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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1923)
PAGE TWO MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKKGOy, MONDAY. MARCH 12. 192:1 II II, ocal and Personal The hotels of the city hare been UcliiK a big business tho past week or so, as In addition to the general travel there has been quite a movement of tourists, both by auto and train, north and south, especially of Canadians en route home by auto from having spent the winter in southern California, and also the annual Influx of traveling salesmen from the east has been on. The Medford and Holland hotels have been filled to capacity and had to turn guests away almost every night. Grafted Franquette walnut trees. Eden Valley Nursery, phone 680-J-2 tf For sand, gravel, sediment and team work. See Baml. Bateman, 802 Maple Rt.,, Phone 912-J. Hear Dick Posey Friday night at the Baptist church. 299 Fred Hopkins of Portland, the for mer well known Medford and valley citizen, is Bow on a business trip to the east, and is at present In , New York City after n vlBlt In Boston. Hemstitching at Deuel's. 318 Good clean rags wanted at Medford Printing Co. . California Beach Balloon dances! Central Point! Fri. March 1(1! Peerless "4"! -. . 304 Tho mild spell of wenther- Is still on In this locality, and rain Is the predic tion for Tuesday. The maximum tem porature of yesterday and that of a year ago were Just the same at 64- de grees, but today's minimum was 29 degrees while that of a year ago today was 28 degrees. DressmaKing. Mrs. Carl Bowman, 2 15 North Oakdale. 299 Colonial Guraga for tire Bervlco.319 Hear Dick Posey Frlduy night at the Baptist church. 299 Dick Posey, "the .Tamos Whltcomb Tllley of the Rogue River valley," will give on evening's entertulnment with his own and Riley'B poems at the Bap tist church next Friday evening. Rhubarb and asparagus root. Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. if Dainty things for the babies at very reasonable prices at Deuel's Art Dept. 300 W. O. W. benefit dance Wed. Orien tal Ballroom. Admission $1.00. 201 Word has been received In Medford or the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Shurt loff Coolldge, mother of David Coolidge in Boston, Mass., where Mr. Coolldge has lived the past few years since sell ing his Interest in a ranch in the Jacksonville district. Mr. Cool id ko visited friends in Medford last sum mer and is well known throughout the valley. s Noel L. Erskine gives piano lessons at pupils' homes. Phone 729-W. 290 Bing cherry trees. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 0S0-J-2. tf Hot tamoles and chill oon carne at Do Voe's. ; tf The Huff revival services at the Methodist Episcopal church are ex pectod to draw quite a number of visi tors from tho valley outside of Mod ford this week, as they did Inst weok. Last Friday night alone seven auto loads of members of the Newman M. E. church of Orants Pass attended. . Hear Dick PoBey Friday night at tho Baptlat church. 299 After the fire It Is too late to Insure. See Redden & Canaday now. ' James R. Fish will accept a limited number of piano students at Ills studio 1 N. Grape, College Bldg. 307 A largo crowd of rooters is expected to attend the game tonight at tho Nat between tho first and second basket ball teams of the local high school basketball squad. This Is tho last game of the season as the locals go to Balom the middle of the week to enter the tournament for the tnto cham pionship. Nowcomb Is now delivering 16-lnch green alabwood at $1.75 per tier in four-tier lots or more. Place your order soon for oarly delivery and have ohonp wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phone 631. 296tf Notice: Parties having lawns at I. O. O. F. cemetery that want care tills year, phone 966-R. Address 219 Talent Court, Medrord, sexton. 303 Ftrst-oloss real Japanese cropo, all colors, 2So a yard. Jap Art Store. 