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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1923)
'r-1 J I fi ti 11 ti i r 1 X i ; EKBE FOUR MEDFORT) MAITil TRIBUNK, MEDFOItP, . OR EO OX. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 14. 192.T Medford Mail Tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUUl.lKHKl) KVIOKV Al TKltNOON i JBXl'KIT SUMIAY, 11Y TUB MEHI'ORK J'lllNTINa CO. ' The Medford Humlay Morning Sun Im luruiHiiea auuBcriLHra aegiring a seven Office Mall Tribune Building, 25-27-29 turm rir mruei. 1'iiune (0, A consolidation of the Democratic Tiinea. tin" Muilford Mull, the Medford Tribune, the Southern Oregonlau, The Ailiiunu i riuune. HOBEHT W. rtUHI,, Editor. B. Hl'MI'TKR H.MJTil, Manager. BY MAIL In Advance: fially, with Sunday Sun, year..$7.B0 ally, with Sunday Kun. month 7fi lnlly, without Sunday Sun, year.. 6.60 iially, without Sunday Hun. month .cr Weekly Mall Tribune, one yeur .. 2.00 Sunday Sun, one year . 2.00 BY CAHHIEK In .Medford. Aahland Jacksonville Central Point, l'heenlx, uaient and on utKiiwnyH: lially, with Sunilay Sun, month .7fi Dally, without Sunday Sun, month .6, Italjy, without Sunday Hun, year.. 7.60 Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year 8.50 All terms by carrier, caeh In advance. The only paper between FniKene. Ore and Sacramento. Calif., a dlntanca of over f00 miles, having leased wire ASSO' elated Press Service. ' Bworn dally average circulation for six months ending April 1, 1922, 3528, more than double the circulation of any other paper published or circulated In Jackson County. Official paper of the City of Medford. Offlclul pajier of Jackson County. Entered as second ciasb matter at Medford, Oregon, under act of March 8, 1879. UNCLE JOE AND THE GOLDEN AGE. Tp HIS is, a liell of a country," opines ex-Congressman Joe Ciin A lion us lie philosophically puffs on a cheroot anil surveys the world from his front porch lit Danville, Illinois. Uncle Joe should know. lie has seen most of it and lived as an active participant in its golden age. When l'nclc Joe first went to empress, Grant was president. The population of the United States. :iow 119,000,000 was then less than 40,000,000. Within that half century the Illinois congressman has seen the rise and decline and passing of ten presidents Grant. Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison, McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson. "A hell of a country," means in the Cannon vernacular, a hell of a fine country. Jtut I'nele Joe has never dealt in rollyanna superla tives. Now at t ho sunset of a husy life, he refuses to wax either pes himistic or sentimental. Such a robust forward-looking view is characteristic of the man and his age. l'nclc Joe is through. The golden ago in which he was such a typical and figure has passed. Peering into a f u- lost ought to startle us, yet ture in which he can not participate, moralizing on the changes that to l,e able t0 8'KBle on tbe very rlin of 9a4- u .I.. r : ' , i hell. I Vlitua MANY SEEM ME TO GIGGLE ON THE IM OF HELL HOPPE STAGES A GREAT COMEBACK LEADS JAKE A deep S)lrit of earnestness charac-1 torlzod the revival services at thol First MothoillHI- ehnr-h l:it nli'ht Tlr llurr preached on some of the dangers roa1 lj!lPk had become the most tllfli which encompass the soul "In a world cult to travel Wllllo Iloppe found him llke this." In his introduction the self und picked his way last night and evangelist said the saddest thins in , when he goes to the table tonight ht haiiian history is the wreck of a char-1 , , ., , , , acter. Yet it is most common. The Wi" "ave 11,0 c,le on Jake Schaefer, masses are day by day passing ui llis challenger in tho final 500 point Jesus Christ and backing (!od of the block of the world's title 18.2'bnlk line prospectus of their tomorrow, onlv to billiard match KTh" t"?!' f l"e "niVeT ! The total score for the two nights' NEW YOUK, Mar. 11. When the il EMBERS OK TMH ASSOCIATED PRKHH. "The AsHOciatwl J'rt'SH in exclusively entitled to the use fur republication of 9U hews dlrnitchtH croditml to It or not otherwise credited In this paper, ond a)no to the looiil iipwm publlBhod heroin. - All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are nlso reserved. Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur Perry. are to be the problems of another generation, have no appeal for Uncle Joe. Sadness therefore has no place in the Cannon swan song. He has lived a useful life in what history will undoubtedly describe as America's most prosperous and contented period. To him undoubt edly the future looks doubtful and forbidding. Influences which he has never tolerated and can never understand arc now at work, des tined to change tho material and spiritual forces within his country and throughout the world. But to Unfile Joe sufficient unto the (lay are tho blessings thereof. He prefers to leave the moralizing to younger heads. He was a man tually beaten when he went to One of tho strongest points of the tho table for his seventh inning last sermon was brought out when the night, standing 325 to Schaefer's 714, evangelist suld: "Some of us have the ,no ninny-tlmos champion resorted to Idea that wo must bo criminals In ''Is old doliente style 'and clicked off order to lose our souls. This mls-'s,) points within a spaco six Inches apprehension as to what it takes to square. The run totaled iiS. Again on lose one's soul Is responsible for the '''s tenth turn Hoppo went back to difference and neglect of truth which delicate stroking and ran 143, driving is robbing the masses of a vital sense "nly six times, and making 100 points of Clod, nnd if you have no vital sense U minutes. Schaefer was within striking dis tance of his second consecutive vic tory when he tailed. Hoppe's average in the 21 innings was 34 9-12, his grand average was SO 10-33. The level to which Schaefer's or don hero you won t have in any other world. Changing climates won't affoct you any. . The writer to the Hebrews said, "How can we escape if . , . ., , a i,i , . . f v uckicci, an Kieat. uaivminn: lull ot action not a man ot thought, he was n frank and outspoken mate- ean be friendly with tho church and rialist, not an idealist, he was a man of his country, never a man of even havo a volume of Godliness and gamo fell is shown by his average for the world yet lose your soul. To live a Christian " mum oi a ii-ji, coinpareu wuu 'lire in a world like this takes blood his grand average of 3t 2-32. l I .. :j 2 I I. j J.. fill T "1 j 4 -m 4 . unciu oou (puis at me ngni nine, i lie fates nave Dccn Kintt to earnestness. You won't drift into him. He stands as a perfect symbol, as he sits on llis porch and puffs Heaven.' We are in a world where : The story of the Michigan girl who . fooled the doctors, with her tempera ture of 110.3 degrees, is not unusual, nnd Is worthy of bollof, until proven contrary. Last full near the tnllcnd of the spasms, a local politician regis tered 486.7 degrees, and appeared fair ly cool. The Michigan hoax will be regarded as a great joke on the doc tors, who like lawyers and editors, arc not supposod to make any mistakes, or be deceived. his black cigar, of an ago that unfortunately has passed, .content with his memories, content to pass on the more complex burdens of a new era to different heads and stronger bands. Card of Thanks Wo wish to thank the neighbors and and when one misses Clod he misses friends for their sympathy nnd kind . One of the geeks paroled by Acting Governor Hltner, whon he was acting up, has managed to get headed back where he can be