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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1923)
i PARESIS SvtEDMffiB RESH) TRIBUNE. 'OTTOFORP, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH i ' !' P. Prei com nbiu occt hom urUl ' tack Nen in J Lou vler but clde dui'l ned, stud only tof d info; Infol hit situs ; M lnte and his j CI prest to ra nil a C Dr.KI NGS Breakits gripMH When your head feels heavy and lioi - your tliroat parched and soretry Dr. King's New Dis covery. i .Keel your head clear your cough liKist-n. How comforting COUPE j! New Price 1 HI c? JLJLJ I I I I i i no wuiiu uaa iicvci uiuwu I I ' an enclosed car of this type I I at a ower Price- No car at , any price has ever offered a I greater value. . I HI Place your order now to in-; . : sure early delivery. Terms . !, if desired. r I ; . C.E.Gates Auto Co. l . Corner 6th and Paoifio Highway The Chance Isn't WorthCaking Buy the best trees yoncan get! Kvcrylhlntf In ttknJ rd fruit trc, thd trrca. bt ahbf vines and r m. Si Suktmen Evtrywhe re Mow Wdtitdl Washington Nursery Co . I.AIK.t.ST IN THK Wt.VT NewDisfery to the throat. What relief to con- "irested chest. Dr. Kings's New Discovery, over half a century old, the proved syrup for children as well as grown-ups. Ash your druggist for it today. When you plant an orchard the cost of the tree itself is the smallest part of all. Think of the cost of the .ground of the time spent in plant ing of the best years of your life spent in waiting until the tree begins to bear I The best trees you can buy grown by the most reliable nursery you can findare by far the cheapest trees in the long run. The difference in ' price is but a few cents a tree, if any. Orchardists and farmers every where jn the West have found that the hardy, well-matured trees prop agated from bountiful, bearing or chards of our own selection, begin bearing at an earlier age and bear more fruit. Writ for literature on th kind of trees, hrubs, roses, plants or vines In'wHich you ere Interested. ! E, 10 FRONT AGAIN SPRINGFIELD,, 111., Murch 8. (Hy the Assbclii (.da Press Shades of Tom Brtwycn and. Huckleberry Finn liovoreq.,i1ouf tfi4 otffco of Illinois' chief ' excutiv6:today.V '. . .Masters Marvel and Enlow, "de tectives arid roanhhnfers," havo of fered, their servicoB to the Btate. Upon receipt of a' supply of "rifels and royollyers," high powered, and the promise of $G a, week, these two boys say' they are prepared to start Immediately ' "hunting ' distilleries of whito mule.",-'' " . ' ' That these sleuths are ready for business is Indicated by a letter re ceived by Governor Small, which said in part: "Dear Sir: Thought wo' might get a Job as dotectivo or hunting distil lery of whlte mule or any other al coholic drinks, there Is two of us, names are A. II. Marvel and .1. W. Enlow. We are in the seventh yr. grade. Our school will be out in April wo can begin the hunt about the first Saturday in April if you want 'us to hunt them send us two colts automatics and two hlghpow ered rlfels and iimlnltiou. . The rifols and revolivers will bo returned next full when, our school begins. Will work for 6 a week." 10 CHICAGO, Mar. 8. While weather forecasters pointed out the fallacy of predicting the coming of spring by the "Lion and lamb" method, marketmeti today advanced what they termed an unfailing indication of the season's nearness, the arrival of heavy ship ments of stored apples on the mar kets. The rush of shippers to get their stored apples to market was compared In some quarters to the tempestuous charge of a March Hon. ' Western states sent 12G0 carloads of apples to market during the week, the United States bureau of agricul tural economics said today, more than any time since the middle of January. Wasltington forwarded 1040 curs .'of that total, 17 per cent more than the preceding, week and 70 per cent over the amount in the corresponding per iod of Inst year. ' V ' Eastern sections shipped 725 cars of barreled stock, 640 cars of which camo from Now York.' Shipments from that stato for tho week showed nn increase of 75 por cent over Inst week nnd 70 per cent over the similar period of lust year. '. . OLEO BILL WILL BE SALEM," Ore., Mar. 8. The Associ ated Industries of Oregon has -taken formal stopB here to invoke the refer endum on tho socnlled "oleo" bill passed by the last legislature Intended to prohibit tho tuio of, milk products in the manufacture of dleomargarlne and lluttor nnd milk substitutes.. The secretary of stnte and attorney gen eral have beon asked do prepare refer endum forms nnd ballot title for tho vote on the meaBiiro at tho 1924 gen oral eloctlon. IN RECEIVER'S HANDS , IUWALO, X. Y., March 8. Re ceivers wol'o appointed in federal court here today for tho L. It. Steol enterprises In which the public has Invested about $22,000,000. 