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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1923)
' 7 PAGE TWO MEDFORD MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OttEfi OX. SATURDAY, MARCH 10. 1fl23 ocal and Personal The weather continues uncertain and quite chilly, especially nights and mornings. Ituin Is the prediction for Sunday but alternate sunshine and cloudiness during today Indicated that rain might come by evening. The coldeBt temperature of this morning was 25 degrees. - Grafted Franquetts walnut trees. Eden Valley Nursery, phone G80-J-2 tf' T . For sand, gravel, sediment and team . work. See Saml. Bateman, 802 Maple St., Phono 912-J. Dance Jackson Hot Spring, Sat. 298 . James 11. Pih will accept a limited number of piano students at his studio 31 N. Grape, College BIdtf. 307 . There was a good public market to il ny for this Benson ot the year. Dressed chickens were scarce at the market, as well as at the other mar kets in the city, but there was an ampje supply of beef, pork and other moms. . ' . ' Hemstitching at Deuel's. 318 Good clean rags wanted at Medford Printing Co. DresamaKing. Mrs. Carl Bowman . 245 North Oakdale. 299 Colonial Garage for tire sorvlco.319 Dainty things for the babies at very reasonable prices at Deuel's Art Dept 300 A.1 C. Allon arrived homo this mor ning l'rom Portland where he hod been In attendance at the meeting of the state horticultural bonrd. ,' , Oriental Ballroom! Wed. and Sat. night dances! 299 Noel L. Erskine gives piano lessons . at pupils'. homes. Phono 729-W. 299 Bing cherry trees. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. tf Everyone who deBires to help build , the house for Merrltt Charley buy a ticket to the Benefit ball at the Nat Wednesday night, March 14. tf Bertha Nelson was one of the visi tors from this city spoftdlng Friday (n Ashland. Hot tamales and chill con carne at Do Voe's. tf Crescent orchestra dance,' Eagle Point, Sat., Mar, 10. ; ; , ' 297 Afier the fire It la too late to Insure. . See Redden & Cannday now. James R. Fish will accept a llmitod ' number of piano students at his studio ' ..1 N. Grape, Collego Bldg. ' 307 A large Fageol Safety Coach, driven 'by a demonstrator to ' be shown' to ' Portland and' Seattle stage line opera 'tors passed through Mod,f6rd this mor ning enroute from tile factory In Oak . land, Calif., north. The big bus ar rived late last night and the driver -and accompanying passenger stopped . over night at the Hotel Holland. - First-olass real Japanese crepe, all i colors, 20c a yard. Jap Art Store. 298 , j : Take1 your kodak filing to Palmer's studio. ' First class work and prompt 'service. ' tf Agent for Alladln 94 per cent air .lamp. Orrln Wakoflold, Plioculx, Ore. V" ' . 299 , Dorrydale Store open Sundays and evenings. 1000 N. Riverside 298' Tlio girls basketball toam of tho ' local high school playod the Itoso ' burg girls' team last night at Rose "burg. Tho result of tho game has not as yet been learned. 1 Newcomb Is now delivering 16-Inch green slabwood at. $1.76 per tier In four-tier lots or more. Place your ..order soon for early dollvory and have cheap wood. Also dry mill . blocks. Phone 631. 290tf - Dance! Sat. night! Oriental Hall room. Admission 10c. 298 .' Romember the opening of the Ore-'gon-Callfonila Auto Distributing asso ciation, successors to A. W. Walker Auto Co., tomorrow. Thore will bo a big parade of Maxwells, Chalmers, Hudson and Essex cars at 11 a. m. All tho now moilol cars will bo on dlB play at this opening. Not loo: Parties having lawns at I O. O. F. cemutory that want care this yonr, phone flSB-R. AitdroBB 219 Talent Court, Medl'ord, sexton. 303 At the American Loglon hall to nluht at 9 o'clock thuro will ho nn im portant mooting of tho 40-8 organiza tion, at which a largo nttendtuico is expected. A A tailored suits, Mod ford made. Guaranteed to fit and satisfy, f:l5 to $C0." Klein tho Tailor, 128 East Main. Upstairs. 300 Dunco! Wed. aud Sat. nights! Orion tul llallroom! 