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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1923)
V i PAGE WO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON", THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1923 I f . ocal and Personal ..' That light to heavy frost predicted for last night did not materialize, hay ; j ing been sidetracked by clouds and a . shower during which .03 of an Inch of J rain fell, but the same warning is re- J peated for tonight. Fair weather Is ' also predicted for tonight and Friday, j There's a busy Business College j in your home town. OWN. - Grand opening dance, Gold Hill Pa I Tilion. Thursday, 12th. Management Mrs. Blanch Crosson. 18 , Hand-made cluny and filet lace is . the most durable trimming for silk lUngerte. Handicraft Shop. 19 ' - Mah-Jongg score pads. Quite neces sary In playing. Medford Book Store. 18 Dr. Robert J. Conroy left last night on a professional visit to Cleveland, Ohio, from which Ohio metropolis he will proceed to his old home at Peter boro, Ontario, Canada, to attend the golden wedding anniversary on April 22nd of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Conroy, eleven of whose living children, sK boys and five girls, out of the thirteen born to- them, will gather from various parts to surprise them by helping celebrate the fiftieth milestone of their marriage. In addi tion to their own children Mr. and Mrs. Conroy had adopted and raised three others, now grown who will at tend the happy occasion, as well as the present adopted child they are rearing. - i . .. The automobile Industry Is grow ing rapidly. The Durant Corporation shows wonderful growth. Hayes-Hunt Corporation, the body factory for Durant is offering shares at a small payment down on monthly install ments. Be sure and obtain a savings account on the Durant Plan, as it pays to be a partner of a man of Mr. Durant's type. Phone 915, Dr. E. H. French. 23 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 East Main. 20 per cent off on capes, coats and suits at the Colonial. 18 We are giving summer rates now on fur repairing. Hnrtlett's Fur Shop. If A feature in keeping with the splen did film at the Page, "Quincy Adams Sawyer," Is tho fact that the cashier, ticket takor and ushers all wear rural garb In conformance with the village atmosphere of the attraction. Nut cups, electric shades, novelties, all shades and colors. Medford Book Store. 18 The selection or yarn is a matter of personal needs and tastes; everything that is now In yarns. Handicraft Shop. 19 If you want to soil your orchard, . farm, or residence, list It with Earl S. Tumy, 209 Liberty Bldg. 21 For Sale Wicker baby sulky, good as new. 203 N. Poach. 18 An assembly was held at the high school yesterday at which letters were presented to boys and girls of the basketball teams. The high school was presented with a beautiful picture of Crater Lako by tho Purcnt-Teachers association and addresses wero given to the Btudent body by Mrs. Glenn Fabrics: and B. E. Kelly. Modals wore nlso awarded to honor students of the commercial department. Do you remember our Easter din ner? Next Sunday we will servo a similar dinner for $1. Hotel Medford. 20 " All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 E. Main. When better automobiles are built. Bulok will build thera. tf Car oak flooring at Medford Lbr. Co. tf The Woman's Home Missionary so ciety of the' First Methodist church will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. M. a. Mordoff, 219 West Main street. Every member Is urged to be presont Important business to transact. Don't forget the governor's holldny and the Dads vs. High School baseball game next Tuesday afternoon, April 17. Everybody's going. It's going to be a great game. 20 The Mall Tribune has put In a new carriage for handling big rolls of paper and has about 60 feet of carriage track equipped with hangers and car riage for 1500 pounds; Just the thing fur a hay barn, garage or warehouse. If you need any thing of this kind see It at once: A bargain. tf Homstlfthliig at Deuel's. 38 j ffJSOA,c? A LITTLE CHAT on tho desirability, yes, tho ne cessity, of your having a policy of Burglary Insurance Come (n and consult us It will cost you nothing and not obligate you. And you may profit by the opportunity. McCURDY ' Insurance Agency Tel. 123 M1forr1 National Hank Bldg. Mnlfotd, Oregon A. C. Allen arrived home today from a several days absence at Portland during which he attended a meeting of the state horticultural board. Sunday, April 15th, the Hotel Med ford will serve a special dinner for $1. 