298 'Askyourdrugeisl far Dr.KING'S NEW DISCOVERY tht fiimlfy cougft syrup I It Is always amusing to notice, In criminal cases in the courts, that witnesses ure oftentimes bullyragged and abused worse oven than are the I defendants themselves. A spectator. if a stranger, to hear the usual "grilling" of a witness, would be in clined to .think the witness was being tried for his life and that he was the most dungorous criminal on earth. Jacksonville Post. Now is the time to look over your wardrobe and make up that bundle for the Rod Cross Thrift Shop. Drive startB at 9 a. m. next Wednesday, Murch 14th' to 17th. Evryone 1b cor dially invited to come to the Thrift Shop at any time and see the good work that Is being done. 300 Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. tf Agent for Alladin 94 per cent air lamp. Orrin Wakefield, Phoenix, Ore. 299 Mark Montgomery, local Southern Pacific agent, who spent last week by the bedside of his mother, who Is gravely ill, arrived home from the north on Sunday morning and .loft again Sunday ovenlng to resume' his vigil by her side. Now work shoes for $3.50, Wcyen berg dross Bhoes and oxfords ,$G.B0. First class shoe repairing, best leath er tisod. Old Reliable Shoe Shop, No. 7 North Fir, Herbert Tllley. 301 Roducod prices on fancy combe, barotts and hair goods, March 10th to 17th at tho Marlnello Shop, Hotel Medford. 302 All kinds of dreaBmaklng'at Style craft Shop, Room 424 Medford Build ing. ' 309 Mr. and Mrs. August Hobensteln are home from a three months trip to California. Mr. Hohensteln is much improved in health. He says Dun Stone and Dr. Pago are doing well in tho real ostutn game at Gloudalo. The Vulcanizing Works will give a stool tire tool with each new tire. . 299 Genuine Bosch . Magneto parts and repairs. Eloctrlo Shop. Eighth and Harnett. . tr Big Fan Tan dance Friday nite. Nntatoriuin. Different' 299 Among the vlslto'a from state points who spent Sunday in Medford wore Mrs. O. V. Skolton, A. A. Skelton and Helen Cowgill, of Corvallls, Mrs. Warner and niece, Mrs. Jordan and U C. Thayer of Klamath Falls, U C. Wilson and M. L. Mooro of Salom, and lnce Bnkotlch and Andrew Gorman of Astoria. Cashier, export bookkeeper, open for temporary or permanent, engage ment evenings; small sets books, financial statements, etc., books op ened. Charge moderate. R. W. Ken ion Phone 108. 201 Oriental Ballroom dance! Sat, night. Admission 10a 298 You can get It at DeVoe'g. tf . Mrs. M. L. Hannum of Applogate has beon spending a few days visiting rolativos at Grants PasB. All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 E. Main. . Wo will loan you money to build or buy Holmes the Insurance Man. ' All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108, 711 E. Main. P. F. Cloao says that It will take mora than a robbory to put him out of buslnoss. I'. F. line ordered a bunch of now tools and says all ho neods now Is lots of work to niuko up the loss resulting from the visit of thloves Hint Friday night. Splondld furnished apartment In Mail Tribune building for, rent at once. tf Owl Confectionery, 15 N. Central, F. M. Wilson. Everything now. tf Thornless blackberry plants. Eden falley Nursery, 'bone 880-J-2. tf A number of local flshormon spent yesterday on Rogue river and several mot with marked success. . According to William Isaacs who spept the day at Big Rock Lodge, the river is very low, tor this tlmo of year and the water is clear enough for successful fly fishing. AA ta-lorod suits, Medford made. Guaranteed to fit and satisfy, $36 to $50. Kloin the Tailor. 128 East Main. Upstairs. 300 Dnnco! Wod. and Sat. nights! Orien tal Ballroom! 299 Closing out all our mm machlnory, sovorul good buys. Patton & Robin son, Inc. tf John Hcsslck, manngcr of tho Klam ath FullB tnlophono syutem possod through Medford the end of last week, en route from Portland to Klamath Kails with a now two-und-ono-hnlf ton truck purchasod through tho Modford district representative. Dunce! Wed, and Sat. nlghtB! Orien tal Ballroom! 