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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1923)
BRINGING THW'b Aw MUMMY- ) THREE. THOUSAND I I : ' - .' : i. . " : : . l L. ; ; -HOME, SWEET HOI OPENS EXPOSITION CHICAGO,' ular. 2-1. id observance of the one hundredth anniversary to day of the writing of "Home Sweet Home," by John Howard Payne, the opening day of the annual "Own Your Own Home ..Exposition" here will be known by the name of the old song. President Harding wrote. as a greet . 'tag: "Believing that nothing can do more towards the development of the high est attributes of good citizenship than the ownership by every family of its own home, I am always glad to en dorse effective efforts to encourage home ownership." ' "No men ever worked or fought for a boarding house," Secretary of Com . j merce Hoover1 commented! . Ex-Governor Ben W. Olcott of Ore gon said: "As long as the heart of the nation is in its homes; its future wel fare stands assured." ENGLISH REFUSE TO FILL U. S. ORDER LONDON, March 24. The Shef field forge and rolling mills have just declined an American order for 300,000 special steel bars. The order was 'originally Intended for Ruhr plnnts, but cannot be filled by them ... "In view of the lack of considera tion Bhown by America to Shofflold as instanced by the Fordney tariff aimed at Sheffield special steel, the correspondent adds, lonnl firms are "hot prepared to hold up orders of EngliBh customers in favor of Ameri can competitors." Mitjrlugo License ' Rasmus Cj Jorgensen and Mary Morgan. , Circuit Court Leonard Carpenter vs. Joseph Mar tin. Affidavit. Summons. Nina Grace Dusenberry vs. Calvin L. Dusenberfy. Default. Findings and conclusions. Decree. Lillian Reynolds vs. Joseph L. Reynolds. Summons. "" Harriet State Bank vs. W. P. Mc Collum et al. Summons. Affidavit. Order. Default. - - Norman Merrill vs. W; H. Corwin. ' Summons, Affidavit, Judgement. Cost bill. Everett V. Dahaak vs. Frank L. -Clark. Motion. Verdict, v Clara May Griffin vs. Althea Da vis et aL Order. " ." . - Pearl V. Collins vs. E. A. Collins. Demurrer, i -.- . ' . J. F. Pratt vs. Mrs. C. A. Calhoun. Reply. V . Clearspring Orchard Company, Iic ts. Henry Clyde Williamson, Amend ed complaint. First National Bank of Southern Oregon vs. O. E. Wlckstrom et ux. De fault. Decree. . " Pfobnio Cmirt W. L. Sullivan vs: John W. Adkln son et al. Cinfirmation. Mary F. Kirkpatrick, estate. Or der. . Benton Bowers, estate. Order. Real Estate Transfers. State Bank of Ashland to Karl P. Nlms, et ux, W. 3. to part lot 8, Hargadlne Tract, Ash lnnd I.. ...$1400 Wltllnm B. Smith, pt ux, to Pail Gullev. et ux W. T). to WS lot 4 in block 9, Ashlnnd .. 10 C. M. Sinrtln, et nl to William V. Mnrtin, W. D. to SB of NE. sec. 10. two. 37 S It. 2, East 1 C. M. Martin, et ft! to Wllllnm PERL FCSEltAIi BOM1 At Your Scrvtre trnj or Xisht Information Cordially Given , Cor. n and Oak dale " I UP FATHER I SVHACT'Sj A. . i I ri m lis rv 'in i vj W. Martin. W. D. to" KB of SB sec. 10, twp. 3? S., H. 2 East ' 1 Theodore Stavro Avgeris to Gust Avergis, W. 1. to lots 1 and 2, and S(4 of'KiS soc. J, twp 41 S., li. 3 KaBt .'. 1 John G, Barry to Theresa Barry W. . to SW of NW, and W of SW, sec. 24, twp. 38 S., 11. 8, East 1 Fred L. Hickman, et ux, to John I,. Rowe, W. B. to lot Id, plk. 20, Gold Hill , 1000 Word B. Spatz, et ux, to J. E. 1 Spats, Q. C. D. to NW of NW . see. 29, NV4 of NB, SW of NB sec. 30, twp. 36 S., R. i West 10 Resignation Accepted, GUATEMALA, . March 24. The government has accepted the resig nation of Marcial Prem, charge d'af faires at the legation in Washington. Notice of Sale of Government Timber ' General Land Office, Washington, D. C.,' 1923. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of June 9, WIS, (39 Stat. 218), and the- instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September 15, 1917 (46 L. D., 447), the timber on the following lands will be sold April 30, 1923, 10 o. c a. m., at public auction at tho United States Land Office ' at Lakevlew, Oregon, to the highest bid der at not less than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the Sec retary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth "of one per cent cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue, for the timber which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associa tions of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the Unit ed States or any State, Territory or District thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the tim ber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being inciud- I ed in any offer of a iarger unit ! T. 40 S., R. 7 E.( Sec. 31, NE'A SW, yellow pine 646 M., red fir 75 M.; rl. I N W ?4 SW Vt yellow pine 490 M red fir j 80 M.; frl. BW Vt SW & yellow pine G10 M., red fir 65 M.; SEH SWH yellow : pine 545 M.; red fir 1C5 M.: NW LEFT A . real car, , self starter, electric lights in good run ning condition, only - $1-25 BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Join tho Chamber of Commereo Official Alemite Greasing Station -: . 'I - I- W have Just installed a mammoth High Power 'Alemite Gun and can giva you fast and thorough greasing service. Crankcases and Transmissions ' drained free. Jones & Kirkpatrick ONE MEDFORD MATfj TRTBUNR. i - ii - AF FAJR. VERX VERX OLD. THE" ALL. COME FROM SE yellow pine 520 M red fir 60 SW SEi4 yellow nine 630 M.. red fir 110 M.; none' of the timber on these tracts are to be sold for less than $4.00 per II., for the yellow pine and $1.00 per M. for the red fir. T. 40 B R. 0 E., Sec, 1, Lot 3, yeijow Bine 640 M., red fir 40 M.; Lot 4 yellow pine 500 M., red fir 40 M sugar pine zo M.: NiSS SWS yellow pine 800 M., red fir 150 M.. white fir 150 M., NWtt SVVH yellow pine 4S0 M, red nr, m m., sugar pine 10 M., white fir 70 M SEH 'SW yellow pine . 540 M., white fir 100 M.; SW SW yellow pine 400 M.,'red fir 150 M white fir 20 M.; none of the timber on these -tracts to be sold for less than $4.00 per M for the yellow nine and sugar pine and $1.00 per M., for the red and wnite nr. " ' "WILUAM SPRT, Commissioner, General Land Office. 299tf HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Tailoring agents.- Our $29,50 all wool tailored to order suits and overcoats are $20 cheaper than store prices. Commissions paid tn advance. Protected territory. Beau tiful assortment 6x9 swatches free. J. B. Simpson, Dept. 657, 831 Adorns, Chicago. 2 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Experienced girl. Apply in person. Crowson's. WANTED Middle-aged or older worn ' an for housekeeper, family of two. Phone 637-R. 817 W. Tenth. ' WANTEb MISCELLANEOUS WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. State cash. price, full particulars. D. F, Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. ' 2 WANTED A six or eight inch cen trifugal pump, right . handed, low head, state time in ifse, make, type, weight, capacity, price. Dixie Ranch, ' R. F. D. 2, Grouts Pass, Oregon. 