paroled again. QUOTATION FOR TODAY Luscious "Sir, March is wasted fourteon days." : - (Julius Caesar, Act 2, Scene 3.) Henry Woodpockor was arrested yesterday for felonious assault uion Charley Sparrow, an Impudent but harmless follow, who has been a bird around town for years, and was once haled into court, the police say, for non-support of his family. He lives In a knothole, In the business district. The nsBault occurred near tho Virginia Creeper roso bush on the Univ. Clubskt campus, and Mr. Woodpockor Is alleged to have attempted to pock out his opponont's brains with his beak. If the blow had been a hair lower, Sparrow would have lost the Bight of his right eye. Hunger and rage and a "hard bofrcd" disposition are given as motives. A cousin of Sparrow's says he was fooling around the corner and noticed Woodpockor muttering to himself, with a mean look In his eye, und told Charles ho was going down town on an errand. Charles says that a few minutes later he was minding his own business, when he heard a sharp swish, nnd all was black. About a year ago the old est daughtor of the Sparrows knocked her brains out against a lamp post, while making a night flight Wood pecker la at liberty on his own cognizance. Quill Points everything. LEGAL HEAD IS SUICIDE (Continued from page one.) Labor-saving devices have enabled us to do almost everything ex cept rest. There's one nice thing about peace. Nobody feels an urge to write a book about it. Europe wouldn't need to place burdens on our shoulders if she'd take tho chip off her own. You can find true Americanism out in the districts where men unbutton their vests after the third helping. "How shall we increase church attendance?" asks a clergyman. Well, wo might make It a misdemeanor. ill (be class (if 18! William Willi' Smith, who suc ceeded -Mr. Cramer :is Kcncriil coun sel for the bureau, said tod:ty that his investigation of affairs In the legal division had disclosed "nothing to Mr. Cramer's discredit." I'ndcr order of Director nines, Mr. Smith has reviewed most of the pro jects and contracts tin which -Mr. Cramer passed Judgment. Officials ut the bureau generally ascribed Dr. Cramer's suicide to gen eral depression resulting from the attacks made on him. After he left tho bureau they s.-.ld be had greatly altered In nppearanec and had shown many evidences ul' "discouragement. Ho was said also to havo worried con siderably about the ill health of Ills father, -who lived in New York, and about financial matters. assistance in our recent bereavement in the loss of our husband and father, and nlso for tho many beautiful floral offerings. MRS. D. P. TWOGOOD. H. P. TWOUOOD. 301' MR. AND MRS. E. E. FOSS. P08T MORTEM Two souls, reposing In a cleft Where for two hundred years they'd lain Of life, of sense, of thought borcft, Discovered they could talk again. Said one skull: "Friend, just who were you; . . . ' What plnco was yours In busy life; What object grand did you pursue. What stirring part play In tho strlfor "What part!" the other shrill roplicd; "I played no part, I had to work ; I tolled until the day I died For a poor, worthloss, idle shirk. I labored days, I labored nights, My children nursed at my poor breast, No tasks were evor finished, qulto, I never know a minute's rest. So far, only 3G.8G9 Russian princesses have been discovered per forming menial tasks to (jet a living. This is the last day to play safe and lessen that exemption you claimed under tho head of benevolences. Million-year-old skull found in Patagonia is petrified and solid. How little man has changed in all these years! mthi Constant Itching Almost Unbearable! W know there li one thins that itopi Mxcma, and that Is more red-blood-cellal 8. 