2M Colonial Garngo for tiro sorvlce.319 Milk and cronm at DeVoe'a. tf Hear What They Say: LEWIS ULRICH: "Just beenuso its called a rhnmbcr, don't think it's, a . placo for a lot of old fogies to sloop in. AVo'ro going to make ours imitnto tho blcni'hcrs nt n big football Rnmc." c. w. Mcdonald "Jt is difficult to conceive of n oily having tho. popula tion, favorable climatic conditions and natural resources (hut Medford has without a largo enthusinstio Chamber of Coin-lTicrcc." Chamber of Commerce Days , March 20-21-22 Join tho Cluimlior of Commerce Aubrey Furry of Phoenix, a senior in the V. of O., is president and bass soloist of the U. of O. Glee club, which will tour eastern Oregon and western Idaho as far as Boise, during sprint! vacation the first of April. The inva sion of Idaho by the gloestcrs will be the first timo an Oregon club has left the state since 1912, when a trip as far as bolse wus inado. About 21 men will make the trip In a special car and appearances will be made 4n Salem, Portland, Pendleton, The Dalles, La Grande, Baker, Oregon and Caldwell, Xampa and Boise, Idaho. The women's glee club will make a trip through southern Oregon during tho vacation period and tho orchestra will tour coast towns. We will have for fall delivery a lim ited amount of Old Home and Estella Blight Resistant Pear Stock. Engage your trees now and avoid disappoint ment as there will not be enough of this stock to meet all requirements. Phone of write Jus. Inglls, Holland Hotel, representing the Salem Nur sory Co. in southern Oregon. 295tf Fresh "Hot-Shot" Batteries for your apray riggs. Electric Shop, S. Bartlott street. , 319 Fruit, nut and shade trees. Eden Valley Nursery; Phone 080-J-2. tf Sandwiches, salads, cake, pie and coffee at all hours. Crater Lake Ice Cream Parlors, Medford Center Bldg. 307 A series of meetings will be hold throughout Josephine county this week by Clayton L. Long, O. A. C. extension horticulturist, County Agent Cato of Jackson county and County Agent Howell of Josephine county for the purpose of pointing out the proper spray and fertilizers. Blight resistant pear trees for fall delivery. Old Home on Pyrus Ussuri- ensls. Home grown Old Home and Chleh on Japan. Edun Valley Nursery, Phono 88U-J-2. tf There's a busy business Collogs In your home town. GWN. February 7th Lucky Day at Deuol's. 301 Harold Reichatein and Dick Singler arrived in Medford last night from Portland after having made a three day trip with a 7 ton Mack truck recently purchased by the Reichsteln-Franks-Spaldlng lumber mill at Wimer. The new truck, which was purchased from O. V. Myers, Is the very latest type and will be used for hauling logs to the mill and lumber from the mill to Roguo River, If you want a splendid furnished apartment, for two, hot and cold water, heui, electricity, etc., down town, better call at Mail Tribune of fice at once. tf Just a line to remind you that I will gladly duplicate any bonoflde order booked by a transient agent for the same or loss money and give you bet ter service. N. S. Bennett, prop. Eden Vnlloy Nursery. Phono 08O-J-2. tf All kinds of rough and dressed lum- j ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 E. Main. ) Medford growers met recently In a holpful session which was devoted largoly to consideration of the codling moth pest M. A. Yothers, F. C. Rel-j mer and Mr. Van Leeuwon, govern-. mciit exports, were the speakers. It was shown that tho district loses ' $100,000 a yoar through poor control i of this post. Bettor Fruit, March, 1 1923. I Grafting wax at Monarch Soed Co. 802 Auto Insurance, Brown & White. Choice everbioomlng roses. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 08O-J-2. tf William J. Virgin, of Virgin's Radio Service, who has hnon in Weed and other northern California towns for some time past, arrived In Medford at two o'clock this morning by auto. He reports that ho drovo through a heavy snowstorm on tho Siskiyous. When better automobiles are built Rutck will build them. tf We are now delivering slabs from the big mill. By ordering early you will secure- hotter Blabs, mostly fir, nud you will soon have dry first-class wood at the smallest possible cost to you. Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76. tf Wo will have for fall dollvery a llm Ited amount of Old Home and Estella Blight Resistant I'oar Stock. Engage your trees now and avoid dlsapjmlnt- ment as there will not be enough of tills stock to meet all requirements, Phono or wrlto Jus. Inglls, Holland Hotol, representing the Snlom Nur sery Co. in southern Oregon. 