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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1923)
I PA HE TWO MKDFOTCD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, . OIJKC.'ON'. MONDAY, .TANl'ARV L'fl. MtiP, I Wocaland Personal A la we timber wolf was recently cnjHKlit by W. J. Hale of Sit Eddy Lookout, in a trap he had set on I lour CivpU fur coyotes which hud been numerous In.tliut section und which A number of near accldeniB curred Oast nlKht und this morning due to the Icy character of the pave nient. : Even us lute hb this noon local autolsts wore forced to bo cautious M til find was represented nr. the bis Pbrlnn ceremonial nt Portland last Saturday night by .Mr. and .Mrs. tlleu Kubrick, .Mr. and Mrs. Murk .Mont gomery, Dr. J. O. Klckert, John I'erl und (ieorwe T. Collins. Mesdames Montgomery und, Kubrick took in the I big meeting of the LlouKhters of the Nile on Saturday afternoon. Dr. Illck crt and Mr. Montgomery arrived home this morning but tlio others iutenile to remain for a day or sint Portland. Dance, Eagle Point, Sat. nlte. 207 " Ooodyoar and U, S, Tire service let us serve you. Oeo. L. Trelchlcr Motor Co. , , ' 204 ' Walter Kraser llrown .went (o Port land the latter part of last week to possibly undergo a serious .operation iu a hospital of that city. Party leaving lor San Francisco the fourth of February In 7 passenger car would like three or four pussengers. Call 252 during day. 24 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108, 711 E. Main. . Mr. and Mrs. S. W. llutcbesin of Trail drove down from there tills morning In their Quick 0, a distance of 20 miles, thru six inches of snow. They live just above Trail and brought homo Kova lutcbeson of Mcdford, who had been spending the week-end with them. Furniture repaired and niude to order, work called for nnd delivered. Wm. Drfladley,' Phone 199-1,. 274 . .There's no place like Holmes for complete Insurance service. . S. S. tlullls, or Modrord, is spend ing the day in the city In the Inter ests of the Rogue Valley Canning com pany. He Is taking up the matter of securing canning products In Jos ephine county with the farmers nt the Pomona grungo today at Fruitdule. Grants Puss Courier. . The Eastern Star Social club will 'give a curd party and cake sale at the Masonic hall, Tuesday afternoon, .Ian. 30th, i p. m. AH Indies cordially invited. 203' Hemstitching at Deuel's. 207 .The regular monthly sacred conceit by the choir of the First Baptist church, under the direction of S. M. Scott, wns given Sunday evening to an appreciative audience. The en semble, consisting of Prof. Janes, Prof. Root,; MIbk Campbell and Mr. Scott gave , throe strong numbers, which were of u very high order of music; as was also tho closing violin solo by Mr. Janes, wlilcli was uu ad ditional numbor on the program. The choir hud threo good untboms, and the Indies quartette gnvo strongth to the program. . Mr. Scott announced that it was his purpose' to inuko the monthly .cqnc.avts, of the, highoHt oidor possible nnd that he. will ondouvor to . make each concoct ..bettor than tho preceding one. Tho choir has already begun practice on Its Knstnr cantata. For Diamond coal uiickettu, phono Valley Fuel Co. Phono ,70. Tho Cheney phonograph plays all makes of records. Bold at Palmor Piano , House. Come in nnd listen to it. . 2(j7 O. S. Foster, factory representative of the Star car and I,. W. Sliawk, rep resenting tho Duraut arrived In Mcd ford Saturdny night from Oakland to confer with mombors of the Mason Motor company which will handle tho Star and Durnnt cars in Mud ford. The trip from Oakland hero was made in u Durnnt Four. Tho Mason Motor com pany which will ho located In tempo rary quarters on North Holly street Ik headod by A. It. Mason, recently of Sont'tlo. Charlo8 llrown, locnl man, is vice president anil c. W. Ilarrott Is secrotnry and trousuror Wanted One or two ladles to rent u co?.y llttlo two-room house with tollot, sink und oicctrlc lights, irur- nlshod, nicely located. ' C. A. Do Voo. 2u3tf Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt sorvlco. . tf Glen Liildloy left recently for I.os Angeles and other Southern California points for 'an Indefinite stay. ' Wantod Portable bathtub. O. A. Do Voo. . 