299 The Fireman Cries "Insure!" Iiihiu'o with us todiiy nnd safeguard your property. H will enable you to avoid nil fire losses. Tho premiums ore Kinnll ; the benefits great. McCURDY Insurance Agency ' - ' " Tel. 123 Medford National ltnnk Bldg. Medford, Oregon Deputy State Traffic Officer J. J. Mc Million arrested an uutoiut In Ash land the first of the week who had re-palnted his 1922 license plates In an endeavor to counterfeit the 1923 Plates. It Is not known where the case will be tried but It is supposed that It would have been loss costly for the motorist to have purchased his 1923 license. It will pay you to climb my stair way. $10 to $15 savings per suit for a few days only. Klein the Tailor, 128 East Main. Upstairs. 300 Remember the big benefit ball ut the Nat on Wednesday, Mar. 14. 301 Nursery stock, absolutely acclimat ed, guaranteed. Guaranteed Fran- quetto selected walnut trees, finest home grown grape vInes(Tokays, Mal agas, Emperor Muscat, Concord Black Prince, etc.), fruit trees of every variety, largest Gladiola field in Ore gon (bulbs at $1.00 doz., blooming age) (hornless ' blackberries, raspberries, Logans, 7 varieties straberries, rhu- 'iurb, asparagus, fruit trees every de scription, blight resiBtant pears, Bosc, Bartlett, Cornice, D'AnJou. We pay charges to you. The J onion Nursery, Grants Pass, Ore, at N. Tenth street. 317 James R. Fish will accept a limited number of piano students at his studio 31 N. Grape, College Bldg. 307 Announcement Is made of special interest religiously to Medford In the coming of Dr. S. J. Reld of Portland to the First Baptist church, one week from Sunday for the purpose of con ducting two weeks of special meetings procodlng Easter. Dr. Reld is known to many in Medford as a preacher of unusual power. He always presents a message which appoals to tho mind as well as the heart ot his hearers. A rare treat Is in store for all lovers of good preaching In the coming of Dr. Rold, and he will bo heard by largo numbors. We have good values In used cars. Patton & Robinson, Inc. . tf Newcomb is now deliverylng 16-lnch green slabwood at $L7G per tier In four tier lots or more. Place your order soon for early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phono 631. 296tf . Auto Insurance. Brown & White. For Sale 10.000 acres of land con sisting of alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, orchards and tlmberland, somo Irrigated; also mining property. All property must and will be sold at somo price. ' Some as low as $1.00 per acre, 6 to 10 years time. T. W. Miles, Attorney Jackson Co. Band Hldg., or Gold Ray Roalty Co., ownors, 10 North Grape next to Farmers & Fruitgrow ers Bank. Phono 40G-J. 298 - Mr. and Mrs. M. Moslln, are in Med ford representing the Durham-Duplex razor company and transacting busi ness with the dealers. Dance! Dance! Dance! Where? Orlontal Ballroom Sat. night! ' 298 Flowering shrubs and evergreens. Eden Valloy. Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. tf Reduced prlcos on fancy combs, bnretts and hair goods, March 10th to 17th at tho Marinello Shop, Hotel Medford. 302 All kinds oC dressmaking at Style craft Shop, Room 424 Medford Build ing. 309 Juan Martinez, a Moxican hoy, was sentenced to two years lu tho peniten tiary by Judge G. F. Sklpworth for for gery of a railroad pay vouchor. Port land Tologram. Martinez was In the Jackson county Jail for somo time awaiting trial on tho ot'fonse commit ted hero last June. Tho ModCord Vulcanizing Works will give a steel tire tool with each new tiro. 299 Oonulno Bosch Magneto parts and repairs. Electric Shop, Eighth and linrtiett. tr Cashior, export bookkeeper, opon for temporary or permanent engage ment ovonlngs; small sots books, ftnnnclnl statements, etc., books op onod. Charge moderate. R. W. Fenton Phono 168. 201 Ulg tlmo! Hard tlmo, dnnco! Frl. Mar. 16, nt I. O. O. F. hall, Rogue Klvor. Prizes for bont characters and diincors. Don't forget! Music by Jowoll oroheslra. 398 F. B. Hrnmwoll arrlvod back In the city this morning from a business visit nl Portland. You can get it at DeVoo's. tf Oriental Ballroom! Sat. night! 298 All kinds of rough and ilrosseil lum ber. Wallnco Woods, phone 108. 