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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1923)
PAGE TWO B ocal and Personal i Chief of Police Adurag warns the housewives of Medford to exerclne I ommury care ir.tney wish to Keei uie family clothes, and udvises them nut to leave clothes hanging an' the -clotheslines after dark. Several fam ilies have had clothes stolen from their clotheslines at night recently. In some cases the losses amounted to from, $30 to $50 each. . California Bnach Balloon dances Centrul Point! Frl. March 10! I'ecrloss ' "4"! . . , 304 Grafted Frnnquette wabiut trees. Edon Valloy Nursery, phone C80 J-U. For Salo Three used pianos, all In good condition. One golngfat JIM See Launspach at Wooks & Orr. Phone 227. ' ' A bid for egg laying honors has been made by a Huff Orpington hen in the purebred flock of , Mrs. 0. E. William of North Hlveruldo street Yesterday the hen laid on egg weigh' lng liulf a pound anil measuring exact' ly nine by eight Inchon. For sand, gravel, sediment and team , work see Samuel llateman, 302 Muplo stroet. Phone 912-J. ' Dainty things for the babies at vory . reasonable prices at Deuel's. Art Dept. 300' For Sato Threo uBcd pianos, at bargain prices. Seo Launspach at Weeks, ft Orr, Phono 227. D. J. Howe left for his homo at Day ton, Wash., this morning. The Chris tlan church board voted last night to extend a call as pastor to Mr. Ho wo and It their action Is ratified by the congregation Mr. Howe will probably nocopt and arrive about April 1st. ' W. O. V. bonefit dance Wed. Orlen- tal Ilullroom. Admission $1.00. 201 ' Hemstitching at Deuel's. 318 ' Warren Butler, prominent member s of the local American legion post will address the regular meeting of that organization tonight. Mr. llutler will bring a message, whloh will have con siderable interest for the ex-service men. ' ....... James R. Fish will accept a limited number of piano students at bis studio ' -1 N. drape, College Bldg. - 307 Good clean rags wanted at Medford Printing Co. "Perils Which Encompass the Soul in a World Like This'' Is the unique subject which Dr. Huff announced last night as his theme for the revival ser vices tonight and' tomorrow night at the First Methodist church. A registered pure-bred' DnrocJersey ': boar with - an ariBtocratlo pedigree. ' arrived by express' yesterday from ' Kansas City, Missouri, consigned to ' the Meadow Brook ranch. His name Is Originator 2d; and - his- pedigree Bhows the blood lines of the Colonel, Sensation and Orion Cherry King families of Durocs. He will be- used 1 to head the herd of pure-bred hogs now on the ronch. ' Nowcomb Is now delivering 10-Inch ' green alabwood at' $1.75 per tier In ! four-tier lots or more. Place your order Boon for early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phone 831. 296tf ' ' Colonial Oarage for tire servloe. 319 For Salo A real bargain in a largo used cabinet Flriumwlclo phonograph : with 60 record b. See Launspaoh at ' Weeks & Orr. , W. Webster and HV P. Rasmus son have been visitors In' Portland from Modford this week, - Notice: Parties) having lawns at I. O. O. F. cemetery that want care this year, phone 966-R. Address 219 Talent Court, Medford, sexton. 303 ' Rhubarb and asparagus roots. Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. tf Why wash at home when you can . have your washing done for 7c por lb. American laundry. Phono 873. 325 A force of soctlon men spent this forenoon In, tidying up the railroad yards botwoen Main Btrect and far north of the passongor depott Now is tho time to look over your wardrobe and make up that bundle for the Red Cross Thrift Shop. Drive KtartB at 9 a. m. next Wednesday, ' March 14th to 17th. Evryone Is cor dially Invited to oomo to the Thrift ' Shop at nny time and see tho good work thnt is being dono. 300 " ' Blng chorry troea. Edon Vnlley Nursery. Phone 080-J-2. tf ' Come and hear your "Fate", Fan ; Tan dance, Nat, Fridny nlte. 300 ( f potc The Fireman Cries "Insure!" Insiiro with us toilny find wifopimrd your proporty. It will rnublo you to avoid nil firo losses. The premiums nra small; tho benefits great. McCURDY Insurance Agency Tel. 13.1 Modford National Bonk Bldg. Medford, Oregon I Contracts will be granted at the meeting of the state highway commis sion in Portland March 27th on $700, 000 worth of highway work. Among the projects open for bids ut the pres ent time Is that for a bridge over Emi grant creek near Ashland on the Ash-lund-Klamath Falls highway, requir ing approximately IS cubic yards con crete and 60 lineal feet stuudurd frame trestle. New work shoes for $3.50, Weycn- berg dress shoes and oxfords $5.00 First class shoe repairing, best leath er usod. Old Reliable Shoe Shop, No. 7 North Fir, Herbert TIley. 