8. H. builds them by tbe million I Voir can increase your reJ-blood cells to tba poiut where It Is practically ImponalbU tat edema to exist. We kuow Uat as Bronchitis Neglected Coughs and Colds lead to Bronchitis, Asthma, Influenza and other compli cations. Stop Your Cough with F0LETS , Eitablish'J isrs Largest selling cough medicine in tho World. "Children whose faulty judgment is congenital are not hopeless," says a physician. Not while the world has need of umpires. A philosopher says trials are no more numerous than consola tions. It is getting so they aro no more numerous than acquittals. for "No time I had to call my own: I slaved and scrimped, and what? Bah! Wore my poor form to skin and bone For a brute husband, liluh, llluli, Blah!" The other skull no nnsvror mndo, But to himself, soft ns a breath, Bald: "Buff ring cats! so bor they've laid Dcsldo me, whom she talked to death!" (8 P. uullotln). ' The Portland ball team for this year promlBOS to be tho most successful IlKlo In history, and tho Portland pa pers havo. dlscovered it six woeks earlier than usiiah ; . Alleged spring 1b prevailing through out this section. . Many people thought the war wns over when up bobs the 4-mlnute Sen i in our midst Tho chief .rmible with a 4-mlnute speaker Is the that he to a 4 hour tnlk er There is no record of a 4 .nlnuto ppeaker t.Hdwr a.iulns. 09 .cc. Considerable intorost Is being mani fested In tho nppenranco hero tomor row of Itnlplt Groonlonf, world's cham pion pockot bllllnrd player who Is billed to appear at tho Elks club at one o'clock In an exhibition gamo with Clayton Dyers, Pacific const champion As an added attraction (irnonlenf will piny a throe-cushion bllllurtl match with the host local star and llyors will glvo a leeturo on tho dlnmond systom used by the lending throe-cushion stars. Tho exhibitions will uppenl to both tho pool and billiard fans as both games will bo played. Groonleaf is a very spectacular player. Only 22 years of age he Is the youngest cue chntnplon In the world, and seoinB destined to hold tho pockot tltlo longor than Hoppo held tho bil liard crown. It Is his first appeuranco In Medford and tho players are stop ping oft hore on their way to Portland. Business and Professional Girls Attention Won't you come to a "Kid Pnrty" given by tho Iluslnoss nnd Profession al Girls Club Thursday evening, March 1.1th ut Althea hull, over the Modford Pharmacy, llrlng sonioono with you. Wear your llttlo sister's dress. I,Al'HA TKK1C1II.KK, President. BREAK CHEST COLDS WITH RED REPPER Knse your tight, aching chest. Stop tho ptitn. llrenk up tho congestion. Keel a tmd cold !onncn up lu Just a short time. "lied Pepper Kub" Is tho cold remedy that brings quIokOHt relief. It cannot hurt you nnd it certainly sccniR to end tho tiKhtncnti nnd drive tho congestion nnd soreness light out, Nothing lifts such concentrated, penetrating tieat a red peppers, nnd when heat penetrate tight down Into colds, congctttton. aching ntumica and note, idlff Joints relief comes at once. Tho moment yen apply lied Popper Uuh you feel tho tiiiKlIng lien. In three minutes tho congealed rpot 1" warmed through and through. When you nro Buffering from n cold, rhe'i inntlxm, backache, stiff nock or sore muscles. Jutu get a Jar of rod pep pery nt any drug store. Yen will bnvo the nulekcut relict known. Always say "ltonlct.'1 Adv. TO DARKEN HAIR APPLY SAGE TEA Look Young ! Bring Back Its Natural Color. Gloss and Attractiveness Common Riirclon swiffo brlwod Into a hiwvy toa with sulphur n tilled, will turn may, ntmiktnl nml fiulcd hair beautifully dark nnd luxuriant. Just a few application! will provo a reve lation if your hair In fading, streaked or Kiay. Mixing the Sngo Tea ond Sulphur rcclpo at homo, though, Is troublesome. An easier way Is to get a bottle of Wyelh's Sao and Sulphur Compound at any riniR store nil ready for line. ThiH 1r the old-timo recipe improved by tho addition of other in gredients. While wispy, pray, faded hntr If not sinful, wo all destro to retain our youthful appenranee nnd attractive ness. Hy darkening your hair with Wyeth'a Hao and Sulphur Com pound, no one 'can tell, because it does It so naturally, ho evenly. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking ono small strand at a time; by morning nil gray hairs have ditmppi'ured, and after another appli cation or two, your hair becomes beautifully durk, glossy, soft and lux urlunt. Adv. btood-cclls lnrrecftft la number, blood Im purities vanish I We nlso know timt night follows day. Iloth are facts! But hart you, eczeuia sufferers, ever actually taken advantage of thla wonderful fact? Thou sands Just llko you nava never thought about HI Bkln eruptions, ecxetua with all Its fiery, sklti-dlgglng tort nro and Its soul lea ring, uureaclinble Itching, pimples, Mackhoads and bolls, they all park up and go, when tho tide of blood-cells begins to roll lul Itlood-cells are tbe fighting-giants of nature! 8. S. 8. bn litis them r tht million! It boa been doing ft since 1S?1! 8. S. H. la one of the greatest bloodrell bullilcrs, tXuil-cloatisora aud body build its kuovrn to us mortals 1 When yovt put the no fnets together, then to continue to h;ra enema and skin eruptions looks more like a sin thnn a disease. Mrs, Arthur X. Smith, Pexrl St., Newark, Ohio, writes: "My lit: gH had a vry bad eats tcKiHd. h boan taking S. S. S. ami t w'H now. I thank yott vary much. I UH mir friendi what a gutd mtdicin it it. I cannot talk too much about it, for 1 know it a o, k.1 Here is your opportunity. S. B. R. con tnlns only vegetable medicinal Ingredients. Htcnuw S, S. S. tioes build red-blood-cells. It routs rli'MiinatiMn, builds firm flesh, fills out hollow rbet-k. bratltlfU'S the com pletion, bulhls you tip when you are run down. P. S. Is sold at all drug stores, In two slrfs. TI e larger aire bottle li tfcs wore economical. makes yon feci like yourself again A Sale of Yarn Odd balls, enough of some for a sweater, oth ers to use in the popular scarfs or to stripe sweat ers. Do not be disappointed by coming late. On sale Friday, March 16, while they last at 20c per ball at the Handicraft Shop Join tI,o Oinmlxr of Commercp s.s.s. GIM CHUNG China Herb Store ..T.1" J" i """7 that dim CnunK ot Medford, Oro., liB.i cured ma of Kultr, nd Btnmndi IrouMp. 8. M. Leonard. vvp . m., tiitiuin run Thin la to certify tint Otm Chun At Medford, Ore., has cured me ot rupture of four years' stnmllng. t O,, "fl o cm., itrnms fuss, etro. Medford, orison. Jan. IS. 1917. Thla Is to sonify that I. the under. signed, had very sovere stomach trouble and had been bothered for several years and last August was not expected to live, and hearing of Oim Chutm (whoss Herb storo Is nt Hi South Front street. uwmni io icei neroa ror my aioniach trouble, and I started to teellua better as soon as 1 used them and today am a well man and can heartily recom mend anyone afflicted as I nraa to (e, Blm Chung and try hia Herbs (MKned w. R. JOHNSON. Witnesses: JVm Lewis Eagle Point' W L flilldreth. Ragle Point M A Anderson. Medford. 8 B Holmes. K.nitle IMInt ' C K Moore. Easle Point. J V. Mclntyre. bag! Point. Oeo. Von der Hellen. Eagle Point. Tboa. K. Nichols. tal, point. AUCTION SALE on (Iio ABBOTT PLACE ONE ni,K EAST OK ASHLAND Saturday, Mar. 17 AT 1 O'CLOCK I. M. Will sell at public nurl Ion tho follow ing property: 10 head op wonu iiorses from 14 On to HIOO pounds 10 sots Heavy Harness H Krnmn Wagons 2 Mowers, like new 1 Hay Hake, liko new 1 H-I'ool John Deer Hinder 1 ('ream Separator, Milk Cans, Ilurk. ets 1 roinpleto set Slaughter House Tools, Moulding Vat, ete. 1 roinpleto set Carpenter Tools I I'latfotm Scale IMmvs, Harrows, Garden Tools 3 Hay Curriers