present term of school made an average of 98 per cent attendance. This is an excellent record. Some other Bchools are working hard to meet the re quirement of a standard school, un averago of at leust t2 per cent at tendance. In the dental essay contest, ninety papers were submitted in Jackson county. The Judging 'committee 1b now nt work on these essays. The north zone teachers' meeting was held at the hntchery school on Saturday, April 7th, with the chair man, Miss Inez Wllllts, presiding. Mr. V. A. Davis of District No. 74 led in a discussion of recent school legislation. Reviews of educational books were given. Moral Instruction was discussed. A question box, too, was a helpful part of the day's pro gram. It was' decided to hold a field meet for the pupils of the north zone at Prospect on April 28lh. An out line of events was planned nnd will soon bo ready for publication. Mr. Cash Wood, county Y. M. C. A. sec retary, will assist in running off the events. The ladles of district No. 84 served a bountiful lunch to those present. The next and last teachers' meeting for this school year will bo held next Saturday, April 14th. at Eagle Point. All teachers of the east zone as well as any in the county who have not yet attended a local Institute, should plan to attend this one. The Applegate zone has set the date for their meet on April 28th nt the Uniontown school. Plans and events for this nthletic day will be announced lutor. The subject this year for the fourth annual good roads essay contest open to all high school students of the no tion is "The Influence of llluhwny Transport Uppn the Religious Life of My Community." The closing date Is not later than- May 1, 1923. For in formation regarding the rules and prizes of this contest, you are advised to consult your high school or the county superintendent's office. Prospect with a high school this year of six or seven students makes twelve high schools for Jackson county. Prospect Is about ready to be examined by some one from the state office In order to become a standard high school. Every school In the county Is being checked on points for standardization and for every point earned a star is placed on the standard card. We hope for a gain of points over last year's record with more schools en titled to the card for complete stand ardization on all fourteen points. WALLA WALLA, Wash., April 12.; With five persons under Burvell lnnco and reports awaited on finger print investigations, Deputy Bhorlff. Uufflngton of Pendleton, Ore., wh0 lias been in charge of the Cliarlos Zink murder case for Umatilla coun ty authorities, announced today that hu may Bhortly muUo one or more arrests. Ink's burning body wub found Tuesday morning In the ruins of a shack on Government mountain, eight miles east of Milton, Ore., by a neighbor. Four brothers and a Bis ter, whom ho loft at 3 a. m. to wulk to Walla Walla for medical treatment according to their statement to offi cers, have been closoly questioned. IVES HERE The Medford Auto Company has Just unloaded eight carloads of new lUilck cars which represents one of the largest single shipments of cars ever made in Southern Oregon. The eight carlondB arrived here in one week and represent a sale value of more than $50,000. The Medford Auto company Is launching a spring sales campaign on a large scale for Bulck carB. These cars have proven very popular In this section, and many havo been sold here recently. Tho Medford Auto company has both open and closed models in Bulck fours and sixes, which are calculated to fill every need of any size family. They have issued an invitation to people here to call and see these cars and Investi gate the G. M. A. C. purchase plan. - Writ for oar free : catalog describing a Urge assortment ef tree, shrubs and pleats, tea hundred vari eties of Roses 4 3f "Washington Nursery Co. LAKGF-5T IN THE Wf.ST Food for Lost Party MIAMI, Fla., April 12. Supplies were being rushed today to the 22 members of the Tamiaml Pathfinders who It Is reported by three of their comrades who reached Miami early today, are about Blxty miles west of here and making slow progress on their trip to this city. Hopes were expressed, however, that they would reach hero by tomorrow night To know how good a cigarette really can oe maae you must try a IvstriiceJ jCIGABETTE, . a 0. F. TO STAGE Advertising the Mt. Hood Attractions Saturday night nt Grants Tass will witness one of tho most Important events to occur In Odd Fellowship circles In southern Oregon the ln- sltuatlon of a Kremlin Baku. This is a comparatively recent branch which has been established in the order. It allows a greater latitude in amuse ment nnd entertainment than exists In the other branches. It Is proposed to exercise this privilege to the limit at Grants Pass, where tire second branch In the state is to be instituted. A largo delegation from Portland, accompanied by tho I: O. O. F. band of 40 pieces, will be present to con duct the ceremonials. About 200 ap plicants have been lined un to take tho degree, and assist In establishing the only branch In tho state outside or Portland. There will bo a spec tacular street parade