301 Hot tamulcs and chill con carne at De Voe's. tf Tlckots for tho "Dick Posey" enter tainment-ut the Baptist church,' Frl day evening are on sale at Hlbbard's and Marsh's grocurlos. 300 Another "traveling man" Is working some of the Mndford business people with a, "fake" advertising scheme. Why get caught? Reduced prices on fancy combs, barotts and hair goods, March 10th to 17th at the Marinello Shop, Hotel Medford. . 302 After tho fire it is too late to Insure. See Redden ft Caouduy now. Try our wet wubIi, Cc ior lb. Amor lean Laundry. Phono 873. 325 Deputy Assessors Ernest I.angley and Oscar Knox have begun the work of assessing property In tho district comprising western Jucliuon county r tho formor for Jacksonville and vicin ity unil the latter for tho Applcgute diHtrlct. Jackuunvlllo Post. All kinds of dressmaking at Style craft Shop, Room 424 Modford Build ing. 309 Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First cIubs work and prompt sorvlce. tf Special demonstrations and fittings In Arch Preserver Shoos at The Hub Shoo Storo all this week. You simply can't understand how comfortable your feet can bo' until you wear the Arch Preserver Shoe. Not the slight est little ache or pain because this shoo prevents straining of the arch. It makes you onjoy your feet and you have the smartest styles for all occa sions. 300 Following the disagreeable drizzling full of ruin today comes the official prediction of rain for Wednesday. A year ago today .10 of an Inch of rain fell In Medford and vicinity. Big Fan Tan dance Friday nlte. Natatorium. Different 299 Genuine Blsch Magneto parts and repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and Bartlott. tf Tickets for the "Dick Posey" enter tainment at the Baptist church Friday evening are on sale at Hlbbard's and Marsh's groceries. 300 Income tax payers have only two days left In which to file their income tax return) s, which- nniBt be In the deputy Internal revenue collector's of- flre at Portland by Midnight Thursday else a eovere penalty will be Imposed. We will loan you money to build or buy Holmes the Insurance Man, ' You can get it at DeVoe's. tf Changing the Ideas of a nation. This Is Arch Presorver Bhoe Week at The Hub Shoe Store. The shoe that has changed the Ideas of the nation re garding shoes becauso it gives porfoct comfort combined- with smart style. Tho Arch Preserver Shoe keeps your feet happy and healthy without the tiniest little actio or pain. Walk or stand all you wlBh your foot arches can't sag or become strained. Don't go another day without foot comfort. Let ua show you tho now styles that havo just arrived. Special demonstra tions and fittings all this week. 300 A. T. McTaggart Is In the city from San Francisco on a periodical business visit. ' AA tailored -suits, Medford made. Guaranteed to fit and satisfy, $35 to $50. Klein the Tailor, 128 East Main. UpBtalrs. 300 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phono 108. 711 E. Mnin. Evorybody Is going to the Fan Tan dance. Natatorium, Friday nlte. 300 V. J. Emerlck and "Chick" Hnwk loft early this morning for MoLood on tho upper Rogue river whero thoy spent the day fishing. They are ox poctnd to return Into this evening. Blight resistant pear treea for fall dollvory. Old Homo on Pyms UBsnri ensls. Home grown Old Home and Chlch on Japan. Eden Valloy Nursery. Phone G90J-2. tf All kinds of rough and dressed lum hor. Wallace Wood, phono 108. 711 EuBt Main. Tills Is Arch Preserver Shoo Week nt tho Hub Shoe 8toro. Special dem onstrations nnd flttlngB nil this week: no obligation to buy. You are Invited to loam how tho Arch Preserver Shoo not only makes your foot look smart and graceful but preserves their youthful health nnd vigor. 