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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1923)
K PAGE FOUtt MEDFORD MfllE TRIBUNE, MEDFORD - OTtEdOX. TUESDAY. JAXTTAUY 1(1.' 1923 MEDFOKD MAIL TiUBUNE IN IMDRl-ENIIKNT KRWHI'APKB HJB1JSUKU KVKKY AFTKKNOuN KICEPT HUNIIAY, MY THE 1IEW0110 W1NT1NU CO. Th Mtdford Sunday Morufng Sun fumUhwl lOMottMra aeurutg a wtcn any 11117 Dewtpaimr. Oldc. Mill Tribune BulkUnf, It-S7- Ndttj fit alrrrt. Phone 76. 'THE BRANDED WOMAN." B KTTKK late limn ih'Vm It lrs inkm t lie lii-tlmi1 Journal edi torial staff just one year to discover that there is such a thing as organized lawlessness in Oregon, Although mention of the Ku Klux Klau is scrupulously avoided, the ineident referred to is so plainly a Khm product that the force of the editorial condemnation would scarcely be strengthened if the Journal had gone the whole hog and called a spade a spade. For iu Oregon, as in California and Louisiana the outrages which have occurred have either been the work of the Klan, or they have; I'pen the work of outlaws, shielding themselves under the secrecy and! protection which tho organization and activities of the Klan alone A oonaolidatlon of th Democratic Time, tb MMford Mail, Ui UKifori) Tribune, tUe BuuUitm Oreffoaiui, The AbhUfui Tribune. - ROBERT W ItlilM., Editor. Bl'MPTKR 8. BUITU, Manager. SUBSCRIPTION TERMSl ST If AIL In Admuee: Duly, wttb Sunday Sun, yctr... $7.60 Dull, with Sunday Sun, month 76 Otilf, without Sunday Sun, year". 6.6" Dalir. witnout Nuimay nun. monin , .. , T ... n i i i Wtekiy mu Triirjin, out year 1.00 made possioie. in eumT case, inn rcsponsinuiiy( irom a moral sianu Bunaat nun, one yeur a u . poim, is inc same. The editorial, which we consider an excellent one, follows: Tongue Twisters (To be read aloud) By C. L. EDSON, Author of the Gentle Art of Column. ng. 4Y OAKRIKH In Uedford. Ashland. Jackaon- Tllle, Central I'oint, I'tioenlx, Talent and on H imwava: Dally with Stinduf Rim, aanth 7ft Daily, without Sunday Hon, month 06 Dully, without Sunday Sun, yeur 7.60 Daily, with Sundity Sun, on yenr 6.60 AH trma by currier, raw In ad ranee. Official paper of the Ofty of Merifnrd Official paper of Jurkaon County. Sworn dally jerge mculution tor all months iraina; April i, ivzs, bi-um, more uian aouuir the circulation oi any other puper puulutied oi circulated in jaeason iwutuy. Entered ai aecond clan tnatm at Mcdtord )ras;on, under the act of March H, 1H7W. MKUHRRS OP TUE ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Aaaoclatcd Preaa la eicluaivHy n titled to the .vie for repubtk'iitioti of all newn diiutchn credited to ft, or not otlierwirie credited in title paper, ju aiao to ui local nawa putmaned itrrln. AI) right of republication of special dla- Alciiea ntretn are aiao reserved. . Ye Smudge Pot I By Arthur Perry. It seems to be tho general opinion this . morning tlmt .JIkks Hliould con fine liliiiflfir exclusively to the want nd pages of tho newspapers. Henry Ford announces tlmt 1.C7K blind men nro employed In his plant. Knd tho riding public has Hiixpected It for some time. Toss freshly boiled potatoes at nn open window to ninkn them dry, mealy and flulcy. (Uood llousekeeplng.) A trick ot the cooking trade. California Is going to havo an antl vamplng law, nnd somotliing to curb the flirtatious tendencies of the human race. In a certain sister state might not be amiss. . The brnmliutr of tlie woman at Tillamook was ruffianism. N'o mutter who did it, th guilty perpetrators should be sought out and punished. If she offended, it was t lie business of official authority 1o deal with the ease, no matter what it was. AVe cannot afford to have private codes for dealing with public offenses in Oregon. We cannot afford to have attempts to apply punishments outside the constitution. The preserva tion of liberty itself rests on trial by jury. Here was a ease of punishment without trial. If there was an offense, and so far tlier is no specific statement thut there was, the accused was entitled to a copy of the charges, and to employ counsel. Then there should have been a. hearing in which she would have been .given opportunity to face those who testified against her. And along with nil that, there should have been a jury of good men nnd, true to hear tho evidence and judge the facts. AU this was denied at Tillamook. It