295tf Among weok end visitors In Port land wore Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Dowers of Jacksonville. W. O. W. benefit dnuro Wed. Oriel tnl Ballroom. Admission $1.00. 201 Grafting wax. Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 6S0-.I-2. tf (irupe vines: Tokay, Muscat, Mnl ngn, lloso Peru. ZInfiiKloll, Thompsons Seedless. Trolllg grapes, Concord, Brighton, Wordon, Agnwam, Niagara and CampboU's Early, Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 0S0J-2. tf Charles Dnvls. city water and street superintendent and his crow are flu lshlng up I lie work of putting In tho autoiuntia sprinkling system at tho city pnrk and will begin In a few days to Install a similar system in tho rear of tho public library to keep the lawn In Hhnpo there during tho summer months. A row of sprinklers has been Installed along tho south sldo of the pnrk nud within the next two days another row will bo Installed on the east side. Tho city water department, upon completing this Job, will Install E40 feet or new pipe In the city pipo lino's 700 foot tunnel near Bradshnw hill between Wellen and Urownshoro. Fishing rods wanted to repair; work guaranteed. Eaton, 1022 W. Ninth . 2!9 Medford Auto Painting, 127 North Riverside, shop In basement of Clark's Motor Co., opposite tho Nut. Auto top and cushion dressing, etc. E. O. Brad ley, prop. 301 I Newcotnb Is now delivering 16 ineh green slabwood at $1.75 per llor in four-tier lots or more. Place your order soon for early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Mr. and Mrs. Beth Bullls returned yesterday from a week's auto trip to Portland and Seattle. While in the latter city they visited relatives. ' W. O. W. benefit dance Wed. Orien tal Ballroom. Admission $1.00. 201 Attend the W. O. W. benefit ball on Wednesday, Mar. 14.' 301 We will hove for rail delivery a lim ited amount of Old Home and Estella Blight Resistant Pear Stock. Engage your trees now and avoid disappoint ment as there will not bo enough of this stock to meet all requirements. Phone or write Jas. Inglls, Holland Hotel, representing the Salem Nur scry Co. In southern Oregon. 295tf Tho following item Is from the Areata, Calif., I'nion or Mar. 8, In regard to the capturing of the nor thern California coast county basket ball championship by Rogue River, which defeated Areata 11 to 2: "Fig ures, taken from the official score book show that tho Areata boys made a total of 78 points in the recent basketball tournament and only had 40 points recorded against them, while Rogue River made only 70 points and had 47 recorded against them. This would Indicate that Areata had the best team." A snappy, peppy time promised at the big Fan Tan dance Friday nite. 299 L. E. "Thayer, manager of the Nine Lumber company of Klamath Falls arrived In Medford yesterday for a brief business visit. It will pay you to climb my stair way. $10 to $15 savings per suit for a few days only. Klein the Tailor, 128 East Main. Upstairs. 300 Remember the big benefit ball nt the Nat on Wednesday, Mar. 14. 301 Nursery stock, absolutely acclimat- od, guaranteed. Guaranteed Fran- quette selected walnut trees, finest homo grown grape vines (Tokays, Mal agas, Emperor, Muscat, Concord, Black Prince, etc.), fruit trees of every variety, largest Gludioln field in Ore gon (bulbs at $1.00 doz., blooming ago) thornleas blackberries, raspberries. Logans, 7 varieties straberries, rhu barb, asparagus, fruit trees every de scription, blight resistant pears, Bosc, Bartlett, Cornice, D'Anjou. We pay charges to you. The Jordon Nursery, Grants Pass, Ore, at N. Tegth street. 317 I Miss Lillian Rohwedder, national j finance secretary of the Y. V. C. A., i arrived in Medford this morning from . New York city to assist the local Y. W. C. A. organization to organize tho preliminary work program for a finance campaign to bo held in tho future. February 7th Lucky Day at Deuel's. 301 Oriental Ballroom! Wed. and Sat. night dances! 299 W. O. W. benefit dance Wed. Orien tal Ballroom. Admission $1.00. 