and Cables, Forks, .Shovels, Chains, Iad liars, etc. About 10 tons of hay In barn lot of Household Goods, TEIOIS: All sums of $2.1.00 nnd under rash; nil sums over H25.00 a tntlit of ttl months will !o given pnrchnscr giving bnnkablo nolo with Interest, U. V, M1TCILKLI;. GUARD FEDERAL BANK TELLS ABOUT TROUBLE Attack of Flu Left Him So Weak and Shaky He Could Hardly Stand Up, De clares Hightower. Gains 15 Pounds Taking Tanlac and Feels Fine Now. It Ik flouliUul if u mure widely popular and iuKhly fat (?o mod officor ran be found in all All.HOuri than Klmor IIi;;htowor, who ronldi'.s at 2701 Tronst Ave., KanHns City, nnd whoso position nt tho Federal llo sorve hank makes iinnoeofcsary any comment as to his churactor, integ rity or trustworthiness...,-.. When sue, a man, In terms of hearty enlhiiHiai.m. pays puhtic tribute to a medicine it goea without paying ' that the prepa ration has outstanding merit. It was only a few days ago that .Mr. Mteii tower spoke as follows of Tanlac: "I just had to handshake my way through, a crowd of friends the other ilny nnd Low my acknowledgments to their congratulations. " 'Klmer, you're looking tho best you havo in. years! Tell us the se cret maybe we can get on the right track 'ourselves,' was the gist of their pleasantries. . ': :, "Well. I got a heap of satisfaction in telling them I had taken Tanlac, the -world's best health tonic. That was my 'secret. "About six weeks before starting on, a bad attack of the flu put me flat of my back and left me so weak, nervous, and shaky I could hardly drefs myself. Why, I couldn't stand steady, I just ached all over and was so 'dizzy iny head was In a whirl. I could seareely eat anything. suffered torture from indigestion, and the only sleep I got was to dozo off occasionally. "Then, my mother in I.nwson, Mo., i:k.ii:k iik;ii rowEii. who is eighty-six years old wrote me how Tanlac waa helping her, .so T started taking it. Well, after the flu had manhandled nnd nearly wrecked me, Tanlac got right to the root of my troubles and when I finished tho treatment, nil my ailments had been ousted and I had gained fifteen nounds. My dollars go pretty fast now satisfying this big appetite, . I have, ami sleep why, I could sleep ten or eleven hours everv nitiht! Now adays. 1 go about my duties at tho bank happy and cheerful for I'm In the finest sort of trim.'. Tanlac is for sale hy nil good druggists. Over 35 million bottles Bold. Adv. ARMY STORE Aligator Rain Coals, guaran teed not to leak $3.05 Gag Mask Rain Coats, a dressy looking coat 4.85 Army Rain Coats, reclaimed, $1.00 and $2.0O Hi Top Rubber DootB 4.83 Short Slicker Coats and Pants, per garment.. 2.50 New Regulation Xavy Pea Coats 8.35 Wool Army Blankets, in per-: Herman's genuine officers' Dress Shoe, plain toe . S5.50 . - feet condition 2,05 New O. D. Wool Army Shirts, regulation 3.50 Rlack Sateen Shirts , .08 Blue Chambray Shirts j. .85 Pancake Griddles. for camping 20 Velvet Tobacco....;:........ if See us for Tents and Tarpaulins, guaranteed for all kinds of weather. TRADE AT THE ARMY STORE AND SAVE MONEY United Army Stores 32 CENTRAL AVENUE, SO. Hear What They Say: 0.W.ASHP0LE: "A lot of folks back East are eating fruit from the Rogue River Valley and wondering what place God was so good too. Tears to me it's about time for the Medford Chamber of Commerce to tell 'em." ". LEON HASKINS : "If you hear one of the Craters mumbling to himself, it might interest you to know that he is saying, 'Every day in every way wc are growing Crater and Crater." The Craters back the Chamber of Commerce, you know." Chamber of Commerce Days March 20-21-22 V Join the Chamber of Comnieroo LUhw L Canadian Parifir . Sh Lawrence Short Sea Route V H, Deacon, Cen. Ast. Pass. Dept., .Canadian Pacific Rallwav S3 Third Street, Portland, Ore. ,