203tf Auto Insurance, llrown & White Mrs. C. P. liclmroth spent last Sat urday In tiranta Pass visiting nnd shopping. D, M, C. thread, all colors, 0 cents per skein. Handicraft Shop. ' 2,05 Have your cylinders rohored on a high grndo. accurate boring mill. Tho Storm upright boring mill is tho heaviest and most expensive mill nindo for reboro work. All work guar anteed nnd prices right. Riverside (iarago. 202tf Tho well known attraction "The Merry Widow" operetta which plays here a week from tonight a the Page theatre, closed u very successful en gagement of two weeks lust night tit the Columbia theater, San Francisco. Legal Reserve Old l.lno Life Insur ance company desires to make gen eral agency connection In Southern Oregon. Previous experience not nec essary. Only men with rlr Intelli gence anod good character can be con sidered. This company sell Hie. health and accident insurance. Ad dross l'tli-1 I Northwestern Hank Hulld ing, Portland. Oregon. 201' had killed off niuch of the young j while rounding a corner or 'applying For Infant, invalid A Chitdnn The Original Food-Drink for All Agci. QuickLltnchrtHomc OfTirf Fountninn. RichMillc.MaltedQrainEirtractlnPow dcrfcTabletformi. Nowlihini-Nocookloi. WAroid Imitations and Substitutes stock. Much of the lurger stock of that section had at times been at tacked by what was presumed to be a big coyote. Since Hale caught the big grey timber wolf measuring five feet nine Inches In body length and seven feet from tip to tip, It Is be lieved the depredations wero caused by the wolf. Timber wolves wore formerly very numerous, but this one 'was tho first seen in this section for years Vreka Journal. Sturt your bead bag now, all colors of beads to select from. Handicraft Shop. 2M Dance, Eagle Point. Sat. nito. 207" II. M. Chadwlck spent the tiay at the;. county seat on business. Free instructions In knitted und crocheted bend bags. Handicraft Shop. 20f.- Bring us your watch repairing and get it the next day. Medford Center Jewelry Shop. ' 205 S. II. Simmons of 425 Manzaultn street has returned fiom a Portland sanitarium and will bo at home from now on to friends nnd acquaintances. Ho has mude a wonderful recovery, It is reiwrtod. Chiropody. Phone 5C3-J. 276 For Sale. Roal bargain In good used Brunswick Phonograph with 60 rec ords. See Launsnach at Weeks & Orr. 263 Beuj. Collins has returned to Grants Pass from having spent several days hero on business. You can get it at DeVoe's. tf Thero's a busy business College in your honle town. 'OWN. . . The frlonds of Mrs. Ray Moran will be grieved to learn of tho death of her mother yesterday at Grand Forks, B. C. Mrs. Moran left last evening to attend the funeral. Mah-Jongg at awem's Studio. 264 If your; watch don't run after we have repaired It bring it back and we will make good. Medford Center De partment 8tore. 265 Joint Perl and son Frank, who left Friday by auto for Portland to attond the Shflne festivities -were accom panied by Dr. J. D. Rickert who re turned tills morning. Mr. Perl and Frank are not expected to return for a dny or two. All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108, 711 E. Main. ' Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf Bertha i. Adams of apartment 4 Hotel Holland, was taken to the Sacred Heart hospital this morning whore she must undergo a serious operation. i Stamped pillow cases new patterns. Handicraft Shop. .; , ' . 