is denied in all mob action. It is exercise of the right that the old divine-right kings claimed. It is the repudiation of the very principle upon which the protection of life and liberty rests. If men who do . such things Would stop to think of the consequences that would come jf their plan became universal, they, would shrink from the mob action as from a pestilence. The main guarantee agaiyst tyranny is the right, of .trial and the preservation of the jury.. The court,, may. sometimes be guiltily lax, but they nrc one of the sacred institutions of hu man freedom. Instead of trying to administer the law under priyate authority, let us(in Oregon fjtick to the courts, reform ing them by law if necessary. ELECTRICITY TAUGHT by ex ports. (Ad Oregon City Entorpriso.) They bettor be. j 37 people wore on tho Main Stem jj last eve, when tho lights expired. Ot I this number 3G, expressed anxiety t relative to tho whoreabouts of Moses. SUCH ILLITERACY v (Ashland Tidings) In a general senso tho public Is aware that within tho uoundurles of tho state there are many for bearing and wild animals, hut few enn mnro than namo half a dozen of these, nor can thoy tell tho spoclos of fowl and fish that are most abundant. Quill Points Tho more idiotic n political 'ism, the grcntcr the ardor of its devotees. Tho only inflated thing that is alwnys accepted at its face value is a compliment. Our idea of an economic expert is any wage-earner who keeps four small sons in shoes. Thoro is vory llttlo activity among tho Dunkocruts and tho Itepublicous. Railroading Is performed with IS sots of whistle signals, varying from two to five toots. Wlion they nro nil delivered at once, while blocking the tho crossing, it means the engineer has just received a letter from his best girl. DUE TO HYPOCRJ8Y ' (Klamuth Falls lloniHl) LIONS PUR8UED HIM Man Walking From Weed to Klamatn Reports Narrow Escapa Tho new governor is still getting up ot 6:. 10 a. in. Everybody should do this, nnd tako tho 'burden off the farmers,' and tho white-faced steers. The Tortlund papers aro again ar riving on tlme,.nnd tho evening read ing and tho morning tiro starting is back to normalcy. ALSO REGULATE BAWLING (Coos Day Times) WANTED An . instructor, ono enpiulo of teaching calves to koep tholr feet dry. Stevo Floyd, Hunker Hill. 1x13 It's the woman who pays, all day before a jury. Think what a bore it must be to .sit 'ilOW THE lOIo IIKI "Tell me. Daddy, why the dodo Died," asked Utile Teddy Jluw; And Ills daddy told tho laddie Where tho dodo died, und how; "Well, the dodo uiw no dude, hu Was, indeed, an awful dowdy; And ho died as dowdies do die. Thoro the dodo died ut IxmII Not tho way the proud and high die, Hut tho wuy tho rude und low die. Or uh oxen killed for rood die. I.Ike Qiioen J)do died (ho dodo, Neath u liootloo, like Queen Dido; There In lxll uiHl the dodo; And hidi-cd ho riled in dough; Dough iih rolled hImhiI tho dodo. Ho uecunio tho food o' I'ldo; linked In pie dough died the dodo." 8 - M.z U! 1 1 1 Tiigiirfinwrjff nn "Eternal Flame," Page Coming to the Huge Theater tomor row for n four days engagement Is "The Eternal Flame," a Joseph M. Schonck production, directed and su pervised by Frank Lloyd and starring the charming and dramatically superb Norma Talmadge. That "Tho Eternal Flame" is one of the big cinema productions of the year Is certain; that it will prove to be one of tho blgegst creations in the history o fthe art of picture-making is as sorted by all that have been fortunate enough to have, seen it in the making. In magnitude of scope, breadth of vision and -freedom of movement "The Eternal Flame" is a typfcal Lloyd pic ture. . Multitudes were assembled in its making; sceneB of size never" hitherto attempted wore brought into the ken of the camera and fixed eternally on celluloid. , Eight y-flvo electricians were on gaged for the ballroom sceno and co ordinated their duties -with $300,000 worth of specially secured electrical apparatus, exclusive of six great motor generators and 15,000 feet of cable. The number of persons engaged in the making of the picture was 422C, not including the star and the prin cipal players. The sum of $26,000 was paid in one week aolne for labor exclusive of ac tors, office men and others of like character. But, behind this pageant of finance art, spectacle and