300 Clayton L. Ionn of O. A. C, and County Agent C. C. Cute hold a fruit growers meeting nt Ashland this nftornoon nnd tomorrow will conduct a mooting of fruit growers nt Modford at 2 p. ni. Long will talk on soil man agement nnd I'ertllUatlon, while Onto will discuss plant diseases, spraying and general orchard care. It you wont a splendid furnished apnrtment, for two, hot and cold water, hnftt, electricity, etc.. down town, hotter call at Mall Tribune of fice at once. tf W. O, W. bennrit dnnco Wed. Orien tal Ilullroom. Admission $1.00. 201 Splendid furnished apartment In Mnll Tribune building for rent nt once. tf Among tho Modford basketball fans who will attend tho state tournament nt Salem thlB week-end nro Clnrenco Noo. J. F. Klrkpntrlck, Harris II. Janes Scott Davis, John Johnson. John Mnnn nnd a number of others. Those named will make the trip to the stnte capital by auto. Owl Confoctlonery, 15 N. Central. F. M. Wilson. Everything new. tf Remember the big benefit ball at the Nat on Wednesday, Mar. 14....301 Milk and cream at DoVoe'e. tf MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, . Ouy W. Conner returned yesterday afternoon after having spent the past few days in Soattle ou business. Crape vines: Tokay, Muscat, Mal aga, Rose Peru, Zlnflndell, Thompsons Seedless.. Trellis grapes. Concord Brighton, Wordcn, Agawam, Niagara and Campbell's Early. Eden Valley Nursery.. Phone 680 J-2. tf' ' Medford Auto- Painting, 127 North Riverside, shop In basement of Clark's Motor Co., opposite the Nat. Auto top and cushion dressing, etc E. O. Brad ley, prop. , 301 Thornless blackberry plants. Eden Valley Nursery.. Phone 680-J-2. tf Closing out all our farm machinery, soveral good buys. Patton- & Robin son, Inc. . tl One more day of paving will sea the last unpaved section of the Pacific highway between the California line and Corvallis completed. The last of the base was laid Sunday on the stretch of highway at Pleasant Valley and It Is thought that the weather will permit the completion by Tuesday night. This will loave the road with in tho city limits of Grants Pass the only unpaved portion, with the excep tion of the few places where bridges are to be constructed. The northern approach to the city Is soon to be the worst place of highway In hundreds of miles on the main artery of traffic. Grants Pass Courier. Newcomb 1b now delivering lG-inch green slubwood at $1.75 per tier in four-tier lots or mare. Place your order soon for early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks Phone C31. 298tf W. O. W. benefit dance Wed. Orien tal Ballroom. Admission $1.00. 201 Colonial Garage for tire service. 319 A. J. Crose returned this morning from Portland where he bad been for the past few dnys on business. A snappy, peppy time promised at the big Fan Ton dance Friday nito. 299 Nursery stock, absolutely acclimat ed, guaranteed. Guaranteed Fran quette selected walnut trees, finest home grown grape vinesITokays, Mal agas, Emperor, Muscat, Concord. Black Prince, etc.), fruit trees of every variety, largest Gladiola field in Ore gon (bulbs. at $1.00 doz., blooming age) thornless blackberries, raspberries, Logans, 7 varieties straberries, rhu barb, asparagus, fruit trees every de scription, blight resistant pears, Boec, Bartlett, Cornice, D'AnJou. We pay charges to you. The Jordon Nursery, Grants Pass, Ore, at N. Tenth street. 317 Fresh "Hot-Shot" Batteries for your spray rigs. Electric Shop, S. Bartlett street. 319 Dr. H. P. Hargrave, former Medford resident who had been here for the past few days looking over his orch ard holdings, departed yesterday after noon for his home in Berkeley, Calif. Fruit, nut and shade trees. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone G80-J-2. tf Like chicken? If so, try one of bur Roguo . River Special milk-fed fowls. Cupp & Shirley Produce Co. Phone 95. 128 Grape. tf James R. Fish, will accept a limited number of piano students at his studio 31 N. Grape, College Bldg. .307 This is the thirteenth day of ' the month and because of that fact the superstltlously inclined people are very careful what they walked under and about undertaking any new ven tures, The nasty drizzle was pointed out by others as having been brought on by the number of the day. Sandwiches, salads, cake, pie and coffee at all hours. Crater Lake Ice Cream Parlors, Medford Center Bldg. ' 307 Strawberry and raspberry plants. Phone 419-H. 310 Newcomb is now dellverylng 10-lnch green slabwood at $1.76 per tier In four tier lots or more. Plnce your order soon for early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phone G31. 