3 WANTED rOod, medium sized used safe. ' Mason Motor Co. . 2 WANTED To rent or lease, 5 or 6 room modern bungalow, by reliable couple; no children. Phone 950-L after six, a WANTED Farm wagon. Phone 7-F-14 WANTED Vat and boiler for dipping sheep. Phone 408-R-3. : 3 WANTED At this office, some good clean rags; not scraps or old over alls, etc. s . tf WANTED Clean cotton rags at Mail Tribune office. tf WANTED Having Just completed a buying arrangement ;with one of the largest wool and Mohair buyers in the state we expect to pay more than anyone in Medford for these , commodities. Johnson Produce Co. Phone 97. ; tt WANTED-250 !awn mowers to shar pen. Liberty Repair Shop. tf WANTED House "novtug and repair ing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. FOR KKM RuUSRS FOR KENTrr-Modern f house. Phono R-1S-R. , . . : , . T FOR RENT Four room furnished house, modern. Phone 594-L alter a. FOR RENT Nicely furnished house close in. Phone 442-Y. .. FOR RENT Six room modern house, $25. Phono 938-M. . 309 FOR RENT Moeern 1 room house arranged to sublet." Call M, K-'DeP. 8tore. ' ' ' ' tt FOR RENT House al 1239 WeBt Main, 7 rooms and garage. Not for sals. C. A. DeVoe. tf FOR RENT OR SALE 7 room bouse, East 9th St, easy, terms. Inquire Jackson Co. Bidg. & Loan Assn. tf FOR RENT 7 room house, furnished, or would Belt on payments like rent .. Gold Ray Realty So., No. 15 N. Grape St., Phone 465-J. tf FOR RENT Houses Brown & White. BUSINESS OPPOKTCNITIEg jGOOD BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES at No. 15 N, Grape SU Phone 465-J. tf ' FORKALB- if -I t! REAL SNAP' " ' clQS MLlLDtBi.r'.fc. ''.; .. '(.. ., J,. a acres at City Limits', all IRRIGATED with PAID UP'WATER RIGHT," part in berries and trutt, some altalfs; 3 room incuse with sleeping Iorch, barn, chicken house, fruit house, good well, also Includod Willi place is dandv cow, 2 do, chickens, tools and machinery, EVERY THING for $2X00 and best of terms on pari, would consider good auto mobile on deal., e , ' . SEE I'B TODAY. ' FOUR-8JTK REAIjTY AGESCT ' . Rooms 40SMIO Mo ilford Confer Illilg. Real FjXMb , Xiusinms Opportnnltli t ' BxchanKna rEBPOBD, OTJEOOX. SATURDAY, - MA"RCTT 24 132,1 CAME HOME. EAjRUY t WANT f OU MEET fT OLD IVAJSTEO-ITUATfOSa WANTED Thorough accountant, of fice manager, correspondent wilt be open for engagement in the near future. Address Malt Tribune, Box a23, 27 WANTED Work by man. and wire, first class cooks, in camfS or club. Phone SS2-R, 211 N. Peach St 2 FOB RE.VT SnStTELLAXEOUS FOR. RENT For season, large well , fenced pasture, running water. Jas. ' Campbell, Phone 17-F-21. : 4 FOR RENT Irrigated alfalfa ranch. ,t room house, z earns and orchard. Inquire; of Alice Rexford of Pro voit. ' ' ' 310 FOR RENT Garage, $3.00 per month. jao ts. Jtiversioe. u FOR RKNT So acres or land trader wator, 3 miles ol Kedford, good bouse; Address : Bert ' Anderson, : room S02 Liberty building. tf FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82. U FOJl RENT HOCSKKEEPING . 1 ROOMS FOR RENT Newly tinted and painted housekeeping rooms. 315 N. Holly. Phone 368-J. 2 FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms 322 South Central. " f; 3 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 146 S. Hollys 810 FOR : RENT Light housekeeping rooms..: 511 S. Central. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Modern room. ' 808. - ' , Phone 2 FOR RENT Large well furnished steam heated sleeping room, phone 92-R.' ' 306tf FOR RENT Well lighted front sleep ing room,- with bath privileges; also garage for rent. 325 S. Riverside. : Phone 701-J. tt FOR RENT Rooms, $2 per week; men only. . 