2P1 Clarence L. Reames, former Med ford resident and former United States district attorney for Oregon, hns formed a partnership ut Seattle with Hermon S. Frye for tho general practice of law under tho firm name of Reames, & Frye'.' r' ; ,,; r James R. Fish will 'accept a limited number of piano students at his studio 31 N. Grape, College Bldg. 307 W. O. W. benefit dance Wed. Orien tal Ballroom. Admission $1.00. 201 Mrs. A. H. Davenhill has taken over the Infant and Juvenile departments of Medford Center, formerly In charge of Mrs. Verna Wickham. We have good values in used cars. Patton & Robinson, Inc. tf EiiMeri "Catch 'Era' Young, Treat 'Em Rough, and Tell 'Em Nothing." That's the code Connio wanted her man to use! Now Playing! "CONNIE TALMADGE in "THE PRIMITIVE LOVES" TIio season's1 ' swiftest smile. From Edgur Solwy's piny, "The Divorcee." A First Na tional At true! ion. COMIXG WEDNESDAY "TRIFLING WOMEN" Hills acts at once checks Colds in 24 Hours It tt RV n ofi enU talc llffi GsCiWi Biomid Quinine. (Audi to act I Salot S, I most d hudadie i fandt A dependable c t and la-rtfl i on roc , lirmedy" V.HHtliH Mi W Picture Framing at Swem's Studio USED CARS That have not been misused Priced right Crater Lake Automotive Co. O.V.MYERS "Tho Truck Mjui" MACK TRUCKS " REO SPEED WAGONS SO N. Holly Phone Mill WATCH YOUR BATTERY PRKBT-O-MTK BATTERY STATION For Qnlck Nervtrn Ptinar I IB Selling Fairbanks-Morse Pumps and Engines and Hayes Sprayers Williams Implement Service HB So. Rnrtlett Phono 203 Hills foscara Bromide Quinine Handicraft Shop ReinntitoblnK Plcotlng tc per yurd. Hnt.tnn cnvrM1 H. W. CONGER UNDERTAKER 8unvor to vks-Cmijer Co. MACHINE WORK Repairing Babbitting and Welding Crater Lake Automotive Co. Let us have last Spiing's Suits, Gowns, Coats, Etc, NOW. Our Dry Cleaning saves Money. Fisk Tires 60 of all cars have Fisk tires as factory equipment, outside of Fords. Don't buy until you have isked us about them. The Auto Supply Co. Just around the corner 31 N. Bartlett Doc Wright 111 ' - keeps the foot will- Arch Preserver Shoe Week Thousands of women have learned this . week what it means to hare stylish ( shoes that are comfortable ONE more day of our big demonstration week; one more day for you to come and see for your self just why the Arch Preserver Shoe will satisfy you better than any shoes you ever have worn. Come tomorrow and get acquainted with the 1RCH PRESERVER and givo yourself the advantages of happy feet. Bring back the youthful vigor your feet used to have; learn again to enjoy walking and standing; find out the exquisite joy of being free from the little aches and pains that come from a Bagging arch. It will mean so much to you all the rest of your life to know the Arch Preserver Shoe and have for yourself the priceless advantage which have brought relief to hundreds of thousands of other women. Just one more day ; no obligation on your part. Arch Preserver Shoe demonstration tomorrow I Come as early in the day as you-can, won't you? THE HUB ONYOUPJEXT Mr jsTB1P ABROAD citic "Empre" four S-r5' bi ship Larjrct, new ' Js. ' jL jQtV et, fattest and finest tteun. v Jjr fffcW hipt on the PciiioSail fort- (?EL A J&W W. nightly from Vinccnw, B. C. f I "iV To jtd10 day China 14 diyi, fejJJr lifVi1 ' Cel particulars fron heal iteamshtp agenli or 3 V W. H. Doncon, Gen. Agt. Pgr. I . c bv Di'pt. Canadian Pacific Hallway, ' Jtr f Jb 6$ Third Ktroet, 1011 land, Ore. . .TOpy&Sr Jwf . IT SPANS THE WORLD TRY THE DRUG STORE FIRST " WE CAilRY THE FINEST LINE OF DRUGS MONEY CAN BUY Prompt nntl Courteous Service Good Merchandso A Complete Stock Kreo Telephone, ISest ISoom, Etc. Those uro some of the Nervtccs wo offer thoso who buy wliat nn up-to-tlato drug store carries. Main and Grapo Quality und Service First Phono 187 DAN G E Given by Woodmen of the World at ORIENTAL BALL ROOM AT NAT Wednesday, March 14th , Benefit of Merritt Charley , WE ARE NOT Satisfied" THE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK In New Offices Is Better Than Ever Your Convenience and Protection Will Both be Served by Use of Our New Facilities We pay 4 on Savings Let us show you our safe-deposit boxes, $2.00 per year and up , l'hono C31. 29Utt UNLESS YOU ARE' 7 JTf