sensation, - Frank Lloyd kept his eye on the story, its in timacies and Its human quality, and it shines radiantly and thrillingly in this tremendous setting. MOSCOW, Jan. 18. (By the Asso ciated Press) A demonstration against war und the French occupa tion of the Kuhr was staged hero yesterday after ceremonies in ob servuneo of tho anniversary of tho assassination of Dr. Karl l.iebknecht. "Down with tho French imporlal lts; long live tho German revolu tion!" many of the banners read. The correspondent was informed that XtuKsian government circles pre fer tranquility In Oermany at 'this time. One widely known communist asserted that If u workmen's revolu tldn took place in Oermany now, Itua sla would probably' be obliged not only to aid tho German communists with arms, but to feed the popula tion. If any other sort of European wnr should develop either from the Ruhr situation or the Lausanne conference, it is extremely possiblo thfit Kussla would he sufficiently isolated to re main neutral, ho said. Statistics prove that a first-class catch-as-catch-ean statistician can prove anything. A rolling stono doesn't gather anything, but you enn't say that about rolling bones. , The "complex" the modern child has is the .same ailment our fathers cured in tho woodshed. Tho difference between a blind mule and an ardent partisan is that the mule is blind on both .sides; Philosophy is the of remembering that you thought things were going to smash ft year ag. An international pact won't help Europe much without the as sistance of a little international tact. Meighan ,at Page Thomas Meighan In "The Man Who Saw Tomorrow,' 'a novelty romance of the South Seas and high society life in New York and London, now heads the big program at the Page Theatro tonight. With the pojiular good-luck star are Theodore Roberts, Leatrlce Joy, Eva Novak, June El vldge. Alec I!. Francis, Laurnnce Wheat and John lllltern. The three feminine players all have important lending roles, and Robert is seen to excellent advantage as a monacled captain of a piratical trading ship. "Felix" the crazy cat, also an edu cational reel and "Hetty" Brown In special musical numbers add much to tho bill. V. of Chicago Head lteslgns. CHICAGO, Jan. 1G. Harry Prnlt .Tudson, president of the University of f'hlengo Hlneo 1 !l 0 7 has resigned. Everybody believes in authority. The only conflict of opinion concerns the identity of the boss. . Correct this sentence:. "Oh, 1H it ring," said the man's wife; 'phono calls arc seldom worth answering." Probably the worst feature of hell is that the gnashing of toeth eloselv resembles tho chewing of cum. Tho way to , enforce tho Volstead Act Is to enforce tho Volstead Act, In stead of the present pulley of being terrifically slotlirul agaltiHt (ho rich and jdlck, nnd uneoinpionilsiimly vlg orous against the rest. It Is 11 trifle early to make any pre diction rewarding this year's crops, lint they, will probably ho the usual total failure. Vnless tho legislature gels nhulil q( somotliing vital like the Itnpie Hlver fish bill soon, that entails a 1:1 day discussion, without aceniupliuhlm; anything, thoy nro apt to do some thing, and gosh! how they dieiul It! Worth league at fi:.'(0; mld-weep wor ship at 7:15, subject, "Tile Law ot lxvc." (Mnr.sbllrld News I A mid weep Is 11 fliiHTIe. Kidney Trouble Causes Lameness "A Inmenoss followed me for some tlmo, nud 1 felt that It was caused from kldnoy trouble. One bottle of Foley Kidney Fills nnd tho desired ef fect," writes II. H. Arhucklo, South ' Harre, Vermont. Backache, rheuma tism, dull headnclio, too frequent or hlirnlno- urination nre symptoms of Kidney and lllndder trouble. Disord ered kldneya reiiulro ptompt treat mont. Neglect causes serious rompll enilnns. Foley Kidney Fills Ulvo tpiii k RippIingRhnmas ur wen rroion MASTERLESS MEN4. .1 . ! ;! '"T'MI TUK Southland where I dwell hoboes come by every ' train; they are hoofing it. as well, in the sunshine and the rain; they tire wretched looking vugs as they flaunt their rancid rugs and aspire to bootleg jugs with a longing that is vain, liy the peelers thry are hailed with a bleak, disgusted frown; they are rounded up and. jailed every time they striken town; they arc chased from' burg to grad with a vigor tjuit sci'ins sad; there are jobs thai might be had, but they will not hold them down, liather