7tl E. Main. Wo will loan you money to build or buy Holmes tho Insurance Man. The Jacksonville gasollno car Is now mnklng hourly trips from Med ford to Jacksonville. It has been somo time since any kind of vehicle mado tho trip regularly over tho lino and tho gasollno-propelled car has not boon In use for yours. For salo, a 2-ton Attorbury truck in Al condition, reudy to go. Will soil at a very law figure. Can bo seen at Colonial Garage. ' .298 February 7th LucXy Day at llouol's. 301 Let the Hartford pay your livestock death losses. Holmes the Insurance Man. 298 New work shoes for $3.60. Meyera berg dross shoes and oxfords $S.B0. First class shoo repairing, best leath er used. Old Reliable Shoo Shop, No. 7 North Fir, Herbert Tllloy. 301 Tho Portland branch of tho federal rve bunk onnouncos two now Issues of Vnltnd States treasury certificates of Indebtedness. TF2, dated March 10 nnd maturing September 15, I92;t, boarlng Interest at the rate of 4Vi per cent per annum, and series TM 1924. dated March 15 and maturing on the corresponding ditto of next year, bearing interest at the rate or 44 per cent per annum. Uncalled Vtctory notes and certificates of In debtedness maturing March 15 will be accepted In payment for both Issues. Oriental Ballroom dnnco! Sat. night. Admission 10c. 298 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wnllsco Wood, phono 10S, 711 K. Main. ... I The College Women's club lield a ' meeting this afternoon at tbe home of Mrs. Jack Wellls on King's highway, ut which members were present from various parts of the valley. Stick with Gluey. ' 298 Splendid furnished apartment lu Mail Tribune building lor rent at once. Owl Confectionery, 15 N. Central, F. M. Wilson. Everything new. tf Dance Jackson Hot Spring, Sat. 298 Gus Newbury was an Ashland visi tor attending to legal business. Tbornless blackberry plants. Eden Talley Nursery, 'hono GSO-J-2. tf Lt, We will have for ran delivery a lim ited amount of Old Home and Estella Blight Resistant Pear Stock. Engage your trees now and avoid disappoint ment as there will not be enough of this stock . to meet all requirements. Phone of write Jug. Inglls, Holland Hotel, representing the Sulem Nur-sei-y Co. in southern Oregon. 290tf Grizzly bear rug for salo cheap at Bartlett's Fur Shop. 298 There has been very little business in the local justice and city police court for tho past two weeks the only cases having been traffic violations. S. T., Richardson was tined $10 when ho pleaded guilty to a charge of speed ing before Justice Glenn O. Taylor on Feb. 27th and I. E. Kesterson was fined tbe same amount on the same charge on March 3rd. Kesterson is from GruntB Pass. Both arrests wero made by Deputy State Motor Vehicle Inspector J. J. Mc.Mahon.. Fresh "Hot-Shot" Batteries for your spray riggs. Electric Shop, S. Bartlett street. . . . 319 Orlontal Ballroom! Sat. night dance! Management American Legion. '. 298 Colonial Garage for tiro servlce.319 Fruit, nut and shade trees. Eden Valley Nursory. Phono 680J-2. 1 tf A. Stewart, special polloo agent of tho Southern Paclfio Is here from Roseburg on business. Milk and cream at DoVoe's. - tf Sandwiches, salads, cake, pie and coffoe at all hours. Crater Lake Ice Cream Parlors, Medford Center Bldg. 307 Blight resistant pear trees for fall delivery. Old Homo on Pyrus Ussurl ensis. Home grown Old Home and Chioh on Japan. Eden Valley Nursery, Phone 680-J-2. tf Closing out all our turra machinery, several good buys. Patton & Robin son, Inc. tf Dance! Wed. and Sat, nights! Orien tal Ballroom! - .299 ; The home of J. R. Chlldors about threo miles from Ashland in the Val- leyvlcw district, was destroyed by fire of unknown origin about 8:30 o'clock last Thursday night. The house, which was built last lull, and its fur niture were partially Insured. Hardy spray outfit for sale; will glvo torms. W. V. Barnum, Phone 403-R-3. 