445 S. Front. . 314 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Modern furnished apart ; ment. 220 S. Grape. Call Monday. 2 FOR RENT-i-Two furnished apart ments. Phone 963. i Call at 113 E. Eleventh St. - 4 FOR RENT Nicely situated furniah- . ed apartment in Mail Tribune build . ing, recently repainted and tinted, ' hot and Cold water, steam heat, . electricity, gas for fuel. Call at of fice or phone 75. tf FOR RENT 3 room apartment. 604 west Tenth st. tf MONEY TO LOAN FARM LOANS Medford National Farm Loan Association. F. P. Faiv re!!, secretary, Jackson County Bank Bidg. " ' . MONEY TO LOAN on Improved ranch security, $sooo or less, 8 per cent Interest O; 0, Boggg, Attorney for State Land Board, Jackson County. , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT 10 .acres in cultivation, close- to highway. For . particulars call at 411 Ueatty St, or Phona455-L, '"'.-;' . . 5 FOR SALE Cheap, 8 ruota bouse and 15 acf eg on Spring St, In cultlvatloit J. N, McCune, R, 3, Box 39. 311 f OR SALE, RENT OR TRADE Alt ' alfa, grain, stock ranches, orchards, also city property. Gold Ray Realty . Co., No. 15 N. Grape St., phone 465-J, , tt FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR BALE Ford sedan; must be cash. Box 20, Mail Tribune, 3 FOR SALE Scrlpps-Booth' tottrlntf 6, ' repainted, good condition. ' Colonial Oarage. " . t FOR SALE Ford runabout is. good Shape, 'one set of blacksmith tools, as good as new. First house west of upper Griffin Creek schooliiouse. P. H. Hohmann,: v .' .. ' 810 FOR SALtr Vwttuat bargam Jn 1-tnn Ford truck, motor overhauled, In spiendid condition. Call 203 or see it! 123 8! Front St. 2RStf FIT YOU TAi.UK TO HER FOR SALS, HOMES FOR SALE Modern 4 room house. good condition," fruit and garden. Terms. 53" Austin St. 6 FOR SALE OR TRADE Must sell, modern ! room, close is, bungalow, paved Btreot. Price $S100, $1000 payable as rent. P. O. Box 559. 310 FOR SALS Seven room modern bun galow, furnished or unfurnished, 3 bedrooms, hardwood, floors, laundry room, large enclose back, poreh, fruit1 room, ; garage. large- shade trees; best residential section, on paved street. Terms, Phone 343-M, .. ". 310 FOR SALE Modern four room house and good lot; assessments al) paid; easy payments; room No. 4, College liiis., 31 N. Grape St. 2Sltf FOR SALF Houses and bungalows, furnished Or unfurnished; Bis acreage. Insurance, C S. But tertield, Medfori National Bank. Phone 389. , FOB SALE POCLTBY AND EGOS FOR SALE rtBgKs far hatching from the beautiful Silver Spangled Ham burgs. Phone 20. Eagle Point ' 7 FOR SALE Runner and Muscovy duck eggs for. batching, 75 cents. Phone 201-R-2. , 3 FOR SALE Orders taken at Monarch -Feed Store" tot turkey eggs and day . old nrkeys, y ' t; ,.-i .. . ,, v 4 FOR SALE H. I. Red baby Chicks, 15c. April batches. E. B. Lucas, Beagle, Ore, 810 FOR SALE-r-H.,.1, Red hatching eggs. . Phone 673. , . , . .. ) . 317 FOR SALE Mammoth Bronze turkey eggs for hatching. Pbons 12-F-3 after 6 p. m. "" 2S FOR SALE Eggs for hatching from Mammoth Bornze turkeys, from geeso crosses of African Toulouse;, from ducks, Rouen, Pekin and Mos cow. - Phone Central Point 18-X-S. . . - . - . - ; sis FOR SALE O, A. C. Barred Rock '. eggs for hatching. Phone 201-J. 32-7 FOR SALE Hatching eggs. Dark Barred Rock, $3.00 for fifteen. ' J. r W. Cook, it. 3,. Box 48.. Phone 963-R. -: . . . .. : .: 311" FOR SALE H. I. Red hatching eggs - 7s and up each. Phone 969-R. SIS FOR SALE Eggs for hatching: Barred Rock, O. A. C. strain, $1.00 ! for 16: 15.08 per hundred. O. is. Gates. 