than ge down to work they'll be chivied here and there, pinched wherever they may lurk, ami prescribed cheap prison, fare; rather than wield saw or ax they'll wear rags upon theif- backs, walk in shoes all full of cracks, and havo chiggers in their hair. Knmclhing'rt mUsing iu the head of the Itobo who goes by, who would rather steal his bread than get down and earn a pie; in his brain there is n flaw, if he'd rather dodgi the law than get busy with the, saw. making sticks of stovewood fly. I'p nnd down tho road they drill, on immoral errands bent anil their ranks grow linger still iu these years of discontent ; aid the only thing we do when the holmes loom in view is to jail the ragged crew and re mark upon their scent. ' CATARRH 4 . . . of head or throat is usually benefited by the vapors of V VapoRub Oeer 17 MiManJan Und Yearly Why Druggists Recommend Swamp-Root For many years ..druggists havo watched with- much interest tho re markable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, tho great kid ney, liver and bladder medicine. It is a physician's prescription. Hwamp-ltoot Jh a strengthening medicine. It helps the kidneys, liver and bladder do tho work nature in tended they should do. Hwamp-Koot has stood the test of years. It is sold by nil druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medicine has so many friends. . He sure to got Swamp-Root, and start treatment at onco. However, If you wish first to test this great preparation, send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ilinghnmton, N. V., for a samplo bottle. When writj ing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. Of course you can serve it hot- j' fThat helps to explain the populmty of ': Shredded Wheat. It's an all-round food equally delicious whether you serve it cold or hot. ' '. " If you want a wholewheat porridge, .. just put the biscuits in a small saucepan (two for each person served), add salt and enough water to cover the bottom of the pan; stir and bott until thick. Then serve with milk or cream. . And remember that's only one way to serve Shredded Wheat. Shredded Wheat is 100 whole wheat, eady-cooked and ready-to-eat. A per feet, delicious food for any meal of the day. Serve it limply with milk or cream, or topped with berries or fruits. Con tains all the bran you need to stimulate bowel movement. It is salt-free and un sweetened you season it to your taste. Triscuit is the Shredded Wheat Cracker a real whole-wheat toast. Try it with butter, soft cheese or marmalades. Thursday, January 18 REMNANT SALE All kinds of Remnants for less than cost , MANN'S STORE m We will make your old Suits and Overcoats last till Spring. Try us. ' V'KWWSA-riSF'ieo VOU ARE' "WP Aa NOT ' UNLESS Where Are Your Valuable Papers Stored? i ? Many thousands of Dollars in Bonds and and Valuable .Papers were lost during the Astoria fire. If yours are in a save deposit vault in THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Medford, you can rest as sured that they are safe f rota fire and theft. ELECTRICALLY PROTECTED? The cost is small. Attendants always in charge. First National Bank MEDFORD, OREGON. Largest Bank in Southern Oregon. A Sltedded Silliman's Trade School LEARN TO MAKE 1 CANDY Why work for" Wages? "Be your own boss. Bo a practical candy maker and work for yourself. THE CORRECT ART OF CANDY MAKING Taught in 30 Days. COSTS YOU ONLY $100 One of the best trades you can learn. Lots of good openings for a good Candy Kitchen. I started in 1915 without a dollar You can do the same. CLASS STARTING NOW. ' , ' Factory North Holly and West Second E. C. SILLIMAN of Silliman Bros., Chief Instructor.. V - tV L bea Wouldn't You Like to Go East Through mm Of aoursfi yon would and by going i way you will spa most of the uty spots of tho West '' oil may loin the niArrv-mnknrn nn Cr.lifirnla'B silvery strand; see the races at Tia Juana: K0 through Carrlso Oorge ana over mo Apache Trail Highway, and take in the Mardl Gras. - Then too. you have a choioe ot routes, stop-over .privileges and best of train service. ; Ask your local Urkct i3Mlt for U)V noiMl TRI1' und OXK "WAY PARKH. time tables und descriptive folders or write , .. JOHXM. BCOTT (ienrnil IWngiT A(rcm, Tortlnnd, Oregon .' I LINES) J 'Tho SntiNliino Wuy Trow V, . A,' 4 relief. (Sold everywhere. Adv. mu 0 -w mm 11 "''5l4'Wrnt..:;