299 We are now. delivering slabs from tho big mill. By ordering early you will secure better Blubs, mostly fir, and you will soon have dry first-class wood at the smallest possible cost to you. Valley Fuel Co. Phono 76. tf Wo will have tor fall dollvory a lim ited amount or Old Homo and Estolla Blight Resistant Pear Stock. Engage your trees now and avoid disappoint ment as thore will not be enough of this stock to moot all requirements. Phone or wrlto Jas. Inglls, Holland ) Hotel, representing tho Salem Nur sery Co. in southorn Oregon. 295tf Insure your livestock ogiiinst death from any cause. Holmes, Tho Insur ance Man. i 298 C, E. Ilolce or Portland, torritory man for the Pago and Jewott cars Is in Modford and will be at the Crater I-rfiko Automotive company's salesroom for a few days. Mr. Bolco Is very much pleased with tho popularity shown tho Page and Jcwett cars in Jackson county. Grafting wax. EOen Valley Nursery, Phone GSO-J-2. tf 'S Coming Tomorrow! Connie Talmadge "THE PRIMITIVE LOVER" CAVE MAN STUFF It's a Riot PRICES Adults, 35c Kiddies, 10c ., The third team or the Medford high school made a trip to Grants Pass last night and defeated the Grants Pass basketball team by a score or 27-2:1. Those making the trip were Demiuer, Mcura,. Hurt, Knipjs und lliirt in addi tion to several substitutes and rooters. Grape vines: Tokay, "Muscat, Mal- ( ( aga, Rose Peru, Zlnflndell, Thompsons heedless. Trellis grapes, Concord, Brighton, Worden, Agawani, Niagara and Campbell's Early. Eden Valley Nursory. Phono 680 J-2. tf Fishing rods wanted to repair; work guaranteed. Eaton, 1022 W. Ninth . 299 Medford Auto Painting, 127 North Rivorslde, shop in basement of Clarke Motor Co., opposite the Nat. Auto top and cushion dressing, etc. E. O. Brad ley, prop. 301 Attend the W. 'O. W. benefit ball on Wednesday, Mar. 14. 301 The Sabbath services at the Presby terian church during this month have as tholr objective "The Cross" and the "Resurrection." Tomorrow the theme will be, "Why Christ Refused tho Bitter Cup," giving reasons for His death,. at the morning service, and . "Jesus and the Penitent Thief," at the evening hour. The Presbyterian male quartet will sing an Inspiring message at the morning service entitled, "Tho Good Shepherd," . by Barrl, and will also sing at the close of the sermon a fitting gospel quartet. Those who do not attend elsewhere are Invited to prepare their minds for the blessings of Easter by attending these services. Llnio sulphur at plant Is $8.00 plus $2 for barrel until returned within 30 days. Phone 8-R-l. 298 We will have Tor tail delivery a lim ited amount of Old Home and Estella Blight Resistant Pear Stock. Engage your trees now and avoid disappoint ment as there will not be enough of this stock to meet all requirements. Phone or write Jus. Inglla, Holland Hotel, representing the Salem Nur sory Co. in southern Oregon. 295tf Your favorite waltz, Jackson Sat. 298 "Compare tho work." 298 Dr. J. D. Phipps. Bertha S. Nelson, Jesse N. Langdon have purchased lots In Edgewood park of D. E. Millard. There are only eight lots lett. If you, want one In this beautiful summer homo pnrk, on one of the prettiest stretches or water on the Rogue river, a quarter of a mile off the Crater Lake highway, better see Mr. Millard at once. For Salo New Columbia phono graph records at half price. Victor, Brunswick, Columbia, Pathe & Sonora phonographs and records at reduced prices. Music Shop, 15 N. Grape street, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phono 400 J.. 29S There's a busy business College in your home town. OWN, February 7th Lucky Day at Deuel's. 301 J. H. O'Neill, traveling passenger agent of the Union. Pacific railroad was a visitor who spent vesterday In tn( cjtv Livestock life , insurance - in tho Hartford Insuranco Company. Holmes tho Insurance Man. 298 ir you want n splendid furnished apartment, for two, hot and cold water, heat, eloctrlcity, etc., down town, better call at Mail Tribune ot rice at once. tf A number or local basketball fans will attend tho state tournament at Salem next week-end. Among those Intending to make the trip is Harris B. Janes who proposes to drive up Tor the contests. Just a line to remind you that I will gladly duplicate any bonafide order booked by a transient agent ror the same or loss money and give you bet ter