80 FOR SALE MVKSTOCK FOR SALE Pigs. Phone R-13-R. 8 FOR SALE Two work teams, heavy enouKh for fogging. Jas. Campbell. . . - . 4 FOR SALE Fresh cows, big produc ers, officially tested.' Walsh place, one mile SB of Medford a Crater Lake road, - - 2S FOR SALE Milk cows and weaning pigs. J, B. Hatley, Talent. FOR SALE OR TRADE Good work team $100. Phone 8.10-X 31 1 FOR SALE Two btirros and saddles ' and 1914 Ford' car.' ' 1218 W. Tenth St - - - ' SU FOR SALE Work horses, small and , targe, single and double, . Phone . 591-R-l. - - 3 FOR SALE Grade, pure Sred and ; reaistered Duroc Jersey 'sows, to farrow In March and April; also one prize winning registered Duroc boar ,CaII pert Anderson, Meutora, or Miravlsta Orchard. .' V" Used Cars SPECIAL 1018 Buick Six il, , Chassis, Completely Overhauled I ' $375 -'' ; Medford Auto Co. Ealck Dealers Cor. Main and Holly Join I fie rfvamNf nf Cnntmrrcty y Georg'e n WELL Tt-UHCb IN FOU SAIiB MtSCKLLAN EOl'S TOR SAi-E Furniture. 26 Cottage St. Pbovse 37T-J. FOR SALE Meetric Hot Point stove, good, as new, $60. Call mv. S FOR SALE Grafting wax. Monarch tf seed co FOR SALE One good three-section springtoath harrow, secaad-Bttnd, one farm wagon gear. Hubbard Brothers, 312 FOR SALE One underwood typewri ter. No. Used very tittle mm bonglit new, price rigit. 1 Call eves tags attar 6, 421 W. Tenth St. $10 FOR SALE Two large English easy chairs, slipover covers, ?35 each; large English lounge, slipover cover, $100; very fine old desk, oak inlaid, superb piece, $150; modern oak of fice desk with Remington typewri ter, !0; oak gramophone and large quantity red seal and dance records, $25; platform scales, lift: From t Premier vacuum sweeper and at-. wchmeots, $16; 2 folding double camp beds, springs and mattresses, $10 each; Bostrom farm leveL 110; camping ice box, $3, and other arti cles. Can be seen by appointment Phone E. F. Guthrte. 232 Jackson- ' tille. ' ' ' 2 FOR SALE Progressive everbearing strawberry plants.- WBi bear is w days. Now ts the time to plant' W. T. Jennings, 1023 East Main, Phone 9I3-R. , r- t - 310 FOR SALE First crop oltolt'a bay on. . highway near Talent- Phone Asn- , land 'g7.-J-2, Medford I-F-2I, Mrs: Wells. . t FOR SALE--Baied alfalfa bay $20 ton. Salads -Ranch, Central Point': 31tf FOR SALE Registered stock German Roller canaries, mater pajrs, singers and -hens. Selitng out stoct on ac count of sfekneBS In family. Mrs, . Schwein, Ashland, Faone tol-u sll FOR SALE Mrs. Dims, Knight- Js here selling her furniture. You can see it from I p. m. to i daily except Sunday. Davis Transfer. ' tit FOR BALE Dry Ume snlphar, Bordo, arsenate of lead in small packages for the heme owner and gardener Monarch Seed Co.' - - ( FOl'SD FOUND Pair of driving gloves. Call at this office. tt BUSINESS 1MRECTORT Attorneys O, C. BOGGS Lawyer, Snecialtat In Real Estate and Probata Lav. SO North Central Ave.. . , . A. E. RBAMES Lawyer, office In Ltbeny tratiamg. Chiropractic lijslclan DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Cairo- 28 Medford Bidg. Pnsse 965. tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectie ; Physician. . DR. LOUISE E. . HEDGES Naturopathic Chtro- praetor, Meehano-Tberapy, Spon- dvtot'neracy. Food Sciences, Cbirs- practice. Office:' Stewart Bldg iib a. Main St. r zones; ui:ice, 170; Res. 1T9-J-2. ., DR. E, W. HOFFMAN Chireprae t tic Physician. Office hoars 8 m -, 12, 2 t5. Suite a93-94-&-0, LIS erty Bidg. Office Psoas- 580, Res. ri027. j 7. - : -i Cblropody: i ;, CHIROPODY At office, o Dr. Hal ! stead, Eieetro and Mechano Therapy and the Bardfck Deep Therapy I Light treatment for acute and i chronic diseases. Fhtpps block, 22S ! E. Mais, Phone 563-J. The best values in r psed, tractors mMepford L 11 !