29Gtf Mrs. Henry Hart loft Sunday morn ing Tor Portland, Ore., and Bremerton. Wash. Whllo in the latter city she will visit with her son. Dr. John Hart and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Vilas have taken the Hart apartment at Cargylo Court and will reside there during Mrs. Hart's absence There's a busy Business College in your homo town. OWN. February 7th Lucky Day at Deuel's. 301 Regular communication of Rcaines chapter Wednesday ovculng, Mnr. 14th at 7:30. This Is social evening with Mrs. E. N. Eldrldgo as chairman. 300 Mrs. Goorgo Hunt returned this morning from Portland whore she had been for tho punt week on business in connection with tho local theatres. She was accompanied by Mrs. James Dunlnp of Grants Pass. All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wullnco Wood, phono 108. 711 E. Main. STHMA No cura far If. tvtf n!mm reuei is oiton brought by V V ARORUB Ovtt 17 Million Jan UtcJ Ytar, TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE itulck four light delivery, $76. Phono 927-.M, 80'J FOR SALE Modern, convenient bun galow. Phono 632-X. . 300 FOR RALE 7 room modern house 4 blocks from Nash hotel: paving as sessment paid: house newly painted. Price $2100. Very easy terms. 1 acre of fine soil on east side nnd close In. Corners on paving. Price $1200 for quick sale. Single hits within two blocks have wild for al most this much within last year. Phono 106 or 617-1 304 TO TRADE Equity of $200 In 12 acre tract 2 miles from town to trade for Ford car. Balance due $750, can bo $'.'5 per month. Sco Clareneo l'lcrco or phono 106, 301 MEDFORD. PRECOX. John Vincent of North Jacksonville Is reported as having been taken seri ously 111 last' Thursday, and Is still under the care of a physician. Grafting wax. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone U80-J-2. , tf Auto Lnsurunce, Brown & White. Don't forgot the Modford National Rifle club meeting at the city hull tonight, 7:30 p. m. 300 I. T. Sparks, district passenger and freight agent of. the Southern Pacific railroad- with headquarters at Eugene spent today In the city on one of his periodical visits. '...'" When better automobiles are built, Bulck will build them. tf We are now delivering slabs from the big mill. By ordering early you will, secure better slabs, mostly fir, and ytm will- son have dry first-class wood at the smallest possible cost to you. Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76. tf Those Interested in rifle nnd revol ver shooting should attend the meet ing of the Medford National Rifle club at the city hall tonight. 300 - The Btato game commission, which held its regular monthly meeting yes terday at Portland, Is still one mem ber sby because the term of L. E. Bean of Eugene has expired and Gov ernor Pierce has not yet appointed his succeBBor. Two Medford men are re ported as candidates for this appoint ment. . Attend the W. O. W. benefit ball on Wednesday, Mar.' 14. . 301 Choice everblooming roses. : Edon Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2., tf We have goad values In used cars. Patton & Robinson, Inc. . , - tf The local basketball Bcjuad leaves Thursday morning by train for tho state championship tournament at Salem and plays the first game Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with ABtoria. The coast team has not been defeated this year and a hard struggle is ex pected In Medford's first ' game. Astoria has four of the flvo men that came within one point of tying Ash land last year In the final gnpie for the state championship. Just a line to remind you that I will gladly duplicate any bonafide order booked by a transient agent for the same or loss money and give you bet ter service. N. S. Bennett, prop. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf The federal government furnishes "New Springfield" rifles and free am munition to members of the Medford National Rifle club. ' 300 The visit of A. J. Crose to Portland was in connection with the district American Legion convention which is to be held here on March 24th. Dele gates from all American Legion posts in Douglas, Coos, Curry, Jackson, Josephine and Klamath counties will be present at the convention which is expected to be a big affair. While in Portland Mr. Crose conferred with State Adjutnnt of the Legion, Harry Nelson. It will pay you to climb my stair way. $10 to $15 saving per buU for a few days only. Klein the Tailor, 128 East Main. Upstairs. 