early In the evening preceding the ceremonials. An elaborate feast will be one of the features. A large crowd of Odd Fel lows from Medford and other points In the valley are anticipating going. A collision between the Bulck tour ing car of R. J. Henry and a Davis Transfer truck driven by W. T. Shann took plnco nt the corner of Mnln and liartlctt this foronoon. Tho truck Buffered utile damage, but the en tire front end of the Bulck was demolished. Henry was driving west on Main street nnd tho truck, coming east, turned north on Uartlett. Although Henry applied tho brakes and slid his tires sevornl feet the front ond of hla car struck the truck broadside. No one was Injured in the accident which drew a large crowd and caused considerable comment on tho part of a number of curious spectators. Homer A. Rogers, representing Mt. Hood Lodge and Cloud Cap Inn, was In Medford Wednesday putting up posters and otherwise advertising Mt. Hood and their lodgeB. " He says tills Is the year to boost for Oregon attrac tions and he was loud in his praises of Crater Lake and the spirit mani fested at the forum luncheon by the members of the chamber of commerce. Rogers believes the first thing to do is to sell our own people our own scenery, climate and attractions, ami they will sell them by word and letter to the balance of the world. NERVOUS WOMAN COMPLETEWRECK Tells How She Was Made WeU by Lydia E. Pinkham. Vegetable Compound Indianapolis, Indiana. "Now I want to tell you iuflt what induced me to take your medicine, it seemed that I had some kind of weak ness so that I could not carry a child its run time, ine last time I was troubled this way I had a ner vous breakdown and was a complete wreck. The doctor thought I would not live, and if I did that I would never be well and strong again. But I told them I was rne to get weu, mat i was not going die just then. My husband got me Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound and I took six bottles of it, I soon got strong again and had three more children. I have recommended the Vegetable Compound ever since, and if you could see me now you would tn ink I had always been well," Mrs, Mary P. Merrick, 234 Detroit St, Indian apolis, Ind. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is an excellent medicine for ex pectant mothers and should be taken during: the entire period. - It has a gen eral effect to strengthen and tone up the entire reproductive syBtem, so that it may work in every respect effectually as nature intends. ljf DENIED PLEA CHTCAOO, April 11. -FrV1 'Mm-1 din, reputed "bum" of Mayor William' Hnle ThornpHon'a fHctlon of the re publican party, today wan denied a Rcparutc trlii I of tho Hchool graft raws. Lund In wni Indicted with 23 other rharRd with connpiracy to do fraud the ChirnffO iwhool of $1,000, 000 through PontntrtH, real entnta deal! and other transactions. Tho MEALS Our meals are ' the talk of the town. Merchants' Lunch 50c Short Orders 35c We Suggest That Yoti Give Them a Trial f'GOOI) MUSIC" TheShasta The 'Place' to Live The only "place" to live happily is inside your income. Not until you have lived for a time out side your income do you fully realize this . truth. Make it a practice to save ten per cent of your income. You will then "live with in your income "and live happily. Start today. Jackson County Bank Member Federal Reserve Established 1888 ' - THE FLORSHEIM SHOE A lot of mittagt villi smooth going . ataUmcoU M i ... P-pHE delightful comfort of a fine-look-ing Florsheim is a surprise to the man who puts on; -his first pair. No shoes" have 'more style and comfort built intb them. No shoes satisfy so completely The Florsheim Shoe $10 . y . .., A few styles mnd $12 ' C. M. Kidd & Co. FOR THO MAN WHO CARES Easily Operated from the Seat J of Any Standard Tractor We are giadtto say that we now caii' furnish the disc harrow that you can control entirely from the seat of your tractor, a harrow that completely disks the soil the entire Width of the harrow even when going over depression or obstructions. It is the r ..: j JOHNJSDEEEE MODEL "L" TRACTOR DISC HARROW WITH YIELDING LOCK . Mode the two convenient, erenki, one f ot each section. With , then cranks yon cen set the ng of either or both lections . from straight line to extreme working angle trilhotil stopping ' or backing. This le not rigid harrow. It is flacibU. It can be made to ' conform to uneven ground tur- ' faces. Patented automatic yielding lock coupling locks rear section when traveling straight ahead, preventing rear discs from trailing in furrows triads by front discs. When turning, this lock yields there is no dragging of ban around corners. ' '' '" "'" Pivoted yoke on front secttosi permits inner end of either gang to rite above ths other withoat raiting ths emirs harrow uom Its work. . Ask us to show you thai, harrow. Inquire about the align ing device an eaclustvs Joho Deers feature! adjusts Ns hitch MMnMe.t i niiiaaaanS greass caps sod slotted gang couplings features thai saaks) this an anosuauy tractor disc harrow. . Hubbard Brothers Km ',' v, Vt':- "'.J-t;"''h BoxD ToppenUh, Washington sieai iinn is. it s V vuiitiivi avs , April S3.