( fiS ! J j-g' ' 1M92J ay (mt l Feature. Service. 1st . ; USED TRACTORS iX Gates Auto Co. PAGE SEVEN McMantis 1 . BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstractors .MURRAY BROS, r & GREENE Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 5, Na. S2 North Central Ave., a stain,' Jackson Coantjr ABSTRACI CO, The only complete Ti tle System to. Jackaon: Cnnfy, ,t... ... - Absts-nsts of Title and Title Insurance, WATSON & KELLOQ& Rellablo Jacksos county abstractors stt ties, Gold HUl, Oregss. .Rnttdtng Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK & BLOCK WORKS Spaeialize la all . kinds of cemeat feaftdiag products, . Cor, Ftr and Tenth Streets- v , H a , Dentists . y. r DR.'Ol J. JOHNSON Dentist, tt E, ' Main St., over M. M. Dept. Store, : Medford. Oresos. Phone 869j Res. 10S3-H. Office soars 9 a. 8 p. m. Evenings sd Sunday by . appointment i Expert Actonntant- WILSON AUDITING CO- S. M. "Wil son, C. P. A. Attention gtvsa i anything la accoant'ng and In come Tax regutrameat. Look lota oor staspltfiefl acccustias method. Liberty Bidg., Medford. Phone 1J7-R '. . . , , . . . Monejr to Leajr 5. a.' ANDREWS Boys and seU( mortgages and. . toana. money sj ; good security, St K. St Phone &S-M. . iiannmenta VHB OREGON GRANITE - CO. -- MonumentSi " E. A. HJeks, general ' manager. ' P. M. Kershaw, wtet manager, 103 E. Sixth St MeJ ford. 1 - - ' ' - - tf Osteopaths DR. F. G. CARLO v DR. EVA MAi.NI ' uaklow Osteopathic Physician 418-418 Liberty Bidg. - Psool 804-J-3. Residence 28 Sntt Laurel St. ... ; r -.... .v DR. W. W. HOWARD OsteopathiS rpystctan. spect&t ottenaon to' eye, ear, nose asi throat Sftft Liberty Building. Phone 49. Physicians asS Ssrgeoaav DR. WS. W P. HOLT Pisyaitian and fBttrgeon, -orncs Medford Bidg. Phone 185. ; Residene 8 Genesee St. Phone 1S5-J-3. . ..; DR. A. . BURSELL Physlsfas and sorgeon, 51J to SlttMedford Btdg. Entrance 38 N. Ceitral, Ececlal attention to spine; Phone as, ' ' Piano Instruction STUDIO OF MUSIC Sirs. John O. ; CttpRWSN. Central : private classes In piano, harmony, counterpoint, composition and history of music Phone IMS-Sf., -t t. U FRED ALTON KA5GKT Teacher ol Plana and Harmony. Composing, Arranging,. Stadia SIS Libert? nr., m t n JAMES- It, FISH Teacher ol Piano. at iv. urape, i.olioga Bidg. ! t !i Printers and Pnblishere MEDFORD PRINTING CO., ba tss t best eaiijlppedf nrtnttag office ta Southern Oregon, Boole binding, . loose isaf ledgers, bftttng lysSsjna, eto Portland prices, T N. Fii St, Hug Weaving MEDFORD " FLIJFF P.UG WOHK9 makes flaft tugt Irani eld and iron- carpets " and rugs. PSiobi 8I0-M. TatPfnaSL Transfar EADS TRANSFER STORAGE CO, Office iS North Front St. Phs&a t 815,' Price rigat. Service gaj. i anteed. . i DAVIS TRANSFER .AND STORAGE . CO. Anything nio-verf, tla? er night Service guaranteed: Zt S. , iOrape. -i'hoap; O'fiie 8tlK or resi dence I&64 or iQi.' ? U Upholstering 4, WEI8 Hpholstary,v Manttfsctem of overstaffed furniture, nll line of material. . Draperies made to drdef. We do ii kinds of nphol sterinf. We deltvat and rlil-ll na shew samples. . Phone JSJ, st F, pcmnTT ' 1 8nd floor " Medfei4