300 February 7th Lucky Day at Deuel's. 301 Eddie Durno leaves tomorrow night for bis home in Eugene where he will make a brief visit before continuing, to Salem where he will meet his seven Modford high school bnsketeers who are to enter the tournament for the state championship Friday. Auto Insurance. Brown & White. Flowering shrubs and evergreens. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf Miss Ruth Burnett leaves Sunday for her home in Roseburg where she will spend several weeks with her family. Grafting wax nt Monarch Seed Co. 302 A. E. Rcames, local attornoy is a business visitor in Portland. Card of Thanks , Wo wish to thank our neighbors and frionds tor their kind assistance dur ing our recent loss by fire. MR. AND MRS. J. L. BURGER, 300 Central Point. With Medford trade is Medford mnd "Cascarets" 10c Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, Constipated To clean out your bowels without cramping or overacting, take CacarUj. Sick lutul.U'hc, biliousness, gases, indi gestion, sour, upset stomach, and all such distress gnno by morning. Nicest physic on earth for Brrnvn-uns and chil dren. 10c u box. Tasta like candy. Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching PlcoUng - 8c per yard Rnrtnnn (tnVArwit, Modem bifocals serve you best. - Tho combination lenses tor busy iwoplc TUESDAY, MARCH 13, BISHOP MILE'S IS ST. LOUIS, Mo., Mar. 13. Virtually no hope was held out by physicians to day for the. recovery of the Right Rev. Daniel S. Tuttle, presiding bishop of the Episcopal church who is suffering at his residence here with a severe attack of grippe with which he was ; stricken a week ago. The plate, who is 80 years old and ; bead or tho diocese of Missouri, was reported "resting easily" this morning following a critical day yesterday. Bishop Tuttle presided at the gen j eral convention of the -, Episcopal church in Portland, Ore., last year. U.S.A. : DISCOVERED, MiSSOUR! NOEL, Mo., March 13. (By the Associated Press) Wrapped in tat tered doeeskins uhd' cover'l by a pleco of coarse grass matting, thu partly mummified, remains of a pre historic Indian- hnvo- been- discover ed under an overhanging bluff near hero., t i .- "We regnrd the finding as particu larly interesting," M. II. 'Harrington of a New York museum said today, "becauso it reveals the modo of dress of these early Indians, whom wo have culled for convenience tho "Ouirk biuff dwellers." Do Some Investigating fR.J.ofWallaWall'a1Wn.,had been a sufferer from Files 25 years. Read HIS letter and the many others in the FREE illus trated book which tells the true facts about such cases as yours and about my non-surgical, pain less, harmless treatment. Investigate my remarkable work at a highly ipedilked physlclon before tub scribing to to -called "home" and "quack" cures. . Renumber , my treatments an guaranteed to completely and permanently cure your Piles. Send today for FREE book. CHAS. J. DEAN 2ND AND NORlilf ON PORTIAMD nBPAAU Adult 50c Children 25c DR I HERE TOMORROW!, REX INGRAM CREATOR OP THE FOUR HORSEMEN OF THE APOCALYPSE" AND "THE PRISONER OF ZEND A." TRIFLING WOMEN" WITH THE ORIGINAL CAST AS PRE SENTED IN "THE PRISONER OF ZEND A" namely BARBARA LaMAR LEWIS STONE RAMON NOVARRO EDWARD CONNELLY SEEDS Phone 269 1923 Former Prices Cut in Hall on All Tennis Footwear r...... it'..i. i-r..i niiiu. ft:t.OO. now Men's Tennis, First Qiuillty, $8.75, .MOW M40 Men's Tennis, Kivul brand, $1.75, now v.- Shincon, SlUnola nnd Two in One Shoe ToUsli, u tin...... Bull Kroic Shoe l'ollsh, two tins for J- Seme (food buys left In Suit Coses and Truvtdlng Bubs. , ,; Slit. KAXniKB First Quality Rubber Boots, was $0.OO, now $3.00 Just the thing for Irrigation. 'Cood 21 X. Central ALIVE, ALERT, ACTIVE With excellent facilities, ample security and large capacity the First National Bank offers an unexcelled service for the transac tion of every form of banking business. Zhe FIRST NATIONAL fiANKT ME2FORD ORCON 5r Hound 4 Leather 1'uMicrs Presents SEEDS RELIABLE SEEDS in Bulk and Packages SEED POTATOES Genecal Line of Poultry Supplies HAY GRAIN FEEDS Watkins Feed Store Free Delivery ZTZTa ..$1.50 ..9c 5c' I5c Shoes" E. F. SCHMIDT, Affent v,m,uiM,mmm Leaving Tonight - Sl'NUUKST OF LALGHTEH CONNIE TALMADOE in "THE PRIMITIVE LOVER" SEEDS 397 So. Front St.