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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1923)
Medford Mail Tribune Second Section Six Pages Second Section Six Pages Dally Seventeenth Tear. kljr Fifty-Second Tear. . MEDFORD, OREGOX, FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1923 NO. 297 SPECIAL NEW EK County Club Agent, Uoyrt A. Moss, received from the head office at Cor vallla recently six certificates o achievement for . various boys and girls clubs in tUe county for good work accomplished last year. The achievement rewarded Is that of having every member in tho ciub complete the year's club work, turn in a final report and story of the work, and make an exhibit at the lair. Tho following clubs won this dis tinction: The "Merry Workers Sewing Club" of Sams Valley, under the local lead ership of Mrs. J. tllgham, tho cluu roll reading: Ivern Hoist, Edna Gerard, Catherine Koger, Frances Wilson, Grace and Ruth Bigham, Naoma Magruder, Letha Tresham, Willlma Fltzgerand, Donna McDon ough, Elsie Wilhlte and Gladys Schulz. The Lake Creek Sowing club, which Mrs. Alma Never guided to success ful completion. Norma Kllngle. Helen Meyer, Neva Messal, Lucia Gardner, Marguerite Nlckell and Mil lie Moyer. Tho Unlontown Homemaking Club, under Miss Louise Hodges: Gladys Johnson, Elsie Fisher, Venita Ander son, Virginia Cameron, Helen John- eon. Willis and Leo Fisher. The Sams Valley, under tho double leadership of Mrs. McDonnough and MrB. Zimmerman, many of the mem bers of which carried two projects: Minnie Jennings, Letha Tresham, El sie Wilhito, Velma Wright. Ivern Hoist, Naoma Magrauder, Katherlne Koger, Donna McDonnough, Gladys Schultz and Dorothy Wilhite. The ABhland Calf club with Albert C. Joy as leader: Barnard Joy, No ble Katzor, Earl Evans, Richard Joy Tho Talent Pig club with Elton Beeson to trot the youngsters into line. Members of this club: Frank Dunkin, Robert Purves, Rlchnrd Petri, Merle Hughes, and Clarence Holdrldge. Mr. Frank Holdredge was one of the strong backers of this club and helped the boys get their purebred pigs into the contest. These certificates of achievement are neatly printed on cream colored parchment, telling of tho achieve ment of the club, giving the roll of members and signed by Goorgo K. Farrell of tho boys' and girls' club division of the U. S. D. A., Governor Walter M. Pierce, Dr. Kerr, president of O. A. C, State Superintendent J. A. Churchill; Director Paul V. Maris, Stato Club Leader H. C. Seymour. County Superintendent Mrs. Carter, the county club leader and tho local leader. Those certificates will bo presented to tho clubs in the near future. Swat tho Digger AT TALENT. MAR. 14TH Ye poultrymen of Jackson county, get out your red pencil and mark up next Wednesday as a red letter day for poultry interests. Then plan on driving in from wherever you are to Talent for a good rouBlng poultry dis cussion. Bring your questions with you. Professor Crosby from O. A. C. will be present for one of the four season al meetings which are held each year in connection with poultry demon stration farms. Tho farm in ques tion this year is that of II. I). Nye in Talent. To insure dry footln? tho meeting will bo held in the city hall which Is only a short distance from the farm. Plan to bo there at one thirty so that if an inspection of the plant is desired, this may be made and the meeting proper may start sharp at 2 o'clock. These meetings always prove popu lar and poultrymen of all sections will be well repaid for coming any dis tance. The problemb connected w'.th hatching and Incubation will bo the principal theme. Tho work of tho Farm Bureau Is laid on tho broad foundation of patri otic service; service not only to the farmor himself, but to our country and to our civilization. , Tho work is necessarily very largely educa tional. The farmer objects vigorously to bolus lifted bodly out of tho well worn rut he has traveled so long, but the education of tho boys and girls along new lines of thought soema to bo a more promising undertaking and here is where the boys' and girls' club work comes inv It Is a fact that Is all too apparent that tho balance of advantages and remuneration as between tho rural and industrial centers havo been dis turbed to the degree that tho farms have suffered the loss of a very large per cent of their young people as well aa the older ones, and this has become a very aorlous situation In our economic life. Any project that promises to bring about more satisfactory condi tions by which the boys and girls can be kept on the farms should receive the hearty support of all good citi zens, and the Farm Bureau manage ment feels that this is a very fertllo field for its educational work. Some of the Jackson county com munities have already done splendid work along club work lines. Just cne of many such may be cited as an ex ample: This year a calf club of eight mem bers, five boys and three girls, has been organized, and as their comma nity is strong on dairying, great benofits are expected from their work. Last year two boys from this club won. prizes In tho judging con test of tho calf 'dub at the County Fair and were given the choice of a - mmm "BrT OF BRO MRftKETTl&- I HIS PRW.ES RRE VERY DOCTOR v LOW AND H& CREDIT 15 Wc THIS TTr.rlO IN m EXTREMES ,ERIOU& HELP YOU CifvrvW I CONDITION. HE Hl5 IN V Anv? JS COWlT.1(ftRif&a. fftCT A MOST CONTA0IDU5 J "-L SuR" , AO COMPLICATION OF ILL&. . -suSV 0 WELL-VJELL- VJE'LL S rnN0lTlON5, FIND A KErUDY ALL ?Z-VcPf Nt)A XfWlT.LLR.GHT fSof . - Hi L ' -y-'' free trip to the State Fair or to the International Live Stock Show at Portland, and they chosd the latter. This year a very live girls' club, consisting of 12 members has been organized. They aro taking up tho "Homo Making Project," and are making good progress, expecting . to finish in time to take up one of the other projects during the summer months. " ' These young peoplo have tho good fortuno to have a capable and enthus iastic leader who has had much ex perience in Farm Bureau work and is one of its - best boostors. Who would have tho-, hardihood .to placn.a value on this training for tho boys and girls to the community nt large? E A largo quantity of tho eggs that havo been processed or sterilized on the Pacific const have been shipped tn Now York and other eastern mar kets. The nunllly of tho product, making It possiblo to secure within a few cents of tho piico secured for the eastern frosh eggs. A new industry in tho lino of poul try raising Is that of raising capons and is attracting the attention of sov eral of our poultrymen. Several hundred ennons wero rnised this sea- Tho Poultry Producers' association son varying in weight from six to of southern Oregon Is a ro-operntivo nlno pounds each dressed, command Institution of poultrymen, directed ing a price in Han Francisco from 45 by a board of seven directors, nil of to 60 cents per pound dressed, thore whom are substantial poultrymen, foro making It quite profitable, to Is Increasing rapidly In members and produce this cluss of fowls, volume of eggs and poultry handled. Tho poultry rainers in Jackson They aro selling approximately county, who nro not members of tho 20.000 dozen eggs and 3000 pounds of association should not wait longer In dressed poultry per month, finding a getting behind their organization that cash market for tholr products and is working for their lntorests. tho returns distributed to their mom-j It Is rendering a valuablo scrvlco hers each month and Is a vury satis-' but tho largor the volume tho-more factory method. , I successful It will bo for tho members It Is interesting to know that tho of tho association, total volume of eggs sold in tho Unit- Everybody Co-operate oiuiwi is sevcriw nuiuuca mnus- and dollars more than tho total amount of wheat grown and sold In th'o United States, so you can readily aeo that poultry rnisliiB Is ono of tho . ........". ...... .k. iiMimTinitiA i iriMi Tho Poultry Traduce nssnclntlnn I I If I I.IU 1U Illi-UiV. have installed and aro operating at ! tho present time for tho benefit of their members and tho consumer of eggs, an egg processing machine, tho . purpose of which is to seal the pores ! of tho egg shell before it is put In , storage. j The Sunday Sun will reach every This processing of sterilizing pre- country home in Jackson county, aa vents any shrinkago or deteriorating well as most of the homes In all the of tho quality of tho egg while It is in cities of the county and a large num storage. ,, , , her of people in Josephine county and Thereforo making It possiblo to northern California. . ium hid rfitiO Hint UIW DU m'lllJLUI UIIU T ATLANTA, Ga., March 8. Throo policemen wore shot and killed and one prohibition officer wounded In Lulu and Blackshear, two south Georgia towns late today, according to reports received hero. Vilna Mar tin and Jack Ryan, marshals at Lulu wore shot dead by Robert Hopo, a mail carrier, and I. C. Brooks was slain in-n battle with H. I. Sharpo nt Blackshear, Prohibition Officer J. A. Monroe bolng wounded. T. ...Ill 1. ...... .1 i... to nnn . nA rtnA difficult to sell now, - until several " " "t . '7 months later when eggs aro scarce Pecmle' wU1 contain the news of tho and high In price. This hns a two- wllole worlrt from ollr leased Associat- fold benefit: First, mnklng It profit- Bd Press wire, as well as the general nblo for the producer to stcrlllzo and news of tho county, city, special storo his eggs nnd second In keeping woman's page and society of the week tho prlco within reach of the great and tho Farm Bureau department mnjority of tho Consuming public, of The Sun will reach more people cgKs, in tho fall and winter when than all other papers combined and fresh eggs aro very scarce and other- wl be the be8t to advertIse ln win would bo very oxdoiihivo. u , . . . The sterilizing of eggs is not a new thatha8 been Prlnted tor undertaking. It has been used ,n,, , , ' , , . around Surf Francisco and other Call-. " A" "'splay &nd classified ads for fornia egg distributing centers for ' the Sun must bo in this office before several years. noon tomorrow, Saturday.- FORMAL OPENING S DAY,MARCH10 OF THE NEW OREGON-CALIFORNIA AUTO DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION (Successors to the A. W. Walker Auto Co.) The most remarkable car of its class and price ever built 'Why pay more when you can buy more for less" BIG PARADE AT 11 O'CLOCK SATURDAY MORNING Starting from the Washington school, east to Riverside, north to 6th, west to Front, south to Main, west to salesroom. ' Everybody Who Owns a Car or Is Interested in Up-to-Date Auto Construction Cordially Invited to Attend ' MEDFORD, OREGON 123-127 WEST MAIN STREET