265' All kinds of rough und dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108, 711 10. Muln. The peculiar deatli last week at. 8ucrarftentif of Mrs. Mary E. Konealy who was strangled to doath has attracted Considerable local inter est. She had been washing clothes in hot- electric washing machine. Slip, was wearing a shawl. , An end of it evidently became untangled in the wringer. Before she could free herself thp woman wns bound to the machine, the' shawl tightening steadily about her neck. Life was strangled out of her body long before it was discov ered. Dance, Eagle Point, Sat. nito. 20' When bottor automobiles uro built. Buick will build them. tf1 Mah-Jongg at Swem's Studio. 204' Miss Sarah Norwood leaves this week for an extended visit In New York City nnd Atlanta, Ga. Mah-Jongg at Cwem's Studio. 264 Shoo sale ?0 nnd $7 dress and work shoes, $5. Old Reliubla Shoe Shop. 7 N. Fir. , ,:, ...... . - .266 Loo ,E. Watson was operatod uKn thin morning at the Sacred Hoart hos pital for removal of enlarged bones In his nose which resulted from tho breakage of that member. New novelty ribbons. Handicraft Shop. . .. 205 Auto Insurance. Drown &' White. . H. M. Chadwlck chief engineer for tile ROguo River Valley Canal Co. Is leaving this evening for Portland and Snlem on business. , . Wall maps of Jackson county, print ed on good linen paper, tinned at top and bottom for Bale at this office Thoy show cities, rlvorB, roads, moun tains, location of property by section township and range, und give lots of other information. Every family should huvo one. ' tf Merchandise shoot, one mile north of Phoenix, Sunday, Jan. 28th. 202 The public schools of tho city em barked on tho second and last semes ter of tho school year this morning alter a three days vacation following ast week's examinations. Classes were held rognlarly lit nil of the schools this morning. N ill set')' slock guaranteed, ueclimut- I, full line. Write today, Grunts Pass Nursery, Grants l'usa, Oregon. 270 Dance, Eagle Point, Hat nlr. 207 Mr. and Mrs. James Bates returned this morning fioiu a six weeks vaca tion ami visit the greater part of which they spent in Southern Cali fornia. (.'losing out all our farm machinery. several good buys. Patton & Hobln- Inc. tf Tho Voting l.ndtes' Guild of tho Presbyterian church will meet to night at tho home of Mrs. K. A. Welch. M2 East Main street We liavo good values in used cars. Pulton & Robinson, Inc. tf The Josephine County association held a meeting nt the Hotel Vortlnnd assembly hall at S o'clock lust Sutur day night. All persons now nnd form erly lcnldliiK In Josephine county were Invited. Now is the time to spray roses, shrubbery, fruit trees. Phone lll. Green Dixon. it Hot families and chill con came at l? Voc's, if. the brakes in shaded spots. . Bicycl ists and motorcycle riders wero placed at a distinct disadvantage by the icy pavement and a number took awk ward spills without any sorlous Injur so far as is known. , . Over 80,000 people viewed the mas- torplece "Never Alone," during Its ex hibition In Portland. Now on display at Medford. Contor Store. Admission to exhibit tun cents. 205 Mrs. D. O. Weaver , und son of Gardiner, Ore., lire visiting Mrs. diaries Strang and family. Mrs. Weaver and son returned with the Strang's the ond of last week from Rosebtirg where they had been visit ing Fred Strung und family. After the fire It is too late to in sure. Seo Redden & Cajiaday now , . 254tf Stanley Clark of tho Grants Pass office of tho California Oregon Power company, has returned to Grants Pass after n week's business visit at the local offices of the company. J0.50 motor driven horns at. th Electric Shop. Mark Montgomery, local Southern Pacific agent, returned this morning from Portland where he had been since Friday atlondlng the Shrine fes tivities. J. A. Callos returned tills morning after a few days spent on business in Eugene. this office Is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't give your orders to traveling men and have them printed out of Medford. I'hone us and wo will call. tf Tho snowfall In Ashland since Sat urday night has greatly exceeded that of this city and It is reported that it is not disappearing as rapidly thore as it has here. Visitors in Ashland Saturday night report that there was as much snow there thon as there was hore Sunday morning. Knights of Pythias and Pythian Slsteri You are expected at theJ Castle Hall Monday evening, Jan. 29th A good entertainment will be pro vided nnd eats will not be overlooked. Bring tho family and enjoy the eve ning. The latch string is on the out side. . Committee. 