20 Just what you have been looking for, handsome silk hose that wear well. Handicraft Shop. 19 Don't forget, it's Friday, 8 p. m., April 13th at the M. E. church, South. You can enjoy a real 'Visit with the Absentees." Price 15 and 25 cents. IS Ribbon lends Itself to such dainty effects. New novelty ribbons at the Handicraft Shop. 19 Grants Pass people have been won dering why the familiar and somewhat disturbing presence of Joe McMahon, speed cop of this section, has been missing so long from the city. Joe has been ill for more than a month, and will not be on duty again until- he has recovered. David Brown, an em ploye of the state acting In the capac ity of traffic cop, is at present cover ing the roads between this city and Myrtle creek. Mr. Brown Is said to have a very pleasant personality, by those who have met him. Grants Pass Courier. Don't forgot the Governor's holiday and the Dads vs. High School baseball game next Tuesday afternoon, April 17. Everybody's going. It's to be a great game. 20 - 20 per cent oft on capes, coats and suits at the Colonial. 18 Colonial Garage for tire service. 319 Ladies, bring In your fur work now, and take advantage of the low rates. Bartlett's Fur Shop. tf St. Mark's Parish House, recently completed, will be formally opened on Wednesday evening, April 18th. The bishop and archdeacon will be present. No formal Invitations will be iBsned, but the friends of St. Mark's church and the public generally are cordially Invited to attend. Lottie Howard has received another shipment of hats and flowers. 20 Grafted Franquette walnut. Eden Valley Nursery, 6S0-J-2 tf Twelve-Inch slab wood $1.50 per tier delivered by taking 4 tier or more. Hand picked wood, mostly fir. Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76. tf All dances given at Tolo by Richard son & Buckles are strictly Invitation al. Richardson & Buckles. 18 George M. Roberts arrived borne this morning from a visit to Salem on legal business. Don't forget the Governor's holiday and the Dads vs. High School baseball game next Tuesday aftornon, April ii. Everybody's going. It's to be a great game. 20 Ladles, bring In your fur work now and take advantage of the low rates. Bartlott's Fur Shop. tf We will loan you money to build or hoy Holmes the Insurance Man. Radio sets built, Installed or re paired. L. D. Minkler. Phone 643-J. .21 Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cornell wore among the Medford visitors Wednes day. Swimming and Hot Sulphur baths. Jackson Hot Spring. 20 Milk and cream at DeVoo's. tf For sand, gravel, sediment and team work see Samuel Bateman, 302 Maple street. Phone 912-J. Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. tf Bill Jones, the shoe shining stand proprietor, has returned home after a six months absence at his nephew's ranch In California caused by the nephew's Illness. When ho left here Jones had expected to stay only a few weeks. Anglers attention! We give 6 per cTftit off for cash on fishing tackle as well as haedware and house-furnish ings. Medford Furniture & Hardware Co. 20 Grafting wax. Eden Valley Nursery. Phono 680-J-2. tf Genuine Blsch Magneto parts and repairs. Electrio Shop, Eighth and Bartlett tf R. I. Red setting eggs at DeVoe'a. O. R. Mueller and Gordon Qultuby claim a record round trip between hero and Modford for this time of year. They made the trip In 18 hours by way of Dorrls and the Topsy grado. bxcopt for turning out of the road for n bobcat at two In tho morning, the Journey was uneventful. Mooller re port that the roads between hero and Kono, and around the Topsy grado are bad, but that the rest of the way Is fair travailing. The trip was made for a yload of flowers for the Parker fnnornl. Klamath Fulls Herald. Swimming and Hot Sulphur baths. Jackson Hot Spring. 