1,. "K. Steol, tho promoter, Bevored his con nootlon with tho companies of which there were nearly a Boore, on January 27, and since then direction of tho Steel enterprises has boen In tho bunds of a board of control. The re ceivers were appointed on a suit In equity brought to conserve tho assets of the various corporations. The petitioner is tho National Toy nnd Tinsel Manufacturing company of MniitlwOc.. GREAT FALLS, Mont.. Mar. 8. The Montana State Federation of Iji hor in its 2Sth annual convention In Great Fulls endorsed the action of the striking miners In Hcrrln, 111., nnd In resolutions adopted unanimously by tho convention declared Jlmt the Her tin minors were lustlfieu nnd extend ed sympathy nnd wishes "for n speedy acquittal" of those miners now being tried for murder before tho court at Marlon, 111, ' ' ' FEVER All 14 FOR 19 DAYS, PATIENT ESCAndA, Mich., Mar.. 8. With the start of the nineteenth day of her temperature of 114 degrees or better, , Miss Evelyn Lyons, 30, chatted freely ' with her friends at her home here. She seemed to be resting better, her pulse beat more normally and her face still retained Its clear look. Her tem perature, however, remained, at 114 degrees. ', . , ' " . The woman's former complaints against confinement gave .way . to a smllo and she expressed her gratitude for the thirty telegrams and a flood of letters and postcards of consolation and advice which she has received from persons nil over the country. '' "I wish the Associated Press to thnnk all of these people for me," Miss Lyons declared. "I am glad to havo their comfort In my fight for recovery and I would like to thank each one separately. I .know I will recover." "1 wish that f could get out though," Bhe said, "becaime I know that I would be better off if I got out Into the cold air." ji NEW YORK March 8. Arriving from France on tho M) estic last night Claud Sprecklcs, chairman of tho Federal Sugar Refining com pany, declared that tho United States faces another serious sugar shortage, similar to the one that occurred when Herbert Hoover wan food adminis trator unless the department of com merce stops "issuing statements" on the situation. The recent rise in the price of sugar, Mr. Spreckles asserted "was due to a gamblers market assisted by the department of commerce." "The American- people have been mulcted out of millions of dollars," he said, "and the ultimate result will be the sameas when Mr. Hoover was food administrator!''''' ' - :; Studebaker Six ' ' Is On Display Hittson Motors Among the well known makes of cars that are attracting more than favorable commentis the 1923 model studebaker. ' 'While no . exceptional: ..change has been made in any particular model, some slight change's have been made in' body, design to assure more com fort Tn driving. ' Most noticeable Is the enlarged seating space, and the deep luxurious upholstering. Special attention' Js called to the uoay and upholstering in all Stude baker models; backed by 72 years ex perience in wood and coach . work, "studebaker can justly point with prldo to their bodies. Studebakers policy of up to date re finement, without radical changes, in sures a purchase of. a model that Is always abreast of the times, never over flashy, conserving a dignity that Is an everlasting satisfaction to people who are discussing and want the best. This iolicy has made Studebaker the largest Individual - motor corporation tn the world, Ford excepted.- ' Drink Water ' l. If Back or- 1 ; Kidneys Hurt , ;. ; ri-, ; j-,:."! Begin Taking Salts If You Feel Backaohy or Nave Bladder . Weakness Too murh rich food forms acids which excite and overwork the kidneys in their efforts to lilter it from tltc system. Flush the kidneys occasionally to re lieve theln like you relieve the bowels, removing acids, waste and poison, else you may feel a dull misery in the kid ney rcgior., sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizziness, the stomach sours, tongue is coated, nnd when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get irri tated, obliging one to Ret up two or three times during tho night. ' To help neutralize these irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste, begin drinking water. Also get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a lew days and your kidneys may then act tine and bladder disorders disappear. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with lithia, and has been used for years to help clean and stimulate sluggish kidnevs and stop bladder irri tation. . Jad Sails is inexpensive and makes a delightful effervescent lithia watcr drink which millions of men and women take now and then to help pre vent serious kidney and bladder dis orders. ' all means, drink 1ot of good water every day. Have your physician exam ine your kidneys at least twice a year. USED CARS That have not been misused Priced right Crater Lake Automotive Co. More New Models in SPRING SUITS Ready Monday Morning Whii a suit is made of the finest materials and its tailor , inff perfect, its virtues are many. In selecting your new suit here you know,- beforehand that you will receive a worthy garment. - You'll te interested in seeing the new Spring mo,dcl3 npwou display. They embody all the es sentials 'necessary tci produce beauty, service and vailue. : Suits of Twill Cord, Velour, Covert. Tweed and other li vored fabrics; at prices ranging $27.50 to $65.00. Never before have Silk Fabrics been more beauti ful or never before have Silks been in greater de mand than they are at .this season, and never be ' fore have we been so well prepared to supply your requirements.; , Just come to. our Silk Section and enjoy the beauty of this magnificent showing. New 40-in. Crepe de Chines . .... .$1.75 Neat small designs in an endless variety of clever, color combinations. Silks of a superior quality in perfect weave. New. 40 incbCanton Crepes, all colors, at New 40 inch Crepes de Chine, especially priced, yard New 40 inch Crepes de Chene, especially priced, yard i . The New Tutankhamen Prints Here thev are, tlic vcrv latest effects in wonderful color combinations Tut ankhamen Prints I..'.:..:....;..... $2.98, $3.00, $3-25 Style, Quality and Silk Silk Hose at $1.25 Pair 'V Vanity quality of Black Cat Silk Hose, made of pure dip ped silk with fine English mercerized lisle heel and toe; also top and wide garter hem. Colors arc black, ; African brown, otter, fawn and gray. Sizes 8 to 10. i " New Clocked Silk Hobo at $1.49 Pair, Black Cat all-silk Hose shown in styles with embroidery clocking. They come full fashioned with rein forced sole, heel and toe, lisle lined garter hem and are shown in black, brown, fawn, grav, etc,, in all sizes, S'otolO. . ... Special Showing N ew Pattern Hats giving our customers a rare opportunity to view the latest creations from Ilyland, llubin, Superb and other famous establishments. Mod erately priced $5.00 to $22.50 r Millinery-Salons, Second Floor Ladies' Low Shoes Special Sale Munsing Underwear H PAY LESS AND mi r : Tl ""'H 1 " mumwvm m, -'i' H ft ,TrTniyrm . ,1m ,., , rtWi "N '.ii' h.I. lii.iia'ni.'iH.iiilili.lii,'m;iyli;.a,;,i, ;, New Coats v and Capes For Spring Wear . You mav indulge any preference as to style, fabric and color for here is assembled a remarkable col lection of all that is new for the Spring season. There are Coats and Capes of Francine, Fashona, Veldyne, Velour and various other desirable fab rics. Tailored and sport models in pleasing va rietyalso dressy affairs with dolman sleeves. Capes range in price : $25.00 to $45.00 Coats $12.50 to $75.00 More New Silks Have Just Arrived Value United in Our Stock of Black Cat Hose for Women Brown low heel Oxford Brown low heel Oxford Patent, medium heel, 1-st rap Pump.. Black kid Oxford, 2-strap Brown kid Oxford Grey Suede Pumps : .......!;."! fllPVUTMBiTSToRK'r .....:...$2.75 ........$1.75 ....$2.50 Full Fashion Silk Hose at $2.25 Pair A very fine quality of Black Cat Silk Hose made with re inforced lisle sole, heel and toe; also lisle top and wide garter hem. All sizes 8A to 10, in black, white, African brown, suede, gray, polo and silver gray. . Full Fashion Silk Hose at $2.75 Pair Black Cat all-silk Hose made with double sole, heel and toe and lisle lin ed garter hem. All sizes 8i2 to 10 in black, white, cordovan, African brown, castor, chaniDagiie, silver, lawn, etc. . 3 1 s&V$5fVW ,....'.....$2.75 $3.50 $3.75 $3.50 $3.90 ....$6.50 McCall Patterns for Spring DRESS BETTER Box D Topponish, Washington ; I TFT '.'; ." -r ' " '