203 Harold Lloyd In '"Dr. Jack" con vulsod a laTge audience ut the Page thoatro last night and every person leaving the theatre chuckled for sev eral blocks on the way homo. ;. Tho picture is full of delicate-humor with uproarious incidents hero and there. According to a Snlem paper, Med ford and Ashland are regarded Salem's most dangerous opponents for the state basketball championship Tho Snlem fans now feel sure of cap turing the state title as their team has decisively defeated both Medford and Ashland. The locnl cuge artists start on thely northern trip Thursday night and play Salem ono game, which will not count in tho state association standing, on Friday night, Edison Marshall, Oregon's popular young, novelist nnd short story writer, came up from his homo at Modford last night to attend tho initiation tore- inonios of Dela Tail Delta fratornlty, of wjilch he is a member. Marshall is ono of tho University of Oregon's prominent graduates. Eugono Guard Fow dotailB are' available here .of the north bound passenger train wreck of Saturday evening near Ager, Calif. boyond the fact that it Was No. 64 whoso largo onglno and several 'cars wore derallod by a broken rail while going up grado, about fifty yards from a bridge around a curvo ahead, and wont Into a ditch. . Only ono person, tho engineer. Is said to have been in jured and he only slightly. N'orth bound passenger trains which woro delayed about twonty hours by tho oc- cldont ore again running rcgulnrly, as N'os. 54 nnd 16 due hore nt 5:35 and 7:33 p. ni. dally arrived on time last ovoning and today's trains ore prnc tlcally on tlmo. WASHINGTON r-Savings , deposits In 880 banks on January.!. .1933. showed a gross Increnso of $445,000,- 000 over January 11, 1922, uccordlng to a report of the fedornl reeorre board. mi.; c f7 In time, take Dr.KINGS NEW DISCOVERY the Jamlfy cough syrup TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Fresh milk cow. J. H. Maxwell. Spring St., off Crater Lako highway, Phono 437-Y. 208 FOR RENT Six room furnished bungalow, Rosa. Court, no children. Phone 400 11. . .20:. FOR SALE Cletrac und now 3-10 bot tom John Deere tractor gang plow; one Oliver 2 disc Kuflg plow and 1-3 section new tractor spring tooth harrow. Price $760 if sold In next id days, ull In A No. 1 condition. Sumo can be seen in use nt my place In Valley View district. Phono Ash land O-F-3, J. IX Uiwe. 205 MPEBIIEIS LONDON, Jan. 29. (By , tho . Asso ciated Press.) It Is understood that the cubinot ' will meet tomorrow to hear and discuss Stanley Baldwin's report on his American financial mis sion. The division of opinion gen erally attributed to the cabinet mem bers on the question of accepting America's debt terms is not confirmed by any ministerial statement. No minister except Mr. Baldwin lias discussed tho situation for publication. The popular hope that terms mny yet bo managed is based on tho as sumption that further uttempts will be made through diplomatic channels to influence the L'nited States but most of the press opinion takes Mr. Baldwin's Southampton statement ut its face value. ,r, . . It la regarded, as. certain that if the terms are' ftot mqdified the .'coming budget will .be .a' gloomy one for the tax payers who have been banking for some time, upon relief from taxation, and expecting a budget .surplus... Tho government would have ,the support of a, majorlb" of the London newspapers .If. .It accepted the Ameri can terms forthwith. The Daily Mail and the Graphic alone today express their opposition.'