20 Is your radio sot working right 1 do guaranteed repairing. No charge for inspection. L. D. Mlnklor. Phone 513J. 21 Dance, Gold Hill Pavilion Thursday. IS Are you gulng? I am. Gold Hill Pavilion, Thursday night. 18 Merrill Weaver of Portland, Maytag coiniwny representative who has been here for tho past three days leaves to day for Grunts Pass on business. Friday Is fish day, but everyday Is fish day when yon buy your tackle at the Medford Furniture and Hardware Co. 20 Uraflod Franquette walnut Eden Vnllny Nursery. S80J-2 tf 20 per cent off on capes, coats and suits at tho Colonial. 18 I want to hear from the owner of a good orchard for sale In this valley. Earl Tumy, 209 Liberty Bldg. 21 W. E. ltolbrook and family of Albany-arrived Tuesday to make their homo In Medford. Mr. ltolbrook, broth er of Lee Holbrook of this city, has been in the employ of the Standard Oil company for the past five years. Ho has accepted a position here with the C. E. Gates Auto company. Have you seen tho bungalow aprons and children's wear made by the Pyth ian Sisters on sale at the Golden Rule? 24 Ladles, bring In your fur work now and take advantage ot the low rate Bartlott's Fur Shop, If R. M. Brown. R. E. Allen and Don Loosley were among the visitors from Medford in Grants Pass yesterday. A whale of a fish is waiting for you. Six-inch trout season opens April 15. A new and complete line of fishing tackle. Medford Furniture and Hard - ware Co. 20 Brown says he has Ions and short ones. 13tf . We are giving summer rates now on fur repairing. Bartlett's Fur Shop. If 8ee Brown for first class shoe re pairing. 13tf Walter Merrick announces that the Nat management will soon remove the basketball floor and fill the swim ming pool with water which will be changed daily. The partition between the large and small tanks will be re moved and the small tank will be filled with cold water as It was in for mer years. Brand new tunes, catchy as the flu. Jackson Spring Sat 20 Roses and flowering shrubs. Eden Valley Nursery, 680-J-2. tf All kinds ot rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 E. Main. - I now have material for restrlnging tennis racquets. Leave them at Med ford Harness Co., Medford Hardware and Sporting Goods store. Young's Hardware-or 301 South Central. J. D. Beeson. 20 Ralph D Dickey, of Portland, repre senting the Crown-Willamette Paper Co., and W. J. Gotthardt, assistant manager of the Blake Mc-Fall Paper Co., of Portland, and C. F. Schmeer, traveling representative of the same company, are In Medford on business today. Coming from Portland they of course were delighted with the grand southern Oregon climate and the pro gressiveness of Medford people. Will take orders for pure maple syrup this week only. J. W. Shirley. Phone 368-X. 20 Planning to arrange for colonization and development of 1500 acres of the Grants Pass irrigation district W. O. Ide, field secretary of the State Cham ber of Commerce, left today for south ern Oregon to confer with officers of the tract. The irrigation dlistrict has these 1500 acres which have not been developed and the state chamber hopes to have them colonized in 20 acre tracts for intensified farming. Portland Journal. We have good values in used cars. Patton & Robinson. Inc. tf We are giving summer rates now on fur repairing. Bartlett's Fur Shop. If Cement and plaster. Medford Lbr. Co. tf Dance! Jackson Spring, Sat 20 The College Woman's club will meet Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. M. E. Root 15 Summit avenue. An Interesting program is assured. We can still furnish spray hose for 20 cents per foot Crater Lake Hard ware Co. . . tf Brown says he fixes them while you wait. - 13tf Spray hose 20 cents per foot Cra ter Lake Hardware Co. tf Danco Sat. Oriental Ballroom. Man agement American Legion. 20 Cv C. Dixon of Blieild, Oregon, the Jersey breeder, and Neil Jamison, dairy extension expert of the O. A. C. will arrive tonight for the meeting of the dairymen of the county at the Merrlman brothers ranch at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. They will meet with the dairymen again on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock at Ralph Bil lings ranch near Ashland. Fair Grounds Pavilion Saturday night. A regular dance. 20 Baled hay for saie. J. H. Carkln. 348 Oratted Franquette walnut Eden Valley Nursery, 680-J-2 tf Grape vines: Tokay, Muscat, Mai. aga, Rose Peru, Zindndell, Thompsons Seedless. Trellis grapes: Concord, Brighton, Worden, Agawam, Niagara and Campbell's Early. Eden Valley I Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf , A large crowd of young people enjoyed a dance at the Shasta last , evening, music being furnished by : "Ike's Jots Hounds." j Auto Insurance. Brown & White. ' Dance, Gold Hill Pavilion Thursday. ! 18 i Brown says he has lots of gloves, i 103 N. Central. 13tf Do not buy an electric washer until ' we have demonstrated the new May-' tag to you. Crater Lake Hardware Co. tf Oriental Ballroom. Launspach's or chestra. Sat. Management Am. Legion. The local chapter of the Order of De Molay will hold a meeting in 'the Masonic hall this evening for the Initi ation of a number of hew members. Gladlola and Canna bulbs. Eden Valley Nursery, 6S0-J-2. tf Hear Alford sing his new dance hits at the Pavilion Sat nlte. 20 HEAT OX 8ALK TOMORROW 12 O'CLOCK Monday Night April 16 THEO KARLE Tenor Concert Management Arthur Juilson PAGE , . . , , ritlUfci IXCM DIXC. WAll TAX ... - . . PRICKS: Lower Floor. 1st 14 rows 12. Iast 4 rows Jl-fi"-Balcony, 1st 4 rows $1.65; next 4 rows $1.10; balance hoc. Box Office Sale Friday noon. ' "Chuck" Wortman. the brilliant j young son of IL G. Wortman of the "Warner, Wortman and Gore grocery j dropped a can of asparagus in the 1 store stove yesterday afternoon as an eas3' nieans of disposing of it. A fira 1 was. started in the stove this morning and the can exploded, due to the i vaporization of the liquid by the heat. ine iia oi tne stove was mown open and asparagus was scattered over a large area. Five hundred attended our opening dance; if you weren't there you missed a real party. The Fair Grounds Pavilion dances are different; we make you feel right at home; try it this Saturday night. 20 See Brown lor your shoes. 13tf After the fire It Is too late to insure. See Redden & Canaday now. Miss Eunice Brandon leaves Friday evening for Corvallis where she will be a guest at the annual formal dance and reception at Sigma Alpha Epsilon house. She will return the first of next week. ' Oriental Ballroom. Sat dance. Launspach's orchestra. Admission 10c. i 20 Blacksmith coal at Medford Lbr. Co. tf Dancing at the Shasta Wed. nite. MubIc by Ike's Jazz Hounds. 17 A fine of $100 was assessed Tuesday against James Patton, one of' the two men charged with killing female deer . in Josephine county. Patton entered a plea of guilty through hisj attorney and It is understood that the attorney for Hugo Swift is making overtures with Prosecuting Attorney Miller looking toward a plea of guilty. The two men were arrested in Lane county several months ago after they had been apprehended with Venison in their possession. They paid fines of $50 each for that offense. In addition to the fine Imposed upon Patton, he loses his gun and camp equipment and i will not be allowed to hunt or fish in the state for the rest of the calendar i year. Grants Pass Courier. Alford and his Imperial orchestra, at the Fair Grounds Pavilion Saturday night Admission $1.10. 20 Dance, Gold Hill Pavilion Thursday. IS Bing! Bing! Bing Blng! Bi'ng! No, I am not swearins. Just trying to tell you that you will get a Cory Thornless blackberry plant with each Bing cherry while they last Eden Valley Nursery, 680-J-2. tf Sarah A. Pattery and Roy E. Hig- 'Bins of Medford were married Tues J day in Chehalis, Wash., by Justice P. C. Beaufort according to the Portland Telegram. . Oriental Ballroom. Sat. dance. 20 Nice line of traveling bags. Brown's, 103 N. Central. 13tf Have your rugs washed on your own floors most Convenient, ' sanitary method, kills germs, no dust raised. Get your orderj In early E. L. Davis, Phone 644. 2lt Stark St ir 30 Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Millard and Mrs'. Millard's brother, Tommy Konkle, left today for Glendora. Calif They will spend two weeks enroute In their car visiting at Vallejo, Los Angeles, Long Beach and other California points. Mrs: Lou Jones will accom pany them as far as Oakland. Brown says he has a new line of men's, ladies and girls' oxfords. 13tf tzt JL XXV ? - Pastry Shop on Main' Street hlVafci This SpaceA U for announcement U Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching Rnttnaa ovar4. Pico ting So per yard. .jm. , ... The Eighth grade of the Washing ton school will play the Oak Grove school baseball at the local ball Park Saturday morning at 10 o'clock. In tho afternoon at 2:30 the high school Juniors and Seniors will meet on the diamond to decide which shall meet the winners ot the Freshman Sophomore contest which will be play ed Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Another real party at the Fair Fair Grounds Pavilion Saturday night. "You will go eventually, why not now?" 20 Auto Insurance, Brown & White, tf . Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. tf A. F. 4 A. M. Special communication of A 5 Medford Lodge No. 103, on Friday evening. April 13th, at 7:30. Work in E. A. Degree. Visi tors welcome. By order of the W. M. 19 O. D. FRAZEE, Secy. a Notice Members De Molay VSf Meeting for. purpose of con OTjJ) ferrlng the initiatory degree Thursday night 7:30. T00J.ATE T0 CLASSIFY CONVALESCENT HOMETFacing Ash land's beautiful park. Good cheer, good care, good food. 18 F.OR SALE Ford worm drive lil ton truck, new rubber, $150. East Side Garage. 19 FOR RENT Two houses. C. S. But terfield. 20' LoST Anyone finding Chief Police star please leave at Mail Tribune office. 19 Ladies Can Wear Shoes One size smaller and walk In com fort by using Allen's Foot-Kats the antiseptic, healing powder for the feet. Shaken Into the shoes Allen's FcorKaso, makes tight or new shoes feel easy: gives instant relief to corns bunions, and callouses,' prevents Blis ters, Callous and Sore Spots and gives rest to tired, aching, swollen feet. 1.500.000 pounds of powder for the feet were used by our Army and i Navy during the War. Sold every- j where. For Free sample and a Foot-Knse Walking Doll, Address, I ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE, Lc Roy, N. Y. Adv. a YOU'LL LOVE THEM All those wonderfully-drawn characters, wonderfully acted, in the first big motion picture ever made by a New York producing company in this state: K5w - . - If, WITH BLANCHE SWEET LONCHANEY JOHN BOWERS BARBARA LA MARR EDWARD CONNELLY KATE LESTER JOSEPH DOWLING JUNE ELVIDGE ELMO LINCOLN LOUISE FAZENDA VICTOR POTEL It's the finest comedy-drama of small-town folks' ever written. You'll scream with laughter at Lon Chaney's ruthless quartet and jump with excitement at the hair raising river scenes! NOW AT THE , .SUNDAY "THE. FAST MAIL" FOOT COMFORT DEMONSTRATOR from CHICAGO coming to our store April 14th If foot trouble have clouded your lif with needless misery, here is your opportunity to rid yourself of this trouble. Meet at our store a man specially trained in Dr. Scholl's Method of Foot Comfort. Let him tell you how the famous Dr. Scholl's Foot Comfort Appliances can ease the pain of such foot disorders as weak and broken down arches, weak, aching ankles, callouses on the soles, corns and bunions. This is a direct invitation to you Golden Rule Mercantile Co. i PHONE 873 FOR LAUNDRY WORK Wet Wash 5c per lb. returned the following day. Dry Wash 7c per lb. all flat pieces ironed." Rough Dry 9c per lb. THE AMERICAN LAUNDRY , Pain or calloutaa tharm? ' Sam' the Dr. Schoji Foot Comtott Demonltrator AC our Mora ALL! ... -, - . . j . . ' 'tf -':v.,TOrw