service. N. S. Bennott, prop. Eden Valley Nursery. Phono 680-J-2. tf Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching Plcotlng 8c per yard. Bnttont envarail Continuous Shows Today and Tomorrow 12:30 to 11:00 P. M. GOING TONIGHT Also Round 3, "The Leather Pushers" Doc Loughridge believes that it pays to keep his eyes open. Last night while coming back from the Illinois valley, Doc spied a large coy ote sitting in tho road, near the Deer creek bridge south or Selma. He steered the machine for the animal and hit' at full speed ahead. When he got out to investigate, lie found the coyote still kicking. As the engine was still going. Doc ran the machine over the neck of the coyote und It quit kicking. Grants Pass Courier. All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 E. Main. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Hess and ton of Grants Pass have been visiting friends and relatives in Medford for tho past week. They spent yesterday listening to proceedings at circuit court. GraRing wax at Monarch Seed Co. 302 HomeSomething to Strive for Instead of rent receipts, why not a deed to the property ? A dollar paid for rent is lost and gone forever. Whether you realize it or not the tenant pays for the house he lives in every ten years, in rent. Why not get the deed? ! You cannot afford to live in a rented house. While you are paying for a home under our plan you are living in it and saving the rent money. ; " . Come in our office and let us explain how you can do it. Jackson County Building and Loan Association C. M. Kidd, President. ' Office 30 No. Central 0. C. BOGGS, Secretary f t y i I I: r ... .... Jk"- 1 MR. FARMER: Rogue Phone 84 SEEDS SEEDS SEEDS RELIABLE SEEDS in Bulk and Packages SEED POTATOES General Line of Poultry Supplies HAY GRAIN FEEDS Phcne 2G9 ..DcRplie the reuo.t. that Salem high school's slur Indian basketball guard, l.illigren had lieen barred from play- ing Tor the remainder or the season, It Is noted from Snlein newbpapors hat he has taken part In games late ly. He played with Salem Thursday night when they donated Dallas ror the district championship. Lilligren is alleged to have made himself Ineligible to play by participating in a game with the Chemawa Indian school agaiust some other team this season. . Newcomb is now delivering 16-inch green slabwood nt $1.75 per tier in four-tier lots or more. Place your order soon for early delivery and have cheap wood. Also dry mill blocks. Phone C31. .. . 296tf Mrs. James D. Eaton left last night for Portland or a review In designing. She will also attend the fashion show while In the Btate metropolis. Auto Insurance. Drown & White. TO Hear one of Two Great Services Tomorrow 11 a. in. nnd 7:!i0 You'll liuvo to come early -,-.fl-..n.,w-,, : ? Do you know that we can save you money on Poultry Supplies, Grain and Feeds and we use your wheat to make Vilmo Flour Valley Milling Co; Watkins Feed Store Free Delivery R. S. Daniels and T. G. Bradley of the California-Oregon Power company departed this morning by auto ror a brier business visit at Copco, Calir. Get your fish at the Medford Fish Co. Call 362. 108 West Main. zai- The Daughters or the Nile orgnnlza Hon, which is fast growing and in cludes qulto a membership from tho cities of the valley, will meet tonight at Grants Pass. Following a business session social hour will be observed and a luncheon served for the hus bands of the members. - Choice everb:oomIng roses. Eden Valley Nursery. Phone 680-J-2. ' tf Mrs. Ellen B. Steven of Brewster, Wash., arrived Saturday morning to spend tho summer with her daughter, Mrs. C.;A. Williams ot North Pacific Highway. ' ' Canned Foods Week March 3-10; When better automobiles are built, Bulck will build them. tf i INTEREST GROWING EVIVAL CONTINUE America's Greatest Evangelists Rev. Wm. H. Huff Kvcry Night Next Week except Sat. 7:30 Each Afternoon Tucs. to Friday incl. 3 o'clock First Methodist Episcopal Church Fourth and Uartlctt J. RANDOLPH SASXETT, Pastor So. Front St., opp. Freight Depot 397 So. Front St. T T t T v f T t ? t ? , T y y y y f t t f Y Y ? y Y J Vlr'Wlfrf!'t!13