-:.v. .. .' ,.; The Herald, labor's publication, while noncommittal regarding accept ance or rejection, says: "Great . Britain and France at Genoa waxed indignant about the sanctity of International :. debts , and now Great HritaJn. makes the payment of half her pledges a favor while France an nounces blandly that she has bot the least Intention of paying at all until she secures full reparations from Germany.". , . , ' , - News Summary ' of Last Night WASHINGTON Army exports huvo produced u new bullet for rifles und machino guim which It is said will in crenso the range of these guns ap proximately 1100 yards. CLEVELAND Wlllium G. Lea, president of the Brotherhood of Rail road Trainmen announced that he had accepted the presidency of the Steigel meyor -Manufacturing company, a $!0, 000,000 corporation of Seymour, Ind. BERLIN The government claims to bo in possession of copies of printed 'placards', being distributed throughout the Rhlneland, containing tho proc lamation of a Rhlneland republic lor February 1. MEXICO CITY Strikers and tram way officials signed an ugreoment which ends the strike and provldos for a resumption of street car. service, suspended eight days ago. SEATTLE The steamship Presi dent Grant of the Admiral line's Ori ental service established a new trans Pacific record,, making tho voyage from Yokohama and Victoria in eight days, ten hour und 14 nioiuutes, of ficials of the line said. INDIANAPOLIS Officials of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway indi cated that the annual 500 mile raco would be moved to another city If tho stuto legislature pa'ssef t b ill pnow pending to prohibit the raco.' ' rAbJ FEBRUARY 5th MAIL ORDERS RECEIVED NOW Season's Supreme Sensation HENRY W. SAVAGE " Producer of .Miti.i's Plays ',, Offers a Magnificent Ne Production of tho' linchnutliiB Operetta That Sot the Whole World Wultziiig , Ortsm Vomnii'Us f ; ..YAKIMA. "VushV Jfcfti f 'fob Mrs. Ziich Hawkinn. n-sUUnt for fifty years of Yakima, died at her home this mornfiiR. She was born in Ore gon and in now 59. SJio is Hurvived by two children, u .son, Zuch and u daUKhter, Mra. Jay W hit. field of El- r . . . .i : . With an Inconipaiabli' Company SPECIAL -AXI- THE c SYMPHONY, : FX?m: ORCHESTRA BEAUTIES ' SEAT SALE ' . Friday, Feb. "Jf Neon PRICES 55c to $2.75 : ; , : Includes Tax ' ' WITH MEDFOPD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE. ' ' PLYMOUTH. England. Jan. 29. (By the Associated Press.) Ambassador Oeorge Harvoy, upon his arrival hore today, took occasion to say that Stan ley Baldwin; chancellor of the ex chequer, had mnde.a good impression and that England could not have sent a better man to the United States. COBLEN'Z ; Two battalions of French engineers have taken over the railroads and one through' train was dispatchod to Paris despite the strike of German railroad workors. Hills acts at once checks Colds in 24 Hours aTa mid tab Hills Qscmii i- a: . . . . r 3V Bromide Drnninc. tfmcfc to act. satcs most dependable cold-flUASw ij headache and Onppe , Hills Cascara Bromide Quinine Free Demonstration OF ! -AND- CROWN, CEREALS . 130 EAST MAIN STREET January 29 to February 3 You. are cordially invited to visit this store- during demonstration to see and taste for yourself the elegant Bread and Pastry, made from Crown Flour. Personal Attentior Phone 252 GROCER Harold has sent the laugh fever raging through the city. Every body's getting it. And the great thing about it is that nobody wants to be cured. They love the delirium of smilitis. Come on, join the victims. Prompt Service Phone 252 Laugh and the world laughs with you stay away from "Dr. Jack" and . regret alone. Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching ricotfcig 8c per yard. Bartons eoTnrAil. DON'T FORGET yr Co. , , m n ga .Jr Other film oddities, in- Jk w eluding "Betty" Brown . -it 'W-J-;t-lTr-a,.lJf., i Ai".-.f .'f';'J--2: